The Elfgirl and the Ranger

[ M/g, fant, rom, reluc, spank ]

by CC

Published: 2-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The elfgirl shivered as she hid amongst the rocks. She could hear the orcs below her, down the slope, calling to each other as they searched for survivors. There must have been different breeds of goblins working together, for they used the Common Tongue. But their harsh laughter and rough cursing made it sound as evil as their own languages.

She had barely escaped their clutches after the disaster the day before, when the company of wood- elves she had been traveling with was waylaid. Most of the others had been killed, or taken away in chains by the orcs. She had wandered a little off from the caravan before the attack, and had hidden behind some rocks when it began, shutting her eyes and plugging her ears to ward off the horror.

She was an orphan, unusual amongst the elves, who did not die of 'natural' causes, although they could be killed. She was being taken to her distant relatives in Rivendell having been attached to the caravan by order of the Woodland King. It was a trip that would take many weeks under ordinary circumstances. Now it looked as if she would be lucky to survive, let alone make it to The Last Homely House.

She was not herself a Woodland Elf. She was a High Elf; she knew of Elbereth, and could speak a little of High Elven, but not much. Hers was a strange history...

[SWACK!] "AAAA!" the little elfgirl cried out, as the switch striped her bare bottom. Her tormentor just chuckled, and brought it down again onto her bottom, then across the front of her thighs. [SWISH- SMACK!] "O-O-O-OH!" she yelped piteously as she danced from foot to foot, her bottom and thighs reddening.

Finally he was done, tossing the switch aside, and seizing her bare bottom in his hands, kneading and working her tender flesh as she moaned and whimpered. His fingers strayed between the cheeks of her buttocks...

How had she come to be with him? She couldn't really remember. Something traumatic had happened, perhaps. She could remember her name: Athelia. She could remember some High-Elven, but only what a little child would know. She appeared to be about 8 or 9 years old, though it was different with elf-children; they usually did not reach 'teenage' development for decades. From snatches of memory she thought perhaps that her parents had been killed, probably by Men who had waylaid them on a journey. She must have been taken as a slave by them; at any rate she was one now.

The Man who owned her could have been worse. He did not overwork her, indeed her duties were fairly light: wait on table, some cleaning. He had three children, but they were a little older, and pain no attention to her, except to hand her their dishes or dirty laundry to wash. He had no wife; the elfchild didn't know why not. For as long as she could remember, which was not very long, he had punished her on any flimsy excuse. He was not brutal: he never drew blood, or even left lasting marks. He was content to redden her thighs and bottom, and listen to her yelp. Lately he had begun to finish her punishment by massaging her little body, and his straying fingers imparted strange feelings to the little elfgirl, her heartbreakingly slender body swaying in her tormentor's arms as she gasped and moaned under his ministrations.

She knew no other life. Somehow she realized that she was being abused, but had no way to get out of it. She vaguely was aware that there were other elves, but she knew nothing of where they were or how to get to them. So she endured her bondage, and even found pleasure in the Man's treatment of her at times. She found herself making up little ways to earn punishment, just so that she could feel his fingers on her unfledged elven girlcleft, making her moist and strangely warm.

But before the Man could take his abuse any farther along, her life suddenly changed again. The Woodland King was aware of the Men dwelling near Mirkwood, and knew that, while some (mostly descendants of the Beornings) were good men and true, many were bent on wickedness. He learned that they even kept elves among them as slaves. This could not be born! A company of Woodelves soon descended on the village. After a brief but sharp battle, the Men were defeated and the captives freed.

The little elfgirl now found herself in wonderful circumstances. To a High Elf her treatment might have seemed mundane; no one fawned over her, or made much of her. She was well fed, given good, if plain, clothes to wear, and a small room. She met the Woodland King, briefly, and was informed that they would send her to Rivendell, where it was presumed she had relatives (High-Elves being found no where else but there and at the Havens, and how would an elf from the Havens make it all the way to the borders of Mirkwood, after all?) as soon as was possible.

