; ; ; LB: 1. Flesh Goddess - Flesh and Magic ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Flesh and Magic

; ; ; ; Part 1 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4]

; ; © Flesh Goddess

; fleshgoddess@hotmail.com
; ;
; ; ; BEFORE YOU READ ON : Know that this story is NOT about heroic ; people. These women kill innocent people, make men do despicable ; things, and rampantly raise hell wherever they wish. Not that I don't ; like heroic people or stories about them, but I've wanted to write ; this for a while - by no means am I showing disdain for heroics with ; this story. YES I do have fantasies about being Tavra, or Jynn, but I ; feel we ALL have our dark, power-hungry sides. By writing this story ; and things like it, I feel I can exorcise those demons and live that ; secret life, which allows me to be a good wife, co-worker, daughter, ; sister, etc in real life. Realize that if you want to read a story ; about high adventure, chivalry, virtue, and how the goodguys won the ; day, this is not the tale for you. Lastly, I don't play D&D regularly, ; though I have dabbled in it (and it was great!), so throw all your ; preconceptions away, and prepare for a lusty tale of two wenches and ; their quest for godhood. ; ;

; ; Tavra moaned as her patron inserted his shaft into her. She spread her ; legs wider, closed her eyes, and tilted her head slightly to the side, ; allowing a bit of her dark hair to slide across her face. She inhaled ; again with the anticipation of what was to come next. He took position ; above her and began thrusting quickly, panting, almost whimpering as ; the waves of pleasure overtook him. Tavra clenched her teeth and ; touched her breast with one hand, clearing her hair away with the ; other, shutting her eyes tighter as her body spasmed slightly. She ; felt his hands on her breasts, one cupped above hers, squeezing ; tightly, almost amateurish, but the other sensations were too ; distracting for her to care.

; ; After only a few seconds of his deep penetration, she was almost at ; orgasm, and was overtaken by the feeling right before, when her body ; and mind know what's next and the moment seems to stretch on forever, ; his pounding and her nerves exploding. She opened her mouth wide, ; arched her back, and moaned. Paralyzed by the ecstasy, she could only ; tremble slightly as his cock slid in and out of her smoothly. As the ; orgasm subsided, her whole body was overtaken by a strange tingling ; sensation. Her patron continued to thrust away, quicker now, ; approaching his own climax. Tavra could sense this, and another moment ; stretched on into infinity in anticipation again. This time, however, ; she knew it would be even more pleasurable than the last.

; ; He began to cum inside of her, letting out gasps and moans of his own, ; thrusting rapidly, squeezing her breasts tightly. Tavra willed his ; juices to carry with them his precious life energy, which she ; absorbed. The feeling was debilitating - vaguely similar to, but much ; more intense than any orgasm could ever be. The sensation of him deep ; inside of her only heightened the pleasure. She arched her back once ; again and trembled, letting out a staggered breath as her whole body ; was bathed in the bliss. His thrusts began to slow as the life force ; seeped out of him with his cum, but Tavra was not finished. She willed ; his energy out of him, through his skin, and into her. She was lost in ; the ecstasy of absorbing his essence - her skin tingled with the ; passage of it, her whole body writhed in orgasm-like rapture, and she ; could feel her powers growing.

; ; As the last of his energy became hers, the feelings of utter bliss ; subsided, and she could hear Jynn moaning across the next room. Tavra ; came to her senses, remembering where she was - in a cheap whorehouse ; she and Jynn had managed to "join" for the night so they could gather ; energy before their trip in the morning. The wooden walls showed signs ; of rot, but the curtains and rugs were elegant, if a tad bit ; stained. Tavra was laying in a pile of cushions while Jynn was riding ; her patron's cock on the bed.

; ; ********

; ; She remembered how only two short nights ago she was awakened in her ; stony tomb by Jynn. This was the only memory she had, and even then it ; was hazy ; she recalled being led-out of a labyrinthine system of ; caves by her hand. Jynn was saying something, but she couldn't really ; make out what it was. As they left the cave, Tavra sensed something ; she wanted ahead, and began to move more quickly towards it. From ; there the haze thickened, and the next thing she remembered was the ; ecstasy. She was touching a man - a prisoner, draining the life from ; him slowly, feeling the power of another's soul-energy surge through ; her as he slowly slumped to the ground. The feeling was euphoric - ; more potent, constant, and long-lasting than an orgasm. She let loose ; with cries and moans loud enough to wake the dead, grimacing as the ; pleasure had been known to make her do.

; ; When the prisoner was nothing more than a healthy-looking husk, she ; found herself kneeling in a pile of leaves, still touching him in ; order to siphon out the last vestiges of his energy. She looked around ; and saw trees, with a hill housing the cave behind them. Jynn was ; standing there too, a beautiful specimen - about the same height as ; her, 5' 6", with long, brown, curly hair down almost to her waist. Her ; hair wasn't as beautiful as Tavra's, but it was thick, more like a hay ; bale than Tavra's slick, straight, dark hair. Like Tavra, Jynn was ; naked - her body was a perfect paragon of youth and beauty, and her ; face alone could cripple almost any man with lust. She noticed that ; Jynn's breasts were not as large as hers, but she had more of an ; athletic build than she did. Her well-toned legs and arms lent a ; unique quality to her that could only add to her attractiveness.

; ; Two other men, also obviously prisoners, stood near Jynn, staring at ; her naked body in awe, too mesmerized to notice their fallen ; comrade. Jynn was watching Tavra, smiling.

; ; "More, my dear?" She said, motioning to the other two as she stepped ; away.

; ; Without speaking, Tavra rushed at the men like a ravenous beast, ; clutching his head in her hands and draining the life from his ; body. Again the pleasure overtook her as new lifeforce flooded into ; her body. She could feel every nerve in her body explode with power as ; his vital forces quickened her. After what seemed like an hour of ; bathing in such pleasure, she dropped his corpse and moved to the next ; prisoner, doing the same to him. Once more she was paralyzed by the ; bliss, making groans, pants, and whimpers as he forcefully surrendered ; his life-force to her insatiable call.

; ; "Very good, let's be on our way now, dear." Jynn helped Tavra up and ; began pulling her in the direction of the setting sun.

; ; "Who are you? What just happened?" Tavra questioned as she moved along ; with her benefactor. She could feel twigs and rocks beneath her naked ; feet, but none of them were causing her pain or even difficulty ; walking. Without stopping or even turning back to look at Tavra, her ; benefactor said

; ; "I am Jynn, and we are alike. To say that we feed upon life energies ; is inaccurate. We drain the energies of the living to become more ; powerful, well, actually so that we can feed other beings, but I'll ; explain that later, for now we must move - the forest would not be ; safe for you at night, my dear."

; ; "Feed other beings? Where are we going?"

; ; "There is little time. The basics are that the shattered parts of a ; being of some sort made us to give it energy. We were little more than ; mindless slaves of great power until I tatooed that rune on your inner ; thigh."

; ; Tavra was able to catch a glimpse of some deep red paint on her inner ; thigh, but she could not quite make out what it was.

; ; "Actually you were not a slave at all, but were in some sort of ; statis, trapped in that labyrinth, probably by someone who found out ; what you are. A mage of some power gave me my tatoo, and with his help ; I was able to free you as well. Now we're turning the tables as we ; seek out our masters in order to feast upon their power. Right now ; we're headed back to Gebton Hollow, a medium-sized city near your ; resting place. There we will feast upon some life force before we set ; out for Elezan, where I think my master is. There's a few other things ; I wanted to do there as well, but that's my main concern. Now once we ; get back to -"

; ; Jynn's words were cut-short as four figures suddenly appeared in the ; forest around them. They brandished swords which looked to be in ; rather poor condition, and wore piecemeal armor - obviously whatever ; they could scavenge from those who passed by. Tavra and Jynn were ; surrounded. Advancing slowly, the two in the back producing manacles ; and chains from their belts.

; ; "Now do as we say and we won't kill ya." The largest one said, raising ; his sword and adjusting his codpiece...

; ; "Take him, I'll get the rest." Jynn said, moving towards one of them ; at unbelievable speed. Her great speed caught him off-guard, as she ; lifted him effortlessly into the air and threw him backwards about ; thirty feet. Tavra wasted no time moving at her designated opponent, ; who was distracted by his airborne comrade. She leapt upon him and ; started drinking his lifeforce instantly, losing herself in the bliss ; as he flailed about, trying to get her off of him. Her grip was ; strangely solid, as the larger man could not dislodge her. Tavra, ; however, was too lost in the ecstasy to realize this.

