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Parkland Mall

(For ReadyArt )

The crowds were still gathering outside the monolithic grey-white building on the edge of town, scaffolding on one side still standing, the paved square still covered in greasy mud and dirt covering up the giant tile mosaic of the town's logo, expectant faces reflected in the blue/green mirrored glass of the building's face, a large sign over the entrance covered by a cloth festooned with ribbons and balloons.


A stage stood off to the side of the closed entrance doors, a band behind it, its members fidgeting with their instruments.

A man dressed in a natty 3-piece suit walked up the stage to the waiting microphone at the front, and behind him, the band burst into a happy marching tune, setting the crowd cheering.

At the back of the large cheering crowd, a trio of black clad women were sitting on one of the cold concrete barriers separating the large plaza in front of the building from the carefully sculpted park around it.

One of them, sitting on the barrier, resting her head on her knees, shook her head, a scornful look on her face.

"What's the matter, Lily," the second asked, also sitting on the barrier, legs dangling down, her knee-high lace-up boots visible from under the hem of her dress, "you're not excited at the opening of the latest addition to our great little town ?"

Lily threw her head back, her long mane of raven hair billowing out, a short barking laugh of derision escaping her throat.

"Oh yes, I'm excited," she said, her voice full of sarcasm, "at seeing just how many faceless and content-free chain stores and franchises they packed in that ugly concrete and glass box they had some enterprising property developer plunk down in what used to be the town park."

"Then why are you even here today," the third asked, fruitlessly trying to get her stringy black hair to part equally left and right.

"On the off-chance that there are any semi-useful stores. I could really do with a few new dresses - ever since they 'redeveloped' Main Street with the new shops and so most of the small storeowners gave up and left."

The other two nodded assent.

"And besides," Lily's pale face lit up in a wide grin, "talking trash about the new mall and its contents is going to be fun, not ?"

The other two smiled, then looked over the heads of the expectant crowd as the man in the suit had reached the front of the stage.


Looking terribly official, the man in the three piece suit looked over the large assembled crowd in front of him and smiled patronizingly.

Tapping the microphone, the happy marching tune died and the cheering crowds fell silent.

"Ahem - is this thing on ? Ah yes. Well then, ladies - gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to the new Parkland Shopping Experience, so gracefully constructed by Bigstone Development & Property for us here, in our cozy small town, and populated with the finest stores our nation has to offer.

Unfortunately, neither Mr. Bigstone nor any of the company representatives were able to make it here today, therefore, on my authority as Mayor of our beautiful town Valleyville, I declare this latest addition opened!"

The man pressed a button on a column next to the microphone, and with a pair of loud bangs, confetti and balloons flew up into the air, and the cloth in front of the sign dropped away, revealing the building title while guards inside the building were unlocking the front doors and the crowd began surging forwards through the doors, while the band began playing another tune.


"Well, I haven't seen anything unexpected, have either of you two ?"

The three of them were sitting around a back staircase, Lily looked at both her friends.

"Well, they got a Sundollar Tea Store on the third floor," one said, still trying to comb out her hair.

"Oooh great, a Sundollar Slurping Shack! Pay double the price for half a cup of day-old warmed-over sewage. Great find, Sybil."

They all laughed, but there was no mirth in it.

"You walked around this place, Hecate, find anything at all ?"

"No non-franchise store in here so far," she said, while re-lacing her boots, "I saw a Wool-Mart, which takes up half of the ground floor and most of the first, the rest of the ground floor is that vehicle dealer and the entrance - the second floor's taken by Fun-R-You Toys, Regal Jewelry, Garmany Suit & Dress, National Surplus, and the third floor has a bunch of food and booze joints - I saw that Sundollar, Kaliforn Juice & Fruit, Sanders Chicken, Alaska Ice & Cream, and MadCownalds"

"Oh that's just great," Lily moaned, "a bunch of stores you can marvel at the lack of content or the insane prices, and a punch of choke & puke parlors at the top floor."

"Well, there may be more stores, but ..." Sybil hesitated.

"But what," the other two asked in unison.

"But I wouldn't know who would want a store in the basement."

They looked at each other.

Finally, Lily stood up. "Hecate, can you show us where that basement is ?"


"Over there," she whispered, gesturing to a roped-off stairwell at one end of the mall, re-checking her shoelaces for the umpteenth time.

"You're sure about this," Sybil asked quietly, throwing another long lock of stringy black hair over her shoulder, "it just looks like it leads into the area still under construction."

"I say we just go have a look," Lily said firmly, planting her hands on her firm hips, thrusting out her chest, "we've got nothing to lose."

Furtively, they looked around, and one by one they darted across the passage, into the dark stairwell that seemed to beckon them.

Quietly, they crept down the first stairs to the landing.

Beneath them, light flickered at the bottom of the stairs and warm air scented with incense wafted up at them.

Curious, they left the halfway landing, but instead of walking down a block concrete staircase with a tubular metal rail, the stair was made of finely hewn stone and the railing made of ornately wrought iron, the two blending into each other at the landing.

"What's going on here," Sybil said, quietly but her voice trembling, "this almost looks like magic."

"That's because it is," a voice said, and they jumped in fright.

"W-who are you," Sybil asked, her voice shaking.

A bepectacled woman wearing iridescent purple robes appeared at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at the three women in a heap on the stairs.

"Oh dear," she said, "I'm so sorry - didn't intend to scare you. Come on down, there's nothing to fear."

Disentangling from each other, the three carefully descended the stairs into what looked like a medieval dungeon lined on either side with shops and stores, winding into the darkness.

"Welcome to the Beneath Bazaar, the finest place to shop - if you're looking for anything magical that is. I'm Mathilda Margridson, and I can tell you, having that new development put right on top of us was a right pain until we managed to ... ah, that's not your concern. Can I perchance help you with anything," she asked, sliding into a small booth next to the bottom of the staircase, a sign with a large 'i' above it, "oh yes," she continued, "lest I forget - here, take these, ladies," and she handed each of them a roll of parchment and what looked like a key, "that's a map of this place and the key to enter - you are so lucky I spotted you and revealed the entrance," the three looked at each other in wonder, "because I think it would have been a shame for three young pretty witches to miss out on the beauty of this place. Move along now, please."


They walked down the flagstoned hall, passing numerous weird shops and stores along the way before coming out on a large square from which more streets radiated outwards, and finding a quiet corner, they sat down.

"I can't believe this place," Lily said.

"So," Hecate said, "I wonder, are we really witches, or did that woman at the entrance confuse us for them because of how we look ?"

"I'm inclined to think the latter," Sybil said.

"I wonder what would happen if they found out we're not witches," Lily said darkly, "would they just throw us out or do something horrible ?"

"Neither, since you have already been granted access - you did get a key and a map, did you not ? So at this point, your status is irrelevant."

They looked up to what they assumed was a wizard, dressed in ornate red robes, sitting on another bench.

"So we ..."

"Can always come shop here in the Beneath Bazaar yes. Don't worry, the shopkeepers do accept your money, and they won't bite you, though some may bark a little, even if you're not a witch or wizard. There are just two rules. One, keep the knowledge of this place to yourselves and two, enter only if you cannot be seen."

"But we're ..."

"Not witches ? Like I said, that's irrelevant. Mathilda, bless her heart, has granted you access to this place, and her judgment is usually sound."

"So, um, we ..."

"Yes, you can shop around, although I would advise you to take care with your purchases from here. People up above can react rather strangely. Clothes are fine - yours look like they may have come from here, mostly, but some of the more ... unusual items ... might attract more attention than you may be prepared to deal with. Have a good day, ladies."

The wizard got up and in a poof of white smoke, vanished.


They set off to explore the strange bazaar, passing stores with everything from the apparently mundane to the clearly magical, from a shop stocking clothes - they all bought themselves several sets of what looked like medieval black dresses - to one filled with flying devices, ranging from classic brooms to vacuum cleaners, from a shop specializing in enchanted items to one dealing in magical books, and even, one with a cleverly hidden but obvious entrance and exit, dealing in magical sex aids.