So it was that she eventually found herself riding with the caravan across the Misty Mountains, only to be plunged again into fright and danger. She huddled into herself, willing the orcs to leave...

She might have slept, or passed into the trance-like state that served for sleep among elves. She came to herself to realize with a start that all was silent around her, save for the crack of stone and the occasional lonely cry of a bird, wheeling high above her. She cautiously peeped around the rocks, to see no one in sight. Silently she crept from her hiding place and scouted the area. It was empty of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, or any other kind of enemy. She nearly fainted with relief.

With anxiety about the orcs fading, she became more aware of other needs. She slipped behind a rock again (although there was no one around to see her) to relieve herself. Then hunger and thirst smote her. The latter need was easily met; a stream flowed across the path the caravan was following a few hundred yards back. When she had drunk her fill, her hunger reasserted itself. She nibbled on a few berries, but it wasn't enough.

She decided to continue along the path, but not directly on it, lest the orcs return. All that day she saw no one, and she rested curled up in some bracken, a cold, miserable night, barely willing to close her eyes in fear of the enemy.

The next day she continued alongside the path. She had not gone far when she became aware of a marvelous smell; a campfire, and food cooking! She tried to keep herself from hurrying, so that she could remain noiseless in her movements, with limited success.

She did not realize she was so close to the spot, when she nearly stumbled into a clearing, catching herself and halting just in time in a nearby thicket. The fire was in the middle of the clearing. It was small, but well-tended. In various places around the clearing were the articles of camp; a bedroll, some bundles, haunches of meat hung in the branches, a loaf of bread. At the fire, turning some meat on a spit, was a tall, lean Man. His back was to her.

She didn't know what to do. She was too terrified to simply present herself to the Man. What if he was no better than her former Master? But even at that thought, deep down there was a stirring, unacknowledged by the elfgirl consciously, brought on by the recollection of the things her Master had done to her, and how they had felt. Even after she had been rescued by the Elves, she had often recalled those things, lying on her little cot at night, her hand straying towards her girlcleft...

She daren't reveal herself to this Man. Yet she was mortally hungry. She determined to try and steal some food. She crept into the clearing behind the Man's back. Cautiously she made her way towards the loaf of bread, just a few feet away, lying on a blanket. As she reached down for it, suddenly she felt her wrists seized by strong hands!

"So, a little campthief, is it?!" the man barked. She squealed and struggled in his arms, but she might as well have fought a tree. He paid no attention to her kicks and yells. "Little campthieves get punished!" he declared, and without further ado he looped a thong around her wrists, tossed it over a branch, and pulled her arms into the air until she was standing on tiptoes. "Naked!" he added, effortlessly tearing her tattered tunic from her slender body.

He pulled his wide leather belt from around his waist and swung it sharply against her buttocks. [SWACK!] "AAAAA!" she cried out, and "AAAH-AAAAH-AAAAAAH!" again and again as he whipped her repeatedly on her trim bottom cheeks, bringing a fetching flush to the surface. As he swung the belt, the edge would snap on various places, one cheek or the other, her tender anus, and sometimes wandering around her hips to punish her unfledged mons. Although she was greatly distressed to be so exposed and punished by a strange man, some unconscious part of her was responding more...favorably. Willy-nilly she found herself pushing out her bottom to receive the strokes to her posterior, and arching her back, thrusting her cleft and mons out for those that fell towards the front.

At first The Man didn't notice anything else, so intent was he upon punishing a little thief. But suddenly he came to himself, as it were, and realized what was going on. Even as he swung the belt, he drank in the heartbreaking slenderness of the little elfgirl, her little nipples atop mere buds, barely breaking the plane of her chest, her unfledged girlcleft, peeping out from between her sweet thighs. He noticed almost without realizing it the contradiction in her actions: she moaned and cried out in distress, yet writhed and responded to his ministrations as if they were stimulating to her. Indeed, it appeared as if, indeed it was so: she was climaxing even as she was whipped on her buttocks, anus, and cleft!

