Published: 12-Mar-2012
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Mr. Ash looked up from the paperwork in front of him and gave his 6th grade students the once-over. He was just about ready to go back to his work when he spotted Lisa Brown at the back of the classroom trying to cheat off her neighbor. Mr. Ash frowned. He knew that Lisa was a year older than the rest of her classmates from having failed 4th grade, and that she was a rather slow pupil, even now. Still, that was no excuse for cheating.
Mr. Ash got to his feet and began walking up and down between his rows of students. When he stepped up beside Lisa, he bent down and whispered, "I think you better stay after class when the bell rings. You and I need to talk." and then stepped away from her and continued pacing the aisles.
Lisa finished the rest of her test without anymore cheating and knew that she'd failed it. Crestfallen, she laid her head down on her desk and closed her eyes. She wondered what sort of punishment Mr. Ash had in store for her. He was one of the more strict teachers she'd ever had, so she figured her punishment wasn't going to be very good, whatever it was. When the bell rang, Lisa waited until her classmates were all out of the room before she made her way up to his desk.
Lisa started to hand over her test, but Mr. Ash held up a hand and said, "Just throw it in the garbage-can. You'll be taking it again right now. If you need to go call your parents, do so and then come right back."
Knowing her parents would be at work until 6:00, Lisa threw her test away and sighed. "I don't need to call anyone," she said as she turned back around. That's when she noticed a rather peculiar look on Mr. Ash's face, one that she'd never seen before. If she'd read it correctly, it meant his expression was one of excitement. 'That's odd', she thought. 'What the hell does he have to be excited over!?' Not being able to make heads or tails of his sudden twist of behavior, Lisa stood by his desk and awaited instructions.
Mr. Ash handed Lisa her new test paper with a slight shaking in his hand. "Now, go back to that desk at the back of the room and do your test again," he said, managing to keep his tone steady.
Lisa turned around and looked at the big desk butted up against the wall at the back of the classroom. There were no chairs to sit on. A little confused, Lisa turned back around and asked, "Um, am I suppose to stand?"
"That's correct," Mr. Ash responded, not bothering to look up at her.
Calling him a few choice words under her breath, Lisa made her way back to the desk, taking back any good thing she'd ever thought about him. Setting her test down on the waist-high desk, Lisa bent over and supported herself on her left elbow and began her test anew.
Mr. Ash waited till she was all the way back to the desk before making his move.
He'd stared at her sweet little ass as she'd walked away from him, loving the cute little bounce it had each time she'd taken a step. He found it difficult to keep is composure neutral when gazing at her. Her beauty was extensive, not just located in one area, but all over! Her straight brown hair, he thought, somehow complimented her smooth facial features and bright blue eyes. Her five foot frame was small in build, but proportioned to perfection, with its one more noticeable feature being her ass! It was delicious! Small, but perky, it looked especially nice in the tight jeans she was wearing now! He could clearly see the outline of her panties within, and could see that the right side was riding up her ass more so than the left. Beneath his desk, his cock now in hand, Mr. Ash stared at Lisa's beautiful butt and worked his cock at the same time. Except for the Janitor, he and Lisa were probably the only ones left in the entire school, so he figured there was little chance of anyone walking in and catching him. Everything was going nicely until Lisa suddenly dropped her pencil. Acting quickly, he brought his hands up to the top of his desk and picked up a few papers to look at.
Scratching an itch on her head with her pencil, Lisa lost her grip on it and it fell to the floor. Stooping down to retrieve it, she chanced a look back at Mr. Ash. She couldn't see his face because of the papers he was holding up in front of him. She was just about ready to stand back up when she noticed something that literally froze her in place. There in the opening in the front of his desk was a view of him from the waist down, and his long hard cock was in plain sight! Her mouth gaping open, Lisa stared at her teachers exposed manhood and quickly understood what he'd been up to since she'd started her second test. He'd been jacking off while obviously staring at her butt! Standing up again, taking her pencil and this new discovery with her, she bent back over her test and turned all her thoughts over to what she should do now.
