Published: 11-Mar-2012
Word Count:
There was a timid knock at the door and Augusta Moon answered it.
A small girl stood on the porch - a girl no more than ten with big, innocent eyes staring up at the woman. Blonde ringlets tumbling over her shoulders.
'Hello,' said the girl politely. 'I'm Dylan Collins. I just moved in next door with my mom and dad.'
'Hi,' said Augusta, not sure what this visit was for. 'I saw you arrive yesterday. I met your mommy too. Um, how can I help you, er... Dylan?'
'I was looking over the fence and I saw you have a treehouse.' For her tender years and looks the child clearly wasn't backward in coming forward.
'Why yes, there is an old treehouse. It was was my son's, before he moved out.'
The child's eyes widened. 'Your little boy moved out?'
Augusta laughed. 'Oh no, not so little now. He grew up. Mike's a man now. When he was small the treehouse was for him.'
'How old are you?' asked the child, asking with such innocence it would be hard for anyone to be annoyed by her.
Augusta smiled. 'Well, I'm older than your mom. Or dad. Let's leave it at that.' She didn't want to say she was forty-seven because that would seem like ancient to the little girl. The next question would no doubt be something like: 'Did you know George Washington?'
The little blonde girl however accepted what Augusta said. But she did say, 'My mommy says your name's Mrs Augusta Moon.'
'Your mommy's right. But I prefer Augusta.'
'Okay. Um, Augusta, can I see your treehouse, please? I always wanted one of my own.'
'Does your mommy know you're here?'
The child nodded. 'She says I must be polite and not bother you. Am I bothering you, Mrs Augusta?'
'No, Dylan, you aren't bothering me - and just plain old Augusta will do.' The woman smiled again. There was something endearing about the small girl. 'You want to come through and see the treehouse?'
'Sure! Please!' Without a second invite the child hurried into the house, heading for the kitchen and the door to the back yard.
Augusta shook her head at such a whirlwind of energy and closed the front door, heading after the excited child.
'You have to promise me you'll be very careful,' said Augusta as she caught the child up outside. 'When you climb up the tree. I don't want you falling.'
'I won't fall,' grinned Dylan, already making for the old wooden steps up the side of the big oak tree. She was almost running.
Augusta sighed at the exuberance of the child, wondering why we don't get to keep all that as we grow older, and arrived at the foot of the tree as the little girl clambered up the steps towards the door of the house perched up the old tree.
It was then that the woman saw, and was completely taken aback by the sight, that the little girl's short dress revealed the child was not wearing any pants. Her pink little bottom and even that little slit was, briefly, on full view.
Dylan was so quick going up the steps that it was no more than the merest glimpse, and she was inside the door before Augusta could even gasp in surprise. The woman hurried up the steps after the child.
The blonde girl had gone straight over to a wooden hard back chair in the center of the room and had sat herself on it, like a queen on a throne. Except that she had her legs apart and sat as she did Augusta could see she hadn't been wrong: the child indeed had no pants on.
For a few seconds Augusta was unsure what to say. It was none of her business that the child didn't wear panties. Kids, she knew from her own son, did strange things in all innocence. The middle-aged woman tried not to look at the small slit between the child's legs. No more than a crease, but a deeply attractive one.
Augusta stopped herself. How could she even think that a small girl's cunny was even remotely attractive? Blushing a little at the odd thoughts jumbling in her mind, she fixed her look on the child's eyes. 'I see you found the only chair in the place. You like the house?'
'It's cool,' said the girl, looking around. 'I like it a lot. Did your boy spend all his time here?'
'Well, yes. A lot of the time.' Augusta felt a wise-old adult lecture coming on. 'He didn't have video games when he was small. Not like now.'
'I haven't got a video game,' said Dylan. 'I like playing with my dolls.'
'Good,' said Augusta, tying not to glance down at the girl's little crotch. If anything Dylan had opened her leg wider and was even more on show than before. For a reason that escaped the woman, the sight of that hairless little hole was like like a magnet. She stepped over to the small window. 'You can just about see your house from here, through the branches.'
'Yeah,' said the child, not moving from the chair. Augusta had thought Dylan would have come over to see, but didn't move.
She tried again. 'You want to see if you can see your bedroom window from here?'
Reluctantly the child hopped off the chair and came to the small window. 'There,' she said. 'That's my window, the one with dolly sat there.'
'Oh sure,' said the woman, only barely being able to make out a shape on the window sill. 'Nice dolly.'
'That's Amanda. She isn't tied up at the moment.'
'Excuse me?' The woman looked down at the child.
'I tie dolly up a lot,' the girl said without emotion as if it was just what you did with dolls. 'Did you tie your dolly up when you were little?'
The girl looked up at the woman, with a look of wanting to know something secret and Augusta felt herself color up. 'Well, I can't remember... it was, uh, a long time ago.'
Actually, I can remember Augusta told herself. I tied my favorite doll Susannah up a lot. Some days I had her so trussed and even gagged you could hardly see her cute face and pretty dress. But then, sometimes her dress came off and her pants too and she was tied up naked. Sometimes she was tied up in her dress with no pants on at all... The woman's face was burning.
Dylan was looking up at the woman with a sly grin. 'My mommy doesn't like me tying up my dolly. Did your mommy like you tying up yours?'
Augusta blushed even more. 'I didn't say I tied my doll up.' The woman straightened, wanting to change the subject.
'You can tell me,' insisted the girl. 'I won't tell anyone. If you like, I can bring Amanda over here and you can tie her up too.'
'Dylan... I don't think anyone should be tying up dollies, do you?' The woman went and sat on the chair that the child had been perched on a few moments before. Instinctively, she closed her own legs, even though she was wearing jeans. And she had her underpants on, she knew.
'It's fun,' said the blonde girl. 'But I've got a bigger dolly if you want to tie her up instead. Her name's Candy.'
'Candy,' the woman echoed, distracted by re-awoken thoughts of when she was small herself. Augusta shook herself. She shouldn't be having conversations with a small girl like this. Augusta cleared her throat. 'Dylan, I don't think I want to tie any dolls up right now.' The woman stood and brushed her self down, not just because the old treehouse had acquired plenty of dust over the years but as a way of brushing off ideas she didn't like.
'You'll like Candy,' said the girl, smiling. 'I do, when she's all tied up. but,' she dropped her voice here, 'I don't like her so much when she's not.'
'Dylan, let me ask you a question.' The woman tried not to raise her voice to child she had only known a few minutes. 'Do you know you forgot to put underpants on today?'
