The succubus sniffed the air with animalistic hunger and leaned over the bed gracefully toward my frozen, defenseless body. Without lifting a clawed finger in effort, the bedcovers began to slide off until my nakedness was completely exposed to it's eerie inhuman gaze. The 'night visitor' crept with feline tact onto the mattress until it was so close I could smell the feral, intoxicating musk on it's ebony fur. Every muscle I possessed quivered in gut wrenching terror as this demonic, inhuman creature with carnivorous fangs and glowing eyes was but inches from my throat; pulsing with warm sanguine blood. The succubus snarled a low, throaty growl and made it clear that my life was in it's complete control. With no choice or option, I resigned my fading fate to the sinister, bestial creature in black before me.
With delicate finesse I wouldn't have suspected such a powerful creature could possess, the feline succubus began caressing my quaking flesh in what seemed like sincere attentiveness. I could only assume she was doing so to falsely sooth my monumental fears before ripping out my jugular; in her unholy species method of relaxing it's victim prior to the kill. Softly brushing her fur against my neck in an endearing, almost kitten-like manner; I realized I wasn't in any immediate danger since I could've already been killed a dozen times as I slept! In my innocent naiveté, I failed to comprehend why it was in my darkened bedroom at that moment. The stark reality of forced bestiality with some feline demon from Hell was so horrifying that my mind simply blocked out what should have been obvious. On the surface, the succubi's intentions remained to be seen. I was just happy as long as I didn't end up as a meal for her, I decided.
Straddling my helpless body in total domination, she began kissing and licking her way down my skin with a raspy, forked serpent tongue. Her powerful tigress-like 'purr' was both magnetic and intoxicating. The pheromones in her silky fur made my mind spin and before I could avoid it, I began feeling the extremely disturbing pangs of primal arousal! One moment I was literally fearing for my life and the next I was desiring something extremely carnal and passionate with this feral beast that totally possessed me. Her retracted claws were soft and gentle as she kneaded my modest muscles and flesh as if she was admiring a sculpted work of art. Once she sensed the illicit stirrings of my arousal to mate with her in my loins, she zeroed in to my rising manhood with animal lust.
My bed had been otherwise empty for so long that simply feeling her warm body on top of mine was enough to drive me to distraction. I quickly forgot the unnatural truth of my inhuman lover and allowed passion and desire to completely take over. It was as if she had sensed from her hidden den of iniquity how painfully lonely I was, and then came to claim her phallic prize! I lowered my head to the pillow and closed my eyes as she first teased, and then finally enveloped my aching manhood into her searing mouth. The frequency and pitch of her purring was magnified infinitely greater inside her luscious lips; which resonated all the way from my tingling balls to clenched prostrate. The overwhelming rapture of her oral ministrations took my breath away and made my eyes roll back into my head. The succubus continued fellated my aching cock and swirling her forked tongue around it until she sensed I was nearing orgasm.
Being jolted away from such pleasurable intensity, I instinctually opened my eyes to the darkness and was quickly reminded of the startlingly surreal situation I was in! A pair of evil, glowing red eyes leered lustfully back at me from my pulsating loins. Before my renewed fears could chase away my raging erection, the succubus mounted me from above with undisputed authority. Instantly I was plunged to the hilt inside the gripping, smoldering pussy of an inhuman beast that no man was ever meant to penetrate! I cried out, not in revulsion or shame; but in pure animal lust! I was far too bewitched with her carnal charms to care about the unholy sin I was committing. My demonic, feline lover matched and surpassed my vocal enthusiasm with a low rumbling growl that both terrified and aroused me at the same time. Each of my involuntary thrusts pressed my cock against her contracting cervix and brought me closer to spilling my seed inside her warm, unholy womb. The feral scent of her arousal was all I could smell in the air and its aphrodisiac potency was absolute. As if to enhance and to hasten my orgasm, she curled her tail inward and tickled my scrotum and anus. Not being able to hold back any longer, I unloaded the greatest climax of my life and collapsed back unconscious onto the mattress, while she continued to ride and pump my cock until it deflated.
When I finally awoke from my night time carnal experience; it was morning and I was again alone in bed. The sun's rays had tickled my eyelids to reward me with another day of life and I was eternally grateful! There was no sign of my demon lover other than her distinctive scent in the air and the tell-tale emission left on my sheets. I'm sure those of you reading this are sure that I only had a vivid, unexpurgated unconscious fantasy or nightmare. I only hope that is so! Perhaps tonight I find out for sure.