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Part 1 [1 2]


(revised edition)

Simon sighed and slung the sack of candy over his shoulder, trudging behind his nephews and nieces as they went door to door asking for tricks or treats, running back to him to deposit more sweetness into the bag as they received it from people.

He'd long grown out of tricking or treating, and, if he'd had his way, he'd have gone out with friends to make new friends - well, friends for a night were still friends, he justified it to himself, but his parents had been adamant about his role in this - and the threat of house arrest and other, even wore, sanctions had been enough to resign him to his fate.

He set the bag down, forced a smile on his face, and opened it as more armloads of candy rustled down into the large bag.

"Well, we're almost done," he said, cheerily, indicating they were nearly at the end of the winding street, "just two more houses."

Cheering, the three little kids ran off towards the front doors, bounding up the decorated porches, rapping on the door, calling out the Halloween war cry of "Trick or Treat" while Simon sat down on the sidewalk waiting for them to come back with more candy to put in the large sack he carried over his shoulder - by now it held more than enough to last them the year he estimated, smiling as he remembered how he had done this years before, also remembering how his mom had immediately taken the candy into custody preventing any next-day illnesses and painful dentist visits.

He shook his head. He was getting too old for this kind of thing.

Pulling the bag off his shoulder one last time, he put it on the ground and opened it, allowing his nephews and niece to deposit their final loads of candy into the bag.

"Right," he said cheerily, "time to go back. That was the last house on this street."

"No it's not," little Tom cried out, "look, up there!" and pointed to a faintly lit house a few hundred yards up the street.

"But that's outside the city limits," Simon admonished, "and Aunt Thelma warned us not to go there."

"Oh please," little Sally pleaded, "can we go there ?"

"No," Simon remained firm, "we're going home to divide up the candy."

"It's not fair!" little Alex said, stomping his foot, "Mommy said we could get candy from all the houses on this street!"

"So long as they were inside city limits," Simon said. "Now, no more arguments, we're going back."

"But can't you go there and get candy for us ?" Sally asked, "We'll wait here - promised!"

Simon sighed and weighed his mother's stern words and warnings.

"Please, pretty please with sugar ?" the three children pleaded, with a look reminiscent of mournful puppies on their faces.

"Well alright then, I suppose it's OK," he relented, "but, you three must stay here with the bag while I walk up and ask, OK ?"

The three of them nodded vigorously and eagerly accepted the bag.

"And no eating candy from the bag!" Simon warned, "or I'll tell your mom!"

As Simon walked past the city limits sign, a feeling of cold fear crept up his back, but he wasn't going to admit to the kids he was dead scared, steeled himself and walked up to the house up the hill.

I was further than he estimated - halfway he had to leave the main road and through a fence, up a steep stairway to the house. As he got closer, he saw that the house was in a state of disrepair, with just a bare bulb swinging on the creaking porch.

Convinced the house was abandoned, he walked up to the door, feeling the eyes of the children on him, knowing they would not accept him turning back without having tried the door.

He rapped on the door, and hesitantly called out "Trick or treat!"

To his surprise the door swung open and an old lady dressed in dirty rags, reeking of something Simon could not and did not want to identify stood in the door opening.

"Trick or treat eh?" she said in a scratchy voice. "Aren't you a little too old for that kind of childish thing, young man ?"

"Well, I ...", Simon started.

"Oh, so you're playing guardian to your family, are you ?"

"How did ..."

"I know everything, young man. I know your name. I know your desires. I even know your resentment at dragging a sack of candy instead of finding company for the night - hehehehe"

"But ..."

"Take this," the old woman said, suddenly hushing her voice, "but never share it with innocent hearts and minds - such as your charges."

She pushed a thick bar into his hand, and gave him just enough time to stuff it into his pocket.

"Away, away with you," she snapped, winking at him. "I ain't got no tricks or treats, leave an old woman alone!"

She drew herself up, her shape becoming threatening in the light of the full moon, and Simon half ran, half fell down the stairs as her laughter, sounding like nails being dragged over a blackboard, pierced the night.

They walked home in silence, the children understanding they had asked their big nephew to do something not allowed, and they didn't speak of it or ask any questions how, why and what had happened. All they had seen was how he had knocked, had stood there, and how the old woman had screeched, and they had cowered near the bag until Simon came flying down the street.

As they walked, Simon felt the thick rectangular bar bounce in his pocket, but decided to look at it later. He didn't want any questions. "So how did it go ?", uncle Bob asked.

"Not bad," Simon replied, rolling the big sack off his shoulder and setting it on the floor, "people were really generous his year."

"That's so nice," aunt Bella said, "and so nice of you too, to help carry the bag for the children. Why don't you take a share ?"

"That wouldn't be fair," Simon shook his head, seeing the dejected faces of the kids, "all I did was carry the bag, they collected it all."

"Well, that's really kind of you," his mother said, "and thanks for helping out -- we really appreciate it."

Yeah, Simon thought. Like you left me a choice in the matter.

He forced a smile. "No problem mom. Can I go now ? Maybe I can just make it to Mad Mike's party."

"When will you be home again ?" his father asked sternly.

"Probably tomorrow afternoon - and don't worry, he has a quiet room where guests can sleep."

"Just be careful," his mother said, "and don't go beyond city limits, not even for short distances! Anything can happen during Halloween."

He promised and excused himself, retreating to his room to change into more comfortable clothes, as well as to have a quiet look at what the old woman had pushed into his hands.

After securing his door, he slowly pulled the bar out of of his jacket and looked in wonder at the packaging.

It was a rectangular box pack, dark red, and as he turned it over he saw there was a black label covering two sides with bright red and yellow lettering on it: BLZ SUPER BUBXLGUM MEGAPACK - 144 STICKS IN 6 ULTRAWICKED FLAVORS - GARANTUEED TO PLEASURE YOU!

Turning the package another quarter, he saw some small print near the bottom of the label: WARNING: Do not mix or use two or more sticks at any one time, this may result in ext........

He tried to decipher the rest of the label, but the writing was smudged, or misprinted. In any case, it was unreadable.

He turned the cardboard pack over in his hands, mystified at the strange claim on the label and the unreadable warning before sliding it in his jacket and leaving.

Mad Mike's party turned out to be a washout - by the time Simon got there most had either gone home, gone "upstairs" or were passed out drunk on the sofa's and chairs, with only a few people he didn't really care for active or awake enough to acknowledge his arrival.

Simon left the party, angry at having missed the best part of it - and the best chances of getting something a lot better than a night's sleep.

Swinging his leg over his light motorbike, he felt the strange pack of gum in his pocket and wondered just what was so special about it that he shouldn't have shared it, and just what those strange claims were about.

Kicking the 2-stroke engine into life, he decided he knew the perfect place to find out. Tapping the bike into first gear, he let out the clutch and quietly drove off, leaving the brightly lit streets behind.

As he pulled up to the abandoned cabin, he hesitated, then shut off his bike and pushed it in the shade next to the building.

His heart pounded in his chest, remembering the words of his mother, but technically, the building was inside of city limits - the sign was a few yards down the street, true, but it was still on the city side.

With trembling hands he pulled the cardboard pack from his pocket and reread the label in the moonlight falling through the skylight.

Carefully, he pried open one side and looked into the pack at the ends of bubblegum packs, in six different markings. He slid out one set and spread them out on a table under the moonlight to look at the labels, carefully closing the box again and setting it on the table.

There were six different colors - yellow, red, pink, blue, green and black, and each was marked with a similarly colored naked female figure of obviously exaggerated proportions.

He mulled for a moment, hesitated, then picked the pink packet from the set, putting the rest back in the box.

Breaking open the wrapper, he found a plain looking stick of hot pink colored bubblegum inside, and, not knowing what else to do, stuck it in his mouth and began chewing.

It tasted strange, rubbery with a hint of sweet fruit that he couldn't quite identify, but it chewed easily and tasted quite good.

He felt the bubblegum getting pliable in his mouth, and decided to see just what was so special about it.

He took a deep breath, pushed the gum to his lips and exhaled, expecting to blow a small, bright pink bubble. But he didn't.

