Age Seven

[ M/b, mast, oral ]


Published: 7-Mar-2012

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Author's Profile

Story Summary
If you are offended by sex between men, sex between a boy and a man, sex between boys, sex between teenaged boys, sex between a man and a teenager or any combination thereof--where some of them may be related by blood, marriage or just plain lust-- you definitely should not be reading this story. If this type of sex is illegal or immoral in your particular state, province or country, stop reading now and go away. If, according to your local laws, you're under age, no fair peeking below.

Some of the following events may contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and MINOR boys. Any resemblance to any particular boy, man, teenager, penis or other anatomical part is just your over-active imagination.

Some of the following story may depict unprotected sex. You are reality. Practice safe sex. I do not condone either incest or child abuse, however boy-love-sex as described in the following experiences are a matter of fact and I make no excuse for what happened to me in the past.

All rights reserved. You have the right to download this story to keep on your computer and to print a hard copy if you preserve the title, warning and copyright notice. You do not have the right to repost this, pass it on to anyone, or use it for commercial purposes. You have my permission to enjoy this story as stated above and let others know where to find it.

November 1947: Age 7 - Birthday

Birthday 1947 was different from all the rest, up until then. There had always been plenty of love to go around, but we were not used to having much financially. In our home with Ralph, we did not have the day-to-day wants as we once did. He made sure that all the financial needs were met and left us time to have more family activities. He left Mother alone with Barb and me while he worked in his home office.

That year the party was kept simple. I was allowed to invite whomever I wished from school for refreshments. Mother had fun that year doing the party for me. She and Barb got to do all the preparing together. It was as if I had given them an excuse to be together. Ralph tried to stay in the background as much as he could.

After the afternoon with school friends, our family gathered for a private celebration. The grandparents sent gifts, but did not attend that year. The weather and travel distance may have been a factor.

November 1947: Age 7; Birthday Trip With Ralph; Games With Joe

My stepfather, Ralph planned to take a business trip, in November of 1947, to a distant city and stay overnight. He asked Mother if she thought I might like to go along with him. She agreed it might be good for us to be alone together. I thought it might be a great adventure to see other parts of the country I had not seen before and meet new people. Ralph's sister and her husband lived in the city we were to visit. We were going to visit with them and they expected us to have dinner with them Saturday evening after Ralph's day of meetings.

The following Friday afternoon Ralph picked me up at school early and we rode off together for the weekend business trip. After a couple of hours or so, we stopped for an evening meal at a nice hotel, in a small town not far from the highway. While we waited for our dinner to be served, Ralph excused himself to make a phone call to a client.

Ralph returned and informed me we would have company for desert and there would be a short meeting. We enjoyed dinner together and talked about things he thought I might be interested in such as school and classmates.

Just as we were finishing dinner, Joe Burns, Ralph's young client came in to join us for desert, as they had planned. He was a young (young compared with Ralph) man about twenty or so. While Ralph paid the check, Joe visited with me. I remembered his visits to Ralph's home office several times. Joe was always seemed pleasant and friendly toward me.

A few times he and I had a conversation as he waited to see Ralph in his office. A couple of times we played ball in the back lot until Ralph returned home from an appointment. Joe had regular appointments with Ralph every week or two.

It seemed as if Ralph was gone for some time. When he returned, Ralph announced we would be going up stairs to join Joe in his room.

Within an hour after retiring to Joe's hotel room, Ralph made it known he was going to meet with someone else and needed to excuse himself and asked if I would mind if I stayed with Joe for the night. Joe said we could play games until bedtime. I thought it could be fun.

Ralph left the room shortly, leaving Joe and me to begin playing a card game whereas the loser had to remove some piece of clothing. In turn (or as arranged), each of us would lose a hand of cards until Joe and I were down to our underwear. Joe was slim but not skinny and had light complexion and hair. He looked as if he never needed to shave. His chest had a faint amount of light hair just between his breast and light colored brush under his arms. On each slight breast were small dark pink nipples that seemed to jet out firm points of flesh.

