Published: 13-Mar-2012
Word Count:
"It's show-time, little girl!" the man proclaimed, "Get over here right now!" He had a strap in his hand. Two other men sitting on a nearby couch leered. The little girl glumly complied, shuffling to the middle of the room, standing dispiritedly on the threadbare carpet. Two video cameras stood on tripods nearby, with floodlights for illumination. The man reached over and turned on the cameras. "Get them clothes off now!" he ordered.
The girl stripped off her torn t-shirt and tattered skirt, then pulled down her panties carefully, trying not to tear them; they were even more worn than the rest of her clothes, the elastic pulled nearly out, multiple holes in the fabric.
She was about nine or ten, pretty, or would be except for the general grime she shared with her surroundings, and her hair, which needed a good washing and brushing. Once she was fully naked she stood with her head down, clearly embarrassed to be nude in front of grown men. She did not try to hide her nakedness, however; she had learned not to do that. Her hips were slender, her breasts only buds topped by nipples barely breaking the plane of her chest. Her girlcleft was unfledged, with the puffy lips and prominent clitoris of the typical preteen girl framed between her slim thighs.
"Give the kid a break," a woman's voice barked from the next room, "Don't whip her too hard. I don't wanna see no big marks or nothin'."
"I ain't gonna do that, 'Loris, this is just fer show, ain't it sweetheart?" He tousled her hair, but she did not respond.
"All right, little girl, you've been naughty, so you've got to be punished," he announced, and swung the strap sharply against her bare bottom, [SWAP!].
"AAAH!" the little girl cried out, and "AA-AA-AAH!" as he continued her discipline, her little buttocks jiggling and reddening as she danced in place. After about twenty strokes he moved around to her front and strapped the front of her thighs, leaving bright red marks with each stroke as she wailed. Then he strapped her nipples and breastbuds as she yelped. He finished with ten or so strokes full upon her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris as she nearly screamed. Finally he tossed the strap aside and pretended great concern for her, asking if she was all right, caressing her reddened bottom as she shivered. He slid his hand around to her front. After a while, almost against her will, her hips moved back and forth...
After amusing himself for some time in that fashion he said breezily, "OK, kid, that's it for now. Take a break." She scurried to collect and don her bits of clothing as he turned off the cameras and lights.
I was between jobs, had time on my hands, and it was what little family I had. My great-aunt, whom I'd always liked but hadn't seen in some years, tracked me down and asked me to check on her grand-daughter. Sounded like the girl, woman, actually, had gotten herself mixed up with some bad folks in the backwoods somewhere in the Appalachians. You can't help people like that if they don't want to be helped, but she was my favorite aunt, and just about my only family, so I said I'd go and see what I could do.
I didn't have a steady job, but I was doing all right. I figured, why wait to retire until I was too old to enjoy it? So I'd been taking it in chunks, although I was about ready to retire for good. My business card reads 'Salvage Consultant'. If someone had lost something valuable, and they had no other way to retrieve it legally, they could call me in. My fees were high; I took 50% of the value of whatever I recovered, plus expenses. But, as I always told the clientele, 50% was better than nothing, and nothing was what they were going to get back without me. My rep was pretty good in the right places; I didn't lack for work. I'm big, I'm an ex-Marine, and some folks have made the mistake of thinking I can't move fast...
I drove 'Miss Agnes', my Rolls Royce that some maniac converted to a pickup truck and painted electric-blue, to the county she was supposed to be in, felt my way around, and used a couple of dodges I know to gain information. I located the lady, Deloris was her name. I managed to make contact with her by 'running into her' in the nearby town and wangled an invitation to come out where she lived. She didn't look too good; drug user, almost certainly.
I managed to find the house. It was set way back in the woods. If you didn't know where it was, you wouldn't stumble across it by accident. I went up to the door and was met by a bearded fellow in a dirty shirt. After a bit of negotiation, and intervention by Deloris, he grudgingly let me in. I don't think it hurt any that I was carrying a 'hostess' gift', in this case a big chocolate cake and a case of cold soda I'd picked up at the grocery store, complete with paper plates, cups, and a knife; who knew what kind of utensils they'd have, eh?