But it was the small dark store in a side alley near the magical sex shop that Lily stopped at and found interesting, its strange shop window filled with strange devices and objects - statuettes of feminine figures, large curved horns lying on faded velvet cushions, a small doll resembling a pincushion, a tarnished oil lamp, and to top it off, a black hide-bound book with a leering face on the cover that grinned savagely at them.

"I don't like this place," Sybil said, looking up at the forbidding door, the posts on either side decorated with leering gargoyles, holding up a carved, faded lintel that must've been inscribed with the store's name.

"Neither do I," Hecate said, "there's something creepy about it - more so than some of the other stores. But there's definitely something very interesting about it."

Lily didn't answer, but stepped through the door, but instead of walking into a small, cramped store, she found herself on a landing of a stair that led downwards. Determined, she set off, carefully negotiating the narrow stone steps, some of which were broken and chipped.

She counted over sixty steps to the bottom, and found herself in the lower corner of a large stone room, filled with racks like a supermarket, an upper level encircling the perimeter of the room with a few bridges, also lined with racks and stands, crossing overhead, a checkout counter at the far end where an elderly woman was sitting in a rocking chair, engrossed in a book titled "Artifacts of the Sixth Circle"


Entranced, they walked around the racks, looking at a range of strange devices and artifacts, no labels, prices or anything to be seen.

"Can I help you, dear," a voice croaked, and Lily saw the elderly woman from behind the checkout counter stand behind her.

"Well, I don't know, I guess - I guess we're just browsing."

"Nobody comes to this place just to browse, honey. You come here to fulfill a dream, a wish, a desire. I'll help you sort out yours."

The woman shuffled down the racks, up the stairs to the upper level, beckoning Lily to follow her, the other two falling in behind her as the old woman shambled onto one of the creaking bridges crossing the room, her head swiveling from left to right, muttering under her breath, talking to herself, "where is it, where did I put it, yes, I know what they need to have, but where, oh where did I put it ..."

The trio looked at each other, looks of puzzlement, a little fear and humor passing between them as they followed the woman on her search.

Finally, she stopped at an imposing black cabinet in a corner and nodded.

Fumbling in her pocket she pulled out a rusty ring of keys, ranging in size from tiny to huge, from shiny to rusty, from glass to paper, but most were made of metal. She picked a large, glassy key that looked like it was carved from black stone, removed it from the ring and opened the cabinet.

The doors swung open, and they saw its shelves were filled with strange objects, and they moved, shivering on their shelves, a few even bouncing impatiently up and down as the old woman's pointed finger ran past them, down the shelves, still muttering to herself, obviously trying to find a specific object. Suddenly, about half way the cabinet, she snapped the doors shut, locked it back up and scurried off, mumbling, "Of course ... of course - that's where I put it - how silly of me - of course ..."

Puzzled, the three women followed the old woman, down the stairs, to the counter, she vanished down a corridor behind it that said STAFF ONLY, until she emerged again, 5 minutes later, holding a black wooden box, which she set on the counter.

"What's that," Lily inquired.

"Everything you want and more, sweetheart."

"We probably can't afford it," Hecate said sourly looking at the fine finish on the engravings, "and we don't know what's inside."

"It's only six dollars, sixty six cents, sweetie - and you look like you really could use it," the shopkeeper replied, looking up and down the trio, her eyes twinkling in delight, no, anticipation.

"Well now, that's worth taking a chance for," Sybil said, pulling out her wallet and rummaging around, picking coins out.

"I'll pay," Lily said, suddenly, her wallet open and the exact change just sliding in her hand, the coins tinkling in the pewter dish on the counter next to the cash register, and the shopkeeper rang up the sale, packed the box in a black silken carry bag and handed it over.

"How do I ..."

"Use this ? Dear, it will come naturally. And unnaturally, too."

As they climbed back up the stairs, Lily thought she could hear the old shopkeeper cackling in glee.


"So, what's in that box we - you - bought at that strange store ?"

Sybil stood in the bathroom, facing the mirror, brushing out her hair with a Truform-Comb she had bought, delighted that her usual troubleborne hair fell straight where she wanted it, gathering it behind her head and putting a clasp on so it would remain in place.

"I haven't looked yet," Lily admitted, midway through undressing, kicking off her boots, "but I'll look in a sec."

"Sounds fair," Hecate said, rummaging through her wardrobe, throwing out a pair of high heel boots, "because I'll admit I'm curious as well. And especially those strange comments that old tart made - about us having a use for it, and it coming naturally or not."

They all stopped and looked at each other.

Lily, undressed apart from a black string, bounded across their sleeping den, her soft, floppy boobs flying, to where the bag stood.

"You love doing that, don't you," Sybil said acidly, folding her arms over her nearly flat chest, only her rather large nipples marking her as female on her chest.

"Oh please Sybil - not this again," Hecate moaned, still sorting through her wardrobe, dressed in a slip, top and socks.

"Well, at least you two have boobs," Sybil whined.

"Oh yeah, like I can be proud of mine," Hecate said sarcastically, turning around, and lifting her top, revealing two small pale bumps on her chest each topped by a smaller, brown protrusion, "at least you have nipples."

"It's still better than my lot," Sybil shot back.

"You act like I'm happy," Lily said softly, staring down, "I don't recall liking being so fat, ever."

"You're not fat," Hecate said tenderly, "you're just, well..."

"Heavily-built, yeah," Lily fought tears, "well, that's just a nice sounding excuse for calling someone fat."

Sybil dropped her head, "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's OK," Lily said, "we're all just tired and pissed at the new mall."

"But you got to admit what's under there is pretty cool," Hecate said, eyes lighting up.

"Speaking of," Lily said, carrying the box over and setting it between them, "let's have a look what's in this thing."


They sat down around the mysterious black wooden box, covered in intricate geometric carvings, and carefully, Lily opened the top and peered inside.

"Oh, this has got to be a very sick joke," she said, revolted, "no way."

"What's wrong," Hecate asked, and Lily rotated the open box.

In a black velvet tray laid three labeled dildo's, bearing their names.

Sybil reached out and took the one with her name from the box.

"What're you doing, put it back," Lily said, an expression of loathing on her face, "you're not really going to use that, are you ?"

"Maybe I will," Sybil said, turning it over, the shiny black cylinder feeling warm in her hand, a throbbing ache between her legs, "I mean, come on, we paid for this, didn't we, and it's not like we can return it since we have no receipt, so why not ? We're not eactly saints, are we ?"

Hesitantly, Hecate picked up the smooth black rod bearing her name out of the tray and turned it over in her hands.

"Oh please, not you as well," Lily said, looking disgusted.

"What's your problem," Hecate asked her, "since I recall you doing lots of experiments with these - in various places."

"Yes well," Lily said hesitantly, looking at the lone, forlorn rod in the box, "that was then, and ..."

"Oh come on, don't be such a spoilsport," Sybil said, lowering the thick dildo to her crotch, "remember that time in the dorm room ?"

"Oh, I do," Hecate said, pulling down her slip and gingerly prodding the tip of the dildo at her sex, "it got pretty wild as I recall it."

Lily still hesitated, "yes, well, that it did, but ..." she stopped, staring down into the box, while Sybil moaned and pushed the slick shaft between her legs, and Hecate was rubbing the tip over her clit.

Finally, she stuck out her hand, picked up the device and looked it over.

She felt strange, almost giddy now that she had it in her hand - warm, itchy, excited, like a schoolgirl out to experiment.

Spreading her legs, she ran the tip up and down her nether lips, warmth radiating from wherever she touched it, Sybil was already thrusting the shaft in and out, moaning deeply, Hecate was slowly pushing it inside, intent on just settling it there.

Absentmindedly, Lily let the tip drift up her slit until the point touched her clitoris, the warm sensation speading out from there, her free hand compelled to massage her breasts and ...

Sybil let out a jagged gasp of breath, moaning loudly, followed by Hecate letting out a heaving sigh.

"What's the matter Lily, put it in - it feels great," Hecate moaned.