; ; Jynn turned to the men behind them, focusing on one, she licked her ; lips and fingered her cunt gently, gazing deep into his eyes. Her ; whole body began to sway and move, dancing, snaking towards him in ; almost unnatural ways. She willed him to be hers, for her to be the ; only thing in his world that mattered, for him to be uncontrollably ; attracted to her and at the same time unable to act because of the ; incredible beauty, and thus it was so. He stopped his charge, standing ; dumbfounded at the vision before him.

; ; The fourth attacker was on Jynn, swinging his sword wildly, it was ; obvious to her that he was no veteran, but she was. Deftly ducking ; under one of his swings, she came up under his sword arm and grabbed ; his off-hand while bringing her other hand up into his face. At the ; first touch of skin-to-skin contact, she began siphoning his energy - ; her eyes turned-up in her head and her mouth opened wide in pleasure ; as she bathed in the power flowing from him into her. She opened the ; floodgates, draining him as quickly as possible, knowing that her ; mesmerized victim would only remain so for as long as he could see ; her, and not much longer than a couple of minutes. Still, Jynn took no ; chances and drained him in a matter of seconds, almost collapsing as ; the great rush of energy filled her.

; ; She sucked him dry and dropped him, realizing that she hadn't paid ; much attention to how much her powers had grown from all of the energy ; she had drained all this time. Her ability to steal life-essence had ; quickened, and moved to a new level. As she noticed one of them was ; charging her, she turned and decided to try something.

; ; As Tavra finished sucking the energy from her foe's body, she turned ; to see one of the highwaymen dead at Jynn's feet, while another stood ; dumbfounded, almost hypnotized by Jynn. The one she had thrown had ; gotten up and began to charge Jynn, who had just turned to face him.

; ; Concentrating, Jynn willed his vital energies out of him and into ; her. A white smoke appeared from his body and moved towards Jynn like ; an intagiable tentacle, snaking through the air almost instantly. It ; seemed to reach between Jynn's spread legs and into her cunt. It was ; then that Tavra realized Jynn was draining the life from him at ; range. Jynn put her hands on her hips and spread her legs a little ; more, inhaling deeply and squinting as if she was in pain, but Tavra ; knew it was quite the opposite as she saw her friend's body convulse ; and writhe with delight. At the end of her inhaled breath she titled ; her head back slightly and moaned between her teeth at the orgasmic ; pleasure. His charge slowed as he neared Jynn, until he fell to one ; knee a few feet in front of her. Tavra could tell he was trying to get ; up, but Jynn was quickly sapping the strength from him. After almost ; half a minute, he stopped moving, but Jynn was still draining him.

; ; Tavra saw her opportunity for more life-force and charged towards the ; mesmerized highwayman. She clasped his face on with both her hands and ; began taking his energy, sucking in his life and reveling in the ; ecstasy. She shut her eyes tightly, her face contorted into a grimace ; of pleasure as every inch of her body was lit-up by new energy being ; drawn into it.

; ; Still panting from the intense rush of power, the two surveyed the ; area.

; ; "We should probably take their clothes - we can use them once we get ; into town. I'll tell you more as we get situated." Jynn's words were ; assuring as well as commanding. Tavra only nodded, still catching her ; breath from the intense rapture she had just experienced. Moments ; later they had stripped the bodies and were wearing the ratty, moldy ; clothes.

; ; They continued on in silence, moving quickly through the woods. At ; some point Tavra noticed that they were both barefoot, but that the ; twigs and rocks were not bothering her feet. Before she could be ; perplexed at this, she noticed she could also see in the dark to some ; extent. Though there were no moons out tonight, the forest landscape ; had a soft twilight glow to it. It took her a bit to notice that she ; couldn't see very far into the distance, but the immediate ; surroundings were easily navigable with the strange ambient ; lighting. She also noticed that they were moving through the forest ; quite quickly, not growing tired, even in their slow jog between ; bushes and trees. They had been traveling at this constant pace for ; some time, perhaps a couple of hours, but neither of them were even ; breathing hard. Tavra had to know what the extent of these powers she ; had were.

; ; "Jynn, I'm not tired, and I can see in the night. The rocks and ; branches don't cut me, what else can we do?"

; ; "I'm not entirely sure. I know we can do all the things you just ; mentioned. It has to do with the amount of life-force we have. You, ; for example, are relatively weak compared to me. If we were to keep-up ; this pace for several days continuously, you would eventually get ; tired and either have to rest, or drain more energy. I, however, would ; take much longer to become tired, and would need less rest. Simple ; branches and other implements of nature can't harm you, but swords and ; other forged products can. In my state, forged weapons do little ; damage to me, but there are things which are enchanted by mages, or ; forged of certain metals which can harm us. P'jurium, for example, ; will harm us, and Saradite causes us pain just by coming into contact ; with it, but those metals are rare, and enchanted weapons are even ; more so. I've never quite figured-out how our vision works, only that ; it does. Darkness only limits our vision to a short distance."

; ; "What else?"

; ; "There are others like us, who still work for their masters - they ; will undoubtedly attempt to destroy us, or to erase the tattoos so ; that we can be enslaved once again. All of us have different powers, ; but those are the common ones."

; ; "Well, how am I supposed to find out what I can do then?"

; ; "You'll get certain impulses or feelings that you can do ; something. When I drained that man from a distance, I had a feeling ; that I could do that with my will, as if someone was informing me that ; I had that ability. Here, uproot this tree." She said, stopping and ; pointing at a small tree. It looked to be about two inches in ; diameter, perhaps thirteen feet tall. Upon closer examination, Tavra ; realized that it didn't look that difficult - a strong warrior could ; do such a thing with some work. She grappled tightly it with both ; hands, squatting to get more leverage on it.

; ; "Can I drain it?" She said as she began lifting.

; ; "No, plants don't have the right kind of energy. You can tell what you ; can drain if you pay attention. Next time we're near people just stop ; and look at them for a moment - you'll see." Jynn watched as Tavra ; continued to strain against the tree. It was firmly rooted, yet it did ; seem to move a slight bit. Tavra was straining quite hard for the ; little bit of movement the tree was making. Finally, after almost a ; minute of struggling with it, Tavra gave up. Jynn merely held out her ; hand and helped Tavra up, smirking a slight bit. "Don't worry, with ; more energy you should be able to throw trees around like they were ; leaves." Tavra examined her work and turned in the direction they were ; travelling, almost trying to forget that she had failed to uproot such ; a small tree.

; ; "Well, what else can I do?"

; ; "Yes, well you probably don't need it, but most of us can incapacitate ; the opposite sex with enough temptation." Jynn smiled widely as she ; said this - there was a certain spark of enjoyment in her eye which ; Tavra found almost sadistic, though this did not alarm her. "Depending ; on how you do it, they can stay mesmerized by you for seconds, or ; days." There was a short pause as Jynn eyed her companion - she had ; never quite realized how beautiful Tavra was.

; ; Jynn could almost be jealous of her great beauty - she could have been ; a nobleman's courtesan, or a rich merchant's mistress. Tavra's long, ; obsidian hair was amazing - all the way down to her perfect ; waist. That was the feature that stuck-out in her mind most - Tavra's ; flawless, sculpted curves, especially around her hips and buttocks. No ; other woman had a figure as perfect as hers. Her breasts were ; perfectly-sized as well - courtesan-size. Only women with breasts as ; large and well-proportioned as hers could ever hope to be courtesans, ; while women with breasts that were Jynn's size would only ever be able ; to serve the masses as an everyday prostitute. Tavra's face was a mask ; of unparalleled beauty. She had a look that drew the deepest lusts out ; of men - the kind of face that every man would want to see contorted ; in orgasmic pleasure. Her eyes were deep brown, with a slight oriental ; air about them, and her lips were perfectly-shaped, full, and bursting ; with passion. Every man would want to see those lips wrapped around ; his cock or shaped into an "o" as her body was wracked with spasms of ; ecstasy.

; ; "You, however, are quite beautiful and could probably do that on your ; own. But we also have a unique control over the minds of men. When we ; enter the city, stealth and control will become exceedingly important, ; and that power will be very useful there. With enough control and ; practice, you can make a man do just about anything. Usually though, I ; just incapacitate them so that I can drain their energy later. It's ; quite easy to do, just make them want you."

; ; "Make them want me?"

