Tiger Tiger

[ M/g, non-anthro, reluc, rom ]

by CC


Published: 1-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In the forests of the night, I lay in wait. My prey were dawdling, and I was getting bored. A predator has to kill time somehow, so I cast my memory back...

[WAP!] "AAAA! Oh, 'Daddy', Please!" the little preteen girl wailed as I swung the tawse back and forth against her clenching buttocks. Once they were nicely reddened I turned my attention to her nipples, barely breaking the plane of her chest. [SWAK! SMAK!] "AAAAAH! OH'DADDY'PLEASEI'LLBEGOODPLEASEI'LLBEGOOD! AH! AH! AH!" she cried out wildly as the ancient tool brought her nipples to erection. Tossing the tool aside I seized her little breastbuds, kneading and working them as she gasped and moaned. Sliding my hands down, and down, the crack of a twig caught my attention...

Instantly alert, I slid out of the thicket and padded along paralleling the trail. I knew where they were. I knew who they were. I knew what they had. I knew where they were going, now. I wanted to wait for just the right moment...

They had to go there. It was the only transfer point they could use, being no more than 4th circle, maybe only 5th. The Courts obviously thought this route was a milk run. Usually they'd be right. The goons had snatched their victim from disputed Shadows no one cared much about and headed for the jump-off area. No reason for them to think anything would go wrong. I was the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench.

I gained a vantage point from which I could hear and see inside the small cabin they were staging in before making their next move through Shadow. Up until then I expect they had not done anything overt to scare their captive. They had presumably made out to be her benefactors, rescuing her from the admittedly dire straits an abandoned little girl in those particular Shadows is likely to face. But they were taking her to circumstances equally bad, if not worse. The Courts of Chaos were perpetually short on slaves, mostly because they went through them at an alarming rate. The life of a little slave girl there was likely to be highly interesting, but distressingly short.

But not this time. I could see her, a cute little thing, huddled in a corner of one room. The goons were now laughing and joking together, not trying to hide anything any more. I heard one say, "Shall we have a little fun with her first? We don't have to leave any marks..." The other one was clearly considering the idea. It was time to make my move. I could see that the girl was getting alarmed.

I banged the door open. They jumped, but were at least professional enough not to panic. One swung his blaster in my direction. A quick kick knocked it away. I suppose the speed of my attack convinced them to adopt more stringent methods. They shifted, becoming what I knew had to be their only alternate forms (the lower circles of the Courts generally couldn't manage more than two; I had only two myself, but that's because of the bit of Amber within me; my two are enough, however), lithe felines, looking something like cougars, but glowing a nauseating green. The girl was petrified.

They flanked me. "What have we here?" one hissed, sibilantly.

The other replied, (over-)confidently, "Man, most mortal?"

"Come and find out," I said softly. As they approached, I shifted too. Before they could retreat, what looked like a large Bengal tiger was upon them. I sent one flying, neck broken, with one swipe. The other I pinned to the floor and gutted. His glow flickered.

"I die the final death, and so I know thee, Chaos Lord. Why dost thou slay me?" he croaked.

"Change of heart," I replied, and blew out his lights.

With the battle lust on me, I couldn't flip forms that quickly. But I had to do something about the girl. She was freaked, naturally. I lay on the floor, and half rolled over, trying my best to purr. "Fear not," I said, though I doubt if she caught it, since it sounded so growly. I cautiously crept towards her, belly to the floor, like a submissive dog will when called to his master. She huddled back against the wall.

I had an idea. The blaster still lay on the floor where it had fallen. I pushed it towards her, butt first. "Here, see: I give you gun," I purred, hoping she would catch it.

Something seemed to click in her mind. She reached out and touched the gun. If she had grabbed it and fired, it could have been bad; I might even have 'died the final death', myself! But then she pulled her hand back and stammered, "I-it's OK. I-I'm not afraid!"

We just stayed like that for a few moments. I was half rolled over, and painfully aware of my rod, rampant and protruding from its sheath. In tiger form I can't control the 'gallant response' around a pretty little girl.

"Wh-what are you? What were those...cats? What's going on?" She was beginning to tear up a little. I wanted to get back to human form, but I needed a little help, if I was going to do it fast.

"I'll explain everything, but I need to...get back to how I was. Will you help me?" Her eyes widened, but she nodded.

"Are you like a-an enchanted prince, or something?" she asked, charmingly.

