; ;
;; ; "Because," purrs their owner, in a voice like a slithery hiss, "you'd ; turn to stone."
; ; Dianases reclines on a sloping backless couch, white cushions riding ; on clawed marble feet. She can see none of it, of course.
; ; But the owner of the couch, the hiss, and the blindfold has a fine ; view of her: her soft pink-white skin, her coppery red hair in a bun ; above her head, her small, heavy breasts, heaving with her ; breath. Diana wears only a short sheet of white roman cloth, tied at ; her side, a short skirt to hide her cunnie. She tries to still her ; nervous breathing, anxious to hear her sounds that might betray her ; admirer's movements.
; ; She feels a warm breath on the sole of her foot, and shivers, biting ; her lip to quelch a gasp which bubbles up. Hands wrap around the top ; of her foot and a tongue begins to lick, long and serpentine, two ; pointy tips flickering across the ball of her foot, and her gasp ; quickly rolls into one low groan.
; ; Di raises her other foot to move it toward her lover's head. Her sole ; comes down on a slick, scaly mass, and strands of her lover's hair ; wrap around and capture her foot, licking between her toes with ; tongues of their own.
; ; "Gods," she says between groans, "i'm being made love to by Medusa."
; ; The gorgon's lips smile, unseen, around her tongue.
; ; She wraps her long, thin tongue around the base of one big toe, ; pulling it into the warm space in her mouth. She suckles it gently as ; Diana starts to moan. She runs her tongue in a long line along all ; five toes.
; ; "That's why the blindfold, sweetie," she says, articulating almost ; perfectly with her tongue snaked from her mouth.
; ; "Ooh, come up here and touch me," Diana moans.
; ; Medusa lifts herself onto the foot of the couch, slithering up her ; lover's legs. She curls up in Diana's arms, wrapping her in her ; own. She gives her a kiss, tying her tongue up in hers and tickling ; its tip with her two. "Ummmm guudth," Di mumbles, her tongue trapped ; in Medusa's.
; ; "Ooh," she says as they part, folding her hands around Medusa's neck ; and fingering the snakes. Medusa runs her toes across the top of Di's ; foot. "Mmm, let me take off the blindfold. I want to see you."
; ; Medusa raises her hands, gripping Di's around the wrists. She pushes ; them together to the couch above Di's head. "No."
; ; Pinning Diana's wrists with one hand, Medusa traces a fingertip along ; the edge of her breast. "Mmm-hmm-hmm," she purrs, biting her lip and ; wriggling beneath the touch. Medusa pinches the tip of her breast ; between two fingers, sliding her long tongue down to tickle her ; nipple.
; ; She slides down to Di's hips, cupping one in each hand. Two fingers at ; one side undo her skirt's knot, and two at the other pluck the fabric ; away.
; ; Diana's vulva is shaped like a grecian vase, lips bowing away the ; color of brass. Medusa, lifting her hips, takes Di's legs on her ; shoulders. She begins kissing softly outmost skin of her cunnie.
; ; "Oohhhmm," Di moans, as tiny tongues tickle her knees. Medusa's hair ; lies on her belly, and she soon feels soft licks on the inside of her ; navel. But the one place she feels no tongue is inside her cunt, and ; she groans in anticipation while her lover suckles her lips. Di puts a ; hand to Medusa's head, rolling a snake between her fingers.
; ; Suddenly that long tongue flickers in and out of her cunt, and Diana ; gasps and squeezes her snake, which stings her and quickly escapes her ; fingers. That long tongue slithers in and out of her, causing her to ; gasp and squeal. Then it snakes into her farther than she thought a ; tongue could ever go, and she flattens herself on the couch, emitting ; sounds that do not sound human. "Uhhuh- uhuhh-uhhuh."
; ; Medusa raises her head, letting the length of her tongue slips slowly ; out of Di's cunnie and slide across her clit. She jerks, trembling, as ; its full length rolls across her. It finishes with a whip from its two ; tips which brings her almost to climax before it snaps back into ; Medusa's mouth.
; ; "Let me take off the blindfold," she gasps, "please."
; ; "No," says Medusa, sounding hurt.
; ; "Please."
; ; Diana hears Medusa sigh, and then feels her fingers around her ; wrist. "Come," she says, pulling her from the couch and across the ; temple.
; ; Medusa stops her, turns her around, and raises her arms, tying her ; wrists to cold marble statues. They are the hands of women turned to ; stone, and Diana laces her fingers between theirs.
; ; She can feel the fingers working at the knot behind her neck, and in ; moments the blindfold falls off, revealing an empty stone floor before ; her. "Where are you?" she asks.
; ; "I am here," comes the voice, warm breath on Diana's shoulder. Diana ; sighs.
; ; "No," she then says. "I want to see you."
; ; Medusa's hands come to her head, hanging a laurel wreath in her ; hair. They are thin, nimble fingers, and seeing them fills Di with an ; erotic thrill. A fingertip plays at the dimple of her eye, while ; another traces the lips of her mouth. Di slips her tongue out to lick ; at its pad.
; ; "Let me see your face," Diana says, pleadingly.
; ; "My face is here," Medusa replies, resting her lips on Diana's ; shoulder. She can feel Medusa's cheek, warm against her own. A snake ; dances into her sight, sinuous and green.
; ; "If you love me," Diana wails, "you will show me your face."
; ; "I do love you," Medusa says.
; ; "Then show me," says Di.
; ; Medusa's hands drop down to cup her breasts. She kisses across her ; back, flicking her tongue across the skin. Diana moans, tugging at her ; bonds. Medusa squeezes her breasts, massaging their tips between ; fingers. As she licks her back she strokes a nipple with her ; fingertip.
; ; "Uhhmm," Di moans, as Medusa sinks to her knees. Her tongue slides ; across the crack of her ass, her anus being tickled by its two ; tips. Her hands lower themselves on top of Di's hips, fingertips ; picking at the lips of her vulva. The thin tongue slips inside her ; anus, two tips curling and uncurling against the slick skin.
; ; "Uhh-hhh-huh!" Di shudders. Medusa removes her tongue and slides it ; along her ass, all the way around to her cunnie in front. Dancing ; across her lips on two fingers, she takes Di's clit between both ; tongue-tips like a sceptre.
; ; Diana gasps, and then moans as those two tiny fingers work her to ; orgasm. Medusa's fingers tickle her lips as her tongue circles her ; clit to massage it to climax. Diana sees, briefly, an Olympian dawn, ; before her head falls to her chest, and her juices trickle to the ; floor.
; ; "How was that?" Medusa asks.
; ; "Please," Diana asks, gasping for air, "let me see your face."
; ; "No!" wails Medusa, almost crying. "Don't make me show you."
; ; "Yes," Di says. "I have to see it."
; ; And slipping under her arm, Medusa is before her. Her green hair falls ; down the sides of her sweet face, snakes curling sensuously around her ; head in radiant waves. Her soft lips like rose petals pout as tears ; run down her cheeks, cheeks the color and consistancy of marble. Her ; eyes, tear-studded, are star-ringed green circles.
; ; "Gods," says Diana, before turning to stone, "you're beautiful."
; ; Medusa sniffles, looking around the stone ring of laurel-wreathed ; girls, all holding hands high above their heads. Wiping tears from her ; cheek, she slips beneath the archway of two arms to exit her temple. ; ;