Then it broke upon him almost as a thunderclap what she was; he was disciplining not a little campthieving human girl, but a High Elven girlchild! He threw the belt down, cut the thongs around her wrists with a practiced slice, tossed his cloak about her, and gathered her onto his lap as he sat down beside the fire. He rocked her to and fro, soothing her, stroking her hair, even as she sobbed out the last of her preteen orgasm, shuddering and trembling.

Some broth was simmering in a small pot next to the fire. He snagged it with a long arm, and tenderly offered a spoonful to the elfgirl. She swallowed it eagerly, and scarfed the rest as quickly as he would allow her to; he slowed her only to make sure she did not sicken herself taking too much too soon.

When she had consumed what he would give, she swayed sleepily in his arms. "Fear not, little one," he said, "I am a Ranger of the North." She cocked her head quizzically; he realized, to his surprise, that the term meant nothing to her. "It means I am a friend to the High Elves; you have nothing to fear from me. Sleep now without care; I will be on watch." With that he laid her down in his bedroll, covered her up to her chin, smoothed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead, and faded out of the light of the fire to stand guard. She was asleep before he had left the campring.

She awoke to broad daylight, and a delicious smell. Eggs! Bacon! The Man was spooning them from a pan onto a wooden trencher even as she sat up. "Hungry?" he inquired, superfluously; she was clearly ravenous, pausing only to slip behind a rock to relieve herself before scurrying back to the campfire to devour the rations he offered her. He looked on, a satisfied smile on his face.

So the little elfgirl entered a new phase of her life. The Ranger questioned her gently, and she answered him guilelessly, until he knew all she had to tell about herself, omitting nothing. She didn't know enough to hide from him the details of the treatment she had received at the hands of the Man who owned her for a while. He listened to her describe the feelings she had experienced during the strict, intimate discipline with an outward display of disinterested calm; inwardly he was intensely aware of her reaction even to the retelling; her breath came short and her mouth dry; she seemed to tremble and her voice shook, but not with fear.

In turn he explained to her that the Rangers were the remnant of the half-Elven of the North, descendants of her own forefather, Earendil. Yet they were only distantly related since, unlike the immortal elves, the half-Elven were still Manlike. Though they lived a span of years beyond those of mere men, in the end they died and passed out of the world. Indeed, while the elfgirl remained still outwardly a preteen, the Ranger would grow old, and would probably die when she appeared to be a young teen at most, if he avoided violent death before then.

He gave her a few days to rest, then broke camp, heading over the pass, making for Rivendell. She was fascinated at the lore he possessed, which he shared freely with her, trying to bring her "up to speed" on her heritage and background before they reached Rivendell. She absorbed his stories avidly, and pleased him with her quick mind and perceptive questions. Indeed, except for the minor irritation of an occasional behavioral lapse, she was very pleasant company.

However he soon discovered that the elfgirl was unlike the HighElven children he had known. She had lived for long among Men, and had forgotten whatever upbringing she had among the elves, absorbing rather the behavior patterns common among Mankind. Discipline problems were unheard of among the elves, but the little elfgirl, while perhaps obedient compared to the average human girl, still misbehaved at times. Cajoling and pleading, reasoning and threatening seemed to do no good, and discipline was important; they were in dangerous territory, and the Ranger had to rely on the elfchild to obey instantly.

In the end he decided to apply corporal punishment, reluctant as he was to do so. His reluctance stemmed not only from the fact that it was unheard-of to spank an elfchild. He also knew his own nature...

He had exiled himself from Rivendell, because of a predilection that was difficult for him to accept. He could not help becoming sexually excited at the thought of punishing and raping young girls. This caused so much "cognitive dissonance" in him that he chose to absent himself from "polite company". He patrolled the outer reaches of the Rangers' sway, living a perilous and lonely life of conflict against orcs, trolls, wargs, and evil Men. In fact, he had been trailing the company of orcs that had waylaid her caravan, suspecting that they were on some mission of wickedness. He had been too late to prevent the slaughter, however.