"Something like that. I know it might seem...icky, but I need you to touch my...thing. It won't hurt you. And as soon as you do, I'll be a man again, and we can talk better," I growled. I don't know how much she understood, but she reached out for my member. My eyes closed in anticipation. I knew, under the circumstances, that it would only take a touch. Sure enough, as soon as I felt her, like a little butterfly landing on my rod, I spurted. She pulled back, but before she could blink, I was in man-form again, down on one knee before her, holding her hand.

"Are you all right?" I inquired.

She just nodded slowly, then burst into tears, collapsing against my chest, staining my shirt with her tears as she sobbed, "Th-they (SOB) were gonna (SOB) hurt me (SOB), weren't they (SOB)?"

"Shh-shh, it's all right, nothing's going to happen to you now, little one, everything's all right."

She had heard what the cat said, so I had to tell her something about myself. I gave her the 'short form' for explanation, and she seemed satisfied. It would have taken too long to tell her how, like my distant cousin (I have a bit of the blood of Amber in me, on my mother's side) Corwin, I too had spent time on the Shadow known as Earth, also with amnesia, so that I got to know what it was like to live as a mortal. Like him, I learned compassion. During those years, I had still indulged myself, but always with little girls who were basically willing; usually ones I had rescued from some dire straits, wooed them, and who were at least willing to let me do with them as I desired. They all came to enjoy it, eventually. I stayed with each of them for their natural lives, aging myself to accommodate them, continuing our 'play' for as long as they could and would.

Finally, through a rather traumatic sequence of events, I remembered who I was: a Chaos Lord, but now unwilling to return to my former life.

I thought of going over to Amber, but, unlike Corwin, I still had too much of the Courts of Chaos inside me. I knew my desires, and I knew that I could not live in Amber, nor in any 'civilized' Shadow. So I prowled the Shadows in between, seeking at least to put a hurt on the Chaos slavers. Eventually they might send a Lord or two to find me, but that could be millennia from now. Chaos Lords are notorious procrastinators.

I took her to a Shadow I knew where life was reasonably peaceful, but we could stay on the edge of the forest; I needed lots of room at times. She clung to my arm as I negotiated Shadow to get there. The changes in sky color seemed to startle her most. With the acute fear gone, and in the aftermath of the strife, she was ravenous, so we stopped on the way at a 'Kentucky Fried Lizarde Partes' for a bite.

We arrived at our destination, and settled in at my chateau, a little place I kept for times I needed to retreat from the strife for a while. Very pleasant, lots of game and woodlands around, and a village nearby for whom I was 'El Patron'. Children were named after me. Churches prayed for me. They were under my protection, and they thrived.

Her name was Suzette. She had been living in a drab orphanage, then abandoned on the streets for a brief time when it collapsed in an earthquake. Life had been hard for her, but she retained a sweetness about her, not to mention being cute as a button. She looked to be about ten years old, heartbreakingly slender, medium height, long dirty-blonde hair. She was adorable.

She fell into the household routine effortlessly, insisting on pitching in with the staff (a kind and loving elderly couple, occasionally supplemented by their seemingly endless supply of teenage grandchildren) in doing housework, carrying my lunches in to me, and so forth. She seemed to take great pleasure in her new life, her nice clothes, plenty of good food, fresh air, and lots of books. She told me that visiting missionaries in her home village had taught her to read, but she rarely had the chance to use the skill. Now she fairly reveled in the extensive library I maintained.

I gave her free run of the grounds and woods around the chateau. I had no fears for her. This was a remote Shadow, and unwelcome guests were very unlikely. There were no dangerous beasts in the forest save one...me, in Tiger form. She was well-guarded at all times.

She loved to wander through the woods, picking flowers, singing charming little songs, dabbling her feet in the little streams. On a day not long after I brought her to the chateau I met her in the woods, as the Tiger. I placed myself in her path where she would be able to see me easily before she came close to me; I didn't want to startle her. As soon as she saw me, I purred, "Hello again, little one. Don't be afraid. I will not harm you."

I think she understood this time, as she walked up to me with only what appeared to be a bit of trepidation. "I'm not afraid," she said, and put her hand out towards me, gently stroking my whiskers. I licked her hand, and head-butted her legs like any housecat.

"Would you like to ride?" I asked, and she climbed onto my back as if she had done it all her life. We romped through the forest, jumping, running, rolling on the grass. I would take her in my velveted paws, toss her in the air as she shrieked with delight, and catch her easily, tickling her, nuzzling her. After a while we cast ourselves down in a meadow. I had my head on her lap, purring...

