There are many such interdependent biological relationships on this world, some more complex than this. Human biology is incompatible with most flora and fauna on Riouhn, necessitating transplant of native species to establish self-sufficiency. A more thorough investigation will be required after the 15-year startup/establishment phase is complete. Until such time, travel beyond screenfield perimeters secured against the intrusion of undesirable and uncharacterized alien life should be prohibited for unarmed groups of fewer than six.
"Stay inside the perimeter"
It was a phrase Robin Trefay heard early and often throughout her young life in the far-flung human colony of Riouhn. Everything within the secure, fully explored zone was safe, anything outside it might not be. The warning was constantly drummed into the heads of the youngest colonists. But Robin had not been born here and, at 16, was tired of listening to all the rules and regulations her parents and other 'grownups' seemed so fond of. With the new year 2201, she was nearly an adult herself, and felt her right to choose her own rules was long overdue by now. She needed a place to be free, if only for an hour or two every now and then. This is why, for the last two months, she had been stealing out of the complex roughly once a week in the early morning. Slipping in and out of the screenfield undetected wasn't that hard for a technically competent teenager. She supposed that was why the warnings not to were so pervasive. A short, simple set of deceptions kept anyone from asking questions about where she was, and so she had been able to explore the area surrounding the small pioneer colony all by herself.
It was very pretty landscape - more so than the sights available in the sprawling colony zone. The added adventure of being "outside" made it that much more appealing. It seemed just as tame as the manicured central park of the settlement square. She noted a few plants and animals she didn't see within the boundaries, but they seemed to inhabit small niches not present in the colony proper. She'd brought along a small scanner and SedDart gun on her first few trips out trips, but left the gun behind when her fear faded. It was too much of a hassle to liberate one for her short trips anyway. The scanner made its utility known early, giving her details of the new flora and fauna she ran across. The animals were benign. The only ones out here that she hadn't seen in the colony were a small rodent-like creature with three buck teeth and yellow-green fur (Greenrats - banned from the colony because they liked to chew fiber optics), and a skittish blue-brown deer-size creature with six spindly legs and a long neck. The plants, on the other hand, were many and different.
Most of the native vegetation within the perimeter was cleared away for human agriculture, so observing the richness of the alien plant world was one of the real joys of Robin's secret trips. Some plants (Bluecrest, Fanfern, and Tiger Tail Tree) had names in the colony logs. Others had no colonial designation, so she gave them her own names. Her own studies of Brushplants, Eyestalks, Butterflowers and more recorded in her private journal. But the real coups were the Beerberry and the Elfig. Detailed lab analysis of samples Robin smuggled back into the colony with her confirmed the initial findings of from her small scanner. They were edible - even nutritious for humans. She'd named both of those plants based mainly on what she'd read and imagined. Beerberries were vaguely wheaty, something like the beer she once tried and hated, but with a sweet aftertaste that made it palatable. They grew on low bushes in red-brown bunches like small grapes. The elfig was altogether better. It was the size of a strawberry, soft like a fig (she'd only read about either in texts), sweet, and juicy. The texture was more stringy than pulpy however, and took some getting used to. Robin named them elfigs because they grew on trees that looked like extremely tall elephant legs. Robin had only seen pictures of elephants in history texts, but the gray, leathery texture of the Elleg trunk looked allot like the 3Dpics she'd seen. Elleg trees were very tall, topped by four very large, broad leaves, usually translucent green with blue veins. Elfigs grew on the trunk, like little buds. The ripest ones were the highest - hard to reach, but worth the effort. While reaching for a particularly nice looking fruit last trip out, Robin discovered the gray Elleg trunk itself was actually semitransparent as well. She could make out a strange interior system of veins and other shapes in the plant, almost like an animal's circulatory and organ system, but not quite, since the Elleg clearly registered as vegetable on all her scans.
On this sunny morning, on her eleventh venture from the colony, Robin explored the far side of a nearby promontory the children of the colony had named Witch's Hat, about two kilometers southeast of the perimeter. It was always a little more thrilling when she was completely out of site of the settlement's observation and space-launch towers. She could feel like she was alone, literally in her own world. This particular hike was extra rewarding, with a new valley vista that extended for many kilometers through the local foothills, and more new strange flora and fauna in the dense forest below the small steep peak. After a good, carefree trek, Robin checked her timepiece and set off for home. She was a good enough orienteer not to need her wrist computer's compass or locator, which she kept in her skirt pocket to feel unencumbered and as "low tech" as she could. She wore her usual skirt, tights and blouse on most of her hikes. Standard issue shoe-boots in the colony weren't overly attractive, but they served multiple purposes. The modern fabrics rarely got dirty, and it made it easier not to have to change clothes for her escapes.