It was none too clean inside, but it could've been worse. I was at least willing to sit on the couch, though I wouldn't want to sleep there. It was hard to tell how many people were there; men came and went, a few women. Deloris came over and said hi and a few words, but I could tell she didn't want to talk to me. Everyone liked the cake, though. I managed to snag a piece before it was all gone and sat back down. That's when I saw her.
A little girl was peeping around the corner from another room. She was cute, probably about nine or ten, brown hair, brown eyes, very slender. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were worse: a torn t-shirt, a dirty skirt with an elastic waist, torn socks, shoes with holes in them. I could tell no one was mothering her. I thought to myself, "The jerks didn't even save her a piece!" I caught her eye and motioned her over. Fortunately I hadn't taken a bite of mine yet.
She sidled around the room, avoiding the men, and inched up to me. "Here," I said in a low voice, "Take this, Honey, I don't want it." She took a quick look around; no one seemed to be paying any attention. She took the cake and scurried off to another corner of the room and wolfed it down.
I didn't want to overstay my welcome; I hoped to make multiple visits, scope out the place, see if there was anything I could do about Deloris, though I doubted it. And, I'll admit, the little girl intrigued me. Whose was she? Was anyone taking care of her?
I wangled another invitation with a promise of more goodies and left. I went back a couple of days later with another cake, some cookies, etc. I didn't see the girl right away, but I saved some back for her. When she poked her head in again, I spotted her and motioned her over. I patted the couch next to me as an invitation, and she took the hint. I handed over a piece of cake and watched her eat it.
"My name is Travis M****; what's yours?"
"Vixie," she replied, and dug into the cake. I asked her a few questions as she ate. She wasn't really related to anyone there; as far as I could tell her father used to live there, probably with another woman who wasn't her mother, but at least cared a bit for her. She died; from what little Vixie knew about it, it sounded like an overdose. Then her father left, probably about a year ago. He didn't seem to have cared much about her, and she had not heard from him since. The few women in the house, mostly Deloris as far as I could tell, at least made sure she had some kind of clothes and some food to eat. Other than that she was on her own.
We got about that far when a man I hadn't seen yet breezed into the room, carrying some equipment. "Hey, look, fellas," he said in what I assumed he thought was a jovial voice, "You get dinner and a show! C'mere, Vixie, it's time for your punishment!"
He set up a couple of cameras and lights. The girl shuffled over, dispiritedly. I had a suspicion what was going to happen, and I was calculating odds.
Deloris poked her head in the room. She sounded a bit nervous. "Jimbo, you be easy, now! Don't you hurt her bad or nothin'!"
"I won't, I won't," 'Jimbo' replied, "Like I've always said, it's just for show, right, Sweetheart?" He ruffled Vixie's hair. I could tell she didn't like it, but she didn't shy away or say anything.
Jimbo switched on the cameras. "Git your clothes off, girl!" he commanded, and swung a strap he was holding onto her thighs. She jumped and yelped a bit and hurried to obey, pulling off her t-shirt and sliding her skirt down. Her panties were practically falling off; they looked like a grown woman's size, inadequately taken in.
Now naked except for her shoes and socks, she was...adorable. Heartbreakingly slender, a face like an angel in despair despite the grime, her little breasts no more than buds topped by nipples that barely broke the plane of her chest. Her unfledged mons and girlcleft peeped from between her slim thighs. Her clitoris was prominent.
"OK, so you been a naughty girl, right? And you gotta be punished, so..." With that 'Jimbo' swung the strap onto her bare bottom repeatedly. She jumped and squealed and danced a bit. He moved around to her front and whipped her thighs, bringing more cries and dancing. Then he got a bit...adventurous, doing a bit of front-whipping, strapping her across her nipples, and then full upon her mons and cleftlips. She was crying out by this time, a few tears running down her cheeks.
But I must say, maybe due to Deloris' intervention, he obviously wasn't whipping her very hard. He left only faint red marks that faded slowly. I was watching intently.
Partly this was because I had determined that, no matter what the risk, if he got too rough with her, I was going to intervene. The problem was, there were just too many of them. I probably wouldn't have made it out alive, and the girl might have gotten hurt, too. So I held my piece and just looked on.
And partly, I watched intently because...well, I always knew I'd had a 'thing' for the idea of spanking and 'raping' a pretty little girl. I tried not to remember very often, but sometimes the memories sprang up unbidden...
[WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!] went my tawse against my 'little girl's' bottom and the back of her thighs as she yelped, "AA-AA-AA! Oh, 'Daddy', please!" I moved around and whipped the front of her thighs, [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!]. "OH-OH-OH! Oh, 'Daddy' 'Daddy', please!"
I gave her a few strokes across her breasts, then concentrated on her cleft, whipping her repeatedly as she cried out wildly, her chest heaving. Eventually I tossed the tawse aside and seized her cleft. She was wet, and it only took a bit of probing, pinching her clit, and a few spanks to her cleftlips before she was coming in my hands.
Then I spun her around and put her down on the bed lying across a big pillow. I took her from behind, ramming deeply into her as she cried out. In no time I was coming, spilling my seed inside my 'little girl', and collapsing on the bed next to her.
Then my wife and I headed to the shower; we needed it!
I certainly couldn't have expected my young wife to understand and even accept my...predilection, but she surprised me by being willing to throw herself into it, doing 'ageplay' with me to my enormous delight. We had plans, a house, kids eventually, maybe I'd 'settle down' in some security position...
It was early in my 'career'; I hadn't yet learned that one's enemies will often try to get at you through your loved ones. After the funeral, I tracked them down. At least they'd killed her quickly, so I didn't make them suffer. Much.
But that was long ago...
It was a bit surprising (and I'll admit, a turn-on!) to see Vixie's little hips rocking, and hear her breathing come short, as 'Jimbo' abused her with his hands after he was done whipping her. I don't think she came, though. After 'Jimbo' shut off the cameras, Vixie scurried to get dressed. A few of the men had come in to watch, and they left the room. Deloris came in, twisting her hands nervously. "Y'know, 'Jimbo', he-he don't really hurt her, or nothin', it's just kinda for play, like. He-he sells the pictures and the video and makes good money with it, and-and he saves some for her, yeah, that's it, so she can have clothes and stuff, and she doesn't really mind, do you, kiddo?" she said, then hurried out again. I don't know how much of it she believed, or just wanted to believe. She was a dopehead, with just enough of a shred of sensibility left to be ashamed of the treatment the girl was getting, but not enough to do anything about it. I figured it wouldn't be long before one of the men decided to rape Vixie, or sell her, or both.
Before Vixie could scuttle out of the room, I held up a cookie and motioned her over. She sat down next to me. I let her eat it for a moment, then asked her quietly, "Are you OK?" She just nodded, but a tear was on her nose. I took my handkerchief and dabbed at it. She looked up at me and smiled a bit. There was no way I could hide the 'tenting' of my trousers after seeing the little preteen getting sexually punished like that. I could only hope she didn't notice it.
I went there pretty regularly over the next few weeks, bringing goodies each time. Eventually they came to kind of expect it, I guess. I assume they'd done some checking on their own and found nothing...threatening about me. The fact that I had a 'rap sheet', although no convictions, probably reassured them. 'Jimbo' put on a show with Vixie nearly every time. I have to admit, part of me really enjoyed watching it, and he never did anything that left more than a faint red mark, at least not as long as I was there. And I could tell she couldn't help feeling sexually stimulated by it to some extent. But I had to get her out of it, somehow.
I kept bringing food, varying it more, often bringing some 'real food' along with the desserts; Vixie looked like she didn't get a good meal very often. As long as 'Jimbo' wasn't abusing her, she would sit next to me most of the time. I started bringing her a little trinket, some toy or other; the poor little girl didn't seem to have anything to play with as far as I could tell.
After I'd been coming there regularly for a couple of weeks, she was sitting next to me after a particularly...arousing session with 'Jimbo'. I was tented up pretty good, and trying to recover from it as Vixie sat next to me munching on a sandwich. No one else was in the room at the moment. She looked around as if to make sure, then turned to me and said, "Mr. Travis, will you please take me away from here? Please? Nobody here loves me or cares about me, and I don't like them, and I'm afraid 'Jimbo' or somebody's gonna hurt me for real, and you can spank me and whip me and all that stuff and I don't care 'cuz you're nice and I like you and I know you'd like it 'cuz I can tell your thing gets hard like the other men's does when I get whipped and stuff and won't you please get me out of her, please please please?!" She stopped for a breath and I put my finger on her lips. I didn't want to take a chance on anyone else hearing her.
