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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Collection

Authors: 0-9, A to M (N to Z)

  1hotwife - Blood Lust (fm vamp) A slayer meets his match
PentStar 8-bit - October 26th (ff mc alien serial)
That's how they did it. A kiss. A lot of women were probably glad to go out like this.
  8-bit - Happily (ff mc drug serial) Eve's friends choose her a fate that will change all of their lives
  8-bit - I knew redheads would be the death of me [1 2] (fm mc) The mystique of working "for the CIA" wears off quickly
  A Nony Mouse - A Black Hole -- In Sunnydale  [1] [2] [3] (mf ff shemale demon) A small town submits to a corporation's representative
  A Strange Geek - Incompatibility (ff sf alien teen mc) Velqui Slavers are Sarah's greatest fear...
  A. J. Watson - Redhorn (fm scifi succubus) Dark secrets fester in the heart of New Jericho
PentStar A. J. Watson - The Legacy of Argus (fm succubus magic)
Her release dooms the world ... but why does she still want him?
  Aerosol Kid - Delerium [1 2] (ff mc witch) Just think of Harry Potter, or the Worst Witch. Then again ... hmmmn, maybe not.
  Alei - Succubus (ff succubus relig) Out, out, damn spot!
  Alexis Siefert - Lives Alone of Stone (f asfr rom) She is watched from afar
  Alexis Siefert - Resist Not Evil (mf succubus) What is an immortal succubus really after?
  alucard - Lust Gel (mf vore plant caution) "This stuff must be worth a fortune!"
  Akito01 - Child of the Klein Bottle (mf child clone) With cloning comes responsibility...
  americandemon - Zombie Lust (mf zombie impreg) A shortcut through the graveyard leads to touching scenes
  Ancil - Medusa builds a circle of stones (ff stone) Medusa blindfolds a lover
  Andrew J. Mellon - Sweet Home Alabama [ 2 3] (ff mf mc) The Southerners run everything now, don't they?
  Angel Michael - Playmates (fm ff vamp myst) Michael is introduced to his Mistress' pets
  Aphrodite (was lalaloveya) - In the Flesh (mf scifi) Cybersex is OK, but a real woman is better...
  Apropos - The Will Awakens (mf spiritual rom) Love can be magical sometimes
  Art - The Kissing Ball (f toy) Keri receives a mysterious package in the mail
  artie - Halloween Party (ffm witch) Jill invites Alex to a very private, very intimate party
  artie - Another Halloween Party (fm succubus) Another Alex, another Jill
  artie - Private Halloween Party (fm myst) Alex abandons Jill for another...
  Arthur Saxon - Alloteuthis, the "Other Cephalopod" (f tentacles scat) Lucy gets used to a cephalopod's winning ways
  Ashley Young - Narrative Myth: A Vampire's Tale (mf vamp) An inter-generational reunion, of sorts
  Avatar - Janet's Predicament (f plant vore caution) Janet meets plant. Plant eats Janet.
  avatar302 - Special Delivery (f plant vore) Karen is delivering a rather special plant
  bachcole - Fixation (fm mc) Rachel knows what she wants
  Bandyimo - Daughters of Lilith (f m scifi fant nosex) They are among us!
  Bandyimo - Migration (myst) How came he to be in this desolate, god-forsaken place?
  Bandyimo - Nocturnal Admission (fd beast succubus) Is this strange creature a nightmare?
  Bandyimo - VD (mf myst) "My puzzy ez a snappr!"
  Bandyimo - ... And then all went black (ghost) "Your story of tragedy is no less important than anyone else's"
  Bandyimo - Remnant of the Past (psych) "Many interesting books come from the estates of insane persons"
  Bandyimo - Phoenix House (ghost) I can't implore you enough to avoid the accursed place and to flee immediately!
  Bandyimo - Tuesday T.P.E. (mf succubus nice) Tuesday is T.P.E. day
  Bandyimo - Vamp (mf vamp) Another insignificant bar patron
  Bernie - Karyn and the Creature's Hunger (f monster) Karyn saves a town
  Black Diamond - Corruption (ff mf witch caution) Cathy is not very nice
  Black Diamond - Karyn's Play (f demon vore) Karyn learns something about herself
Halloween bobwhite - Bill the Erotic Vampire (comp vamp mf humour) The vampire hunters are on strike for once ...
