· LB Collection · Story Links · Site Links · Poetry · Submissions: wendy@lbworlds.net ·
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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Collection

Authors: N to Z (0 to 9, A to M)

  N W Raptor - Plant Search (f plant vore) "It started with a few obscure old references ... of large carnivorous plants that fed on humans..."
  N W Raptor - Super Grow (ff plant vore) Those Venus Fly Traps are huge!
  N W Raptor - The Discovery (xf plant vore) Jesse finds a New Guinea tribe with interesting customs, and an interesting plant
 Neeeeeeek - Sex Objects (fm toaster scifi humour) Whoever knew what lurks in the heart of a kitchen appliance?
  needteachin - The Haunted (mf teen vamp) A vampire invites some kids into his home
  Nessa Culon - Remembering (f succubus myst) A strange presence gives Amanda hope
  Nimrods Son - Blurred Lines (ff mf myst) Natalie's Halloween party is very confusing...
  Nogrod63 - Carousel Horses (mf myst beast xform asfr) Ingrid spends time with her paintings, and with the Carnival
  November - A Boy and his Plant (mff plant) Man, I love this plant!!!
GreenStar November - The Fix is On (mfff magic) "I was crazy ... maybe you had to be to continue this perverted agenda"
  November - The Seven [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] (ffm succubus witch) Would you help your sisters if they wanted to form a coven?
  Oblimo Oblissimo - There Is Always Time (xform fm succubus myst) Dee's experiments with Jello are out of this world!
  Oceanus - The Heart of the Flower (fx) Explorers are refreshed by beautiful foliage
  Ohida - Cheating Life (ffm vamp succubus relig myst) Checking out can open as many windows as it closes ...
  Paul Lucas - Unicorn Glade (mf xform rom) Matthias tries to save his wife from a hell of his own creation
  Pause88 - Pheremone Buzz [1 2] (mf girl drugs scifi) A young girl finds something to do in a new colony
  Philip A. - Supermax 2050 (ff fx spider caution unfinished) Carol is framed and imprisoned
  PK - Carrie and the Space Toad (xf vore humour scifi) "She was being eaten by a Space Monster as she'd so often fantasised!"
  Pleaser - Smelling the Nite Jasmine [1 2] (mf ff mc) Tina regrets her bitchiness; but this is not revenge!?
  Poison Ivan - The Fearless Vampire [1 2 3 4] (ff mf vamp caution) When she becomes a vampire, her powers are beyond anyone's control
  Psion Biz - Faeophobia: Zerg (xform mc serial magic) Faeries mix it up
  Psychtales - Happy We Are (fm x mc serial) Why is everyone so happy, and so desirable?
  Putrescent Stench - First Snow (ff xform relig) Leah and Christine won't let a little thing like that come between them
GreenStar Putrescent Stench - Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs (mf ff xform spider were rom) The Exotic Bar gets a special concert
  Putrescent Stench - Widowmaker (fm myst) Sean's ex doesn't like his new flame
  Putrescent Stench - Year of the Fox (fm xform) "I have a kind of magic that allows me to be what I want"
  Raven's Den - The Mynx Chronicles [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] (fm ff mc) Mynx is a criminal mastermind; pity she's so damn seductive!
  Ray1031 - A Visit to Mama Rosa's (ffm teen mc magic myst) Why is that disconcerting Gypsy girl following him?
  RbrBill - Alien Rubber(mx fx rubber) An unexpected meteorite seems to be made of gooey rubber
  rexfelis - A Mage's Addiction (mf succubus) "I would summon a succubus, have sex with her, and then dismiss her..."
  Robert Schaffer - Fresh Wine, Old Bottles(mf ff vamp) The last thing he expected on a Wednesday night was to be picked up by a vampire.
  Robert Schaffer - The Statue in the Garden of Love (fm statue) A tale of the most costly passion of all
  Ronald D. Thurman - Green Ladies from Outer Space (mfx) "It is the process of pressing our lips together that I want to study."
  Ronald D. Thurman - Sonja the Cat (fxm drug) "I think I am just incredibly stoned."
  Ronald D. Thurman - Tryxlfem (fm alien xform) "The beginning of the end of my humanity started with an ancient game of cards"
  Rubber9561 - The Lurker Within 1 2 (fx mc) Stacey is introduced to a new form of life
  Sabledrake - Mr Fluffykins (f toy magic) Lisa returns home and wonders how she used to bear it
Halloween sam177 - Samantha Fairy (ff asfr vore caution) I'm a statue of a fairy. I wasn't always a statue tho.