Mr. Ash sighed in relief when he looked over the top of his papers and saw that Lisa was back to doing her test. Setting the papers back on the table, he again took his cock in hand and again stared at her beautiful backside while he jerked it.
Lisa spent the next fifteen minutes thinking of a course of action to take, and though it was a dangerous one, she finally settled on the one that intrigued her the most. Picking up her test, she turned around and started to walk to his desk with her head down as if she were looking over a problem on the page. She didn't want him to think that she already knew what he was doing under his desk, so she made sure her eyes were averted when she'd turned around, that way he could get himself covered by the time she arrived at his desk. When she was about ten feet away from him, she finally looked up from her paper. His eyes were big with fear even though he was trying to hide it, and he was now sitting up tall in his chair. Lisa held in her smile and came around the desk beside him.
"Um, Mr. Ash? I can't seem to make any sense of this question here." she said, laying the test on his desk and pointing to one of the questions on it. As he cleared his throat and looked at the question for himself, Lisa looked down through the four inch gap between his stomach and the desk. She could see that he'd tried to hide his exposed erection by untucking his shirt, but he'd only managed to get some of it covered. She could still see a good four inches of his thick cock yet. 'Good.' she thought. 'It's exactly what I was hoping for!' When Mr. Ash finally looked up to further explain the question she'd indicated, she kept her eyes glued to his cock for a second longer to make sure that he knew she could see it. Keeping her expression neutral, she listened to him stammer a couple of times during his explanation before she looked away from his cock and back to her test paper like nothing was out of place. 'Okay!' she thought. 'The hook is set! Now it's time to play with the catch!"
"Now do you understand?" Mr. Ash asked nervously, knowing damn well that she'd just seen his exposed cock.
"Perfectly!" Lisa stated with a small smile, taking one more quick look down at his cock. "Thanks." she added, then turned and went back to her desk in the back.
Though he stared at her little ass during her journey back to her desk, Mr. Ash was scared shitless! Though she couldn't possibly prove anything should she decide to tell anyone, it would still be an embarrassing scene for him nonetheless. He wondered why she hadn't ran out of the room screaming for help when she'd seen his cock out in the open beneath the desk. And why did she seem so relaxed when she DID see it? He was still thinking this over when he re-focused on her at the back of the room. She was back at doing her test again, but this time she'd taken up a wide stance as she leaned over the desk. Her ass was now beautifully displayed for him and the first thought that came to his mind was, 'Did she just do that on purpose?!' He didn't know, and he really didn't care! It was entirely too nice a shot to pass up, so he went right back to jerking off again underneath his desk, and enjoyed the shot she was giving.
Lisa had stuck her ass out for him on purpose, hoping he'd get the drift that she'd done it intentionally. She didn't want him to think she was going to nark on him when she left. Hell no! That was the last thing she wanted him to think! She thought it best to encourage him a little before she went home today. She may have only been 13, but Lisa knew all about sex and the many different ways in which it was played out. She had a good idea that Mr. Ash preferred the female butt, which is why she'd taken up the position she just had. He was no doubt looking at it even now. A sudden memory of her cousin, Tim came into her mind, and she wondered if Mr. Ash liked her ass as much as Tim had. Tim had liked it so much that he always wanted to smell her farts! And even when she hadn't had a fart available, he'd wanted to smell her ass anyway! She'd initially thought his cravings were weird, but the more she let him smell her ass, the more exciting it had become! After some time, she actually enjoyed farting for him and watching him smell it as she let it out! Was Mr. Ash that bad? 'There's only one way to find out!' she thought, grinning to herself.
Mr. Ash was really starting to get into jerking off to the scene in front of him when once again he had to act fast in covering himself. Lisa had stood up and turned around, and was walking back up to his desk even as he was throwing his shirt bottom over his manhood again. Collecting himself as best he could, he waited for her inevitable arrival.