  bobwhite - Kane Water (fm ff mc) Her employees like her very much
  Brad Repko - Flowers For the Chosen (fant ff plant vore) The world will have to wait a little longer for the chosen
  Brad Repko - A Hero's Welcome (fant fm vore) Sir Winston Boldwell needs to learn how to serve a Lady
  Bradley Stoke - The Fix (fm vamp caution) Prostitutes were his hobby
  C - Assimilated (mf ff scifi cast drug) A spacefaring couple find happiness their separate ways
  C - Bennie (mf) His niece is in a spot of bother
  C - Butterflies (mf ff fm mc xform) Marriage never turns out the way you expect
  C - Cariola Ranch (ff mf mc xform) A school excursion takes an unexpected turn
  C - Country Boy (ffm drug cast) Southern lasses bring out the best in a northern lad
  C - Elven Harvest (mf x cast) A mysterious entity is influencing Jack's friends
  C - Heart's Desire (mf mc) Herman gets a little help from his friends to help Leslie love him
  C - Here, Kitty, Here Puss (fm mc drug) These husbands no longer hit their wives
  C - Hey Dawg! (mf xform mc beast) Two gentlefolk are justly rewarded
  C - Hideaway (mf bestiality xform) Cal and Mary are on the run from the law; will Mary's old flame take them in?
  C - In The Pack (mf drug mc beast) A bestial love-rectangle delights!
  C - Mari (fm xform mc) Ranald is to Mari's liking
  C - Misunderstanding (ffm xform) John Royall escapes from his position
  C - My Doll House (mff asstr revised) Martin is attracted to his colleague Marguerite's doll collection
  C - New Stock (mf beast aliens) Survivors of a spaceship crash are well cared for
  C - Perhaps it's better this way (fm mc trans)"I think you will get better as soon as we take care of all that masculinity."
Halloween C - Pie Filling (ff mf aliens vore) Why are the guys acting so funny?
  C - Pool Boy (ffm xform) Juan Castañeda finds love and position
  C - Renewal (fm succubus tg) It has been a long, long time since poor Charles has had a woman
  C - The Presence (fm x serial cast) Angel is not the woman she used to be
  C - The Sentence (mf myst) What kind of utopia is this?
  C - Suddenly Last Winter (fm drug xform) What did Les put in Chris' drink???
  C - The Right Thing? (ff tg xform drug) Manny's got plans for Joe...
  C - The Three of us (mff drug) His doctor and his nurse help him try out a new drug
PentStar C&A - Lemon and Lilacs (fm alien mc vore succubus)
Marik learns why all of the men were kept alive
  Cactus Juggler - Happy Girls (ff mc) Gwen's room-mate Shannon is not complaining
  Cactus Juggler - My Sister's Tits [1 2 3 4 5 6] (ff incest lact mc) "Bring me milk from a fair maid's breast..."
  Cactus Juggler - My Descent into Lesbian Tit Slavery (ff lact mc) Sarah cannot resist Eileen's milky breasts
Halloween Carlos Marenkov - New York has some Characters (fm ghost) His neighbour seems really nice
  Carlos Malenkov - Perfect Likeness(fm asfr rom) Why did he ever leave her?
PentStar Cassi Opeia - Planting (mf monster caution)
She has only one purpose
  Ceaser - Ice Heart (fm ghost) Why is she so sad?
  Cesare - Sacrifice (ff demon succubus mc) Helen gives her innocent sister to the devil
  chikala - Compelled (mf ghost caution) Kelly can't stay away
  Christian Black - Biomechasexual (f scifi asfr) Space is very lonely without entertainment
Halloween Clemstra - Ad Symbol Nightmare (f vore fant) Advertising is bad for you!
  Clemstra - Border Buddies (fm scifi) Make love not war
Halloween Clemstra - Choice of the Prey (mf vore) Emma is offered a choice
  Clemstra - Dreams of being His Dinner (mff vore) "I'm the last now, the others all consumed by him"
  Clemstra - Eat Me, I'm Ripe (fm xform magic vore) The poor man is ready to expire ...
  Clemstra - Exhibit: Lettice (mf mc vore asfr) She's being exhibited: but for what?
  Clemstra - Gathered on Halloween (mf vore nice) Lydia says goodbye to pain and sorrow on Halloween
  Clemstra - Give Us Tentacle Sex (fx tentacles humour) A website owner must give the women what they want: Tentacle Sex!
  Clemstra - Harvest Fest (ffm relig vore) Frank takes part in a most enjoyable religious festival
  Clemstra - Hungry Man Breakfast (mf vore scifi) Amri is at death's door when she is rescued: but for what?
  Clemstra - Ice Cream Days (f xform vore) How do they make those yummy ice-creams?