Instead, the gum ballooned from his mouth, blotting out his vision, and when he managed to focus, he found himself locked to the lips of a bright pink female figure.

In panic, he pushed it away, finding the surface smooth and soft, not sticky and malleable as he expected.

He caught his breath and gazed ahead of him.

She stood about 5 feet tall, every part of her shapely body the same bright pink as the bubblegum, even including her glowing eyes. She licked her bright pink lips with her similar colored tongue, and stroked her large breasts topped by slightly darker,purplish pink nipples with her hands before sitting on the the table, shamelessly spreading her long legs wide for him, exposing her large pink mound and pussy for him and beckoning him, smiling enigmatically.

He sat there, frozen, and she slid forwards, hooking her soft and smooth legs over his shoulders, light as air, firm as flesh, sliding up further, pushing her mound in his face.

Astonished at the advances of the pink figure, Simon gingerly probed his tongue at the figure's mound and slit, tasting the same strange sweet taste as the gum, running his tongue all over her mound, feeling how she bucked her hips, thrusting her pussy in his face.

He ran his hands up her soft body, starting at her firm, round ass to her breasts, trying to cup one in each hand and coming up short.

She bucked again, and he pushed his tongue into her slit, and she gyrated her hips, feeling how her hands were on his, pushing them into her breasts, or at least trying to.

He decided to take the plunge, and put his mouth over her mound, and pushing deeper into her cunt, he drew in a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, feeling her legs firm up, feeling her breasts grow, the mound pushing harder in his face.

He did it again, and this time, she let out a moan as her body grew firmer and larger, her legs hard up against his face, his hands losing grip on her expanding cleavage.

He exhaled again, and she let out another deep sighing moan that vibrated through both their bodies, her body now hard and firm.

"Mmmm," she said. "You're good. You're very good."

She crabbed backwards onto the table, and he gasped for breath.

Her eyes were still glowing pools of pink, but her lips and tongue were a dark shade of crimson, her insane cleavage spilling wide to either side topped by thumb size nipples riding on top of expansive deep purple aureolae, sharing their color, and between her legs her shiny smooth mound bulged up fully at attention and ready for more.

"Who ... or what .. are you ?" Simon stammered.

"You could think of me," she said, jumping off the table in one agile move which sent her breasts jostling and jiggling, "as the very best wet dream you will ever have."

She straightened out and stood a full 5 foot and a bit tall, playfully swaying her body side to side, letting her cleavage undulate in front of his eyes.

"Do you have a name ?" he asked, unable to take his eyes off her.

"You can call me Pink if you want to." she offered, "what's yours ?"

"I'm Simon."

"Well Simon, how about you take me here and now - after all, that's what my purpose in existence is. How would you like to take me ? Or am I not yet to your wishes ?"

"Well, I ... I don't know. And what do you mean, to my wishes ?"

"I will take the form of whatever the person who summons me wishes. But sometimes, I come in just a little under size. You do like big and very busty women, don't you ?"

"Well, yes, but ..."

"Then what are you waiting for ? Unless you want more of me."

"And how do I make more of you," he asked, intrigued.

"It's simple," she said with a wink and a bounce, "you blow me up."

"Is there a limit to that ?"

She laughed, "that's the last question I'll allow you before you either take me, inflate me or let me go. and no, there's no limits on how big I can get. I hope you're ready for me now, because here I come."

She jumped up and at him, launching herself forward, and he caught her, expecting to fall backwards, but instead she remained suspended in air, driving her lips onto his in a deep enveloping kiss, wrapping her arms around him, letting her body float down against his.

"Take me," she hoarsely whispered, "please take me."

"Not yet," he said, feeling the raging hardon in his pants, "I want more of you."

"All of me ?"

"All of you. And especially your lovely boobs."

"My boobs aren't lovely," she countered, smiling, "They're nasty, hard and exciting."

"Are they," he said, "well, let's see about that then."

He put his hands under her buttocks and lifted her snatch to his face, already preparing to exhale in her throbbing, hot pink cunt.

"No need for that," she said, "just watch."

She clamped her legs around his waist, feeling how he slipped his hands under her buttocks and dug in his fingers, smiling in approval.

"Now here's the deal," she said, "if you call stop, I stop. If I lose sight of you, I stop. If I reach an obstacle like a wall, I stop. Got it ?"

"Got it," he said, pulling her large snatch closer to his face, feeling her large pink legs around him.

She let out a shallow sigh and a small moan, and he felt the grip of her legs constrict him, pushing him harder against her crotch.

Then she started sucking in breath, and he felt her legs build and bulk up around him, saw how her cleavage rose, and rose faster, while her mound swelled up just in front of him, and he lost his grip on her slippery soft backside, and she kept sucking in breath until her breasts towered well over 3 feet high. He called stop.

She let go of him, and he crawled over her body, well over twice his size, apart from her vastly inflated boobs, which were far, far larger, until he was lying between the two gigantic pink mountains, which she obligingly squished together, enveloping him and they managed a tentative kiss despite the size difference.

"Will you take me now ?" she pleaded.

"If I still can," he said, "I think I overdid it a little. How do you want it ?"

"Wrong question," she said, "you take me the way you want, I'm at your service. I like it all - oral, anal, vaginal, you name it, I'll milk the last drop from your balls. So drop those pants, pick a hole and fuck me."

"I like it when you talk dirty," he said while disrobing.

"Oh you do," she said, "well then stud, come here and screw little Pink's hole until she begs for mercy - pound me until my tits and ass are sore, and my cunt raw from the thrusts, then give me more," she said, her eyes flaring brighter as he brought out his hardon.

He stepped between her legs and rubbed her giant mound in front of him, and in response her cunt tightened up enough for him to push between her big nether lips. "Oh yes, give it to little Pink," she crooned, wrapping her giant legs around him, squashing him against her crotch as he thrust at her pulsing, throbbing sex, her body beginning to undulate as she matched his movements, pushing her arms into her giant boobs, pushing them towards him, making him grab at her 2 feet long, 8 inch thick nipples, piling her cleavage at him, bucking harder and harder, her body getting softer and more malleable, and as he shot his load inside of her, she let out a long sigh that softened her body, followed by another, letting her breasts sink in on herself, before it was replaced by the steady hiss of air escaping as she slowly deflated and shrank, leaving an empty behind in his hands.

He picked it off him and laid it out on the table, then got dressed, and as he turned to pick it up, he saw how it vanished in a puff of smoke that smelled of sulphur.

He suddenly very much longed for the next time, and knew he had 143 such very wild experiences left.

Or less, if he threw caution to the wind.


Two weeks later he felt confident and willing enough to have another go at it, unable to shake Pink's fantastic dimensions from his mind and his dreams, his imagination running wild with what pleasures and kinks the other colors might provide.

He had a pretty good idea what he wanted to do, and knew it was going to take a lot of space - and require a quick getaway if it all went wrong.

The colors he wanted to use had already been set in his mind - green, and black. Green and black. He was going to ignore the warning on the package and use two sticks - and worse, mix them.

The sticks felt thick in his pocket, the box being hidden behind a loose board in his room. 141 experiences left, he mused. And a double dose planned for today, in green and black.

His chosen destination was an old service station on a forgotten road out of town, about 30 miles down the road.

It had everything he needed, and wanted, for this tryst; privacy, a decent enclosed space, and a quick escape if worst came to worst.

He opened up the throttle, riding down the abandoned highway towards the dot in the distance, the two sticks of gum heavy in his pocket.

Simon shivered, rubbing his hands warm.

He ran over his preparations once more, his heart racing in his chest.

"No fear," he mumbled to himself, rubbing his hands warm, patting the pocket with the gum sticks, "no fear."

He checked the floor was swept clean, his bike was ready to roll at a moment's notice, checked his exit routes, then considered his plan again.

Finally, he pulled both sticks of gum from his pocket and laid them out on the table in front of him, and carefully unwrapped them both, first the green one, which was a bright, fresh green, like a blade of grass.

The black one was pure black - so black, it almost seemed to absorb the light around it to make it look even more black than possible.

