Published: 16-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Without being aware she was doing it, Sally lifted her hand and felt her left earlobe.
She hadn't gone more than three blocks from where she worked at the Majestic Hotel and there was no reason to check her earrings, but instinct made her do it. Made her feel for the earrings that were a birthday gift from her son.
The young woman felt a pang of despair as she stood on the sidewalk, realizing she was missing one.
She stood as people streamed past, trying to remember when she was last aware she had them both. It took her a few moments and then she remembered she had felt them both just before she went into the last room she was due to clean on her shift at the Majestic.
Sally turned and hurried back to the hotel. It wasn't that the earrings were valuable: her eleven year old son could hardly afford that. But they were from him and she didn't want to lose them so soon after he gave them to her.
Sally didn't want Patrick to be upset at his mother's carelessness. She felt he already blamed her for losing her husband, even if he didn't know what really happened. But kids, even rapidly maturing kids such as Patrick, didn't understand what adults knew, what they experienced.
The boy couldn't know who was really to blame, but Jack had long gone and Sally had done her best to raise her son on what she could get, working as a cleaner in a large hotel. It wasn't an easy life but it was a life.
The woman arrived back at the hotel and went straight through the staff entrance, nodding to one or two people surprised to see her back so soon but not stopping to chat. The woman hurried up the back stairs and to the room at the far end of the eighth floor. Quietly, Sally knocked on the door. She had just finished cleaning the room when the next guest - a woman and her son - arrived. Sally hoped to catch them before they might find, and throw-away, the missing earring.
There was no answer, despite louder knocks. Sally took a deep breath and decided to let herself in. She was sure she would find the earring on the floor and be out before the woman and her son came back from wherever they may have gone.
Using her staff skeleton key, she let herself into the room. It was, as she expected, deserted. But she shook her head. She'd only cleaned this room less than an hour before and it was already a mess. These two had scattered their things, and ruffled both beds.
But that wasn't her concern. Sally needed to find the missing earring. The woman dropped on to her knees and searched under the bed, convinced that was where it would be.
She was right: her hand closed on it almost at once. And on something else. Something long and thin.
Sally hauled whatever it was out. It was a length of white rope, the ends sealed to stop them fraying. It hadn't been there when she had cleaned not long ago.
'Jeez,' whispered the woman. Which one of the two of them carried rope in their luggage?
Curiosity - never a good thing in cleaning staff - took hold. If this rope was on the floor, what was in their bags? She went to the closet and feeling her hands shake, opened an overnight bag.
Sally hadn't expected to see anything. Just some clothes. Instead she saw lengths of chain, more rope and what appeared to be a leather hood. Fascinated Sally held it up and examined it: a hood with sealable eye-holes, a zipper where the mouth would be and straps to hold it tight on the unfortunate's head.
Feeling guilty, Sally pushed the hood back in the bag and closed it. She stood, a knot in her stomach. It wasn't unusual for hotel staff to find evidence of sex games. The Majestic was too expensive for hookers but the guests sometimes brought their vivid imaginations with them, and sometimes they left behind something they ought no to leave. But maybe that was why the tips were so good. Just take the money and don't say anything.
Just get rid of the photos or porn magazines or dildos. No one would ask the management for them back.
The woman looked at the mess in the room and wondered how much worse it would be when she cleaned tomorrow. But today was nothing to do with her, even if she felt strange about her discovery. She paused in front of the mirror, her heart beating at the risk of being found in here, and fixed her missing earring. She turned to go and would have left there and then had she not heard something from the bathroom.
Sally hovered, not sure whether to take this opportunity to leave or investigate the sound from the bathroom. Not for the first time today her curiosity got the better of her. She slid up to the bathroom door and heard it again.
Cautiously the woman opened the bathroom door. She knew how they opened, how to do it quietly so they didn't squeak. She was scared of disturbing someone - or something.
The bathroom was empty, and Sally breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to back out when she saw the shower curtain move, a shape behind it.
Sally tried not to think of "Psycho" and Janet Leigh getting stabbed. She shouldn't have been there, but whoever was in there wasn't moving much. There was no sound of running water, no steam in the air. There was faint moaning sound, and cautiously Sally crept up the the curtain.
With one dramatic gesture, Sally threw it open.
