; ; "Scan for lifeforms."
; ; "Scanning now. Probability of locating suitable lifeform: 73.94 percent."
; ; "Shut up with your damn probabilities. You've been boring us all with your ; damn odds ever since we abandoned Vexina and you've been wrong every ; single time. Just find me what I'm looking for, will you ?"
; ; "Running deep scan now. We may be in luck this time."
; ; "Results, not assumptions."
; ; "Dominant lifeform is bipedal, sentient, even civilized, two genders. ; Somewhat smaller than us, but I cannot determine physiological compatibility ; with our organic non-sentient stationary restructuring device from these ; long-range scans."
; ; "Well, that's not a problem. For that there's a very effective test."
; ; "Yes, and it went wrong on Vexina - the last place we used it."
; ; "Well, that was hardly our fault, that the meta-evolutionary effect of the ; restructuring would introduce that genetic instability that led to the viral ; outbreak that killed them off, was it ?"
; ; "Yyyesss, indeed. It wasn't our fault we invaded them, subjugated and then ; tried to restructure them to fulfill ours and our Mistress' lust."
; ; "Do I hear dissent and talk of mutiny there, Harika ?"
; ; "No Captain Kyrna. Merely stating my personal opinion."
; ; "Your job is to operate the scanner array. Not to give your opinion. Helm, ; take us down into the nightside. And you, Harika, find me a pair of these ; lifeforms, one of each gender, to test. And keep your damn opinion to ; yourself as well as your damn odds and chances."
; ; "Yes captain."
; ; ---
; ; Mick and Jeannie walked down the forest path, breathing the cool night air, ; not so much in relaxation as in anticipation.
; ; They had met at the local singles evening and it had instantly clicked ; between them. Well, not in the sense of love, but certainly in the sense of ; lust, and they had quickly slipped out after Mick had told her he knew of a ; certain cabin in the woods that was really cozy ...
; ; ---
; ; A deep thrumming sound briefly reverberated through the forest, and ; for a moment Mick swore he saw something moving in the air.
; ; He stopped to squint and take a better look, and just as Jeannie wanted to ; ask him what was going on, a brief flash struck them, knocking them off ; their feet and unconscious with a small blast.
; ; "Subjects ready for collection. Whose turn is it this time ?" Denya asked.
; ; "Isn't it Raxen's turn ?", Harika quipped
; ; "It would be if she didn't have to be on station to maintain power. Yriel ; is busy setting up the restructurer, so that leaves either of us three."
; ; "I'll go," Harika volunteered.
; ; "No way," Denya protested, "I want to go."
; ; "Shut it you two, I'm going. Maintain position and keep watch."
; ; Kyrna cursed as she made her way to the retrieval dock - it was always the ; same, the fighting over who got to handle the lifeforms first. Well, this ; time she was going to pull rank on all of them.
; ; ---
; ; Mick felt like he had been hit by a freight train.
; ; He tried to get up but his body screamed out in agony with every move he ; attempted to make - even opening his eyes hurt. He tried blinking a few ; times to clear his blurred, undulating vision, but it just hurt too much.
; ; Closing them, he just tried to imagine what the hell had hit them. ; Sound. Leaves crunching. Footsteps. Then a sweet smell. Like a flower. Only ; sweeter. His head swam with conflicting thoughts and emotions.
; ; The scent got thicker, and suddenly he felt himself being dragged from the ; ground, lifted up, clean off the ground.
; ; Thank god, he thought. Help must have arrived.
; ; Once again opening his eyes, if only to show he was alive, he tried to look ; at his savior. Instead he gazed deep into a pair of alien eyes, two black ; pools surrounded by slate blue skin, that drilled into his soul. Sleep.
; ; He felt he had to sleep. Tired. Very tired. Sleep. Darkness.
; ; ---
; ; After hypnotizing Mick, Kyrna picked up both unconscious humans, carrying ; them onto the recovery platform and navigated it back to the ship, quickly ; slipping into the ventral recovery dock, closing it behind her and ordering ; her crew to set down somewhere quiet.