The child shook her head. 'I didn't forget. I took them off, before I came over to visit with you.'
Augusta felt so faint she sat back down again. 'What did you say?'
The woman stared even more incredulously as the ten year old hitched up her skirt and showed she had no pants on. 'See, I wanted you to see me. Some ladies like seeing little girls with no pants on.' A pause and then she said: 'You can see my pussy.'
'Dylan! Where did you learn that word!'
'Everyone knows this is a pussy.' The girl put her first two fingers on her slit, almost as if she was going to finger herself. 'Some people call it other things. Like cunny or cunt an-'
'Dylan! That's disgusting!'
The child frowned. 'There're jus' words.'
'Maybe so, but some shouldn't be repeated.' In spite of herself Augusta found herself looking at the way the two fingers of the girl were pressing up into the soft crease. She gulped, in spite of herself.
'I thought you'd like to see me,' said the girl, patiently. She removed her fingers and dropped the hem of her skirt. The child turned away as she said, 'I guess you don't want to help me.'
'Help you?'
'Letting me use this treehouse to tie up Candy.' The girl sighed and stepped to the door. 'I can't tie my favorite doll up at home so I was hoping I could come here sometimes and do it.'
Augusta suddenly felt guilty. It was no big deal tying up dolls. She'd done it herself lots of times. Sometimes she wished she could do it again, when she harked back to her childhood. Before all the pain of divorce and living alone, when the sunlight streamed through her bedroom window and she was content and safe and her dolly was all tied up. Safe and secure.
'Dylan, wait,' said the woman. 'I don't think you should be going round with no pants on. It's... it's not a good idea. Some people might want to do things.' Augusta paused, searching for words. 'Listen, if you promise you'll wear panties all the time, you can come back and play here.'
'And I can bring Candy?'
'Oh, okay. Amanda or Candy... if you want.'
'Not Amanda,' said the girl smiling at the woman. 'Just Candy. She's much better.'
'Okay,' said Augusta. 'Whichever one you want.'
'Hi Augusta,' said Dylan on the front door step of Augusta's house. 'This is my dolly Candy.'
Augusta took a step back. Standing next to the ten year old was a smaller girl, similarly with blonde ringlets. A smaller version of Dylan, but more full faced. 'That - that's a girl!'
'Sure. This is Candice, my little sister. I call her Candy, 'cos it's nicer.'
Augusta stared at the two girls, and more specifically at the smaller one. She wasn't smiling like Dylan was, and if anything seemed resigned to something bad. More, she was standing strangely: her hands were behind her back. Dylan noticed the woman's stare and turned her little sister round, so the woman could see the back of the child.
Candy's small hands were tied behind her back, thin ropes cinched tight on her slender wrists.
'Oh my' gasped the woman. 'What have you done? Well, you can't stay there, come in at once.'
The anxious woman shepherded the two small girls into her hallway and closed the door, hoping that none of the neighbors had noticed anything untoward. She turned to the two girls, and more specifically Dylan. 'You brought her here like that?'
'No!' August giggled. 'I did that outside your door. Mommy doesn't know I've got Candy tied.'
'Well, you must untie her at once! This is silly, Dylan.'
'No it isn't silly,' said Dylan, a small frown on her face. 'I like tying Candy up. She's my favorite doll. Better than Amanda.'
Augusta shook her head. 'Candy isn't a doll. She's your sister! Untie her now.'
'No,' pouted Dylan. 'You said I could tie my doll up in your treehouse.'
'But I thought you meant... uh, a doll,' said Augusta. She turned to the smaller of the two girls. 'Honey, are your hands hurting?'
'She can't tell you,' said Dylan, with a sigh.
'Well I am speaking to her,' said Augusta. She squatted down and looked into the eyes of the seven year old girl, aware the child had a strange shaped face. 'Don't be scared, Candice. I won't hurt you.'
Candice looked at her sister as if for permission, and then opened her lips to show something stuffed inside her mouth. Something pink and yellow.
'She's gagged with pants,' explained Dylan. 'I put them in Candy's mouth when we got here.'
Augusta gasped. 'Oh, Dylan, what have you done? You must take them out at once! Or I'll do it.'
'Uh, Mrs Augusta - ' began Dylan but stopped as she watched the woman prise the wet pants from the small girl's mouth.
'Huh, here, Dylan,' said the woman with her lip curled in disgust, thrusting the pants at the older girl. 'You can put your pants back on.'
'But there're all wet,' complained the girl as she took them.
'You should have thought of that before you stuffed them in your little sister's mouth.'
'But they aren't mine,' grumbled Dylan. With her free hand she hitched her skirt up again. She had pants on - blue pants with small flowers. 'These pants are Candy's. I took them off her outside. After I tied her.' She paused as she dropped her skirt. 'I don't have any pants with teddy bears on them, like these.'
'What?' Augusta felt dizzy.
'It's okay,' said the smaller girl, looking up. 'I don't mind. I wanted her to do it.'
It was the first thing Candice had said and Augusta stared at her. 'What did you say?'
'Uh, I wanted her to do it. I don't mind when she ties me up.' The seven year had the same large, appealing eyes and now her cheeks weren't filled with cotton panties it was similar shape to her older sister. 'It's okay,' she repeated.
'See?' said Dylan as if she was cross. She rolled the damp pants up and as Candy opened her mouth the older sister stuffed them back into the little one's mouth. Swiftly, easily, as if she had been doing this for ages. The child's cheeks were back to bulging.
Augusta blinked. Whatever she had expected from Dylan it wasn't this. She had thought that the child would turn up with a porcelain faced doll, all frills and lace, and length of string and tie up a doll in the treehouse, like the woman said she could. But this was bizarre.
The woman tried to object but words failed her. Any idea of reasoning and caution had gone from her.
'Candy likes being tied up,' said Dylan, echoing her sister.
'D-does your mom know about this?' Augusta felt she should assert some authority.
'Uh, she knows Candy likes being tied up. An' that I do it sometimes. That's why I asked about the treehouse. Mom said I hadn't got to tie Candy up anymore in our house.'
'Oh my,' whispered Augusta. She felt an urge to shoo the children out, to go and see this mother and say "Have you any idea what you have given them permission to do?" but it all seemed so weak and pointless.
'Your mom knows you're here, right?'
Both children nodded.
'But she doesn't know you are going to tie Candy up?' Augusta felt a twinge of something that she had used the tied up, doll name for the little girl. She should have said Candice but didn't. Probably because Candy suited the bound child.
Both children shook their heads at the question.