Halloween sam177 - The Problem with Transporters (mf xform mc scifi) Transporters do more than you know...
  Sailbad - Ovi Surrogate [1 2] (ff alien impreg) The "bearers" are held in high regard
  Samantha Hardeskey - Brittany and Jay (f dog beast scifi) Brittany senses the presence of an old friend
  Sara H - Illumination [1 2 3] (mc ffx ser) New light fittings bring new life
  Sara H - Penis Envoy (ff mc humour) What sort of a name is Pegren Smegma anyway???
  Sarus - The Boob Fish (fm vore drug) Those hungry Boob fish are much bigger beyond the reef...
Halloween Scalloped2 - Crack Back Jack (mf vore caution) No hope for these coeds
  ScottishChieftan - From the Shadows (mf mc witch vamp) Immortality brings hubris, but also loneliness
  ScottishChieftan - Good Steward (nosex vamp) "Stewardship. That is the reason I can not simply give in to every urge I have..."
  ScottishChieftan - The Chieftan (nosex monster) Terrible things happen in the highlands
  ScottishChieftan - New Year's (nosex wolf) Why has he such presence?
  ScottishChieftan - Fine Vintage (mf mc vamp caution) She is a tasty treat
  ScottishChieftan - Blondie's Song (mff magic) "This is my master... he owns me, as he now owns you..."
  ScottishChieftan - Jimmy's Fate (nosex vamp caution) Jimmy done bad
  scotturnitred - Skunk Hunter (mf scifi monster) Just one more little girl to save, just one more!
  scotturnitred - Theta Nine (mf asfr rom) A Toaster ???
  Scratch - The Emerald Lady (fm lamia vore drug) He had always been told to stay away...
PentStar Seraglio - Body Shifters Universe (fm alien xform)
What do those beauties see in a balding, middle-aged man? Surely they won't make his divorce any easier?
  Shakes Peer 2B - Close Encounters of an Unanticipated Kind (mf alien incest) Mr. Wallace is selected for service to Humanity
  Shay (was Toucamingo) - Fever Magick (ff magic rom) Love will find another way
  Shon Richards - Black Magic Muses (mfff demons humour) "With three demons, I might even get that pirate story finished"
  Shon Richards - The Curse of the Mummies' Cocks (ff mf statue) Flora and Bethany go tombraiding
  Shortie Smif - The Sisterhood (ffm cast magic vore mc) A man's wife takes him in hand
  SingerBabe - Fac Ut Vivas (fm ff caution) Michelle loses control
  SlavePrincess - Taking Over Me (ff incest mc) Amy dreams of her sister
  Smartass - I Human (mf ff mc) A woman wakes up in a white room with total amnesia
  smotp - Offering (xf) Amanda finds new life in a sea cave
  Sneakel - Vampyress (fm vamp) He was not very well prepared
  Sollipsist - The Additive (ff fm drug mc) The perfect addiction!
  Son of Sandman - Ode to Demonic Joy [1 2 3 4] (ff mc tg demon tentacles relig) Where did the tentacle take the nuns?
  Sonia de Beaumanoir - Date Rape (fm vamp drug caution) "I think my drug works better than yours dear Bob."
  Sophie - The Web Respun (mf succubus) A succubus is in love
  sourdough - Feeding the Young (fm insect oviposition caution) She wanted to be raped!
  squashflat - ... nor a borrower be... (ff asfr toy magic nice xform) Jenn falls afoul of Chrissy's precautions
  Starro - Fringe Benefits [1 2 3] (mf mc xform serial) "A new company offers its employees some incentives that are impossible to turn down"
  Starro - Maidenhead (xf xm mc serial scifi) Jana gets to like the alien growing inside her
  Stephen Gray - Voyages of the U.S.S. Intercourse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (fx plant lac mf preg) An alien virus to enslave humanity
  Stormbringer - Serpent Chair (ff magic) She sees the chair's true worth
  Stormbringer - Tentacula [1 2 3] (fx caution) It finds a new source of sustenance
  Souvie - A Knight to Remember (mf magic transform) Hell hath no fury ...
  Sub Joe - Revenge of the Nerdette (md fd) Alice's talent as a biochemist will get her more than boring journal articles
  Sweet Candi - The Devil and Mrs Jones (mf demon) Was it worth it?