She wasn't sure what she was expecting to see, but she didn't expect to see the boy she'd seen earlier standing with his hands tied over his head to the shower head.
The boy, startled and naked, blinked at her. He was gagged with a large amount of silver tape and her made some moaning sound into his gag.
Sally stared: his arms were not only tied above his head but his body was tied with rope, his knees and ankles bound tightly together. But the woman couldn't take her eyes off his dick. The boy may have been about the age of her own son Patrick but his cock was big and hard and jutting out in front like a poker.
The boy wriggled a little in his ropes, his face pink.
'Shit,' gasped Sally as she stared. 'W-who did this to you?'
'I did,' said a woman's voice behind her. 'And who the hell are you?'
Sally turned and almost fell over. Standing behind her was the woman who'd brought the boy into the room earlier, just as Sally was finishing cleaning. But the woman wasn't dressed as she was before. Her coat was open and underneath she had very little on but a garter belt and a see-through bra.
The woman finished tying Sally's ankles and regarded her captive. She snorted and turned away to pick up some more rope.
'What are you going to do to me?' asked the young woman from where she sat on the floor by the toilet.
'Teach you not to come unannounced into people's rooms. Poking your nose in where it isn't wanted.'
'I work here,' said Sally, scared this might go further than she would want. 'I told you, I lost my earring. I just came back to look for it.'
'Sure,' said the woman with the rope in her hand. 'Sounds plausible.'
'It is... don't you believe me?'
'Does it look like it?' asked the woman, holding up the hank of rope. She was about ten years older than Sally. Not unattractive but thicker set, stronger too as Sally had found when the woman wrestled her to the floor and bound her hands and then knees and ankles.
'Look, I don't know who you are or what game you're playing. But I have to go. I'll leave you to whatever you do.' Sally nodded at the boy stood bound and gagged in the shower cubicle, silently watching.
'No you won't. You'll help me.'
'What do you mean, help you?' Sally didn't get to say much more when the woman roughly hauled her to her feet. But she did add: 'You're hurting me!'
'Yeah?' The woman seemed unimpressed as she dragged Sally out into the bedroom. She guided the younger woman to one of the twin beds and pushed her down on her back. Immediately the woman sat on Sally, threatening to crush the air out of her and wound rope round Sally's neck. For a moment the young woman thought she would be strangled as the older woman in the cheap underwear but she tied the rest of the rope to the bedhead. In a few seconds Sally had been secured to the bed so she wouldn't be getting up easily.
More rope went round Sally's waist and the bed itself and then the woman thrust Sally's legs apart and proceeded to tie her ankles spread wide.
'What the fuck are you doing?' Sally started to struggle but the woman slapped her leg with the flat of her hand.
'Lie still and it will be easier for you,' snapped the woman.
The hard slap stung and Sally bit her lip. 'Let me go or... I'll scream.'
'No you won't,' growled the older woman. 'Because no one will hear you. I checked. There's no one in the next room, no one across the hall. In fact, we pretty much got this end of the floor to ourselves. That's why I booked it.' The woman paused and snorted. 'But if you try, I'll gag you. Promise.'
As the woman finished one ankle she smirked up at Sally. 'After all, you came in here to rob us.'
'No! I'm a member of the hotel staff.'
'I'll say you were going to steal from us.' The woman began on the other ankle. 'All this will be your side of the story and it won't hold up, because my son and I will say you threatened to kill us. After all, you tied him up in the shower and abused him, before I got back and wrestled you to submission.'
'My story will be better than yours,' smirked the woman. 'So go along with what I want and you might just get to go home in one piece. And have a job here tomorrow.'
Sally wanted to say that was blackmail, but this woman knew hotels and how they did these things. Sally wouldn't get a fair hearing: the Majestic management would fire her at once. She couldn't afford to be without a job.
The woman was tugging Sally's legs wide apart and tying off the rope. Sally, bound and helpless, her body pinned down and her weight on her tied arms, asked with fear in her voice: 'What are you going to do now?'
'You'll see.' The woman reached up and flicked Sally's uniform skirt up. It was a wide skirt made of thin material and fell up on her hips. Sally's panty covered hips were exposed, and with her leg far apart she felt vulnerable. 'Cheap pants,' the woman added as she looked at the white cotton pants the bound woman wore.