'Honey,' Augusta addressed Dylan. 'I don't think you should take her to the treehouse. Not like that.'
Dylan's face fell.
'Listen, I don't understand this, but if you and Candy want to play like this... this game, you can't use the treehouse because your mom could see you going to it, across the yard. She'd see Candy's hands tied. Maybe even see that Candy hasn't got any pants on when she climbs the steps.'
Dylan pursed her lips, considering this. She looked disappointed but resigned, as if Augusta was right. The treehouse was in view of the house next door. 'Okay,' she conceded, looking as if she might cry.
'Listen, there is a solution.' Augusta felt her heart hammer in her as the words formed around an idea. 'You untie her here. You take Candy's gag out and she puts them on.'
Candy, listening wrinkled her nose a little, but Augusta carried on: 'You and she go the treehouse as normal. Untied. No gag. As soon as you get there you can tie her hands behind her and take her pants off and gag her again. No one will see you in there.'
Augusta felt strangely thrilled by this. A helping hand for two small girls who were doing something so outrageous, so exciting she felt her life was being transformed. She looked at the two girls, but mostly at the eldest to see if she was getting a nod of approval.
Dylan nodded. 'But,' she said, 'I need more rope for Candy. And something to seal her pants into her mouth. She can spit them out like that.'
'Okay,' agreed Augusta. 'I'll provide something for you. But equally, I have a demand.'
Dylan and her sister looked up at at Augusta, waiting. The woman took a deep breath. 'The deal is, you keep that place clean. It's all filthy right now. It can be your treehouse but, and this is a big but, no one else goes there and you tidy all the ropes away. You sweep the floor clean, understood.'
'Okay,' said the eldest girl.
'And I get to see what you are doing.'
'You want to see Candy all tied up,' said Dylan, nodding as if she understood.
'It will be safer if I'm there. I can check up on you. I don't want your mom thinking you are just left alone to do whatever.'
'You won't tell her though, right?' asked Dylan.
'No, providing you do what you are told. Both of you, tied up or not.'
Both girls nodded. Then Dylan untied her sister's hands, allowing her to flex them and rub them for a moment before she eased the even wetter pants from the small girl's mouth. She gave them to Candy to put on.
The youngest girl didn't seem too happy about putting them on her as they were but she did. For a mere instant Augusta was rewarded by the sight of Candy's little slit before it disappeared into the teddy bear pants and her skirt straightened.
'Okay, you go to the treehouse with a broom and I'll follow. I'll bring some rope and some tape for Candy's mouth.' Augusta looked at the smallest child, looking less than happy at having wet pants on. 'You okay with this, sweetheart?'
Candy gave a small smile and nodded.
'You can speak, you know,' said Augusta.
'She doesn't really like to, if she's supposed to be gagged,' said Dylan. 'She gets, um, punished if she says anything when not gagged.'
Augusta looked at the eldest. 'You mean, she has to be careful what she says because she's your slave?' As soon as she said slave the woman blushed. Children shouldn't have to know about that kind of thing.
Dylan however grinned. 'Yeah, slave. That's what she is! I can make her sweep the floor in the treehouse while I sit and watch!'
Candy looked less than happy about it, but nodded.
From the kitchen Augusta watched as the two girls ran across the yard - Dylan holding a broom - towards the steps up the tree. Little Candy's short skirt billowed and there was a flash of pants, a sight which gave Augusta an odd warm glow at not only seeing them and knowing that they were wet now and would soon be stuffed back in the child's mouth. And taped up.
Having seen both kids ascend to the treehouse and close the door, the woman set to, finding some rope and strong adhesive tape. She felt quite a tremble of excitement at what lay ahead.
A sharp knock at the door stopped her before she could get too far. Curious who this would be she went to the door. It was, to her surprise, the woman from the neighboring house, the mother of the two girls. A woman with dark, almost black hair.
'Are Dylan and Candice here?' asked the woman who had introduced herself as Marianne a couple of days before.
'Why yes,' said Augusta without any difficulty. After all, there wasn't any bondage going on right now. 'They have gone up to the treehouse. I said they could play in there.'
'I see,' said the woman, arms folded. Not exactly friendly but not too aggressive.
'Would you like to see it? Actually, if it's okay with you, I asked they should sweep it out. It's kinda filthy up there after all these tears since my son used it.'
Marianne regarded Augusta and nodded, stepping into the house. 'Did they say anything to you, when they called here?'
'Anything? Uh, like what?' Augusta tried to stay light and calm. There was no need to tell the mother what the kids were planning to do. Anyway, she'd promised.
Marianne Collins stood in the kitchen and looked out the window at the treehouse as if she expected to see something. Nothing was happening and she shrugged.
'You can go up here if you like,' said Augusta, at the precise moment the door opened and Candice appeared - not Candy, Augusta noted with a smile - wielding the broom and a cloud of dust billowed out. The door shut quickly.
'No, it's okay. I just get kind of nervous about them.' The woman seemed relaxed at seeing her youngest either doing something useful or perhaps, more to the point, not being tied up. 'You know what it's like with kids, sometimes you just think that -'
The woman from next door stopped cold and stared at the loop of thin rope on the table. Augusta stared too, and felt her heart sink.
'Uh, just tidying up,' Augusta said, grabbing the rope. 'Seeing the kids want to sweep out the treehouse made me think I shou-'
'That rope. Is that what Dylan brought round?'
'Uh...' Augusta wanted to lie, but the glare of the woman's eyes were burning into her. She felt compelled to tell something of the truth. 'Dylan brought it round... just to show me.'
'And Candice?'
'No, she didn't do anything.' Augusta felt her face burn. Lying was never her strong suit and she looked away. 'It was, uh, just something she - I mean Dylan - wanted to show me. She doesn't need it.'
'Because you've given her something better, right?' Marianne Moon had narrowed her eyes and though Augusta was aware of her look she didn't want to make eye contact with the woman. 'More rope so she can tie up Candy,' added the woman.
'Candy?' It was the first time the woman had mentioned her youngest daughter's name as that and Augusta dumbly repeated it, feeling foolish. She had been caught lying.
'Yes, Candy. That's what Dylan calls Candice when she'd playing her tying up dolls game. You knew that, didn't you?'
'I guess.' Augusta sounded small and weak. 'It isn't what you think.'
'And what do I think?'
'You are worried that I'm encouraging them to, um, play some... you know, their game.'
'Worried? Is that how I look?'
Startled, Augusta looked up into the woman's dark eyes. Not blue, like her children. They weren't angry. In fact, they were twinkling and she was smiling. 'I don't understand,' said the older woman.