Determined, he picked up both sticks, folded them together, then kneaded them into a single greenish-black double stick and closing his eyes, he popped it in his mouth and worked it between his jaws.

The first fiery explosion of taste almost made him spit it out, an frontal assault of screaming maniacs wielding battleaxes on his taste buds, but it died away, and soon he felt the gum reach the rubbery texture he so desired.

Rolling it over once more with his tongue, and with his heart pounding in his chest, he pushed the gum behind his lips and blew out the bubble.

It immediately grew into a woman's shape, first tiny, but quickly swelling, faster than his breath seemed to allow, locked in the same intimate kiss as with Pink, but as he pushed off for the first look, he saw that she was different - not just the color, a dusky green, but her curves were wider, more bold, but also much firmer.

The shape bounded at him, and he caught her in the same position as Pink, his head between her legs, hands on her buttocks, only her legs felt so much more solid, but also pliable, her ass was tighter, and the shape ground its hard, full crotch into his face, almost smothering him, and three labored exhalations between her well-developed genitals later, feeling the figure swell, bulge up, its body going from smooth to slightly muscular, its legs almost constricting him, he heard a reassuring grunt, he set her down.

She stood taller than him by almost a foot, and he looked her over from the top of her bare head, over her dark green face with jet black lips, openly ogling at her full round breasts, each capped with a fierce-looking bulging black aureola on top of which stood a knob bigger than his thumb, down her six-packed abdomen into the deep canyon, to her trim legs.

The female figure slowly opened her deep green eyes, their color a deep glowing emerald, and pulled her black lips into a cruel, predatory smile.

"Wanna fuck me," she asked, voice deep and sibilant, "if you think you got what it takes to handle what I have here ?"

"Oh, I'd love to fuck you," he replied, "but I would so much like more of that delicious body."

She smiled, licking her lips with her black tongue, making a strange rubber-on-rubber sound as she did so.

"So you want more of me, do you ?"

"Oh yeah."

She stepped at him and jammed her ample cleavage in his chest, and he felt how her hard, pointy nipples poked in his skin through his clothing.

"And just," she said, rubbing her body against his, "how much more of me did you want ?"

"A heck of a lot more," he said smiling, wrapping an arm around her, squeezing her ass, "but can you give it to me ?"

In response, she grunted and inhaled briefly, instantly adding two feet to her height and more than doubling her breast size.

"Is that all," he teased, amazed and frightened how fast she could grow.

She grabbed him in a bear hug, and inhaled again, her breasts shooting outwards as she grew larger, reaching 12 feet in a second.

"Wow," he said, now truly impressed as she set him down and gloated, bending over to fit under the roof.

"This is nothing, just mere beginner level," she boasted. "Now, are you going to take me like this or did you want a little more ?"

"I'll take you," he said, "anally maybe, after I see how you look with bigger nipples", as he felt her incredibly hard, milk jug sized nipples that were so black they almost exuded darkness.

"How much bigger ?"

"A few times ?"

"Is that all," she sneered.

"Well, go on then, show me what you can do," he taunted her.

Aloof, she drew breath again, her nipples straining atop her breasts, and with a malicious creaking, squealing sound they expanded, her aureolae pushing out and bulging, stretching at an alarming rate while her nipples sprinted forwards, extending and swelling until they were half the size of her mottled green breasts, standing atop light-absorbing black, quivering globes.

"That enough" she asked.

"Not yet," he said, eyes wide with amazement, running his hands over the hard inflated black surface.

"Then tell me what you want," she hissed.

"let me think for a moment," he said.

"Then take me," she growled, her eyes flaring.

"Not yet. Grow your boobs. Lots."

"TAKE ME!" she snarled.

"Grow your boobs, real huge, and I'll think about taking you," he replied.

She cursed in a language he didn't understand and violently sucked in air, causing a gale in the enclosed space as her breasts bulged outwards, overtaking her gigantic aureolae in size in seconds, restoring them to hemispheres, accompanied by a loud squealing, creaking sound.

He rubbed up against her expanding cleavage, felt her smooth rubbery skin expand larger and larger until they almost filled the old service station.

"There, done." she said. "Now take me."

"No. I want more."

"What possibly more could you want," she sneered, "aren't these beautiful boobs and nipples enough for you ?"

"I think you need a cunt to match," he fired back, circling her balloonlike breasts and slipping under her so he could have a first row seat.

He heard her draw breath, and her crotch blossomed to three times its size, spreading over her legs and lower body.

"Almost there," he grinned, "just your clit needs some upgrading."

She rammed her knee into his body and cursed him again in an unintelligible language, then asked how much.

"I'll tell you when to stop," he said, gasping for breath.

She drew air, and the large knob bulged up and out until it resembled an olive green party balloon.

"Bigger," he taunted.

Cursing, she grunted and sucked, and the shaft grew, punching between her gigantic, quivering breasts, erupting above them, larger than her body, until it was hard up against the ceiling, when he called stop.

"Now take me," she growled.

"Maybe," he said, wriggling out from between her bulging boobs and sausage-shaped lust tower, "though I'm not sure you're quite big enough for what I want."

She glowered at him and snarled at him.

"And just what did you have in mind, if I may have the mere temerity to ask, little man ?"

"You'll find out," he said, smiling, "when you get there. Now get ready."

"I was created ready," she snapped, "now get a move on!"

"Grow," he said, "double yourself. At least."

"Just my body ? That's all ?"

"No," he said, having thrown caution to the wind, savoring what he was gong to say, "all of you. Let's have some open air action."

She laughed maniacally at him for a moment.

"I got to give you this," she said, smiling, "you got balls. And you'd better be prepared to deliver their contents to me, and it had better be fucking good."

"Well, you'll just have to find out, not ?" he said, smiling back.

"I'll do it," she said, "but you have to mount me, any place you want, it could get a little hardcore busting out of this place."

"Deal," he said, and he climbed up her back, wrapping his arms around her sturdy waist.

A deep trembling quiver ran through her distended form, and she gulped in air, not just through her mouth, but he could see through her semi-transparent body how she had opened up her nipples, stretching open her cunt impossibly wide, and even her ass to pull in air, creating a storm in the building as it crumbled and gave way, while they rose and rose, his arms sliding off her increasing waist.

"Yyyyeeessssssss," she crooned, her see-through body shaking, "oh yesssss, that feels so good, so large, so full."

He got off and gasped. The service station was gone. In its place were two gigantic transparent green orbs with jet black, matte hemispheres at the front, each topped by bump-studded, school bus sized nipple, her cleavage split apart by a thick, towering, matte black sausage originating between her legs, her body now stretching a full 20 feet tall.

"Was this by chance," she asked, her face between a feral sneer and a predatory smile, "about what you were looking for ?"

"Almost," he said.

"Then mount me and take me. You'll have to do it anally or orally, as my cunt is a juuust a little too big for your puny cock," she said haughtily.

"Just one more thing to go."

Her eyes flashed, and her entire body lit up and vibrated, letting out a threatening rumble that shook the ground.

"Be quick about it," she hissed, her sibilant voice raising the hairs on the back of his neck, "I NEED you, I WANT you, I MUST HAVE you."

"Just your nipples."

"How much ?"

"Wellll ..."

"How MUCH !?"

"I dunno if you ..."

"HOW MUCH !!!" Her voice became a howling scream that hurts his ears, as her body inflated wider, more solid, her arms and legs thickening, becoming like those of a champion bodybuilder, and then some.

His heart skipped a beat, and he had to fight to suppress his panic, but he forced a smile, damn, she was really riled up. This was fun.

"Perhaps we should grow some other things as well," he ventured.

Her body almost exploded, inflating to proportions that would make the Hulk look like a wimp, without gaining any height, still about 20-21 feet tall, then launched a string of howling, hissing curses at him, ending with "now tell me how much you want my nipples to inflate - or I will make that choice for you. After that, you will take me, no more fun and games, because I HAVE TO HAVE you."

"In due time," he said calmly.

