Author's note: All characters in this novel are fictional. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is unintended. The writer does not advocate violence, foul language, nor fraternizing with the demon hordes. This is the author's first story submission. Be afraid. But give feedback.
"I fold", uncle Jessie announced in disgust, his voice blocking out the nattering of a frantic radio newscaster in the background, "this is the weakest hand I've been dealt all night. Honestly brother, what have I done to offend you so?"
Lance couldn't hold back the beads of sweat appearing on his forehead as his uncle started a chain reaction around the table. First his dad Darren gave in with a shrug, followed in quick succession by his mom Tia and his aunt Katy. His sister gave him a pitying look as she concluded the round.
'Curses! Bad enough to be foiled, but pitied? This can't possibly get any worse', he thought. "G'night everyone. Good games, but I think I've learnt my lesson here.", he said aloud as he moved away from the table.
"That you can't bluff or that you're a loser?", his sister asked mischievously.
Gathering what little dignity he had left, a parental reprimand for un-lady like behaviour his only consolation, he marched up the stairs. At least he could sleep off the rest of this miserable night.
The house shook as something, many somethings, crashed into it. Shattered glass, splintered wood, and screams competed in a nightmarish cacophony. Lance raced back towards the main room only to be paralyzed by the sight below him. Two demons, hulking creatures with scaly heads that nearly touched the ceiling and prodigious erect equipment, were corralling the women folk. Darren was desperately fending off another demon with a wooden chair. Jessie, an ex-soldier, had pulled out a firearm and was firing wildly at the demons furthest away from the other members of the family.
Regaining the initiative, Lance took a step down and roared his determination to repel the invaders. The demons glanced his way before swiftly disarming both Darren and Jessie. They tore clothing asunder like gift wrapping then pressed on with their assault into any available orifice.
"Run Lance run!", his entire family seemed to implore him. The clash of adrenaline and fight or flight instincts made thinking hard. The sound of them moaning as they gave in to their ravagers decided him.
"I'll get help", he shouted as he ran back up the stairs again, a demon now in hot pursuit. Desperate, he dived head first through the open window of his bedroom onto the porch roof, narrowly avoiding the nail in the frame he'd always meant to fix. Rolling to a stop, he let himself drop down to ground level, crushing several of his mother's favourite roses.
Without looking back, he raced down the street towards the police station a mile distant. He cut through neighbours lawns and took side streets in his panicked flight. Only a block away from the station did he realize he could have simply called using a neighbours phone.
'Bloody hell, this can't be happening. Please let my family be ok', he though feverishly. Glancing behind him, he was relieved not to see any sight of pursuit. The blood pounding in his ears combined with the unnatural quietness surrounding him were unnerving enough without anything jumping him.
Suppressing thoughts of what the large cocked demons were doing, he raced to the doors of the police station, ignoring the lack of lights inside. The doors opened before he could reach them. Before him stood a vision of lustful beauty that made the women in his secret stash look tawdry. She wasn't a police officer unfortunately. She was horny and long tailed.
Not one to miss a grand entrance, she marched through the front door. Hellish fire played over her figure long after the flaming remnants of the splintered door sputtered out. An unlucky young man, burned, butt naked, and terrified; ran screaming down the hallway announcing her presence like a shrill doorbell. The intensity of his cries dimmed not a wit even as the source of his complaint healed over and he escaped to another floor.
Stepping out of the hallway she found the first of the demons. His back was turned to her as he unworriedly pumped his cock into the plump college girl below him. The girl in turn was humping her pelvis in time with each stroke; hands playing over boobs and moaning in ecstasy.
Without missing a beat Lilith moved sinuously towards the demon and wrapped herself around him; using both wings and tail in intimate ways. Seeking his mouth, she quickly latched on and dove her tongue deep inside, deeper than any human could. Startled, the demon struggled for a moment before lust and passion overcame his resistance. She let this go on for a savorful moment, far from immune to the sexual thrill, then savagely ripped his life force out. The girl whimpered as a fine coating of dust settled upon her, but a gentle tail stroke from inner thigh to lips quelled her disquiet.
