Published: 9-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Mandy was just getting ready to leave the sandwich shop when a girl came to her table and sat down across from her.
"Hi," she said. "My name's Danielle. What's yours?"
"Scarlett," Mandy replied. She considered the girl with some curiosity.
Danielle was pretty, with long curly brown hair and small brown eyes. She wasn't smiling, but she didn't look unfriendly, either. Mandy guessed she was the same age as her.
"Hi, Scarlett," Danielle said, and this time she did smile, at least a little. "Um, my dad, he's right over there." She pointed behind her with her thumb, and Mandy looked in that direction and saw a sort of good looking man, also with brown hair, who was about her daddy's age. He was looking right at her with a very intense gaze. Danielle continued: "He told me to come over here and ask you if you would do him a favor."
Mandy wrinkled her nose a bit, unable to completely hide her surprise. Men never got their kids to come up to her.
"What kind of favor?" she asked.
"Well," Danielle said, "he, um, wants to know if you would teach me how to do the stuff you do."
"The stuff I do?" Mandy said. "Do you even know what I do?"
Danielle got a slightly embarrassed look on her face and said, "Sort of. I know you do naughty stuff. My dad told me."
"And he wants me to teach you to do it too?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Mandy looked at Danielle, then looked at her dad, then looked at Danielle again, but she didn't say anything because she had no idea what the heck to say. This kind of thing had never happened before.
"He said he'll pay you lots of money," Danielle told her.
"Do you even want to do it?" Mandy asked.
Danielle shrugged her shoulders.
"I wanna make my dad happy," she said. "Plus, he said that if I learned how to do what you do, then maybe I could make lots of money for us too." She touched Mandy's hand with her own. "So, will you?"
Mandy heard herself shout NO! in her mind, but at the same time she felt something tug at her heart for this girl. She knew exactly what kind of situation Danielle was in.
"Okay," she finally said. "But it's going to cost your dad more money than he thinks."
Danielle suddenly got a scared look on her face and she said, "Well, don't ask for too much, though. I mean, don't make him mad. He might hit you."
'Now I really don't wanna do it,' Mandy thought to herself, but she didn't say anything. She just clicked her tongue, shook her head, and said, "Okay, fine. Let's go talk to him."
Mandy got up from the table and, with Danielle right behind her, went over to the dad's table. She sat down in the chair across from him and said, "Hi. Danielle says you want me to teach her stuff."
"Yes, I do," the man said, giving her a surprisingly charming and confident smile. "Did she tell you that I'm willing to pay you very well for your services?"
"Two thousand dollars," Mandy said. "And only oral. And if you hit either one of us I'm calling the police."
The man chuckled and sat back in his chair.
"A girl with spunk," he said. "I like that. My name's Paul, by the way." He paused, as if waiting for her to offer him her name, then went on. ?ow'd you get to be such a tough little cookie?"
Mandy shrugged and said, "I figured it out."
Paul suddenly dropped his smile and leaned forward, and in a low voice said, "Well, figure this out, sweetheart. You come with me and you teach my daughter what I want her to learn. I give you ONE thousand and you do what I pay you to do. And don't bullshit me about calling the cops, because we both know you won't. You don't want to end up in some foster home where you'll have to give it up for free to your foster dad, and you don't want your real dad to go to prison for pimping you out. Am I right or wrong?"
"My dad's not a pimp," Mandy replied. She was silent for a few moments, just returning Paul's level stare, then said, "Fifteen hundred."
"Done," the man said. He immediately got up from the table. "Come on."
Mandy got up too, and she and Danielle followed Paul out of the sandwich shop. She expected that he would lead her out to his car in the parking lot, but instead he went straight through the parking lot and started walking down the sidewalk on Tenth Street. She took Danielle's hand and they followed him down to Alexander Street, where they turned the corner.
They walked past a parking garage, crossed the street at Eleventh, then went past the post office. Mandy started to wonder where the heck they were going. They got to the next corner, at Cliff Street, and stopped there. Mandy realized that Paul was waiting for the light to turn green so he could cross Alexander Street. She looked across and saw a five story apartment building, the Bay View Lofts. They were some of the most expensive apartments in town. She remembered once when her daddy had said he wished he had enough money to live there.
The light turned green and Paul started across the street. Mandy, still holding Danielle's hand, followed him. They went in the front door, through a narrow alcove, and into a hallway that had elevators on one side. They got into the elevator and Paul pushed the button for the fifth floor. It went up really fast, making Mandy feel a little bit queasy.
When the elevator reached the top floor they all got out and Paul led the girls to the end of the hallway. He stopped at the last door on the left and unlocked it, then went inside with Mandy and Danielle right behind him.
The apartment wasn't really an apartment so much as just one giant room with a kitchenette and an attached bathroom. The furniture looked really expensive to Mandy; there was a black leather sofa placed right in the center of the room, another, white, sofa, along one wall. A big bed over in one corner, with an oak dresser next to it, and next to that a large oak desk. On the desk was what appeared to be a brand new computer, with a printer next to it. There was also a bookcase that was taller than Paul, and a big screen TV, and an entertainment center with a stereo, DVD player, and two VCRs. The floor was bare wood, and varnished to a gleam that reflected the light coming in from the huge window on the far wall. The window looked out on Puget Sound, and Mandy could see a big boat moving slowly along on the bay.
"Wow," she said before she could stop herself.