"Yes Lily," Sybil panted, "put it in."

"I ... I ... don't ... know ..." she said, fingering her breasts with one hand and holding onto the dildo with the other, "is it that good ?"

"No," Hecate said, squirming and sighing, "it's better."

Lily swallowed the block in her throat and slipped the tip between her legs, pushing it in, feeling it slip in as she got wetter and wetter, the searing sensation between her legs throbbing in her entire body, and as the smooth base slipped inside, the mood in the room shifted.

Sybil began to moan, Hecate began to pant, and wave upon wave of heat hit Lily from the inside, concentrating in her abdomen and upper chest regions, and shifting her legs to rub her pussy lips, her body shuddered with the initial orgasm the other two had had.

"You're right," she gasped, "it really is great."

"Yes," Hecate panted, "it feels fantastic - but really weird, too."

"Like what," Lily asked, cupping her soft, saggy breasts and feeling them firmer, and bigger than she could ever remember.

"Well, it's almost like, you know, though that's probably just arousal, but like my tits are bigger."


They looked at each other, and the moment hung uncomfortably in the air, a dead stillness, and then they all laughed nervously.

"Don't be ridiculous," Sybil said, "a good orgasm or being aroused isn't going to make your breasts grow any bigger."

"But this was better than good," Hecate countered, "way better."

Sybil opened her mouth for another retort, but instead, all three of them were knocked flat by an intense wave of lust and another rock-hard and fast orgasm.

Lily had squeezed her voluminous boobs hard, and swore that they grew fuller and firmer in her hands as the orgasm had hit her, and wanted more of it.

"I'm telling you," Hecate said, brushing her hands over her top, gyrating her legs, "my boobs really feel bigger and firmer."

"And I'm telling you," Sybil said, planting her hands on her hips, "that you can't think or judge clearly in this state."

A third wave of orgasm washed over them, quickly followed by a fourth, fith and sixth one.

"Sybil ..." Hecate moaned, "look at your chest - or feel it."

"Like I told you before," Sybil panted, staring daggers at Hecate, "boobs don't grow from having orgasms."

Lily let go of her heavily engorged, firm and full breasts, quite a bit bigger than they were, leaned forward, letting the box fall shut, and grabbed Sybil's left breast, over a handful of firm but pliable flesh.

"Maybe that will bring you to your senses," Lily said as Sybil stared down in shock, and looked around - first at her friend who had grabbed her, then at Hecate, whose boobs were peeking from under her top, the fabric stretched over the top of them, a pair of hard, erect points poking prominent peaks into it.

"Take that off, will you," Lily said sweetly to Hecate, indicating the top, but she refused. "I wanna grow out," she replied, a mad glint in her eyes, gyrating her legs, running her hands over the stiff knobs poking through her top, moaning, sighing, crooning, "more."

Almost as if on command, another wave washed over them, and concentrating against the intense jolt, Lily saw Hecate's breasts push deeper into the top, more flesh poking out from underneath, as another wave came, and it rode up, higher, more cleavage coming into view, fabric rising on the two towering tips rising out of the increasing orbs, as another wave struck, the top clinging onto Hecate's thumb sized nipples, demanding more, pulling down the top hard, until, three waves later, a dreadful ripping sound gave her what she wanted.

"Oh my," said Lily, "you're huge."

Hecate stared down and giggled, swaying her basketball size boobs from side to side, running her fingers over her soda can nipples, grabbing her large puffy aureolae and squeezing it.

"You called me huge did you," she said laughing, "have you two seen yourselves already ?"

Sybil looked down and gave a short scream - her breasts were only a little smaller than Hecate's, but her nipples were just as prominent, probably even more so as they were a deep wine red, but when Lily got up both of them openly ogled at her - she carried a pair of beach balls on her chest - her aureolae were larger and rounder than Sybil's boobs, sagging only slightly, and her formerly dark brown, nearly black nipples were immense, slightly droopy shafts as large as her thighs, each.

"I guess I overdid it a little," Hecate said.


"We look like cows," Sybil said, on the verge of tears.

"Very sexy cows though," Hecate said, snuggling Lily's cavernous cleavage.

"Sybil's right," Lily sighed, enjoying the feeling, but knowing it was just wrong.

Angry, Sybil reached between her legs, "screw it, I've had enough - I'm going to try and sleep, and hopefully when I wake up tomorrow this has all just been a bad dream," and with some effort she pulled out the glistening black dildo, and as she did so, her body returned to normal.

"Sybil, you're ..." Hecate reached between her own legs, and with some effort, flopped hers out of her, her chest dwindling back to normal.

"I don't want to," Lily said, squeezing her legs together.

"You have to," Hecate said firmly, and pushed Lily backwards onto a bed, her ample assets flopping out to either side of her, "Sybil, I might need a hand here," while she forced the legs apart, let Sybil take that over, and reached between them, "sorry, Lily," and pulled the device out, returning Lily to her normal proportion and posture.

Gathering up the three dildo's, she opened the box and threw them inside, slamming the lid shut.

"First thing tomorrow," Hecate said firmly, "I'm taking this thing back."

"But why," Lily said, having come to her senses, "I mean, it didn't do any permanent damage, and besides, it's mine - I paid for it."

"Lily, as much as I liked it - and trust me, I really did, but ... there is something seriously powerful in that box. And I don't think we can handle it."

"Let's just go sleep," Sybil yawned, "it was a good bit of fun - and we'll decide what to do tomorrow, alright ?"


Hecate was the first to wake up the following morning, and hearing Lily and Sybil croon and moan in their sleep didn't make her feel any better.

She stared at the black box at the foot of Lily's bed, wanting to dump it, but Lily had been right - it was hers, so she would decide what was going to happen to it.

Then again, she mused, it had been innocent fun - the moment she'd taken it out she'd returned to normal again.

"That's no garantuee for the next time," she mumbled to herself, still staring at the box, shaking her head and going off to prepare breakfast.

Lily woke to the smell of bacon, eggs and toast, and getting up, she spied the box at the foot of her bed.

"Hecate's right," she thought, "that thing is dangerous. On the other hand we did have fun - we should just have quit while we were ahead, and not let our enthusiasm get us carried away."

Getting dressed, she stole a sidelong glance to the black box, and as she passed it, she pushed it under her bed, then headed for breakfast.

"We need to talk," Hecate said seriously.

"About what," Lily asked between bites.

"About that box! That thing's dangerous!"

"But admit it was fun."

"Yes, well ..."

"We just got carried away, that's all."

"And what garantuees we won't be next time ?"

"The fact we now know what it does ?"

Hecate laughed. "Oh Lily-sweet, you're so naive. That box - I'm sure it hides something we can't begin to understand - or control."

"We just weren't prepared for what would happen," Lily retorted.

"Who says we will be next time ?"

"We'll just take it easy - you know, one at a time. As I recall, it was you that began crying for more."

Hecate nodded. "I know. That's what scares me. I-I'll be honest. I lost it last night. All I wanted was to cum, and cum again."

"You weren't alone there," Sybil said as she walked into the kitchen, grabbing a toast and buttering it, "if you hadn't lost it, I would. I felt that same impulse - to have ... more ..."

Lily stared at both her friends, a range of conflicting emotions rising fast - anger, sadness, sympathy and caring, and much more.

She tried to talk but the words choked in her throat, and Hecate walked over to her and laid a hand on her shoulder, "it's alright."

"It's not alright," Lily spoke softly, "I-I don't know anymore. Maybe we should get rid of that thing - but somehow I want to do it again, only, well, a little more careful - see if we can somehow, you know, gain a little out of it."

They fell quiet and looked at each other again.

"I'm willing to try," Sybil said.

"But Sybil," Hecate started, then faltered, casting down her eyes and sighing, "you know, I really want to try, too."

"Tonight then," Lily asked.

"Tonight," the other two responded in unison.


They sat down around the box, three naked pale bodies contrasted by the black surface of the box.

"Remember," Hecate whispered, "be careful and don't let your arousal run away with you."