"Sorry." she apologized, a small grin showing on her face. "I'm having trouble understanding this one too."
Mr. Ash looked at the question she'd indicated and began reading it through for himself. He was just about ready to look up and explain it to her more thoroughly when he heard her pencil hit the floor on the other side of her. He was rewarded indeed when she turned around and bent down to retrieve it! Having not bent her knees at all, her little denim covered ass was now sticking straight back at him from only a foot away! On impulse, he leaned over and took a quick whiff of it. He was surprised and incredibly aroused when he found the faint odor of shit permeating from her crack!
Lisa waited until she saw him lean over in his chair from between her legs. 'Excellent!' she thought, and with a smile of mischief she released the fart she'd had ready, just in case he'd taken the bait.
Mr. Ash nearly gasped aloud when he heard the distinct purr of Lisa breaking wind! He'd been in the process of pulling away from her when he'd heard it, and once he had, he quickly leaned back in! Getting as close as he dared, he took a deep breath in through his nose and took in a huge lungful of Lisa's gas in doing so! Its aroma was phenomenal! The rich, subtle odor of warm shit coming off her lovely butt nearly intoxicated him! He knew he should pull away before he got caught, but he just couldn't bring himself to listen to reason! His job be damned! He was doing something that seemed far more important to him right now!
Lisa could actually hear him inhaling her fart! Her small grin becoming an outright smile, she let him take half a dozen sniffs before she slowly stood back up. "Sorry about that." she said, looking down into his flushed face. "Just couldn't hold that one in any longer."
"Oh, uh, t-that's q-quite all right, Lisa!" Mr. Ash stammered. "Th-think nothing of it!"
Lisa smiled sheepishly and looked down to his lap. His cock had worked its way out of hiding sometime during his sniffing and was now completely visible! Not realizing it, Lisa licked her lips as she took in its size from so close a distance. 'God!' she thought. 'That thing must be eight inches long! And thick too! That's way thicker then daddies!' Feeling the warm juices in her little cunt start to flow, she forced herself to look away from it and back to her test paper.
Mr. Ash had seen the aroused expression that had come over her face when she'd been looking down at his throbbing cock, and it had intrigued him highly! Her expression was completely neutral now except for the faint grin showing itself at the corners of her mouth. She was up to something, he knew damn well she was!
But what? He didn't know, not yet anyhow. Whatever the game was she was trying to play, he was more then willing to play along, especially now that he figured his display in exhibitionism was going to remain between just the two of them! He was almost positive it would!
Having been explained the problem more thoroughly, Lisa was now back at her desk in the back of the room grinning triumphantly. He'd practically given her the answer itself! Things were definitely working out like she'd been hoping! Just a little bit more and she'd have him eating out of her hand! Ignoring the test in front of her, Lisa racked her brain for something that would lure him in even more.
Mr. Ash was back to jacking himself off beneath his desk again, staring intently at Lisa's ass at the back of the room. 'God she has a beautiful little ass!' he thought, increasing the pace to his pounding. Feeling the onrush of a good strong cum on its way, he increased his pace a little more. His eyes still glued to the site of Lisa's ass, Mr. Ash blew his load the second after he heard her fart loudly! He actually gasped out loud this time, his sperm spraying the floor beneath his desk and the sound of Lisa's fart echoing throughout the empty room was too much for him to handle! Dumping his large load on the floor, he sat back in his chair completely drained.
Lisa had clearly heard him gasp out when she'd cut her mighty fart and knew that he was having an orgasm! 'Oh this is perfect!' she thought, grinning from ear to ear. Giving him enough time to complete his orgasm, she picked up the half finished test and walked back up to his desk. He looked beat, and she could see sweat beading on his brow. Collecting herself for the moment of truth, Lisa sat the test in front of him and said, "That's it, I'm finished."
