Published: 16-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
This is intended for adults only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don't read this or download it.
If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now.
It was an innocent trip to the grocery store one Friday afternoon after work. I needed to pick up a few things for the weekend. As I pulled into the parking lot I couldn't help but notice her. She was walking into the store with her mother. She looked about fourteen, with light red hair. She was short, about 4' 10" and she reminded me of Patty, one of my teenage sweethearts. I quickly parked and went in to do my shopping. I've always been turned on by young girls, but had never acted out my fantasies.
While I shopped, I kept some distance between this beautiful creature and her mother. When they would stop, I would stop and look at whatever was on the shelf. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. All I kept thinking about was my teenage liaisons with Patty. This creature had the same body type as Patty. She was short and had hips a touch wider than most girls. Her legs were short and her breasts were small lemons on her chest. After turning into the third aisle, her mother said something to her and she headed right towards me. As our eyes met, she smiled at me when I smiled back she blushed a little and said "Hi". I was astounded! She walked past me and at the end of the aisle she picked up a can of "Spaghetti O's" and headed back my way. She had caught me looking at her and she was smiling. I turned away and saw her mother turning around the end of the aisle. Now I had a dilemma. Do I act on this seemingly receptive little girl or leave her alone.
She made the decision for me. When I turned around, she was standing right behind me. "My little brother really likes these" she said looking me straight in the eyes.
I was stunned! I stammered "I figured you were to old to still eat 'em."
"How old do you think I am?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe fifteen?".
"You really think I'm fifteen?"
"Yeah. why, how old are you?"
"Well. you could've fooled me".
"Um, I'm April." She stuck out her hand and I cautiously and gently grabbed it and shook it. "What kind of things do you like to eat?"
"All kinds of stuff"
Just then, her mother came back around the end of the aisle "April, what's going on?"
"I bumped into this man by mistake mom. I was just apologizing."
"Well come on, I'm waiting."
She looked at me and winked "Sorry" and walked away.
I continued to shop following April and her mom. Every once in a while she would look back to see if I was still there and would smile. By the time I got to the check out I had picked up things I had never even thought of buying before.
April and her mother were in the check out line next to me and we would exchange glances and smiles. They finished checking out before me and as she left. she turned around and blew me a kiss. I couldn't believe it! This thirteen year old was flirting with me!
As I left the store, April was standing outside with the full shopping cart. I saw her mother walking toward the back of the parking lot.
"I really like ice cream"? she said as I walked by. "I'll be at Braum's in the mall tomorrow afternoon around one o'clock"
"I eat ice cream every now and then" I replied. "Maybe I'll get some tomorrow, too"
"Cool. maybe I'll see you there".
"Maybe." I said and I headed off to my car.
Friday night was going to be a work night for me. I usually went to a hockey game and reported it for the local newspaper but my mind just wasn't on it. I decided to watch it on TV and stay home to contemplate what I was going to do tomorrow. Did I act on this opportunity or did I do the smart thing and forget about it.
After the game, I wrote my story on the old computer and faxed it to the paper. Staying home that night turned out to be a bad idea. All I could think about was April. Around midnight, I pulled out my pictures from high school. I found several with me and Patty, my old girl friend and was astounded at the similarities between Patty and April. April was a dead ringer for Patty. Although their faces were a little different, and Patty was a few years older, their bodies were almost identical. Patty and I had never fucked, but we did play around quite a bit. At the parities our friends would have, Patty and I usually ended up together alone somewhere playing with each other's bodies. Patty was catholic and was afraid of getting pregnant. That night I had a dream about Patty and I guess that was what made up my mind. So Saturday afternoon I jumped into the car and drove out to the mall.
I was still nervous and couldn't believe I was actually going to meet a thirteen year old at an ice cream parlor. When I got to Braum's I looked in the window and saw April sitting in a booth by herself. She saw me, smiled and waved me in. Well here goes nothing. After I sat down she asked me my name and said she was really glad I had shown up. I explained to her how nervous I was to be sitting here with a girl her age and she told me she was really nervous too. She said that she usually came to the mall on Saturdays with her friends and they would walk around the mall and then go to the movies. She told me her friends were watching "Twister" and that if I wanted to she could spend the day and the evening with me. She said that her parents were going out that night and she didn't have to be home until ten . When I asked her what we would do she said "Why don't we rent some movies and take them to your place and watch them. You do have a VCR don't you?" I told her I did but we didn't have to rent any movies because I had a big collection of movies at home.