'No, probably not.' Marianne slid a chair out from the table and sat down. 'Let me tell you about me and the girls, and their little game.'
Augusta sat at a chair herself, unable to quite take in what was happening. She had been on something of a wild ride over the last half hour or so, and was about to find out more about her new neighbors.
'First of all,' said Marianne, 'Dylan and Candice aren't my kids. You can probably tell that by the fact I am dark and they aren't.'
Augusta admitted to herself that she didn't look much like the two girls.
Marianne smiled at the look on Augusta's face, reading her thoughts perfectly. 'Their father, Ben, got divorced not long after Candice was born. He got, as you can see, custody. I met Ben Collins shortly after the divorce and moved in with him and the girls. But you see, they didn't think much of me. Sure, I married Ben but that didn't make it right in their eyes. I guess they missed their mom, but she had gone to the Philippines. The girls don't know but their mom runs a seedy club in Manila. I guess they don't need to know.
'Anyway I found Dylan to be, let's say, difficult. More important one day I found her playing tying up her dolls. Now, I didn't mind but I figured it would upset Ben. He was always saying he didn't want the girls damaged in any way about what would happen from the divorce, and I figured if he found a couple of dolls all tied up he'd immediately call in a shrink.
'So, I asked Dylan to keep it quiet. Just to herself. The next thing I knew Candice was playing tough kid on the block. She was four and a real handful, always kicking out at me and Dylan too. One day I'd had enough. I stormed out of the room and told Dylan to quit complaining about her little sister. If she didn't like how she was behaving, she should goddamn tie the child up. Treat her like a doll.
'For some reason it did the trick. Dylan just grinned, grabbed some rope and disappeared into her room where Candice was being an asshole. Five minutes later we had peace and quiet - Dylan playing happily, Candice, or Candy as Dylan said she was when she was being a doll, all silent because she was tied up. It was crazy, even with Candy gagged with something Dylan had tied in her mouth, but I didn't mind. It was peace at last. I suddenly wasn't having headaches.
'But, there's always a but. From then on things escalated. Dylan wanted to tie her sister up more. Her big doll, she called her sister. Candy came to be a kind of code word. I I heard the name Candy I knew it was time that the little one was tied up.
'In theory all hell should have broken loose over this. But for some reason Candy, when she was being a tied up doll or for a while after, was the best behaved she'd ever been, though maybe she didn't have a lot of choice as Dylan was real good at tying up. Even Dylan didn't seem to hate me as much. It's crazy, but the only time we all got on it seemed was when Dylan had tied up Candy and gagged her, or just untied her sister and they were both calm.'
'I don't understand why Dylan came here then, if she does it at home?'
'Simple. Ben came very close to finding them doing it one day. Somehow Dylan got her trussed up sister into the closet a second before her father came into the room. There were other close calls and I think Ben began to suspect something was going on. I told Dylan she couldn't do it in the house any more. They had to find someplace safe. At our old house, there was a rumpus room that Ben hardly ever saw - probably because it was such a mess. But when we came here the kids, Dylan mostly, were real disappointed there wasn't a place they could do play their game.'
'And you told them they couldn't do it where their father would find them.'
'That's it.'
'But why don't you tell your husband?'
'Because he thinks any behavior that isn't little girl perfect requires psychiatrists and specialists. I think it's a way he believes he can relieve his guilt over the divorce.'
Augusta shook her head. 'But surely he understands kids have to, well, explore.'
'All he understands is that little girls should smile sweetly and not do anything.' Marianne shook her head. 'More importantly he doesn't understand much about children growing up.'
'It's kind of hard, then, keeping it a secret?'
'Sure. That's why they can play in the treehouse as far as I'm concerned. Better than in the house with the risk of being discovered.' Marianne stood, pushing the chair back under the table.
'You're... you're leaving them here?'
'Augusta, you look the kind of woman who wouldn't let them come to any harm. They can play here as far as I'm concerned. You could say they're all yours. Don't worry, I'll let myself out.'
'But Dylan and Candy -' began Augusta, not sure what point she was making.
The woman with black hair smiled and tapped the rope on the table. 'If I know Dylan, you'll need a lot more rope than that for her.'
Augusta stood too. 'Marianne, there's one more thing... I don't know how to tell you.'
'Oh don't tell me Dylan is doing her pantyless trick.'
Augusta stared at the woman. 'You mean, she does this to others?'
'Yeah. Her way of attracting attention. Make people notice her.'
'But it's dangerous!'
'Not usually in front of women. That's all she does it in front of, not men.' Marianne paused. 'You're going to ask if she's gay.'
'No!' Augusta blurted out a little too quickly. She was thinking exactly that.
'If you don't think it, I do,' sighed the mother but added a grin. 'She did that to me at first and she was only seven then. Kind of a cute ass, though.'
Augusta tried not to think about it. But she had thought about a lot lately. She said, trying to get her thoughts off the subject: 'Aren't you worried about her and Candy being here with me?'
'No. Candy will be bound and gagged most of the time and Dylan's pretty happy just to practice her knots. Look, I must be going. Have Dylan untie Candy in a few hours and send them home.'
With that Marianne went, leaving Augusta alone with her contradicting emotions.
'You got the rope for me?' asked Dylan when Augusta appeared in the treehouse a few minutes later.
'Sure' said Augusta, holding up a few hanks of white rope and even a roll of duct tape as she glanced at the floor and saw it was indeed clean. 'And some tape, like you wanted.'
'Cool,' said the girl. She pointed at her little sister, sat on the chair - legs sticking out in front. It was no surprise that the small girl wasn't wearing her pants - it was easy to tell by the fact that she had her legs wide apart to show off her slit and her cheeks bulged. But it was also obvious that little Candy's cheeks bulged dramaticially.
There seemed to be so much cotton in there that the child was having difficulty keeping her lips together. The effect was also to make the little girl's cute nose turn up that little more.
'I put my panties in there too,' explained Dylan airily as she reached for and took the roll of silver tape. 'Just to make sure she stays real quiet.'
Augusta felt her heart pound. It wasn't just the sight of the silenced seven year old sat waiting docilely for bondage (she even had her hands down by the side of the chair and shoulders back) but the view of her hairless vagina that flipped the middle-aged woman's heart over. She watched from the as Dylan peeled a strip of the tape off the roll and tore it away expertly, and then proceeded to tape over Candy's round cheeks.
