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The season was not very busy, he had a whole carriage to himself,
and was
passing the time reading some novels, and looking out over the dry landscape.
Although not beautiful, it represented freedom to Jiri: huge
expanses of space, from which you could carve a tiny corner, and live
without having
to answer to anyone. It would be a far cry from modern city life, with
the endless
compromises and concessions forced upon you simply by being so close to
million other human beings, all trying to get by.
The door to his carriage opened. "OK if I join you?" a pleasant voiced
Jiri was slightly vexed at having his solitude broken so soon, but did
not want
to appear impolite.
"Of course, be my guest," he replied, indicating the free seat opposite
She appeared younger than his impression of her voice; Jiri put her in
her early
twenties. She was dressed very plainly, in shorts, tee-shirt and sandles.
looked like a tourist, travelling light and comfortable.
"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing your solitude, but I'm new in this country
and wanted
to see as much as I could. This carriage has the best view." she said.
"I love Australia, I love its age. By the way, my name is Karen."
"Jiri," said Jiri, and they shook hands, a little awkwardly. Jiri
could not place
her accent; it could have been European, but was not a strong one. She
was certainly not an Australian or a Kiwi.
With that, she sat down in the seat opposite Jiri and gazed with rapt
at the unchanging landscape. Silence returned to the carriage, and Jiri
to his book.
Jiri did not notice immediately, but Karen's posture always seemed
a little awkward,
and she kept fidgeting. One rearrangement left one of the legs of her
gaping somewhat, and Jiri could not help but look when a wisp of hair
his eye, and perhaps some other movement that did not seem quite right.
Trying to be discreet, he was surprised by the amount that he could
see. Karen
was obviously not wearing any panties, and he could see her pink lips.
they seemed a little moist, glinting in the sun from the window. Jiri's
mind raced to
imagine what sort of a girl Karen was, and resolved to drag his eyes away.
Then, that strange movement caught his attention again, and he saw
it; it was a tongue!
Its tip glinted wetly as it emerged from her pussy, and it began to lick
Slowly, it worked around her pinkness, leaving her sex glistening.
Jiri's heart began
to pound, and he blushed for the first time in many years. Try as he might,
he could
not remove his attention from her mystery, and he did the best he could
to stay an
unobserved observer.
Having covered Karen's labia with moist lubrication, the tongue began
to extend further
from Karen's opening, and Jiri could see that behind its pointy tip it
thickened quite substantially.
Like a thick worm, it slowly crawled from beneath her shorts, trailing
mucous down Karen's white,
soft, inner thigh.
Up until now, Karen had been facing out the window and had seemed
oblivious to
the movement in her shorts. Now, however, she turned from the window and
straight into Jiri's eyes with an enigmatic expression; it was almost
an accusation,
but there was also an element of taking Jiri into a confidence of hers.
As Jiri stared, the tongue began to ooze around Karen's legs, caressing
and teasing.
She opened her legs wide to give it unrestricted freedom, and pulled up
one leg
of her shorts to show Jiri what it was doing. Her other hand dropped languidly
her lap, slid under the waist of her shorts, and begain to stroke herself
softly with
her clever fingers. A hypnotic rhythm began to form between the tongue's
and that of her hand.
Soon she began to sing, some kind of enchanted lullaby. Jiri was captivated;
he moved forward in his seat, and watched all in spellbound fascination.
Her voice
was clear and unaffected, and was in pure counterpoint to the images of
developing. His penis was straining, but forgotten in the heat of his
mind and
heart's passion.
At first, Karen's movements were those of a voluptuary, pleasing only
herself. As
she sang, her hand's motions began to entice, to encourage, to feed Jiri's
lusts. The tongue moved on from pleasuring Karen, and began to reach out
Jiri, its obscene ripples and undulations seducing him, and he wanted
nothing but
to be entangled in her horror.
Sliding down from his seat, Jiri knelt in front of her. Karen's musk
the assault on Jiri's senses, and he was lost. The perfume was of her
body only, but
older than history. The scent excited Jiri's imagination, and he could
see mighty kings
lost forever in her Harem, spending their days worshipping her scent,
worshipping her
body, their responsibilities broken and forgotten. Karen crooned
and encouraged as her essence surrounded him, he kissed her secretions
and revelled in
the miracle of her mysteries.