With the next hand lost, Joe stood up and removed his undershorts to reveal his hard throbbing erection. The plentiful hair in his crotch was a yellowish blonde that appeared very soft. He did not make any attention of himself as he sat down, looked at me and played another hand of cards with me. For the moment, everything was suspended, as I gazed at Joe. I was dumb founded at how Joe bared himself with such carefreeness. It was as if time stopped for me at that instant.

I lost the next hand and Joe asked if he could remove my undershorts from me. I did not know what to say. He came over to me, asked me to stand up from the chair and I did. He slid his hands down my sides removing my undershorts at the same time.

As my undershorts dropped to the floor, he brought his left hand up under my testicles, his right hand on my buttocks and pressed me into his face, all before I realized what was happening to me. As his face met my crotch, I felt his mouth suck in my soft little penis. I stood there and enjoyed his tongue running up and down my genitals and especially on the head of my penis. At first, my nerves caused me to shiver. In a minute or two, I calmed to his warm hands rubbing my body.

After a few minutes, Joe lifted me up, placed me on the middle to the bed, straddled me with his hard penis over my crotch and pumped it until it spit out a white creamy substance onto my abdomen and crotch. He then laid his hairy body down on top of me, held on to me, rolled me over on top of him and moved me around spreading the creamy substance between us.

We rested a few minutes, before he held me tight, rubbed my backside, got off the bed with me and went with me into the bathroom. As he drew water into the tub, he asked, "Did you enjoy our game?" I responded that I did enjoy it, and he asked, "Would you enjoy doing this again?"

I was not sure what I wanted to say so I said, "I guess so."

"I really like us taking a bath together. Do like bathing with someone?" he asked.

I looked down to his limp, five-inch penis, then looked up at his smile and said, "I enjoy taking a bath."

He lifted me into the tub and climbed in behind me. He took me tenderly, sat me down between his legs, and rubbed me with a face cloth up and down my chest, around my crotch and down my legs.

He cleaned himself, got up, lifted me, pulled the shower door shut and turned on the shower to rinse us off. After the rinse, he lowered himself to his knees, pulled my crotch into his face and sucked my penis again. As he sucked my penis and testicles, he squeezed my butt checks apart and fondled my anal cavity with his finger. Joe sucked and fingered me until he gave me a thrill feeling inside me. I could not help but shiver and moan at the thrill of his action.

When I got over the thrill, Joe stood up and asked if I would like to see what it felt like to hold his penis in my hand. I was not sure, but he convinced me that nothing would happen. He stood there with his hard penis swaying back and forth in front of me. Joe held up his penis and pointed it in the direction of my hand; I came closer to him and let him put my hand on his penis. It felt as hard as a baseball bat with skin that moved freely up and down the shaft. I soon felt a pleasant desire to please him.

As I moved my hand, the harder his penis became, and the harder it got, the more he got excited. Joe moved in and out of my hand as I tried to keep my hand on his penis. He got so hard I could feel him throbbing in my hand and without warning, I felt a warm fluid run down my hand and arm. Joe sighed, moaned, and said, "Keep it up". I held on and kept pumping until he pulled away, stroked himself, rinsed in shower again before he shut off the water and reached out for a towel.

Joe rubbed me down with the towel and told me to get into bed while he finished up in the bathroom. When he came out nude and dry I was laying in bed under the covers. I watched him as I thought about his body and the strange new feelings I had. Joe sat on the edge of the bed, pulled back the covers and rubbed me over and over again as we talked about having the experience another time and went on to other matters until we fell asleep nude in each others arms. I felt so very warm and relaxed with Joe and hoped that experience would never end.

The next late morning after getting up and dressing from over sleeping, Ralph arrived, thanked Joe for taking care of me. Then Ralph and I left Joe behind in his room. We took our belongings to the car and drove off for a late breakfast at a dinner in the city near his sister's home. After breakfast the plan was for us to see a few sights before I visited with my new aunt, Roberta, and her family, had lunch there and dinner when Ralph finished his appointments.

