Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 4

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Published: 3-Mar-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Cecily and her mother made their (due to the dildos, fairly erratic) way to Furniture's, the ultra-exclusive restaurant in the center of town. It had just opened, and it was THE place to go. They pulled up to the valet, admired his ample cock, gave him the keys and got out of the car.

"Put this in a good spot now, there's a dear, and be careful not to scratch the paint," said Cecily's mother.

"Oh, yes Ma'am!"

The valet had swelled to at *least* twice his size the minute Cecily and her mother got out of the car... Cecily twitched her pretty ass at him and strutted after Lila towards the restaurant, reveling in the valet's lustful gaze. He was a slave, of course, as shown by his brand, and therefore unfuckable without permission of his owner.

They were met at the door of the restaurant by the maitre'd. Lila made a gesture recognized the world over; he pocketed it, and led them into the restaurant.

Cecily gasped, aware of her cunt dewing anew. She'd known, consciously, the premise behind Furniture's, but she hadn't been prepared for how much it would arouse her...

The reason Furniture's was famous was because every single piece of furniture in it was human. The chandeliers were slaves, fastened by their wrists and ankles to hoops, with lightbulbs in their cunts and asses. The tables were slaves, roped together, alternating face upwards and face downwards, balanced across supports. The middle one had a large candle stuck in his/her ass; it curved so it would be upright, and provided a lovely illumination (as well as the entertainment of watching the wax drip over the slave's ass!). The chairs were slaves, strapped in a kneeling position with their heads down; one sat on their backs. The food was served on the bodies of the slaves. There were no glasses; one drank from the nipple of a slave who was surgically enhanced to have a reservoir in her breast; there were also male slaves with reservoirs in their testicles. Slaves impaled on dildos, hung in Japanese bondage, coated in rubber, being coated in hot wax, or balanced on horses lined the walls for decoration. There was, of course, the obligatory floor show, which encouraged audience participation. It was an incredible place, and it was all Cecily could do to keep from tackling her mother to the ground and fucking her right then and there! But she was also hungry, so she restrained herself.

"Dildo or without?" said the maitr'd."

"Um, dildo for both, please. Cecily? You want one, right?"

"Yes please, Mom."

"All female, all male, or mix?"

"Mix, please. I like a variety, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am. Sub or dom?"

"We're sub, thank you."

"On your knees, sluts. Crawl after me."

"Yes sir!" they chorused.

That was unexpected, but quite nice! Cecily supposed that it was only natural a maitre'd would be a switch. She kept her eyes on his wonderful ass and crawled quickly. They were taken to a nice table and impaled on the dildos strapped to the back of the slaves, then tied into their seats. Only one hand though, they needed the other one to eat. Cecily sighed.

"I guess it's not always as lenient as it is at home, huh Mom?"

Her mother was orgasming at the moment and couldn't reply; she'd opted for the vibrating dildo.

"What will you have to order, sluts?" asked their waiter.

He was *luscious*, tall and firm, hung like the proverbial horse and quite, quite erect. He carried himself with pride, and just *exuded* "Master"...

Cecily's mouth moistened just looking at him, and she began to bounce surreptitiously up and down on her dildo.

"I'll have the pork with cream sauce, Master, peas on the side, and a nice red wine, please sir. Cecily?"

"The cunt chicken, a salad, and some ginger ale, Master."

Cecily just loved the taste of a chicken breast, marinated in cunt juices! So tangy and tender... The waiter deftly clipped clamps onto their nipples and clits.

"It won't be long, sluts. I'll send over something to keep you occupied."

"Thank you Master!"

The waiter motioned to two men, who ran over, cocks bouncing, and stood at attention.

"Now, sluts, these two slaves have been waiting for three hours for release, and it's finally time. They're going to be your entertainment."

YEAH! thought Cecily. We're gonna get fucked! She squirmed harder on the dildo, imagining it...

And then tried hard to catch her breath as the cock of the one on the left jammed into her throat. So it was to be a different kind of release... oh, well. She still had her friend the dildo to keep her company. The slave underneath her whimpered at the sound of oral sex, and tried to wiggle. Cecily ignored it, and put her mind to putting her considerable skills at the art of oral gratification to work. She sucked and licked and twirled, nibbled a little, dipped her tongue into the hole, drank precum like it was wine and writhed on the dildo like she was in the throes of a seizure. The slave she was working on exploded down her throat just as the waiter arrived with their food, trailing two girls and two *very* erect men by their leashes, and she exploded soon after, screaming against his cock. She crumpled back against her bonds, limp, after she was finished coming...

"Hope you enjoyed the little hors d'eouvre, my darling whores. Here's your dinner. Eat up like good pets, and perhaps you'll be able to join the floor show."