So now he was faced with a dilemma: it appeared as if it would take punishment to affect the little elfgirl's behavior. He now recalled the realization he has somewhat suppressed until then: the elfchild had responded sexually to her previous whipping at his hands, and this memory, as well as the idea of repeating the performance, stimulated him as well.

In the end he decided that safety was of overriding importance. That evening, as they made camp, he called the little elfchild to him. "Young lady," he solemnly intoned, "You have been disobedient from the moment I met you. I have warned you, begged you, pleaded with you, and reasoned with you, but you refuse to consistently obey me. I am through talking. Now you will have to find out what happens to naughty little girls who are disobedient."

Without further ado he bent her under his arm, tossed up the hem of her tunic, and administered a brisk, business-like spanking on her trim bottom. [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!] "AAA! OH-OH-OH!" she cried out as she danced from foot to foot, trembling and yelping. He continued her punishment until her bottom was sufficiently reddened, and he sensed the repentance in her posture. Finally he relented, and soothed her tender buttocks with a gentle massage as she murmured and whimpered.

He let her up, and she surprised him by throwing her arms around his waist in a fierce hug. He picked her up and held her in his arms for awhile, rocking and gentling her.

It seemed to work, for a while. She was quieter, and perfectly obedient. She seemed to cling to him a little more, but not in a bothersome way. All was well, then...or so it seemed.

There came a day when the Ranger had to forage far from camp for food. He left her hidden in a rockfall some distance from their campsite, with strict instructions to stay put until he returned. He hunted as expeditiously as he could, but it was still dark when he returned.

She had disobeyed him. Bored, and wanting to put on a heavier cloak, she had slipped back to the campsite and rummaged through the baggage. Then, unwilling to return to the rocks, she had fallen asleep on a bedroll in plain sight.

She awoke, suddenly, to an awareness of some kind of threat. Looking up she saw a shape looming over her. In the dark she could not tell what it was. Then, just as suddenly, another shape seemed to collide with it. Something like a rope landed with a plop on the bedroll, and then there was a thud. The shapes vanished. She was not even sure that it wasn't a dream. Indeed, the sense of threat was gone, now, so she slipped back into unawareness.

In the morning light she awoke. The Ranger was standing over her, grim and silent. She sat up, and became aware of a thick strand of, and slimy-looking, on the blanket still covering her legs. As she became more alert, she realized it was blood! She looked up quickly at the Ranger, but he seemed unharmed. Then, with elven alertness, she looked around her and noted the signs of something heavy having been recently dragged away.

"It was an orc," the Ranger said, anticipating her inquiry. "He appears to have been alone, lucky for you! Do you realize the danger you were in? Don't you know how horrible it would be for you if they caught you? How horrible it would be for me to know they had you?" She looked ashamedly into his eyes and saw the true love and concern he had for her. It made her feel even worse to know how she had hurt him.

Tears sprang into her eyes and she scrambled out of her bedroll and flung her arms around his waist, gulping and sobbing, "I'm sorry-I'm sorry-I'm sorry!" Surprised by the vehemence of her repentance, he awkwardly returned her embrace, stroking her hair and patting her shoulders as they jerked from her weeping.

After a while she calmed down, with only the occasional hiccup as she relaxed against his strong frame, feeling secure and protected. Then she looked up at him intensely, and solemnly intoned, "I should be punished, shouldn't I?" He held her gaze for a long moment. She did not waver. He nodded slowly, with finality.

The decision having been made, he acted at once. Without a word he bent her under his arm and tossed up the hem of her tunic, exposing her trim buttocks. SWAP-SMAK-WHAP! went the spanks, as she whimpered and moaned, dancing from foot to foot, her bottom becoming fetchingly reddened. Finally he let her up, as she snuffled, and rubbed her bottom.