"Could we pick up a pizza for supper?"
"Sure, but let's wait till later and I'll have on delivered." So off we went to my place.
When we got there, she looked at my bookshelf full of movies and said "What do you want to watch?". I told her that she could choose any one she wanted. She walked over to the shelf and started to look through my collection. With her back towards me she looked just like Patty. She was wearing cut off jeans that were very tight and a red tank top. She looked so sexy. I still couldn't believe she was in my living room. After a couple of minutes she turned around and with a sly grin on her face said "What are these adult films?"
I blushed a told her they were probably not the type of movie she would want to see. "They are X rated movies".
"You mean they are porno flicks?"
"How do you know I wouldn't want to see one? Are people having sex in them?"
"Sure, that's what x rated movies are."
"I've never seen one, can we watch on please? I've never seen anyone have sex before".
"Are you sure you want to watch one? They're very explicit."
"What do you mean explicit?"
"They show everything you could possibly imagine."
"That sounds interesting, I really want to see one."
Well I got up and pulled out the film called "Sex with Tiny Women". I thought that would be appropriate because here was this little thirteen year old girl wanting to watch porno flicks. I put the tape in and turned on the big screen TV. April had plopped herself into one of the recliners I had facing the TV. I sat down on the couch.
The first scene was with a girl and a guy starting out just kissing and then feeling each other up. They undressed and they started masturbating each other. April commented on how big the guys "thing" was. When the girl started to suck him off she said "How can she get it all in her mouth?" The entire scene was a long blow job and when the guy was ready to come he shot his load right into the girl's mouth. "She swallowed his sperm didn't she?"
"Yeah, most guys like it when the girl swallows. That way she is not known as a spitter."
"A spitter. What's that?"
"That's when the girl spits the guys sperm out and doesn't swallow it."
"Do you like a spitter?"
"No, it really turns me on when the girl swallows as much of my sperm as she can."
April didn't say much for the next couple of scenes. They covered the usual stuff sucking, licking pussy and several positions of fucking. At the end of the fourth scene the girl spit out some of the guy's cum and April exclaimed, "She's a spitter, isn't she?"
"Yep, see how she spit it out, it kind of ruined the mood didn't it?"
"I guess so."
We watched another blow job scene in silence and after the girl had swallowed a load of cum April said, "I'm thirsty, do you have anything to drink?"
"What can I get you, a beer, soda or ice tea?"
She said she didn't like beer but a soda would be fine, Pepsi if I had one. I went off to the kitchen just as the next scene started. While I was in the kitchen I heard April shriek, "Is he putting his 'thing' in her butt?"
When I got back into the living room Rod Jeremy was fucking a blonde in the ass.
"Yeah, some girls like that."
"Have you ever done that to a girl?"
"A couple of times. It can be really erotic."
At the end of the scene Rod pulled out of the girls ass and she started to suck him off.
"How can she put that in her mouth after it was in her butt?" April asked.
"A girls did that to me once and she told me it really doesn't taste much different if the girl washed carefully before she had sex."
The next couple of scenes included everything, sucking, licking, fucking and anal actions and then the tape ended. April looked at me from her chair and asked, "Can we watch another one, these are interesting."
"Sure," I said, "why don't you pick this one out, they all are pretty much the same."
After April had picked one out she loaded it into the VCR and asked where the bath room was. I told her and she disappeared. When she didn't come back after ten minutes, I got up to see if she was all right. I was just about to say something when I heard a little moan come from the bathroom and then I heard the water running. I kind of figured that she was jerking off so I let her be and returned to the living room.
After another ten minutes April came back in and I could see she was a little flushed and instead of sitting in the recliner she asked if she could sit next to me on the couch.
