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© Felix the Cat
It’s empty out here. Out here in the wilderness. Just me and the animals and few of the survivors. It’s funny. Everyone wants to visit the “big city.” But I was from a “big city.” And now I am a certified wilderness man.

It was done quite. First, the conditioning. It was made easier by the media, but in the end the plan was brilliant and skillfully executed. The weak was obvious and exploited..

First, the media was used. Whether it was sexy songs, sexy shows, sexy movies, they learned it, mastered it and then exploited it. What you didn’t know? Well that was your stupidity and the rest as well. The few remaining out, well, they are just lucky. Lucky not to be embraced by the media, not to listen, not to see. There are five senses, all five were exploited.

It started in the fifties. The first of invaders came. The invasion did not start right then. The first were just observers. Learning the ways, studying habits, observing mating rituals. Then testing began. First focusing on a young man named Elvis, whispering in his ear, promising commercial fame and fortune. And Elvis, a willing country boy obliged. At first, it was amusing to him, this rock and roll. And he liked it. It made girls of all ages want him and he, of course, wanted them. And some took notice. Many called rock and roll evil, deranged, immoral. It all seemed so silly to the parents. It was after all just fun. But even Elvis knew better. He knew what he was doing and could not tell anyone. He could not bear the guilt. He used drugs to get over it. He never did. He tried to warn Nixon, but they had too much control and he never could.

Next the interests were varied. It wasn’t only music, but movies as well. First, with soft porn, then with hard porn, then with internet porn. The music changed too. Oh sure, there were those like the Stones and the mop heads who seemed innocent enough. But they were just precursors to funk and rap and techno. Mastering society, even country music changed from the whiney “I shot my dog” variety to sexy with Faith Hill and Shania Twayne. It all became ingrained. Pretty soon, even the defenders of the purity could not resist. I use to scowl at the hypocritical Republicans who always touted family values and then seemed to be the ones caught in a sex scandal. But they were just innocent victims, unable to resist like so many others. Too caught in a medium, they could not control. How could they resist? No one else did.

So everyone was used, everyone conditioned and then when society was nice, soft and ready, then and only then did the invasion begin. It was so simple, so clean, that it almost went unnoticed. That is why there are so few free men and women left, and why their numbers decrease daily.

The invasion. So horrible, it was almost beautiful.

It first started in 2004. Society was so wrapped up in itself. A war that couldn’t be stopped, led by a President who was more interested in exercising and getting naps then understanding war itself. With an amateur like that leading the free world, no wonder the world fell so easily.

Ironically, the first victim was a young girl out for an innocent date with the first of the enslavers. First a movie. Something with ribald jokes and some sex, nothing to obvious though. Then a dance club. Men getting hot and sweaty, and women gyrating and swaying. She was pretty, but he was in disguise. He walked her home. Innocent enough. But she was feeling good. She looked in his eyes. They seemed to flash out, like balls of fire. So strong, so powerful. She felt good, she felt horny, she felt ready.

Upstairs, they undressed. He kissed, he licked, he caressed. She did not seem to need to do anything. No need to pleasure him, he was hard already. She felt it. So large, so ready. And he entered, entered the lips and began to thrust, she felt as if he consumed her. So good. So hard. In and out, in and out, with each thrust she felt herself wanting to give herself over to him. She wanted his cock to subsume her. And she heard his whispers.

“You want to be mine. You need to be mine. You need to serve me. You need to serve all of me. Say it, say it my sweet little whore.”

She did not know what to say. She was independent, not subservient. But in he went and out went a little bit more of her with each thrust. She fought him leaving her, but she prayed for him to reenter.

“Let me take you. You want me to take you. You cannot resist me taking you. You are the Eve, but I am not Adam. I am your god.”

She was confused. She was …. who was she.

“You are mine. Say it. You are mine.”

She felt so good, and he was the cause. She knew she was his. All she needed to do was say it. And she did.

“I am yours.”

She felt his come, filling her up with his essence. All of her will drained out, leaked out with her sweat, filled by him. More and more and more of him. She relented, she gave in, she was his. And she thought for herself no more.

As he sat there in his post-coital state, he knew that he needed to use her. Use her so well. She was fantastically beautiful and he must make men want her. Her glazed eyes looked obediently at him, waiting, waiting for his command.

He smiled at her and spoke, “from now on, you are Jenna. You are the new Queen. All men will want you and you shall take them. You shall make films, films of a despicable nature and you will make these films in our production facilities so that we can distribute the media. But you will act as if you run the show. You will have your own website, you will be courted by the media, you will appear independent, but you will spread our word.”

She could only respond, “yes master.”

“And you will bring others to our way of life. You will indoctrinate the men to our ways, who will indoctrinate the women they mate with who will indoctrinate more men. All shall serve us. Do you understand?”

And so it began, men buying her videos, men watching her moan, men masturbating to her oozing sexuality. All the while the video sent a visual plague to those who watched. The men could not stop. They could not stop masturbating. They could not stop wanting sex. They were hard and in need and they hunted. And how they hunted. Other women soon fell prey.

The politicians, the so called leaders of the world. They were among the first to fall. Too many in sham marriages, too many with affairs, too much dishonesty. And then the military fell. So easily too. Just pass around enough porn tapes while the men were away. Just have the right whores there when the men were on leave. And the women in the military? Puh-leeze. It was so easy.

I remember this one couple. They were in Yellowstone National Park for two weeks. The perfect place for a vacation and one of the few places the invasion could not penetrate. Why? No television, no radio, no telephones in the room. Nothing to corrupt them. They did not that the invasion was in its second stage. Outright annihilation. Fuck anything that moved was the new orders to the converted and they did.

In New York City, the red light district, at first so famously stamped out by that prosecutor, now was expanded so it was the entire city. The Boston Tea Party took on new meaning as people licked and sucked and fucked in the street often pouring tea over a victim’s body just to lick it off.

It did not matter if you were short and fat, tall and thin, lean and mean. If the person next to you was of the opposite sex, fuck it, and then pick a new partner and fuck him too. It was so good for the new ones and so much better for the converted. No more hiding. With so much of society secretly part of the orgy, it was so easy to convert the rest.

Still our cute nature couple did not know. They had not been perverted and now they were down to the last few days of their vacation and traveled south to the Tetons to Jackson Hole. While the Yellowstone had no internet, television, radio or phone, the Tetons were New York City and Los Angeles in the mountains. The jet-setters, the rich and famous, and the converted merged in one playground of sexual mayhem. Orgies in the forest, orgies on the side of the road, orgies in the recreation areas. Women mating with men. Gyrating, grinding, groaning, lost to the passion except that the purpose was passion. The boyfriend could not believe his eyes, and the girlfriend was frightened. They came upon a general store area with no humans present and the girl went inside to try to see if they could find help or at least find sanity.

But the girl never came out. Grabbed, then raped, she willingly had her orgasms. She joined like the rest, unable to resist. And when her boyfriend came in five minutes later to see what was going on, she didn’t cry for help, but instead, begged him to fuck her, fuck the woman next to her or fuck the man on top of her. “Just please fuck,” she said. As he felt his dick get hard, he ran from the store. And then he wandered here, to the wilderness.

I would say that it is safe out here. After all, so few converted can move quickly after so much fucking. And there is no media getting you horny. It is a known fact that some of the converted are spies, seeking to infiltrate and convert. So people out here try to be careful. But they still have to fuck. And when they do, they will eventually meet up with me or one of my converts. And soon I will have them, have them all. One world, one orgy.

© Felix the Cat

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