Mr. Ash looked at the half finished test and then back to Lisa.
"If you ask me, I think I passed with flying colors." Lisa said, her left eyebrow raised in silent challenge.
Understanding finally came to Mr. Ash! He now knew exactly what game she'd been playing! For two seconds, he gave her unspoken proclamation some very deep thought. Looking back to the test paper in front of him, he finally replied smoothly, "Yes, it rather looks that way doesn't it."
Lisa couldn't quite hold back her smile of victory. She'd done it! She'd done what she'd set out to do! She knew she was going to have to keep satisfying him if he was going to keep giving her passing grades, and if it was her ass that did it, then she was more than happy to give it to him! She was about to become a straight "A" student for doing something she actually enjoyed doing!
"Keep in mind, though," Mr. Ash said. "you're still on after-school detention until further notice."
Lisa understood and nodded with a smile. "No problem." she replied. "My parents don't get home till around 6:00."
"Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow then." Mr. Ash said conversationally.
"You sure will."
Lisa had come to school the next day prepared for her detention with Mr. Ash. She'd worn a loose fitting skirt and shirt to match. The skirt only went down to mid-thigh and when she walked into her last period class, she couldn't stop herself from grinning over the look of approval he'd given her. When the bell finally went off, signaling the end of another school day, she remained in her seat and prepared to earn her A for the day. She'd packed her lunch today with food that she knew would give her gas, and she'd had a hell of a time trying to hold it all in for her detention after school! She'd managed though, and felt confident she was going to have no problem in earning her grade!
Mr. Ash had formulated a plan during class, one that would enable him to get at Lisa's sweet little ass unnoticed! When the other kids were gone, he set his plan to motion.
"Come up here Lisa," he instructed her from his desk, acting as professional as he could.
"Yes?" she asked as she stepped up beside him.
"For your detention today, you and I will be cleaning out the bottom half of my cabinet," Mr. Ash said.
Lisa understood immediately and nodded. Stepping over to the cabinet with him, she waited while he unlocked and opened it. Taking her cue, she knelt down on her knees and set to work pulling stuff out. Seeing him take a seat on the floor in back of her, she knew the game had begun.
Mr. Ash watched and waited in back of her, his cock already fully erect. Not even a minute past when he saw her lean forward and get to her hands and knees. Desperate to get a look at her ass, he reached out and lightly raised the back of her skirt. His mouth fell open in awe when her perfect pooper finally came into view! 'God that's sweet!" he thought, taking in the tiny creases at the base of her butt, and the way her little white panties were riding up her crack!
It was such a small, perfect little thing.....He just wanted to eat it all up!
Lisa had felt him raise the back of her skirt, and knew he was getting an eyeful! Because she didn't know if he smelled her yet, she asked without looking back at him, "Um, Mr. Ash? Is it okay if I stinker?"
"Of course you can, dear!" she heard him say, his voice cracking only once.
Arching her back to make sure her ass was pointing straight up in the air for him, Lisa eased out the fart that had been begging for release for so long. It was a monster! She forced herself to keep easing it out so he could inhale as much as he wanted. She listened to it pitter-patter as it came out, and finally felt his nose brush against her panties in his need to have it. She smiled and pushed the last of it out with force!
Her fart's odor was exquisite and Mr. Ash did his best in sucking it all up! Its scent was mild to his nose yet thick and congesting at the same time. It was the most scrumptious odor of shit he'd ever had the pleasure of breathing in! She'd ended the long winded beauty in a rush, sending the last of it out with such effort that he'd actually felt the hot wind hitting his nose and cheeks! Unfortunately, all good things came to an end and Lisa's fart was no exception.
Her fart now gone, Lisa could still feel Mr. Ash's nose lightly grazing her panties as he continued smelling her butt. She knew the game they were playing was rapidly making a turn for the better. Initially, she'd only wanted a good grade for her efforts, but now, having blasted her last fart straight into his face and flaring nose, she had to admit that she was quickly becoming aroused over his sick desire for her airy waste!