"Sure, I'd like that." She smelled of "Irish Spring" soap I used and I knew that she had spent some time in the bathroom cleaning up.
As we watched the next film in the VCR she moved closer to me and I slowly put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. She looked at me and smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. The scene we were looking at was of a girl masturbating and I look down at April and asked if she had ever done that before. She blushed heavily and said she hadn't and I just smiled to myself.
After a couple of good facial cum shot scenes April looked up at me and asked, "Do these kinds f movies turn you on?"
"Are you turned on now?"
"I'm not turned on by the movies as much as I'm turned on by sitting here with you".
"Really. I turn you on?"
"Sure, do you think I'd be sitting here with my arm around you if I wasn't attracted to you? You are very pretty and you look very sexy."
"You think I'm sexy. Nobody ever said that to me before."
"You are the sexiest girl I've seen in a long time. April."
"Do you have a hard on?"
"Yeah, I've been hard for quite a while."
"Can I see it? I've never seen a real hard on before."
With that she undid my belt, zipped down my pants and reached in and pulled out my cock.
"It's really hard and smooth. Do you want me to jerk it?"
I smiled down at her and she started to give me her first hand job. After a few strokes she asked, "Can I suck it? I want to taste what a 'thing' tastes like?"
I put my hand on her head and pushed her down towards my cock. It was a dream come true. My first blow job from a teenager. I had fantasized about this many times in my adult life but never thought it would happen.
April took my cock into her mouth and started to bob her head up and down. She must have learned a lot from watching the movies because she picked up the technique really fast. I knew it wouldn't be long before I shot a big load of cum into her virgin mouth.
"Are you going to be a spitter or a swallower, April?"
"I want to swallow all your sperm. I want to taste it."
She continued to suck like the eager teen she was.
"Am I doing it right?" she asked as she jerked me off and looked into my eyes.
"You're doing a great job, baby, keep sucking, please. This is a dream come true."
She put my cock back into here mouth and sucked and sucked.
"Take more of it sweety. Take as much as you can. It feels sooo goood."
She moved her head down farther and farther taking more and more of my cock into her mouth.
"Take it all, little girl. I can't believe how good you are. Take all of it."
With that she took all of my modest six inches into her mouth. She bobbed up and down, up and down, sucking harder each time. When I couldn't take any more I said, "I'm gonna cum, little girl. I'm gonna cum in your beautiful little girl mouth. Eat all my sperm, little girl. Eat it all!"
As she moved her mouth up to the head of my cock I exploded like I never had before. Cum shot out of my cock and into her mouth in intense thick globs. April, not wanting to disappoint me kept her mouth at the tip of my cock and started swallowing for all it was worth. She sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed. I couldn't believe how much cum I was shooting. It seemed like gallons, but April didn't loose a drop.
As the final jet of sperm shot out of my cock April lowered her head and took my entire length deep into her mouth and continued to suck and bob until my cock started to soften. With one last suck she pulled my cock out of her mouth and looked up at me and smiled.
"That tasted great! I thought sperm would be gross but it was great! You really shot a lot."
"I've never cum like that before. You are really good. That's one of the best blow jobs I've ever had. Are you sure that was your first time?"
"I promise," she said "I've never ever seen a 'thing' before today."
"Sweetheart. you have to come up with a better word for it than 'thing', call it a cock. That sounds more sexy."
"O K, I've never even seen a cock before today. Except for my little brother's in the bath tub."
"Well for a first timer, you were great!" I kissed her forehead and started to work my way down her face to her lips. When our lips met she didn't open her mouth, she just kissed me closed mouthed.
When I kissed her cheek she whispered, "Teach me to French kiss, I've never done that."
"You mean you've never had a tongue in your mouth either?"
"No, teach me."
"You've had a cock in your mouth before a tongue, that's really turning me on, April. Just open your mouth and stick you tongue in mine, that's all there is to it."
Our first French kiss was something to behold. As our lips met she slowly parted her lips and our tongues met for the first time. She picked up the technique fast. Our kisses became more passionate every second. I slowly moved my hands around and started rubbing her sides and slowly moved my way towards her little breasts. April moved her body to give me better access and when I lightly squeezed them for the first time she moaned and drove her tongue deeper into my mouth.