; ; Triumphantly she carried the two into the bio section of the ship, dumping ; them onto the floor like a hunter returning with his kills.
; ; "Careful with those," Yriel said sourly.
; ; "They survived the stun-blast without damage, so this isn't going to harm ; them either."
; ; "Nevertheless, a bit more care would not go amiss."
; ; "Stop whining and give me a first assessment, soonest, will you ? We're ; setting down so you can work undisturbed and unbothered by maneuvers."
; ; "Yes captain. They're subdued ?"
; ; "Both of them, standard protocol."
; ; Yriel picked up the humans and laid each of them out on a slab. ; While working through her standard examination routine she felt the ship go ; through its landing maneuver, and just after the landing was complete she ; had finished her initial report ready for the captain.
; ; "Subjects are both suitable and viable. The female maybe more so than the ; male, but we can make good use of both sexes for our purposes. The only ; thing that worries me at this point is that their tissues do not react ; consistently with the restructuring agent."
; ; "In clear terms please ?"
; ; "I can't predict the magnitude of results prior to putting them in it, but ; given their physical frame I expect no problems we cannot contain."
; ; "Well, then we'll just have to see, don't we ?" Kyrna smiled wickedly. ; Yriel sighed and threw up her arms in resignation.
; ; "I'll start injecting nutrients then. Ready in a few minutes." ; Kyrna grinned widely in anticipation and went over to the observation bay.
; ; This promised to be spectacular, and she didn't want to miss any of it.
; ; ---
; ; Jeannie was scared.
; ; One moment she had been walking in the forest with her lover at her side, ; and now she was in a small room, naked, with no apparent entries to it, no ; visible corners she could orient or focus her eyes on, even though her ; sense of touch told her the floor was flat, with vertical walls, linked ; together with radiused curves. The faint, matte lighting had no apparent ; source, and cast almost no shadow either.
; ; And the only memory linking the two was a short, sharp explosion.
; ; Mick was nowhere to be seen, and although she had screamed at the top of ; her voice for help, all it got her was a dose of sedative gas from ; somewhere and a sore, raw throat.
; ; Eventually she had curled up against a wall waiting for whomever had ; captured her to come and take her for whatever depraved things he wanted. ; A door slid open and bright light streamed in, and at the same time the ; light in the room she was in began to dim.
; ; Feeling like the walls closed in on her, Jeannie panicked, sprang up and ; bolted for the open door, which snapped shut behind her.
; ; Her brief moment of panic then turned into sheer, unadulterated terror.
; ; In front of her was a massive, pulsating ... ... thing ... with ; long, thin sinuous tendrils radiating out from large broad-leaved pods ; that in turn were mounted on stalks to a large central tower that was ; constantly puffing up, then deflating, with the tendrils moving in rhythm. ; To her horror, the ground wasn't the cool, hard metallic from her cell, but ; a mushy, swampy substance that seemed to live and breathe with the ... ; thing ... in the center of the large chamber.
; ; She took a deep breath to scream, and instead of cool, dry air her lungs ; filled with a hot, musky, humid atmosphere that took away her desire to ; scream her guts out.
; ; The tendrils were moving. Her way.
; ; She shook her head, faster and faster, backed away up against the wall, ; tried to stay out of reach, but one wrapped solidly around her ankle, and ; yanked her off her feet.
; ; She put up a struggle, but within seconds she was spreadeagled in the grip ; of the thin tendrils and hauled over to one of the pods, which split open ; and out unrolled a bunch of thick, snake-like tentacles which took over ; from the thin tendrils, turning her a few times around until she was in ; an upright position, her upper arms and thighs solidly encased in thick ; purple coils with the strength of a constricting snake, before pulling ; her down towards the floor of the pod.
; ; ---
; ; Kyrna sat back in her chair, looking down into the chamber while massaging ; one of her pert midnight blue nipples, and stroking her large, wet slit. ; A lime green hand easily cupped her other breast and began thumb-flicking ; her nipple back and forth.