We spent many days in this way. She came to expect me to appear, and I would play at hide-and-seek with her until she spotted my tail or whiskers. When I Tiger-tickled her, I made no effort to avoid...certain areas, and indeed took great delight in seeking out the area where her thighs met. She did not object in any way, and only seemed to enjoy it more. After our romp, I often ended with my head in her lap, purring. Many times it seemed to me that she moved her little hips almost involuntarily, as the vibration affected her little groin.

Of course, she was only ten, so it was inevitable that she would misbehave eventually. A bit of talking back here, staying up too late there, pulling a prank or two on the housekeeper; it added up. I called her to my study. "You've been naughty lately, haven't you, young lady?" I inquired sternly. She hung her head, but didn't answer. "It is considered polite to answer when you are spoken to, especially when an adult is speaking and a child is being addressed," I intoned softly but firmly. She looked up, a bit taken aback. I had not spoken sternly to her since she her rescue.

"I-I'm s-sorry, M'Lord, I didn't mean...I mean I'm not trying..." she began, then burst into tears. I enfolded her in my arms and held her for a while. "I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry" she kept sobbing out. After a bit I hushed her, held her out a bit, and dried her tears.

"It's all right, I know you didn't mean to be naughty. It's hard for little girls to behave themselves all the time. But what do you think I should do with you now?" I waited expectantly.

She hung her head and didn't say anything for a moment, then, "Y-you should p-punish me, M'Lord," she whispered.

"And how do you think I should do that?" I inquired.

"I g-guess I should g-get a wh-whippin'," she said, and began to weep.

I immediately knelt down beside her and cradled her in my arms. "Did they whip you at the orphanage?" I asked softly. She nodded glumly. "Did it...hurt much?" She nodded again. "Listen to me, little one. I'm not going to hurt you like that. If I whip you, I don't think it will be quite...as bad as when they whipped you. Tell you what: let's try it. If it hurts too much, all you have to do is say "Ouch" or "No" or "Don't" or "Stop", and I'll quit. All right?" She looked up, with perhaps a bit of a hopeful look in her eye, and nodded again.

I bent her under my arm, tossed up the hem of her shift, pulled down her little panties, and gave her a quick spanking, not particularly hard. When I was done, I stood her up, her panties still down around her ankles. She gave me a quizzical look and said, "Is that all? Th-they used to spank me much more than that, M'Lord. I-it's not enough, don't you think?"

Well! With an opening like that, how could I resist? I just replied, "Very well, Suzette, you're right. You should be punished properly." I led her to a nearby divan and bent her over it, pulling my belt off as I went. I wrapped it around my fist, letting about 6 inches of it dangle. I swung it back and forth across her faintly reddened bottom, bringing a fresh flush to the cheeks, and whimpers and yelps from the little preteen's lips. But she never said, "No", or "Stop", or "Don't", or "Ouch"!

When I was done whipping her, I stood her up, enfolded her in my arms gently, and held her, and rocked her, and reached down to rub her reddened bottom as she whimpered and sniffled.

After that I took her to the reverend who managed the child welfare network of the village, a well-endowed institution, being a favorite of El Patron's. I insisted that he have her interviewed by the staff. I wanted to know what she wanted to do, and I wanted them to be satisfied with her decision. My former peers at the Courts would have sneered at me, but I preferred to rule by persuasion and respect now, rather than fear and force. It hadn't always been that way...

Darker memories sometimes bubble to the surface, unbidden. Long, long ago, the village was already there...

The yearly Festival of the Tiger was in full swing. Vendors were out in force, children ran and laughed. Jugglers and mimes, sword-swallowers and storytellers, everyone was there. On the side stages a few young girls, recently married to older boys or men, were bound in knee-chest position. Their husbands, dressed in tiger costumes, were busily whipping them as they cried out. One, a sweet-looking 13-year-old, was already being anally raped, moaning hoarsely with each thrust.

El Patron stalked down the street, retinue trailing behind. By his order, as at every Festival, all the never-married females were lined up along the sides of the street, naked. Young mothers held their naked baby daughters up as he passed, a little anxious, but trusting that past experience would hold true: in living memory, no girl younger than nine had ever been chosen for the Tiger. Most girls were married by 13, so seldom were there older teens or women present. Emotions among the girls were mixed, to say the least, but tempered by the knowledge that each one would receive a bounty for their participation, whether they were chosen or not.

Some of the townspeople watched avidly, others, seemingly uninterested, busied themselves at the booths. A few parents watched anxiously, whether worried that their daughters would be chosen, or worried that they wouldn't be, was sometimes hard to tell. Sometimes the parents couldn't tell, themselves.