"Vixie dear, I would love to get you out of here, and I will try my best to do it. We can't go right now; there's too many of them, and you know they have guns, don't you?" She nodded solemnly. "I'll figure out something. You try to pretend like we never talked about this for now. But I promise you, if I can, I'll get you out of here, OK?" She sat back, apparently satisfied for the moment, and went back to her sandwich.
I had been doing some sleuthing, and had come up with the depressing impression that pretty much the entire county was corrupt. A lot of drugs were flowing in and out, and a lot of them came through that house. The police were involved, the courts, the social workers...there was no one I could tell about it who was likely to be able to take the kind of action that would lead to an improvement in Vixie's situation anytime soon. Tipping off the DEA or the state police might have eventually resulted in some action, but that could take months. I was pondering just trying a 'snatch and scoot', when events took a hand...
One day while Vixie was sitting next to me eating some cake I heard the 'POP-POP'. Certain instincts are ingrained into me; in no time I had Vixie down with me behind the couch, and my 1911 in my hand. I hissed a whisper to her, "Is there a bathtub in the house?" She nodded. "Is it upstairs?" She nodded again. More 'pops' had gone off, but they all sounded towards the back of the house. Men were shouting, someone was screaming. I grabbed Vixie under my arm and vaulted over the couch, across the room, and up the stairs. No one saw us. She pointed out the bathroom and I threw her in the tub. "Lie down," I told her urgently.
More gunfire went off for a while, then nothing. The screams had cut off; not a good sign. I heard a car start up and drive off, throwing gravel. I waited a bit, then ran downstairs, telling Vixie to stay put.
Like I thought, it was a hit, and they'd done a pretty good job. 'Jimbo' was still alive, but only barely; I didn't think he'd last. Almost everyone else was dead. Fortunately they were all towards the back.
Deloris was huddled in the kitchen; she barely seemed to notice me when I looked in, she just trembled and whimpered.
I ran back upstairs and picked Vixie up. "Honey, do you have any idea what's happened?" She looked down for a moment, then nodded her head. "So you know people have been shot?" She nodded again. "Sweetheart, I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, but they're pretty much all dead except Deloris. 'Jimbo's' still alive, but I don't think he'll last long. Are you OK?" After a pause, she nodded again.
Then she whispered, "They none of them liked me anyways, except maybe Deloris. Sometimes she'd take care of me a little. I-I'm sorry they're dead, but I din't love them or nothin'."
I hugged her, the sweet, lost, little thing. She clung to me, shivering a bit. "I don't think you need to see them, do you?" She shook her head emphatically. "Then let's get out of here, OK?" She nodded, and I took her to the kitchen, avoiding the back of the house so she couldn't see...anything.
Deloris was still huddled in the kitchen. "Everyone else is dead, or soon going to be," I said, a little brusquely, I suppose; I must admit I didn't have much patience with her. "We're getting out of here. Are you coming?" I didn't wait for an answer, I just headed for the door.
As I bundled Vixie in 'Miss Agnes', I heard Deloris shout, "Wait! Wait for me!" She came running out the door and hurried to the car.
"You come with me, you do exactly what I say all the time, is that understood?" I demanded. She nodded. "There'll be no drug use. You're going to have to go cold turkey. You give me any trouble, and I drop you on the side of the road and I don't look back. Got it?" She nodded again. "Get in," I commanded.
I'd snatched up someone's cell phone earlier; I used it to call in the shooting, on the off chance something could be done for 'Jimbo', then tossed it out the window while the dispatcher was still asking questions.
Vixie sat quietly, looking out the window. I bet she'd almost never even ridden in a car, poor thing. Deloris was huddled to herself, not looking around, shaking a bit. She was probably partly in shock, partly in withdrawal. I didn't really care which. Studying her through the rearview mirror, though, I could see that she couldn't have been much older than thirty, and could still be pretty, if she took care of herself.
I didn't go back to the hotel I was at. I had it set so I could checkout by phone, and I hadn't left anything in the room. I drove some distance before we stopped; didn't want to take any chance someone might connect us with the shooting.