Robin had taken to "going native" whenever she could. Whenever she hiked on her own, she ate the consumables she'd discovered. She even had a secret stash of beerberries in her quarters in the colony, which she often snacked on before bed. She'd grown to like the taste. There were virtually no side effects to the native cuisine. Her urine seemed darker after a particularly large helping of the alien fruit, and her body odor seemed to have changed. It was so subtle that only she noticed it, but it was a change for the better anyway; sweeter, cleaner, even when working up a sweat. Even so, she still sneaked a self-check in the medical dome just to make sure everything was OK, which it was.
One thing even turn-of-23rd century clothiers could not help was the call of nature. Soon after turning back for home, while passing through the forest, Robin stopped to relieve herself. Even though there was no human for kilometers, she still picked a relatively shielding grouping of Elleg trunks, and conscientiously crouched down on the northwest side away from the colony. With her knowledge base and the benign nature of everything encountered so far on this world, Robin didn't worry about nettles or the like when she cleaned herself with a broad leaf from a low-hanging plant. She was startled, though when the leaf, part of a four-leaf bundle, sprang out of her hand when she was finished and rose rapidly on a stalk thicker than she'd expected. She realized it was in fact the top leaf cluster of a low-hanging Elleg treetop. Had it been bowed down by some weight that her handling dislodged? She lost sight of the bundle when it reached the Elleg canopy overhead, so she couldn't be sure which trunk it belonged to. She shrugged as she pulled her undergarments back up and straightened her skirt.
She had a hankering for one more elfig before heading home, so she walked around the small grove to find a good one. Spotting a likely candidate, she reached up, straining to grab and pry it loose. A strange thing happened then. Just as her fingers closed on the fruit, it retracted back into the trunk, which seamlessly closed over it. The trunk itself was slightly more transparent than most, so see could see the yellow-gray fruit, along with a few others from the same level of the trunk slowly sinking deeper into the interior. She watched fascinated, not noticing the tree she was observing and a couple around it were stirring. The Elleg trunks quietly bent double, turning their leaf clusters facing down and lowering them toward the ground. Upon reaching the soil, they swept slowly across it until one found the spot Robin had recently squatted. While Robin continued watching the interior movements and circulation of her one trunk, face pressed up against it to see better, other leaf bundles joined the first over its find. Only when the trunk itself cleared to near transparency did Robin see through and notice the motion on the other side of it.
Robin stepped back and peered around the trunk at the group of three leaf bundles mopping around the forest floor. As she watched, first one, then others raised up and hung sideways, broad leaves arrayed like windmills. They waved back and forth slowly, almost like the colony's transmission dishes scanning for signal locks. One turned to face in her direction and stopped. Soon the others followed suit. Robin began to feel uneasy. She started backing away slowly.
The leaves on the low-hanging trunk-tops began to curl up lengthwise into a tight roll, quickly resembling stalks or small tapered trunks themselves. These newly formed "limbs" began to wave and undulate. Robin's uneasiness grew and she turned to beat a more hasty retreat.
Behind her the animated Elleg trunks arced through the air, one of them tripping Robin as she began to run. She stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling in the forest litter. She struggled to stand quickly, pulling her right foot under her with her left knee and hand on the ground. She looked up and found herself face to 'face' with one of the trunk-tops. While Elleg trunks were some 50-60 cm thick at their bases, they narrowed over their huge lengths to about ten centimeters near the top where the four leaves anchored. With the leaves rolled, however, the one facing her ended in what looked like four tentacles around a horizontal pale-pink slit or mouth, like the maw and tendrils of a large anemone. Each greenish, blue-veined leaf-tentacle was almost 60 cm long and two or three thick with a moist worm-like appearance. Before she could react, the trunk lurched forward and pressed up against her face, just below her nose. The four tentacles immediately wrapped themselves around her head and held tight. The fleshy maw at the end of the trunk was now flush with her lips. She screamed, but was effectively muffled by the thick trunk and little sound escaped. She grabbed the trunk with both hands and pulled at it, trying to get it off, but the surprisingly strong leaf-tentacles held it fast.
As she pulled at the trunk, Robin felt the flat, fleshy end pressed up against her jaw move and alter, the texture becoming nubbed like overlarge goosebumps. Its opening also undulated against her mouth, almost like lips pursing and flexing. The maw extruded out in a pucker, mashing into, then pushing between her lips and into her mouth. When she bit down hard with her teeth the flesh felt cartilaginous and unyielding. Once past her front teeth, the pucker dilated open, forcing her mouth open around it. Soon Robin's mouth was locked open, like she was stuck in a half-yawn. The positioning of the appendage holding onto her face left her nose clear, allowing her to breathe through it. She also found she could breathe through her mouth - a warm moist air seemed to flow thorough the trunk. It made her skin crawl and she tried not to do it.