He stopped at each one, patting a cheek here, caressing a nipple there. Some he lingered at: pretty little preteens, shivering and moaning at the attention to their nakedness. He would often run his hands up and down their slender bodies, cupping their buttocks, then administering a brisk, business-like spanking that left them softly sobbing.

Some he knew well. They had lined up before him in years past, but not chosen. He stopped in front of one he did not recognize. She was perhaps 12, or 13, relatively well endowed for her age. She looked almost haughty, certainly not as trepidatious as the proceedings deserved.

"And who is this proud beauty?" El Patron inquired of no one in particular.

"Her name is Liza, Your Grace; she recently moved to the village with her family," one of his aides answered.

"Why aren't you married yet, young lady?" El Patron asked her.

The girl stared back, almost...scornfully, then replied, "The boys here are so..."

"So immature?" he finished for her, with a small smile. She nodded slowly. He snapped his fingers. "Let all the eligible bachelors from, say, 15 years old and up assemble behind me now." With some bustle and confusion it was done.

"Now, young lady, let me see," he mused. As he did so, he reached out and seized her breasts, small, high, jutting out. She gasped and moaned as he kneaded and worked them, pinching and twisting her nipples. "Can you read?" Distraught at the abuse she was suffering, she did not answer. "I said, can you read?" he asked again, almost genially, but punctuating his question with a sudden smack to the front of her bare thighs.

"Y-yes, M'Lord," she managed to reply, hoarsely.

Indicating with a flick of his head, he asked the young men behind him, "Which of you can read?" He didn't bother to look; he knew that all would raise their hands. El Patron insisted on a proper education for all the children of the village. He smiled at the girl. "It would seem that they are not complete dolts, now, wouldn't it? Young lady, do you know Latin?"

She just stared at him. In the same tone he repeated the question, this time emphasizing it with a stroke from the tawse he pulled from his belt, across her naked breasts. "AAAH! N-no, M'Lord, I d-don't know Latin!"

"Can one of you young men tell me what 'Ex nihilo, nihil fit' means?"

He didn't have to wait for the answer. More than half immediately replied, "From nothing nothing comes, M'Lord."

"Very good. How about 'Cogito ergo sum'?"

All of them chimed in, "I think, therefore I am, M'Lord."

"So, young lady," he said, punctuating each phrase with a stroke of the tawse, now on breasts, now thighs, now buttocks, "It would seem that our lads are not such bumpkins as you supposed, would it? Would it, young lady?" He asked again, targeting the crack between her bottom cheeks for a particularly firm stroke that penetrated to her anus, making her jump and shriek.

"No, M'Lord, please M'Lord, they're all wonderful, M'Lord!"

"And you would have no objections to marrying any of them, would you, young lady?"

"No, M'Lord, I would love to marry one, please, please M'Lord!" she begged, as he continued to discipline her thighs, buttocks, and breasts with the tawse.

"Any of you young men who are not willing to marry her, step back." No one moved. The girl was pretty, and clearly favored by El Patron. "It seems you are not without suitors. Pick one," he commanded her quietly. The girl, dazed, stared from one boy to another, saying nothing. "Pick one," he repeated in the same tone of voice, emphasizing the order with a stroke of the tawse to her nipples.

She jumped and cried out, "AAAH! That one, M'Lord," indicating a tall, well-favored lad of about 19.

"Come forward, young man," El Patron ordered. The boy stepped up. El Patron took each of their hands and put them together. "I hereby pronounce you man and wife."

Addressing the new husband, he said almost off-handedly, "I want her publicly whipped, and publicly raped. Make sure she comes before you do, boy; use your tongue if you have to. You know how, yes?" The lad grinned and nodded. "Good," he replied. On a whim he reached out and seized the girl's cleft, probing for her hymen, then raking his finger forward to press her clitoris excruciatingly against her pubic bone. She trembled and yelped from embarrassment and from the unexpected stimulation. He withdrew his hand and rubbed his fingers together, demonstrating the wealth of natural lubrication she was already producing. "But you might not have to. Here, take this," El Patron said, tossing him the tawse. "Use it everywhere: thighs, buttocks, breasts, anus, and cleft. Give this man a tiger suit and set him up on a stage," he ordered his aides. "Let them have, say, half the 'Tiger's Bounty'."

That was a princely sum. "Thank you, M'Lord!" the lad exclaimed. The girl was swaying on her feet, eyes half closed, knees weak. He easily lifted her into his arms and carried her off. She draped her arms around his neck and nestled into him.