I found us a fairly secluded motel with a check-in where I could keep an eye on the car, and little separated bungalows for rooms. I carried Vixie in; she was exhausted. I lay her on one of the beds and she was asleep in no time. I told Deloris to sleep next to her.
I let her sleep for a few hours. Then I woke her up and told her to stay in the room, don't let anyone in; Deloris and I were going to run to the store for a few things. She nodded sleepily and turned back over.
I could have left Deloris with her, but I didn't trust her yet. I wasn't taking any chances with anything happening to Vixie.
I ran us to a Wal-Mart I had spotted on the way, and bought some little girls' clothing, and an outfit for Deloris, who actually made herself useful with the sizes for Vixie. I hurried us back to the motel; nothing had changed, she was still asleep.
When she woke up I sent her to the bathroom armed with soap, shampoo, a brush, and various sets of clothing to try. I told her to take her time; might have been a mistake-she was in there for an hour and a half!
While she was in there, Deloris and I had a bit of a talk. She was shivering and looked a bit miserable. I asked her if she was OK. She seemed surprised and grateful at any concern, and said, "I-I'm not too bad. I'll get over it. I-I'm really sorry...sorry for everything. And I'm sorry I didn't do better by that little girl..." She broke down crying. I took pity on her and put an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned against me and sobbed for a while. After a bit she pulled herself together some, dabbing her eyes. She even smiled a bit.
I called my great-aunt and told her Deloris was OK, but she didn't want to come to her yet, she needed to...recover a bit. Deloris seemed grateful for that.
When Vixie came out she looked like a different girl. Clean, possibly for the first time in her life, hair brushed out (but still badly needing a stylist), and wearing a cute little pair of jeans and a nice blouse, clean socks, shoes with no holes in them. She was smiling, and I smiled back. "You look great, Vixie! Everything OK?" She grinned even wider and nodded. "You hungry?" She nodded even harder.
We gave Deloris a chance to get freshened up and dressed, then went to the nearby Micky-D's for some breakfast. While we ate, I questioned the girls a little further. They didn't know any of Vixie's family. She was all ready there when Deloris arrived, and Deloris never met Vixie's parents. Vixie remembered one of the women at the house teaching her to read, and a few years ago there was a church bus that came by; for a while Deloris would put her on it to take her to Sunday School. That is, until 'Jimbo' began his little 'shows'; naturally he put a stop to any outside activities for Vixie.
"Is there anyone you want me to take you to, to visit with, or to live with?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I could drop you off at a police station. They would make sure you got to a foster home, or something. You wouldn't be in trouble." She made the universal preteen 'yuck' face. "Don't like that idea, eh? Well then, what am I to do with you, Vixie?"
She hung her head for a bit, then whispered, "Can't I stay with you, Mr. Travis? Please?"
"Honey, I'd love to have you stay with me, but I didn't want to ask in case there was something else you wanted." She smiled and seemed satisfied, and moved a little closer to me on the bench.
"What about you, Deloris?" I asked.
"I-I don't know, Travis. I...could you use a...housekeeper, or anything?" She looked up very shyly at me. She really was fairly pretty...
I took them back to Florida with me, to the 'Busted Flush', my houseboat. Vixie took to her new life with aplomb. I got her some homeschooling materials and computer programs; she soaked up knowledge like a sponge. Deloris made herself useful. She could cook, and she cleaned without being asked to; couldn't ask for much more than that, considering.
But one day, not long after we had settled in, Vixie asked me, "Mr. Travis, c'n I ask you somethin'?"
"Of course you can, Vixie," I replied.
"When are you-I mean, aren't you gonna punish me, and stuff?" she asked, turning a little red. Deloris poked her head out of the galley with a surprised look.
"Why, Vixie, do you want me to?" I was very interested to see where this would go!
"I-I dunno. I-I guess I used to it, when 'Jimbo' did it. And I know you liked it when I got whipped and stuff, I c'n tell cuz your-your 'thing' got big and stuff. And sometimes it wasn't so bad, what he did; sometimes it even felt kinda nice." She turned away, clearly embarrassed, a little red in the face.
I gently turned her around to face me. "Vixie, dear, now let me ask you something. What if someone you loved was to do what 'Jimbo' did, but gently, and not mean or anything, mostly for play, and tried to make you feel...good? Would that be OK?" I awaited her answer with baited breath. She looked down for a while, and then she just nodded. "Are you sure, honey? I don't want to do anything to you you don't want me to."