Terrified and uncertain, Sally watched as the older woman dropped her coat and reached into one of her bags. She drew out a fearsome looking strap-on and proceeded to start fastening to her hips.
'No! You can't!' Sally almost screamed as she saw the black shaft of the rubber cock spring out from the woman's full hips, waving threateningly.
'Relax,' grinned the woman. 'It isn't for you. You've got a better treat.' She came over to the bound female and the rubber cock waved in Sally's face. For a terrified moment she thought the woman would try to stuff it into her throat, but the woman clearly had other ideas. She had a piece of tape she plastered over Sally's face and mouth. A simple gag, but good enough.
Before Sally could blink the woman disappeared into the bathroom, to emerge a few minutes later with the boy. Her son, if Sally could believe that.
The boy didn't look distressed and even seemed to be smiling under the gag, but he still had his hands tied behind him and his cock - to Sally's astonishment - had lost none of its hardness.
'My boy here is going to fuck you,' said the woman in a straightforward way. 'You're going to let him - though you haven't got much choice.'
The woman moved the bound boy towards the bed, starting to push him forward. Sally tried to scream into her gag as she saw that the boy was being moved into position over her.
The woman eased her son down, and as she did so said: 'My strap-on is for him. He gets it in the ass as he fucks you. We all get pleasure that way.'
The silenced boy was lying on Sally, his weight not insubstantial, his rod of his huge dick pressing its tip against the crotch of Sally's pants, against her thinly protected vagina. Sally struggled but the ropes were too well tied to let her shift much.
The boy was, to Sally's surprise, also bound to the bed and against her. He twitched a little and grunted into his gag as the ropes were tied off, but there was no doubt he wasn't meant to rise up anytime soon.
The mother stood back, laughed and proceeded to rub some lubricant on her artificial cock. 'This is what I went out for, when you broke in,' said the woman, slicking up her black cock. 'Never does to fuck your little boy's ass without some lube.'
Sally couldn't believe she was hearing this. She found it hard to believe she had been tied up so easily, arranged so effortlessly on the bed as if she was going to be fucked herself. But she had gone along with it, leaving herself wide open. In actuality and theory.
Sally knew she was going to be fucked by the bound boy. His surprisingly thick long and still hard dick was pushing eagerly at the taut panties stretched over her own sex - and that too was moistening up rapidly in spite of her panic and fear. Or maybe because of it. She was wriggling too, the way she did when her husband - when she thought she loved him - was going to screw her.
The woman could pretend she didn't want this but part of her did. It had been five years since anyone fucked her and she was more eager than she thought possible.
The older woman, satisfied her gleaming, slicked cock was ready, reached between the boys legs - spread open and pressed against Sally's tied wide legs, as if he understood exactly what was going to happen to him without looking at what his mother was doing behind him - and eased aside the wet fabric of Sally's pants.
Sally groaned. The woman's touch was soft and welcoming against her nether lips and the bound woman shivered. She shouldn't be allowing this, but was.
The boy's dick was in without delay. One thrust and the tip of his cock was inside the folds of Sally's wet sex. She wriggled, trying to ease down that fraction to get more of this ramrod inside her, but she needn't have worried: the mother had tied her boy so he could wriggle up. The stiff cock was deeper in Sally than she expected, and she was gasping with pleasure far more than she expected.
But the boy was in her but not sawing back and forth. He was looking into Sally's eyes and she could tell there was a mix of fear and pleasure in them. He was waiting for the command to start, and didn't have to wait long.
The woman behind the boy was lowering herself on to him. Sally felt rather than heard the boy groan deeply, his cock twitch inside her. The weight on Sally was intolerable. She felt as if she was being crushed down into the bed, the breath being squeezed out of her with the combined weight of the boy and the solidly built mother.
Sally tried to object, plead for relief, but her gag stopped her making any sense. But then, no one would be listening.
The boy started to twitch and then thrust, as he was being fucked by his mother's dildo. It was a chain reaction, trembling through him, through Sally. The bound woman groaned again, but this time in pleasure. The boy's cock was astonishingly hard and long enough to make her want to cry out at every thrust. But his thrusts were governed by his mother, driving her artificial cock into his asshole.
Sally was struggling to breathe, through the weight on her and the sheer naked lust of it all.