After a few squeezes on those little tits, I moved my hand down and pulled her tank top out of her shorts and pulled it over her head. When she lifted her arms to allow the top to come off she looked into my eyes and gave me the sexiest smile I had ever seen. Her bra was white and lacy and as I moved to kiss her she gave me access to the snap behind her and when it was undone, her bra fell into her lap.
Her tits were beautiful. They were the size of oranges and had tiny red nipples that were fully erect.
"You've got beautiful breasts, April. They're perfect."
I reached up and squeezed first the right one then the left. Her nipples became more erect each time I squeezed. I kissed her mouth and then worked my way down to her breasts. As I took her nipple into my mouth she moaned. "That feels sooo goood. Keep sucking me."
I sucked each tit and slowly ran my hand in circles down her stomach. When I got to her waist I started to kiss my way down. I ran my hand over her jean covered pussy and squeezed her crotch.
"Oh, that feel so nice." she purred as I kissed her navel and licked her stomach.
"Are you ready for your first blow job?" I asked as I squeezed her cunt through her pants.
"Lick me, please! I want to feel you tongue down there!. I can't wait any longer!"
When my mouth reached the top of her shorts I reached up and unbuttoned them and slowly pulled her zipper down. She was wearing pink cotton panties and I could smell her sex as I pulled her pants and panties down. She lifted her ass off the couch and they rolled over her hips, past her knees and off her ankles.
Her pussy was the prettiest I had ever seen. She had a small dark red bush shaped like a V that ended just above the folds of skin of her cunt. Her libia lips didn't stick out at all. Just the kind of pussy that I loved. Her folds were thick and some of her juices were visible. I kissed and licked the top of her pubic hair and reached up to squeeze her little tits.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked.
"Lick me, please!" she moaned.
"Where?" I asked.
"Down there. Now!"
"What do you mean, down there?" I teased.
"My crotch. Lick my crotch!"
"It's called a pussy or a cunt, April. Now where do you want me to lick?"
"Lick my cunt! Eat my pussy. please, I can't take it much longer," she moaned.
I started licking her at the top of her little bush. As I moved closer to her cunt she reached down and grabbed my head and pushed it down towards her virgin opening.
"Lick me, lick me, lick me please!" she pleaded. "I want to feel your tongue on my pussy."
I opened her legs dove right in. This thirteen year old cunt had just a faint smell to it and a tangy taste. When I ran my tongue over her tiny clit she jerked her hips up and pushed my face deeper into her pussy.
"Oh, God, that feel soooo gooood!"
I spread her cunt open and slid my tongue down to her virginal opening. When I stuck my tongue into her vagina she moaned with pleasure and raised her hips to force more of my tongue into her.
I started to lick he pussy with everything I had. After a few minutes I stopped and told her to turn over and get on her knees. "I want to see your beautiful ass, April. Show me your ass while I eat your cunt!"
She had one of the most gorgeous asses I had ever seem. I kept thinking, "This girl is the spitting image of Patty, It's incredible". Patty had never let me lick her. I think she was afraid that if I did she wouldn't be able to control herself and beg me to fuck her. Now I was licking a pussy that looked just like my childhood sweethearts. I had even been blown by a girl that looked just like her!
I pushed April forward to get better access to that beautiful cunt. Patty had more hair, of course, she had been three years older when I would make out with her, but April's cunt had the same folds and clit. there asses were almost identical too. I licked April's pussy up and down and in and out. I could smell the Irish Spring soap in her ass crack and I thought to myself, "This girl had washed herself after she beat off in the bathroom, She remembered to wash her ass! Maybe she wants me to fuck her there! April wiggled her ass every time I ran my tongue from her clit to her asshole.
"Do you like it when I lick you ass, baby?" I asked.
"Yes, I love all. Don't stop. Keep licking me. I want to cum from your tongue!"
I could feel her body starting to shake so I concentrated on her clit and vagina lips. I quickly rolled over and pulled her pussy down to my mouth and sucked on her tiny clit as hard as I could. April let out a small scream.