The waiter deftly slid the steaming hot foot off its plate and onto the slaves. He motioned both men forward, one to Cecily's side, one to her mother's. They began jerking off, gasping with relief. It didn't take long before they came, one right after the other, one onto Cecily's salad and one onto her mother's pork. Cecily licked her lips and smiled -- semen was the *only* dressing for salad, as far as she was concerned! Their "plates" were both face up, and Cecily played idly with her slave's clit as she ate. The drink slave knelt beside her and held her breast conveniently up. Cecily took a long drink and smiled. It just tasted better that way! She stabbed her extremely sharp fork into the pre-cut chicken (they didn't want anyone slicing up the slaves by mistake, slaves are expensive!) and enjoyed the flinch and moan of her "plate". Her mother had a male slave and was playing with his cock and balls, pricking him with her fork. He was erect and moaning, bucking his hips against the touch as much as he could. Cecily caught her mother's eyes across the table and smiled. This was SO cool! Finally, dinner was over. Cecily and her mother brought their "plates" to *almost* orgasm before they motioned for the waiter.

"Dessert, sluts?"

"The only dessert we want is the floor show, Master!" gasped Cecily. She definitely wanted more than this dildo!

He smiled evilly and untied them.

"Well, then dessert you will get, little pets... I will be your Master for the night. Kneel and pleasure me, sluts. Your names?"

"Cecily and Lila, sir."

"Cecily, I want you to lick my ass; Lila, my cock. I had better come in under a minute. Every additional five seconds is another clip on yourlittle lips, and another two strokes with the whip."

Cecily and Lila gasped and went to work, quickly! Lila sucked him into her throat, fucking him with her mouth, her tongue working as fast as it could.

Cecily rimmed his asshole with her tongue, flicking it in and out, sucking hard, shoving her tongue up inside.

"One minute is up, slaves."

They worked faster, whimpering. Cecily's cunt was dripping at the thought of the punishment that awaited them...

It took them two minutes. Twenty-four strokes, twelve clips... Cecily and Lila looked at each other and sighed.

Their waiter, now Master, motioned for them to stand up. They followed him over to the center of the floor, and knelt.

"You see those tables over there, sluts? I want you to lie on your backs on those, knees up and legs spread."

Cecily and her mother did so. Cecily wondered what was coming next... she was so wet! The waiter strapped them down, then took out a remote control. He pressed a button, and Cecily gasped. It was a Demonstration Chair! Or close, anyway... she moaned. She *loved* that thing...

Her thighs were spread at almost a 90 degree angle to her body. The waiter brought over his whip. He started with her mother, ordering her to count.

Cecily closed her eyes and wriggled, waiting...

CRACK! "One thank you Master!" CRACK! "Two thank you Master!"

Her mother sounded winded, and very aroused...

CRACK! "Ten thank you Master!"... CRACK! "Twenty-four, thank you MASTER!"

Cecily started lubricating faster... it was her turn!

She kept her eyes closed, hearing the waiter walk over to her. Torture was so much more fun when you couldn't see!

CRACK! "One thank you Master."

Oh God! She didn't know that he was going to whip their cunts! Cecily wasn't sure if she could take this... oh no! and the clips! Right on tender, just-whipped, puffy cunt flesh... She whimpered and wriggled her hips.

CRACK! "Two thank you Master!" CRACK! "Three thank you Master!"

Cecily was squirming, feeling a puddle forming under her ass.

CRACK! "Fifteen thank you Master!" CRACK! "Sixteen thank you Master!"

Only eight more...

CRACK! "Twenty thank you Master!" CRACK! "Twenty-one thank you Master!" CRACK! "Twenty-two thank you Master!" CRACK! "Twenty-three thank you Master!" CRACK! "TWENTY-FOUR thank you Master!"

She heard rustling and clanking, then twelve gasps from her mother. The clips...

OUCH! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!

Twelve ouches, to be precise, and each one on a bruised and tender area of her precious slit... god she needed to come, so badly...

She heard a match being struck, and wondered what he was doing, until she felt the first drip of wax. Right on her cunt! And then on her clit... oh, so *hot*... her nipples! her breasts, all *over* her...

The waiter spent a good half-hour coating her with wax, playing with her clit occasionally, keeping her on the edge, whipping her tits... up to the point where she couldn't even think anymore for the pain and pleasure... Then, finally, when she couldn't bear it one more minute, she felt a cock slide into her cunt. And a dildo in her ass. And a cock in her mouth. She sucked the last desperately, and bucked her hips against the first two, revelling in the feel of the clamps being twisted and pushed against her... she heard someone begging for it to hurt more, and wondered who it was, then realized it was her... she was so close, she was almost there, she was flying on pain and pleasure, she was going to come she was COMING OH MY GOD YES I'M COMING THANK YOU MASTER OH GOD OH GOD MORE PLEASE YES YES OH YES OH OH OH OH OH OH YEAH YEAH YEAH OH *MASTER* YES!

the world went dark.

She came to some time later, gasping, to the feel of the cocks still in her!

She felt something warm spray across her body and decided she must be in the middle of a gang bang...

So, naturally, she lay back to enjoy it.

Seventeen orgasms later (and who knows how many her mother'd had, Cecily had heard a lot of screaming!), she and her mother staggered out of the restaurant to the waiting car, sore and exhausted and thoroughly satiated... the car started, the dildos slid into very well-used cunts, and they were on their way home.

"Mom, we've got to do this more often!" gasped Cecily.

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