; ; "Yes, seduce them, draw them in with your body, will them to be the ; only thing in the world that matters to them, own their souls. You'll ; understand more once you try it - just let your own animal magnetism ; and lust come out in the way you present yourself to them. It doesn't ; always work, but most men do not have the will to resist us. Just keep ; in mind that we need to remain unknown for the most part, until you ; are stronger. We should keep moving, come on."

; ; ********

; ; Squatting over her patron, Jynn used her knees to slide up and down ; his long shaft as she threw her head back and bit her lower lip. Her ; right arm was supporting her on the bed while her left was used to ; keep her face clear of her hair, which, like her, was bouncing all ; over the place. He wasn't all that much to look at, but all she needed ; him for was the pleasure he was giving. Though she looked forward to ; the utter bliss of draining his essence, she was of the opinion that ; nothing quite compared to the feeling of having a cock deep inside of ; her as her pussy throbbed orgasms through her.

; ; She grinned at him, and then winced as more pre-orgasmic feeling shot ; through her. Jynn repeatedly flexed her insides around his manhood in ; order to more properly feel him. She could tell that he was trying ; very hard not to cum yet, as he had obviously paid well for these ; ladies of the night. His hands slowly made their way up to her breasts ; and started gently squeezing them, playing with her nipples every so ; often. He was no expert, but he did at least have an idea of what he ; was doing.

; ; She noticed that Tavra was no longer making noise behind her. Turning ; her head to check on her student, she saw the girl pushing away the ; empty husk of her patron, revealing her wonderful, naked body. Perhaps ; it was the feeling of fucking, but she felt a spark of attraction for ; Tavra - she knew it was the same lust that men felt when they saw her ; face, consumed with the lust to make her cum, causing her perfect face ; to strain in pleasure.

; ; The verge of her third orgasm snapped her attention back to her ; patron, who was also about to cum. Jynn braced herself, for she had ; only had it happen one other time, but the combination of her orgasm ; and energy drain at the same time would skyrocket her to new realms of ; enjoyment. Opening her mouth wide, she inhaled deeply and spurted-out ; the words "I'mgonnacum, I'mgonnacum!" just as she was reaching her ; climax, and so was he.

; ; Time seemed to slow. She felt the warm cum enter her, carrying with it ; his primal essence. Her body trembled as the absorbtion of his ; energies intertwined with her orgasm. She instinctively fucked harder ; and faster, throwing her head back as his life-force flowed through ; her. Every moment was an eternity as she tried to slide up and down ; his cock faster. Jynn's eyes rolled back in her head and she began to ; feel dizzy with ecstasy. By now he was almost unconscious from being ; drained, but she was still drawing his life-force into her. The ; pleasure seemed to drag on for hours, and all the while she continued ; to mercilessly fuck him. When she could once again make sense of the ; world around her, she noticed the last bits of his essence were ; flowing into her, and that Tavra was putting the clothes back on her ; victim, as they had planned.

; ; Tavra had managed to seduce some of the servants at the brothel, both ; male and female. They eagerly did as she asked, not bothering to ; wonder why the "drunk patrons" they had been removing from Jynn and ; Tavra's room never moved again. Still, Tavra was clever in telling ; them to put the bodies in an alley, where they would not be inspected ; for several days, which would allow the two of them time to feed and ; escape. Jynn's little student was learning quickly.

; ; Jynn slid from her patron's still-hard organ, stood-up, and ; stretched. She looked behind her to see Tavra squatting and putting ; the shirt back on the man she'd just drained. Again a lust for Tavra ; briefly flashed through her, and was gone as quickly as it came.

; ; "Shall we have more, my dear?" she asked, gathering the clothes of her ; own victim. Tavra turned and got up, her left hand wiping the cum from ; herself.

; ; "Yes, please, just let me clean-up first."

; ; "Oh, there's no need for that, just work your magic on them and they ; won't care once they're in your arms." Jynn retorted, smiling as she ; clothed the corpse.

; ; "I suppose you're right." She smiled back at Jynn and opened her ; patron's cash pouch. She counted the money inside quickly, and then ; blurted "Wow, almost 300."

; ; "Great. After our next batch we can go buy some really NICE clothes ; and still have some left over. I have just the outfit in mind for you, ; dear." She commented, still smiling widely as she finished clothing ; the body. "Ok, looks like they're ready to go, get the boy." Jynn ; said, pouring a glass of wine for their next victims.

; ; Tavra nodded and went to the door. She knew she would only have to ; peek out into the hallway to find the servant boy in question. She did ; find it a bit strange that she hadn't even used her powers on him like ; she had the others, yet he still obeyed her every wish, and was always ; at their beck and call. Tavra opened the door and heard the sounds of ; someone shuffling around the corner.

; ; "Gathim? I think we have more drunkards in here, honey!"

; ; Instantly the young man appeared from around the corner, his soft, ; slim face smiling brightly at her.

; ; Gathim was his name, and he had instantly taken a liking to her, even ; though the two of them showed up dirty and in rags. Ever since they ; had come to the brothel he had started loitering in the hall, ; listening to the two beautiful women have sex over and over again. He ; was a bit amazed at their stamina, and perplexed as to how the men ; could get so drunk so quickly, but the two women, especially the ; dark-haired one, were so beautiful...

; ; The young man didn't even know their names, and he wasn't sure if ; anyone else in the brothel did either. None of that mattered though, ; for he now had a new goal - to be with her, just once. Gathim had ; counted his money many times over, but he had so little, and he knew ; that women like her don't come cheaply. It was almost painful to think ; about, for he knew that she would instantly fall in love with him, and ; they could run away together, start a new life, and perhaps even ; carve-out a merchant empire of their own somewhere.

; ; "Again, miss?" he said, smiling as he made his way towards their ; room. Tavra smiled back and went back inside, leavig the door slightly ; ajar as an obvious symbol of his welcome. He entered and found two ; more men, obviously unconscious. He would have paide mor attention to ; the fact that they were fully clothed, except that her naked body was ; there, calling to him. The soft candlelight made her skin almost glow, ; and her hair was shrouded all around her, down to her waist. She stood ; by the other girl's patron and turned to face him - he melted in her ; beauty. Something inside of him, perhaps his hope to impress her, ; jolted him back to his job, and he began dragging the first drunkard ; from the room. It wasn't long before he had made it outside with the ; body.

; ; "Wow, you're good! He didn't even notice me here!" Jynn commented, her ; eyes wide with amazement.

; ; "But I...that's just the thing Jynn, I haven't used my powers on him ; yet. Any town idiot could tell those men aren't drunk. I just don't ; know what's come over him. You sure you didn't warp his mind somehow?"

; ; Jynn threw her head back and laughed. "Tavra, my dear, I am glad to ; have found a travelling companion who is as witty as she is ; beautiful!" Tavra smirked briefly, still somewhat confused by the ; boy's willingness to cooperate. She wandered over to the window and ; peeked-out. It was still night, but the sky was just beginning to show ; the first hints of dawn. Turning from the window, she eagerly paced in ; front of the door. Jynn noticed this, but before she could ask what ; was wrong, they heard the servant boy in the hall.

; ; "Ladies? Are you ready for the next batch?"

; ; Tavra immediately replied with an affirmative. Her eagerness almost ; surprised Jynn, but she realized why Tavra was pacing - she wanted to ; ingest more energy. Tavra was turned towards the door now, ; anticipating their next victims.

; ; Three soldiers entered the room and began taking off their armor and ; weapons. Tavra gave Jynn a look of concern, but she couldn't have seen ; it - she was already too busy smiling at them and fondling ; herself. Tavra took her position standing over by the mound of ; pillows, waiting for one of them to come to her. Jynn was already all ; over one of them, who was quite hastily disrobing by now.

; ; "Well, guess that leaves you for both of us." One of the others said, ; looking at Tavra. She gave them a look of dismay, as if she didn't ; know what they had in mind, but quickly recovered with a smile and a ; demure, playful gaze.

; ; "Where and how do you want me?"

; ; "Get on all fours." he nonchalantly ordered as he began ; disrobing. Tavra complied, sinking to her knees and hunching-over. One ; of them moved next to her and laid down, motioning for her to get on ; top. Again she complied, and he sunk his hard cock into her. She ; squinted her eyes and whimpered, feeling the presence of the second ; soldier behind her. She arched her back a bit to make herself more ; accessible to him, and he proceeded to deeply penetrate her ass. Tavra ; responded with a deep sigh, her face grimacing at the ; double-entry. The two of them began to thrust, but not in unison - it ; was clear that they each had their own interests in ; mind. Nevertheless, she wailed as her flesh was suddenly awash in a ; sea of pleasure. Their hands and skin seemed to be all over her, ; grabbing, feeling, probing, leaving no inch of her body ; untouched. Heavy waves of orgasmic delight built-up, causing her to ; cry out as she came. The two continued their relentless thrusting, and ; after a few more moments of pounding deeper and deeper into her, her ; body shook as a second climax approached. She arched her back and ; screamed as it thundered over her. Seeing this, the two soldiers lost ; their concentration, and shortly afterwards were growling out in ; pleasure themselves as they came.

