Schoolhouse Stretch, Part 1

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Published: 3-Mar-2012

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Cecily was having real problems with her assignment. She had one of the tightest cunts in her class (in fifth grade, her classmates had dubbed her Glove) and as a result, the news that in her gym class they were going to be studying the art of Vaginal Muscle Control came as a happy surprise. She knew she'd have no problem clamping down on *anything*, from cock to pinky! Cecily practically danced her way to class, sang while changing, bounced up the stairs to the gym...

and then...

she saw it. The largest dildo she'd *ever* seen. The stupid thing had to be a foot and a half long, and it was at *least* four inches wide. She couldn't believe her eyes. Next to it on the table were the usual assortments, but her attention was totally fixated on the Big One at the end. She took her seat on the floor in a daze, did the obligatory stretches as if in a dream, and finally gathered with the other girls around Mr. Pells, the gym teacher, her cunt clenching spasmodically with nervous tension and anticipated pain. Her friend Diana pinched her when he started to speak. She jumped and whispered a thank-you, then sat cross-legged at his feet with the other girls and listened carefully.

(Getting caught daydreaming in class was a standard two demerits. Every five, Mr. Pells administered twenty-five strokes. When he was younger, he'd won the Whipping Olympics, and had definitely not let himself go! She was pretty sure she didn't want to find out for herself how good he was...)

Mr. Pells paced back and forth in front of them, slapping his palm with his riding whip absent-mindedly. "Today, girls, we're going to start training you in Vaginal Muscle Control. Now I know most of you have tight little cunts, especially you, Cecily" -- he smiled at her, and she blushed and giggled -- "but the secret to true vaginal muscle control isn't just clenching down, it's also relaxing. You have to learn to streeetch those muscles, as well as contract them. This is going to be a week-long course, and by the end of it, all of you are going to be riding (as I call him) The Big One. Probably not with ease, or a great deal of comfort, but what do I always say?"

"No pain, no pain, Mr. Pells!" the class chorused.

"Very good! Now, Cecily, you do have the tightest snatch in class, so I'm going to pick you as my demonstratee for this section. The results are very dramatic, and I want the class to see *just* how much a girl can be stretched. After all, Nature designed those muscle-bound tunnels with the head of a baby in mind! The Big One should be absolutely no problem for most of you -- Cecily may have a big more trouble, but that's the other reason I'm going to be paying personal attention to her. Now, class, we're going to get your little cunts warmed up. Go over to the table and select a dildo that's just a little bit bigger than you usually use, and a tube of lubricant. I'm setting an 8 inch long, 1 1/2 inch wide maximum, this is supposed to be a warm-up after all! After you've got your equipment, go over to the dildo mounts and stand next to one of them. Oh, and girls, since you'll be getting enough of a workout from the dildos themselves, the lubricant only heats up, to aid in stretching. Extreme masochists, I'm sorry, but razor-blade, broken-glass and menstrual cramp lubes cause involuntary contraction of the PC muscles. You could seriously injure yourselves, up to the point of not being able to fuck for weeks! And we wouldn't want that. Go to it, girls!"

Period C gym class scattered over to the tables. A few squabbles ensued over who gets which dildo, but they were quickly settled and the class moved over to the mounts. Cecily selected a four by one incher and a tube of lube and ran to catch up with Diana.

The class snapped their dildos onto their respective mounts. The mounts were a wonderful addition to gym class, bought last year by the PTO. They looked like a low-to-the ground vaulting horses, with holes in the tops that the dildos/vibrators snapped into, and allowed the students to ride the dildos as they would a man. There were also various vibrators and stimulators built into it. The whole thing was fairly compact, and didn't make much noise at all, even with all the stimulators turned on. They were really wonderful, and the school was so grateful to the PTO that they sent them a special task force of the cream of the school, sexually speaking, (no pun intended) to entertain them at their next meeting.

"Cecily, I want you over here on the Demonstration Seat, please." The Demonstration Seat was another great addition to gym class! It looked rather like a dentists' chair up on a platform, but the seat split down the center and the two sections could be moved hydraulically to either side, the arm rests, also hydraulically controlled, offered 300 degrees of motion, and there were clamps and places for ropes sprinkled in strategic areas all over the chair. Mr. Pells strapped Cecily down on it, spread her legs almost wider than they could go, and tipped the chair back slightly, offering a perfect view to the class. He turned on the video camera mounted below the chair and focused it on Cecily's little slit. She was already starting to moisten, from the effects of having forty luscious young girls staring at her exposed snatch.

"Can everybody see? yes? Good. Now, first off, will someone please get me a 5 or 6 incher from the table? I know I said comfortable, Cecily, but really!"

She blushed and ducked her head. "I'm sorry, sir!"

He pinched her clit playfully, then offered his fingers for her to suck.

"Perfectly all right. All right, class. Anyone who doesn't have their dildos mounted and lubricated, please do so. Now, firstly, I want everyone to bring themselves to orgasm. Get rid of any sexual tension that you may have built up during the day, I want you in that drifty, relaxed state. I don't care how you do it, just get yourselves off. Those of you who get off on voyeurism, I'm going to be sucking Cecily, so you may want to watch."

Cecily shivered with pleasure and started moving her hips back and forth almost unconsciously. She'd always had a crush on Mr. Pells!