Ralph and I went to a few stores, looked around bought a few small things and visited a pet store before we went to see his sister. Aunt Roberta seemed very happy to see us and hugged us both and me again and again. I recall she was in the first few months of becoming a mother again for the third time. She had two pestering girls who bothered me most of the time I was there. The older was about five and the younger was about three. I could not get away from them. They followed me everywhere I went.

After lunch I asked to go outside, hoping the girls would not. No such luck. The girls had to go outside to be with me. Aunt Roberta would often come out to check up on us. I was not long before it got cold and we all went inside to play games with Aunt Roberta. It was okay, but most of the games were for girls. I thought about the warm experience with Joe and how nice it would be to be with him and away from there and those girls.

Thank goodness, Ralph came back early from his appointments and took me out for a ride before dinner. He went by to visit a couple of friends and show off me as his new son. After dinner with Aunt Roberta, Uncle Frank and the pestering girls, Ralph and I went back to the same hotel for the night, slept in separate beds and went home the next morning.

On the way home, Ralph mentioned that our trips were special between us and need not be discussed with anyone, if I wanted to travel with him more. He asked if I would like to go with him more often on his weekend trips. He asked if I understood and I said I did. I told him I looked forward to our trips, but told him I was not too excited about the little girls pestering me. He laughed and said he understood and that sometimes we have to put up with those little things in life.

Sunday afternoon was usually family time for us. When we got home, Ralph indicated that I should take a warm shower after our long trip to unwind a little before a late afternoon lunch. Mother and Barb were busy doing something in the kitchen as I went to my room to get clean clothing and prepare for a shower.

After our late lunch, we gathered as a family to play games and talk. In those days, television was not readily available to most. It did not seem to be popular until the early 1950s. Entertainment was among ourselves, reading or radio. Much of the time when I had nothing to do I would go to my room and read comic books or do home work, if I had any to do.

Mother was involved with civic groups or worked part time at a law office in the city. She was not around for me as she was when I was little. Barb was always involved with girl things with other girls or with Mother. Sometimes I got the impression I was in the way most of the time. I think Ralph knew that and did as much as he could to be near or around me and invite me places.

December 1947: Age 7; Ralph's Family Holiday; Gathering Experience With Uncle Hal

In December 1947, I experienced, among other things, my first of Ralph's old family tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving/Christmas together in the old family home in which we lived with Ralph after his marriage to Mother. At the age of seven, a party of any kind sounded great to me. I got to meet aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, some for the first time.

The old house had a lot of room for most of the guests who arrived early and stayed over. When we first moved in with Ralph, I had been allowed to pick a bedroom on the third floor, away from my sister and girl things. It was rather private for a boy to be quiet or noisy when he wanted. There was a door at the foot of the stairs, that when shut, allowed complete privacy.


My favorite uncle on my mother's side was in town earlier than the early guests. Uncle Hal, sixteen in 1947, was there with Mother's parents to help her prepare for the guests. Hal always had fun with me, I understand, since I was a baby. We were so close in age, he thought of me as a little brother. Being the youngest in his family, I could understand his need for someone younger.

It was neat having three sets of grandparents to have fun with from time to time. There were Mother's, Father's, and Ralph's parents and all the extra aunts, uncles and cousins. Father's parents visited at times but not usually during Ralph's family gatherings. Mother's parents came only on occasions and sometimes to those gatherings.

Of all the times Uncle Hal had visited with us, he had never stayed over before. Being the special event it was, I asked Uncle Hal if he could room with me for his visit. Mother, Ralph and Uncle Hal's parents thought it would be no harm for us kids to bunk together.

When it came time for bed, Uncle Hal went upstairs with me. I suppose it would have been early for a sixteen year old to go to bed, but I was his 'little buddy' and he wanted to be with me. Besides, there was no one else near his age around to entertain him. I was proud of my own room and wanted to show it off to my favorite uncle.

I showed Uncle Hal around the third floor, so he would know his way around in the night and around my own room. He was impressed with my hideout on the third floor, away from the rest of the house. He had closed the door downstairs to insure our privacy.

After about a half-hour of looking at things in my room, I got myself ready for bed. Uncle Hal sat reading comic books and watching me change. When I returned from the bathroom, he was in bed and waiting for me to shut off the light. I put off the light and climbed into bed with him.