She resumed her struggle, trying to slide her head down out from the trunk's grasp, pulling and pushing at the thing that held her. Concentration on getting free, she did not notice the second trunk snake down behind her still kneeling form and curl up under her skirt. The startling touch against her stockinged inner thighs was immediately followed by a fleshy contact pressing up against her crotch and four tentacles sliding up around her thighs and hips, wrapping tightly around her front and back. She let out another muffled scream and frantically tried to stand.
The two trunks rose with the frightened girl, allowing her to stand, but then continuing upward, lifting her easily from the ground into the trees, most of her weight 'seated' on the lower trunk, with balancing support from the one holding her head. She was carried high into the leafy Elleg canopy, enough so that she ceased struggling, and clutched at the trunk in front of her for dear life. Her heart racing, she looked wildly around for any kind of help.
A third trunk arced through the leaves, swooped up under her skirt and pressed up against her rear, its tentacles wrapping tight around her thighs and hips next to or on top of those already there. As the new limbs tightened, the new trunk's maw pressed between her stocking- and panty-covered ass cheeks, spreading them within the resisting fabric as it wedged its way inward.
Knowing this was no time to worry about consequences, Robin force herself to let her right hand go to dig her wristcomp from her pocket. She would activate the emergency beacon and they'd come get her in a matter of minutes - she hoped.
As she pulled the small computer from its pocket, the three trunks all suddenly shifted position and Robin's stomach lurched as she was tipped forward to face the ground far below. Instinctively, she dropped the comp to allow her right hand to join the left holding onto the trunk in front of her for dear life. Her legs kicked uselessly in the air as her knuckles went white squeezing onto the trunk attached to her face.
Her eyes widened as she saw two nearby Elleg trunks start to wobble and bend. The four large broad leaves at their tops rolled tightly together to form tentacles. The two flexing limbs snaked up from below her on either side. The 'heads' of the trunks pushed up under her tunic, their tentacles insinuating themselves under her bra and sliding it out of the way before entwining with each other in front and around her back. The maws settled under her breasts, supporting some of her weight as they pressed upward.
The suspended, helpless girl could only tremble as she felt the dimpling flesh and puckering maws begin to work at the ends of the four new trunks. The maws at her chest contracted instead of pushing out, drawing her nipples inward, much like a human mouth suckling. The suction slowly increased and drew in more of her flesh. Then the maws slowly flared outward across her sensitive aureoles, gradually enveloping - or swallowing - each entire breast. The viscous, devouring sensation was both gentle and disgusting, causing Robin to shudder in revulsion - but the suction on her nipples and the oozing sensations all over her sensitive breasts sent strange shivers up pleasure along her spine as well.
The maws settled around the base of her breasts, and began a strange flexing that combined caressing, squeezing and sucking actions seemingly all in one. Robin didn't have much time to react to the eerie, repulsive-yet-pleasurable feelings before she was distracted by more disturbing motion lower on her body. The maws at her crotch and rear, which had been puckering and rippling ineffectively against the barriers of stockings and panties, had pulled back. Harder, blunted shapes now replaced them, pressing up against the fabric protecting her most private openings. She felt, both in front and back, an opening and closing motion through the fabric, and then the material being pulled away from her body. Beak-like protrusions had grabbed at her stocking material and were pulling them back. The strong fabrics nevertheless tore easily when stretched beyond capacity by the greater strength of the beaks.
The questing maws returned. The one in front pressed against her panties - the beak had only managed to grip the outer stocking layer. Still it pressed the crotch of the panties into her lower lips as the flesh of the orifice rippled, distended, and prodded. Her rear, however, had lost all of its protection to the tearing beak. The extending pucker of the strange mouth now pushed deep into the cleft of her ass to kiss her anus. The shock of contact elicited a muffled shriek followed by a wave of panic and fear induced nausea. Robin renewed her struggles, now heedless of her altitude. Uncertainties or illusions Robin might have had about her predicament cleared, and she shivered trying not to think about at what might lay in store for her.
Not satisfied with mere contact, the moistening, muscular protrusion at her rear opening continued to squirm and press into her flesh, trying to worm its way past her resistant anal muscles as she wailed and struggled and kicked. Gradually, millimeter by millimeter it intruded past her clenching, protesting sphincter. As she felt the distended pucker sink slowly into her, scream after scream disappearing into the trunk clamped to her mouth. Once finally, firmly inside her ass, the maw's clenched 'lips' dilated, slowly, gently, but relentlessly stretching her rear passage open, once centimeter, then two, then three.
All during this horror, the other beak returned unnoticed to her panties, grasped them, and pulled back, finally tearing a hole in the last barrier to Robin's pussy. The final stretching of Robin's sphincter was accompanied by the first hot contact of pulsing flesh on her labia. Her instinctive jerk away from the genital contact pressed her violated anus further back onto its maw. Robin squealed and grunted almost simultaneously.