Dismissing them from his attention, El Patron continued down the line of girls. He came to one, a pretty little preteen of about nine. She seemed much more distraught than the rest. Despite the general command to remain displayed, she vainly tried to cover her nipples and cleft with her hands. She was sobbing quietly, head downcast. "And what about this poor little thing?" he asked. "Why such an outcry, hm?"

"By your leave, M'Lord, her family is also new to the village. Her parents had to be...threatened, to get them to allow her to answer the general call," one of his aides informed him, apologetically, indicating a couple standing not far away with a desperate look, accompanied by some of the village guard.

El Patron snapped his fingers. "My cloak!" he commanded. Puzzled, the aide handed it to him. With elaborate tenderness El Patron wrapped it around the grateful girl's shoulders, concealing her nakedness. "Two chairs, over there," he added, and it was done. He gently led her to them and sat beside her.

"So, little one, you don't like being naked before a grown man, eh?" he asked. She shook her head, eyes downcast. "That is understandable. But you must look at me when I am talking to you, and answer when spoken to, hm?"

She immediately looked up at him and stammered, "I-I'm s-sorry, M'Lord, I meant no..."

He cut her off with a wave of his hand. "Never mind that. I must decide what to do with you. Let me see..." he pondered for a moment. She and her parents looked on fearfully. Surely some horrible fate was in store for her. Yet why did he put a cloak around her, and speak so gently to her? "I have it. A quarter 'Tiger's Bounty' for you and your family, and you are exempt from the Tiger's Call until and unless you decide otherwise. How's that?"

The girl was confused, but barely realized that she was being excused from torment, and being granted a boon. "Th-thank you, thank you, M'Lord!"

"You are welcome. I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you. It is...a weakness of mine. I am fond of pretty little girls, like you. How do you like our village, otherwise?" he inquired solicitously.

"V-very well, thank you, M'Lord," she replied timidly.

"And your parents treat you well?"

"Yes, M'Lord."

"And you always behave yourself, do you not?"

"N-no, M'Lord, not always, I'm afraid..."

"That's not unexpected. Little girls often misbehave. Have you received punishment for every time you disobeyed your parents, or are there some times perhaps they don't know about, hm?"

"Not...every time, M'Lord."

"Then perhaps you would be kind to a poor old man, and let me give you a little spanking, since you have not received all that you deserved, eh?" He 'chucked' her tenderly under the chin, and gave her such a soulful look, that, to her and her parent's surprise, she found herself crawling onto his lap and laying down, the cloak riding up to present her bare bottom.

He proceeded to give her a brisk but not too sharp spanking, bringing little moans to her lips, little dances to her feet, and a little redness to her buttocks. He let her up with a last SMACK! that left her with a gasp and yelp, rubbing her bottom and stammering out, "Th-thank you, M-M'Lord, thank you." Then she raced off to her parent's arms. With a grateful look at El Patron, they hurriedly headed home. To no particular surprise on his part, El Patron would see her lined up again, next year...

Without further digressions, he examined the remaining girls. He concentrated on the preteens among them, lingering over their charms, spanking their bottoms and thighs open-handedly, pinching and twisting their nipples. He finally signaled his preliminary choices in the customary way: swinging the tawse a few times back and forth across a little girl's mons and cleftlips as she cried out wildly. He selected three in this manner.

They were brought to the center stage and each bound between two poles, spread-eagled. They were all three pretty little preteens, around ten years old, heartbreakingly slender, with only buds for breasts that barely broke the plane of their chests. Their clefts were unfledged, prominent clitorises poking out from between their puffy nether lips.

Then their discipline began in earnest. Now wielding a riding crop, El Patron whipped them thoroughly, going from one to another, swinging the tool back and forth across thighs front and back, buttocks, and nipples as they moaned and wailed. Then he amused himself by molesting their little charms, pinching and twisting nipples, cupping and hefting their little clefts, even penetrating and probing their anuses as they jerked and yelped.

But eventually he settled on one, the girl to the left, a stunning preteen with long blond hair, chest heaving and eyes half-closed from the intensity of her punishment so far. He seized her buttocks and began to front-spank her, sharp, medium-hard smacks that made her yip and yipe, dancing from foot to foot. He released her buttocks for a moment and held out his hand. An alert aide squirted some lubricant onto it. He insinuated it between her bottom cheeks to her anus, and pierced, penetrated, and probed her with first two, then three fingers at once as she cried out wildly. Meanwhile he interspersed her cleft-spanks with firm, excruciating rubbing of her clitoris against her pubic bone. Soon she was bucking, hips rocking back and forth, finally wailing out a precious preteen orgasm as he continued to spank her vulva and clit.