  Clemstra - Lord of the Corn (mf relig vore) How can Teresa save the corn harvest?
  Clemstra - Midnight Snack (xf vore) Ceceila, injured and near death, finds solace
  Clemstra - Old Ways (mf vore relig) Sven thought the priests of the new religion could save Ilsa, but Ilsa was of the Old Ways
  Clemstra - Ooze to Eat You (f x vore) "Come on in, we are so looking forward to having you for dinner"
  Clemstra - Queen Evelyn (mf impreg x) "She was a queen after all, no tiara, no throne, but the family knew what it meant"
  Clemstra - The Comfy Chair (f vore chair) "May you get as much pleasure from it as I did"
  Clemstra - Tony's Altered State (mf vore tentacles sad) Tony woke up to find Rosa dying, and him with tentacles and hungry
  Cobalt Jade - The Gorgon's Kiss (ff asfr) An amazon stays longer than expected with Medusina
Halloween Coldbeef - Meteor of Horror (caution mf ff beast tent scifi demon) Evil force from outer space spreads its influence
  Colleen Thomas - The Contest (ff magic) "The world is a slightly better place because of you"
  Couture - Oh my goddess! (ff fm mc) Helen's worst enemy gains ultimate control in a new way
  crypticravings - The Alien Inside (mf ff x mc caution) An alien exerts a malignant influence on a doomed ship's crew
  CSC Monkey Girl - Emma Eccentric [1 2 3 4] (mf mc) Emma is carried away to many strange lands
  CSC Monkey Girl - Meat Puppet (mf mc humour) "Enough, Meat Puppet. You have done well."
  Cyan - Wicked Show (ff mf drug) What is "The Pit" ?
  Dafydd Cyhoeddwr - Ayerwen (mf succubus) Wen was on the prowl, Bobby was in boot camp
  DB - Aunt Lonnie (fm asfr rom) Aunt Lonnie really enjoys thinking for herself
  DB - Marilyn (ff asfr) Marilyn is still mixed up
GoldStar Denkkar - Dark Demons Rising (fm demon succubus xform)
Humanity cannot reject the only one who can hold the hordes at bay...
  devle - Demon Lover (f demon sad) "I say a rosary and salt my room like crazy and it helps but not for very long."
  differentlydirty - La Belle Dame sans Merci Redux (fm faerie) "I cannot wake and I cannot sleep until I find my fairy love"
  Dmuk - A Brief Encounter with the Law (mf asfr mc) Brenda Taggert investigates certain disappearances of young women
  Dolores Moth (was Hot Maddie) - The Dance (mf fm vamp) Vampires dance around two lovers
  Don D Hatch - The Seduction (xfm vore) Jerry comes around to hungry Gina's point of view
  Dragonfly - Amoeba (xf ff alien vore serial impreg) Tonie wakes up to find herself covered (early version of flow and ebb)
  Dragonfly - Flow And Ebb (xf ff alien vore serial impreg) Tonie wakes up to find herself covered
  Dragonfly - Serpent Temple (ff snake magic) Rituals bring joy
  Dragonfly - Tree of Life (f plant mf mast impreg mc serial) Patti cherishes life!
  dr_mabeuse - The Conquerer Frog (mf magic rom) "It's a love charm, man. An honest-to-god Mojo"
  dr_mabeuse - The Donor (fm vamp sad) "Whatever you two want to do with each other is fine with me"
  dr_mabeuse - In Pharaoh's Boat (mf god) Vanessa finds a god on the rebound
  drsalt - Another Halloween Without Sheila (fm ghost) "I lost Sheila on Halloween three years earlier"
  Dr Spin - Succubus in Blue Checks (mf teen succubus caution) A dish that can be served hot
  Eli the Bearded - Metamensity (fm xform) "... he felt a perverse pleasure knowing that it was a great way to go"
  Erstwhile Ether - Empathic (ff mc md nosex) Joe's control opens new horizons for Sara
  Erstwhile Ether - Pathetique (ff mc md) Sara can't stay away
  E. Z. Riter - One Day a Year (ff mf witch) Peter's girlfriends work out OK
  Evil Cow - The Summer Guest (f monster tentacles) Sally investigates the strange noises emanating from Heidi's room
  Farleven - Hunting Day (mf mc drug) How did a nice girl like Emily get in to a story like this?