; ; Tavra, just recovering from the orgasm, drew their energies into her ; through their cum. The ecstasy of draining two men at once was ; maddening. She felt their lifeforces filling her, and for a moment the ; sensation made her feel akin to a god. Her head swam in the ; overwhelming sensation of power, and there seemed to be nothing in the ; world but the feeling of their energy passing into her.

; ; By that time, Jynn had already finished with her patron and was ; clothing the body. Tavra sighed as she removed the still-warm cocks ; from inside of her, mumbling something incoherent as she got up.

; ; "What was that, my dear?" Jynn responded, smiling.

; ; "That....was....amazing... Jynn, I want more."

; ; "See? I told you - taking in energy is wonderful, but taking it ; through their cum makes it unbelievable. You can have more tomorrow, ; if we make good time. There's an outpost on the way to Elezan, I'm ; sure it's FULL of anxious soldiers who haven't seen a woman in ages." ; She smiled as she continued clothing the body.

; ; "I want them. All of them. I want to bathe in their energies. I feel ; my powers growing with each bit of lifeforce I drain. It...it feels so ; good."

; ; "That's the pleasure talking. Yes one of the perks of taking in energy ; is the feeling. It's quite amazing - there's nothing else like it in ; the world, not even an orgasm comes close, does it?"

; ; "No, it doesn't. Jynn, I just drained two people, just like the ; others, but the feeling was far beyond normal, why was that?"

; ; "Well, the more lifeforce you take in at one time, the more intense ; the ecstasy. When you are touching someone with only one finger, you ; cannot drain as much from them as you could if, say, your naked body ; was pressed against theirs. If two naked bodies are pressed up against ; yours, you can drain twice the energy at one time, thus doubling the ; feeling. On top of that, when you transfer their energy using specific ; parts of your body, such as your tongue or cunt, the pleasure is ; heightened to unbelievable levels, and if you were to drain two men at ; one time through their cum, well, I'm sure you're familiar with the ; feeling -draining done through a medium, like semen, or blood, or ; spit, is much more exciting. Get those bodies dressed, we need to go ; shopping soon and get on the road."

; ; ********

; ; Shakaam knelt down to examine the remains his soldiers had told him ; of. He removed the blanket from the body, examining it for marks, but, ; just as he had been told, there were no signs of violent death. He ; could tell from the arrangement of all the bodies that they had been ; placed there, rather sloppily too - all sitting with their legs ; straight, backs against the wall, as if they had just stopped for a ; while to rest.

; ; "Sir, we've stripped three of them as you requested." The lieutenant ; was jarred from his close inspection by one of his soldiers. Shakaam ; nodded, stood up, and strolled over to the stripped bodies and knelt ; by it. He looked it over closely, lifting its arms and moving the head ; around before finally turning it on its side. After going over the ; body for several long minutes, he stood up and said "Summon the seer." ; Runners were dispatched and the rest of his men grumbled amongst ; themselves. When the lieutenant wanted the seer, they knew it meant he ; didn't know what was going on.

; ; After almost an hour passed, the seer and an escort of soldiers ; returned. Clad in deep blue robes, his face hidden by a veil with ; arcane markings, he approached the lieutenant and nodded. The two of ; them knelt by the body of one of his soldiers , a younger man, each of ; them touching one of his shoulders.

; ; He saw a woman, beautiful beyond compare, in every way, straddling a ; man, making love to him. Her face was strained as she rose and fell ; upon her companion's cock, and she cried and whimpered with ; pleasure. Her hair was slightly curly, brownish, and flawlessly kept - ; as if she had very recently been professionally groomed. Her athletic ; build revealed perfectly-toned arms and legs, but smaller breasts - ; even that seemed attractive somehow. Shakaam was amazed - in all his ; journeys and wars, even the most gorgeous demoness could not compare ; to her.

; ; The lieutenant watched as she and her companion reached their climaxes ; at the same time. Her movements drew Shakaam in, and her lover stopped ; moving, but she continued riding his cock, still in the midst of her ; orgasm. He was astounded by the length of time that her climax seemed ; to last, and when she was finished, her breathing slowed and she ; simply left the man. It was obvious from her body language that he was ; indeed not her lover, but merely a passing guest, or perhaps even ; someone she did not know.

; ; Then the vision became hazy, and shifted to a young man, about 18, who ; came in and began dragging her ex-lover out of the room. He eventually ; made it out into the alley, where there were several other bodies, and ; proceeded to sit the corpse up against the wall. Shakaam couldn't get ; a good description of the youth - by that point the vision had started ; to decay already. He made note of general height and weight, hair ; color, and general musculature, but got little more.

; ; As the vision faded, Shakaam found himself still in awe over the ; woman's beauty. He was snapped back to reality when the seer finally ; rose and began walking away, escorted by soldiers.

; ; "Your report, sir?" One of his men asked.

; ; "It... wasn't... it wasn't what I thought originally. This one's gonna ; be... tough." The lieutenant stood, straightened his uniform, and ; ordered "Gather the bodies and burn them. We don't need any walking ; dead like the last time to top all this off." With his gruff, ; commanding voice, his men began loading the bodies onto waiting wagons ; as he made his way into the brothel.

; ; This early in the morning most of the attendants were asleep, though ; there were a large number of whores in the lobby, looking dejected and ; tired. Indeed, none of them came close to the beauty of the woman he ; saw in the vision - all of them looked trashy, and their hair was ; largely unkept. Some he found downright repulsive, He approached one, ; a blonde, and spoke

; ; "I'm looking for a young blonde man, a servant -"

; ; "Gathim. He left last night. Probably went chasing those two ; bitches. I hope he rots!" One of the whores blurted, cutting-off the ; lieutenant. Her outburst was followed by similar disgruntled mumblings ; about the women in question.

; ; "I see. These women...what did they look like?" The whores again ; collectively expressed their disgust with the women in question with ; random slurs, calling them "hags," "slugs," and "worthless." ; Lt. Shakaam thanked them for their time and went upstairs, the whores ; still angrily chanting obscenities. He could tell from their reactions ; that they were merely jealous and eager to be rid of the two ; beauties. Such pettiness disgusted him.

; ; At the top of the stairs he was met by an older man in highly stylized ; chainmail. His tabard was not decorated with anything, and was simply ; black with a single yellow stripe running down it. Shakaam was ; slightly disturbed at the fact that he wore no emblem anywhere - ; meaning he was either some sort of mercenary, or someone who belonged ; to a society so powerful and secret that he did not have to wear ; one. A scimitar hung from his belt, and a buckler was still strapped ; to his left arm. His face was rough and lightly-tanned, with a short, ; dark beard with some grey highlights. Four large scars in the shape of ; a clawmark made their way down his right cheek, and his blue eyes ; seemed to burn with an icy hatred.

; ; "Lieutenant, we must speak." His voice was low and gravelly, yet ; forceful and commanding.

; ; "Of course. I believe we have not been introduced. I am Lieutenant ; Shakaam of the Ghosamm Imperial Guard." Shakaam nodded and offered his ; hand in friendship, but the man did not seem to notice.

; ; "I am Jarif Moonet, and I am after the same women you are. They must ; be hunted down and destroyed, and you will help me."

; ; Shakaam was slightly disgruntled by the unknown man's command, but ; this quickly changed into surprise as Jarif produced an official ; document signed by Shakaam's superiors, authorizing the release of the ; lieutenant into the command of one Jarif Moonet.

; ; "What in Charnus? Who ARE you?"

; ; "I belong to a very powerful and ancient society. We have some sway ; over the monarchy, that is all you need to know. Gather whatever ; belongings you will need for travel - we will provide the rest. You ; have one hour. Meet me back here." Jarif pushed past the bewildered ; lieutenant and quickly left the building. Shakaam sat down, ; confused. He slouched and stared at the floor below, pondering the ; morning's events.