Suddenly he turned and stalked away. His retinue knew not to follow. For those who had eyes to see, his form seemed to flicker for a moment, looking almost...feline. The girl was taken to the clearing just outside the village, near the Manor. The townspeople followed, at a respectful (and safe) distance. She was bound, firmly but not painfully, in knee chest position on a wooden platform, with pads under her. A few minutes passed.

A roar was heard from behind the Manor. Suddenly, appearing as if out of nowhere, he was there, the Tiger, just a few yards from the platform. He approached the girl and stood for a moment with his head near hers, looking at her. A low growling could be heard. The girl whimpered.

Then he strode to her rear. His tongue, long and strong, lashed out, seizing her cleft. It was rough and sandpapery, yet slick at the same time, as he rasped it over her tender intimate parts, probing in to her hymen as she yelped, then rubbing firmly on her clitoris, even sliding back to penetrate her anus. In no time she was sobbing out another orgasm.

He rose up over her, his mighty frame dwarfing her. His rampant rod could be clearly seen. He took her from behind, like any tiger would, ramming his rod deeply into her, hardly caring if it was her anus or sex that he penetrated. In fact it was her girlcleft first, raping her of her maidenhead as she screamed and sobbed. Then, lubricated by her own blood and vaginal juices, he penetrated her anus, rutting deeply into her with the quick, hard, rhythmic thrusts of a male animal.

To many in the crowd the scene would occasionally shift, as if the Tiger's form were taking over the girl's as well, and she would seem to become a half-grown female tiger cub, being taken by the pride's alpha male, exercising his droit de seigneur on her as she mewled and yowled.

It was over quickly. Spent and sated, the Tiger withdrew and turned away almost contemptuously, stalking off behind the Manor. The girl was released to her parents, the Tiger's Bounty paid, the Festival over.

In my defense I can only say...nothing. It was indefensible. I am only thankful that I had enough of Amber in me to require no more blood in sacrifice than that which mixed with the Tiger's seed, trickling down her leg afterwards. And the Bounty was generous. Girls chosen for the Tiger were almost always immediately wed, suitors vying for such a richly endowed bride.

But that was long, long ago, so long that no one in the village remembered or recorded what really went on. The only vestige of such things was a saying regarding any pretty little girl, that she was "the Tiger's". And, during Festival, by tradition a preteen girl would be chosen to be the Festival Queen, wear a skimpy little outfit, and dance with a man dressed in a rather childish tiger costume.

Now I waited outside the offices of the children's welfare department, cooling my heels. Eventually Suzette emerged, and ran to me, throwing herself into my arms, saying, "Please, M'Lord, please let me stay with you, can't I, please?" I looked up to see the reverend smiling and nodding.

I held her close for a moment, then looked down at her, saying, "All right. For now. But we'll need to have a good talk, hmm?" She nodded happily.

So I took her back home. I let a few days go by, then sat her down for the talk. "Suzette, you have become very dear to me." She beamed. "But I know myself, and I know that I won't be able to go on living with you exactly the way we have." She looked confused, and a little stricken.

"Oh, M'Lord, please don't send me away, I wanna stay with you, O please, please!" I cut her short with a hand laid to her lips.

"Shh, I don't want to send you away, either. I want you to stay with me. But if you do, then I will not just raise you as my daughter, I will want you for my wife, and my slave," I replied. She seemed stunned.

"Allow me to explain. But first I have to know how much you know about some things. Do you know what it means to have sex?" Throughout all Shadows, I think the preteen 'of-course-I-know-that-do-you-think-I'm-stupid?' look is universal. "I'll take that for a yes," I chuckled.

"Then let me ask you this: do you know what 'sexual desire' is?" She looked puzzled. "Sexual desire is like being hungry for food, only it's 'hungry' for having sex. Most men have this desire often. Many women and girls do, too. Do you understand so far?"


"There actually are different types of sexual desire. Most men just have sexual desire for women and girls, usually pretty ones. But some men have other desires in addition to that. These other desires are called 'fetishes', and they come in many different forms. For instance, believe it or not, little one, there are some men who don't get fully sexually excited unless the woman they are with is wearing shoes, sometimes a particular type of shoes, like high-heeled red ones." She looked astonished. "It's true! And there are many other totally different kinds of fetishes.