  S X Camaro - Bay Pharmaceuticals: Ashley Collins (xf plant vore) Ashley's research program is all about her
  S X Camaro - Bay Pharmaceuticals: Melissa Patterson (xff plant vore) Two researchers help out
  S X Camaro - The Plant under the Piano (xff plant vore) But she was playing so nicely!
  S X Camaro - Jungle Girl Suprise (xff plant vore mc) Tija and Sera have different fates...
  S X Camaro - A Jungle Girl Meal (xff plant vore mc) "Please make me a part of you"
  t'Sade - Bathhouse (fx tentacle magic) Aini needs a little help fixing up an old crone's bathhouse
GoldStar t'Sade - From the Cold (comp ff tent mc) Maradin finds somewhere warm to spend the winter
GreenStar t'Sade - Glass Harvest (mm cast) Klaier sacrifices all for pleasure
Halloween t'Sade - Illisa's Trial (mf witch magic caution zombie caution) Illisa is chosen
GreenStar t'Sade - Jacob and Sonji 2: The Web Ship (xf xm spiders oviposition caution) Jacob fights to save Sonji from the Queen
  t'Sade - Passed by a Spider (mf ff spider rom oviposition caution) Sivil needs from help from Jin to leave her legacy
PentStar t'Sade - Green Lady: Blood Melon (ff xform plant caution)
Her boyfriend leaves her with a witch
PentStar t'Sade - Illisa's Trial, Part 2 (magic f demon caution)
Elina's bit off more than she can chew
Halloween t'Sade - Pits and Spikes (mf vore caution) A thief meets a man with a curse
  t'Sade - Sacrifice King (mfff teen xform drug rom sad) Sacrifices must be made, even for love
Halloween t'Sade - Special Treats [1 2 3 4] (fm witch vore caution) She takes vengeance on the town
PentStar t'Sade - There Is No Trick (ff mf ghost rom)
Sarah's magical entrapment brings new friends
GreenStar t'Sade - Yellow Rose (mf plant) Night after night, she is haunted by terrible dreams of a yellow rose
  Tabico - Descent (ff xf mc) Dark forces of betrayal threaten to seduce and destroy an avenging angel
  Tabico - Riders (ff xf) Slimy alien slugs have control of  a spaceship; what do they make of their rescuers?
  Tabico - Winter Flesh [1 2 3] (ff mc vamp) "my love for her was moonlight on the ocean ..."
  Tabico - Ziim: Masks (ff xf mc serial) Calico can lick those aliens all by herself ... can't she?
  Tantric Legion - The Corrupter (mf serial mc snake demon) Nobel women fall into the thrall of the serpent's priest
  Tantric Legion - Infernal (caution mf ff vamp demon incest tent mc) Armakoth tears all asunder to establish a foothold on Earth
PentStar Tantric Legion - Outbreak (serial xmf)
Steve becomes what he seeks
GoldStar Tantric Legion - The Race (ff fm succubus alien serial comp)
Beth's desert holiday was not so boring after all
PentStar Tantric Legion - The Fall: With A Whimper (serial mc alien tent)
All on earth are learning the pleasure of falling
  Telephoto - Roadside 1 2 3 4 5 6 (fmx mc) Gary and Lisa meet a beautiful vampire
  Tetl - Riverside (mf nymph) "Go into the water and die. Stay on land and live."
  the hungry ghost - Remainders (ff mc scifi) Women are imprisoned and pleasurably prepared, but what for?
  TheOwlAndTheRose - A Dickens Halloween (ffm ghost) Poor Marla has some unfinished business here on Earth
  The OverMind - Behind the Bike Sheds (ff drug mc) "Erica really enjoys hanging out with her new friend Jade."
  The OverMind - This Un-Life (ff humour fm x) "Two couples move into a suspiciously inexpensive home"
  The Sympathetic Devil - BimboTech: A Friend in Need (ff mf mc) Catherine is not as suggestible as Marissa
Halloween Theodoric of York - Akane and Yura visit the Pillow Factory (f xform asfr tg illus) Beware of those chick flicks!
Halloween Theodoric of York - Dealing a New Hand (mf xform asfr) Puddles plays with Akane
  Theodoric of York - Girl Stools (mf ff asfr plant illustrated) "If you buy that thing our relationship is over!"