The bound woman wasn't naked, and she wished she was. More so when the woman on top leered down and moved her hands under her son's chest, not seeking him in any way but the restrained Sally. Her hands were looking for the younger woman's tits, pulling at them through her uniform and her bra. 'You like this?' grinned the woman on top.
Sally tried to say yes but was whimpering breathlessly. Somehow she nodded.
The woman on top let go of one breast and ripped the tape from Sally's face. Sally cried out at the pain but managed to gasp her thanks. 'Please...' she breathed. 'Make him fuck me harder.'
With a laugh the woman on top drove her dildo deeper into the boy, sparking him into harder, more frenzied thrusts. Sally cried out in pleasure as the older woman's hands found her tits again.
The fucking had been over for five minutes at least. The mother had climbed off but left her son bound to Sally, his still hard dick lodged inside the tied woman. But he was at least lying still.
In a way Sally didn't care. She had climaxed twice and was shaking a little now. She hadn't been re-gagged and could breathe. The boy on her didn't seem so heavy and he had stopped driving into her. For now at least.
The mother of the boy had removed her strap-on. Sally saw, briefly, it had a smaller shape that had lodged inside the woman, a shape that suggested it rubbed against her clit and she fucked with it. The woman was flushed as if she had cum at least once.
Sally looked at the boy's face, but he had his eyes closed. The woman wasn't looking at Sally as she was busy, tidying up.
'We'll be gone in a couple of hours or so,' said the woman smoothly as if aware she was being watched.
'Why?' asked Sally. She felt foolish that such a question would be the first thing on her mind.
'Because we have to go home, be our normal selves,' said the mother. She didn't seem so aggressive now. 'I only took the room for a few hours. I can't do this at home.'
'Home?' Sally sounded dumb and she blushed.
'I'm a married woman with three kids. My son here is the only boy. We take a room like this every so often so we can play our game.'
'And I almost got in the way,' said Sally.
The woman laughed. 'No. You became a bonus to our usual game. In a short while I'll let you up and you can go. Then my boy can fuck me and we'll go home.'
Sally puzzled. 'If you want to just have your son make love to you, why not at home?'
'You may have noticed my son hasn't lost his erection once. He also hasn't cum and won't.'
'I gave him a special tablet. Kind of like Viagra, but he can't climax. Just stays rock hard. Big too. You noticed that,' the woman chuckled. She had finished sorting out some of her things and came and knelt by the bed, close to Sally's face. 'I also like bondage. Tying him up is good for me. There's be no chance of several hours playing around like this at home, not with him carrying that poker out front - it'll be a couple of hours before it subsides. So a hotel room every few weeks is the best we can do. For privacy, mostly.' She laughed at her little joke.
'How long have you two been... fucking?'
'About a year. I joined a special club where mothers tie up their sons, usually for sex. The tablets are through them.' The woman paused. 'My husband can't get it up much and is pretty bad at making love. I'm surprised I have so many kids.' The woman laughed pleasantly. A different woman than before, more relaxed. Spontaneously she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Sally's lips.
Sally, for her part, wasn't entirely surprised. 'So... your husband doesn't know,' the bound woman said as they broke.
'No, and he won't. My boy and I play our game. We have fun but it is our secret.'
Sally gulped. 'But the tying up -' she began. She could see the value of the sex, especially if the boy was so hard and big and couldn't cum. But the bondage puzzled her.
'Because I like it,' said the woman. 'Tying up your own kids is, frankly, really good for you. I like to be in control and he likes it. He likes the sex and the fact I am in charge.'
Sally wasn't sure she understood but there was an excitement about it all that made her tremble. 'You fucked his ass,' she said, blushing at the thought.
'Sure,' agreed the woman. 'That's part of the control. He's grown to like it.
Without thinking, Sally said: 'I have a son, about your boy's age.'
The woman didn't bat an eyelid. 'Great. So you fuck him?'
'No!' Sally exclaimed, her face redder.
'Should do. Or get him to take one the special tablets and let him screw you. It's worth it.' the woman stood. 'Now I'll get my son to screw you again, only this time I'll encourage him with a whip I have.'
Sally's eyes widened. The boy on her groaned.
'Only,' continued the woman, 'You'll be on your front so he can go in your ass.'
'No!' Sally yelped. But something inside her fluttered in a secret joy. To have a huge cock in her ass was... well, something she had always fantasized about.