; ; ********

; ; Lieutenant Shakaam approached the brothel, his mind half wanting to ; pursue the mysterious, beautiful woman, and half wanting to stay in ; Gebton Hollow just out of spite. As he rounded the corner he saw ; sixteen of the Imperial Elite Guards and their horses with Jarif, who ; was already mounted. For a split second he paused in surprise, but ; managed to make his next footfall look like he never faltered.

; ; "She must be dangerous...that or I'm being set-up." He thought. As he ; approached, the guards stood at attention, and Jarif himself nodded to ; Shakaam.

; ; The lot of them mounted horses and began riding east, on the road to ; Kemaj. The Elite Guard were silent the entire time, and so was ; Jarif. Finally, Shakaam could stand the silence no longer.

; ; "Who are these women, and why are we so intent on capturing them?" ; Without looking at the lieutenant, Jarif responded in his low, gritty ; voice.

; ; "I would think you had a vested interest in catching them. They killed ; your assistant, did they not?"

; ; "I'm asking the questions here. Now why -"

; ; "No. You are probing for information, which I will give ; you. Understand though that you are NOT in command here. I need your ; investigative skills for this task." Jarif still wasn't looking at ; Shakaam as he spoke. His eyes and mind were fixated upon the road ; before him.

; ; "Then you should share information." Shakaam was obviously fed-up with ; his travelling companion. Jarif sighed and finally glanced towards ; Shakaam.

; ; "For lack of a better name, we call them the Dark Maidens. To make a ; metaphor, they are sponges for lifeforce. Their slightest touch can ; drain a man in moments, depending on their power level. Unfortunately, ; unlike other beings, such as vampires, they do not use up this energy ; to stay alive. Each bit of energy they take in makes them more ; powerful than before - hence the sponge metaphor. They have other ; powers as well, invulnerability to weapons, great strength, the ; ability to hypnotize the opposite sex with their great beauty, and ; each time they drain life from someone, all of their powers, including ; their ability to steal energy, grow stronger. They must be stopped ; before they grow too powerful, lest we have godlike beings walking the ; land."

; ; "So...do they have a weakness?"

; ; "Yes, weapons forged from P'jurium will harm them, as will some ; magics. I have a special magical device which can imprison them ; indefinitely as well. My guards carry P'jurium daggers, since it is ; too rare to make swords from. My scimitar, however, is pure P'jurium, ; and I have slain one of their kind already.

; ; "One? How many are there?"

; ; "That is not known. I have only seen two in action, and one of them I ; slew. The other I have been tracking for some time, but she seems to ; have picked up another along the way. They may be gathering together ; for more safety. If that is the case, then we must stop them before ; they meet with any others. If they are smart, they will be careful not ; to leave too many bodies in their wake. That is why I need you - your ; investigative skills can discern normal death from their life drain."

; ; "Why didn't you just get a seer?"

; ; "Most seers cannot use their vision as often as I may need. If we run ; across three bodies in one week, even a good seer would be exhausted ; and near death if we were to find a fourth. Also a seer cannot track ; in the same manner as you, lieutenant."

; ; There was a prolonged silence. Shakaam began thinking about his ; involvement with this group, and what kind of an vendetta they might ; have against these women. True, they were killing innocent people and ; must be stopped, but in his business he learned long ago that everyone ; has an agenda. Shakaam pondered what theirs was, and what this secret ; society that was using him was up to in all of this.

; ; "Besides," Jarif continued, after the long pause, "I don't trust the ; Seers Guild. Do you remember the incident a few years ago in Elezan?"

; ; "The one where the Seers Guild there was responsible for the slum ; killings?"

; ; "Yes, that's the one."

; ; "But that was cleared-up. All those responsible were executed for ; murder and treason, as I recall. You don't think they learned their ; lesson?"

; ; "Somewhat. They were trying to drum-up more business for themselves, ; and though the Guild heads were punished, it did serve to point out ; that they have a sort of monopoly. A good Seer can make a vision last ; a few minutes and share it with someone. Finding a good Seer with ; morals is difficult. For all we know, they could be leaving-out ; crucial bits of evidence so that they remain in business. No, there is ; too much at stake here for simple greed to cause our failure."

; ; Shakaam looked at him, somewhat disgusted. While the Lieutenant was a ; bit paranoid, as he thought any good investigator should be, this man ; excelled at such paranoia. He realized just how dangerous Jarif might ; be - a politically powerful man such as him with paranoid delusions ; could destroy the Empire from within. His thoughts turned again to the ; women he pursued, and what he misinformation he might have been given ; about them.

; ; "The only thing we have working for us." Jarif continued, "is their ; need for pleasure. They find the act of draining lifeforce extremely ; pleasurable, and have a hard time resisting the urge to do so. This ; means that we will more than likely find a trail of bodies leading ; right to them."

; ; ********

; ; It was a normal day at Arvord's Citadel - the morning patrol had ; returned from its sweep of the main road, returning with three simple ; thieves who were trying to be highwaymen. Baron Ahgran Arvord was ; overseeing the training of his soldiers in the courtyard when they ; entered. Two women, dressed like merchant's courtesans, both of ; breathtaking comeliness. The first was wearing something like a long, ; black cape with a large collar to it, flared high around her head. It ; was partially pulled around her front and held by a button just below ; her breasts, allowing them and her legs to be shown with almost full ; view, and her figure to be accentuated all at the same time. Her ; privates were hidden only by some expensive black lingere, but her ; dress emphasized her figure and her well-toned thighs, not her ; crotch. Her hair was light brown, with large curls, almost down to her ; waist. She was young, probably in her early twenties, and in good ; health. Her skin held a light, uniform tan, and her winning smile ; showed pearl-white teeth.

; ; The other, however, was almost beyond description. The Baron instantly ; knew he had to have her. Her hips were the stuff of legend - no woman ; who looked upon them could not feel some small tinge of jealousy, and ; no man who looked upon them could not want her. Shrouding her legs was ; a tight, long skirt, deep blue and slit at the sides all the way up to ; her waist, revealing awe-inspiring legs. The slit was placed slightly ; forward so that those directly in front of her could see a hint of ; each leg. As she walked by, the piece of fabric covering her backside ; fluttered, revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath. A deep ; purple halter-top, which was more like a bag for her giant breasts, ; was tied-off behind her neck. The fabric strained just enough to ; reveal the outlines of her large nipples while giving a good idea of ; how perfectly-shaped her breasts were, leaving little to the ; imagination. Where it tied-together at her neck formed an interesting ; collar, arousing some hints of kinky fetish domination gear while ; forming a triangle to direct attention towards her picturesque ; face. She too was probably in her early twenties, with a face that ; made men want to defile her and worship her all at the same ; time. Flawless bow lips that called to every man in the compound, and ; perfectly-kept straight black hair, lustrous and full, parted in the ; center - it flowed freely, without a single wave, down just below her ; waist, providing a background for her hips.

; ; Every man in the fort was held for a moment, in shock at their beauty ; and grace as they strode through the main gates. The Baron himself ; marvelled at the dark-haired one for a long minute, then regained his ; posturing, knowing that his wife may be watching. He turned back to ; his trainees and ordered them to form-up and run the courtyard ; twice. They clumsily got into formation, still gawking at the two ; women, and began to slowly jog to the walls. In that moment Baron ; Arvord contemplated taking her as his mistress, or at least a slave, ; but he would have to think about it, for she was most obviously a VERY ; high-class whore. First, he would have to concoct a legitimate reason ; to talk with her, perhaps after dinner, when his wife was listening to ; music. The women made their way to the guest rooms, and immediately ; off-duty warriors began to line-up at the door.

; ; "Sergeant, what are those two girls doing in my barracks?" He called ; to the Gate Sergeant.

; ; "Sir, they are...ladies of the night - we did not think you would mind ; the men having a little...relaxation...later...sir." The Baron paused ; a moment before answering.

; ; "Very good... But ask my approval next time!"

; ; ********

; ; Jynn squatted by the overturned wagon and gripped it firmly. She ; contemplated simply pushing it out of the way, but decided that a show ; of strength was in order. Besides, she was of the opinion that as long ; as she had the ability, she might as well use it. She lifted it and ; effortlessly swung-around, knocking three charging guards ; back. Tossing it effortlessly to the side, she rushed one of the ; now-crippled guards and took his hand, funneling his energies into ; her. The ecstasy flowing through her was great, but she managed to ; focus enough to begin draining a second guard from a distance. A ; smoky, white tendril emerged from his body and serpentined its way ; into Jynn's cunt. At its arrival she inhaled suddenly, as if she ; wasn't expecting it, and cried-out in pleasure.