I dressed in my usual undershirt and undershorts. I did not like to be confined to pajamas and it was usually too warm upstairs for extra clothing at night. Many times, I would remove my undershirt before the night ended, or even do away with my undershorts as well. There was nothing like sleeping completely nude.

Uncle Hal joined me, dressed in only his undershorts, and seemed to do a lot of moving around in bed. It was difficult for me to sleep, since I was used to sleeping alone. It was fun having someone to visit with, except he did not visit after the light went out. Every time he moved, he placed a different arm or leg across my body.

Soon, he seemed to settle down for the night. I had started to go to sleep, when I felt him lift up his body a bit and move his arms down his side. He removed his undershorts. I felt a slight motion in the bed, as I paid more attention to my roommate. He quickly threw back the covers and caused the motion to increase.

I turned my head in his direction and could see in the dim night light that he was holding his penis and pumping it up and down. He gave out a deep sigh and I could see from the dim night light, a wet substance come out at the end of his penis. At my age and experience, I was not familiar enough to realize totally what had happened.

He got up carefully from the bed, made his way down the hall to the bathroom, returned in a few minutes put on his undershorts and quietly got into bed. That was the last I heard of him for the rest of the night.

A couple of nights later he repeated the same action while I lay there half-asleep. In the mornings, nothing was mentioned by either of us.


My first Christmas at Ralph's home was very nice. We had a large tree in our front room for all the neighborhood to see. There were a number of presents we could not have had if we were not there. I recall there was a bicycle for each Barb and me. Another was a small train set that Ralph played with most of the time with or without me.

January 1948: Age 7: Fun With Big Frank

Ralph had a favorite place to go to get out of the house and relax. It was at a local restaurant, where he visited with the owner and friends. He would go there maybe once or twice a week to unwind and leave the house to Mother. He had been an independent male for so long that he needed a break from the girls, just as I did. He retreated to the restaurant, and I had my room on the third floor.

There was a time shortly after the New Year that he invited me to go for a visit to the restaurant. The place was quite light and airy with a lot of windows. Even in the winter, the place seemed open and Spring-like. I remember there was a small bar on the inside wall. Technically, I was not allowed to be there in the bar area, so Ralph and I would sit at a table near the windows to watch the traffic go by or visit with friends.

At times, Ralph and I were there before the place opened up for business or on a day it was closed. Frank, the owner, would put me up on the edge of the bar and feed me soda and snacks, while he and Ralph talked. Frank showed me around the kitchen area and allowed me to see what he did there.

Ralph and Frank arranged for me to be there on some closed days to help Frank when there was no school. It was some kind of school holiday that spring, when Ralph dropped me off with Frank for the afternoon. Frank had me putting things away or cleaning up around the place. As a seven-year-old there was not much I could do, but I really tried hard.

Those visits alone with Frank happened a couple of times, when once he sat me on the bar and talked to me about his business and how lonely it was there after everyone went away. He gave me the thought that I could stay with him sometimes at night. Frank was a very likeable guy and had great stories to tell me, so I thought it would be great to stay with him some night.

He phoned and talked to Ralph, who said he would talk to Mother and get back to him. In about half an hour Ralph called back to let Frank know that I could stay if I really wanted to. Frank put me on the phone and Ralph asked me if I wanted to stay with Frank for the night. I told him I did not mind and wanted to keep him company. Ralph said he would meet me there for lunch the next day and hung up.

Frank had me do a few more chores before he announced it was time to quit for the day and go upstairs to his apartment. His apartment was rather large and cluttered with books, magazines and papers of all kinds, but sparse on furnishings. He spent most of his time working and did not concern himself with his living area.

We were both tired and a bit dirty from the working downstairs in the restaurant. Frank suggested we relax and look at some books for a while before taking a bath and getting ready for bed. He started by showing me some of the books he used for his painting hobby and went on to show me some of his paintings.

It was warm in the apartment and Frank removed his shirt, shoes and trousers leaving only his underwear on. I was involved in looking at a magazine and did not give it any thought. I knew we planned on take a bath so it did not surprise me when he disrobed and asked me to do the same.