; ; "Aahh, Raxen ... you know what I like." she crooned while pulling the ; fresh arrival towards herself, inspecting her heavy, full breasts topped by ; a pair of small moss green aureolae with small bumps on them for nipples, ; before flicking her black tongue a few times over one of them, bringing it ; up to erectness.
; ; "What do you think," Kyrna asked while motioning to the chamber.
; ; "What did Yriel say," the engineer queried, casually bouncing her tits.
; ; "Said she didn't know. But didn't expect problems either."
; ; "Mmmmm .... well .... " Raxen absentmindedly massaged one of her breasts ; while stroking over Kyrna's slit with her other hand. "I say mild growth."
; ; "Oh, I think we're going to see more than that," Yriel said as she walked ; into the observation post.
; ; "Well, what do you think then," Raxen asked while sliding two fingers ; between Kyrna's legs.
; ; "I think we're going to see some serious changes."
; ; "We'll soon find out," Kyrna said while squeezing Raxen's boobs in rhythm ; with the fingers pumping in her slit.
; ; ---
; ; From the floor of the pod, three short arms ending in what looked like ; flower buds rose up to meet the descending woman as the thick coils pulled ; her into the large, pulsating pod.
; ; They opened into thick, fleshy leaves covered with a slimy liquid, one of ; them slipping between her legs, covering her crotch entirely, the other two ; each noisily sucking in her small, floppy breasts.
; ; She tried to resist again, but this time a small tendril whipped up next to ; her head, wrapped around her skull just above the eyes, and forced its end ; between her lips.
; ; Frustrated, she opened her mouth to bite down on it as hard she could, but ; the tendril just jetted a sweet-tasting liquid in her mouth, forcing her to ; either swallow or suffocate. Survival briefly kicked in and she swallowed, ; then as the liquid metabolized, her resistance first waned, then ceased. ; The thick fleshy leaves on her crotch began to shift and seek, pushing open ; her love tunnel and extending a short, thick stem into it, while the pair ; on her breasts first sucked her tits upright, holding the vacuum until her ; breasts were a dark red color, then closed around them, injecting tiny ; tendrils into her forcibly swollen nipples.
; ; The pod shuddered, then extended further open, its walls slightly swelling ; with fluid, before squirting some through the three injectors into Jeannie. ; The changes the powerful alien protoplasma wrought were both swift, ; and dramatic.
; ; Her breasts quickly filled out, nearly escaping the cup placed over it, ; while her entire body twisted and shifted as the alien soup pulsed through ; her veins.
; ; By the time the first dose ran its course, she had lost all her body hair, ; grown a foot, advanced about half an alphabet's worth of cup sizes, as ; well as a massive love tunnel between her legs with a huge clit standing ; watch over it, and gained a pair of large, central ducts in her permanently ; swollen, oversized, engorged nipples.
; ; The three suckers let go of her, withdrew, and three thick, jet black, evil ; tentacles rose up, roughly forcing their way deep into her cunt and the ; nipple ducts.
; ; The walls of the pod filled again, and this time the purple coils around ; her limbs unrolled, leaving her on the floor of the pod, rapidly ; withdrawing to the swollen walls.
; ; The pod 'exhaled', pushing the liquid into the black tentacles, feeding it ; into the female figure, diluting her humanity with every second, with every ; litre of liquid streaming into her body, changing her.
; ; She grew another foot, her genitalia swelling even larger, her breasts ; steadily expanding, pulsing with growth.
; ; Briefly the process stalled, then the pod suddenly compressed, blasting the ; remaining liquid into the black tentacles, billowing those out to more than ; double their original diameter, introducing sanity-smashing amounts of ; alien material into Jeannie's body, her boobs popping out, stretch marks ; laddering up and down the skin, veins pulsing with luminous green liquid ; bulging on the skin, her body twisting, shifting, re-arranging, growing, ; always growing.