He knelt between her legs and trailed one of his hands gently up the inside of her thigh. She quivered, and he kissed down her hipbone to her clit, suckling it gently, then moving down to her opening, flickering his tongue into it, drinking her heady flavors in. God, he loved this job! He teased and titillated her, letting her *almost* come time and time again, until he heard the last orgasming scream of the class. Then he bit down hard on her clit and jammed two fingers into her ass. She came instantly, shaking and shuddering and screaming, the fact that everyone was watching only adding to her pleasure.

"Very good, Cecily. All right class, ease yourselves down onto the dildos and get comfortable."

A fairly unanimous gasp was heard from the class as the dildos slid in. Mr. Pells inserted Cecily's dildo into her gently, pausing every so often to allow time for her to adjust, then snapped it into the chair. She shivered while it was going in, but tried to keep herself relaxed. He patted her cunt, pleased, when the dildo was in all the way. She could feel it start to warm up inside her.

"Good, class! You're all comfortable, yes? All right. Now, shift backwards, and lean back until it's uncomfortable, and hold that pose. No fucking the dildos, no orgasming! This is *not* for pleasure, it's for training."

Cecily felt the back of the chair leaning back further, and the dildo pressing against the front of her cunt. Her breathing grew heavier as it pressed harder. Just as she was wondering whether he was trying to rip her little cunt apart, the chair stopped moving.

"All right! How does it feel?"

The class gasped breathless reassurances. Cecily squeaked.

"Excellent! Now stay leaned back, put your hands on the floor or the horse behind you, and stretch a little further. We want it to hurt!"

Cecily moaned inwardly as the chair moved back further.

"Okay! Now lean forward, as far as you can. Make it hurt, feel that stretch in your cunt, welcome it! Relax the muscles, don't clench at all. Today we're trying to learn to let the muscles go. Next class, we learn to clench them."

Cecily felt the pressure release, and sighed relievedly. Then she felt it pressing on the back of her cunt. 'Oh great, here we go again...' she thought. "Now release that, then to the right side, then to the left side, then move your hips in a circle."

The chair manipulated Cecily through these paces. Despite the stretch and the pain, she was dripping. Finally, it was over, right before she could come...

"Okay class, feel stretched? Wide open? Good! Onto the next phase."

Mr. Pells walked among the class, distributing nine by one and a half inch dildos.

"Lubricate these and slide down onto them. I know you can, work at it!"

Various moans and gasps were heard as the class inched their way down onto the dildos. The girls who were used to those sizes sat smugly, smiling at the rest of the class, until Mr. Pells gave them elevens.

Cecily clenched her eyes shut and tried to relax her cunt completely. Mr. Pells slid the dildo home and clicked it into the chair. He rubbed her clit as a reward when it eased all the way in... that was all she needed to push her over the edge.

She launched into a screaming orgasm, jamming her cunt down onto the dildo, shaking and crying out, her arms straining against the restraints.

After it was over, she gasped and started to whimper, remembering that Mr. Pells had specifically told them *not* to come.

"All right Cecily, that's three demerits for you. I think that makes five, doesn't it? We might as well administer your whipping right now. Class, keep stretching, relax, no coming!"

Cecily was released from the chair and bent over the whipping horse. She could feel her juices trickling down the inside of her thigh. Mr. Pells patted her rear, went to get his whip, then stood behind her.

"Cecily, remember to count. Miss one and I start over."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry!"

"I know Cecily, it's hard to control yourself, those stretching exercises are quite an inducement to come! But I did say not to. You get what you ask for."

"Yes, sir."

Cecily kissed the whip when he offered it, then braced herself.

CRACK! "One, thank you Sir!" CRACK! "Two, thank you Sir!" CRACK! "Three, thank you Sir!"... CRACK! "Twenty-two, thank you Sir!"

Cecily could feel herself getting close. Normally she *hated* getting whipped, but when it was Mr. Pells...

CRACK! "Twenty-three, thank you Sir!" CRACK! "Twenty-four, oh God thank you Sir!" CRACK! "OH GOD YES YES TWENTY FIVE UH OH PlEASE YES THANK OH YES OH GOD YOU SIR!"

She crumpled across the horse, gasping, whimpering.

"Class dismissed, go get changed. Take the dildos home and practice with them. You're expected to be able to take the nine-inchers easily next class. I'm not slowing down for anybody who can't, so do your homework!"

"Yes sir Mr Pells, thank you sir Mr Pells!"

The class filed out. Cecily gathered her strength and stood up.

"Oh and Cecily, can you stay after school today? I think you need some... extra help."

Cecily gasped happily. "Oh, yes sir! I'll just call Mom, she'll be happy to pick me up!"

Mr Pells smiled proprietarily down at her. "Well then, I'll see you in my office."

Cecily ran for the changing room, beaming. What a day!

"Oh, and Cecily?"

"yes, Sir?"

"Catch." He threw the 9-inch dildo to her, and a tube of lubricant.

"Er... Thank you, Sir!" Cecily's heart sank. Well, maybe not such aday... but staying after school with Mr. Pells was worth *any* stretching exercises!

"See you after school, Cecily."

"Yes, Sir!"

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Wonderful story - love the humour in it!

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