"Yeah, it's pretty nice, isn't it?" Paul said. "Costs enough, that's for sure. Which reminds me."
He crossed the room to the computer desk, bent down, and opened the bottom drawer. He took out a metal box and set it on top of the desk, then took a set of keys out of his pocket. He selected one key and used it to unlock the padlock, then opened the box and took out a huge stack of money, began counting it.
While Paul did all of that, Danielle had quietly taken a seat on the black leather sofa. She had her hands clasped together in her lap and she looked nervous. Mandy decided to join her. She went over and sat down, close enough that their legs touched, and she put her hand on top of Danielle's. Danielle looked at her and smiled and Mandy couldn't help but smile back. She thought that, if they'd met somewhere else instead of in a situation like this, they probably would have become friends. Then she thought maybe they could be friends anyway.
"Here we go," Paul said. He closed the metal box, locked it and put it back in the desk drawer, then held out a stack of bills in Mandy's direction. She took it and started counting it. Thirty fifty dollar bills. Fifteen hundred dollars, just like she'd said. She put the money in her purse, then set the purse on the floor. When she looked up again, Paul was standing directly in front of her, real close, and was unfastening the belt on his pants.
"First," he said, "I want you to teach Danielle how to give a good blowjob."
Mandy glanced at Danielle again; she was looking down into her lap now, as if she was embarrassed.
Paul got his belt undone, then his fly. He reached into his pants and pulled out his cock, which was unsurprisingly hard. It was also pretty short. He took another step forward, so that the end of his cock was only an inch away from Mandy's nose.
"Okay," Mandy said. She reached up and took his cock in her hand. "First you hold it like this," she said to Danielle, though she didn't look at her. "And you always be gentle with it. Don't squeeze it too hard or pull on it too hard, cause it's easy to hurt them that way. Next, you put it in your mouth and suck on it. Like this."
Mandy leaned forward a bit, opened her mouth, and wrapped her lips around the head of Paul's cock. She closed her eyes, then moved her mouth further down, taking more than an inch of the cock inside. She now had nearly half of Paul's cock in her mouth; it was really short. She slid her mouth back until just she had just the head in her mouth, then moved forward again. She did this three or four times, slowly and lovingly, and Paul moaned lightly as he touched Mandy's blonde hair.
Suddenly Mandy pulled her mouth off of his cock and said, "Just like that. Plus, you lick it too, like this." She proceeded to show Danielle, sliding her little tongue all over the shaft and head, which caused more moans to come from Paul's throat. "You can lick his balls, too. Guys really like that." She sent her tongue sliding all over Paul's balls, which, considering the meager size of his cock, were unusually large. Paul's moans turned to groans, and he took too fistfuls of Mandy's hair and pulled on it, almost hard enough to hurt.
"Suck it some more," he said, his voice deep and ragged.
Mandy complied, taking his cock back in her mouth and moving up and down over the head. She took his big balls in her small hand and held them gingerly as she sucked.
"Ah, that's great," Paul said. "Now, let Danielle try it."
Mandy removed her mouth from his cock and pointed it at Danielle, offering it to her like she would offer an ice cream cone.
Danielle looked at her dad's cock like it was a bug or something, glanced at Mandy for reassurance, then cautiously wrapped her fingers around it. Mandy let go and Danielle, even more cautiously, leaned forward with her mouth open and her eyes closed. She slipped her lips over the head the same way Mandy had, then just sat there with it in her mouth.
"Use your tongue and your lips," Mandy told her, "but not your teeth. Don't let your teeth touch it, cause that'll hurt."
Danielle nodded her head, then awkwardly began to suck her dad's cock. Mandy couldn't be sure if she was doing it right, but from the way Paul was sighing and moaning and touching Danielle's pretty brown hair and saying, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, suck Daddy's cock, sweetheart", she figured Danielle couldn't have been doing too badly. She reached over and started to lightly massage his balls again, which generated more intense noises from Paul.
"When he's ready to come," she told Danielle, "you'll wanna stop so you won't get any of it in your mouth."
"No," Paul said. "Keep going, sweetheart. Leave it in your mouth." He put one hand on top of her head to make sure she didn't pull away.
Danielle continued to move her young mouth up and down on her dad's cock, her eyes open now, looking surprised and sad at the same time. Mandy thought about telling her not to swallow when he came, and suggesting that she take over, but she didn't say anything. All she could do, she realized, was keep playing with his balls and watch. Eventually, Paul reached his peak. He groaned like he was lifting something really heavy and put his other hand on top of Danielle's head. Then suddenly Danielle was grimacing, and even trying to pull away from her dad, and Mandy knew that he was coming in her mouth.
"Ah God, ah God," Paul muttered.
Finally, he let Danielle go and she pulled her mouth from his cock, turned away, and began making gagging and spitting sounds. Mandy put her arm around the girl and patted her shoulder.
"It'll help if you drink something like orange juice," she told her. "And brush your teeth too."
"Goddamn," Paul said as he staggered backward a bit, zipping his fly. "That was amazing. Little brat must be a natural. I think I need to take a break."
He went over to the white sofa and plopped down onto it, grabbed a remote that was sitting on one of the cushions, and clicked on the big screen TV. As he did this Mandy helped Danielle get to her feet and took her toward the bathroom door.
"After you clean up," Paul called after them, "come on back out here and sit with me. I have something for you girls to watch."
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