Lily opened the lid and gasped, then slammed it shut again.

"What's the matter," asked Sybil.

"Well, see for yourselves," she said and turned the box around, then pulled the lid open again.

Instead of three named dildo's in line, there was only one - it was black, but instead of having a smooth, glassy surface, this one was rubbery, and covered in studs and bumps, and had a head like a large knob, almost one and a half times the diameter of the shaft; it was so big, it was folded double, in a U shape, lying in the burgundy velvet lining in the box.

"There's no name on it either," Sybil said.

"That thing is huge," Hecate whispered, "look, it's as almost as long as my forearm unfolded."

"I'm not using that," Lily said determined, "that looks disgusting."

"Close the box," Sybil suggested, staring at the contents, "maybe something else will be inside when you next open it again."

Lily shut the lid and pulled it open again. If anything, it looked even bigger and more menacing than before.

She made to shut the lid again, but Hecate stopped her. "I'll take it."

"You're nuts," Sybil said, "Lily, close the box."

"It's not going to go away," Hecate said as Lily closed the box again, and pulled the lid up, revealing the same content, only even bigger, almost not fitting in the lining anymore.

Hecate reached out to take it out of the box, just as Lily snapped the lid shut, frustrated, "I want that horrible thing -gone-", but as she opened it again, it was so large, it uncoiled from its lining and fell with a flop on the floor next to the box.


"Yuck," Sybil said, involuntarily sliding backwards, the uncoiled device nearly as long and thick as an arm.

"You're still sure you want to use that ... thing ..." Lily said, also shuffling away from it, using the box as a shield.

In response, Hecate reached out and picked it up just behind its nearly fist sized head, finding it soft and pliable, stroking its length with a finger, "it doesn't feel that bad actually," running her finger back up the long tube, shifting a leg aside, but before she could grab hold of it and stuff the head inside, it moved on its own, a black flash of lightning engaged in a homing attack on Hecate's pussy, the head having plunged between the lips, wriggling its way inside.

The other two screamed, and Lily made to grab the thrashing end of it before it slipped inside, Hecate pushing her away, and before Sybil could make a grab, it had completely vanished with a slurping, sopping sound, sending her into ecstasy, moaning and sighing loudly.

"Are you - are you OK, Hecate," Sybil asked, eyes wide.

"Oh yeah," she answered, "I feel great - mmm - it's so deep inside, I can feel it moving around."

"We're going to get it out of you," Lily said, alarmed, regretting not following the advice to dump the box, "hang in there."

"D-Don't worry," Hecate managed, "it'll come out on its own, and - ahhh - that feels sooo good, mmm," she ran her hands over her bare breasts, which were bulging a little, but not alarmingly so, "I feel like ... like ..."

"Like what," Sybil and Lily asked simultaneously.

Hecate arched backward, threw her head in her neck, and moaned loudly, and with a slurping sound, a foot of snakelike black hose poked back out of her pussy, its glistening head throbbing, the member engorging in diameter, like a giant, expectant cock, and Hecate let out a deep grunt.


"Hecate ? What're you feeling like," Lily asked timidly, eyeing the erect black pole pointing up out of her friend's sex with fear and desire.

"Let's pull that thing out," Sybil said, her voice trembling, "before it splits her apart."

Before she could get up, Hecate moaned deeply - and began to grow.

Not just her breasts, which were ripening like fruit, first apples, then grapefruits, coconuts, watermelons, into pumpkins - and beyond, but her entire body, from her slender, almost emaciated 5 foot, 6 inches, becoming firmer, wider, her limbs filling out to Amazonian proportions, thick cables of muscle rippling under her skin, her hooters heaving, her crotch still dominated by the enormous black cock, her body almost 10 foot head to toe, had she been standing up, breasts like overinflated beachballs, which were still slowly filling out, taking up more of the room.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, Lily stepped over the open box and ran her hands over the thick black tool between Hecate's legs, kissing the head, sliding her body against it.

"What do you think you're doing," Sybil near-shrieked, backing away.

"Having fun," Lily moaned, while Hecate's turgid aureolae, a hemisphere over 3 feet across, parted along a fold, from which slid a thick brown shaft nearly a foot across, that accelerated outwards, extruding more and more flesh, until they were 6 foot long poles.

Lily felt Hecate's body tremble, "F-Fuck me," her strangely deep voice rumbled, "f-fuck me - release me, m-make it stop," as she added another two feet to her overall height, breasts bulging threateningly, nipples heavily engorging, approaching the limits of their bedroom.

Sybil had fled the room, cowering in the toilet, but Lily now understood what she had to do.

Bravely, she climbed up, and began forcing the giant black cock sticking out from Hecate's pussy down her own, Hecate's huge hands on her shoulders slowly pushing her down.

Their bodies met, the foot-and-a-half shaft having vanished inside Lily, and with an effort, she began thrusting, moaning, hearing Hecate sigh, moan and croon, "oh yes - I can feel it - more - that's it - oh yes."

Sopping up and down somehow became easier, and Lily sped up, thrusting faster and harder, grinding down, until suddenly the black shaft, bigger than the biggest snake, erupted and coiled from Hecate's body, which dwindled as it drew out of her, its head wriggling out of Lily, and dove headfirst into the open box, which swallowed it up, the lid snapping shut with a loud crack the millisecond the tail had crossed the threshold.


Breakfast the next morning was a very subdued affair, until Sybil set her coffee mug down harder than she should have.

"Lily, you're taking that box back to that store today."

"But ..."

"No ifs, ands or buts - wasn't last night enough warning how dangerous it really is ? Didn't you see what it did to Hecate ?!"

"Yes, well ..."

"I'm serious - what's it going to take for you to realize we don't have any control over it."

"Oh, please ..."

"That thing is controlling us," Sybil went on, "and unless we get it out of here, something really bad is going to happen. Either to one of us, or even all of us."

"Sybil, you're overreac ..."

"No I'm not! That thing is -using- us - for its own purposes. Get it out of here before it inflicts some serious damage!"

"Oh, please, once more ca..."

"That's what we said last time, too, remember ? And look what happened!!"

"Yeah, well ..."

Sybil stood up, planting her hands on the table.

"You two should use your heads instead of your pussies. Get rid of that box before something really bad happens."

"I'll think about it," Lily said dejectedly.

"She does have a point," Hecate murmured, adding milk to her coffee.

"I want to think this over seriously," Lily said, shoving off from the breakfast table, "because ... somehow it feels like a shame to do that."

"Shame or not - that thing's dangerous," Sybil maintained, "and yes, I remember that I consented to another try after the first one, but ..."

"You didn't realize this was going to happen, right," Hecate said softly.


"Right then," Lily said, determined, "as much as I'm against getting rid of the box, your friendships are worth more to me than the kicks it can possibly provide."

"So you're taking it back ?"

"No, we are taking it back - all three of us."

"And what if the store won't take it back ?"

"Then we just leave it there in a corner."

They finished breakfast while Lily went to get the box, tying a rope around it to prevent it falling open, pulling on a large travel cloak she'd bought in the Bazaar, putting the box in one of its magical pockets.

"I love this Cloak of Holding," she said smiling "never having to lug big bags of shopping ever again."

"Just be careful when filling it," Hecate warned her, lacing up a pair of knee-high boots, "normal people aren't supposed to know, remember ?"

"I know - and I haven't used it yet for shopping," Lily answered.

Sybil ran the Truform Comb through her unruly hair, making it fall into place, clasped it into place, calling "All set."

"Well, let's go - restore some normalcy to our strange lives," Lily said.

They all laughed.


"Oh no," Sybil whispered, "we'll never get down into the Bazaar today."

They were standing in a huge mass of people slowly trickling inside, huge banners on the building's face proclaiming today was the opening party for the mall - free gifts, free food, free drink, big discounts.

"And why not," hissed Lily, "the stairs are on the ground floor almost behind the car dealership - hardly anyone ever goes there."

"Let's keep it down and see what it's like when we get there," Hecate whispered, shuffling another couple steps forwards towards the doors.