In her terror, Robin mind and body rebelled, and she began to lose control. She peed, she defecated, she vomited. All the wastes she produced immediately disappeared down maws of the trunks that held her. The contractions and reflexive spasming of mouth and anus let the intrusions push into both openings just that much further, holding that much firmer. In only a short while, Robin was dry heaving, her stomach, bladder and bowels completely emptied.
Weakened from her own reactions, she could barely bring her hands to tug at the trunk pressed against her pussy. Her feeble efforts to dislodge it were less than useless. This last mouth now began to pucker outward. It stretched to align vertically along her slit, then pursed and easily pushed wetly past her labia and into the entrance of her womanhood. As butterflies danced in her stomach, she felt her pussy entrance slowly stretch open as this maw flowered just inside her. The dimpled flesh of the maw pressed into her sensitive vaginal lips and clitoral hood. Much to her shock and dismay, Robin could actually feel her body react to the strange manipulations. She trembled as her clit slowly emerged to press deliciously into the quivering bumps of the alien maw, the feeling adding to the constant caress and suckling of her breasts. A telltale liquid feel in her belly made her realize her increasing state of arousal. She could almost feel her own wetness begin to seep around the strange intrusion in her pussy. She shivered. In other circumstances, when she was exploring her maturing body by herself, this delicious sensation signaled the start of the hottest and most erotic feelings she found her body capable of. The warring sensations of lust and fear rose within her, driving out most all other thought processes. Her heart raced almost dangerously fast, and she began to feel light-headed from hyperventilation.
Her ears alerted her to the next change. A hollow hissing sound echoed up the trunks toward her and she shrieked and squirmed in revulsion as small snaking string-like feelers emerged from each maw to explore all three of her openings. The warm, wormy streamers were extremely thin, but caused her to gag and retch as they reached to the back of her throat and dipped into her esophagus. The squirming probes up her rear sent queasy sensations through her guts. The feelers slithered up her pussy as well, probing the depths of her channel, sending unfamiliar sexual sparks and shivers through her body. Similar sensations danced across the trapped breasts, as the appendages insinuated themselves around her flesh and teased her nipples and aureoles. This continued for some minutes before all the feelers except those at her breasts withdrew.
New dread rose as the hissing sound of the feelers was replaced by the sound of fluid filling the hollows of the trunks. All three of her openings simultaneously felt the contact of an almost hot, gelatinous liquid rising through the trunk's orifices. The jelly-like substance was sweet to her tastebuds, but the texture was curdled and repulsive. She had no ability, however, to prevent it from sliding into her mouth and down her throat, where she had to swallow or choke. Similarly below her, the seeping lumpy liquid was slowly extruded into both her ass and pussy, entering her in a slow pumping motion. Wherever the fluid touched, even down her throat, a bizarre tingling started. The almost electrical sensation was more intense in her sexual parts, where her nerve endings were most densely packed. The substance seeped outward as well, oozing over her parted labia to touch her clit. Similar sensations at her nipples meant that the substance was spreading against her breasts as well. She felt her guts slowly filling with the warm stuff and shuddered with the hot sensation of it squeezing slowly up her pussy into her unexplored depths.
Terrorized beyond rationality, her body was now being physically and chemically stimulated as never before. Her orgasm took her completely by surprise. Robin couldn't understand or effectively fight the rising sensations around and within her, and suddenly she was cumming. The tingling on her most sensitive areas made them seem to vibrate of their own accord. She could not cry out, lest she choke. All she could do was swallow and quake as her inner muscles spasmed. Her breasts and clit throbbed and her guts and belly churned and filled with the strange jelly. She came down from the climax feeling bloated and almost sick. Her stomach and bowels were quite full now, slightly distended by all she had taken in. The intense mixture of arousal, queasiness, and horror was overwhelming.
Just when she felt she could not bear to take any more, the pressure eased, and the pumping stopped as the fluid receded down the trunks. Soon her natural muscular reactions forced her to expel most of the stuff as her stomach, bowels, and pussy heaved and contracted again. It was gross and uncomfortable, but Robin was beyond caring. The relief was welcome. When she was finished, the flared maws withdrew abruptly, and soon she was able to shut her mouth and feel her sphincter close down. Her oozing pussy lips also settled back to normal. Her stomach and guts gurgled, and she felt hot on the inside. Robin was tired beyond reckoning. The only reason she was still conscious was due to the sustained adrenaline rush of fear, and even that was beginning to run on empty. Her tired mouth, anus, and cunt, though empty, were still slimy with the remains of the jelly, each coated nerve ending alive and ready for... something. She felt vaguely disconnected, as if she was now separated from the scene, and some other poor girl was being ravished by strange alien forms. Even so, the unceasing manipulations of her breasts remained a constant buzz of pleasure, echoing from her recent peak.