Dylan smoothed it down firmly over Candy's bulging cheeks. 'She looks like a hamster,' snickered the girl as she took more tape and carefully began to hide the little one's lower face under layers of tape. Augusta watched spellbound as Candy's face was progressively taped up to make what looked a more than efficient gag.
'Why is she gagged so much?' Augusta found herself asking.
''Cos I don't want her asking to be tied up different,' explained Dylan.
'She asks?' Augusta didn't want to sound so incredulous but couldn't help it.
'Sure. When she's not gagged. She wants me to sometimes tie in one way she likes.'
'Which is...?'
'She calls it her bunny way. It's what she calls being tied up kneeling with her hands tied down her front, sort of between her legs.' Dylan dropped her voice to a mock whisper. 'Sort of like she wants to, you know, rub herself down there.'
'Of course,' said Augusta, feeling faint. 'But you don't do that much right?'
'Um, only when she's behaved herself. Then she can be tied up like that.'
Augusta nodded, understanding suddenly why there was so much good behavior for Candy with bondage. She got to frig her bald little sex tied up like that. Hell, the woman thought, even I'd like that...
Augusta watched as Dylan took the ropes and laid them on the gagged girl's lap so she could find them easily. Selecting one she began to tie the rope round Candy's throat.
'Wait, Dylan!' called Augusta in alarm.
'It's okay,' said the ten year old without looking round. 'I'm not gonna choke her. It's just how I always start off. Neck and arms first, then hands behind her, then body and last legs. I don't tie her neck too tight. Well, not unless she's been real bad.' Dylan chuckled.
Augusta blushed at her reaction. Her sex was hotter than she expected it to be and she wriggled, tempted to put her hand up her own skirt. She thought that maybe Dylan hadn't noticed she had changed from her jeans to a denim skirt. Not short, but short enough not to obstruct her getting to her uncovered sex.
The woman had kicked her pants off before she left the house. After all, if a child could go pantyless so could she.
Dylan was too busy tying her sister to notice anything much. The ropes went round Candy with perfect ease: Dylan had done this before. A lot. She worked quickly on the knots, her nimble little fingers dancing round. Every so often, as a rope was tied tight - like across the seven year old's flat chest - Candy let out a muffled groan. She groaned loudest when her arms were forced back behind her and bound tight.
As much as Augusta enjoyed the sight from the front she moved round to see how Dylan was tying the knots, how it all looked from the back. It looked, she thought, perfect. The woman's cunt spasmed in unbounded joy at what she was seeing. She thrilled at the way the rope from Candy's slim neck was just tight enough to put a faint crease in it, the way it was tied to the child's hands behind her, obliging her to keep them lifted slightly.
Augusta sensed that two hours or so like that and poor Candy's shoulders would be shrieking for mercy. Probably she would be too, but the gag would stifle anything above a grunt. And out here, up in the treehouse, there was no-one within sixty yards to hear them. This was the perfect place for tying up small girls, Augusta concluded, and she was so glad she didn't have it torn down when her son grew up.
But then it was one of those things she needed to cling to. Something from the past, something that reminded her when she was happier. But even that thought made her laugh out loud. She had never been happier than this, seeing these children play like this. Even the way Candy had her skinny legs tied wide on the seat of the chair so her sex was on show. Augusta couldn't be sure, but hadn't Dylan pushed her sister's skirt back to show it off more?
Dylan raised an eyebrow in a gentle, almost adult way, and looked at the woman as if wanting to know what she was laughing at.
'Oh sorry,' smiled Augusta. 'I was just thinking, how much I love this place, and seeing you two here is just... uh, wonderful.'
'I like it too. Lots and lots,' said Dylan. 'Candy likes it too, don't you?'
The small girl, by now trussed tightly on the chair, nodded as best she could. The rope at her neck dimpled her skin more as she did so.
'You put a skirt on,' said Dylan, looking from the bound and gagged little girl back at the woman. 'Is that so you can take your panties off?'
Augusta blushed at being found out. 'Not quite.. Um, I don't have any on right now.'
A slow smile creased Dylan's face. 'You wanna play, don't you?'
'Play?' Augusta wasn't sure how she got the word out, her throat felt so dry.
'Putting fingers in yourself,' said the older girl, hitching her skirt up to show once more her bare, beautifully shaped pussy. She slid one of her own fingers into herself so easily Augusta concluded she must be wet there already.
Augusta gulped loudly, the knot in her stomach twisting tighter. Without a moment's hesitation she dragged up her own skirt and plunged not one but two fingers into herself, not caring that Dylan was chuckling as she watched her.
'You're all hairy,' grinned the pre-teen.
'Yes,' gasped the woman, her fingers already rubbing up against her clit, sliding in and out of that hot, wet tunnel. 'You... uh, you want me to shave myself?'
'Shave?' Dylan gurgled a laugh.
'Oh yes, make myself bald, like you and Candy. So you can see my big cunt.' The words tumbled out, all reserve gone now. The woman was rubbing herself frantically, about to come. She was shaking, breathing hard. She looked at Candy, sat staring wide-eyed at the woman masturbating in front of her. Not looking at her sister, as she'd probably seen that before. But an adult doing it was something new, Augusta would reason later.
Now though wasn't the time for reasoning or reflecting. This was a time for just doing - and doing meant cumming. Hard and fast. Augusta's hand shamelessly blurred between her legs. She was aware the two girls were watching her: Dylan slow and gentle, toying with herself and the tied up Candy just staring, drinking in the view - and the smell of female arousal.
Augusta's grunts filled the air, almost overpowering Dylan's giggling. She came like she'd never cum before, a scream of delight on her lips.
The woman was still shaking slightly nearly ten minutes later as she got Dylan milk and cookies in the kitchen.
'Shouldn't we go and check on Candy?' asked Augusta as she brought the plate and glass to the table and set it down before the girl.
'Why?' Dylan smiled up at the woman, then watched her go and pick her own panties up where she'd discarded them on the kitchen floor earlier. Dylan watched as Augusta hauled her pants up under her skirt, the woman blushing at such an act as if the events of a few minutes ago had never happened.
'You wanna cum again?' added the child.
Augusta felt her face get hot. Hotter, as it had barely cooled since she brought herself off so spectacularly a short while ago. 'Um, no. Just I need to know if Candy's okay.'
'She isn't going anyplace,' said the girl, taking a cookie. 'I tied her real good.'
'But the rope at her neck... she could strangle herself.'
'She won't,' said the girl cheerfully. 'Candy sits still when she's tied down.'