Smiling to herself, she declared rather innocent-like, "Wow, I hadn't realized it was going to be THAT big! I hope it didn't stink too bad for you."
""N-no, it w-was wonderful! I m-mean, it wasn't bad at all!" Mr. Ash stammered, slowly lowering her skirt back down. He was having some trouble keeping his breathing silent. The constant inhaling of her wonderful fart had taken his breath away!
With effort, Lisa removed her smile and replaced it with a look of shy innocents. Looking back over her shoulder at him, she said, "Just so you know, I'll probably have to stinker a lot more. I'll let you know when I need to though, that way you can prepare yourself."
"Yes, well, I think that would be best." Mr. Ash replied, clearing his throat and trying to look uninterested.
Lisa turned back around with a grin of happiness on her face. It was so much fun pretending to be student and teacher, and that nothing was going on between them! She was pleased about Mr. Ash playing right along, instead of forcing himself on her. It was a lot more fun this way and she believed he felt the same. As she began taking more stuff out of the cabinet while remaining on all fours, she wondered just how far his need for her ass went. She already knew without a doubt that he loved to smell it, with or without her farting, but was that it? 'No.' she thought. 'No, his need went a lot farther than just that!' She'd bet anything that he wanted to fuck it and eat it too!
Sitting on his knees in back of Lisa, his cock now out of his pants and in hand, Mr. Ash stared hard at her small, tight thighs. Oh how he wanted to stick his face between them and lick that hairless cunt of hers! Oh and that ass of hers! It was the most superior ass he'd ever laid eyes on! He'd give his left nut to eat THAT! Getting himself all worked up, Mr. Ash had to pull his hand away from his cock before he started cumming! He didn't want to do that yet. Oh no, not yet!
Lisa felt another big fart building up inside her. Grinning playfully, she reached back with her right hand and pretended to scratch an itch on her butt cheek. But what she was REALLY doing was pulling up her skirt as she feigned her scratching. Once she felt the bottom of her skirt enter her hand, she moved her scratching up higher on her cheek until she knew her entire ass was exposed and that her skirt would stay put when she pulled her hand away.
Her plan accomplished, she said, "Better hold your breath Mr. Ash, I have to stinker again."
Having been gawking at her splendid little shitter, Mr. Ash was quick to come forward when he heard her announcement! Getting his nose up so close to her tiny crack that he could actually feel the faint touch of her panties against it, he waited hungrily for her to break wind in his face once more!
Feeling his nose lightly touch her panties again, Lisa eased her second fart out as slowly as she'd done her first. It made a sharp clapping sound as it escaped of her hole, and wanting to take full advantage of Mr. Ash's nose, she moved back a little and felt his nose enter her pantied crack. Thankfully, he hadn't pulled away from her when she'd moved back into him, so she was now able to feel the pleasing sensation of his big nose lodged between her cheeks. She found it to be quite a thrilling experience to be doing something so disgusting and forbidden with such an older man, and the fact that he was her teacher made it all the more stimulating for her!
Mr. Ash was thrilled beyond words with having his nose pressed into Lisa's small butt to receive the stench it was discarding! A small whimper escaped him as she continued hitting him with her glorious gas, the warm thick fumes entering his nose in a three second welcoming stream!
She'd heard him whimper and Lisa was quick to counter on it. "Are you okay Mr. Ash?" she asked without looking back at him.
"Oh, uh, yes quite!" she heard him say, having never taken his nose out of her butt.
Grinning, Lisa widened the gap between her knees and pushed her little butt back a little harder into his face until she felt his nose bottom out against her sensitive brown hole. "So, do you think I'll be getting another good grade today?" she asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it anyhow.
Mr. Ash pulled his face out of her ass just far enough so he could be heard. "Well, it's really looking good so far Lisa!" he replied to her ass. "The dedication you've displayed the last two days has been outstanding!"