; ; Tavra held two of them high by their throats against the wall, ; hungrily devouring their lifeforces at the same time. The last ; vestiges of them flowed into her, and she dropped them, still ; breathing heavily from the intense pleasure of the dark feast. As per ; her request, they had been bathing in the power of these unfortunate ; soldiers all day, and there were many more barracading themselves ; inside the keep. The courtyard was strewn with their fallen corpses, ; broken weapons, and debris. Tavra surveyed the scene and realized that ; most of the kills were hers. If they kept up this pace, the two of ; them could destroy entire armies by themselves. She grew lustful at ; the thought of draining so many people and began looking for her next ; victim, but it looked as though everyone were dead already. Across the ; courtyard she sensed what she wanted - living beings that would suit ; her needs. She also heard Jynn moaning loudly from that ; direction. Hoping that Jynn had left something for her, she rushed ; over with unearthly speed, finding Jynn already taking the energies of ; two soldiers at once. Tavra spotted a third soldier trying to play ; dead amongst the others, and instantly she was upon him.

; ; "Please...no!" he said, trying to fight her off. He was strong, but ; her strength had grown immensely since she had last tested it. He held ; up his hand, catching her in the chest and trying to stop her from ; getting any closer, but she was too strong for him. She grappled his ; arm and pushed slightly - hearing it snap as he screamed made her ; smile. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and began to ; siphon his lifeforce into her. The experience was still as pleasurable ; as the first time, causing her to close her eyes tightly and open her ; mouth wide. Her fingers straighened until only her palms were making ; contact with his skin, and she found she could slow the rate at which ; she drew in his energy. She took her time, reveling in the power ; surging through her.

; ; Jynn finished-off her victims and surveyed the tower. She sensed the ; life force inside, guessing there to be almost a hundred more soldiers ; in there, surely they had blockaded themselves in by now.

; ; In an effort to protect their lord, the warriors in the courtyard had ; moved the wagon in front of the door and overturned it. Back when it ; happened, Jynn saw them doing this, and giggled at the strain on their ; faces as they flipped the wagon over, knowing that she would easily be ; able to toss it out of the way as if it were no more than a bag of ; feathers. They were good warriors, loyal too, but they were absolutely ; no match for Jynn and Tavra. Their weapons mostly broke when used ; against Jynn and they passed straight through Tavra. Some of them ; tried using their fists, but that had little effect, as their great ; strength turned any fisticuffs into a one-sided battle. Jynn reveled ; in the conquering of these men - she felt like a village bully who was ; overpowering legions of smaller children for sheer amusement. Still, ; she wondered how they would get inside the tower - beating on the ; doors could take all day, and the keep had already sounded the call ; for reinforcements. No, they had to find another way in if they were ; to continue their feast.

; ; She hadn't planned it all to go this way. They originally seduced ; their way into the barracks, offering themselves up as whores for the ; enjoyment of the warriors. The fucking and draining was wonderful, but ; then Tavra seemed to get greedy, and began draining them as they came ; in. Some of them noticed this and sounded the alarm. From then on it ; was a constant battle. Still, the energies they had gathered here ; today would serve them well in Elezan, as Jynn was familiar with the ; dangers that lurked in the city there.

; ; After finishing her victim, Tavra turned to examine the tower as ; well. A random arrow from an arrow slit passed right through her head, ; signaling that the warriors inside were still trying to ; resist. Annoyed, Tavra went to the wagon and tore-off a large portion ; of its side. Hefting it under her arm as if it were a ram, she charged ; the doors, causing them to buckle slightly as she made impact. Jynn ; realized the genius at work and picked-up the remaining portions of ; the wagon, ripping off pieces to form a primitive but large battering ; ram. She tore bits off with no effort - her fingers simply grasped a ; chunk of wood and dug in, allowing her to precisely flake-away ; pieces. Tavra backed-up and took another charge at the doors, which ; buckled only slightly again.

; ; "Help me with this, dear." Jynn asked. Her voice still had a politely ; commanding quality about it, as a mentor's voice should be. The got on ; opposide sides of the large battering ram Jynn had fashioned and ; charged the doors. Their incredible strength and speed caused the ; doors to buckle even more, sending splinters flying from it. With such ; a palpable hit they both stopped for a moment in shock - it was ; obviously a very well-made set of doors to withstand such ; punishment. Quickly they backed up and began to charge again. The ; second attempt was a bit slower, as Jynn was slightly distracted by ; the bouncing of Tavra's breasts as she ran. They were so large and ; perfectly-shaped, and the manner in which they moved drew her in - she ; had never seen breasts like that, nor had she seen them move so ; gracefully. This time the impact chipped a chunk of wood off the door, ; which was all Jynn needed.

; ; Dropping her side of the battering ram, she grabbed at the place where ; the chunk had come off, sinking her fingers in and using it as a ; handhold. Placing her other hand on the door, she ripped a large ; portion away, revealing a dimly-lit room inside. Both of them attacked ; the doors ferociously and with great speed, tearing-away at them with ; a mixture of conviction, power, and feral rage which would frighten ; most men.

; ; It didn't take long for them to destroy the door, only to find an iron ; portcullis behind it. Beyond that was a man dressed in rich red robes, ; holding a sword, most likely the lord of the keep. Beside him stood ; several guards, well armed and in plate-mail, and behind them was a ; small team of archers, bows at the ready.

; ; "Stop! What is it you want from us? Name it and I will give it to ; you!" spoke the noble, his speech not showing any obvious sign of ; fear.

; ; "We want your lifeforce, fool, and we will take it from you whether ; you give it or not!" hissed Tavra as she gripped the portcullis and ; began trying to bend it. She strained and gritted her teeth, and the ; bars began to move slowly apart. At the sight of this, some of the ; guards took a step back, but the noble stood his ground - she was ; beautiful even in her rage. Jynn only smiled at her lovely companion, ; for she could not have replied with a better answer.

; ; "Then I challenge one of you to a duel!" Arvord said, raising his ; sword and his head so he looked slightly down at them. Tavra stopped ; bending, a slight look of bewilderment came across her face.

; ; "What are the terms? You know your weapons cannot harm us, and we are ; strong enough to rip a man to shreds - what could you possibly ; challenge us with?" Jynn spurted, smiling widely. There was a brief ; pause before her enemy answered.

; ; "Your friend and I make love. Whoever reaches their climax first ; loses. The winner takes whatever they want from the loser. If I win, ; you must both serve me forever, doing everything I ask."

; ; "As I said, you are a fool. Nothing can stop me from bending these ; bars and taking your lifeforce anyway!" Tavra chuckled as she spoke, ; gripping the bars once more as if to continue her work.

; ; "Ah, but if it is lifeforce you want, then I know of a place in the ; forest where you can find a large amount of it." he responded, ; smiling. Another pause ensued, Tavra looked at Jynn, who only smiled ; and raised her eyebrows. "That is the second part of the challenge - ; that if I reach my climax first, I will agree to lead you there, in ; person."

; ; Tavra let go of the bars and backed-up a step. Jynn followed, coming ; in close to speak.

; ; "He obviously wants you, my dear. He doesn't understand that women ; don't have sex the same way as men do - that we don't cum for just ; anyone. Besides, I'll show you a little trick." Jynn whispered, ; smiling widely and nodding with the excitement of a child.

; ; Tavra looked at her quizzically, raising an eyebrow in ; disbelief. "Trust me my dear - we have nothing to lose! He wants you, ; it's obvious! He'll probably cum the moment he touches you! Besides, ; either way it goes, we can just drain him at our leisure!" Jynn ; continued, taking her companion's hand in hers. Tavra shifted her gaze ; to the floor, deep in thought. She remembered the boy at the brothel, ; and how attracted he was to her, and then she looked back at the ; noble.

; ; "Sir noble, you have a deal. Name the time and place and you will feel ; a climax..." She ran her hands down to her crotch and paused slightly ; to gently finger her labia. "...mmmmnh, like no other." Every man in ; the room immediately began to grow hard at that sight - some even ; lowered their weapons and glared at her in awe.

; ; Trying to retain his composure at such a marvelous sight, Ahgran ; quickly spoke "Ten minutes, in my room, at the top of the tower! My ; men shall escort you there. No tricks."

; ; Tavra continued to lightly finger her pussy lips, now moving her left ; hand up to her breasts. Feeling herself, she tilted her head back ; slightly and drowsily closed her eyes, letting out a long ; "Yeeeesssss...." She stopped suddenly and gave him a look of desire, ; putting her already wet finger to her mouth and placing it between her ; teeth. The two women turned and slowly stepped-out into the courtyard, ; giggling. Every guard in the room suddenly caught themselves ; masturbating to her motions, and quickly stopped, some a little slower ; than others though.