Robin hung limply, resigned, unable to muster much reaction to new rumbling sounds emanating from the trunks. As she helplessly awaited her fate, she tried to sink farther away from the nightmare of consciousness, to will herself away, to separate completely. Her fully aroused body, however, insisted on keeping her in the waking world. She noticed immediately the intensified attention on her breasts. The slathering, licking, milking motions increased, impinging more on her ragged awareness, forcing a moan from her. She'd never felt such intense sensations from her breasts, even during her own self-explorations. Every inch of the soft but firm flesh felt hot and alive, the pleasure centering on her sensitive nipples and undersides. Strange prickling sensations began along her nipples and back seemingly inside her breasts. It was momentarily uncomfortable, but soon give way to a strange new flowing sensation that permeated her chest.
So lost was she in these feelings that she accepted almost without notice the fat, muscular tube that slowly entered her mouth and rested on her tongue. She had almost instinctively started sucking on it before she caught herself and forced herself to stop.
Robin dimly knew her ordeal was far from over. A thick, flexible appendage slowly pushed its way past her loosened, weakly resisting sphincter and then deeply up into her ass. This ribbed, squirming probe churned her insides and scratched the sexual itch left behind by the earlier secretions. She jolted and automatically arched her back, pressing her ass into the new penetration despite herself.
Then, Robin felt a hard presence at her pussy lips, pressing in just past her labia. A final rising spark of fright ignited into blind terror as she realized what was certainly to happen next. She closed her eyes and cried out, the scream turning to a gasping intake of breath as the hard presence at her defenseless opening shot up into her, tearing through her hymen and surging deep into her cunt. The blunt, bulbous front of the probe pushed further and further into her newly opened passage, stopping only when it pressed into her cervix. Robin screamed hoarsely with her fading strength, nearly choking on the tube in her mouth.
The pain of her deflowering was fleeting, however, and quickly replaced by the most intense sexual feelings she had ever felt or imagined. The alien rape was so thorough and complete, her mind struggled to protect her from breaking completely. Her body would not let her escape the intense sexual stimulation, so her rationality fled, numbing the horrific reality by becoming lost in the mounting pleasure being forced upon her.
The shaft that had taken her virginity was thick only at the end. Below the 'head' the stiff shaft that impaled the entirety of her cunt was no more than finger-width. It did not move at this time, staying rigid within her, 'head' flush with the entrance to her womb. After a half-dozen fluttering heartbeats, a number of equally thin, writhing tentacles slithered into her one by one, spreading her labia wider and stretching her pussy walls as they forced their squirming way inside. The digits swirled around the thinner column, forcing all the way into her to tickle the very end of her passage. Robin drew in her breath deeply as the aggregate of the alien digits filled her full for the first time, exposing every sensitive interior nerve to their slimy friction, until they seemed to stuff her pussy completely. She exhaled raggedly as they withdrew, feeling empty even though the central shaft still pressed fully into her. She gasped again as the tendrils swarmed back in. The alien fucking motion started slowly, the pace and force increasing incrementally with each penetration. As her pussy became accustomed to the collective girth of the wormy tentacles, Robin's breath came quicker and quicker. Each intimate movement sent sparks of mixed revulsion and pleasure straight to the most primitive parts of her brain.
Robin rose in a daze. Every sensitive part of her body was being teased, infiltrated, titillated beyond normal tolerances. Her back arched as the assaults from in front and back drove her into a sexual frenzy, pushing her relentlessly towards another peak. The slowly increasing pressure at the end of her pussy by the head of its first invader went unnoticed. Very slowly, succumbing to foreign hormones and constant pressure, the muscular barrier relaxed and dilated.
On the edge of her second externally induced orgasm, Robin felt the mounting pressure against her cervix abruptly cease as the muscle finally give way. The small bulbous head of the alien shaft pushed gently into her innermost womanhood just as her muscles clamped down in climax. Robin shook and shuddered, gasping for breath, alternately screaming and sucking on the appendage in her mouth. Her back curled and arched, her legs flailed, and she came endlessly. Her mind screamed in panic, but her body, overwhelmed by driving, impossible pleasure, would not obey. Her hips surged forward and her pussy muscles flexed and clamped as if to draw the invading tendril even deeper into her.
The stimulation did not let up. Robin was not allowed to come down from her seizure-like sexual overload. If anything, the intensity of feeling in her breasts, ass and cunt increased. The squirming, thrusting motions of the invading probes quickened, the one in her ass now sliding deeply in and out of her bowels as the many in her cunt grew still more fevered. With each thrust, the textured tentacles throbbed, stretching her pussy wider. Robin's body heaved and arched, throwing itself onto the shafts in her cunt and ass, taking them deeper and harder. She felt consciousness fading as her convulsions continued uncontrolled. Her world centered on her sexual flesh, consumed by the intimate and now indistinguishable mix of pleasure and visceral horror.