Augusta glanced out of the window, towards the treehouse. There was of course no sign of the fact there was a child bound in there. No-one overlooked it and the treehouse window didn't show anything. Yet the woman felt compelled to look, to see if she could see.
'You want to look at her cunt again?' asked Dylan, sipping from her glass of milk.
'I wish you wouldn't use that word,' said Augusta.
'You did.' Dylan's eyes twinkled. 'You said you had a big cunt.'
'Um... I got carried away. That's all.'
'So you want to see Candy's pussy again?'
Augusta tried to shrug, as if it was unimportant. It was, just as it was important to see the child tied up like that.
'You can see mine,' said Dylan. She eased herself back from the table and hoisted up her skirt. 'See?'
Augusta couldn't help but see. It looked a pleasant shade of pale pink, as if where she had rubbed herself had left a tinge. Then to the woman's astonishment the child pointed to the length of rope on the table, where it had been left unattended since she'd brought it round with Candy. 'You can tie me up with that rope. Well, my hands anyway,' said the girl.
Augusta's reaction was such that Dylan laughed aloud. 'No, really!' grinned the girl. 'I don't mind if you want to tie me up and look at my slit and then, you know, diddle your own slit.'
'I can't do that,' Augusta managed to say after what seemed an age, but was probably no more than a few seconds. The woman, suddenly aware that her heart seemed poised between beats and her stomach had crumpled up tight into a ball, let out a huge breath. 'I don't tie people up.'
'I do,' said Dylan with astonishing calmness. 'An' I don't mind if you want to do it to me.'
'B-but... why?'
''Cos I like you. You're my friend. And you've got a treehouse for me to tie up Candy.'
'Dylan... I can't tie you up here.'
'Okay,' said the child as she hopped off her chair. She scooped up the rope and turned to the door. 'Do it in the treehouse then. Candy won't mind - and anyway the gag tape's up there.'
Dylan was gone before Augusta could take her next breath.
Augusta tried to reason with the child almost at the steps of the treehouse. 'Listen, Dylan -' she began
'Don't call me that,' said the girl pleasantly. 'Now we are friends you can call me Dill.'
'Dill,' repeated the woman. 'Please. I don't think it''s right that I tie you up. Your mom wouldn't like it.'
Dill shrugged. 'So? I don't have to ask her. I don't like her much anyway. She isn't my real mom.'
'I know. But she cares about you. Earlier she said tha-' Augusta stopped herself. She had said too much.
A sudden cold look crossed Dylan's face. 'You mean, she's been here? She told you about me and Candice?' Candice, not Candy, noted Augusta with dismay.
'Just to make sure you were okay, you and Candy.'
'But you didn't say anything to me about her.' Dylan had gone from happy, warm about-to-be-tied up child to distant, frowning I-don't-like-you. 'You let me think this was just me and my sister and you.' Tears suddenly formed in the child's big eyes. 'You tricked me!'
'No, I didn't! Your mom came round and told me to let you and Candy play, in the treehouse. She said you liked tying up games, that she was happy you-'
Augusta didn't get any further. Dylan threw down the rope and stalked away, back towards the house. Not towards the kitchen door but the side gate, to let herself out.
For a moment Augusta froze to the spot. She thought she should shout after the child and beg her not to go and leave her kid sister tied up, but she could hardly shout that across the yard. But what if she wasn't going home? What if she went to a neighbor, or the cops? What if everyone thought Augusta Moon was a child kidnapper?
In a moment she acted. Augusta grabbed the rope from the ground and raced after the child. She caught her just as the kid had her hand on the gate. 'Listen,' she said between clenched teeth. 'You aren't going anywhere.' In an instant Augusta - who had never tied anyone up in her life, only dolls years ago - had the rope round Dylan's elbows, dragging them tight together. Dylan kicked but didn't connect, and the rope tightened on her arms, stopping her lashing out. Somehow, Augusta had got the child down, face down, and pinned her weight down with her knee. Brutal but effective as she knotted the rope.
'Ow! Hurts! Get off me,' cried Dylan. One step from a scream. Augusta clamped one hand over the girl's mouth and with her other hand somehow had her hand up her own skirt and dragged off her pants. In another moment she had them balled and forced into the girl's mouth, hand again clamped over her jaw to stop Dylan spitting them out.
Still with her free hand (Augusta would always wonder where all this energy and knowledge came from) she unfastened the thin leather belt on her skirt and dragged it out of the loops. Still holding the child down Augusta got the belt round the child's head, not once but twice and managed to buckle it on the tightest fitting. Good enough to keep the pants in Dylan's mouth. In that same instant she realized that she could have it on the loosest fitting and have it also go round Dylan's neck. In a brief struggle she got it undone, managed to keep her underpants in the child's mouth and then loop the belt ends also round the child's neck.
Dylan made a strange choking sound but stopped struggling. She was breathing, but the fight seemed to have gone out of her. She lay on the ground by the gate, sobbing a little, and Augusta stood up over her, shaking and gulping air. The child's skirt had ridden up and her naked butt was on show. In a moment of anger, either at herself or Dylan, the woman brought the flat of her hand down sharply on those twin little globes.
'Ummmf' squealed the ten year-old into her surprisingly effective gag. She flinched at the impact but didn't try to move.
Augusta stared at what she'd done. A pre-teen girl at her feet, bound and gagged with a large red hand-print on her ass cheeks.
Thoughts came back to Augusta. She understood all this had taken no more than a couple of minutes, and in that time she hadn't thought at all. She'd just reacted, and with a purpose she never knew she had. Now she had Dylan as her prisoner, and in the treehouse was a well tied Candy.
'Shit,' said Augusta, to herself. But there was no turning back. In one movement she dragged the sobbing Dylan up by the rope at her elbows (making her squeal a little again as the child's weight was held by her shoulders) and propelled the child back across the yard towards the treehouse. There was, she knew, a risk that someone was looking out but she couldn't think of any other option. She moved smartly, half carrying, half pushing the child in front of her so Dylan's toes danced across the ground. She bundled the child ahead of her up the stairs to the treehouse, praying the girl's step-mother wasn't looking out at that moment.
Within a few seconds she had the child up the steps and in through the door.
Inside, Candy looked up startled to see her sister pushed and lifted in, Dylan's face slightly purple from the neck strap and tears rolling down her cheeks.
She was as astonished to see the child pushed to the floor and the woman use half the roll of silver tape to bind her older sister into a hogtie with ankles dragged up to her hands and taped tight. Then almost the rest of the tape went round Dylan's head, sealing up her mouth, and finished off by dragging the girl's head up and back as the tape was extended to the mass at her joined up wrists and ankles.