Two hours later they were through the doors, working through the dense crowds towards their destination when Hecate stopped cold, the other two piling into her.

"What's the matter," Lily said, "why'd you stop ?"

"Because we have a serious problem," Hecate said, "look."

"Oh no," Lily wailed, "we'll never get through there unseen."

"This pretty much ruins all our plans," Sybil moaned.

"We'll find a way past that catwalk and dressing room," Lily said firmly.

"I don't think so," Hecate said, "look, we shouldn't even be here, this area's invitation-only - we'd better get out of here."

Outside again, they sat in the same place as three days before.

"What're we going to do, there's no way past that stupid fashion show and there is no way that box is coming back in the house," Sybil muttered.

"What's that rattling sound I keep hearing anyway," Hecate chipped in.

Lily listened, then plunged her hands in the cloak and pulled out the black box, which was rattling and banging, the lid flapping against the rope Lily had tied around it.

"Better tie that off more tightly," Sybil nodded, "it looks that whatever is inside really wants to get out of there."

"Anyone have a plan how to get through that area," Lily asked while she was putting a few extra knots in the rope for security, the box struggling under her knee, and one of Hecate's boots.

"We could organize a distraction," Hecate ventured, "like, calling in a bomb scare or something."

"Oh yeah - that'll work just fine," Sybil said cynically, "they'll clear out the building and we won't be able to get in until they figure out it's a hoax - and then ?"

"We could set fire to something, like a trash can or so," Lily ventured, stuffing the box back in her cloak.

"The mall has sprinklers - and there's no way you can do that unseen with that many people inside."

"We could try making a run for it - you know, crash the show, cause a big scene, Lily slipping through and down the stairs."

"In case you missed it, they have big burly guards in there - and I get the impression they won't let you cause a scene - sorry Hecate."

"There has to be a way," Hecate said determined.

"Well, I know one thing that would probably clear out the mall," Lily said laughing, "but it's not what we want to do."

"Which would be," Sybil inquired.

"Open the box."

"Very funny."

"We could just toss it in a trashcan and get the hell out of there - it's irresponsible as hell, but at least it's out of our hands," Hecate said.

"Not funny at all - and not a solution."

"In that case we have to come back tomorrow and try again," Lily sighed.

"We'd be stupid to take it back home again," Sybil insisted.

"Well, then we're stuck between a rock and a hard place," Hecate said, restringing her bootlaces angrily, "unless you want to sit here all day and all night with that stupid box, that is - and I know I won't."

They argued back and forth, discussing various plans to get past the fashion show on the ground floor, coming to no conclusion.

Finally, Lily hopped fof the wall and bean walking towards the mall.

"Where are you going," asked Sybil.

"All this useless talk has made me hungry and thirsty - so I'm going to the choke & pukes on the third floor. You two want to come ? My treat."


They skirted the jam-packed MadCownalds and Sanders Chicken, eventually finding a small table next to the window down into the atrium, in a corner of the small but cozy Parkland Mall Cafe.

Lily stirred her coffee and gazed out the window into the milling mass of people, looking like a heap of ants crawling every which way.

"I don't think we have any choice," Hecate said softly, "just take a look and you'll see there's no way to get through that."

"I know," Sybil said, "but I just can't ... won't ... accept it."

"I don't like it either, but there's just no way - looks like they put up extra barriers to keep people away from the show, too," Lily murmured, still stirring her coffee absentmindedly, staring out the window.

A roar issued from the crowds, and Hecate laughed bitterly, "guess what, they just opened the Fun-R-You - and evidently with some discount action, seeing how people are scrambling over each other to get inside."

Sybil pushed her coffee cup away and sighed. "I guess there's nothing left but to go home and try again tomorrow, then."

"Looks like it," Lily said dejectedly, holding her hand up to the waitress, and paying the bill for their coffees, "but I'm locking that infernal box," it shook even harder inside her cloak, "in the shed behind the house," it rocked in the pocket, bouncing up and down, while they walked out of the Cafe, "and first thing tomorrow, we'll try again."

The crowd had thinned out a little, shouts of frustration and loud vocal screeching arguments came from the Fun-R-You, while they walked down the steps to the exit, crossing the large atrium hall to the doors.

Halfway through the hall, suddenly, the box shot out of Lily's cloak with a sharp crack, the rope holding it shut catapulting off, flying in a high arc into the fountain in the middle of the hall, where it landed with a loud SPLASH, sinking to the bottom.

A security guard charged through the crowd at Lily, who was standing petrified at what had just happened, Sybil was in shock - but Hecate seized both of them, "Come ON! Let's go!" when a deep, hard, booming, bubbling laugh sounded through the atrium, shaking the floors.

Everywhere people stopped and looked around, up to the speakers, down to the floor, to each other, confused.

The fountain spluttered and died briefly, before starting up again - but instead of cystal clear water, it squirted a thick, black substance that stained - no, changed - the remaining water in the fountain.


"What the," Hecate started.

The strange bubbling laughter sounded through the atrium again, and with a series of loud pops, the various lamps in the mall began to burst.

A woman screamed at the top of her voice on the first floor, and suddenly, as if a switch had been thrown, a massive stampede started, the glass doors of the exit shattering into fragments as people pushed forwards, while at the fountain, Lily, Hecate and Sybil were rooted to the ground, unable to take their eyes off the bubbling black fountain, feebly squirting the black gloopy liquid into the basin from its various jets.

The floor trembled, not from the stampeding people, but something else, and the flow of people intensified, screaming children, fighting fathers, panicked mothers, young, old, everyone just wanted to go one way - out.

A long black tentacle lazily reached up out of the black slimy basin, increasing the ferocity of the stampede, sweeping the security guard heading for Lily, who up until that point had managed to fight across the mass of people, out the door with them.

The swaying, upright tentacle was about 10 foot tall, and stood like a stalk, slowly swaying, while the mall quickly drained of people, leaving just the three women at the basin's edge, while in the background, music thumped from a temporary enclosure on the far side of the basin.

"I-I think we'd better go too," Sybil said nervously, and jumpstarting her two friends, they carefully shuffled towards the broken glass doors, then a slow walk, a brisk walk, until they were running full tilt.

Elation of their escape turned to despair as the doors jerked upright, slammed shut, the glass reforming - but not the bluish-green tint, jet black instead, and something snared their ankles, tripping them, dragging them back to the edge of the basin, the stalk righting itself again.

There was a loud bang it was suddenly quiet in the mall - the music was gone - out, silent, while lamps and speakers were still exploding randomly throughout the mall, small pops and crackles breaking the ominous silence.

"This is bad," Hecate whispered, "very bad."

A bubbling sound from the basin drew their attention, and to their horror, the central ornament was ... melting ... sinking in the thick black goo that filled the basin, thin wisps of smoke twisting around the surface.

"No," Lily shook her head in short jerks, "it's worse. Look."

Another, even longer stalk had formed on the edge of the basin, the original one sliding to the center, and curled over the enclosing wall on the far side, and they heard shouts and shrieks, the doors of the enclosure bursting open at the same time as one of the exits, and without looking around, a mixed group variously dressed people, their clothing ranging from expensive to bizarre, ran for all they were worth while the shrieking continued, now sounding closer.

"Oh no," Lily gasped, as the stalk that had bent over the wall righted itself, one of the fashion models held firmly in its multi-tipped grasp, suspended high over the atrium floor on top of the stalk, the exit door having slammed shut behind the hastily departing group of people, leaving them, the snared, shrieking model, and a large, bubbling, steaming basin of vile black slimy liquid behind in the building.


They stood rooted to the floor as both stalks melted together in the center of the pool, roughly 3 foot across, 15 feet tall, the top like a claw, holding the struggling, sobbing model in a firm, liquid grip.

Sybil's face drew taut, and she opened her mouth to speak, but instead, her eyes widened and she just gasped and pointed.

The other two around and stared.

The model was growing. Fast.