"I'm going to cum! Suck my cunt and make me cum! I'm sooo close! Suck my pussy! Harder, harder. Oh God I', cuuummmmming, I'm cummmmminnnngg!"
Aprils body began to shake like an earthquake as she experienced her first orgasm.
"It feels soooo goooood, sooooooo goooood!" She pushed her cunt down hard onto my face and just kept shaking and screaming, "Aaaahhhh, yes. Aaahhhh yyyyeeeesssss! I'm doing it. I'm doooiinnnngggg iiitttt!"
She finally stopped shaking and collapsed onto my chest. Her breathing was fast and heavy and sweat was dripping from off her face onto mime, "That was incredible! I never felt anything like that before."
"Was that better than in the bathroom?"
"Definitely," then she blushed. "What do you mean in the bathroom?"
"Well when you took so long coming back I went to see of anything was wrong and I heard you in there. Don't be embarrassed, I jerk off all the time when I watch these movies."
I sat up on the couch and by now my dick was rock hard again. As I sat up my cock hit the crack of Aprils ass and she smiled and we kissed.
"Can you taste yourself on my lips?" I asked.
"I think so. Did I taste good?"
"Incredible, sweety. I've wanted to taste a young pussy for a long time now. You made one of my fantasies come true. You have an incredible body. I could eat you all day."
"You might just get that chance, big boy. But first I want to feel your cock inside me. I want you to take my virginity with your hard cock!"
April reached behind herself and grabbed my cock and put it at the opening of her virgin cunt.
"Fuck me, please. Make me cum with your cock!"
"It might hurt your first time." I said. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Fuck me!" April lowered her beautiful pussy onto my rock hard cock. Lower and lower she went until it hit her hymen. A surprised look appeared on her face when my cock just stopped going into her.
"That's your cherry" I said. "When it breaks that barrier it's gonna hurt."
April just looked into my eyes and said, "Take my cherry. Take my virginity"
"No, you take it. You pop your own cherry. You can use my cock, but I want you to take your own virginity."
With a determined look on her face, April raised up an inch and crashed down on my cock with all her might. Her hymen broke quickly and she let out a little scream but now my cock was buried to the hilt. Our pubic bones were rubbing against each other and April just stayed there while her tight little thirteen year old cunt relaxed around my hardness. She slowly began to move up and down on my prick. As she picked up the pace, she lowered her lips to mine and we kissed our most passionate kiss ever.
"I did it! I popped my own cherry! Now I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before!" April started riding my cock with slow steady strokes. I couldn't believe how tight her pussy was around my dick. Her pussy seemed to be sucking it! The expression on April's face was so exotic as she bobbed her cunt up and down.
"April, you are so beautiful. You're fucking me soo good. It's another fantasy come rue. I can't believe I getting fucked by a thirteen year old. Your pussy is so tight, it's like it's sucking me off. Ride me little girl. Ride my cock with your tight virgin pussy. Watch it go in you, baby. Look at disappear into your cunt. Fuck me April. Fuck me little girl. Little girl pussy is soooo goood. Fuck me little girl."
"Oh, Jeff, it looks so cool going in me! Your cock feels so good in my little cunt. It fits perfectly. I want to make you cum with my tight, virgin pussy."
"You are so beautiful April. Your red haired pussy is so tight. Keep fucking me. Fuck my cock with your red haired cunt. Your cunt is so tight. This is the best fuck I've ever had. Your pussy is the tightest I've ever felt. Fuck me, little girl, fuck me!"
I pulled April's little tits into my mouth and sucked each nipple into total hardness. April moaned as my cock kept disappearing into her tight hole. We kissed and fucked for what seemed like hours.
"Let's try a different position, baby. I want to fuck you now. Let me fuck you from behind so I can see your beautiful ass."
April climbed off my cock and got on her knees on the floor in front of me. She poked her gorgeous ass in the air and said, "Put your cock in me. Make me cum with that beautiful cock. Fuck from back there."
I got down on my knees and slowly slid by manhood into her tight cunt.