Halloween Theodoric of York - Nabiki the Teenaged Witch (ff mf asfr xform mc) Nabiki meddles
  Thunder - Perfect (mf ff asfr revised) Three co-workers stumble into a fascinating lingerie shop in New Orleans
  Tom Bombadil - Herring and Banana Milkshake (mf incest tentacles) Cindy gets tricked by her brother Tommy
  Tom Bombadil - The Masks (fm ff vamp caution) Two beautiful vampires have nefarious plans for Wally and Jennifer...
  Tommie Fremouw - Denise's Dildo (fm xform incest tg) Denise shares her dildo with all and sundry
  Topaz - An American WereHypnotist in London (mm mf tg impreg were) Phil finds Were not the same in London
GoldStar Topaz - Cupid Boy (fm mm ff xform plant relig lots humour) "I'm told I'm a rare breed..."
  Topaz - Cupid Boy and the Arranged Marriage [1 2] (ff mf god) "This one is a re-telling of the Myth of Cupid and Psyche"
  Topaz - Cupid Boy and the Tentacular Terror (fm mm ff xform relig tentacles lots humour) Cupid Boy is assimilated
  Topaz - Cupid Boy (graphic) (mm mf ff relig mc) Cupid Boy is such a picture!
  Topaz - Beyond Area 51 (Part 1) (scifi satyr incest tg) "This is the real secret, a goddamn alien colony..."
  Topaz - Inside Area 51 (Part 2) (scifi faeries plant tg) Six adventurers' lives change forever
  Topaz - I Was a Teenage Borg [1 2 3] (mf mm mc scifi borg) "What? You intend to conquer Earth by showing us a good time?"
GoldStar Topaz - Metal Harvest (xmm asfr serial comp)
Can the earthlings escape the clutches of the alien brothel? Do they want to?
GoldStar Topaz - Metal Harvest Beta (xmm mf asfr serial comp)
The Earthlings try to defend themselves ...
  Topaz - Patterns in Ochre and Grissecon Ink (xm xf serial scifi) An alien invasion spreading down under is ready for American Imperialists...
  Topaz - Specimen 16 (xm xf serial scifi) The evil Citadel corporation experiments on Wraeththu kids
  Topaz - The Zanesville Experiment (xmm xform alien) Wraethu boys learn who they are
  Tony Hawk - Tick, Tock (fm succubus) The hunter is running out of time...
  tRafe - IP72496 (fm myst) "Intrafe. I need you to calm down. I'm nothing more than a lost traveller, much like yourself"
  (unknown) - Terry and the Magical Trunk (f goop) "Never open the chest in the attic; Never!"
  Unreal - A Little Head (mf fm asfr xform tg) Mia takes care of Nick
  vamplawyer - Heroin (fm vamp were) She knows so much more than he
  Vas Dragus - Sex to Die For (mf relig) "As far as deaths go, I guess mine was fast and pretty spectacular"
  Vendatrix - The Ultimate Lovedoll (fm mc asfr) Christina is sure to get to the very bottom in an investigation of the XYC doll company
  Vendatrix - Return of the Ultimate Lovedolls (fm mc asfr) More additions to the catalog
  ventura33 - Black Widow Borg (fmx) Janeway rescues and redeems a borg, who has some ideas of her own
GreenStar virgosun - Captain Suck (fmx humour) "Always know your target species' sexual proclivities!"
  Vulgar Argot - Female Plumbing Problems (mf nymph humour) A Naiad adapts to modern man
  Vulgar Argot - What's Wrong with Ann Turing? (mf myst) Yes, what exactly is wrong with her?
  Vulgar Argot - Under the Bed (fm teen rom succubus) Stevie gets to know the monster under his bed
  Heather Walker - Revelation of the Damned (f demon) Laura makes a deal with Death
  Wakboth - Muff Diving (mf ff fm succubus humour) "The definitive feminine counterpart to every tentacle beast story ever written..."
  Wendy Palmer/Grant Morrison - The Rutting Room (cthulu humour) Aubrey Valentine uncovers the mysteries of the Rutting Room
  Whiff - Sensual Succubus (fm ff demon succubus caution) Plain-looking Sylvia finds a way to be noticed
  Wholeman - Pea Pod [1 2] (fm xform plant tg) Why are there so few men?
  Whyte, Colleen - Marion's Eggs (fx impreg humour) "You look happy Mom, done something special today?"
PentStar Whyte, Colleen - Saints and Sinners (ff fm xform tg succubus)
She has beautiful wings
  Will Salem  - Lilith (fm succubus) Adam is taken home by Lilith
  William Lee - I-Toys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (df ff mf mm) Can one woman stop a man from enslaving the human race?