As the afternoon went into the evening, he showed me more and more things in picture form. Before too long he showed me pictures of girls without clothing and asked my reaction to them. I told him they were very pretty. All this time he watched me to see my responses. Being only seven and not being very worldly, I did not think ahead as to where things may be leading.

Looking at the women did not seem to impress my seven-year-old mind very much, so Frank moved on to harder material. He showed me more nude women in more exposed positions. And still no reaction from me. Next, he showed me a picture of a young man showing his nude backside. He talked about how he would paint him and went on to another picture of the same guy with a frontal pose. Ralph asked what I thought about the picture and asked what were the most important or difficult parts to paint.

Not being a painter, I really had no way of knowing. I told him I did not know and he went on to explain different parts of the body and how he could capture them on canvass. All that time he watched to see how I would response to exposure to nude men or women. About that time, he was reacting more than I. He continued to handle his crotch as he moved things around or fondled himself. I tried not to notice but once he caught me looking into his crotch.

His activity and the view of the men got me aroused somewhat, for a seven year old. Frank moved around on the edge of the couch and sat closer to me. Soon after, I felt his hand on my bare leg as he continued to talk and show me pictures of nude men. It seemed to me that his hand kept moving closer to my crotch. I may have been only seven, but I realized something pleasant was happening inside me as a result of his touch.

Then without warning, I felt his hand go up and slightly under the leg of my undershorts. The feeling really stimulated my very young body and Frank seemed to know it. He asked if I felt comfortable with him. I said I did and he asked if I was ready for a bath with him. He caught me by surprise and I hesitated. To prompt me he slid his hand further under my undershorts until his hand touched my testicles. I thought the feeling was going to drive me out of my skin. It was so very enjoyable and I wanted more.

He quickly removed his hand from my crotch, placed it upon the back of my neck with his other hand on my arm and guided me up and toward his bedroom. Standing me just inside his bedroom, he told me to wait while he started the bathtub water. I could see and admire all the pictures and photos on the walls. There were a few nude women and mostly nude men. Many of the nude poses of men were young and a couple of them were very young men or boys. The boys' photos might have been taken as they posed for him.

I stood there taking in the poses when he returned catching me in a stimulated state. I was not even aware of my physical appearance at that time. I stood there looking up at the pictures and photos with my left hand holding onto my undershorts and my erect penis under them.

Frank watched me for a few seconds before he came over to me. He crouched down in front of me, looked me straight in the eyes, put his hands on either side of my waist, pulled me into his arms and without saying anything, slid his hands from my waist to my ankles removing my undershorts. I stood there helplessly in his arms and with my buttocks in his hands. He rubbed my butt cheeks in his large hands and gave me wonderful sensations.

The sensations were so wonderful, I did not mind when his finger reamed up and into my colon channel. He moved his finger around inside my hot little colon, stimulating the end of my bared penis to touch his under garments. He quickly removed his finger from me, placed his hands on either side of my buttocks. Still looking me in the eyes, he lifted his hands, taking my undershirt up and over my head. He dropped the undershirt to my side and asked if I was ready for that bath. I told him I was.

Frank was, at that time, in his middle fifties. He had light blonde hair mixed with a lot of gray. His eyebrows were big and bushy, mostly gray with spots of darker hairs sticking out here and there. He had been a large and powerful man with little fat. Over the years his muscle mass had begun to go, leaving some soft loose tissue in its place, but for the most part, he appeared to be in good shape for his age.

Frank stood up in front of me, pulled off his undershirt to reveal his sparse and slightly gray haired chest and loose muscles and skin. Without any hesitation, he slid down his underwear in front of me exposing what had been a bulge in his undershorts. His large hard penis popped out and up in front of him somewhat like a 'Jack in the Box. For a second it startled me and I stepped back a little.

He asked if he could pick me up and hold me in his arms. I nodded to his desire and experienced a rush of emotions inside me as he did. He held me tightly and gently in his large arms as he walked toward the bathroom and the running tub water. He placed me carefully on the floor at the side of the tub, reached into the water to test it, and then picked me up and put me in the tub water. He stood up, got into the water with me, and without thinking, rubbed his own genitals.