"Close your legs, little girl. I want to feel your complete tightness" April closed her legs and her pussy fully engulfed my prick. She was so tight this way. I wet my middle finger and rubbed it against her little asshole.
"Umm, that feels soo goood when you rub my butt. Stick your finger in it. I want your cock in my cunt and your finger up my ass! Finger my ass!" April's incredible ass opened to my probing finger. I tried to keep the same rhythm with my finger and my cock as she moaned in delight.
"That feels so good" she moaned. "Fuck me harder, fuck me faster"
I picked up the pace and slammed my hard cock harder and faster into her thirteen year old cunt.
"Fuck me, fuck me" she cried. I wet a second finger and slipped both fingers into her willing ass. "Oh, yes. Finger my ass. Fuck my pussy. I'm almost there. I'm almost ready to cum!"
"Tell me when you're cumming. I want to cum with you, little girl. I want to shoot my sperm into your tight pussy!"
"Yes, yes, cum inside me. I want to feel your sperm inside my pussy"
As my cock fucked her little pussy and my fingers fucked her ass, I could feel her body starting to shake as when I was eating her.
"Oh God, I'm almost there. I'm almost there." she cried. "Fuck me, Jeff. Fuck me. I'm going to cum. I'm going tooo cuuuuummmmmm!"
As her body began to shake with more violence than her first orgasm, I could feel my sperm churning up from my ball. I knew I shouldn't shoot my load into this young thirteen year old, but my cock was doing my thinking for me. April's pussy started to spasm and grip my cock tighter and tighter as her orgasm built. When she screamed out her first cock induced cum, my cock sent jet after jet of hot gooey sperm deep inside her virgin cunt.
"I can feel you shooting inside me! I can feel your cum! Fill my pussy with your cock and your sperm! Fill me up!"
As the last jets of my jism shot into her, April cunt relaxed a little and my sperm leaked out and down her legs. I kept fucking this precious young thing until my cock finished spurting and we both collapsed on the floor with me still inside her.
"God, that was incredible April. You are the best lay I've ever had." I whispered as I tried to catch my breath.
"I thought my cunt was going to burst." she said. "You filled me with so much sperm. It felt so good when it shot inside me."
I reached down and inserted two fingers into her cum filled pussy, scooped up some of my sperm and brought up to her mouth. She eagerly licked my spunk off my fingers and sucked them clean.
"It tastes better this way with my pussy juices in it." she said. I quickly did it again and she licked my finger clean once more
I cradled her in my arms for what seemed like twenty minutes and gently kissed her cheek and neck. We lay there like that for a while, just breathing and sweating in each others arms. Finally, April turned to me and said, "I think I should go to the bathroom and clean up a little.". She got up and headed for the bathroom.
I looked at the clock and noticed it was 6:30 and asked her if she was ready for pizza. She said yes and I got up, went to my bedroom and brought two bathrobes out. I put on and called Pizza Hut and ordered pizza to be delivered.
Ten minutes later, April came back into the living room smelling fresh and clean.
"Did you order pizza?"
"It will be here in about twenty minutes"
"I hungry now." she said and got down on her knees if front of me and took my limp cock into her eager young mouth.
"You are so incredible April. You can't get enough of my cock, can you?"
She looked up at me with those blue eyes, smiled, and said.
"I'm just hungry for cock and sperm for my appetizer." Her sucking brought my overworked cock to another erection and she proceeded to suck me off better than she did the first time.
"You are so good at this," I said and leaned back on the couch. She looked so sexy making my cock disappear between her red lips. She sucked me slowly as if she didn't want me to cum right away .
I could feel another load build in my ball, ready to explode when I heard a car pull up outside.
"The delivery guy's here, baby. You better stop."
"Not until I've swallowed my sperm cocktail"
Just as the doorbell rang, I began shooting another big load of hot, gooey sperm into April's thirteen year old mouth. When it rang a second time I shouted, "Just a second" and April finished swallowing my load. I closed my robe, went to the door and paid for the pizza. I tipped the delivery guy and apologized for the delay.
April ate more than half the pizza. I watched her devour the food like she devoured my cock. After dinner was gone April stood up, looked at me, and said, "How about some desert?"