PentStar Felix the Cat - Invasion (mc serial comp alien)
She surrenders and dooms the Earth
  Felix Lance Falkon - Dialogue and Writing Lesson (mm writing) an erotic lecture on erotic writing
GreenStar Felix Lance Falkon - A Scented Blossom Is A Scented Blossom, Not A Rose (mfmm vore lots) There be many comings and goings at the Exotix bar tonight!
  Felix Lance Falkon - An Essay on Writing (writing) an essay on writing
  Felix Lance Falkon - And Then There Were Two (mm vore caution) "raw prong's supposed to be pretty tough..."
  Felix Lance Falkon - Anteaten (mm mf vore ants) Jerry's naughtiness will not go unpunished
  Felix Lance Falkon - Anteaten Once More (m f ants vore) Family fun is the ants' pants
  Felix Lance Falkon - Catchflower (mm vore vamp plant mc caution) Three talents tell tall terminal tales
  Felix Lance Falkon - Chip and the Jelly (mm vore scifi) The Jelly can wait...
  Felix Lance Falkon - Circuit Rider (mm vamp) "I mean -- like -- w-when can you -- how y' say -- take me?"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Circuit Rider's Lesson (mm vamp) Students are shown how to be food
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - Eaten Alive (mm tent vore) Some shipmates learn about Cthulu
  Felix Lance Falkon - Eating Lesson (mm) "Ha-yoo! The Eaters are gone for good!!"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Eel Island (mm eel vore) Bet you didn't know how much fun a Lamprey could be, eh?
GreenStar Felix Lance Falkon - Exotics Bar & Transit Ltd. (mm cast) Lou and Buck model some waffle irons
  Felix Lance Falkon - Fertilizer Run (mmm vore caution) "Of all the ways t' git Harvested,"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Fishing Pier Vampires (mm vamp vore) "Want a hot dog before we -- start?"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Fish Story (mm vamp) Chip catches a big one!
  Felix Lance Falkon - Food Play (mx vamp/succubus) "Let's just call this a late-night picnic supper in the woods"
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - Foodplay and Games (mm succubus vore) Is it nicer to eat, or to be eaten?
  Felix Lance Falkon - The Gutters (mm scifi vore) Those creatures look friendly; they're hungry!
  Felix Lance Falkon - Griff and the Drill Sucker (mm plant vore scifi) ".. we got plenty of live meat on the hoof to feed this sucker"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Hank and the Snatch Plant (mm mf plant vore cast) Marines explore a hungry planet
  Felix Lance Falkon - Hans starts the Jelly (mm x vore) How can they get the Jelly started???
  Felix Lance Falkon - The Hikers (mm succubus vore) How are a bunch of happy campers to feed themselves on a long hike?
  Felix Lance Falkon - Hooked and Gaffed (mf succubus vampire) American Indian meets white girl
  Felix Lance Falkon - Hot Dogs (mm relig vore) Hot dogs and Hamburgers go down well with the deities
  Felix Lance Falkon - How to Hatch a Gutter (mm vore impreg) Those gutters are good for more than just eating you
  Felix Lance Falkon - Jelly Feeding (mm vore) if you make it start at your feet, you'll have more time...
  Felix Lance Falkon - Igniting the Guard (mm vore) Their organs are doomed !!!
  Felix Lance Falkon - Live and On Camera [1 2 3] (mmx vore drug) The Grojans had won the right to eat all the humans on this planet...
  Felix Lance Falkon - Mint Green Jelly (mmx vore) Jelly gets the upper hand of a teenage hacker
  Felix Lance Falkon - Muscles and Blood (mm vamp) Vampires can get along fine with humans
PentStar Felix Lance Falkon - The Prong Eating Vine (mm tg vore plant)
No wonder that new plant is so popular!
  Felix Lance Falkon - Quitting Time (mm caution) "it does hurt, but it's the kind of hurt that you want more of..."
  Felix Lance Falkon - Rip and the Drill Sucker (mm plant scifi) Lusty Marines must get eaten
  Felix Lance Falkon - Seeds and Sprouts (mm plant vore scifi) "Won't be long 'fore the things finish eating the guys in back and send out for more fresh meat."
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - Self Delivery (mm vore) "... there were simply too many boys and too few girls being born"
  Felix Lance Falkon - The Vivisection Line (mm caution) Meat teens
  Felix Lance Falkon - The Succubus (mm succubus scifi vore) Being an explanation and demonstration of Virk's technique ...
  Felix Lance Falkon - Team Eeat (mm vore scifi) Explorers mingle with the natives
  Felix Lance Falkon - Teasing (mm violence caution) "Idea's to keep you alive as long as possible ... so you don't miss anything"
  Felix Lance Falkon - Tension for Two (mm torture caution) "Look what the fuck you got us into, you -- you fucking musclehead!"