Her arms and legs looked like they were inflating like balloons - well over twice their proportional size, her body normal size, her voice deadened, her ass ripping out of the skimpy dress she'd been wearing, catching up to her limbs, now three times too large, when suddenly, in a single surge, her body caught up, bulging outwards, the sequined piece on her body exploding in a hailstorm of beads pelting the trio, the barely present breasts becoming more and more prominent as the stalk forced her into a sitting position, supporting her with a finger across the crotch and between the cheeks of her backside, while she just kept inflating bigger and bigger and bigger, giant balloonlike breasts swelling outwards into the atrium, out of any proportion with the rest of the giant body, inflating faster, harder and bigger than any part of her body except for her absolutely ridiculously oversized nipples, elongated balloons a quarter the size of her boobs.

"I hate to say this," Lily stammered, "but this is so turning me on."

"Not just you," Hecate said, craning her neck to gaze up, one hand working to enlarge the wet patch in her crotch, the other massaging her boobs.

Sybil said nothing and just stared at the bulging form overhead, the body close to 50 feet tall, giant shuddering boobs almost spanning the stadium size atrium from end to end, as the growth shuddered to a rippling halt, the stalk releasing its tight grip, the megamodel, now more resembling some fantasy pornstar done up in Photoshop, slowly rising to the glass ceiling, bobbing against it, rippling, shuddering, like filled with some sort of gaseous jelly.

With a slurping splash, the stalk fell back in the misty black pool of the fountain, it's surface smooth and even, steam still rising off the matte surface.

"Well, that's it, I guess," Sybil said, breaking the spell, "we'd better get out of here while we can," and tugged on her friends, making them move towards the exit, one eye on the fountain basin.

"Don't leave just yet, sweethearts," a dark, smoky voice spoke, "we - or rather, I - am not finished here, and definitely not with you three."

The basin belched, spluttered and churned, and the thick gooey liquid twisted and rose up, not in a stalk or tentacle, but a feminine figure, satin black in color, 20 feet tall, perfectly proportioned apart from her unbelievably exaggerated bustline and oddly wide-spaced legs, between which glistened the most gigantic, highly glossy vagina dripping with liquid that any of them had ever seen.

Stepping out of the now empty basin, the black wooden box discarded along one of the edges, she licked her lips with a mottled green tongue, and opened her eyes, which lit up in a dull green color.

"Let's play. Any volunteers ?"


Lily boldly took a step forwards, but Sybil drew her back, "you're insane, didn't you see what she's capable of ?"

Shaking off her grip Lily completed her step forwards, "Yes, I have. And

I also have the distinct impression that it's not going to matter whether we volunteer or not anyway."

"Good girl - and good impression, too," the satin black figure said cheerily, applauding noiselessly, "because the only choice open to you is whether you'll go willingly or unwillingly - I'm going to have my enjoyment anyway as you've already seen. And I'm just getting warmed up."

"Do you - do you have a name," Lily asked, staring upwards, her head about knee high to the huge figure.

"You may call me Hiperyce - Hai-peh-reese - My true name I won't reveal to you, because to speak it will afford you total control over me."

Lily nodded that she understood, and stood in front of Hiperyce, waiting for the moment that she decided it was time to 'play'.

"You two," the giantess said, her dark voice barely above a whisper, "you are free to walk around, but if you attempt to escape, I will instantly deal with you in a most unpleasant way," she pointed to the giant rippling figure at the ceiling, "do you understand ?"

Sybil just nodded, but Hecate stepped half a step forward, a perky look in her eyes.

"Mistress," she started, and Hiperyce's stern face lit up in a wide smile, the glow in her eyes brightening, "I understand and accept your order."

"Hecate is it not ? Your performance last night was most impressive, and you did very well - I can appreciate that. I will grant you a boon, if you would like one, other than escape or my True Name."

Hecate thought for a moment, then steeled herself, "I do not know if you will grant this - but that you please return us to normal and let us go unchanged after your game."

Hiperyce took on a pensive stance, then shook her head, and Hecate hung her head, both in fear and sorrow.

"No," the black giantess said, "I will not, cannot, grant you that. Not to all of you. One of you has very much displeased me and must be punished."

Throwing out her flat chest, Sybil stood up rigidly. "I accept my fate, but let them go, then."


"Are you sure, little goth-girl, that you willingly give yourself to me so your friends will go free," Hiperyce asked gravely.

"Yes, I am," Sybil said, determined, forcing tears out of her eyes.

The green gaze rested on Hecate. "I grant your boon, to you and Lily, but only because your friend Sybil accepted her punishment."

"Sybil ..." Lily said, tears in her eyes.

"It's better this way, really. Enjoy it - for me, will you ?"

"Very well," Hiperyce said, "I will decide your punishment later - but now it's time to have some fun. Big fun."

"Let's rock and roll," Lily said, determined.


The giant black form sat down on her knees, bringing its enormous crotch level with Lily's chest.

"Can I ... can I t-touch you ... m-mistress ?" Lily asked nervously.

"Everywhere, sweetheart - but preferably someplace arousing."

Lily stepped between Hiperyce's spread-apart legs, running her fingers up the gigantic black thighs, the skin soft, smooth and firm, an approving moan from high above, reaching the junction with the body, triggering a shiver and a strained sigh, weaving her fingers down the huge lips that could almost swallow Lily's body whole, then back up, a deep moan of lust escaping Hiperyce.

Plucking up courage, she slid both her hands between the lips from the top of the deep moist valley, finding the large, soft knob she wanted, bigger than a basketball, and pressed her hands into it.

"Ooooh, little girl, you know what Hiperyce likes - don't stop now," the black giantess crooned.

Lily wasn't intending to stop. She put one hand on the knob's top and massaged it, her other hand underneath to steady her grip, copious amounts of sweet smelling liquid oozing out, and she felt the knob grow in her hands, getting taller, so she shifted her grip to the sides, sliding her hands up and down, pressing her fingers in deeply as she did so, triggering moan upon moan from her mistress, the knob swelling in her hands, poking up between the huge nether lips, gasps of amazement from both her friends, but Lily kept going, the glistening black organ now almost 3 feet high.

Hiperyce moaned and reached down, one of her own giant hands taking over from Lily's efforts, tugging and massaging the still-erecting clit.

"That was very good," she crooned, "but if you want to keep that up, you will have to ..." her voice trailed off as she smiled and moaned.

"Get bigger, probably," Lily said, smiling in anticipation.

"Very good, sweetheart."

"How much 'bigger' would I have to ..." Lily began to ask, but instead of a reply, she felt her clothes tighten around her, and managing to kick off her boots just in time, she reveled as her line of sight began to rise higher, her string snapping under her dress, its top filling, then overflowing, with pearly white flesh, a hot flash shooting between her legs, a feeling of power, as her dress, now looking more like ballet tutu, felt taut against her growing body.

The seams on her shoulders were the first to split, the rip traveling down her arms, but before it reached her wrists, the top tented, strained, and finally exploded, letting out a pair of enormous, balloon shaped breasts jutting straight out from her body, growing faster than anything else until they were larger than her head, which was feeling like she was in some sort of bizarre elevator as the seams of her dress failed, one by one, until the shreds fell away from her 9-foot body, just her socks clinging to her heels, holding on desperately.

Hecate, who was sitting on a chair up on the second floor, overlooking the atrium, let out a little scream of pleasure, and Hiperyce smiled.

"Your turn will come in a little while, dear. Better prepare for it."


Without hesitating, Nine-Foot-Lily stepped up to Hiperyce's crotch, her larger hands much better able to cope with all four glistening feet of black giantess clit, as it grew even larger, a throbbing bomb of lust, five feet high and two across, Lily rubbing her huge tits on it, hearing her melanine mistress croon in pleasure.

"Oh yes," Hiperyce said, "that's very good of you - you got me all worked up and ready for more," while she reclined, arching over the empty basin, her massive black boobs jutting straight up into atrium, each one a giant orb almost 4 feet in diameter, "but you will need to be a little bigger to handle them," as Lily felt herself grow again, her socks finally splitting, the last article of clothing to give up on her, as she rose up past Hecate's vantage point, a full 12 feet tall now, triggering a little scream of amazement from Sybil, who'd been skulking around the floor, trying to pluck up courage to face what she knew would be coming.