"Do you think that's enough punishment, young lady?" the Ranger inquired expectantly. She hung her head for a moment, then peeped up at him through her lashes and shyly shook her head. "How else do you think you should be punished, then?" he asked.

She thought for a moment, then said softly, "Like you did that first night, when I tried to steal food..."

He gazed down at her for a moment in love and admiration, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. He gathered her up in his arms and carried her to a tree with an overhanging bough. He quickly looped a thong around her wrists and pulled them over her head with a rope attached to her bonds, passed over the bough. He paused for a moment to appreciate the sight: a pretty elven girlchild, heartbreakingly slender, with a face like an angel in despair as she awaited discipline. He tucked the hem of her tunic into the bit of rope that served her as a belt, drew his belt off his waist, and began her whipping. SWAP-SMACK-WHACK! went the belt on her thighs, front and back, and her already-punished bottom. "AAAAA!" cried out the little elfgirl, writhing and arching in her bonds. Again and again he brought the strap-end of the belt down onto her tender skin. After a while he let his aim wander. Soon he was whipping her full upon her unfledged mons and cleftlips as she gasped and wail ed.

He "came to", as if out of a trance brought on by the stimulating scene, and realized that she was nearing climax, even as she wept and sobbed, "I'LLBEGOODI'LLBEGOODI'LLBEGOOD!" He tossed the belt aside, cut her bonds, and swept her into his arms. As he sat down with her on his lap, he began to rub her abused bottom, thighs, and cleft soothingly. She continued to sob and gulp, but her hips were moving of their own accord, and all too soon she was yelping, writhing, nearly screaming out her preteen elfin orgasm, "AAA-AAA-AAA!" as she clung to him, her tears staining his jerkin. He rocked her and rocked her, stroking and kissing her silken hair, as the shuddering of her shoulders slowly subsided, the intensity of her feeling fading finally to the occasional sob and sniff.

"Now what am I to do with you, young lady?" he inquired, shaking his head in a daze. It was perhaps a half an hour after he had sat down with her. She had actually dozed for a bit, and now was stirring in his arms, looking up with tear-stained but bright eyes, and a sweet, shy smile.

Without hesitation she piped up, "Marry me!" then quickly looked down, blushing, but snatching quick glances at his astonished face from under her lashes.

He knew that he should try to resist, simply refuse, carry her back to Rivendell to her kin, fade off into Wilderland and never return. But he could not. Still, he had to make sure she knew what she was asking.

"Fair maiden, do you know what that really means?" he interrogated her solemnly.

She hung her head for a moment, then looked up shyly and said softly, "It means you will rape me...does it not?"

The question hung in the air between them, revolving lazily. The Ranger, so calm in the face of danger and sudden death, found himself stunned that she would respond thus, and so readily. He felt breathless, dizzy, an icy sweat suffusing him. He managed to choke out an incoherent affirmative to her question.

Mistaking his pallor and unsteadiness for disapproval, she stumbled off his lap and shuffled away with drooping shoulders, mumbling, "But you will not have me, for I am too small, and scarce fair enough, I trow..."

He gaped at her for a moment, unable to move. Then he sprang to his feet and was at her side in a bound. For some time he held her in his arms, and whispered in her ear of his love for her, how he desired her: heart, body, mind. That he would gladly marry her. She brightened with delight and gave him butterfly kisses.

Suddenly she stopped, popped her head up, and inquired, "But you will still punish me, after we are married, will you not?"

Astonished again, the Ranger could only nod dumbly, and wrap her in his arms again.

"But there is one thing you should know, if we are to wed," the Ranger told her after a while. "I have been told that elven girls...there is something different..." he stammered, at an uncharacteristic loss for words.

"What, what?!" she exclaimed somewhat impatiently.

"When a girl is raped," he explained softly, "there is something called the maidenhead..."

"I know that," she protested, with the scorful attitude universal to preteen girls who are being instructed in something that they think they already know. "It'll get torn from me when you rape me. They say it hurts, some..." she finished more softly, eyes half closed, partly in tense expectation, partly from barely recognized desire.