; ; By the time the pod was entirely drained of fluid, "Jeannie" stood ; a full 14 feet tall, the bottoms of her impossibly large, soft breasts ; resting on her thighs, her formerly half-length blonde hair now colored cyan ; blue, reduced to a short bob cut and beneath her pale pinkish skin, large ; veins pulsed with luminous green liquid.
; ; The five aliens in the observation cabin gazed in utter, cunt ; dripping amazement at wat they had just created, wondering what was in ; store for them when they unleashed the male into the chamber.
; ; "By the Mistress' Nine Rings," Raxen murmured while clenching her boobs, ; letting the juice from between her legs drip on the floor.
; ; "Copy that," Harika said in awe, pinching her large clit, also staring.
; ; "No way," Yriel whispered, shaking her head, fluid streaming along her ; lemon yellow legs, her cunt throbbing with anticipation. "No way."
; ; "Freaking awesome," Denya muttered, milking her nipples, kneading the ; soft saggy tissue of her medium blue tits in her hands.
; ; "She's completely subservient ?" Kyrna coolly asked, her cunt screaming for ; a taste, her nipples aching with anticipation.
; ; The yellow alien tapped some commands, and a brainscan came up on a monitor.
; ; "She has all normal mental faculties; they're largely suppressed due to the ; vast enlargement of her pleasure center. That coupled with our natural ; pheromone and aphrodisiac secretions should keep her under control."
; ; "And permanently ready for action," Harika dribbled, "I want her. Now."
; ; "There'll be plenty of time for fun later," Kyrna decided, "Put her in a ; nutrient pool and introduce the other test subject."
; ; ---
; ; Yriel entered the commands into the computer, and a large device like a ; crane hooked under her armpits, lifted her off the surface of the pod and ; carted her off, out of the chamber.
; ; After the chamber was sealed again, another small door popped open, and ; carefully, the human male crept out of the holding cell.
; ; "Any bets ?" Raxen asked while surveying him like a predator sizes up its ; prey before hunting it down.
; ; "Bigger than her," Denya said.
; ; "Naw, don't think so. Smaller." Harika interjected.
; ; "Then I say about equal size," Raxen stated.
; ; "I don't care about silly bets, " Kyrna said haughtily.
; ; "And I'm just curious what's going to happen because I don't know," Yriel ; replied while pulling up data on 'Jeannie' and studying it.
; ; "Haha, it's got him," Harika cheered as the thin tendrils swept Mick off ; his feet and carried him towards one of the pods while it split open.
; ; "Last chance to bet, winner gets first dibs ?" Raxen called, looking ; sideways at Kyrna who nodded approvingly.
; ; "There he goes!" Denya said excitedly, pointing at the thick purple coils ; carrying the man down into the pod.
; ; Like Jeannie, Mick tried to fight the thing that had seized him ; and had carried him aloft into the vice-like grip of the thick coils, ; which dragged him down into the split pod, but unlike her, he refused to ; open his mouth and kept struggling, vainly trying to break the iron grip of ; the coils enveloping his limbs, when he felt a strange sensation in his ; groin, not unlike getting a world class blowjob, only much, much more ; intense and softer, more persuasive, and looking down he saw a .. thing .. ; enveloped his dick and was pulsing, giving him a blowjob like he never had ; had before.
; ; He tried to resist, and hold up, but eventually he briefly relaxed to dump ; his load, and the tendril forced a gulp of liquid down his throat.
; ; Soon after his struggles ceased and a large fleshy tentacle flowered open ; and enveloped his groin; the pod rumbled and trembled, and slowly it ; started injecting the starter dose of protoplasma into Mick.
; ; Necks craned in the observation deck as Harika put a close-up view of the ; action on one of the monitors, before sitting down to play with herself.
; ; With a slurping noise, the tentacle withdrew, accompanied by hoots ; of excitement in the observation cabin.
; ; A single rubbery black tentacle slowly eased over his enlarged dick, until ; its mouth was hard up against his scrotum.
; ; Again, the pod rumbled and trembled, the thick black tentacle pressurized ; with fluid, and slowly, the protoplasma started entering him.