"What did you have in mind?"
She took off her robe and said, "I bet you'd like some red haired pussy pie."
"Sit on the table my sweet desert."
April sat on the table in front of me and spread her legs revealing her pussy to me. "Your desert, sir."
I dove in and lapped the pussy pie in front of me. I still couldn't believe how gorgeous her cunt looked and tasted. She really enjoyed my eating. I looked up at her and asked, "Would you like desert too, little girl? How about I eat pussy pie and you have a cream filled cock?"
"I think that would be perfect."
I picked her up from the table and carried her into the living room. I laid down on the floor and told her, "Straddle my face and we can both have our desert together."
April turned around, straddled my head and we began to sixty -nine. Her lips were incredible. She had really mastered cock sucking. I licked her moist pussy while she sucked my cock. She had cleaned all the cum from her cunt before dinner and she smelled and tasted as fresh as a pussy could taste. Her mouth devoured my cock like she hadn't eaten in weeks. I sucked her clit, licked her cunt lips, stuck my tongue into her recently deflowered vagina and then licked my way up to her beautiful ass hole.
"Just lick my ass. Get it wet," she said.
I continued to lick her clean, fresh ass hole. I spread her cheeks and stuck my tongue into her ass as far as I could.
"Oh yes. That feels so good." she said between sucks on my manhood. Her ass was so beautiful and it tasted so good. Her mouth was so hot on my cock and she sucked it so good that I knew it wouldn't be long before I shot another load into this willing, thirteen year old's mouth.
My tongue lapped at this little girls ass and her head kept bobbing up and down on my hard cock. I felt that special feeling of my sperm churning in my balls and without a work, I began shooting into April's thirteen year old mouth. She eagerly sucked every drop down her throat and I began to soften in her mouth. April kept wiggling her ass on my face as her mouth continued to suck me dry.
I would have thought I couldn't get it up again, but to my surprise, this talented thirteen year old had me hard again in no time. When my cock was rock hard for the fifth time that day she moved away from my face and said, "I want to try it in my ass. Put your cock up my ass."
I got behind her and placed the head of my prick at her anal opening.
"You ready little girl?"
"Yes, put it in there. Fill my ass with your cock."
I slowly pushed the glands past the opening of her sphincter. Her ass seemed to pull my cock into her.
"Shove it in. Shove it all the way in, quickly. Fuck my little asshole."
I pushed with all my might and my cock disappeared into her beautiful ass. I pulled out slowly and plunged back in. I quickened my strokes and began burying my cock to the hilt.
"Oh, it feels so big in my ass. Fuck it harder. Fuck it faster. Bury your meat in my ass."
"Your ass is so tight. It sucking my cock, April. Your ass is literally sucking my cock!"
April began to move back against my thrusts. My cock went deep into this thirteen year olds anus. The sight of my hard member going in and out of her nice round ass was more that I could stand.
"Finger your pussy while I fuck your ass, little girl."
April reached between her legs and inserted two finger into her recently deflowered cunt. I could feel the pressure of her finger against my cock as it plunged deep into her ass hole. My balls were slapping against her hand as I increased the rhythm of my fucking.
"Oh, God, that feels incredible. I wish you had two cocks. One for my pussy and one for my ass. It feels soo good. Your cock is filling my ass. Fuck it. Fuck it."
I could feel her orgasm building as my manhood buried itself into her anus.
"Cum for me little girl. Cum with my cock in your beautiful ass.'
"Keep doing it. I want to cum. I want you to make me cum with your cock in my ass"
I continued to plunge my ridged prick into her virgin asshole.
"Where do you want me to shoot, baby. Do you want me to shoot my cum in your ass?"
"Shoot in my mouth. I love eating your sperm. I want to suck your cock after it's been up my ass. Hold it till I finish cuming."
"Anything for you, little one. Anything at all. I'll save it for your wonderful mouth."
I could feel April start to shake and I knew it wouldn't be long before she experienced her first anal orgasm.
"Cum for me baby. Let it all out. Cum for me little girl."