I stood there in my nakedness looking at him step over the edge of the tub and into the water. I could see the penis rod bob around as it moved, jetting out of a bush of grayish blonde hair. His testicle sack swung back and forth between his legs and suddenly came to a stop when he pulled his legs together.

He asked if the water felt warm enough. I said it was just fine. He invited me to turn away from him. When I did, he sat down into the water and pulled me into his lap. I could feel his hard shaft press against my back. It caused me some excitement. Frank picked up a washcloth from the water and slowly washed my neck and back, chest and abdomen, crotch and legs. Then he asked me to stand and bend forward while he wiped the cloth up and down in my crotch and butt crack. The feeling he gave me was at such a level I could not begin to explain it. I knew I loved this man and what he was doing to me.

Frank dropped the cloth into the water, placed his hands on my waist, pulled me into his face and kissed my butt cheeks. As if that was not enough, he used his tongue to excite my rectum. He ran his taster muscle up and around the crack, and in and out of my anal canal. The thrill to my young body caused me to shiver and shake noticeably. Frank asked if I minded what he was doing. Without hesitation, I indicated to him that I was just thrilled with what he was doing.

He turned me around to face him as he sat in the bottom of the tub in front of me. Once again, he pulled me into his face. That time he tasted my testicles and the tip of my throbbing little penis. He moaned as he enjoyed the flavor of my genitals. As he sucked harder and harder on my little penis, I thought he was going to rip it from my crotch. The sensation of his tongue action against my penis caused me to involuntarily hump in and out of his mouth. The more he tongued me the more I humped. It must have been a great experience for Frank. I know it was for me.

While he held my butt cheeks, he slowly rubbed my rectum with his finger. A few times in the excitement, he managed to get his finger in and out. That added to the already exciting experience.

I got so very excited and finally went limp in his mouth. Frank sucked me loose, got up on his knees and asked me if I would like to taste him as he had done to me. I looked at his large hard penis and could not see me putting it into my mouth. He held it by his hand as his eyes beckoned me to try. Slowly, I moved closer to him as he moved toward my lips with his large tool.

The challenge and temptation was too much to hold me back. I wanted to please Frank, no matter what. He told me to touch his genitals with my hands so I reached out and held his huge testicle sack in my left hand. With my right hand, I moved down on the top of his penis shaft. There was such a contrast between his soft testicles sac and his hard penis. Gently I rubbed my hand under the sack and wrapped my hand around his rod.

Frank put his hand over mine and pumped his hard, throbbing penis. I could feel the blood pulsing and jerking as we pumped harder and harder. He moved my hand to join the other under his shaft while he pumped harder and faster. His testicles flopped around and about as he pumped and humped. He sighed and moaned as he moved back and forth pumping and humping until he suddenly gasped as for air and let out a load moan.

At that time his penis head let out a white creamy substance as I had seen come from Joe. The difference was that Joe squirted out with greater force than did fifty-plus year old Frank. The amount seemed to me to be about the same. I really got a good look and feel of his semen as it fell upon my arm and forearm before I could move it. I was at a loss as to what to do about it.

Standing there seemingly amazed, Frank asked how it felt to feel him. I told him it was okay except for the sticky stuff. He laughed, pulled me to him, hugged and kissed my face and neck. I put my arms around his large neck and squeezed him. His body felt good against my young, soft body.

Big Frank, as I came to call him, turned on the tub water again and rinsed me off. After I was rinsed, he stood up, gave me a towel and asked me to get out of the tub and dry off. He rinsed off quickly and stepped out with another towel. We both dried off, went into the bedroom and lay on the bed holding each other close as we rested.

He liked his beer and became thirsty. He invited me to go downstairs to the restaurant kitchen for a drink with him. We both put on trousers quickly and walked down to the kitchen. When we got there, he suggested I might be hungry and agreed to fix up something to help us sleep. He grabbed a bottle of beer for himself and got out milk and a few other ingredients for me. I decided that I could handle a bowl of cereal with the milk.