; ; The Baron left the room, obviously aroused. He could feel the wetness ; in his pants already, and the anticipation caused his heart to ; race. "Bring me the Gosharb Dust." He quietly commanded a ; lieutenant. Ahgran knew that the rare and magical dust was normally ; used to ritually prepare for a battle, but in this case, it would give ; his mind greater focus so that he would not cum when faced with his ; adversary's goddess-like good looks.

; ; Outside Jynn turned to her travelling companion and excitedly said ; "That was FABULOUS Tavra! Did you see?! Did you see that every man in ; there was pleasuring themselves to what you were doing?! You own them ; already! All of them! Oh I'm so proud!" She wanted to hug her ; companion tightly, but something inside of her feared that would be ; crossing that hazy mentor-student line.

; ; "Yeah, I...wow, were they really?" She replied, somewhat shocked at ; her own abilities. Jynn nodded quickly, showing great enthusiasm. "I ; was really focusing on the noble in there, not the rest....so...what's ; this 'trick' you were going to show me?"

; ; "Well, first off, I know that he's got access to some magic dust which ; he will use to stop himself from cumming. Your job, obviously, is to ; make him WANT to cum so badly that he does so regardless of how much ; control he has. You know how good it feels when you take energy from ; someone - that's just a side effect of new energy entering your ; body. We not only have the ability to force energy out of others, but ; also to force it from us INTO others... do you see where I'm going ; with this?"

; ; Tavra's eyes grew wide and she began to grin slightly. "I see - that's ; how we once gave the stolen energy to those beings that made us!"

; ; "Exactly. Now, regardless of how much control he has, his mind can't ; stop some bodily reactions, and if you were to give him energy, his ; body would react...." She nodded as she spoke. "Just remember to do it ; before YOU cum, and remember what I said - funnel the energy to him ; through his genitals or his tongue, or both. There's no WAY he can ; resist then."

; ; "I'm not sure...how do I...well I know how to drain energy from ; people, but I don't know how to GIVE it away."

; ; "Easy. You just will it into them. However much you want. Give him a ; short, intense burst. It's not like we can't take it back later." ; There was an evil grin on her face as she spoke - Tavra could see ; devious plans forming in Jynn's eyes, but she did not shy away from ; that - it was her request that they come here in the first place, and ; she was the one who had intended to kill every man here.

; ; Tavra nodded and looked towards the tower, then back at Jynn. "Well, I ; think I'll go a bit early." Jynn nodded and the two stepped back ; inside. The portcullis was raised and there was a small detachment of ; guards there barring the way to the stairs. At their approach, two of ; them nodded and stepped aside. Tavra began to ascend the stairs, ; leaving Jynn with the guards.

; ; At the top of the tower, Baron Arvord had finished snorting a long ; line of his mind dust. He carefully brushed-away the brownish-olive ; remains from his nose and began to set his bedroom up for the coming ; ecstasy. As he did so, his mind cleared, and his thoughts turned once ; again to his wife. Though the past few years had been difficult, she ; was entirely different from this other woman - she would not hurt him ; or his men, nor would she ever be as beautiful. Arvord attempted to ; shake any desire for this woman from his mind, focusing instead upon ; his lovely wife. They had been together for almost ten years, and even ; in troubled times he never looked at another woman in this way, but ; this one had some strange and obviously magical hold over him. No, he ; would not be forced into anything. She would not control him, for he ; had done it - he had forced all lust for her out of his mind. As soon ; as she reached her climax, he'd force her to leave and never ; return. There was no way he could ever cum for this woman.

; ; "My liege, your...appointment has arrived." spoke one of his door ; guards. Before he could respond, she had effortlessly pushed her way ; past him and strode into the room, still naked. She slinked towards ; him, placing one foot slowly in front of the other, her hands sliding ; up and down her thighs.

; ; "My liege... I like that. Surely a powerful man such as yourself has a ; name. What is it?"

; ; All trace of control slipped from his mind as she spoke. Once again he ; felt his pants dampen in anticipation, and his mouth gape in awe. His ; heart raced and he felt a strange weakness mixed with uncontrollable ; excitement inside him - he was going to have this woman, victory or ; not, he would have his way with her at least once.

; ; "Baron Ahgran Arvord...and you are?" he spoke, attempting to regain ; his composure.

; ; "I am called Tavra...shall we... get started?" She was close to him ; now, asserting her will against his. There was no way to know if he as ; resisting, as she was still quite new to her powers, but she could ; tell he was not as in control as he would like to be.

; ; "Y-yes. First, I shall oil you." He grabbed an intricate glass bottle ; in the shape of a bird, filled with a clear substance. It was a clever ; maneuver, she thought, for him to try arousing her first by touch.

; ; "No, I think I shall oil you." She concentrated hard, grasping the ; bottle and his will at the same time, wrenching them both from him. He ; stood stunned as she removed his pants, leaving them down by his ; ankles, and began rubbing the oil onto his body. At first he wanted to ; resist, as it was unwise for him to allow her to arouse him so, but ; something was stopping him - something very base and animalistic ; wanted her to serve him in such a way. The sensation of her hands ; smoothly running across his body only made him want her more - he ; summoned all of his faculties to resist taking her right then, ; violently, forcefully. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up ; his resistance, but if he gave in, he would surely lose the challenge.

; ; "Enough! .....We....ahhhh...." He inhaled deeply and regained some ; control as he continued. "Enough taunting.....on your back, wench!" ; His words were strong and commanding, but the tone only served to ; anger Tavra.

; ; "No milord, I think you want to cum.....yes...right now....." She ; spoke softly, with less authority, but with more power. Once again she ; pinned his will to the floor with her own, forcefully accessing his ; desire. She had reached his genitals and was just starting to oil ; them, gently running her hands up and down his shaft while her other ; hand moved along his scrotum. For some reason, she had expected more ; from a noble - she thought he would be much, much larger than an ; ordinary man, not the same size. Waves of pleasure began to build in ; him, and though he wanted to cry out in anger and resistance, he could ; do nothing but writhe in rapture.

; ; Tavra channeled some of her power through her hands and into ; him. Arvord felt curiously awake and stronger, yet less ; in-control. His body had taken-over, and he found himself a slave to ; it - where once he was the chariot driver, he was now only a ; passenger. He stood and watched in slow motion with a mix of terror ; and ecstasy as he shot cum into the air. A tide of bliss washed over ; him, pleasing him as never before. The next surge came and he fired a ; second burst of his seed, this time it landed on her shoulder. Again ; the feeling overtook his body, and his third shot dribbled onto her ; breasts. He growled loudly, almost screaming - in all his experience ; with hundreds of women, none of them had ever made him feel this ; way. As the orgasm passed he sprayed his remaining load onto her leg ; and the floor.

; ; Tavra smiled up at him and then looked at the semen slowly making its ; way down her torso. "I guess this means I win...." She looked back up ; at him, still massaging his organ, but her face contorted in ; pleasure. Arvord suddenly felt weaker again, more than before. Her ; face was so lovely in that position that he almost didn't realize what ; she was doing. Tavra gasped as she slowly siphoned a little more than ; what she gave him back into her. The feeling of complete control ; filled her with lust, and she wanted to take it all, but she wanted to ; enjoy it. Thus, she began to slowly drink-in his essence.

; ; "No! Stop! That was NOT the deal! We were supposed to make love! You ; haven't won yet!" He cried-out, still feeling the after-effects of an ; almost crippling orgasm.

; ; Tavra's lungs filled as she slowly inhaled the air, and his ; energy. "Ahhhh, but you climaxed.....ahhhh...." The Baron realized he ; didn't have long until she absorbed all of his energy, but something ; within him strangely wanted to give it to her. She suddenly stopped, ; and her half-closed eyes opened all the way. "Fine, get on and let's ; get this over with." She angrily got on her back and spread her legs.

; ; The Baron saw his chance - though tired, he could still pull a victory ; out of this. He had made love to hundreds, perhaps thousands of women, ; and had experience beyond measure at pleasing them. Besides, it was ; obvious that she didn't understand how men had sex - he had just ; climaxed a few moments ago, and his body needed a short rest to ; recuperate before he could cum again. Smiling, he squatted before her ; and guided his shaft in with his hands.