Candy could see her sister crying and felt puzzled why she was like this, why this woman looked so angry. But deep down inside Candy smiled: her sister deserved this. After all Dill hadn't tied Candy up for ages in her favorite bunny pose.
Augusta sat in the corner of the treehouse, contemplating what she'd done. She sat staring at the two girls, the younger one tied to the chair, the older one on her stomach in a hogtie.
But she had positioned herself so she could see both slits, the small, sweet pussies of Dylan and Candy.
Perhaps it was relief that she had got so far, maybe it was arousal at what she'd done or sheer delight at what she saw and discovered in herself, but the woman sat with her knees up and legs apart, her skirt falling back. Augusta played with herself slowly, tantalizingly, as she stared at the sight of two small cunts before her. Tied up girls, helplessly exposed and silently awaiting her attention.
Fuck, thought Augusta to herself, I even like the word cunt now.
It was later, after she had come twice, that she arranged Dylan on her back at the side of the chair Candy was bound to. Augusta stroked the older girl's long blonde hair. 'I don't want you to be hurt, Dill' she whispered. 'I want to make you happy. I'm going to play with you. You and your dear sweet little sister.'
She gulped at what she was saying, but the words were forming themselves on her lips and she was enjoying hearing them too. 'You both belong to me, two sweet sexy little whores, all tied up and exposed and helpless and ready to be fingered. You know what fingered is? You know what it means to play with yourself until you want to cum? You ever felt a woman's long, strong fingers on your sex, inside you? Reaching and probing and teasing and stroking? Well, you are going to find out. You and Candy will be my little, eager bitches. Tied up bitches, desperate to please me, wanting me to please you.'
Augusta eased herself into a position where she could do what she wanted to both small cunts, Dill at her left hand, Candy at her right. Carefully she toyed with both small openings simultaneously, slipping a forefinger in each - and drawing astonished moans from her two captives - and using her thumb to rub their tender little clits.
Patiently, almost lovingly, Augusta worked her fingers in and out, stroking and rubbing to bring excitement to the girls. She wanted to them to cum, like she had. She wanted them to be so suffused with pleasure they would do anything for her. She wanted them to-
'What do you think you are doing?' said a voice behind her as light suddenly flooded into the treehouse.
Startled, Augusta spun on her haunches, seeing Marianne at the door.
'M-mar-marianne,' Augusta stammered, snatching her hands from the two girls as the thing she was touching, their delicate pink twats, were on fire. The woman tried to scramble to her feet, hastily pushing her skirt down where it had draped back on her hips. She hoped, foolishly, that she hadn't shown her own sore, excited cunt to the woman in the doorway.
'Well, well, well.' The neighbor closed the door behind her. Cutting off escape - but then, where was Augusta going to run to? 'I wondered quite what might be going on here, especially as I knocked at your door and there was no reply.'
'Uh, listen... It's not what you think,' said Augusta, fidgeting weakly. 'It's just a game we're playing.'
'You think so?' Marianne had that calmness about her that suggested it would presage a storm soon.
'I can explain everything,' said the older woman.
'I doubt it, like this,' sighed Marianne as she picked up the roll of tape by her feet, ripped off a length and placed it over the astonished Augusta's mouth. Without a word of explanation the black-haired woman turned Augusta round and pulled her hands behind her before she took another strip of tape wound it round her wrists where they crossed. Later for Augusta there was the bizarre realization she just stood, hands crossed, waiting for the woman to get the tape off the roll, without struggling.
No fight, just accepting the way Candy had accepted what was done to her.
Augusta waited too while her knees and ankles were taped together - even standing still while the woman reached up her skirt and taped her thighs together, just below her crotch. Only then did the woman turn Augusta round to face her.
Marianne pursed her lips. 'So it seems I have myself a child-molesting woman here, our very own pervert next door. She entices my two step-daughters up here and ties them up and is enjoying them sexually. Fortunate I came by when I did.' The words were harsh but the woman was smiling in an odd way.
Augusta shook her head, wanting to say it wasn't that at all. But even though she could make some sound through her gag she thought it better not to make any noise.
Marianne moved closer to the older woman. She brought her hand up and flicked at one of Augusta's hard nipples where it showed prominently through her top. Augusta winced, partly at the sudden shock of the assault and partly because she was ashamed her arousal from what she had been doing - and even what Marianne had done to her.
'Mmm, nice hard nipples, Mrs Moon,' said Marianne. Her fingers flicked over the hard nub of first one, then the other, breast. Behind her tape gag, Augusta whimpered. 'Now, let's talk, just you and me... oh, that's right, you can't!' Marianne snickered. 'So let's just say it's me talking and you listening. Okay?'
Augusta nodded, feeling aroused as the woman's hands toyed with her even harder nipples now.
'This is how it is, Mrs Augusta Moon, so listen up. I caught you with my daughters. You tied them up and abused them. I understand the police take a pretty crazy view of folk like you, enticing kids up into places like this. Dens of depravity, the local media tend to call them.' The woman grinned and squeezed both Augusta's nipples in a vise-like grip, drawing a fresh whimper from the bound and gagged woman. 'Sure, none of us want to see the neighborhood spoilt so I suggest you do what I say.'
Augusta waited as Marianne continued, silently, working her nipples between thumbs and forefingers, making her moan as the woman tightened her grip. The older woman, to her horror, felt herself getting wet between her clamped together legs at this handling. Juices running down the inside of her thigh. It wasn't just the way she was being handled that did it, either. Over Marianne's shoulder she could see the two bound girls. Candy was watching intently, Dylan trying to crane her head up to see. She could even see their little cunts, where she had arranged them so she could play with them.
'So, my scheme is this, Augusta. You will babysit these two kids. How you do it is up to you, but you will not ask for any payment. I understand from that nosey old neighbor on the other side of you - Mrs Blanchard, isn't it, the one whose husband is a retired police officer? - that you are home on your own all day. Seems to me you're the perfect babysitter. The perfect free babysitter.
'In fact, you can collect the kids from school, feed them, entertain them and even have them stay over sometimes. The truth is, Augusta, I don't much care for my husband's kids. They don't like me much and the feeling is mutual.
'Hey, I don't even like washing their clothes. So you can do that for me, understood?' She didn't wait for any response and pressed on.
'I want you to keep the little bitches out of my hair, got it?' At that Marianne gave Augusta's swollen and sore nipples and extra hard twist. Augusta grunted in pain, snorting so hard that snot ran down over her taped mouth. She managed to nod, tears in her eyes.