I ate while Big Frank drank several beers and told me tall tales. After I finished the cereal, we retired to the upstairs apartment for the night. He and I removed our trousers and got into his big, soft bed. We hugged each other and went to sleep.

The next late morning Ralph returned to join us for lunch. He asked no questions except to ask if I enjoyed my visit with Big Frank. I told him we had a good time together and added no more. Frank winked at me, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

Ralph and I enjoyed hot turkey sandwiches with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, rolls and lots of rich creamy milk. I was hungry since I slept late and skipped breakfast except for a fast bowl of cereal.

I came to enjoy visiting Big Frank as often as he asked and I was allowed to do so. We both enjoyed being nude, unrestrained with clothing. I liked seeing his pictures and photos. Our physical relationship in those early years never went beyond his masturbation and him sucking me.

July 1948: Age 7: Ralph's Family Summer Gathering; School Season Began

Each summer, it was the custom of Ralph's family to gather at the old family homestead. In July of 1948, it was no exception. During 1947, I spent most of the summer with my grandparents on both sides of my family and missed Ralph's family summer event. Independence Day was the time the family gathered for fun, games, eating, gossiping and remembering. At the beginning of the gathering, the elders of the family held a family reunion to discuss family changes and memorable events.

Once the party began, it went on for days until most had left. Some family members stayed there at the home or nearby with other family members or friends for those summer weeks. Summers there were not boring. There was always someone around or something going on. Ralph's sisters and brothers-in-law stayed only for a short period of time. Most had to return to their work or jobs. His parents, aunts, uncles and cousins who may have been on vacation or may not have worked, stayed around longer. Ralph's parents and grandparents paid more attention to my sister and I, than did any of the other adults. We were made to feel a welcome part of the family.

That summer was the first time I remember sleeping with anyone in my room, except Uncle Hal. All the house space and the back lot were filled with adults or their children. Space was needed and my room was used as a dormitory. Boys sleep on the floor and in bed with me. The other room bedroom, up there on the third floor, was used for the same. It was strange for me getting used to all my new cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. The boys staying in my room kept me awake most of the night, partying, and I could hear from the room next door from time to time. I fell asleep from exhaustion sometime after one that first morning.

The boys sleeping with me were around the same age as me or maybe a year older or younger. Younger boys were housed in the other room with a couple of older boys in charge. There were four of us in my bed. They played around, but I do not remember anything erotic about the nights. It could have been I was too young to remember or know the difference.

Every day we ran and played games. The girls were a pest as I recall. They wanted the boys to play their games and the boys did not want any part of it. My sister, Barb, was there to keep an eye on me and to see that no one bothered me. It was not really necessary, but I was her little brother and she felt it her responsibility. There were a few boys, who stayed in the spare room next door when I went back to school after my few weeks break for the summer. For me, school was in session all year long, except for a few seasonal breaks.


My third grade teacher, Mrs. O'Connor, was a fun lady. I remember she made fun of words as she taught them. It helped me remember some of the funny ways the English language is used. Many times, we played games as we learned. Most every afternoon at the end of the school day, she would hug each student good bye. That was in the school season from about late July 1948 to the end of June 1949.

I remember a girl in the class that year by the name of Grace. It seemed that each time I looked in her direction; she was looking back at me and smiling. She was very bold with me. Many times, she would come up to me to talk and touch me. I was too young at the time to realize that she had a crush on me.

Age 7: New Sister, Carol, Born

On 3 November 1948, Mother gave birth to another girl. She was named, Carol, after an aunt of Ralph. This caused a few major adjustments to our family. Mother spent less time with me than she had before, not that she had much for me before. She always had more important things to do than put up with my boy things. I began at that early age to feel her withdrawal from my life. At times, it made me sad not having her to myself as I did before Father's death. Fortunately, Ralph tried to include me into much of his activity. In a way, I felt happy for Ralph. He had a child of his own. At first, I was a little disappointed by the attention the little one got, but soon we all enjoyed the new member of the family, except for her awful noise. I would retreat to my third floor room and Ralph went into his office.

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