; ; Inside the black tentacle, his dick grew longer, and thicker until pulsing ; veins on his dick became visible through the rubbery black surface.
; ; His balls had by then quadrupled in size, and his overall body was pushing ; around 9 feet tall.0
; ; The black tentacle withdrew slowly, revealing a massive meat shaft as it ; pulled upwards, over the head, releasing with an audible 'plop'.
; ; "Please tell me he isn't done yet," Raxen begged, rubbing her breasts ; together like mad, standing staring at the monitor.
; ; In answer, the purple coils lifted him off the pod floor and carried him ; over to a short, chunky hollow stem on one side of the pod, which extended ; upwards a little, noisily sucked in the head of his dick, and then the rest ; of it, before it puffed up, brimming with pressurized alien goo.
; ; As the stem compressed to inject, his body shifted, twisted and stretched, ; with more and more luminous green veins surfacing on his skin, while his ; body grew larger, and less human at the same time.
; ; A few minutes later, the stem relaxed, and the purple coils unrolled and ; retracted, unceremoniously dumping 'Mick', all 12 feet of him, onto the ; pod floor.
; ; "I won," Harika squealed, busy imagining what she was going to do.
; ; "Let's first see if we won, before crowing personal victory," Yriel said ; acidly while pulling up the data, nodding approvingly as she read it.
; ; "We have a winner," she proclaimed. "He checks out OK."
; ; "Same procedure," Kyrna said while massaging her clit, "toss him in a ; nutrient pool. And before we're going to have some fun with our new ; acquisitions there's work to be done. This is an unsecured landing site, ; and therefore unsafe. There's only five of us, versus billions of them. ; Either find me a secure site to stay, or we'll head back into space while ; we uh ... evaluate ... the test specimens."
; ; ---
; ; Using the geographical data compiled on their flight in, they picked a ; remote, barren location low on lifeforms and high on privacy, flew there, ; set down and prepared for some pleasure.
; ; Filing into their well-stocked recreation room, they busied themselves ; with some minor pleasures while the specimens were brought in and sat down.
; ; Harika had just turned on a vacusucker attached to her breasts, reveling ; in the sight of seeing her tits distend into the clear cups when they ; were brought in and positioned in the room.
; ; Turning off the vacusucker and letting it drop on the ground, Harika moved ; towards the female figure, entranced by her humpin' huge wet slit, her ; fully inflated beanbag breasts, and just her sheer size; if she had been ; standing she would have been a good 6 feet taller than Harika.
; ; Snuggling up to one of the huge tits, Harika started rubbing her crotch on ; one of the bulbous nipples, moaning in pleasure.
; ; Raxen was more direct in what she wanted, walking up to him, sliding her ; hands over his truly enormous dick, feeling the rush of heat flush through ; her body, knowing it would trigger the increased output of her phero-aphro ; transpiration.
; ; Licking her tongue along the shaft, up and down the pulsing, luminous green ; veins circling the hardening rod, she arrived at the head, and without much ; further ado, she pushed it down and into her crotch, up against her moist ; lust lips, feeling the head throb against her clit.
; ; "You'll never fit him," Kyrna said sarcastically as she walked up and pushed ; the male backwards into a reclining position, guiding her snatch over his ; mouth, staring into his eyes, and hissed "Make me cum with your tongue," ; then crooned as he started using his tongue to pleasure her.
; ; Raxen meanwhile pushed harder and harder up against the enormous ; cock, angry at Kyrna for stealing her thunder, angry that she was getting ; her thrills and telling her she couldn't have hers. Pushing harder and harder, ; suddenly her pussy lips parted and the huge head began forcing them apart to ; make way for its entry.
; ; Determined to have it her way, Raxen thrust forward, until suddenly the huge ; head slipped inside her, lubricated by liberal amounts of liquid from both ; him and her.
; ; Wanting more, Raxen pushed forward and downward, forcing the huge hard cock ; in her flexible vagina, feeling fuller and more loaded than she had ever ; before, and loving every second of it.