"You might have guessed why I'm telling you all this. I am one of those men who have a fetish. Actually two of them. One of them is this: I enjoy spanking and sexually punishing a girl before and during sex. Oh, I can have sex without it, but it's much more enjoyable for me with it. I'm not talking about anything very painful, just the kind of punishments that any father might give his little girl if she's been naughty. But I do them...a little differently!

"The other desire I have is to have sex with a very young girl. A girl with slim hips, like yours," and I traced my hand over hers, as she froze to the touch, seeming at once freaked out, yet at the same time not scared at all. "And only buds for breasts, like you," and I caressed her little nipples through her thin blouse, making her tremble. "And the face of an angel, like yours," and I kissed her full on the mouth, not deep, but long and sweet. She was swaying where she sat, eyes half-closed, when I finally drew away. I cupped her chin in my hand and tilted her face towards mine. "So that's how it is, little one. I desire you. I love you. I want to take you as my daughter, and my wife, and my slave. I will love you, and cherish you, protect you, and care for you. I will also punish you, and bind you when I use you sexually, like a master with his slavegirl.

"But if you don't want that, I understand. It's a lot to ask! But if I can't have you completely, then I don't think I can bear to keep on living in the same house with you; it would be too frustrating for me! So I'd probably let the reverend find someone for you to stay with..." She pulled a face, the similarly universal preteen 'yuck' face. "I'll take that to mean you don't like that idea," I chuckled. She smiled shyly. "Well, little one, I'll tell you what. You sit here and think about it for a while. You don't have to decide right away. But sometime in the next few days I need to know what you want to do.

"And there's something else, something very important, that I'll need to tell you, but I'd rather not unless you decide you want to stay with me," I added.

I turned and headed for the door. But before I even touched the knob, "M'Lord," she said. I swiveled to face her. "I-I want to stay with you, M'Lord, as you desire it."

"Suzette, do you know what that means?" I wanted to make sure she understood.

"It means you get to rape me, doesn't it?" The question hung in the air between us, revolving lazily. My head buzzed. I could barely breathe. Vertigo, and a sudden jolt of...joy pierced me, so sharp it almost was nauseating. "Yes, it does," I finally managed to croak.

I think she might have mistaken my pallor, sweat, and unsteadiness as displeasure. She seemed stricken, then hung her head, mumbling, "But I'm so little, and not...sexy, like the big girls..."

I swept her in my arms and held her for a while. Then I looked into her sweet, trusting, sad eyes, and poured out my heart to her. How I loved her, and wanted to cherish her and be with her always. How I desired her sweet little body. How there was no one else in the world I would rather marry than her. The look on her face was worth more than all the jewels in the world, as she flung herself into my arms in a fierce embrace while I buried my face in her hair.

Then I remembered. "But, Suzette, there is one more thing I must tell you. And when you hear it, you may not want to stay with me, after all. Do you remember, when I rescued you, what happened?"

"Of course, M'Lord, there were those two...men, or something, and you came in, and...you were a-a tiger! And then I touched your..." she looked down in confusion.

"Yes, Suzette, I was a tiger. And I still am a tiger, sometimes. Not a real tiger, but I change into the shape of a tiger. Usually when it would be helpful, like then. But I also change into a tiger when I am...excited. Sexually excited. Do you understand?"

She thought about it a while, then nodded. "You mean, when you rape me, it will be the tiger raping me, right, M'Lord?"

I hardly expected her to catch on that fast, or to be so seemingly calm about it. I could barely croak out acknowledgment that, yes, indeed it would be the tiger that raped her. She just put her little arms around me again, saying, "OK. I love you. And I love the tiger."

I just held her for a long time, though it seemed like only seconds. After a while I whispered in her ear, "You know you've been a naughty girl, and you need to be punished, don't you?" I nearly held my breath, waiting.

After a long beat, she just said, "Yes, M'Lord."

I stood her up, bent her under my arm, and gave her a brisk, business-like spanking, WAPWAPWAPWAPWAP! She whimpered and yelped, "AAAH! OHOHOH! AAA!" as she danced from foot to foot.

I stood her back up, and unceremoniously pulled her dress over her head, and her panties down to her ankles, and commanded her to kick them off. Now she stood in only her knee socks and loafers, looking like an angel in despair after her spanking. I pulled my belt off and ran it through my fingers as she looked on, eyes widening, trembling in anticipation. I strolled around her naked form, slapping my doubled-up belt in my palm, admiring her slim hips, flat chest with nipples barely breaking the plane, cute little bottom, and most darling of all, her unfledged girlcleft peeping out from between her slender thighs.