Robin snapped briefly fully aware one last time as the tentacle bundle withdrew completely from her now merely tickling her labia and throbbing clit. Her overstimulated, hypersensitive pussy now felt the center shaft distend and pulse as a thick, squirming bulge emerged from inside the trunk. The bulge pressed up against her nether lips, and then pushed inside her. It passed along the shaft, its journey aided by the rippling, milking muscles of her spastically contracting pussy. Her mind screamed and every muscle in her body strained as she tried one last, desperate time to escape. The wriggling mass pushed up the tube and was drawn deep into her... all the way in.
Base animal fear pierced her very soul as she sensed as much as felt whatever it was squeeze past her breached cervix and be deposited, implanted inside her womb. Horror and denial flooded through her, inextricably intertwined with the overwhelming lust and electricity of her climax. On it went. Almost as soon as the first finished its journey, a second living bulge pressed into her pussy lips and pushed, writhing, into her through the tube. Then a third slowly entered her to slide up through her still spasming pussy. Nameless dread mounted with each wriggling penetration of her very core. As the second lump pushed into her uterus, Robin grunted and opened her eyes, which she had closed some time ago. At this moment she was hanging almost upside down bent almost double, ass thrust high and head hanging low. The trunks holding her head and breasts extended away to both sides, and her skirt fell down over her belly, giving her a momentarily unobstructed view of the one clamped to her pussy. All the trunks around her were now nearly transparent, with circulatory vessels and odd organ-like objects clearly visible within.
At her chest she could see her breasts being fondled and stroked and sucked. She thought she saw milky yellow fluid being drawn _from_ her nipples and down into the two trunks. The shudder that passed through her at that sight died when she focused on her crotch. There he could see as we as feel the small fucking-tentacles waving and tickling her mound around the thin central cylinder that extended both down out of sight and up into her swollen pussy lips. The shaft bulged where small objects rose through it. They were yellow-gray, strawberry-sized. Elfigs! But they were alive, twisting and squirming in the confines of their conduit. Robin's mind froze as she watched the next one reach the top of the trunk and press into her entrance. She saw and felt the bulge spread her labia and disappear inside, leaving only the internal sensation of another throbbing, wiggling organism entering her violated body.
For one last moment of pure clarity, Robin knew exactly was happening to her. She cried out with everything she was. For a handful of heartbeats, she felt and registered every sensation in her body. The light breeze blowing her hair... The mild fragrances of the alien forest tainted with those of human sweat and sex... The sounds of rustling leaves and alien birds... The feeling of the third seed/embryo pushing into her womb with a tiny internal spasm... and of the fourth massaging her insides with its squirming journey through her pussy... and of the fifth gently spreading open her labia and entering her. The sight of more seeds rising up the column... The sensations of the tubes in her ass and mouth fucking twitching and shuddering, the maws at her breasts mauling and caressing and sucking at her. It burned into her.
A random tendril's flick scraped against her clit, shattering the moment and forcing her unwelcome cum to rip through her anew. Robin arched her back again and howled, removing the horrific view of the seed tube from her sight. The sweet jelly again started pumping into her mouth and ass, very slowly this time and she swallowed and clamped down over and over as she was filled in all three openings. Her delirious pleasure and sick fright rose higher with the alien gurgling of each new invasion and the filling feeling of her stomach and guts and womb reaching capacity. The jelly flow slackened and stopped, and a sensation of bizarre and utterly complete fullness deep inside her filtered through the thick fog of Robin's unending orgasm. She barely had time to register it, and none at all to think when the swarm of thin tentacles suddenly surged back into her pussy, resuming their rapid, thrashing fucking. Robin screamed one last time, every nerve in her invaded body firing in pleasure and every thought in her breaking mind burning with terror. Finally, it was too much for her. She blacked out. Even unconscious, her body shuddered and spasmed for some time as the fucking, sucking, pumping trunks continued on...
Robin awoke hours later, sitting bolt upright with a scream on her lips. She found herself lying on the forest floor, undisturbed. She stretched gingerly, looking around herself, and felt she was unhurt. Her muscles felt sore and stiff all over, but that might easily have been from lying so long on the ground. Why had she fallen asleep at all? She didn't remember being that tired. She didn't remember much at all since leaving the settlement...
Her stomach rumbled. She was very hungry. She picked up the comp lying next to her and pocketedit, then set off back to the settlement. She ignored the Berrberry bush nearby and the elfigs in the nearby trunks, they suddenly seemed less appealing to her now than yesterday, when she couldn't wait to get out to replenish her supply. Something fluttered within her, lower than her stomach. Robin froze and turned sheet-white as a nightmare vision flashed before her inner eye for a brief moment. Her mind clamped down on the images and shoved it away to the realm of dreams. She shivered at the ghostly, fading memory. Sore as she was, she started running, not entirely sure why. Her mind refused to register the lubricated rawness of her private parts and the dampness at her chest and crotch. The forest outside the compound suddenly made her uneasy. She slipped inside the perimeter and to her quarters, quickly and permanently disposing of her travel-stained clothes and changing into new ones. By the time she encountered someone who actually was wondering where she had been she'd managed to come up with a set of passable, if inelegant, lies explaining her absences for the day.
