Unexpected Encounters

[ Mg, ped, loli, inc ]


Published: 3-Mar-2012

Word Count: 1524

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Fictional Fun. Enjoy.

I left the army and started a college course to get back into the "real" world which is where my journey into realising I loved little girls began. The internet had only just started to come onto campus and the year was early 1995 and I was just 19. In my class there was a guy called Rob who was into fixing computers and we got on quite well.

One day he said to me "Are you easly shocked?"

"No, why?" I asked.

"Well people usually say they are and then usually arent."

"Well Im not one of those I tell ya. So why you asking anyway?"

"Ok, when you go home, check these out," he handed me 3 floppy disks.

"Better not be a virus or anything!"

"Nah mate, hard to get hold of stuff thats all."

And with that he left.

As the day progressed I got more and more curious so when I got home, I quickly went up to my room and loaded the first disk on my pc. DOS showed there some pics, so I copied the disk on to the hard drive and opened up the first picture, half expecting to see some guy with his head cut off or something. What I saw instead was awesome.... a small brunette girl of about 8 years old with an older brunette girl about 17 licking the smaller girls pussy. Took me a few moments to realise why I would be shocked... I was looking some kiddie porn. Pretty damn incredible KP to be honest. My cock immediately started to get hard and as I went through the pictures and I found these were from a color climax mag from the 70's and the young girl was called "Annette" and there was about 20 or so pics but I went through every single one as I wanked off. That day and the rest of the week, I spend everyday wanking off to them pics about 3 times a day.

Eventually I printed some off and kept them in a copy of one of my porn mags. Rob was pleased that I wasnt easily shocked but unfortunately he had no more as he had just took them off a hard drive. I spent the rest of the week looking for stuff like this and unfortnately didnt find any as I was new to the net.

When the weekend came my uncles wife, asked me round to her house as she wanted me to do her a favour. When I got there she said she and my uncle and her had to London but could take her little daughter Sarah (who was about 6) as they were going to go to a funeral and needed a sitter. I groaned at this as I really didnt fancy baby sitting my cousin.

"Oh c'mon Dave its only for the day."

"Just the day? How come your going there just for the day?"

"Coz your uncle doesnt wanna stay there and wants to come back the same day. We will be back late evening which means it will be past her bedtime. You wont have to do much I promise, she looks after herself mainly, its just so shes not in the house by herself. It will be one day on this Monday and wont be until the afternoon." My Aunt had a way of persuading me which made me feel like if I didnt do it I was doing something wrong by not helping her out. Reluctantly I agree and since it was not even a full day I just went with it.

When Monday came, I took my printed pictures and put them in one of my uni folders to keep them hid so I could spend the day when I got a moment to wank. I went to my Aunts house and they seemed almost rushed to get out. We quickly said our goodbyes, and she briefed me on what I needed to know and left. Sarah looked pretty cute in a pair of pink leggings and a tshirt. Sarah was petite even for a 6 year old, with shoulder length dark brown hair and lovely brown eyes. She had a cute smile, cute feet and hands. However nothing else really crossed my mind other than what am I going to do with her for the rest of the day....

Later the phone rang and my uncle said he wouldnt be back till the later hours as the car has broke down and although he is getting it fixed he wont be able to set off till much later than expected. That was ok by me I told him and asked him to call me when he was nearer home so I know he is definitely going to be back the same night.

As they day progressed i desperately wanted to wank but couldnt as Sarah spent most of the day roaming around the house doing her colouring in books, one thing or another etc but soon got bored. Sarah jumped into my lap as i sat watching TV and then sat astride me. We talk about this and that and I realised after a few minutes that she was resting both hands on my crotch. She was only using her hands to steady herself innocently but I instantly started to get hard, then flashing images of Annette started to pop into my head. After a few moments, Sarah realised that my cock had grown hard and instead of resting her hands on it, she curled her hand round it. I felt my precum leak loads from cock.

"Whasat there?" she said in her cute little voice.

"Thats my pee pee."

"Why is it got big?"

"Coz you were touching it", my mind was racing, reeling. I knew I should have stopped it but knew I couldnt, I was just too turned on.

"Feels hard!" She said excitedly.

"You like squeezing it?"


I encouraged her to rub it some more and held her butt cheeks from behind....then moved my hands round the front.

"Can I touch your pee pee?" She nodded slowly and started to concentrate more on what she was doing...i felt through her leggings and found she was slightl wet down there...her little cheeks became flushed as I rubbed her and I could hear her breathing slightly heavier. I told her we should go usptairs and get her ready for bed, but I had other plans.

I took her upstairs and undressed her. when she was totally naked I asked her where her jammies (Pjs) were. She walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled some out while I admire her. I told her not to put them on just yet and got her to stand infont of me. I kneeled infront of her and touched her sweet little pussy with my forefinger, she giggled and said "That tickles!"

"Do you like it though?" I asked. She nodded much quicker this time and said "Do it more". I needed no prompting, I laid her on the bed, and opened her legs. I rubbed her clit with my thumb and then lent forward to lick her. She squealed at first giggling and then settled to a soft sigh.

While I liked her I released my own cock and started wanked it hard, I knew it wouldnt be long before I cum. She started to tense up and I knew I was about to give her what was probably he first ever cum. She shuddered and moaned, softly asking me to stop but I kept going till she shook against my mouth, filling it with sweet nectar cum. She looked at me all confused a few seconds later and said "What happened? What did I do, did I pee?"

I smiled, "No baby, you just cum. I will explain later.... now you wanna see my pee pee?" She said yes and help me undoe my trousers and pants. I got completely naked. She sat up on the bed and I got her to sit on the edge, I showed her my cock and how to hold it....I almost exploded when she grabbed it. Since im already circumcized I told her to lick my sensitive spot. When she did I almost saw stars and almost blew my load then but made every effort to hold back a bit. I got her to lick me up and down. Eventually I couldnt take anymore and got her to lay back.....I put my cock on the entrance of her tiny slit and started to rub up n down. In just a few strokes I came really hard, spewing spunk all over her tiny cunt and belly. She again looked at me confused and I told her it was ok it was my milk...

I took some from my finger and fed it to her mouth...she licked it off my finger and said "I dont like it". I said to her dont worry....you will get used to it...and that was the start of our night...


Feedback would be welcome in my email...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Way to short man. We want to have something to savor as we read.


Sheesh! This author (?) needs some really HEAVY DUTY refresher courses in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Otherwise...


Give him a break, he is probably new to the stuff. I think its pretty hot. More please!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.