Perhaps that was why Sally didn't struggle as she was untied and rolled over by the woman. She made no objection as her pants were removed completely and her uniform skirt pushed right up over her hips. She was shivering as the woman tied her wrists and ankles in another spread position. Presently Sally got the courage to ask: 'Will I be gagged?'
The woman must have recognized Sally's excitement and smiled. 'You want to be?'
'Uh... yes, please,' whispered the stretched out female, over her shoulder.
With a small laugh the woman picked up Sally's pants, balled them and thrust them into the younger woman's mouth, packing them in hard. 'They'll probably have all kinds of secretions on those,' she smirked as she got a good length of tape and sealed them in.
Sally groaned: she could taste them and her cunt tingled and twitched.
The older woman tested the gag by the simple expedient of smacking Sally's upturned bare ass several times, listening to the muffled objections. Or perhaps they weren't objections. Then she spread Sally's sore butt cheeks and spat noisily into the crack, working her saliva into the woman's puckered brown hole.
Sally felt as if she would cum then and there. The woman above her was working her slicked finger into Sally, making her buck and yelp, before taking her finger out and spat noisily again on the now slightly open hole, working that in too.
Sally was in seventh heaven: she was bound, gagged with her own dirty pants and was being butt-fingered by a woman - and a tied up boy was about to plug her with his long, hard cock. Quite how she didn't cum there and then she never knew.
The woman finished with Sally's ass (telling her that was all the lube she was going to get) and was now maneuvering her son into position over the woman's ass. 'Oh, yes, I should tell you that your shitter will be pretty sore by the time my kid's finished screwing you. He won't cum and I think fifteen minutes will show you what it's like to have the best ass-fuck ever.'
The boy's dick was pressing against Sally's rosebud. She moaned into her gag - not in objection but in a suppressed delight. She could feel the boy enter her - painfully, despite the saliva lubrication - and keep entering her. How much of him was there? Then his weight settled on her. Hell, she could even feel the ropes binding him through her shirt. As he began thrusting and moving, the ropes rubbed against her, sending yet more signals of delight to her inflamed senses.
But the biggest signal of pleasure was that thick, hard cock. The way it filled her bowels, the way it plowed into her. It hurt but it was the most pleasurable thing she'd ever known. Sally tugged at her wrist ropes, not to escape but to feel the joy of being bound and helpless, gagged and fucked in the rear.
Sally's cunt, unoccupied and raging with jealousy at being ignored, furiously dripped juices on to the bed. When she came to this room tomorrow to clean up, she decided, she wouldn't take the sheets to the laundry. She'd lick them and suck them to get them clean.
The boy was breathing hard as he drove himself into her. Surely he couldn't go any deeper, Sally thought. But he could, and did when his mother began to beat his ass.
Sally heard a flogger whistle and slap noisily against the boy's ass - or back - and the gagged boy not only screamed into his gag but redoubled his efforts to drive deeper into Sally's ass. If the bound woman thought she couldn't take any more earlier, she was wrong. She was taking a whole lot more. Right up to his balls: she could feel them slap against her desperate cunt.
That was the thing that finally drove her to the best orgasm she'd ever known. That and the fact the boy was tied up and she was and they were both gagged and he was being beaten... Sally's mind was scrabbling over so many delights she felt her sex explode.
And there were still ten more minutes of the boy being beaten and her being fucked.
In her gag Sally screamed: 'Fuck! I'm going to cum again.'
But no one heard her and no one cared.
Sally was still shaking as she stood by the hotel room door, ready to leave. There were still rope marks on her wrists and ankles and her sopping wet panties felt real uncomfortable under her crumpled uniform skirt. She felt like a whore with a desperately sore ass and tender cunt. But she also felt incredibly happy.
'Thanks,' she said to the woman. Sally held up the three small tablets the female had given her.
'There are more of those when you join our little organization,' smiled the woman. 'Just make sure your boy is well tied before you give them to him. They go a little crazy wanting to fuck straightaway with one of those inside them.'
'But I can have a whole lot of fun,' smiled Sally.
'Right!' The woman laughed. She was standing near to Sally and leaned forward and gave her a tender kiss. Sally had no objection and kissed back, feeling the woman's hand on her boob, squeezing and teasing.
When they broke, Sally breathed: 'We don't need any tablets for that.'