"HOOOW MUUUUUCCCHH - TELL ME NOOOOOOWWW ORRR SSUUUFFFEEERRRR", she rumbled, and her nipples slowly started rolling forwards and outwards, the bumps becoming more and more pronounced as they swelled, hemispherical aureolae distending and spreading like a matte ink stain over the fronts of her gigantic green bulbous boobs, and he realized he had to make the call.

"Keep going," he encouraged her as the speed on the growth picked up, the aureolae now covering the entire front half of her balloon cleavage, the protrusion-studded nipples charging ahead, half the aureola size now.

"Bigger," he gushed, "just keep going. And swell your little titties, too."

He heard her laugh boom and the roar of air became deafening as she inflated ever faster and faster, heard her groan and moan, then grunt and the air shook and thundered again.

"This enough," she asked, now on he ground, two towering balloon stretching hundreds of feet in the air, pushed apart by her bulbous aureolae, her nipples so large and full, they easily outstripped her boobs in size.

"Just what I had in mind," he said, slipping between her boobs after having disrobed, "because I really want to feel your lips up close and personal."

"Oh don't worry," she said, pushed her stiff, hard cleavage apart to make room for him, shaking her entire jelly-like body until it undulated from end to end, "we're going to enjoy this.

After she settled him firmly in place, she ran the tip of her matte black, rubbery tongue over his cock and he saw the glow in her eyes diminish, "is that all you got," she said, half mocking, half disappointed.

"Apparently," he said, a little miffed at his own zeal in inflating his one-shot partner.

"Well, then I'll just have to work with what I got," she said and enveloped his groin between her full, black lips, flicking her tongue over the tip, her hot breath flowing over his body, her tongue stretching and wrapping around his cock, her lips pulsing with lust as he resisted blowing his load, wanting to feel this just a little longer, looking up through her boobs, down through her body, while she racked up her efforts another notch, her lips inflating, her tongue racing over his cock, the pressure to let go of his load becoming near unbearable. Her eyes lighted up, and he felt how her body expanded, saw her butt bulging out, her arms thicken and swell even more, felt her black lips almost suck his cock off his body, the rubbery tongue jerking his member, a tentacle from its tip wrapping around his balls, as her body got harder, and harder, filling up with a clearly audible hissing sound, the envelope creaking, squealing and protesting its expansion, as she wrapped her gigantic arms, each bigger than he was around him and buried him in her lustful inflation.

The glow in her eyes grew brighter, from emerald to lime green, the breath through her nose more frantic, and then he finally lost control.

She milked every final drop from his member, her matte black tongue and its tentacular tip scooping up every last drop of semen.

"Oh damn, that was really fucking good," he said, sliding off her.

"Oh definitely it was," she said, smiling. "You have no idea how ..." she paused a moment and flashed a cruel smile at him, and laughed harshly.

"How incredibly liberating it was."

"What do you mean ?"

"It means I am now free to roam in your world."

"Hey, that's good - we can do this again, right ?"


"Why not ?"

"Because you are no longer in charge, little pathetic man."

She grunted, and as air howled, screeched and rushed inside of her, her proportions shifted, her body growing larger, and more feminine again, her breasts shrinking, then sitting up, followed by standing up, rising into the air, standing over 150 feet tall, her boobs still getting smaller, her body growing, 200 feet now, 300, 400, 500, breasts reaching sort of proportionate, but if she was human size, she would've beat out any ten porn stars even if they had combined their bust size.

Her laughter boomed, and she snorted in more air, and grew bigger, until she stood a full thousand feet over the desert.

"I will dominate your world," she boasted, "I can be as big or small as I want, when I want, where I want. And you cannot stop me. I am free."

She was still laughing maniacally when the desert wind picked up, and knocked her off her feet, sweeping her up into the sky ... ... landing her in a forest of cactii.

He heard a brief guttural, whooshing scream, followed by an almost blinding flash of bright green, cactii flying through the air, shreds of green and black material tossed into the sky.

He began to walk that direction, wondering what had happened, but something on the desert floor moved towards him fast.

The shockwave slammed him into the ruined service station with tremendous force, knocking him out.

He came to, someone pressing a wet piece of cloth onto his forehead.

"Take it easy," a deep voice said calmly, "you took quite a beating."

It was still night, but he was sitting in the headlights of car, propped up against the wall of the service station, and a man in an expensive suit was standing over him.

He furtively looked around, trying to find a believable explanation what had happened, but his tongue paralyzed.

The service station building was intact.

He looked over towards the forest of cactii, expecting a huge crater, but it was untouched as well.

His eyes darted to the man in the suit.

"Olba'id. Luschfir Olba'id," the man introduced himself, pulling Simon off the floor.

"Thank you Mr Olba'id, for helping me." he said. "I don't really know what happened, but ..."

"Oh you exactly know what's happened, son. And I know what happened, too."

"But ..."

"Let's go inside," Luschfir suggested, "I have a ... proposition. One you may find to your advantage."

Once inside, they sat down at a dusty table near the window.

"Not quite the correct, or even proper surroundings for a business proposal," Luschfir commented.

Simon shrugged "you take what you can get, right ?"

"You may have to - right now - but I don't have to," the man said, stroking his goatee, and snapping his fingers.

Gone was the smudgy, dirty old table with its cracked surface and mangy chairs - in its stead stood a rich, varnished oak desk with on either side an upholstered luxury chair. The man directed a baffled Simon to one chair, then sat in the other on the opposite side of the desk.

"How did ..."

"Magic. But you are already familiar with that, if I'm not mistaken."

"Well, I guess so."

Luschfir smiled, and there was something familiar to Simon about that strange haircut, the pointed goatee and the lines in the face.

The man opened a drawer in he desk and pulled out a printed sheet, sliding it over to Simon, who picked it up.

"What's this ?"

"Read it, I'd say. It's my standard proposal."

"It reads like a deal with the devil," Simon remarked as he put the sheet down, and Luschfir burst out laughing.

"Of course you are dealing with the devil," he chuckled. "Didn't you catch my name first time around ? Luschfir - Lucifer ?"

"And Olba'id ... of course! That's 'Diablo' in reverse!"

"Very good!"

"But how ..."

"You created, used, survived, and destroyed an unbound succubus - blind luck of course, but I can appreciate such resourcefulness and good fortune.

You think I don't keep track of each and every one of my most favorite underlings, did you ? Even I need some relaxation every now and then."

Luschfir snapped his fingers, and a dark green and black female figure appeared out of the shadows, bouncing gigantic breasts, oozing sensuality, and liquid from its nipples and crotch, too.

Her green eyes flared as she saw Simon, getting ready to pounce.

"Don't even think about touching him, Lymelani," Luschfir said sharply.

"You can't begin to understand what I'll do to you."

The female still took a threatening step forward. "We want payback," she hissed, "for what he did to us."

"Payback ? He set you free and returned you to me. What's the problem ?"

"Look at us," she screeched, "we are two in a body of one!"

"Yes, and I think you look lovely. And I love double personalities - if I tire of one I always have another to dally with."

Lymelani started to protest but with a wave of his hand, Luschfir made her vanish into thin air, leaving only a whiff of sulphur behind.

"Some of them can be such a bother sometimes," he said, "but you did well."

"If I did so well in your view," Simon said slowly, "why are you offering me only your standard proposal ?"

Luschfir roared with laughter, "oh I like you, Simon, I really like you.

Dealing with the devil and rejecting the terms using his own words."

"You said something about returning to you."

"Ah yes. Those gum sticks you have."

"A hundred and forty one left in the package."

"Yes. 141 of my delectable succubi held captive - or less, if you double up on them at use."

"Or even less if you triple up - or more." Simon ventured.

Luschfir laughed. "Alright - you have a point there. You have something besides your soul to bargain with."

"You want the gum, then ?"

"I'd want your soul and the gum, yes."

"Convince me why I should sign it away."

"Because nothing ever happens in Heaven anyway. Do you want to spend eternity after death, if you even -qualify- for it after this conversation, sitting on a cloud playing a harp ?"

"And your offer is ?"

"You've seen part of my offer already. There's a hell (haha) of a lot more where she came from. And I'll put you down for equal terms, not like I do with most, who end up being used."