; ; Grunting and puffing, she managed to get over three quarters of his dick ; inside of her, then resorted to gravity for the rest by pulling up her legs ; and letting the lubrication do the rest.
; ; Denya, who had witnessed Raxen's action, gasped in amazement, then watched ; in awe as the lime green figure managed to assume a proper thrust position ; and even managed to start pounding.
; ; Raxen grunted and moaned, trying to get a good pound going, determined to ; get her kicks while seeing Kyrna get hers, she resorted to using her long, ; powerful legs to aid in her single-minded desire for a loaded fuck.
; ; Denya and Yriel, in the meantime, were playing with the female specimen; ; Yriel rubbing her yellow titties all over its huge clit and pussy, while ; Denya had nuzzled up to the female specimen's other breast, licking and ; kissing its gigantic nipple while cavorting in the big soft breast mass.
; ; "C'mon," Raxen grunted, "gimme what I want, gimme, gimme, gimme!"
; ; Finally, she managed to get some juice going between their skins, and ; began to slowly pound the huge cock, slowly accelerating, slowly building ; up to a cataclysmic climax, the one she so desired. She felt his cock ; pulse and swell in her cunt, felt her body being pushed to its considerable ; limits, but kept going, determined to achieve her goal. The dick pulsed, ; her body reached capacity and then came up short, but still she kept ; pounding, but she felt the moment come, just a few seconds more, she was ; going to make it ...
; ; ---
; ; The rest had stopped their respective sex games, all gazing in awe and ; fright at Raxen, ramming her crotch up and down, grunting and growling ; like an animal, oblivious to the massive veins on the cock pulsing brighter ; and brighter, her belly distending as the shaft filled her to capacity. ; Kyrna was still sitting on his face, feeling his tongue stir in her cunt, ; while she observed Raxen hammering up and down, her normally soft breasts ; hard as rocks, ultra-erect on her body.
; ; Denya grabbed Yriel's arm "shouldn't we sedate that specimen and get Raxen ; off before he ruptures her ?"
; ; "No," Yriel said softly. "Raxen can handle it. Besides, I want to see what ; happens when he blows his load."
; ; "And if she can't handle it ?"
; ; "Then there was nothing we could have done anyway."
; ; Determined to get her way now, Raxen reached down and began massaging his ; balls, growling and snarling while she pumped up and down, oblivious to the ; pulsing light coming from her pussy, oblivious to the enormous strain she ; was putting on her body.
; ; "Blow, damn you," she snarled, "blow, blow, blow," she repeated the word ; over and over again, ramming down every time, until it turned into a ; continuous growl as she let the beast in her take over.
; ; Just as her body reached its breaking strain, she managed to hit the nerve ; in his balls, triggering a massive geyser of cum - inside her.
; ; She convulsed, constricting his dick, unwilling to let go, unwilling to give ; up this sweet nectar filling her, twisting her, transforming her.
; ; Raxen threw back her head and let out a bestial roar as her breasts almost ; exploded off her chest, bloating to many times their normal size, punching ; Kyrna off the specimen's face, aureolae and nipples growing obscenely huge, ; glowing green veins pulsing all over her breasts, her clit swelling, first ; slightly, then a cluster of green veins pulsed, and it swelled again, this ; time to size of her fist, before her shuddering body stabilized.
; ; She mashed down, and hit the nerve again, triggering another geyser inside ; her, inflating her massive, pulsing, vein-encrusted bustline even further. ; Panting, she stood up, her breasts laid out on either side of the male, his ; now flacid cock falling out of her stretched pussy, dripping luminous goo, ; and she grinned at all of them with glowing eyes and a madwoman's smile.
; ; "Suck my tits," she panted, glaring at them, "Suck my tits, or else...."
; ; "Else what ?" Kyrna demanded.
; ; "Else ... else I'll let them blow ... or ... or .... I'll let them blow."
; ; "How," Yriel asked, interested.