The woman smiled. 'Having a little lesbian fun is just a sideshow,' she said as she gestured at her son standing bound by the bed they had fucked on for so long, his cock still hard but streaked with brown flecks from Sally's back passage. 'That's what we are all about.'
Sally nodded. The woman hadn't let go of her tit but she didn't mind. It made her feel special. 'What if my son doesn't want to do this?' she asked.
'He will. All boys want to fuck their moms. They even like being tied up and dominated. Whipped too. Try it and see.'
'What will you do, now?'
The woman laughed, bringing her other hand up to Sally's other breast and stroking it, as she was doing with her already occupied hand. Sally moaned and began to feel wet again in her soaked pants. 'What will I do? Well, I will give him a small whipping and then bend over and let him fuck my ass.'
'But... it's got my... you know, shit on it.'
'So? It'll help with the lubing.' The woman laughed.
'You want me to stay and tie you up?'
'Hell no!' The woman shook her head. 'You never let your own son see you tied up. You are the dom, he's the sub.' The woman paused, toying with Sally's hard nipples. 'But one day maybe I could visit with you - just me - and you can tie me up, gag me and let your son have me. But he has to be tied up, like mine is now.'
Sally felt her cunt pulse at the ideas and this attention. She kissed the woman, who didn't object, and brought her own hands up to play with the woman's bust. They stayed like for a few minutes.
When they broke, Sally noticed something for the first time. The woman only had one earring: a gold stud in her left ear. 'You've lost an earring,' said Sally.
'Not quite,' grinned the woman. 'Now you have to go, I have to be ass-fucked. You have to go and show your son what life will be like from now on.'
'Will I see you again?'
'Through the club, yes.'
'But I don't know your name...'
'No, and I don't know yours. We never do get to know anyone's real names. But you can call me Dom.'
'And I guess when I join, I'll be Dom, too.'
'Exactly,' chuckled Dom, giving her new friend one last kiss.
Dom was right. Patrick was eager for the bondage and the sex once he'd had one of the little pills.
Now her son was bound and gagged, his large pecker standing out like some iron rod. Sally couldn't quite believe how quickly he's taken to the whole idea, how he'd let his mother tie him up, gag him and even whip him. Sally had gathered a collection of implements for whipping: a riding crop, a flogger, a whip, a thin cane... she'd tried them all on her son and marveled at the way he took the pain - and gave the pleasure when he was allowed.
That, Sally had learned from the club meetings, was the fun of it. Making the boys wait, knowing their rock-hard dicks wouldn't immediately be allowed into their mothers.
Gagged, the young males couldn't plead or beg or demand. They had to wait silently while their mothers did what they wanted.
Today, Sally would be enjoying her friend Dom. The woman from that fateful first meeting at the hotel was lying on the bed, tied in a spread eagle position. Later Patrick would be allowed to fuck this woman - his little treat, Sally called it - but first Patrick, hands tied in back, his arms tied to his body, his legs bound together, would watch as Sally played with the naked woman on the bed. Made love to her, as much as Dom's bonds made that possible.
She might even remove Dom's gag and kiss her, or sit on her face and grind her wet cunt against the woman's nose and mouth. Or whip those fabulous tits.
Then Patrick could be introduced to this woman's cunt and his aching, rigid dick could get some satisfaction as he ground into her. Him heavily bound and unable to do anything but enjoy the delight of fucking this helpless woman.
The boy would be whipped of course while he did it: he expected that and Sally didn't want to disappoint. He would be encouraged to fuck the older woman harder, thrusting deep into her with his monster cock.
The mother looked down at the strap-on she wore. Big and black. Not as good as her son's big, hard cock, but good enough to fuck her bound son's ass.
And when it was all finished and Dom had been released and gone home to her own family, Sally might just tie her son up and let him in bed with her tonight.
No pill, no gag. Just pleasant, slow normal fucking between a bound son and his mother. And he could cum too, inside his mother. In her cunt or ass or mouth. Sally didn't mind, providing her son was tied in some way.
Even if it was just a rope round his neck so she could tighten it as he came.
Sally felt a glow of satisfaction as she reached up and felt her left earlobe. She liked having just one earring, fixed permanently: the gold stud that would tell anyone who knew the sign that she was a Dom to her own sub son.
She picked up the riding crop. 'Time to begin,' Sally Dom smiled.
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