Rubbing her hands on one of the mistress' mammaries, she felt them heavy, and engorged, the turgid fat nipple towering high, begging to be touched, tweaked, sucked on - and Lily delivered.

Hiperyce moaned, feeling the pale woman's tongue flick around her giant valves, slithering up and down the shaft, around the perimeter of the aureola, her lips locking on, and sucking.

"Oh yes," the dusky giantess moaned, "I think it's time we moved it up another notch," and Lily felt the enormous globe in front of her expand, the slickened tower vanishing over the hooter horizon, as Hiperyce swelled bigger, her 20-foot frame engorging, her boobs at double speed, until she reached a foot, an inch and a hair over twenty nine feet.

Without thinking, Lily slid over Hiperyce's leg and reached for nearly eight feet of nuc-lust-ear bomb pulsing there, pushing her breasts into the three foot diameter lobe, feeling it pulse and beat.

"Will I have to get bigger, mistress," Lily asked, running her fingers on the inside edge of Hiperyce's huge, swollen vagina, feeling it engorge under her touch.

"Oh yes, you will, Twelve-Foot-Lily. You will get much bigger. But first, you must mount me, sixty nine style. We are going to play a little game, and if you win, well, you will get something."

Lily did as she was asked, and as soon as her body straddled that of her dark mistress, it inflated, her breasts bulging out to either side, growing at a really alarming rate, unil they were even larger than those of the porn model rippling on the ceiling, her body as big as Hiperyce's.

"So huge," she murmured, "I'm just so ...huge."

"It's only for our little game, sweetie," giggled Hiperyce, "it's an easy one too. I'm going to lick your pussy, and you're doing mine. If you do a better job at it than me, your boobs get smaller, and mine get bigger.

If you manage to get my boobs bigger than yours, you win. Whoever cums, loses instantly. Got it ?"

"You've got quite a head start," Lily said dejectedly.

"That's because I think you're really good at this. Ready ?"


Lily stared down at the large tower poking up between Hiperyce's legs, and judging its size relative to her own, got an idea.

She heard the 'go' call behind her, and without hesitation, sank the large tower into her mouth, pumping up and down, using her lips and teeth to exert pressure, while she felt an expert tongue flick across her nether lips, over her enhanced clit, penetrating her vagina, around the perimeter, and increased the speed of her efforts.

Hecate gave a little cry, seeing Hiperyce's breasts swelling as fast as those of Lily were shrinking, for a moment they reversed as Lily screwed her eyes shut and wolfed down on the large lobe again, the white balloons shrinking again as the black ones grew, filling up the atrium, making little Sybil run for cover, who was clutching something in her hands.

Suddenly, Hiperyce let out a deep crooning moan that rattled everything and an explosion of fluid erupted from between her legs.

"Excellently done - nice moves," the black giantess praised, reducing her chest size and Lily's overall size to their pre-game dimensions.

"So mistress, what have I won ?"

"Ah yes - your prize. A boon. Same conditions as your friend."

Lying on top of Hiperyce, snuggling the giant throbbing clit, Lily thought about what she'd want - certain that saving Sybil, which she desperately wanted, would be denied, she tried to think of something else, then smiled sweetly as an idea howled madly through her aroused brain.

"I'd love to ..." she said, climbing off the reclined mistress, standing between the towering black legs, the giant pussy in front of her, briefly hesitating, then plunging ahead, "...have a fuck with you. Hard. Huge."

Hiperyce rose from her reclined position, towering over Lily, eyebrows raised, a bemused expression on her large dusky face. "How ?"

"With this," Twelve-Foot-Lily said and lovingly stroked the throbbing bomb at the top of the huge glistening, black vagina in front of her, and the mistress broke into a savage smile, eyes flaring, "Granted."


Hiperyce reclined again, laughing softly, spread her legs wider apart to offer better access, her super sized sex engorging and swelling to a huge bulging mound, over twice the size it had been before, Lily stepping in and massaging it with her hands, hearing the mistress moan in approval, an intense heat radiating from her own crotch, and as she dropped a hand to please her own mound, she felt her knob bulging out, swelling insanely fast, becoming a thick shaft in her hand, and without thinking, she pushed it into the engorged folds of black flesh in front of her, feeling them surge and grow, as Hiperyce grew bigger, and bigger, until the turgid mound of vaginal flesh in front of Lily came up to her impressive chest, the black mistress' body almost as large as the rippling figure on the ceiling.

A giant black arm reached up, and the figure on the ceiling drifted down, landing with its vagina on Hiperyce's face, while Lily felt the power between her own legs, a massive lance of arousal spearing into the sex of her mistress, and unable to restrain herself, she pressed her huge chest against the giant mound, bringing approving moans from Hiperyce, who was fumbling with the porn balloon.

Lily pulled back and thrust her body at the black giantess, sensing the immense penetration she had achieved, and repeated it, her arousal beyond anything she had ever felt before.

Above her, Hiperyce had set her giant black lips to the balloon's crotch, and at every of Lily's thrusts, it grew fuller, more Amazonian, arms and legs swelling thicker, body growing more solid, and more, its proportions swelling to ridiculous levels, adding more, making a champion body builder like some weakling wimp, and more, the giant shoulders squeezing the head, and fuller, as Lily thrust again, the sight above firing her effort, as she huffed and puffed, stroking like an out-of-control steam engine intent on self-destruction, the figure's dimensions completely insane, the biceps alone dwarfing her body, the thighs dwarfing he arms, the head vanished between the bulging, ballooning shoulders.

Lily felt a huge surge of power build, and with a massive, final thrust, she unloaded, almost blasted back by the torrent of juice coming from her massive mistress, who clamped her vaginal muscles hard, holding Lily in place while she let the figure float up to the ceiling again, and only after the heat had dwindled between Twelve-Foot-Lily's legs was she released, her hand flying to her crotch, returned to normal.

"I had hoped ... expected," she murmured, but Hiperyce shook her head.

"Sorry sweetheart, but this enjoyable perk," she stroked her lust tower, which was now as tall as Lily was, and gave it a little tap, sending it swaying, "is mine and mine alone."

"Yes mistress," Lily said dejectedly.


"And now, it is time for sweet Hecate to play - Lily, you may join in of course, if you want to," Hiperyce said, standing up, fifty feet tall, her head grazing the stiff, solid form floating against the glass ceiling.

Hecate stared openly at gigantic female form filling the atrium, floor to ceiling, looking down at Lily, and wondering how big she would get during her session with the mistress, then got out of the chair from which she had watched the entire spectacle, bounding down the stairs in her top, slip and stockinged feet, the rest of her clothing shed as her arousal had overtaken her.

Sybil was sitting in the shadow under the stairs, but Hecate took no notice of her, and joined Lily in the center of the space, the floor wet with thick, sticky, sweet liquid.

While Hiperyce mused out loud where to start, Sybil opened the wooden box with trembling hands, her eyes flicking towards the enormous black woman dreading her fate.

It was empty, apart from a folded piece of ... parchment, it looked like, at the bottom of the box.

Shaking, she took it out and unfolded it.

On it, written in a stylized, ornate hand, was a little rhyme,


She will not give the True Name/For it affords power that is her Bane

If you have her damage to mend/swap the name she gives, end for end


"Swap end for end," Sybil murmured, while Hecate shrieked for joy as she swelled up, her breasts ballooning out, growing bigger than Lily, faster and higher, twice as big as her friend, her cry of joy lost in a wail as her breasts kept swelling, her feet lifting off the ground as she floated upwards, breasts as large as Hiperyce's and growing, her turgid nipples swelling larger than Lily's boobs, the black giantess laughing playfully as Hecate swelled and swelled, suspended beneath ber bulging, ballooning, burstingly hard and huge hooters, Hiperyce tongue-teasing the nipples, which were larger than her black head, Huge-Hecate moaning and wailing at the sensation.