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - The Termination Clinic (mm caution) "... I now sentence you to immediate termination."
  Felix Lance Falkon - Thirsty Tendrils (mm mc scifi plant) Intrepid explorers impaled
  Felix Lance Falkon - Three-Way Waffle Iron (mm vore) Let's eat waffles!
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - Treat or Trickery (m exotics tent vore ghost witch plant) Hungry spacemen tell Indiana tale
Halloween Felix Lance Falkon - Trick or Treat (mm vore wizard) Friendly wizard wants some gas
  Felix Lance Falkon - Under Glass (mm vore tort caution) More fun to be had with Hydraulic Presses!
  Felix Lance Falkon - Ungrateful Djinn (mm djinn magic) This Djinn's not too happy... I wonder what will cheer him up?
  Felix Lance Falkon - Vice Versal (mx impreg tg) They do things differently on Luur...
  Felix Lance Falkon - Vine Watch (mm plant vore scifi) "Not as bad as it looks," Ericksson said. "Kind of -- interesting."
  Felix Lance Falkon - Weight Lifting (mm vore) Steamy and tasty
  Felix Lance Falkon - The Well Fed Gutter (mm scifi vore) Dan's in the middle
  Felix Lance Falkon - Who's Next? (mm vore drug tort) Hungry pirates make it easy for a captured ship's crew to feed them
  Flesh Goddess - Flesh and Magic (ffmf succubus) Tavra and Jynn want to be goddesses, and goddesses need many, many souls
  Fool - The Cabinet (f asfr) What secrets are held in the cabinet of Hei Pi?
  Fool - Merchandise (ff asfr) "It turned out to be all and around a good night"
  Forsetti - Shadow (f cat vamp rom) Lisa is adopted by a kitten
  G. L. Williams - Music Lover (fm succubus) "Musicians were her drug of choice"
  Geli - After Dark (mm vamp) Vampires are such civilized hunters, no?
  GentleButFirm - Silent (fm vamp brief) She is quick, and deadly!
  Glee Silverwind - Spring Blooms (dragon plant) A dragon finds foliage
  Gold Lover - The Touch (Lyssa) (mf asfr) A betrayal, and a bargain
  gothic_enigma74 - Dream Woman (fm vamp) Why does beautiful Patricia seem so familiar?
  gothic_enigma74 - Well Laid Plans (mf vamp) Who killed Clayton Anton?
  gothic_enigma74 - Small Town Legend (mf caution other) Urban Myths Abound!
  Greapos - A Woman's Charms [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] (fm ub magic) Young Traci wants to know how far Rich will go
  Greapos - Never Enough (fm breast shrink) Is Carrie getting too much to handle?
  Greapos - Eclipse (mf fd) Julia finds that John is very tasty
  Groade - The Chase (fm faerie) This hungry faerie cannot be denied
  Groade - Caught in the Web (mf spider) A spaceman, a pretty woman, a spider's web, and a misunderstanding.
  Groblek - Parasitic Infection (mfx ub) Connie has found some special lingerie to cheer up her husband.
  Guitman69 - Gift of the Ancient (f god) "The Ancient stalked through the city in search of its next meal..."
  Hadit69639 - Date with the Dead (mf ~nice) Sam is invited to the funeral home for a midnight appointment
PentStar Haepnoteased - Hive Mind (fm asfr succubus rom toy)
Robotic succubi stalk men, but who controls THEM?
  Heatheranne - Mandy does Football (fm ff magic) What is the dinner of champions?
PentStar Heather Walker - Bone City Diva (fm relig rom)
Michelle tries to stay sane ...
  hollyh - Angel (fm vamp) "You're coming with me!"
  Homealone - Breeding Station (ff plant tent alien) A breeding experiment gone wrong, and then oh so right ...
  Homealone - Nursing Girls (xff lact tent impreg) Girls on Vacation help out some Tentacles
  Homer Vargas - Sabah (fm succubus) A storm, a broken down car, a lonely woman: what hope does poor Roddy have?
  Homer Vargas - Sabah and Rod (fm succubus) Rod adjusts to his new life
  Homer Vargas - Sabah at the Ball (fm succubus) Dutiful Sabah shows off her new accessory at a charity ball
  Honey Moon - Hunger (ff lots caution) 35-year-old Alisa Kathryn Boyd was rich and spoiled, and she knew it...