"What I was going to tell you before you interrupted me," he continued, and she trembled at the stern glance that spoke of future punishment, "is that an elfgirl's maidenhead, if she is raped of it, grows back every night, and continues to do so until she is the equivalent of a human teenager in bodily maturity. But for you that will not be for many years to come. So what time I rape you, you will lose your maidenhead again. This will add to your punishment, and I wanted to make sure you understood it."

She gulped, but nodded, and said, "I do. I would plight my troth with you now, if you will!"

"With a good will, little maiden, with a good will!" And so in Wilderland just west of the Misty Mountains, the Ranger and the little preteen elfgirl were trothplighted, with the sun and trees as witness.

He just held her in his arms for long afterwards, feeling her little trembles, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head from time to time. Finally he held her at arm's length, stooping down to look in her face and shake a finger at her, mock-sternly, saying, "You were impudent a while ago, weren't you, young lady?" She hung her head and nodded glumly. "Impudent little girls need to be punished, don't they, little missy?"

Without waiting for an answer he sat down on a log, pulled her over his lap, tossed up the hem of her tunic, and rained spank after spank on her little bottom, SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! "OO-OO-OO!" she squealed, and kicked her little legs as he reddened her backside. When he judged that it was glowing sufficiently he let her up, and she bounced to her feet, rubbing her bottom, snuffling and gulping. But her punishment had just begun. "Remove your tunic," he commanded, and punctuated it with a SMACK! to her bare thigh when she hesitated. She hastened to comply and soon stood naked before him, preteen elfgirl before full-grown man, the top of her head coming only up to his lower chest. Her slender charms were fully exposed: nipples atop no more than buds, barely breaking the plane of her chest; slim hips and trim buttocks; unfledged cleft with prominent clitoris peeping out from between her slender thighs. All serving somehow to bring into focus even more her pixie elven face, like a nd angel's in despair, seeming to glow despite the anxiety expressed in her features. She was perfectly adorable.

He ran his hands up and down her torso, cupping her bottom, seizing her little breastbuds, kneading and working her nipples. Then finally sliding down, down to the core of her being, tracing his fingers back and forth on her unfledged cleftlips, as she shuddered and whined. Suddenly he punctuated the molestation of her little preteen sex with a spank full upon her girlcleft, SWAK! "AAAA!" she yelped, and "AH-AH-AH-AH!" again, as he rained smack after smack on her tender elven girlhood. Every few spanks he would seize and work her clitoris, then resume spanking her cleftlips again, her writhing becoming more vigorous, he cries more and more intense, until finally he was rewarded with the sight, sound, and feel of the pretty preteen elfgirl coming in his hands as he spanked her sexually. As her peak subsided he swept her up in his arms and just held her for a while as she sobbed out the last of her orgasm, her tears again staining his shirt.

They traveled only far enough to reach the nearest settlement of Men, a small collection of farms and crafthouses in a hidden valley in the foothills of the Misty Mountains. There they were wed. Life was hard in Wilderland, human girls often married very young, and the Rangers were held in great respect, so if there was a raised eyebrow or two at the union, no overt objections were proffered.

He had obtained a small cabin for them, far off the beaten track. After they had supped that evening, he called her to him. "You are such a naughty girl, aren't you, young lady?"

"Y-yes Sir," she stammered, anxious about the punishment she knew he would administer, yet drawn somehow to receive it, mouth dry, knees weak, breath short, an inexplicable moistness between her legs...

He strolled around her for a few moments, stroking his chin, considering how he should proceed. "I want you naked, right now, little miss!" he commanded, and punctuated it with a sharp smack to the front of her thigh. She yelped and quickly pulled her tunic off, revealing her slender preteen elfin charms. He admired the view for a while, focussing his gaze on her breastbuds and cleft as she blushed prettily down to the tips of her nipples.