The next room was far larger as the official gathering place of the chapter house. This night found eleven demons and twice as many students gathered there. All were in advanced stages of undress. None were standing. Most of ominous of all, the demon taint was concentrated enough that many of the students were already exhibiting the signs.
These demons at least knew trouble when they saw it sauntering sexily into the room. They roared a guttural challenge in demon tongue. Profanities aside, they claimed this "party of humans" as their own. They gravely misunderstood whom was in trouble.
The first demon discovered to his chagrin that the walls weren't strong enough to break his head-long, succubus assisted flight. Only his limply hanging scaled legs, whitened by shredded particle board dust, could still be seen. The second was cocked by surprise as she took his member in hand without so much as a glance in his direction. Before the rest of the demons could pounce on her, she'd already brought him to his final cumplosion.
All pretence at good natured sexual romping went out the window. Claws, fangs, talons, and whip-like tails fractured bones and tore gaping wounds. Mortal wounds had the humans been so foolish as to join in, though they were far to mad with lust to do any such thing. The thought, had any of them been thinking, of delayed gratification was simply to painful to contemplate.
She struck swiftly and decisively, with a finger in a slit here, a tail snaking into an asshole there; a swirling maelstrom of demonic orgy. The room was lit as if someone had thrown in fireworks to an already flashy disco hall. When the dust settled, she drew in a deep breath, incidentally pushing her peaked assets out proudly, as she carefully examined her nails. 'Curses! Broken right at the root', she lamented as a new nail grew out from her previously crushed index finger.
In the background, a murmur of voices from the students arose. Awe at the spectacle they had just witnessed helped them overcome some of the effects of the demon pheromones and they began to shuffle out. "Do not leave so soon little ones, it pleases the queen that you, ah, party on", Lilith said with a majestic wave of her dainty hands. "Do party and stay hard for me."
Following the gesture, the beginnings of horns, claws, scales, fangs, and tails disappeared as if by magic. Eyebrows furrowed as students contemplated the choice between displeasing such a powerful being and sating lusts that were no less strong for the lovely show of force. Within a mere moment hands reached out, bodies hugged tight, and tongues dived into cunts.
The last demon, took her by surprise. She ripped his demonic essence quickly after only a token fight but she was too late. Hidden away in bloody bedroom on the upper floor, he had already completed his foul work. Five heavily mutilated bodies, arranged at the points of a pentagram drawn in blood, lay spread eagled on the floor.
The girl at their center was fast losing any outward vestige of humanity. She moaned as she pushed her fingers into her cunt and squeezed her breasts with the other. She gave no sign of being aware of her reddish scaled skin, nor dozens of other telling signs of encroaching demonhood. Then she looked up slitted eye to slitted eye with the avenging hell's angel and spoke, "Please don't kill me like the others."
"You're not afraid of sexy little me now are you?", the succubus asked with a disarmingly cute pout and wide eyes. Bringing the offending finger to her lips, she slowly sucked it clean. "Mmmm, that reminds me of my last tasty treat."
Images came unbidden to his mind as to what such a being might consider a tasty treat. He watched in morbid fascination as she thoroughly cleaned off her remaining digits. This was it, he was going to die or worse, and he had a raging hard on. 'How can I possibly be so horny at a time like this?' he thought wonderingly in spite of himself.
"It's because I'm so hot and lonely. I just need a little attention", she held up her hand, thumb and index closely spaced, "and surely you're man enough not to let me suffer without it."
Yes, that must be true. Such a vision of beauty could never speak false. Wait, did she just read my mind? Her nearness was driving him crazy; good warm fuzzy pleasant crazy. In the background, he heard a car driving by, though it seemed quite insignificant.
"Damnit! You did the entire district police headquarters? Unfucking believable", cursed an old man in bath robe, from his rolled down window.
The succubus licked her lips, a satisfied cat-like look upon her inhumanly beautiful face. "Do come join us, the night's still young."