  Honey Moon - Cat and Canary [1 2] (ff alien plant ws) "I like these plants Canary! Let's live here with them!"
  Hungry Guy - A Drop of Inque (fm asfr xform) Larry is overtaken by a villainess
  Iago - Enslavers (xff alien mc tentacles) Kara cheerfully investigates an ancient race of enslavers
  IM4U2003 - Possession [1 2] (mf ghost rom) Eric and Chrissy's holiday changes their lives
  impulse - My Little Vampire Girl (fm vamp teen) "She'd have been a distraction under any circumstances"
  J. Swafford - High Ceilings (ff xform mc magic demon tent) Sally can’t resist the advances of the sexy female demons looking at her in the mirror
  J. Swafford - Reborn (mf ff vamp) Being a vampire is a rapturous existence
PentStar J. Swafford - The Body Shifters (fm ff xform succubus alien)
He didn't really know what was going to happen when this strange woman enters his home
  J. Swafford - The Only Human In The Class (ff xform mc alien tent) Sandy was so happy to find another Human girl in her class
  J. Darksong - In the spirit (ff ghost) Becky is taken home by a beauty for Halloween
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror (Story 1) (mf ff relig teen incest humour) Richard sells his family for a day to win back his house and car
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror (Story 2) (mf ff xf) A precocious student and her nemesis are unlikely allies against ... what? and why?
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror (Story 3) (mf incest) Lightning brings a mother and son together
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 1: Something borrowed, something blue (mf mc) "Your spouse is borrowed, then returned ... altered"
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 2: Nymphomercial (mf mc) "Ohgod, yeah! Since I was clitorized, I've been so ... well, clitoral!"
  Jafar - Brainwave of Horror II Part 3: Fire in the Thighs (mf fm ff mc xform) Brian's mom has been disappeared
Halloween Jafar - Brainwave of Horror III [0 1 2] (mf mc) "Follow us as we find out just who is studying whom ... on the Pumpkin's Night."
  Jaye Stregyr - The Secret Studio (m statues) Vinnie and Mike find a secret gym to train in
PentStar JB/NL - Bubblegum (succubus xform magic)
Simon's a bit careless with things he can't control
  JB/NL - Bubblegum (succubus xform magic revised)
GoldStar JB/NL - Carrier (ff fm alien xform growth serial) Sonia spreads her changes
  JB/NL - Breaking the Laws of Lust (ff x xform caution scifi) Space operatic arias of planetary domination
  JB/NL - Creed of Lust (caution f xform ) Denya is Tortured and Transformed
  JB/NL - Hot Summer Tales (mf xform succubus caution) Marvin is not overflowing with the milk of human kindness
Halloween JB/NL- Playful Predator (fm vamp) She takes him home at Halloween
GoldStar JB/NL - Earth is such a stupid name! (xf xm xform)
(was: restructurational machinations)
Can conniving aliens plot copious earthling transformations before they blow themselves up?
  JB/NL - Parkland Mall (magic xform witch) Three witchy women meet a dangerous toy
  Jerry - The Vienna Express (fm myst) An elegant woman shares his carriage
  jessy19 - Haunting Women (fm witch) Why are these scary women in such hot pursuit?
  jessy19 - Take My Breath Away (fm other) A young teenager finds something to do with his life
  JMD - The Inventor's New Invention (fm asfr xform humour) "Why in the name of God would you want to turn people into ladies' underwear?"
PentStar Jo Jo - The Farm (caution xd demon xform)
Grant tries to save his daughter
  Joseki Ko - Seeing a Ghost (fm ghost) College boy meets Ghost with prospects
  Jukebox - Our House (ff mc xform myst) Kit is poor and on the street; Sarah is rich, beautiful and strange. Why is Sarah being so kind?
  JValet - WYSIWYG (fmmmm teen succubus incest serial) "Do you want me inside you, forever?"
  Katzen - Memories [1 2] (mf mm demon caution) A bride-to-be is unfairly tempted; the husband-to-be falls also
  Keanu Jestki - One Night at a Haunted House (mf vamp) $150 for the night, $850 if you find something of interest...
  Kenny N Gamera - One Dead Cheerleader (mf ff fm zombie caution) Rape, revenge and retribution
  Kenny N Gamera - Prince of Wails (mf demon caution) "We are buying more than your services; we are buying your silence"
Halloween Kien Reti - The Deal (comp mm xform alien) "Barney fancied himself a master of the art of seduction."
  kleve - Field Work 1 (m plant) What's this tree that is popping up everywhere?
  kleve - Field Work 2 (f plant) Gail is introduced to the tree
  Knorg - Dead Travel Second Class (fm vamp) Why are the locals afraid of the beauty who stopped the train?