He bent her under his arm and administered a brisk, business-like spanking, SPANK-SPANK-SPANK-SPANK! "OO-OO-OO-OO!" she yelped as she squirmed and danced. After he judged her bottom to be sufficiently reddened, he let her up. She rubbed her buttocks and sniffled, whimpering.

He took off his belt and whipped the strap-end across the front of her thighs, SWISH-SMACK! "AAAA!" she cried, and "OH-OH-OH!" as he whipped her and whipped her, on her thighs, front and back, and her already-reddened bottom.

He stared for a moment at her chest as if contemplating what to do, then brought the belt down sharply across her little breast buds, SWACK! "OOOOOO! AAAIIII!" she wailed as he disciplined her so intensely, her little nipples becoming erect and fetchingly reddened from the punishment she received.

He put her on the bed in knee-chest position. She trembled in embarrassment to think how exposed her intimacies were to a grown Man's eyes. Then all thought was driven from her as he whipped her with the belt directly on her anus, WHACK-WHACK-WHACK! "OOOOOO! AAAAAAH! O-O-O-O-OH!" Even as he continued her strict, intimate discipline on this most tender portion of a child's anatomy, he reached around and seized her unfledged girlcleft, kneading and working the labia, then pressing her clitoris firmly against her pubic bone.

His ministrations soon brought about the desired effect. She began to buck, and moan, as she fetchingly sobbed out her preteen orgasm. He continued to punish her anus, watching her slender form jerk and writhe, until finally she was spent. He gathered her up in his arms for a while as her shoulders shook with the last of her sobs.

He lay her gently on the bed, supine. "Spread your knees," he softly ordered. In a daze she did not immediately comply, so he seized her nipples with a sharp tweak and repeated the command. She hastily exposed her cleft, but he continued disciplining her breastbuds for a few moments as she moaned and writhed.

He let his hands trail down her chest, past her navel, down to her bare girlcleft, smooth, lips slightly gaping, glistening with moisture. He seized her cleftlips with both hands, making her gasp, and drew them apart. He stared, drinking in the sight of her girlhood: prominent clitoris, immature labia, intact hymen, with an aperture in it barely big enough to admit the tip of his little finger. He thrust that finger into it, and ravished her hymen, not breaking it, but sternly stretching it with his digit as she whined and jerked.

Suddenly he leaned down and fastened his mouth upon her cleft. She spasmed and cried out at the unexpected sensation. She was in a daze from the intensity of her feelings as he probed her little preteen sex with his tongue, pressing once more upon her hymen, then seizing her clitoris in long excruciating bites between tongue and teeth that made her gasp and squeal.

Soon she was again nearing climax. He quickly stood, seized the belt, and whipped her repeatedly on her unfledged cleft, WHACK-WHACK-WHACK-WHACK! "AAAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed, and came and came and came. Even as her orgasm was peaking, he flung the belt down, positioned his rampant rod at the lips of her little-girlhood, and thrust firmly, raping her of her maidenhead with one stroke, driving for her cervix. She screamed again, shortly, then sobbed and shook as his manhood remained buried in the little preteen's vagina, not thrusting more, stroking her hair, kissing her tear-stained cheeks, murmuring his love to her.

Once her distress had died down to the occasional sob and sniff, he began to rape her in earnest, long, slow, strong strokes at first, then faster and more intense, pinning her to the bed with each thrust, as she cried out rhythmically, "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA!"

Not his wildest imagination had prepared him for the sensation of raping this pretty little preteen elfgirl, so soft and warm, so tight and small, so responsive to her discipline. In no time he was spilling his seed at her cervix, then collapsing on the bed next to her, gathering her in his arms as her shoulders shook and she put her face up for him to kiss her, and stroke her hair, and kiss her again. They fell asleep, he remaining buried within her, still in wonder at the thought that this slender girl was his, and that he would very likely strip, spank, and whip her, and rape her of her maidenhead, nearly every day, as long as they both lived.

The End


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