"But I'll have to die first to get to that, not ?"

"No, that's just the fringe benefit - call it afterlife insurance."

"And the immediate benefits are ?"

Luschfir rubbed his hands, "let's make a deal. And for once, it'll be a mutually beneficial one. I don't do too many of those. Most who deal are fools - and you know, fools and their souls are soon parted."

"And what garantuee do I have I won't suffer the same fate ?"

"For one, I initiated this negotiation. Normally it's the other way around.

Second, I have respect for what you did, and it humored me, and third, you have something I want other than your soul. And I happen to place quite a lot of value on my succubi."

"Just how much ?"

The devil sat back in his chair and tented his hands, thought for a moment.

"I'll grant you unlimited lifetime access to my Succubus Escort Service.

You'll love it - amaze your friends with the most horny, sexy, flexible females they've ever seen - in any size they want! And you can even share the fun - all-in service for a whole party. Better yet, you can take out as many as you need, stock the party and create some real action."

"I don't know. It sounds good - but what's the catch ?"

"No small print attached. Hell, your friends might not need or want a fuck for a few weeks after that, but that's it."

"But what do I get out of it ? I mean, yeah, free sex with whatever kind of woman I'm hungry for at that moment, but ..."

"Ah, a connoisseur," Luschfir grinned, "I'll also grant you magic."

"Now we're talking," Simon said grinning. "What kind of magic ?"

"Black magic. Of the flesh and of the mind."

"And what does it do ?"

"Say you know this girl you really want to have fun with. The hard, hot, and heavily inflated kind. You know, tasting of bubblegum."

"Gee, now that sounds familiar," Simon said smiling.

"Like those ladies you pick up at Mad Mike's - yes, I know. Your mind's like an open book to me -- how'd you like to give one of them a damn good fucking with more than two feet of cock while she's sporting boobs bigger than little Lymelani just had, much bigger in fact, and unable or unwilling to talk about it afterwards?"

"Really ?"

"Oh, that's just beginner's level, of course. You'll get better over time.

If you progress well, you could turn your school prom in a few years into a giant boobilicious orgy. Master the craft, and you could conceivably create hypersizing - and much more of course - on an urban scale."

"And that's complete and compatible with the afterlife insurance ?"

"You don't miss a trick do you ? Of course it is!"

Luschfir pulled a sheet from a desk drawer and penned out their agreement on it, and gave Simon the sheet, who read it, checked it carefully for small print and wording, and nodded.

"Sign on the line please," Luschfir jabbed a fountain pen in Simon's thumb, drawing blood on the tip, then turned it around and gave it to him.

"Sorry about that, but that's the easiest way."

With a flourish Simon signed the paper. "I guess all that's left to do to close this deal is to give you the gum."

"Indeed," Luschfir said. "And we can do that really quick."

He clapped his hands and a door appeared in the wall.

"That door leads directly to your room."

Without thinking or wondering how, Simon stepped through the door, out of the wardrobe in his own room, and quickly retrieved the pack of gum from between the porn mags behind the loose board.

He stepped back into the wardrobe, and closed the door back inside the service station, and sat down at the desk, sliding the box across.

Luschfir took the box and opened it, pulled out 12 sticks, two of each color, and slid them back to Simon. "Keep those. You can use those, but, under one condition."

"Which is ?"

"You use at least two of them at any one time. Remember that the strength of any effects increases if you use more sticks, but that you will never lose control. When you're done with her, she'll know to come back to me, and you can always take her back out through the Service."

"Including Lymelani ?"

"Oh yes, including Lymelani - I'll see to it she's brought under control.

I take it you liked her ?"

"I had a whoppingly huge great time, yes."

"Good, good. I must admit, your handling of her pleased me. Especially how you got your way with her form. This does conclude our negotiations, then."

"I guess it does. Thank you Mr ...?"

"Oh, just call me Lucifer - or Diablo, or Beelzebub - you can even call me uncle Bill if you want to - you're an associate of mine now, no need to pretend as if nothing's out of the ordinary."

"In that case, Mr. Lucifer, thanks much, I guess that's it then ?"

"Pretty much. Oh, lest I forget - here's your SES access card."

He handed Simon a black credit card with just the letters "SES VIP" printed on it, with no other markings or anything on it.

"How does this work ?"

Lucifer smiled. "When you feel the need it'll explain itself. If you'll excuse me now, I have business to attend to. A certain split personality underling of mine bears a grudge against a trusted associate."

"I understand. This is farewell then ?"

"More of an au revoir - I'm sure we'll meet again sometime."


Mad Mike's New Year Bash is turning out to be a washout, Simon thought.

The guy-to-girl ratio was way too high, and the few girls running around weren't all that interested in going "upstairs" - just in chatting about their non-existant lives or their boring academical studies.

He had half a mind to use his SES card when Mad Mike came up to him.

"S'not much action eh ?"

"This place is so boring and tame it could be a highschool prom."

"I know. I got some reinforcements on the way though - stick it out and I swear it'll be worth our evening."

"Why should I ? This place is a deadbeat. Your rep's going down, man."

"Yeah, how the hell was I supposed to know all these uptight chicks found out about a Mad Mike bash ? Someone's yapping and I don't like it."

"Do you have a contingency plan, then ?"

Mad Mike's face lit up and a big toothy grin split his face.

"Like hell I do. Like I said, stick it out and I'll get you some hot action going."

"Not much chance with these around," Simon said, nodding to the girls amicably chatting about this, that and other uninteresting topics, "they'll either sick the cops on us, or make a dreaded Parent Call."

"I'll give you a 100% garantuee they're outta here in 5 minutes."

"You're on. What do I get if you lose ?"

"First introduction and pick. If you lose, you get the short straw."

"Deal. Time starts ... now," Simon said, clicking a function on his mobile.

Mike ambled towards the light switch and quickly clicked off all the lighting, flicking on the red bulbs strategically placed across the room.

Simon felt someone rush by him, caught a whiff of perfume on the air.

"It's time," Mike said, in an exaggerated deep growl, "for Mad Michael's shack o' love, care and attention to be reopened. Gentlemen, make your move, ladies, prepare to ... OW!"

The normal lights came back on, and one girl Simon recognized from school, he thought she was called Melody, a confirmed militant feminist had floored Mike, hard.

"This," she stated firmly, "is a -decent- party. Not some gropefest where you pervs can just grab someone and think you're in charge."

Haughtily, she walked back to her seat on the sofa, sat down and continued her conversation with another girl as if nothing had happened.

"She socked me in the jaw," Mike whined as he pulled up next to Simon.

"You've got 2 minutes left or I win."

Mike's face brightened as a new idea hit him.

"Pool splash," he bawled, jumping for the large doors to the atrium with the large pool inside.

"Jump in for all you like," Mona said icily, "maybe then your brain will finally get the blood supply it requires."

A few girls giggled, Simon remained at the bar, looking at his phone, watching Mike's time disappear while Mike and a few friends tried to dislodge one of the girls from a sofa to throw in the pool.

Melody intervened and coldly KO'd Randy, another friend of Simon.

"Hey c'mon Simon, give us a hand here," Steve complained.

"In a few seconds," he said, grinning.

"Oh no you don't," Melody bossed. "You stay right there mister."

"For the record," Simon said calmly, "I believe this is Michael's place, and Michael's party - so technically it's his rules, too."

Melody folded her arms and stood right in front of him. "Your point ?"

"My point is if you don't like that - you can leave and go someplace else for a New Year's Bash. Church for instance. They'll talk all night until their jaws flap from overexertion."

She hauled back her fist to punch, but Simon shook his head.

"You can't punch your way out of this one, Melody. You damn well know I'm right, no matter how much you dislike it. Why don't you take yourself and your boring group of jabbering dykes someplace equally boring so we can at least enjoy what's left of the night - under Mike's rules."

"Yeah, Mikey rules rock," one voice in the back said.

"Rock on dude," another fell in. One by one, the guys all agreed.

Melody balled her fists, stepped back to deliver a knockouter, then turned and angrily stomped towards the front door, the rest of the girls following in her wake.