  Knorg - Hellish Reward (fm demon succubus humour) He gets his just desserts
  KNW - Flayerslave (monster elf mc gore) D&D can still be fun!
GoldStar krellscholar - The Blue Djinn, Succubii Sisters and a Genie named Jeannie (mf ff magic humour) Jeannie is quite a handful!
  krellscholar - Lara Croft and the Temple of the Woman's Phallus [1 2 3] (ff relig scifi drug succubus caution) Lara finds a beauty!
  Kyle Phantasy - The Sorceress and the Demoness (ff demon mc magic) New Witch parries with Old Demoness
  Lance Edwards - Full Moon Madness (f demon) "Every month when the moon was full, her captor opened her cage..."
  Lance Edwards - The Snows of Paradise (mx) For some secrets, even death is a fair price
  Lauren Smith - Identity Theft: How Kara Learned to Dance (mf ff fd mc) A man's wife is replaced
  Lauren Smith - It Becomes Her (ffm mc drug xform tg) Laurie borrows bits of John and Emily
  Lauren Smith - Samantha's New Job (mf ff mc illustrated) Amanda's got plans...
  Leem - Flora And Fauna (xf plant asfr mc) Chloris stays on her new world a little longer than she expects
  Leem - Jaskri and the Maiden (nice f asfr) Jaskri searches for the origin of the statue who watches over her village
  Left Hand Harrison - Demonette (fm demon) A prostitute dissolving into female flesh devours two out of three lads
  Left Hand Harrison - Venus (fm x mc rubber) Venusian women take no lip
  Libertine - The Archer (mf ghost) Tonight her fantasies aren't getting her in the mood...
  Libertine - Carrie (fm worldly) Carrie wants to act ... but she must do it for real
  Libertine - The Cellar (fm ghost nice) Jackson Winthrop finds his niche
  Libertine - A Day in the Death of Rebecca Rausch (f relig) She has to stay clean!
  Libertine - Dreams (mf vamp dreams caution) Ruth's increasingly vivid dreams lead her towards her creepy professor
Halloween Libertine - Gwen (comp fm magic) She's a horny young witch!
  Libertine - Heaven is In the Attic (fm ghost) "Nancy, let him have it at half price..."
  Libertine - It (fm ghost rom) Maud is refreshed in an isolated lighthouse
Halloween Libertine - Jane's Halloween (ff fm alien mc) Jane's girlfriend is surprised by her change of outlook
Halloween Libertine - Lable Rat Rotten Hut (mf wolf) Someone doesn't mind the big bad wolf
  Libertine - The Lawyer (worldly caution nice) Clucking defiance?
  Libertine - The Lust of Lucifer Larkin (scifi teen mc politics) Lucky Larkin is not popular, but he has ability...
  Libertine - The Long Winter (fm caution rom scifi) She's a nasty piece of work
  Libertine - My Mail Order Bride (scifi nosex) Lonely miners care for clone
  Libertine - The Maytack Repairman (fm scifi myst) A virgin porn star? Is that possible?
  Libertine - MC (worldly nice) She is small
  Libertine - My Monthly (ff mf sad) Is virginity in the mind?
  Libertine - By Right of Conquest (mf beasts caution) Nature is red in tooth and claw
  Libertine - Selling Circuits in Sausalito (fm mc drug) Wakky Bacci opens doors
  Libertine - Search for Intelligent Life (nosex scifi) Trapped travellers discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life
  Libertine - Stud (fm rom scifi myst) Carl, a woman from the future, and the prettiest girl in town ...
  Libertine - Virgin (xf scifi alien) A young colonist finds another way to lose it
  little miss blair - Hex in the City (ff magic) Mrs Taylor strays into a Voodoo shop in New Orleans
  little miss blair - Hitch Bitch (ff mc) Don't pick up hitchhikers!
  little miss blair - Soft Baby (ff) A young socialite befriends two hookers
  Lisa James - The Vulvoid Transform [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] (mx fx xform tg) "I'm a vulvoid girl ... a slave to these panties!"
  Lisa James - The X Virus [1 2] (mx fx xform tg) "My name is Steven; at least, it was..."
PentStar LJ - Blood Ties (mc mf vamp demon buffy)
Buffy's gynecologist bites off more than he can chew
  LJ - Bride Of The Dragon (xf magic dragon) Ever wonder what became of all those ladies those dragons abducted?