"I'm too old for such tom foolery", he replied as he got out of his car, "and I'm all out of 'bring it up from the dead'".
"I have something that's a million times better than that silly herbal medicine", she cooed.
Lance wanted to warn the harmless old man away but his thoughts had continued to jell, becoming far to thick for him to speak out in time. His world continued shrinking until only two things existed. His throbbing cock and his mistress. What was taking her so long anyway? He wanted, no needed, to please her now. Should he move towards her or wait? She hadn't ordered him to move, so he settled for lustfully gazing upon her curvaceous, delightfully feminine if demonic form.
With unexpected suddenness, the old man shouted a word of power. The bitch went flying back into the police headquarters in a cacophony of shattering glass and splintering furniture. "Get in the car boy", ordered the wizard.
"Mistress!", cried the boy in distress as he ran in the wrong direction. "Did that mean old man hurt you? Here let me help you up."
The wizard watched in stunned disbelief. Leaning against the boy only briefly, the succubus soon regained her composure, as cuts sealed up and broken bones melded. He needed a new offensive spell double-time, but nothing suggested itself. He certainly couldn't repeat the last one with the bespelled boy in the line of fire.
Cocking her head to the side, she spoke in a voice that was at once sultry and angry, "You hurt me. Do you have any idea how much rejection hurts me? Do you? I am the fulfiller of fantasies, the dream you always lusted for, the granter of relief so exquisite it can only be experienced once. But for those that reject me, why, there are fates far worse than death. Far worse."
Seeing the glowing nimbus of power taking shape between the demoness' outstretched arms, the temptation to respond in kind grew too strong. Just prior to releasing, a different spell surfaced in his memory. Risking everything at this late juncture, he adapted the raging spell centered at the palm of his right hand on the fly and let loose.
Lance watched in awe as his Mistress' launched a huge ball of reality distorting energy towards the man. Simultaneously, the latter shot a coruscating cone of energy, focused to a narrow point on his Mistress, formed of hundreds of individual blue rings spaced closely together. The recoil of the spell sent the old man flying backwards into a hedge that swiftly swallowed up his miscalculating backside. Lance's Mistress hadn't even been scratched. He was so proud of her.
"My power! What have you done? This isn't finished", she screamed, as she stomped a dainty foot in anger. "Come my pet, as soon as I recover you'll make an excellent little meal for your lusty Mistress."
Lance hastened to obey, but then a hedge ordered him to halt. Staring in muddled confusion from large breasts to imperious hedge, he decided to wait this one out. He resisted her efforts to drag him along. She wasn't really his Mistress was she? Odd thoughts kept tricking into his head. Like his family. Then it came back to him. Everything, chaotic and confusing though it was. As if by magic he was out from under the repressive if delicious thumb of his captor. Shooting the evil tart a dirty look, he cried out in anguish for his family as he raced to his rescuer's side. He paid no mind to the sound of her fleeing, heels striking sparks from the pavement.
"You're a wizard!", he gushed, not stopping for a breath, as he helped the wizard to his car, "I need to get to the police. I can't believe wizards exist for real. My family's in trouble. How many wizards are there? Do you think you can help? The demons broke in without warning. How did you do that last spell, with the blue rings? Come on, we have to hurry. Can you teach me to do wizardly things? Hurry!"
"Hush, you're not thinking straight. That demoness did a right number on you son", he said as he shifted the car into gear, "and if I read you right, then you're family is already done for. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's best you grieve for them now and give them up. You know what we're going to do now?"
"Rescue my sister, mom, dad, and my aunt and uncle! I saw you defeat that unholy harlot with mind power alone. You have to help. Please. Please.", he begged.
"You're analysis of the situation is flawed young grasshopper. A single wide hipped smoothed skinned beauty nearly wiped my essence all over the lawn. Do you really think I could take on more? I'm merely bruised, battered, and scratched up because I didn't anticipate my spell's recoil. I shudder to think of what might otherwise have transpired."
"More to the point, my powers are burnt out."
(To be continued)
End of Part 1 [1]