"Thanks Mr. Ash." Lisa said, a smile of victory and pleasure creasing her face. "I've been doing my best."
Hearing this, Mr. Ash had a thought. "Um, perhaps if you were willing, I could arrange some extra credit for you.? It would definitely help raise your grades more quickly.?"
Lisa had listened and had understood his hidden meaning clearly. Choosing her words carefully, she replied, "Well, I suppose I could do some extra credit, just so long as it's not too advanced for me. Remember, I'm only 13."
Mr. Ash smiled and nodded over her choice of words. "Oh don't worry about that."
he said reassuringly, still talking to her little butt. "I'll only give you work I'm sure you can perform. Is tomorrow okay with you?"
Finally looking back over her shoulder, Lisa saw that his face was only a few inches away from her butt. The hungry look in his eyes made her smile. She replied, "Sounds okay to me."
Mr. Ash knew she was looking back at him, but he didn't take his eyes off her exquisite ass for a second. "Um, perhaps tomorrow you might consider wearing something less constrictive." he insinuated. "It might help you relax when doing your work."
Again Lisa knew what he was actually referring to and it made her smile widen considerable. "Hmm," she replied, playing her role to the hilt. "I never thought of that. I think I'll give that a try."
"Good!" Mr. Ash said. "Well then, let's get this stuff back into the cabinet so we can both go home."
As soon as Lisa turned back around and started putting the various stuff back into the cabinet, she heard him unzipping his fly in back of her. Wishing she could watch him pound his big swollen cock, but knowing she couldn't, she settled on listening to the loose change in his pocket jingle and jangle as he stroked it, and imagined what he must look like instead. With little effort, Lisa had another big fart built up and ready for release in no time. Not bothering to let him know this time, she relaxed her sphincter and allowed it to come out under its own pressure.
Mr. Ash was sent into an immediate orgasm when the sweet little shitter in front of him began producing noise! As Lisa's ass spit and sputtered its release of gas, Mr. Ash got to his knees and unleashed his load, his thick, ropey bands of sperm hitting her pantied ass and cunt in one of the longest orgasms he'd ever had!
Lisa was a bit shocked when he'd started spraying her ass with his cum, but as his cum kept hitting her, she quickly became pleased that he had! This would give her the opportunity to find out what a man's orgasm tasted like! From the amount she could feel him hitting her with it, she knew she'd have no trouble in getting a sample after she left later on!
His orgasm done, Mr. Ash looked at the amount of cum he'd sprayed her beautiful ass with as he put away his softening meat. It was covered! Her tiny ass, the crotch of her panties, and her thighs were all glistening from his explosive release! But, with the release of his orgasm the moment of rapture went too. He felt nervous and a little afraid now that the excitement was over, especially since he'd saturated her ass and panties with his cum!
Lisa put the last of the items back in the cabinet, then got to her feet. When she saw Mr. Ash still down on his knees with a look of horror on his face, it took her a couple of seconds to figure out why... And then she smiled. She had him by the balls now! There was no way he'd be able to back out of this now!
But, wanting him to participate in this game of theirs willingly instead of by force, because it would be much more fun that way, Lisa gave him her best innocent look and said, "Well, you're cabinet is clean. Does this mean I'm done until tomorrow?"
"Y-yes, yes of course!" Mr. Ash stuttered.
"You think I might have received an "A" today, Mr. Ash?" Lisa asked, her tone a little on the playful side.
"Without a doubt, Lisa! Without a doubt!"
Seeing that his worry and fear where quickly leaving his expression, Lisa gave him a big toothy grin and said, "Thanks Mr. Ash. This has been really nice of you to be giving up your free time just to help me get my grades up. See you again tomorrow after school?"
"I hope so, Lisa." Mr. Ash replied, feeling his cock start to harden again from the thought of fooling around with her again tomorrow! "I really do!"
Philip Spencer
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