The front door slammed shut and Simon stopped the timer on his phone.

"Six minutes, forty three seconds."

"What's that about," George complained, "now we got nothing."

"Mad Mike got you covered. Reinforcements coming in."

"When ?"

"An hour. Or so."

"An hour ? An hour of bull party ?"

Simon thought of the card in his wallet but decided against it. Not yet, he thought. I have other plans tonight. Very pliable, and large, plans.

"I'm sure we'll live through that. Randy, check they're really gone and not picketing the house. Might scare off people we do want here. Steve, why don't you grab a few slabs of beer from the cooler to get everyone started ?"

"Ah fucking hell," Randy cursed as he came down the stairs. "They used that stupid minivan of theirs to block the driveway."

"I'll deal with it," Mike sighed.

"No, wait," Simon said, "let me handle this. You guys start tarting this place up for a real party - I'll get rid of Superdyke and her bitches."

"What do you have in mind ?"

"Steve, you still drive that tow truck ?"

"Yeap, sure do. Ain't trading it in for the world."

"Still got those rollerplates in the back ?"

"Oh you bastard, Simon. I get it. Heave and haul."

"Heave, haul and dump."

When Steve and Simon returned an hour later, having "delivered" the minivan at a more appropiate location, and put both wheels they'd taken off next to it, leaving the occupants to replace them, the music was thumping inside and they nodded approvingly.

"Groovin' George found his mark," Steve remarked.

"Oh hell yes he did," Simon said, grinning, "sounds good."

They returned to cheers and beers from the others.

"Where'd you leave'em," Mike inquired.

"Behind the church. Took both driver side wheels off, that should keep them occupied while we party."

"That's evil. You almost need a shop jack to fix that."

"Or real men," Steve said, flexing his arms.

They all laughed.

"Yo Mike, where's your reinforcements," shouted Randy from across the room.

"On the way. They should be here in ten, fifteen minutes, tops."

They finished some final essential stud party preparations - like tossing down mattresses in small dark rooms, turning off all "unnecessary" lights, and firing each other up for the rest of the night.

Several pairs of headlights flashed over the front-facing windows.

"Reinforcements," the crew cheered.

"Yo Madman, who's got first pick tonight ?"


A few 'lucky bastard' shouts called out, while Mike opened the door and let a row of scantily clad women inside, followed by cheers and hoots from the guys in the den - Mad Mike had connections, and he frequently used them to get some 'entertainment' at the parties he organized.

There was one to whom Simon was drawn immediately - a tall blonde in a white dress, her hair pulled back in a severe top knot, arms folded over her chest, leaning against the wall, the only one not to have snuggled on a sofa between the guys or sat down on a lap, trying to make herself more interesting or desirable.

Purposely he walked over to her, and their eyes met.

"You can't handle me," she said matter-of-factly to Simon, her gaze aloof and dominant, "as a matter of fact, I'm sure none of you can."

"I think I want to find out," he dared her.

"It won't even take me five minutes to tire of your immature efforts," she sneered at him.

"Why don't we go upstairs and find out," Simon suggested.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. You're wasting your time and efforts, kid."

"I may yet surprise you ... have a name to remember you by ?"

The tall blonde locked her frosty blue eyes on him, "Hilda. And to your sorry little self, that'll be MISTRESS Hilda, got that ?"

"Maybe," Simon replied, "now if I may escort your hotness to a place of disrobed fun and debauchery ?"

"Whether it'll be fun I doubt," she said coldly, "but lead on."

He led Hilda to the large bedroom overlooking the pool deck, where they both undressed.

Before he even had a chance to say anything, Hilda threw him on the bed and sat on top of him, her firm ass pressing down on his stomach, her ice-blue eyes glinting madly.

"You're in for it now," she said, smiling, "Mistress Hilda is going to pound your little dick to pulp."

Simon relaxed, took a deep breath and smiled. "See if it fits first."

Hilda threw her head back and laughed, then lifted her body off him, sliding down and reaching behind her with one hand to grab his dick, and when she found it, she froze, the look in her eyes shifting from contempt to amazement, then desire.

"There's plenty more where that comes from," he said grinning.

The smile on Hilda's face turned from cruel to downright feral as she lifted her ass higher, then set the head of Simon's 18 inch cock and began devouring it between her legs, grunting and growling as she slid down the enormous shaft, and to his amazement, she wolfed all of it down.

Her smile widened, "didn't expect that, did you, Mistress Hilda is used to a lot of cock" while she began pumping up and down on his dick.

"No I didn't," Simon said, "but I certainly don't mind. But hey, is it me or are your breasts getting bigger ?"

She threw her head back laughing as she lifted up for another thrust, "you are such a silly boy," she said, "Mistress Hilda is all natural, what you see is all you get, it's just your imagination."

She pounded down on him and laughed, felt her breasts slap against her body and looked down - was it her or were her boobs really bigger ?

Simon smiled and racked up the magic in his cock, increasing the rate of growth per thrust, already considering a special surprise at the end.

Hilda came down again, and her cleavage noticably swelled, from the just over handfuls from the last time to footballs.

She came down again and they swelled, as if inflated with a pump, to ripe watermelons standing straight off her body, impossibly erect for the shape and size they were.

"I don't know what it is that you're doing to me," Hilda panted, "but whatever it is, Mistress Hilda commands you to not stop, because it feels fucking great."

"I had no intention of stopping," Simon smiled, "but perhaps I'll change the focus every now and then."

"Give Mistress Hilda more," she growled as she pulled to the top of her long stroke.

"How much more, and of what" he asked.

"Just give Mistress Hilda more. A lot more. And make sure it pleases me."

"Make that stroke and find out," Simon dared her, already envisioning the precise effect he wanted to achieve, down to the finest detail.

"Here Mistress Hilda comes," she giggled, and slammed her ass down, racing down the lubricated pole to the finish line at Simon's crotch, having closed her eyes and letting out a loud feral grunt.

On the way down, her pale breasts expanded like crazy, growing to the size of massive, elongated beachballs, her aureolae audibly popping outwards, swelling even faster than her boobs, but her nipples beat everything, going from pencil erasers to fist size, to beer can size, briefly bulging until they were globes as large as soccer balls, before leaping outwards to the size of fire hydrants, mounted on gigantic, bulging aureolae sticking out far beyond her enormous cleavage, all in less than two seconds.

"Mistress Hilda liked how that felt," she said, "now she wants to see how she looks, and ..." her voice halted briefly, and her eyes widened as she opened them, "... what the hell have you done to me," she hissed.

"You wanted more," Simon said, "I gave you more, 'Mistress' Hilda."

"I can't move," she snapped.

"That can be remedied," Simon said smiling. "Only that's Master Simon to you, Miss Hilda. And you do really love this, don't you ?"

"Why you...yo..y-yess ... I-I do like this, Master Simon."

"And this is our little secret, for us alone, isn't it ?"

"Oh yes it is," she gushed and giggled, "nobody else must know."

"Good. Now let's see about some mobility of these modestly sized boobies."

Simon ran his hands over the firm flesh forming the walls of the canyon cleavage he was laying in and willed them to be as light as air, like bubblegum boobs, triggering a deep moan from Hilda as her boobs stiffened, erected, and slightly swelled, floating up, the nipples almost up against the ceiling of the room.

He withdrew from her slopping wet pussy, told her to turn around and pushed her down, pulling her legs and ass up, her boobs spilling out over the floor and supporting her upper body. He guided his cock back into place, and briefly considered his next move.

The next step came natural to him - if she had huge boobs, she should have an equally huge body to match, he thought, and he pushed his way into her, her moans dropping in pitch as her body swelled larger, gaining just over two feet on the first stroke alone.

He pounded her huge pussy again, and her moan dropped further as her legs and ass swelled around him, her arms hooking over her breasts now, almost able to touch her stiffly erect nipples, her body a full eleven feet tall, his 18 inch pole in danger of slipping out of her massive genitals.