"Uh-huh, I'm sure," she said, and looked up at me, with sort of a mischievous little smile.
I gathered her up in my arms for a big hug. "Vixie dear, I didn't want to tell you this until now, but I would love to spank you, and punish you, and make you feel good."
So, young lady, I think you've been a naughty little girl, and you need a good spanking! You come right over my lap this instant!" I pulled her over my knee; she was squealing and giggling and kicking a bit, but she wasn't really fighting me. I tossed up her skirt and pulled down her little cotton panties, well-fitting and properly girlish (Disney princesses, I believe) in contrast with the ones she used to have to wear. Now her sweet little bubble bottom was bared to my gaze. I spanked her sharply, but not hard, alternating from one cheek to the other as she kicked and whimpered, gently reddening her buttocks. It was wonderful: her slim, warm body lying over my lap (and pressing nicely on my stiffening rod!), her soft cries and little jerks with each spank, the feel of her little, soft, smooth bottom as I spanked her...
After about twenty spanks I stopped, and began to rub her bottom gently as she shivered and sort of cooed. I let my hand slide down and down, until I was rubbing her smooth, unfledged cleftlips and clitoris. Her cooing became a bit more intense, and she moved her hips a bit. My rod was hard as a rock; I'm sure she must have been able to feel it poking into her tummy.
After a minute or so of that very pleasant and stimulating pastime, I pulled her up to my lap and gave her a big hug, which she returned enthusiastically. "Was that OK?" I asked. She nodded happily, eyes shining with maybe just a hint of tears, but she wasn't really crying.
I could see Deloris still peeking out of the galley, taking everything in. I set Vixie back down on the couch, saying, "You wait right here, I'll be right back."
I went into the galley. "Do you have a problem with this, Deloris?" She looked at me for a moment, then shook her head.
"N-no, no, I guess not. Where else is she gonna go? I know you'll take good care of her. And you won't be...mean, like 'Jimbo' and the others. And who am I to say what happens to her, anyway. It's not like I ever did her any good..." She looked down.
I put my hands on her shoulders. "Maybe you did the best you could under the circumstances. We all do things we're not supposed to, hmm?" I sort of chucked her under the chin, and she looked up with a little smile and a hopeful look on her face.
"I've sure done a lot of those, though, Travis. I-I...I don't suppose...I mean, maybe you could..." She turned a bit away, looking confused.
I gently turned her back towards me. "What do you want, Deloris, it's OK, go ahead," I encouraged her.
She whispered, "I want you to punish me, too. I'll do anything you want. Please let me stay with you. And I really need to be punished. I've been so bad..." With that her shoulders shook and she started to weep.
I took her in my arms and held her for a while as she cried softly. "It's OK, now, Deloris, Vixie's safe, and you're safe, and everything's going to be all right."
After a bit I led her back out to the main cabin where Vixie was still waiting. I sat Deloris down next to her and perched on the chart table. "Girls, we've been talking, and I've been thinking. This may sound strange, but if we go to the right place in the world we can manage it: how about if I marry both of you?" A combination of astonishment and pleasure seemed to be on both their faces, especially Deloris'.
We talked about it for a while. Once they realized I really meant it, and we really could do it, they both seemed all for it. But I wanted them both to realize something...
"Now, listen, girls, there's one thing you've both got to understand. If we get married, then I'm in charge. You do what I say. You will both be disciplined and punished regularly. Some will be scheduled punishments for a certain day of the week, just as reminders. Some will be just whenever I feel like it. And you certainly will be punished if you don't do what you're supposed to do."
Then, turning to Vixie, I said, "But for you, sweetheart, I don't want you to worry. Nothing I do will be very hard or hurt very much. If I'm punishing you when you haven't been naughty, then anytime you want me to stop, all you've got to do is say 'Ow' or 'don't' or 'no' or 'stop'. OK?" She nodded happily. "Of course, if you've been naughty, then you'll just have to take it! But I think you'll find it's still not real bad, honey."
To Deloris I said, "You will be punished more...sternly, of course. But you knew that, didn't you?" She gulped and nodded. "But it still won't be all that bad, you know," I said, smiling a bit. She smiled back, a bit shyly.