; ; Tavra bit her lower lip and squinted as he entered her. Though there ; was no attraction for him, the feeling of a man filling her always ; made her wince. He thrusted, slowly at first, panting as he feigned ; ecstasy - she too faked the feeling and response, but as his hands ; roamed her body, she found his experience had put her on the defensive ; as her body reacted in spite of her mind. He stopped to turn her on ; her side, placing one of her legs on his shoulder. Continuing his ; thrusting, he slowly moved his hand to her ass - he could feel his ; body aroused again, and his will would not last long, even reinforced ; by the magical dust. He executed what he considered his "prize move" : ; he gently probed her anus with his fingers, massaging and playing with ; it. Though this would not make her cum by itself, he knew it would ; bring her many steps closer. Tavra gasped and shut her eyes tightly at ; this - her body was still that of a human, and it was very aroused now ; - there was no doubt that he knew what he was doing to her. Each ; thrust into her gave her undeniable pleasure as she began a rapid ; climb to orgasm. She knew she had to claim victory now or she might ; not have the focus in a few seconds.

; ; Again she opened her energy to him, giving as much as she could for a ; few brief seconds. Ahgran was filled with power - he uncontrollably ; came again, firing everything he could into her. He howled with ; pleasure, mixed with rage, and rammed as hard as he could, clawing at ; her thighs and breasts almost violently. He felt strong once more, ; both physically and mentally - new power rushed through him, centered ; in his genitals. His penis throbbed with delight as he continued ; leaving is seed in her. Tavra had begun to climax as well, and with ; that, draw the energy she had given him back into her. Though he had ; already cum, he found himself unable to stop thrusting into her as her ; face strained and she cried-out.

; ; He stopped thrusting just as she was finishing-up. Panting, she ; realized that he was unconscious, perhaps dead. As her head cleared, ; she realized that he was indeed still alive, but was dangerously low ; on life energy. Tavra allowed some of her own to flow back into ; him. After a few seconds he began to stir once again, groaning ; softly. She used her strength to lift him off of her and stand up, ; feeling revitalized. His motions had smeared some of the cum on her ; body, but she wanted a few drops to remain visible on her shoulder and ; dripping down her inner thigh, as a sign of his weakness - it would ; humiliate him in front of his men. Picking him up by his armpits, she ; pulled his face in close to hers.

; ; "You lost, Baron! Now you will watch as I drink the lifeforce of every ; one of your remaining men, slowly. Then you will honor your words and ; lead us to this fountain of lifeforce in the woods."

; ; "No, my men....they were not part of the deal....you ; can't...please..." he pleaded weakly, still trying to catch his ; breath.

; ; "Wrong. You said that the winner could take whatever they want from ; the loser. Now, do you prefer to watch, or shall I leave you here to ; prepare for our journey?" Her words carried with them a venom which ; frightened him. To these women, he and his men were nothing more than ; weak cattle, and they were very powerful wolves.

; ; "I will...do whatever you ask...but please...may I make one ; request...please?"

; ; "Name it and I shall consider it." She moved him to the bed and ; dropped him.

; ; "Please...I will watch you kill my men if that is...if that is what ; you wish....but please spare my...my wife." Tavra could tell he was on ; the verge of tears as he spoke. She wanted him to watch as they ; feasted upon the energies of each of his men, and there was little one ; woman could do to harm them...or so she thought.

; ; "You will watch? You ARE a wretched human being - surely not a 'noble' ; of any sort. You have a deal!" She smiled as she helped him up. "Now, ; shall we?" She began to lead him downstairs.

; ; ********

; ; "Ahhhh....yeeeeessss....it feeeeelssss....so....goooood....mmmmnh...." ; Tavra enjoyed taunting the Baron, making him watch as his men died ; meaningless deaths at his orders. She held the man by the back of his ; neck, face-first against the wall as he squirmed. As slowly as she ; could, she absorbed his energies, looking back at the Baron, slightly ; exaggerating as she grimaced in pleasure.

; ; Baron Arvord wanted to feel remorse, or even pity, but he couldn't. He ; could only look on in fascination as the vision of beauty before him ; bathed in decadent ecstasy. She had done something vile to him, and he ; understood it. Standing there, naked before his own servants, he had ; become her servant, and even worse, a large part of him wanted that.

; ; Indeed, there were many things floating-around in his head - his mind ; had become a soup of desire, hatred, disgust, and fear. In the center ; of it all was her, and through all the rage he felt for his current ; situation, he could not help but lust again for her body.

; ; She dropped the lifeless husk and breathed deeply, smiling at the ; Baron. Across the room she heard Jynn whimper as she enjoyed her ; victim's essence. The last servant came up the stairs carrying several ; sacks and a backpack. He set them down behind the Baron and spoke.

; ; "Sire, your travelling equipment is ready."

; ; "Good, have you sent my wife on her way?" His eyes remained locked ; with Tavra's as he spoke.

; ; "Yes sire. She wanted to see you, but I told her -"

; ; "You have done well. Thank you. I want to tell you that I could not ; have asked for better servants, and that no matter what happens after ; this, you will always remain in my thoughts. Do not fear, for one ; day....servant?"

; ; While he spoke, the servant had moved in front of him and towards ; Tavra. Part of him wanted to curse her, but he was too fascinated at ; the sight of the servant gripping the girl's breasts and suckling on ; one. She tilted her head up and closed her eyes - he could tell that ; his words had fallen on deaf ears.

; ; "Ahhhhh...I feel....his lifeforce....flowing....out of ; him.....and....into me....making me...stronger...mmmnh...." She locked ; her arms around him and turned so that the Arvord could still see her ; face. The servant went limp but she continued to drain him, reveling ; in the power.

; ; As she dropped the body, she noticed the Baron was pleasuring himself ; too. She took delight in this, and smiled as she looked down at his ; hand sliding down his shaft. As her gaze shifted, Arvord realized what ; he had been doing, and quickly stopped. She looked back up at him, her ; face half-pouting, half-smiling, and then walked around him.

; ; Something within him snapped - he regained control once again, fully ; realizing all that had happened. On the wall beside him he saw his ; father's sword, an ancient blade, rumored to have slain a dragon - ; maybe it could harm her. He grabbed it and spun - Tavra was still ; walking towards the stairs, unaware of any danger. He lunged at her, ; swinging for her neck.

; ; He grinned slightly as he connected - the sword passed through her ; neck cleanly, encountering no resistance as it sliced through bone and ; sinew. He had overcompensated though, swinging too hard and having to ; turn halfway before taking a look at his handiwork.

; ; Tavra was standing there, unharmed, with her hands on her hips, giving ; him a look of tired annoyance. He looked down at the sword and found ; that there as no blood on it or the floor - the blade had gone right ; through her! With amazing speed, she made a grab for the sword, but ; the Baron anticipated her move and was able to deftly swing his arm ; under hers. He watched as the sword went right through her side, ; leaving no mark, as if she had no more substance than the air he ; breathed.

; ; Annoyed, she made a grab for his arm which he was not able to ; avoid. Her mammoth strength held him tightly, causing him to grit his ; teeth and grimace in pain. Something instinctive inside of him told ; him to release the sword, for his own safety, but he defiantly held ; on. She put her other hand on his shoulder and grasped him ; hard. Unable to resist her might, he cried-out and fell to his knees, ; still gripping the sword. Angered, she looked down at him and spoke.

; ; "Arvord, I'm only going to tell you once. Let go of the sword."

; ; As she spoke, she loosened her grip and he looked up at her. When his ; eyes met her breasts all resistance faded. His arm went limp and ; despite his urge to rebel, he heard the sword clamor on the ; ground. She let go of him and picked up the sword, he sunk forward and ; held his arm. Tavra examined the sword and looked at him "Nice piece ; of work. Don't know WHY you'd think that it could hurt me though."

; ; He was still mesmerized by the sight of her, half with a lustful ; appetite to have her again and half with a remorseful rage. He watched ; as she bent the sword tip to handle, then folded it again like a piece ; of paper. She threw the glob of metal across the room and looked down ; at him menacingly.

; ; "Now, Baron, for that little display, you're going to burn down your ; own fortress."

; ; Ahgran wanted to cry. He wanted to feel the wave of remorse and anger ; wash over him. He wanted to feel anything but attraction to this woman ; who had broken him, but her haunting beauty gripped his mind as she ; did his body.

; ; He slowly rose and moved towards a torch on the wall...

; ; End of Part 1 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4] ; ;

; ; ; ; © Flesh Goddess
; fleshgoddess@hotmail.com
; ;
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