Focusing his attention, he swelled his cock to a mind blowing 40 inch long, 4 inch diameter pole, and taking a step back and then forwards, rammed it up her her super sized pussy, her body smoothly pumping up to 15 feet tall, almost stretching the length of the room, squishing her now almost proportional airbag boobs under her, spreading her giant legs wider for her master's throbbing lust pole.

Simon took another run at her, deciding this was going to be his final run before finishing it, and let her breasts balloon until they filled more than half the volume of the bedroom, nipples swelling at more than four times the rate of her boobs, a pair of fat, dark brown cylinders sliding over the ceiling towards the opposite corners of the room.

Finally, Simon let Hilda take over, felt her wiggle and contract her vast vaginal muscles, let her push, pull and build up the tension before they finally released, and as he did, he let go of the magic, and they both returned to their former size and proportions - well, almost.

"Hmmm," Hilda said, wiggling her ass, "that was the best sex I ever had.

I take back what I said to you - you certainly didn't disappoint."

"Glad to have pleased you so much, Mistress Hilda," he said.

"No no," she laughed, "it's just Hilda to you now - you're amazing!"

"Perhaps we ought to rejoin the party," he suggested.

"Perhaps," she said, pressing her firm, head-sized breasts against his body, "we should do what we just did, whatever it was, again - right now."

"Maybe another time," he said, "perhaps at Mad Mike's next party."

"Oh, I'll be there," she laughed, "and you're the guy I want."

He sat on the edge of the bed, and watched as Hilda slipped into her dress, trying to figure out how best to accomodate her new assets, finally settling on just ripping the front to make room, then tried to reach behind herself to close up.

"Let me help you," he offered, and walked over, his hands brushing over her boobs, his hardon growing, and he wanted to fuck her again, but now was not the time. He forced his lust to the back of his mind, and zipped up the zipper on the back with some effort.

"There you go, no problems at all," he said smiling.

"Thanks," she said, sweeping him into a squishy hug and planting a firm kiss on his lips, grinding her crotch against his groin.

"We had better get going," Simon said after relucantly breaking the kiss,

"or else the rest will start talking crap about us."

"Nobody talks crap about you," she said bluntly, "or they have to answer to Mistress Hilda - in bed."

### ###

"You think you can manage not killing yourself, starving or have something else horrible happen to you in the two weeks we'll be spending away on uncle Bob's boat," his mom asked.

"Yes mom, don't worry mom," Simon replied, bored.

"Are you still sure you don't want to come with us," his father asked.

"Yeah - I've had enough of uncle Bob's fishing stories and his lamenting how his boat once was the biggest and best in the marina."

"Don't talk about your uncle like that," his mother chastised him, "he worked so hard to earn that boat."

"Sorry mom, but that's all he talks about - as much as I like uncle Bob, I think I'll skip this year."

"It's your choice," his father said, "just don't try anything unruly here in the house; that means no wild parties or anything - it's OK to invite a few friends over, but keep it clean. You're responsible, and if anything is damaged, I'll take it out of your account. Clear ?"

"Yes dad. Anything else ?"

"There's food in the freezer so you won't have to go shopping for a couple days - stay off the beer, I counted the cans, or there'll be hell to pay."

"Noted," he said, then shut the car door. "Enjoy yourselves - and give my regards to Uncle Bob and Aunt Bella - and the kids."

"We will - byyyeeeeee!!!"

Simon stood on the driveway for few more minutes waving as the car rolled down the street, then turned the corner onto the main road that would eventually, through several turnpikes, toll roads and freeways, lead to where uncle Bob lived.

Back in the house, Simon weighed his options - OK, so he had the place to himself, but there could be no Mad Mike style action in the house - or even any really serious action the way he liked it, his father had effectively put the brakes on that. Well, that was OK. This was spring break, so he could just as well pack up his kit, close up the house and go "touring".

But no - that wasn't an option either. He had to stay close to the house, lest something happened and he got blamed for it. His father had set the terms very well.

Perhaps he should take a night out in the desert, he thought, down the old road. He hadn't been there for a long time. Last time, things had gotten hugely out of control. He longed for it again - but this time with the assurance there would be no loss of control.

Already being home alone was looking a lot better as he began to think about which colors to pick.

Ice blue, Fire red, Crazy Purple together with Void black sounded like a wicked combination. Perhaps even a killer combo, but he quickly knocked on wood as the meaning of the term sank in.

The service station hadn't changed a bit since his last visit - perhaps a few more tumbleweeds on the windward side, and some more dust on the building, but it was still the same empty building as half a year earlier.

He vividly recalled his encounter with Lymelani - now that was someone he just had to have a hot date with one of these days, he reminded himself, if only to see if she still had that attitude, but today would be for bigger things.

Much bigger things, if what Luschfir had said was true, and he had no reason to doubt his words.

He laid out the four strips of gum he planned to use and hesitated. It would be a lot of gum - and a lot of size. He pushed the red and purple sticks to the side, leaving just the Ice Blue and Void Black ones - no, that wasn't it either. He'd done that.

He wanted something new. Something daring. Something special. Something that carried an element of danger, too. He shuffled the sticks.

Red-blue-black. No, three didn't push it, well, it did, but not enough.

He shuffled again. Purple-black-blue-red. Good enough, he thought, laying out the sticks in that order on the table.

As he carefully removed the paper wrappers, laboriously smoothing each one out and folding it neatly, he began to think what he wanted - was he going to stay indoors, or take it outside immediately.

Inside meant shelter - but it also meant an effective limit on size.

Outside meant exposure, and increased chance of discovery, but also, practically no limits on maximum proportions.

Then again, that didn't do him much good - sure he could size himself up, but, what would be the point ?

He went through the various considerations as he quietly opened each foil wrapper exposing the strip of colored gum. Purple, black, blue and red.

Finally he settled on inside, he could have enough fun in a restricted space, he reasoned, after all, he'd taken Mistress Hilda in a bedroom less than half the space he had available here.

Picking up the strips, he laid the blue, purple and red ones on top of each other and kneaded them between his fingers until the ball was an even, bluish purple color, then he wrapped the black strip around it, gave it a quick twist, and popped the ball in his mouth.

The fierce blast of taste nearly made Simon vomit, as four intense, but radically different sensations fought bitterly for supremacy on his tongue, but he chomped through it, wrapping the gum around his tongue, moving it from left to right, until the consistency felt Just Right.

He took the deepest breath ever and brought the gum to the inside of his lips and exhaled, mouth open.

He exhaled and the female built on his lips, her body growing fuller and fuller as he breathed out.

Her skin was an iridescent, glossy shade of rich indigo, shimmering red, blue and brilliant purple, while her aureolae, nipples, lip, and the patch between her legs, including her bold, almost bulbous prominent mound, were all the same absorbant matte black, and when she opened her eyes they pulsed a deep purple.

Simon held out his arms and she leapt into them, legs apart, thrusting her already heavily swollen jet black genitals in his face, and he ran his tongue over the well-developed lips, burrowing between them, twisting around her solid, engorged clitoris, burying his hands in her rich, soft ass, locking his mouth onto her vagina, breathing in through his nose, out through his mouth and deep into her, feeling her soft buttocks firm up and harden, her legs fill out and shape, and sensing, rather than seeing, her breasts ripening, developing into giant orbs standing upright on her body.

He wanted to set her down, but she clamped her legs around him again, urgently pressing her swollen sex into his face, and he continued exhaling, feeling her grow, and firm up with each time, until after three more times she let go, and instead of allowing him to set her down, she leapt off him, backwards, landing upright, feet first, her basketball breasts bouncing.

"And you would be ?" Simon ventured, lustfully looking at her firm body.

"Indigo," she replied in a deep, sultry voice, "Let's fuck - You, I - Now"

"Not so hasty," Simon smiled, "I don't think you have the right sizes to be fucked. Yet."

"I don't think you understand," she said, purposely striding up to him, swaying her hips, bouncing her boobs, hooking a leg around his waist, one hand on the back of his neck and pushing her considerable cleavage into his chest, almost mounting him there and then, "I want you NOW."

He pushed her off him, "I'll take you when I deem you ready for it."