I turned back to the little preteen. "And Vixie, dear, do you really understand what it means, for us to be married?"
She looked down for a moment. "It means you get to put your-your 'thing' inside me, don't it?"
"That's right, Vixie, it does. It will probably hurt, the first time. I can't help that. Maybe you can think of it like just another punishment, hmm?" She cocked her head in thought for a moment, then nodded brightly.
"OK, Mr. Travis!" she said.
I did some research, then made arrangements and flew us to *********-land, where 'age of consent' considerations were, shall we say, more lenient, and polygamy was legal. I arranged for the 'Flush' to be taken into a container ship and sent to our new location. In a few days we were in front of a priest who was willing to marry us, Vixie adorable in a little wedding dress made to her size, me in my old dress uniform, Deloris looking quite winsome in her bridal gown.
Then it was back to the bungalow I had rented for us to stay in until the 'Flush' arrived. I carried Vixie in in one arm, and managed to carry Deloris in the other.
I sent Deloris into the bathroom with some instructions, then sat down on the bed and stood Vixie in front of me. I spent some time just caressing her face, giving her sweet kisses, and getting her little butterfly kisses back. Then I began to undress her, peeling off layers until finally she was naked in front of me, a preteen girl nude before a grown man, blushing a bit, a little shiver every now and then. She was absolutely adorable, a stunning preteen. Long, straight, dirty-blonde hair, now well-groomed and styled; nipples erect atop breasts that were mere buds, barely breaking the plane of her chest, slim hips, slender thighs framing her exquisite unfledged girlcleft, with its luscious puffy lips and prominent clitoris.
I caressed her delicate collar bones, ran my hands up and down her back. I gave her a back scratch; it seemed to please her judging by her purrs.
I gave her a quick kiss, stood up, and said, "You've been very naughty, young lady, and it's time for your punishment."
She just whispered back, "Oh, Mr. Travis, please, please!" I rested my left hand on her left shoulder, and with the other hand began to smack her on her bare bottom as she trembled and gave little yelps with each spank. After a bit I let my left hand drift down until I was at her left nipple. I began to tweak and twist it and she writhed a bit in response.
After about twenty or so spanks, when her bottom was fetchingly reddened, I moved to her front, now with my left hand kneading and working her reddened buttocks, while with my right hand I began to front-spank her full upon her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris as she cried out more intensely with each spank. Soon her little hips were rocking a bit as well.
I can't begin to describe how stimulating it was, to have such a gorgeous slender preteen in my hands, squeezing her little bottom while I spanked her on her soft, unfledged girlcleft. I thought I'd cream in my pants, but I managed to hold off.
After another twenty spanks I swung her up in a big hug, holding her, caressing her, nuzzling her hair as she trembled in my arms and clung tightly to me. I laid her down on the bed, and without preamble, fastened my mouth to her girlcleft. She stiffened and cried out, then continued to moan and rock her hips as I tongued her clitoris, and sucked and bit her clitoris, and thrust my tongue against her hymen. Soon her rocking hips were nearly bouncing, and her cries became more insistent and intense, and then to my great delight my precious little preteen Vixie was coming and coming.
Once she was spent, I cradled her head in one hand and looked in her eyes. "You OK?" I asked. She nodded happily, smiling through the tears in her eyes. "Now I'm going to rape you, honey. This may sound strange, but I'm going to rape your mouth first. You don't have to do anything, just open up and don't bite! Something will come out of me when I'm done..." She made the universal preteen 'yuck' face at that. "Don't worry: it's not pee!" She seemed mollified. "Try to swallow it; many girls do."
With that I took my rod out of my pants. She stared at it for a bit, like a baby bird at a snake, then slid over on the bed and opened her mouth and closed her eyes. She was absolutely adorable. I slid my member into her mouth, not too far, I didn't want to gag her. I moved back and forth as she whimpered a bit, but it didn't take long. After the 'scene' we'd just had, seeing my precious preteen girl orgasm, and now having my rod in her little mouth, in no time I was emptying myself. She spluttered a bit and tried to swallow it all, but some leaked out.
I swept her up in a big hug and kissed her, heedless of the traces of my seed still on her mouth.