"End for end - of course," Sybil murmured. "I've got to put it backwards.

She gave her name as Hai-Peh-reese. So her True Name is Eh-see-reh-pai."

Replacing the parchment in the box and setting it down, Sybil stared at how the giant black female had plunged her hand between Hecate's legs, heard Hecate wailing and moaning, alternately in lust and terror, saw the glow from the green eyes, the cruel smile widening as the tongue flicked back and forth over Hecate's breasts, running a racetrack circuit along the edge of her massive, bulging aureola, over the top of her severely distended towers, bulging, thickening, as if ready to explode.

"Oh little, tiny Lily-sweet," she said between tongue-flicks, eyes bright and smile wide, "you really should be bigger," and Lily's face brightened, but Sybil felt a chill of terror, "yes, much bigger - very much bigger in fact - unbelievably bigger, " Lily beamed, "than Huge-Hecate."

Hiperyce smiled as Lily's eyes grew wide in shock, her body heaved, and began growing, but instead of floating up, she crashed down, her breasts an immense weight on her chest, sagging, flowing over the floor like a giant white tide, the cleavage flowing around Hiperyce's legs, filling the floor, 30-foot-Lily pinned against a wall, her immense breasts filling more and more of the atrium, Sybil running up the stairs trying to stay ahead of the flood, reaching the black knees, rising, Lily growing, her head rising into Hecate's balloons, her breasts around Hiperyce's hips, enveloping the black waist until the upper surface supported the giant black orbs, two and a half floors of atrium filled with heaving bosom.

"But ...but," Lily was crying, "Hecate's boon ?"

Hiperyce laughed derisively, and Lily felt herself fill up, the level of her breasts rising, lifting the black figure off the floor, squashing the bulging balloons of Hecate and the porno'ed model between her massive mams and the ceiling.

Sybil cleared her throat. "I believe I have something to say."

"Ah, you," Hiperyce said, flashing a cruel smile, "for you I have something ... special - even extraordinary, reserved."

"I don't think so, Hiperyce. Or should I say, Ehseerehpai!!!"


For a moment, it became utterly quiet in the filled atrium, apart from the distant sound of crumbling concrete and creaking glass.

"Damn you!" the black giantess spat, eyes blazing, "damn you! But I have time - before I pass into your control, yes, not much, and I cannot harm or kill you and your friends, even indirectly, but WATCH THIS!"

The giant black, shapely body began to deform, the nipples extending, growing, her arms lengthening, but her face kept staring at Sybil, the expression returned to an enigmatic smile, the eyes closed.

Lily moaned and the surface of her breasts quivered, while the black hands slid over Hecate's breasts, the hands sliding up the bulging aureolae, grabbing onto her nipples, the hands melting, molding over, and eventually enveloping Hecate's turgid towers, while the black nipples had extruded into a pair of huge tubes, an evil pair of black snakes sliding around on the pale flesh beneath, plunging into the abyssal cleavage, extruding, coiling and moving, slithering as they extended.

"And now you will see," she hissed, "how big Ecyrepih really likes it."


A deep slurping, gurgling sound, like a million stops being pulled out of a million bathtubs, reverberated through the atrium, and Lily moaned a sigh of relief, as the atrium began to clear, the giant pearly boobs gradually dwindling, while the evil black bust of Ecyrepih expanded, the black skin groaning and squealing, growing, rumbling, trembling, the aureolae bulging outwards, spreading, covering almost half the front surface of the supremely swollen, monstrously huge, evil black boobs, still draining Lily, who was nearly back to normal, the giant tubes sucking her empty several times her size, withdrawing back once they were done, forming a pair of towering, turgid peaks that quivered with anticipation, each nearly twenty feet long and six across.

Ecyrepih laughed, a booming sound, Sybil having flown down the stairs, supporting her friend, helping her up.

"Wazhashappenedtome," Lily murmured, her eyes rolling, "So tired ..."

"Hang on," Sybil whispered, while the massive black bust high above them swelled further, a roaring, whooshing sound, "just a little longer."

The giant thighs began to bloat, widen, double what they ought to be, the black ballooning ass bulging out, and Lily gasped as a positively enormous clit sagged down, a fat, swollen sausage obscenely jutting from the overfilled black vagina, while the whooshing sound turned into a gentle whistling, then wheezing sound, the two of them trotting, dragging and crawling up the stairs, reaching the top floor just as the bloated black figure laid an unconscious Hecate there, and drew her face into a smug, condescending smile.

"You will have your control, little ones," she sneered, "but first I will have my revenge - unfortunately I can't take it out of your sorry hides, but I have other ways of getting even," and she seized the hard-inflated figure above her, tilted her head back, planting her full lips on the bulbous crotch between the herculean gas-filled legs, her hands digging deep in the envelope, pressing it to her face and ...


The glass in the ceiling shattered, not into fragments, but into dust, its alloy support structure shrieked, twisted and simply melted away, the fleshy balloon above Ecyrepih swelling, regaining form, rotating upright, while the black giantess also grew, her bustline rising, her fast-swelling nipples gouging out huge chunks of building, her bust heaved, crashing on the roof, snapping columns and collapsing floors, while Lily, Hecate and Sybil were miraculously thrown clear of the rubble, having ridden through the top of the building on one of Ecyrepih's megalithic nipples, which had quadrupled so fast, had they blinked their eyes they might have missed it, now sitting on a patch of grass not far from a fantastic scene.

The Pornoshopped model-balloon-thingy was immense, Ecyrepih's face buried in the valley of its vagina, twice the size of the fast-expanding black giantess, its boobs like monstrous fleshy clouds hanging over the town, while Ecyrepih's were two evil turgid thunderheads, and they kept on growing, the flesh and black contrasting, rising higher and higher, Ecyrepih having to steady herself agant a buff of wind, a giant ebony foot stomping what remained of the mall and its surrounding park to dust, leaving a massive imprint, her monstrous boobs outracing those of the double-size figure in her death grip, nipples bulging, swelling, expanding on both of them, aureolae inflating faster, harder, bigger, until they were as large as the boobs, the towers topping them half as thick and twice as long, Ecyrepih's clit now erect, a jet zeppelin thicker than her triple-size ass bulging from her dripping, sopping, leaking cunt, enormous drops of cum falling down, smashing trees and cars, while she kept expanding, bigger, higher, wider, faster, further, her black boobs twice those of the figure in her grip.

She suddenly stopped, and from miles high, gazed at the trio, and blew them a sopping wet kiss, rammed her head into the other figure's crotch, which was swaying in high-altitude winds, threatening to topple over.

The figure widened, Ecyrepih's arms digging deeper in the monstrous hips and ass while above the black head, a big bulge formed that was expanding rapidly, still the hips got wider, five times proportional, the massive fleshy zeppelin shooting forwards, erecting, outstripping Ecyrepih's body in seconds, surpassing the size of her bust almost immediately, too, fattening, the black body becoming insignificant compaered to this ... this ... goddess ... of pure, unadulterated lust swaying in the sky, which surged outwards, growing wider, taller, sexier, its bust creeping forward, its toes bigger than the town, each, the zeppelin bulging bigger and wider until the bottom of the envelope was near the trio, and a single thought appeared in all their minds - touch.

They looked at each other and nodded, and all three of them put their hands on it, and with a stab of light and a roaring, whooshing, splashing blast, everything went black.


Hecate woke up, sitting up in bed, looking around, confused, looking at her surroundings, finding herself in the den they used as bedroom, seeing Sybil curled up in her rainbow blankets, Lily only visible by the top of her head peeking between the covers and the pillow.

Had it all been just a dream ?

Her gaze travelled through the room, finally coming to rest on an ebony wooden box at the foot of Lily's bed.

"Ehseerehpai" she murmured, wondering where the word came from, and the lid of the box creaked open, and a liquid black form flowed from it, forming a seven-foot tall, extremely large-busted female that walked over and sat on the bed beside her, her fresh green eyes shining bright, the rest of her body smooth black, "You called, mistress ?"


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