Suddenly I swung the belt onto the backs of her thighs, SWAP! "OH!" she cried out, and then, "AAA! OOOOO! AH-AH-AH!" as I continued to whip her thighs and bottom. I took the strap-end of the belt and paddled her nipples with it, SMAKSMAKSMAK! "AAAAAH! OO-OO-OO-OO!" she cried out wildly. Soon her nipples were erect and fetchingly reddened. I paused for a moment to seize her little nipples and breast buds, kneading them and working them as she moaned and writhed.

I picked her up and carried her lithe form to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed I quickly fastened my mouth to her nipples, sucking and nibbling. Moving south I found her jewel of a navel, and blew a flurbish into it, making her squeal and giggle. Then my mouth slid down, down, to her maidenhood. I probed her with my tongue, pressing firmly against her hymen, making her cry out. Then I caught her clitoris in a long, excruciating bite between tongue and teeth.

She began to come. I quickly stood up and brought the belt down across her swollen, glistening cleft lips. She nearly screamed as she bucked up and down in the throes of her little preteen orgasm. As she shuddered out the last of it I swept her up in my arms and held her close. She clung fiercely to me, her tears staining my collar as her tremors slowly subsided. After a while I lay her gently down on the bed, kissed her forehead, and whispered, "Good night, little love." She was asleep before I pulled the covers to her chin.

I, on the other hand, spent the night in the forest, roaring!

The next day I sought out the reverend and made the arrangements. In no time we were standing in the church, I in my dress whites, she in a gorgeous confection of lace, saying, "I do."

When we got home I wasted no time. Desire was pressing greatly on me. In my, now our, chambers, I unceremoniously stripped her of her gown, leaving her naked before me. I took the tawse from my belt and began to discipline her on her thighs, bottom, and breastbuds as she moaned and yelped. Then I took her to the divan and bound her to it, securely but not cruelly, wrists and ankles, leaving her bottom high in the air, her anus and unfledged cleft fully exposed. She whimpered softly, then cried out wildly as I brought the tawse to bear directly on her intimate places. I whipped her there lovingly and long, taking great pleasure in her little cries and moans, seeing her writhe against her bonds, her little anus clenching with each stroke as her bottomflower and girlcleft were so fetchingly reddened.

I could feel the change coming on me. I tossed the tool aside and let it come. The Tiger was there. He moved to her head and purred, rubbing his fur against her, receiving her little kisses in return. Then he strode to her rear. His tongue, long and strong, lashed out, seizing her cleft. It was rough and sandpapery, yet slick at the same time, as he rasped it over her tender intimate parts, probing in to her hymen as she yelped, then rubbing firmly on her clitoris, even sliding back to penetrate her anus. In no time she was sobbing out a precious preteen's orgasm.

He rose up over her, his mighty frame dwarfing her. His rod was rampant. He took her from behind, like any tiger would, ramming his rod deeply into her girlcleft first, raping her of her maidenhead as she screamed and sobbed. Then, lubricated by her own blood and vaginal juices, he penetrated her anus, rutting deeply into her with the quick, hard, rhythmic thrusts of a male animal, as she wailed.

Then I was spent, collapsing over her, man-form once more, releasing her bonds and taking her in my arms as she sobbed out the last of her orgasm, and her distress at her punishment and tiger-rape, kissing me through her tears, holding me tight with her little arms and legs wrapped around me, both of us finally content.

The End


A note to my readers, faithful and occasional:

To any who are at all distressed by the unaccustomed features of this story, I apologize. It certainly was an unusual one for me. I don't expect that there will be another like it. I DETEST bestiality. This does NOT signal a major change in my subject matter. End of subject.

On a lighter note, huzzahs to the readers who can identify certain items from the story:

1. The author's name and the name of the series of his (there's one clue) books in whose 'universe' I have set this story.

2. The bit of action and dialogue I cribbed from those books.

3. The phrase I stole from an action movie, the name of the movie, and the actor's name who spoke the line.

4. The phrase I stole from an older comedy movie, the name of the movie, and the setting in which the original line occurred.

I long for comments and communication, so please, talk to me!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


My only problem with your story is that it seems a couple of paragraphs towards the end were exactly like a couple paragraphs from one of your other stories, 'The Elfgirl and the Ranger' I believe. Espeicially when Suzette is given the explanation regarding sexual desires and fetishes. It was almost like you just copied and pasted a couple bits from one of your other stories. I felt a little cheated but otherwise I enjoyed the story and still hope to see more from you in the future.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.