; ; "I can feel ... feel the stuff ... I can ... control it... I think ... ; make it do stuff for me ... now suck my tits ... or I'll think of something ; even more twisted to do with it ... suck me ... NOW!", Raxen growled, ; and her breasts contracted a little, popping out her torso sized nipples and ; dangerously bulging her aureolae.
; ; Without hesitation, Denya walked over to one of Raxen's throbbing nipples, ; stroked it, and began to lick and suck on it, triggering a deep moan.
; ; Harika stepped over to the other one, sliding her hand along the massive ; pulsating mass of Raxen's breast, felt it heaving and swaying, then reached ; the end, and began nuzzling and sucking on it.
; ; Yriel stood rooted to the ground, trying to comprehend what was happening, ; while Kyrna retreated to the far corner and sat down, a smile beginning to ; form on her face as a plan crystallized in her hairless head.
; ; Raxen moaned and groaned as her enormous nipples were lovingly stimulated ; and fussed over, then looked at Yriel, eyes luminescent.
; ; "You there," she panted, "get under there and suck my clit."
; ; Yriel was about to refuse, but Raxen was ahead of her and further compressed ; the skin on her breasts, triggering a creaking sound, before she got on her ; knees and began licking -and inspecting- the enormous lust organ throbbing ; between her legs, her head and back up against the enormous, solid breasts. ; Raxen moaned louder and louder, then her moans turned to screams, and ; finally her screams grew in pitch and intensity, and just in time, the two ; aliens at her nipples dove aside,and Yriel hastily crawled away, when ; suddenly the inflated succubus' nipples couldn't take the strain any longer ; and opened up to let the contents out.
; ; Her tits convulsed, puffed up, strained, and forth burst two enormous jets ; of luminous goo, shooting out against the far wall, and slowly but surely, ; her breasts deflated and dwindled, ending up about twice the size she had ; before it happened, with huge dark green aureolae covering nearly a quarter ; of her breasts, and nipples larger than her thumb instead of the little ; bumps she used to have, after which she collapsed into a pool of goo.
; ; A few minutes later she came round, sat up on one of the benches.
; ; "My my," Yriel said, inspecting the 'damage' from the incident, feeling up ; the pair of enlarged lime green breasts on Raxen, trailing off to feel ; on the nipples, shocked to see the massive, protruding clit throb between ; her legs, overlooking the entrance to her lust tunnel.
; ; Raxen crooned in delight as Yriel ran her hands over them, and when the ; yellow alien turned to inspect the large quantity of liquids on the floor ; and wall she went on herself, kneading and massaging herself.
; ; Yriel rubbed some of the goo that had come from Raxen's breasts between her ; fingers, shaking her head and looking concerned.
; ; "I'll get a sample of this," she said, "this isn't what I expected at all. ; This may spell serious trouble. For all of us."
; ; "Not for me," Raxen said with a smile, shaking her boobs, "these feel ; really great you know!"
; ; "Yes, I can imagine. Nevertheless, you're coming with me to the biolab, ; because I want to know what happened here."
; ; "We'd better clean up here," Harika said, the seriousness of the situation ; hitting her.
; ; Kyrna instructed the ship computer to return the two specimens to their ; respective nutrient pools to recuperate and restore, while she considered ; the possibilities this incident offered. She wasn't crazy enough to do what ; her engineer had done, far from it, but it might just be a tool to get rid ; of a few ... VERY ... annoying other captains who liked a good stuffing.
; ; Harika and Denya set to work vaporizing the remaining liquid, setting the ; circulation units for the room on top throughput, while Kyrna slinked off ; to the bridge to connive a plan.
; ; ---
; ; "Interesting," Yriel said as she studied the data from Raxen's scans.
; ; "How so ?"
; ; "The stuff you shot out of your boobs wasn't pure protoplasm."
; ; "Then what was it ?"
; ; "I don't know yet. You're positive you could control it ?"
; ; "Well ... yeah, a little. That first hit was weird though. I felt it crawl ; into me, well like that anyway, and I sensed it wanted, had to, go ; somewhere. I dunno why I was thinking of my tits at the time though."