Daily life in the colony went on, boring as ever. Robin no longer tried to sneak out for her private treks, though. Outside the settlement had for some reason lost its appeal to her. More than once, she thought of going to the infirmary to ask about her occasional queasiness or the strange churning she sometimes felt in her stomach. Every time she thought too much about it, though, horrific images clawed at her from the shadows until her mind could banish them again. By the time she emerged from the lapse, she forgot what she'd been thinking about. She was even able to conceal her slowly swelling belly from herself and others for quite some time.
Robin woke in the middle of the night sick to her stomach. She felt bloated and crampy. She was feverish and couldn't breathe well. She needed air. In the darkness of her room, she threw back her covers and staggered as quietly as she could out into the night. Three of the five small moons were up, revealing with their dim light that she was completely naked. She'd taken to sleeping in the nude in recent months when her bedclothes stopped feeling comfortable around her stomach. The faint moonslight illuminated a slight but definite swell in her lower belly. She was oblivious to her state however, all she thought about was to breathe free, to sit by herself.
She walked gingerly from the housing compound past the Med-Dome and other familiar buildings to the colony's central park area. She headed to a secluded area she'd taken to sitting in, stopping every few minutes on the way to catch her breath when a particularly hard cramp hit her. The bench was in a small clearing surrounded by young, transplanted elms, oaks, and evergreen hedges from Earth.
Robin slowly lowered herself to the bench and leaned back against the cool slats, breathing deep. Her stomach churned. She needed to lie flat. She gingerly lowered herself from the bench to the surrounding grass. That was better. She looked up at the sky, at the twinkling stars. Another cramp hit her and she could not stifle a cry of discomfort. Then she felt a something inside, like a small balloon popping. A small rush of hot liquid flowed from her pussy. Was she peeing? bleeding? It didn't feel like either. Her stomach gurgled and churned, and then she felt something else. Something small was wiggling deep inside her pussy, getting shallower and shallower until it pushed her labia aside and emerged.
Breathing hard, Robin looked down her body to see a small bud at the end of a thin stalk about 5 cm long emerging from her cunt. The bud flowered open to reveal four small leaves that glistened in the faint moonslight. The stalk wiggled and she could feel even its thin presence through the length of her pussy. It felt...a scream of terror echoed in her brain but was immediately silenced. It felt...fantastic. Robin was confused. She lay back and watched the stars, listening to the wind in the trees, breathing, feeling without thinking.
The small bud waved around, chancing to brush a leaf up against Robin's thigh. The rest of it quickly turned towards the skin and pressed up against it. The maw in the center of the bud began to nibble and root at her skin, feeling like a tiny kiss. The leaf cluster began to slide around the flesh of her thigh in a systematic spiral search. Its warm, wet caresses felt wonderful.
Robin felt another cramp and another popping sensation within her, followed by another hot fluid rush. Soon, another bud stalk wriggled its way down her channel and out into the night air it, too opened and began its search of her skin. It felt so good on her thighs and legs and waist. Otherwise unmoving on the grass, the deeply breathing Robin slowly parted her legs.
Two more pops and flows, two more stalks pushed out. Robin felt the four infant trunks wiggle and caress her insides from her womb to her pussy lips and she sighed with pleasure. She spread her legs wider, bending and raising her knees. She felt her own sexual secretions join the flow from the bursting seed/eggs. Five, six, seven stalks waved from her pussy, maws searching and sucking at her flesh. They extended further from her as they failed to find what they were seeking close by, passing up and down her legs, across her stomach and torso, to her chest. One finally encountered her left breast, traced over it and brushed her aureole. Immediately it centered its maw over her nipple, grabbed what hold it could with its small but strong leaves, and began sucking.
Robin gasped at the initial pain, but then sighed again. This, too, felt good. Very good. Pins and needles prickled inside her mammaries, the suckling of the bud intensified. A drop of liquid trickled down her right breast as it began to leak a milky fluid. In a few moments that trickle was stopped by a second maw clamping to her right nipple, leaf cluster kneading her aureole and breast to aid the flow. Robin moaned and flexed her hips. Her stomach was less cramped now, less uncomfortable, but still contracting hard.
Three more pops. The hot flow took some time to work its way out now. Her pussy was almost full with wiggling Elleg stalks. The last three forced it to stretch wider as they pushed out amongst their siblings.
Robin's pussy was stuffed full for the second time in her life, though this time from the inside out. She trembled and bucked slowly with the writhing stalks, instinctively humping against the air. More buds had found her breasts and sucked on her flesh as near her nipples as the greedy first arrivals would allow. Several more buds still searched her body. The three newest arrivals, as their predecessors began their pattern close by.