"NO! Take me now! I'm already perfect - my super squeezable boobs, my full fuckable pussy, my hot kissable lips - take me -- NOW! HERE!"

"Perfect ? Oh no, not yet - right now, you're not even close to how I'd want you to be like."

"Then be quick about it," she spat, "I want to FUCK!"

"I'm still trying to figure out just what I exactly want," he teased her, wondering how far he could push her by stalling, "I have a few ideas, it's just I sort of want to do it right in one go - or perhaps I should just do it one thing at a time ..."

"FUCK ME OR TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT -- NOW," she hissed, eyes blazing.

"Well, let's see, where to start ..." he started.

"TELL ME NOW OR TAKE ME NOW" she boomed, rattling all the loose items laying around as the flash of her eyes lit up the interior.

Simon smiled. She looked so much prettier when she was angry, he thought, and, it added the extra element of danger he liked - his heart racing, his mind twisting and he tried to decide on her final form.

"I think I got it," he said, "so get ready."

"I'm ready, willing, able and ravenously hungry," she snarled, "so stop stalling and start deciding - or I'll rip those pants off and screw your brains to jelly, whether you like how I am or not."

Simon stepped forward and extended his arms, and Indigo came in, planting her lips on his, wrapping her legs around him, squeezing her airbags into his body, suggestively bucking her hips already.

He broke the kiss, reluctantly, slid his hands to her ass, giving it a good squeezing, the rubbery skin strange but not unappealing in his hands, she grunting approvingly, letting her recline until she was horizontal, her breasts sticking straight up.

"OK," she said,"this is a start. But isn't it time you dropped those pants and got inside of me ?"

"Not before you get bigger," he said.

"Hah, is that all you want ? Is that why you had to stall so much ?"

"I mean, a LOT bigger."

"Oh, kinky - I like it, but will you be able to satisfy me then ?"

"I think I've got a plan that should do the job nicely."

"So tell me," she said, while he walked to the center of the empty space in the building, she still locked around his hips, "how big should I be ?"

"Shall we start with, say, 10 feet ?"

"Pfft, is that all ?"

"To start with, remember ? Don't worry, it won't end there."

Indigo sucked in breath, and the first thing to grow were her stiff, round breasts, doubling in size, dominating her body, and while Simon ran his hands over them, she sucked in again, the rest of her body swelling up to nearly twice its size.

"You like playing with boobs, don't you," she said.

"Oh hell yeah," he said, "always was a tittie man, and yours are becoming better as they get bigger."

Indigo laughed, shaking her breasts, swelling and softening them so they semi-sagged over her body, and Simon dug straight in, kneading her pliable, flexible skin, feeling up her fist-sized nipples, running his hands over the matte black aureolae and loving it.

"Ride on me, stud," she said huskily, "ride me, and tell me the next step."

Simon slid up her body between her giant breasts and kissed her, "how about going up to twenty five ?"

Her large mouth pulled into a full smile, she blew a kiss at him and she drew in air, and Simon felt himself being lifted as her head got larger, the breasts to either side of him climbed higher, but her skin remained as iridescent and solid as it had been before. She squished her tits together, briefly engulfing Simon in her cleavage, then let him crawl all over her, giggling at the sensation.

He slipped his hand into her crotch, triggering an immediate moan, as he felt along the inside edge of her nether lips, digging his fingers in her soccer ball sized clit, and she gasped in lust at the feeling.

"Bigger," he said, "but twice as fast on your mound, aureolae and nipples this time around."

"How much," she asked, already beginning to swell slowly, her clit rising up out of its recess, her black pussy lips thicker than inner tube tires, and bulging outwards.

"Double again on your clit - and nipples, and take it to 40 feet."

"Kinky," she exclaimed, "but I'm going to be absolutely huge then, there's no way I'll fell our dick inside me - heck, you could insert half your body into me and it wouldn't fill me up."

"I've got it covered, trust me," he said, "you may have to help me a little but you'll get what you want, really."

"Very well then," she said, "here I come."

He heard her gulp air, and her body stretched below him as her cleavage rose higher and wider, her black aureolae bulging dangerously as they spread and grew, nipples erupting out of them, giant black shafts that were already bigger than he was.

While he undressed, her pussy swelled up below him, together with her entire body, only faster, her black lusty lips rising and swelling larger, forced apart at the top by her throbbing, pulsing, inflating clit, a black, slightly egg-shaped ball as large as a small beachball, and still growing.

He ran his hands over it and he heard her deep moan, followed by another deep tug of air as she grew bigger, her crotch expanding, rising up on her giant buttocks, her clit full beachball size, beating, throbbing, growing, as he ran his hands over it again and again.

"Ooooh yeah," she said, "give it me darling. Give it to forty-foot Indigo."

He slipped between her legs, almost as thick around as he was tall, running his hands over her foot wide, 5 feet high nether lips, sliding his arm between them and feeling along the inside.

"I still can't feel your cock inside me," she complained, "I want my fix, and I really want it now, as much as I appreciate your teasing. Give it to me, give it to little sweet Indigo."

Simon pushed his cock into the crack in the giant black, inflated barrier in front of him, and focused his lust, the sight of those giant boobs, that giant clit high above him, the incredible pussy mound, everything, into his dick and felt how her lips began to give way.

She sighed and moaned, "oh yeah darling, getting there, more!", while Simon felt himself lifted off the ground as his enhanced, growing member slid deeper into her, his feet lifting off the ground as she shifted and centered his pole into her black sex tunnel, her pussy lips creaking and squealing as they slid past each other, and moved to make way for him.

He kept going till he felt the pressure of her skin all around his dick, then screwed his eyes shut for another effort, feeling his giant cock swell against his own legs and abdomen, determined to fill her to capacity and beyond - she wanted big, she got big, he thought, and he heard her moan as his member stretched her up from the inside.

"So big, so big," she gasped, "I love it, I need it, I have to have it," as she began shifting and grinding her crotch, her pussy entirely full, pushing against the throbbing real flesh inside, stimulating it, using all of her expansive powers to make him cum, get what she wanted - all of it, enhanced by magic or not, she didn't care, her entire goal in existence was to make her partner cum, and she was going to do it.

Simon meanwhile rubbed on Indigo's giant nether lips, feeling them pulse, contract, shift and throb, while she moaned, groaned and grunted, feeling the need to blow his load mount and mount, but decided she had to earn it, and resisted, her efforts becoming more and more intense, and the pressure mounted and mounted, until he finally let go.

Indigo gasped and heaved, and as Simon blew his load, and let the magic that sustained his size drain away, Indigo likewise came down, until finally she was a hair over 7 feet tall, her legs once more locked around his hips, bucking and twisting, while he had his hands in her firm, but squeezable ass, giant breasts jutting up from her chest, still topped by outside black aureolae and long, almost penile nipples, her hands on his shoulders.

She pulled herself forwards towards him and kissed him full on the mouth, her boobs almost enveloping Simon's body.

"Thanks," she said, "you want once more ?"

"Not right now," he said, "that was one huge load."

She giggled, "oh yes, that was really huge. And I loved it. Thank you."

Indigo released her leg lock and set her feet down, and they separated, with Simon slightly red-faced, releasing the last bit of magic he had very obviously missed, leading to schoolgirl giggling from Indigo.

"Well," he said, "that's it then."

"I guess so," Indigo said, "too bad. I liked it."

"Maybe we can do it again sometime," he suggested, "Hug before leaving ?"

"Mmmm ... how big do you want your hug ?"

"The ceiling's 14 feet from the ground."

"Works for me" she said, walking into Simon's outstretched arms, snuggling him between her colossal breasts and sucking her body full, completely enveloping him in her giant bosom, holding him there for a few seconds and then letting everything - and Simon - back out.

"That was hot," he said, staring at her body, "but we both should go."

"Yeah," she said, "too bad. Well, maybe some other time."

He nodded, and they shared a final kiss, after which she vanished in a puff of sweetly scented smoke.

Simon drove home, the SES card hot in his wallet. He now had two intensely hot dates he was really looking forward to having soon.


End of Part 1 [1 2]


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