By then Deloris was out of the bathroom, nude as I had ordered her, watching the 'action', seemingly entranced. I left Vixie lying on the bed and went over to Deloris.
She was slender, and quite pretty, with small, high breasts. Without preamble I seized them, kneading and working, pinching and twisting her nipples as she gasped and moaned. I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. She surrendered fully, open-mouthed, pressing her slim naked body against me, trembling.
I held her for a while, stroking her hair, soothing her. Then I said, "Young lady, you know you need to be punished. Get on the bed on your hands and knees." She obeyed me, peeking back shyly, her cleft (completely depilated as I had ordered) and anus fully bared to my view. I took my belt off and began whipping her on her thighs and bottom as she cried out sweetly. I didn't want to welt her, but I knew she needed some real discipline, so I reddened her girlflesh deeply with smack after smack.
After about twenty or thirty strokes I told her to sit on the edge of the bed. She did so, gingerly, of course! I took the strap-end of the belt and whipped her breasts and nipples, bringing a nice redness to her girlflesh and fresh cries to her lips. Then I bade her lie back on the bed, fully exposed, and whipped her full upon her cleftlips and clitoris as she nearly screamed.
Once I judged her sufficiently chastened, I fastened my mouth to her cleft, and quickly brought her to a noisy orgasm. As she shuddered out the last of it, I turned her over on the bed with a pillow under her hips, put some lubricant on my rod, and thrust deeply into her anus. She had given herself enemas in the bathroom as I had commanded. She cried out wildly as I penetrated her deeply, violating her rectum, stretching her tender sphincter. Having recently spent myself in Vixie's mouth, I was able to give Deloris a proper punishment-raping of her anus for ten minutes or more as she cried out hoarsely and rhythmically with each thrust, before I finally deigned to empty myself within her. Then I collapsed next to her, stroking her, whispering to her, loving her. She cuddled sweetly against me as Vixie snuggled up to me on the other side.
Once we were recovered, we all took a shower!
The next day, when it was 'punishment time', I bound them one on each bed, spread-eagled, Deloris face-down, Vixie face-up. I took a switch to Deloris' thighs and bottom, still reddened from yesterday's punishment, as she writhed and cried out. I angled some of the strokes to snap fully against her anus, cleft, and clitoris as she nearly shrieked as she was so sternly disciplined.
Then I turned to Vixie, switching her repeatedly on the front of her thighs as she yelped, bringing a fetching pattern of faint red lines to her tender girlflesh. Then I whipped her on her nipples and breastbuds. She jerked and cried out with each stroke. Finally I brought the switch down sharply against her unfledged girlcleft as she cried out wildly, writhing against her bonds.
Finally I tossed the switch aside, then once again essentially raped her cleft with my mouth, tonguing her clit roughly. In only a minute or two she was coming.
I had taken my rod out of my pants, and naturally it was pointing skyward. I knelt between her thighs on the bed, positioning myself at her introitus, then thrust forcefully, driving for her cervix with one stroke, raping her of her maidenhead as she screamed. I lay inside her for a while, not thrusting or moving, stroking her hair, kissing the top of her head, whispering to her of my love for her. Finally her distress died down to the occasional sob and sniffle. I commenced to piston in and out of her, long, hard and fast strokes that brought fresh cries to her lips as she jerked in her bonds with each thrust. It is impossible to relate how wonderful it was, to have my sweet little preteen girl, bound on the bed, punished soundly, brought to orgasm, and now raping her fully, feeling her tight, soft sweetness as my manhood penetrated and violated her. Of course it only took a few thrusts before I was emptying myself at her cervix.
For their further discipline, I left them bound on the bed, whimpering and moaning, as I watched a little TV. Then I rebound Deloris face-up. I spent some time caressing her cheeks and kissing her. Then I took the belt to her breasts, and thighs, and cleft as she cried out wildly. After a bit I was hard again, so I took her, bound, thrusting deeply into her cleft. She was well-lubricated, and came well before I did. Having raped Vixie earlier I was able to prolong my pleasure with Deloris for some time before I spent myself within her, consummating our marriage.
As the days went by I continued to administer discipline to my precious girls, big and small, giving them both a good 'maintenance' spanking at least once a week, and various other punishments whenever I saw fit.
And we lived happily ever after!
The End
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