By this time, Robin was fully aroused and involved in the alien birthing. Her clit had emerged fully, erect and sensitive. One of the last emerging buds found it and identified it as its objective, clamping on and sucking hard. The sharp sensation made Robin cry out and sent her over the edge in to a deep, quaking cum. Her hips heaved and she made low animal grunting sounds as the sensations washed over and through her.
The maw at her clit grew unsatisfied, not getting what it had expected. It detached, looking anew for its true objective. Robin began to descend from her peak, but then another found her button and made the same error. This time Robin screamed as it shot her back into climax. Then a third time with the last of the bud-maws until Robin was exhausted. She heaved and shuddered in orgasmic aftershock for several minutes.
During this time, most of the maws had extended far enough to find her breasts and fight for her nipples. One by one, each drank their fill. The contractions of her climax submerged those she had been feeling before, but now the uterine cramps returned. Robin felt the need to push. She did. The twisting mass of stalks began to slide further out of her pussy. Further still. She gritted her teeth and pushed again, and a thicker knot began to pass down her canal, stretching her wide. Though thicker than most human cocks, it was still much smaller than a human baby, so pushing out the things caused no real pain and was not terribly difficult. She imagined it felt like a giant phallus withdrawing from her deepest self. With one final push, Robin expelled the twisted knot of trunk bases and broken seed/egg casings.
Robin was exhausted, panting loudly. Her hands, which had been gripping and tearing at the grass at her sides, now relaxed and opened. Her legs, spread wide and held up in the air during the bizarre birth, fell to the ground, still lewdly splayed. She could breathe. She felt clear and light and cool. She slept.
Two moons had set and one more had risen by the time she awoke. The first hints of dawn colored the east. Robin shook her groggy head, flinging off the dew that had condensed on her over the last hour. She sat up and looked around. She was in her favorite clearing, but it was before sunrise. And she was naked. How did she get here? Was she sleepwalking now on top of the nightmares she could never remember? She did feel much better than she had for the last couple weeks. Whatever had been disagreeing with her stomach may have finally decided to concede, she thought. She had to get back, though, before anyone saw her, or it would be more embarrassing than she cared to think about. As she left where she'd been lying, she absently grabbed a small handful of beerberries from the small bush that grew under the back of the bench. They were better than she'd remembered. She looked around and saw one or two of the other low bushes she'd secretly planted some months ago doing reasonably well hidden amongst the hedges. She left the clearing, not noticing ten new tender shoots dispersed in a rough circle around where she'd been lying. Each over a centimeter thick and over 60 cm tall, they'd already grown in the hours since leaving their host and implanting themselves in the ground. The four leaves on top of each opened towards the soon-to rise sun.
Robin hurried back to her quarters, nearly running into an early shift heading to the Ag-Dome, but hiding just in time. She made it inside and settled into her bed for one more hour of sleep before her morning duties were to begin.
Robin's life continued normally. She found that clothes she'd been having trouble with now seemed to fit just fine. She'd taken to wearing her bedclothes again. She sometimes went back to the clearing in the park to pick some beerberies, but didn't want to take too many lest she strip them too much, besides, she didn't want to be hemmed in to the tame center of the colony.
She'd begun to pine for her freedom again, and she wanted to explore further beyond Witch's Hat. She made plans for another foray out of the perimeter.
Epilogue 2.
Emily Wimoor, a Colony Native, had recently discovered the most delightful clearing in the deep parts of the central park where nobody went anymore. There were pleasant trees and hedges, and a bench for reading or thinking, and the cutest little bushes hidden in the undergrowth. She knew she wasn't supposed to, but her curiosity got the best of her and she tasted one of the brown-red berry-looking things on her third visit. It was delicious!. After finding no adverse reaction the next day, Emily became bolder and had several, then a small bunch. Now she came by the clearing at least once a day when she could for a secret snack. Today she decided to bring her best friend 'Lizzy with her and let her in on the secret. Lizzy thought the berries tasted pretty weird, but in a good way. The two girls sat on the bench and gabbed the free morning away, popping handfuls of berries at a time.
They weren't expected anywhere till dinner, and neither of them wanted to leave just yet, so when they realized at nearly the same time that they both really had to pee, they giggled and each went off behind a different tree. Neither girl being interested in such things, they didn't care to notice that not all the trees trunks were of oaks and elms, nor indeed of trees at all. When finished, each girl looked about for something to clean off with. Each found some nice large flat leaves, hanging down near the ground in clusters of four. Being used to the mix of Riouhn and Earth plants around them, they paid little notice to the leaves' color schemes or that neither of them had seen plants like this before.
The two girls cleaned up and emerged from their respective places smiling at each other. However, Lizzy's smile froze on her face, and her eyes widened as she looked behind her friend.
"Emily!!" was the last word heard in the clearing for a long time.