April collapsed to the floor but I kept pumping her asshole. Then she started shaking and let out a loud shriek. I thought I was killing her by the noises she was making.
"I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I'm cuuuuuummmmmmmiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg!"
April's ass tightened around my cock and her body shook so much I thought she was going to literally explode.
"Ahhhhhhh. Fuuuucccckkkk mmmmeeeeee. Fuuuuucccccckkkkk mmmmmmeeeeee. Gggggoooooodddddd, ffffffuuuuucccccckkkk mmmmmeeeeeee!," she cried.
When her body stopped vibrating, I withdrew my rod from her ass, she turned over and I straddled her face.
"Suck me till I'm ready to cum, little girl. I want to jack off into your mouth. I want to watch my sperm shoot into your mouth."
April took my cock into her willing mouth and began to suck like there was no tomorrow. Her head was moving so fast I thought she would pull a muscle. My shaft disappeared into her mouth until her nose was in my pubic hair. I grabbed her head and began to fuck her mouth like it was her beautiful pussy.
"You look so sexy being fucked in your mouth little girl. I've never fucked anyone in the mouth before. Take it all, baby."
I continued to fuck her mouth until I felt that familiar churning in my balls. Just when I was ready to explode, I withdrew from her eager lips and told her, "Open that sexy mouth, little girl." I want to watch my sperm shoot into you."
With a grunt and a fast hand I watched as April opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and began licking the head of my cock. "Here it comes, little girl. Take all my cum in your mouth." Stream after stream of hot, thick sperm shot out of my cock, hit the top of her mouth and ran to the back of her throat. The sight was so erotic I thought I would never stop shooting. A pool of sperm gathered at the back of the thirteen year olds mouth.
Just before the last jet erupted from my shaft I shoved it into her mouth and she eagerly sucked my rod. She kept sucking my cock until it was completely soft and limp. I pulled my prick from her lips and she opened her mouth to show me that my load was still in her sexy mouth. She closed her mouth and swallowed every drop. Then she licked her lips, smiles and said, "That tasted great. I could taste my ass on your cock. It was wonderful."
I collapsed in a heap beside her and I thought I was going to pass out. My head was spinning and I could swear I saw stars. I lay there for quite a while.
When I had recovered enough to speak I reached over to April and kissed her deeply on the mouth. I could taste my semen mixed in with her saliva. She returned my kiss and said, "I think now I've done everything on those videos except have more that one cock in me at one time."
We rested for a while and then decided we should clean up and get dressed. While we were in the shower, April asked me if I had a video camera.
"No, but I know I could borrow one from somewhere. Why?"
"I thought it would be fun to make a movie of us fucking."
I've always wanted to have a video of young girls and I thought why not. Then another idea struck me.
"I would probably be hard to make a video with just us there. Someone would have to run the camera so it could move around and get different shots like those in the movies we saw today. Maybe you could find a friend or two who would be willing to do it. Wait, I know. Why don't you get another girl about your age and a boy, we could make a really exciting movie if we had them. We could take turns shooting and stuff."
April, while rubbing soap on by balls grinned slyly and said, "I think I know who I could get. There's a girl that lives down the block. We both baby-sit the Webster twins. I bet she would go for it. The only problem is she's only twelve and in the sixth grade"
My heart skipped a beat. Fucking a twelve year old would really be a fantasy come true.
"That's OK. If she'll do it it's all right with me. What about a boy?" I really wanted to get teenagers having sex on video.
"Ted Robinson is always trying to get his hands on me when I'm over at Clarissa's house. I bet he'd do it. I don't know if Clarissa would want to fuck her brother though."
"Is Clarissa the girl you were talking about bringing over?"
"Yeah, Clarissa has always been a bit wild. I'm pretty sure she'd really get into sex."
"Why don't you ask them. Just make sure they will keep their mouths shut. We could get into a lot of trouble doing what we are talking about."
April nodded and kissed me on the end of my prick.
"I bet once Clarissa takes a look at this she'll react the same way I did. I'll call you this week and you can pick all of us up at the mall next Saturday, OK?" With that settled, we quickly dressed and I drove April home. I can't wait till next weekend!
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