  LJ - The Cursed (mf beast magic relig mm tg) Can James survive this terrible legacy with his humanity intact?
GoldStar LJ - The Island (relig demon tent)
An Island of Judgement
PentStar LJ - The Prophecy (vamp swords)
The Princess' disguise becomes her very well
  LJ - The Unicorn Bride (xf magic unicorn) Jenny believes, and is saving herself ...
  Lostboy - Little Indians (fm ff fd succubus demon mc) A village is under siege by the demon, Lilith. Why has she arisen?
  Lost Boy - She was beautiful (fm ff asfr) Jiri and Helen let Euryale make sculptures of them (Lady Cyrr A)
  Lost Boy - Shorts (fm succubus) Jiri meets Karen on a long train journey, and she lets hims look
  Lost Boy - Love you like a tree (fm ff mc plant succubus) Jiri returns to Karen and her sisters, and their terrible secrets
  Lost Boy - Wait a while (fm mc) Jiri learns to love, and lose, something other than museums
  Lost Boy - Cindi (fm mc) Jiri is befriended by a shy, slightly awkward, girl at university
  Magnus - It Suits You (ff asfr) Don't forget your swimsuits!
  Magnus - Perils in Pantyhose (f asfr) Kristen, Debbie and Nancy find a new type of pantyhose
  malys16 - Ailes in the Tomb of the Dead God (xff vore nice) Can two elves escape their fleshy prison?
  manyeyedhydra - Venus of the Red Lights (fm succubus plant xform drug) An Amsterdam woman in waiting hides a terrible secret
  Mary Riley - Striga [1] [2] [3] [4] (mf magic) A young woman learns of her grandmother's secret behind the mirror
  Master David - Adventures of Sam Spain, Master Dick (fm demon) "Am I imagining things, or is that the Devil smiling up at me?"
  Master David - Pass It On (mfx) The toilet in the bus smells very nice...
  Master David - Patented (mf scifi asfr rom) Can you patent a sexual position?
  Max Sebastian - Strain-V (fm vamp succubus) Miles unravels his sister's sudden death
  Meanderingpoet - Zombie Cha Cha (mf zombie) "My name is Germain Simmons, and I am a zombie"
  Mellanie Hewlitt - Plant Love (f plant impreg) Beautiful Aria participates with the Plant Kingdom
  Mellanie Hewlitt - The Tower of Darkness (f slug lotr fantasy) Captured Arwen meets Gollum, and his Pet
  Michael McCallum - A Mind Apart [1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20] (mf mc) An epic tale of MC and manipulation
  Mike Tauron - The X-Rated Files (fm succubus humour) "Let me take care of this little problem that seems to have come up."
Halloween mjm202036 - Alucard's Last Battle (fm succubus vamp) "Just enjoy your demise, like all of my prey have done"
  mjm202036 - Charlie's Abduction (xfm mc scifi) Who are these mysterious "grays" that bother Charlie's dreams???
GoldStar mjm202036 - Jungle Fauna (m f plant drug caution) Joseph's parents disappeared in this rainforest...
  mjm202036 - Harry Potter and the Age of Lust (fm fox magic) Harry dreams of a lusty vixen
  mjm202036 - Lustful Summoning (mf demon succubus) Jason slowly gets the hang of demonic succubi
  mjm202036 - The Pit of the Nine Sisters (fm asfr) "When night comes, you'll thank me 3;and curse me"
  mjm202036 - Succubus Ranch (fm demon succubus relig) Jason opens his mysterious bordello
PentStar mjm202036 - Succubus Ranch Part 2 (ffm succubus mc)
Jiri is made an offer; can he refuse?
  MMMmmmm - Oh God, Somebody, Anybody! [1 2 3] (ff demons caution) “I’m bored,” Sally said - and that’s how it all started
PentStar Mobius - Integration (alien mf fm mc xform serial)
Those aliens only want a few of us ... but for what purpose?
GoldStar Moniker Smith - The Devilles (ff mf demon incest)
Stanley's suburban lifestyle is more interesting than most
  Monocle - From the Blue World (xf alien serial mc) Paula had always loved the Aquarium
  Monocle - Perimeter Violation (fx plant scifi) Robin Trefay strays outside the tame centre
  Morgan Hawke - Passion's Vintage (mmf vamp) Hmmmm, this could be autobiographical!!?
  Mr James - The Wedding Night (fm myst) Marriage vows are not to be taken lightly

(Authors N to Z)

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