'If you don't do what I say, when I say, I will screw your life up so hard you'll wish you'd been born a corkscrew. Got it?'
Augusta got it.
'Good,' Marianne smiled gently and let go. She brushed her fingertips over Augusta's pained nipples. 'So do we look after my two little angels without any problems?'
Augusta nodded, trying not to flinch as Marianne's fingers stroked round the edges of her nipples. In its way it was deliciously erotic and laden with threat.
Marianne stepped back and regarded the two bound and gagged children. 'Pity they can't say how much they want to go home with me right now, but I'm sure you'll find a way of persuading them to stay.'
The black haired woman spun Augusta round and tore the tape off the older woman's wrists. Augusta yelped as the tape was ripped away. 'Unfasten yourself and then see to the kids,' smirked Marianne, and departed, slamming the treehouse door behind her.
It took Augusta a few minutes to peel the tape off her face and legs - carefully, so it didn't hurt - and give a silent prayer of thanks that things weren't worse. She felt strange, holding up her skirt to get the tape off the top of her thighs, knowing the girls were watching. Free of the tape at last she stood and regarded the two girls, looking up at her. Augusta should have blushed when she lifted her skirt again and stroked her wet cunt once more, but didn't care.
Pleasure was all that mattered now. Her pleasure.
When she'd finished toying with herself, Augusta went to the window to check Marianne wasn't still around. She wasn't of course, but the woman had to be sure this wasn't a trap. She stood regarding the yard, her house, the house next door. She wondered what she might do with these children, what she wanted to do to them.
Then she understood she needed to test them, to see if they would do what she wanted. If they did, babysitting would be fun.
'Girls,' said Augusta turning to them, 'it seems whatever happens I'm your new babysitter. And as you are staying, I figure I ought to do something to entertain you, like your step-mom says.'
Augusta went to Candy and untied her. She explained as she did so that she'd be leaving the child's hands tied behind her, and that she was going to be tied in a new position. The seven year old nodded. Not distressed in any way, as if this was simply what happened when you were small.
The ropes came away and she was allowed to kneel. Augusta moved the chair to one side. She told Candy to wait while she untied Dylan. Although that took a while longer because of the tape, eventually Dylan was eventually like her sister, kneeling with her hands bound behind her. Both girls were still gagged.
Augusta felt her cunt twitch. The two girls looked so sweet and appealing, gagged that way.
Augusta squatted in front of the two girls and hiked her skirt back so they could see her sex, juices glistening on her bush. 'I guess I should explain something to you. As I'm going to be looking after you I guess you have to do exactly what I say. And I say it's time you got to taste each other. I'm going to bind you face to pussy, Dylan on her back, you Candy on top of her, kinda upside down.'
Candy looked mystified but Dylan didn't show the same look. Perhaps, concluded Augusta, she understood something of what lay ahead.
Augusta arranged Dylan on her back, looking into her eyes as she laid her down. 'I need you to help me, Dill,' she said. 'I didn't mean to get you into this, not like I did. But it will be better for you and me if we do this together.'
Dylan nodded and Augusta smiled. She bent forward and kissed the girl's taped lips, a gesture of friendship. 'I'll take your gag out soon,' breathed Augusta.
Next the woman lay Candy on top of her sister, the seven year old's face at her older sisters crotch. Augusta removed both skirts so the kids' bare sex was inches from each other's mouths - fortunately Dylan was not too much bigger than Candy in body length so they wouldn't have to stretch much. Carefully, but tightly, Augusta bound the smaller girl to the bigger girl but left their legs free so they could spread them wide.
But not for long. Augusta soon got the idea she should tie Dylan's legs apart using the broom to stop her closing them and Candy's were bound to the legs of the chair, positioned behind her. Then - and only then - did the gags come off and the panties eased out.
'I guess you two have never done this before, but it will be fun. You just start licking each other's cute little pussies. Tongues to slits - and no talking, right?'
Both children nodded but didn't say anything. They began, tentatively, to lick each other. It was hardly eating each other out. More a gentle tickle, but a start.
Augusta sat and watched, thrilled they were doing what she had told them to do. They were, she noticed, getting bolder. Augusta moved round them to see how each tongue was doing, how deep it was trying to get into each hole, how they were nuzzling each small clit. How they began to bob their heads.
The woman was aware the children were moaning as they lapped, twitching in their bonds. Not to be free she surmised but to show they were enjoying each other.
Augusta fingered her own cunt, watching the girls pleasure each other. She picked up a pair of discarded panties - Dylan's she noted - and pressed them into her own mouth as she masturbated. She couldn't be sure, but she thought there might still be a trace of the ten year old's sex on them.
Then, after she had climaxed, she picked up the tape, lifted little Candy's head by the simple expedient of grabbing the child's hair and glued a strip over the little one's lips. She heard Dylan moan in frustration and buck her hips, to try to get some more of her little sister's licking - unable to see that Candy's tongue was sealed away.
Dylan's own mouth followed, but not before Augusta had given the pre-teen a reassuring kiss. She could even taste Candy's snatch on Dylan's lips, which was especially erotic. Yet taping the older girl's mouth up had an eroticism of its own.
'I don't want you two having too much pleasure straight off,' smiled Augusta. 'Later maybe.'
The woman left the two girls silent and bound lying on the floor of the treehouse, and went to her house. She made something for them all to eat, up in the treehouse, and thought about some more furniture for up there. Another hardback chair for a child to be tied to, a bed for one or both of them to be tied to. Maybe big enough for her to make love to Dill. Or Candy, when she was a little older.
A couple of hooks on the wall to tie the girls to, a couple of restraint rings in the beam across the ceiling. A stool, perhaps, with straps attached to make one child perch up and watch any lovemaking. A stool with a dildo on it? Augusta blushed as she remembered she had a couple of nice vibrating dildos in her bedside drawer. Well, they'd be useful in the treehouse.
Chains attached to the floor, to the old oak tree supporting it, so the kids could move around a little but not leave. How about a bucket, for them to use as a toilet?
The old treehouse needed something too. A good scrub, a new coat of paint, and a couple of racks, to hold ropes and ball-gags and even a paddle, for when they were naughty. Even a shelf in the window.
Augusta smiled at the idea of the shelf. Amanda the doll could sit there, arms tied behind her, tape over her lips. She could sit looking out at the yard and not at the tied girls up behind her.
But if the girls were very good, they could tie up Amanda. Yes, smiled Augusta, that would be wonderful.
Three dolls all bound and gagged in the treehouse. Their new home.
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