  Witchman - The Sisterhood of S.E.X. [1 2] (ff mc) Sorority sisters snuggle
  Wolflon - Black Magic (fm incest magic mc) His schoolmate's Jamaican mother takes charge
  wrestler and Para*Psite - Symbiosis  (mm succubus) A male succubus: surprisingly yummy! Want to try some?
  Xanamiar - A Trip to Paradise (mf drug) Crystal finds a laid-back island
  Xeyda - Danseur du Nocturne (fm vamp succubus) As Mike dreams of an attractive elf she gets closer and closer to him...
  Xicotencatl Smith - Breaking Patterns (mf ff astral) What sort of a life is this?
  XXXecil - C.L.A.I.R.E. (fm ff mc sf xform) Body shifters break out!
PentStar XXXecil - Empire of Flesh (mc xform relig)
Darcy comes to terms with his curse
  XXXecil - Enter the Amazon (ff fm serial mc xform) Rainforest foliage spreads its changes
Halloween XXXecil - Faeophobia: Spring Break [1 2 3] (mf faerie magic plant toy) A career Fae? Really?
  XXXecil - Faeophobia: Threshold (fm faerie) "Now, on Earth, there were men everywhere: Of course she was screwing her students!"
  XXXecil - Faeophobia: What Boys Like (fm xform) Matt is used and abused to please a lusty Fae
  XXXecil - Faeophobia: Wet Dreams (fm faeries) Those poor sirens: no men for 3,000 years!
GoldStar XXXecil - Hell's House Wife (xfm ff succubus xform serial tg rom comp)
Can domestic Succubus save the world from an invasion of tentacular beauties?
  XXXecil - Silver Fox (fm ff mc sf xform myst) They had warned her about the dreams; prolonged, frightening, and erotic...
  XXXecil - The Oldest Profession [1 2 3] (mf ff mc asfr succubus unbirth impreg) Whorebots + Nanobots = ++good;
Halloween XXXecil - Playing the Field (fm faerie pixies) How do you bait pixies?
  XXXecil - The Ten Inch Journey (fffm scifi) Ten inch tries (not too hard!) not to be prey
  XXXecil - The Ten Inch Journey (Redux) (fffm scifi mc plant) Poor preyed-upon males long for rest; but there is an alternative ...
GoldStar XXXecil - The Siege
Can Todd escape from myriad mouldering bimbos that crave him?
GreenStar XXXecil - The Sperm (xf xm succubus sf serial humour) Mysterious forces threaten to engulf and consume the Earth ... nicely, of course!
GoldStar XXXecil - Three Hundred Million (alien fm serial mc)
Enslaved by an alien invasion; how pleasant!
GreenStar Yotna El'toub - 100 Not Out (mf ff drug plant sf) Lewis is captivated by a fascinating tale of betrayal
  Yotna El'toub - Compound X13.1 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] (ff drug myst) Jenna is the first of many to be affected
  Yotna El'toub - Darkness Comes (m f plant caution) Plants have got to look after themselves
  Yotna El'toub - The Haunting of Dedington Manor (fm ff mm tg) The Major's family has some skeletons in its closet
  Yotna El'toub - Vampyre Daze (ff incest vamp mc) A daughter is not safe
  Yotna El'toub - Vampyre Nights [1 2 3 4] (ff mf vamp caution magic) Joyce finds an artifact linking her to Old Countess Bathory
GreenStar Yotna El'toub - The Walled Garden (f plant) Bethany learns to stop and smell the roses
GoldStar Yotnal El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web [1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15] (xm xf mc alien serial sf) (Winner) Alice discovers what's in her husband's lab...
  Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web Book 2 [1 2 3 4 5] (xm xf mc alien serial beats sf) "... a touch of the vector should sort them out!"
  Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web, Book 3 [1 2 3 4] (mf ff mc aliens) High Street MC!

(Authors 0 to 9, A to M)

The authors featured on this page have kindly allowed me to present their work here.
If you have written an other-worldly story you'd like to see here, please send me some email.
If you have enjoyed a story on this page, please consider emailing the author to express your appreciation.

Website Contact: wendy@lbworlds.net
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· lbworlds Yahoo! · Donations · email: lostboy@lbworlds.net · (anonymous feedback) ·
· LB Collection · Story Links · Site Links · Poetry · Submissions: wendy@lbworlds.net ·