The tongue retreated, as if to give Jiri full access to Karen's quim,
and Jiri's tongue
replaced Karen's own in ministering to her stimulation. She reached behind
Jiri's head and
held him fast against her, and she talked again. The words dripped from
her mouth like
honey, sticky, and sweet, but also black, like sin.
"Jiri, I am losing myself in my love for you, and soon, soon you will
love me also."
"Love is sweet, so very sweet. It is life, it is the essence of life"
"I eat souls, my Jiri, I eat sweet, sweet souls, and soon I will eat yours"
As she spoke, the lower tongue re-emerged. Her words seeped into his
consciousness, as
they were meant to do, and he stiffened. Her hands held fast, and Jiri
could not tear himself away
as that tongue forced its way into his mouth. His nostrils mashed against
her pubic hair, he could
barely breathe.
For the first time, Karen voiced her obvious pleasure. Thrusting her
hips, the tongue
was forced deeper into Jiri's mouth, and it commenced sporting with his
own tongue,
in a horrible parady of a French kiss.
Karen squealed as the thrusting continued, and when the tongue had
commenced worming
its way into his throat, things took a more ominous turn. Jiri first lost
all muscle control,
and went limp.
She lowered him to the floor, and positioned herself above him. The
tongue, having
paralyzed any resistance, filled Jiri's mouth. Jiri felt a drawing then,
and an icy chill ran up and down
his spine as he realized what Karen was doing. She began to coo and pet
him as her tongue
commenced its true work.
The tongue wriggled and thrust deep into his body, searching for sensation.
He felt it strike through his membranes, his muscle, his bones, licking
a tasty morsel, then
drawing it into itself with a soft caress. Karen gave a sigh of pleasure
as the drawing
commenced, and her thighs squeezed him. After each drawing, the tongue
would strike out
again, until it found more, which it drew with another caress, or with
a gentle surrounding,
or sometimes with a deep and violent penetration. For Jiri soon realized
that his soul was
tied to his physical self, and this tongue seemed able to transcend the
physical, able to draw
out his soul from all his secret places. Just as a good fucking could
bring the soul of a
man and a woman to the surface, for them to touch, this tongue would touch
his soul, then
seduce it from him.
Karen derived obvious pleasure from thrusting into his mouth, and
looked into his panicking
eyes with passion, but also a little sympathy.
As she continued her assault, a new feeling, one of exultation, swept
Jiri's mind. He did not know why, but he began to welcome Karen's thrusts,
and welcome the pleasure of feeling himself slowly absorbed by this thing
between her
legs, absorbed into this succubus of a woman. He began to gaze upon her
face with
open adoration, and the control of his body returned as he opened his
jaw to accomodate
her tongue and its ceaseless caresses.
Karen returned his gaze with a heavy lidded kindness. "Freedom, Jiri,"
said softly. "No more struggles. Just give your all to a beautiful creature,
she will take all of your strength, all of your cares, all that you have
She will cherish them all, and even love you, as you love her. For a moment,
will know the pinnacle of desire, the ultimate ecstasy, have the most
desirable woman
on this earth"
As he understood, her assault ceased. She stroked his hair as her
slowly withdrew.
"Your sweet love, my Jiri, is what I desire, and your sweet, sweet
I will come to you when you are ready, when you are ripe, when you give
yourself to me."
Pulling herself off his face, she brought a towel to wipe herself
and his face.
She soon passed out of the carriage. Her silhouette
was the same as that of the tee-shirted tourist in baggy shorts who had
the carriage, but this time he saw her as a woman with a terrible power,
strength, but also the woman he loved, loved above all else, loved more
his soul.
It was dark, and the train was in a siding. The station was nowhere
to be seen.
A long time had passed while he had been laid bare, but the outside world
completely passed them by; he marvelled at how she had cocooned them both.
With some sense of himself returning, he grabbed his bags and climbed
from the carriage up to a road, lost in Adelaide, legs wobbly, unsure
of his future.