; ; "What about the second hit ?"
; ; "It wanted that. It ... I had to make him cum again, I ... it ... wanted ; more."
; ; "It ? This stuff is sentient ?"
; ; "No, it's .. you have to feel it yourself I think, to understand."
; ; "Thanks but no thanks."
; ; "I craved for that second shot. I had to have it. Like ... like ...yeah, ; like Amidilian Redleaves."
; ; "That's pretty heady stuff. Tried it ?"
; ; "Used a while when I was in Amidilia Circle. Kicking it wasn't fun."
; ; "You did kick it, then."
; ; "Hell yes. It was great stuff, but not something to use recreationally."
; ; "Interesting. No, that won't go in my report, don't worry."
; ; "Thanks. so what do you think ?"
; ; "I think you had a lucky escape. I think it was a stupid action of you to ; force yourself like that, though."
; ; "Hey, I wanted a good stuffing, not those weeny genmod mushpods. And there ; aren't any big enough for me on board."
; ; "Well, now there definitely won't be any big enough for you. You're really ; stretched out now."
; ; "Yeah, but for some reason I like it better this way."
; ; "Oh well, each his own kinks I guess. Just don't do this again, will you ?"
; ; "Mmmmm ... maybe."
; ; "No, seriously, don't do it. You had a lucky escape in my opinion. Next ; time you may not be so fortunate."
; ; "OK, OK. Can I go now ?"
; ; Yriel nodded assent, and Raxen hopped off the examination table and out to ; her quarters. Geez, she thought, that was so weird, feeling that stuff shift ; inside me. But, she told herself, Yriel is right. I probably was very ; lucky to get out like this; that protoplasmic stuff we use is scary - and ; worst we don't understand how it works completely. Well, not anymore. We ; used to know exactly. But that was before the War of the Circles, when ; tribe fought tribe, and a lot of knowledge was lost then, including this.
; ; "Oh well," she said to herself, highstepping to let her enlarged breasts ; flap up and down against her body, "looks like this planet is gonna be fun."
; ; ---
; ; Kyrna had called a meeting to decide what their next course of action was ; going to be now that they had had an opportunity to test what they had.
; ; "I've run some tests on that stuff," Yriel said quietly, presenting the data ; on the holoscreen in the middle of the room. "I don't like what I'm seeing."
; ; "Why not ?" Kyrna asked, smiling. "It offers great opportunities."
; ; "To you personally perhaps. To us as a species this stuff is extremely ; dangerous. You saw what it did to Raxen. And no, smaller doses don't make ; it any less dangerous either. It makes the effects less dramatic, but it ; remains an explosively dangerous material we would do well to avoid."
; ; "Or to use as a weapon ..." Kyrna smiled wistfully.
; ; Harika jumped up, fury blazing in her eyes. "The Circle War is over, Kyrna. ; We are no longer trying to wipe ourselves out. We're trying to survive now." ; Kyrna laughed loudly, an unpleasant sound that hurt the ears, then got up, ; her eyes blazing.
; ; "The Circles may be at peace," she hissed, "but I've still got a few old ; scores to settle, and this stuff looks like it fits my plans perfectly."
; ; "You can't be serious," Yriel protested, "these expeditions were launched ; to locate new colony sites as well as new lifeforms to fulfill our desires. ; Most definitely not to find weapons to settle old scores with old enemies."
; ; "Need I remind you I'm in command here ?" Kyrna hissed.
; ; Yriel looked around the table, and one by one the rest of the crew shook ; their heads.
; ; "Not anymore," Denya said calmly. "As helm operator, I deem you incapable of ; commanding this expedition."
; ; "And I," Raxen said timidly, "as engineer, deem you incapable of commanding ; this expedition too."
; ; "So do I," Harika said, "as scanner operator, I deem you incapable as well ; to command this expedition. That makes a majority vote."
; ; Kyrna stared at her crew. "You can't do this to me! I'm your captain!"
; ; "Was.", Yriel said bitterly. "I'm sorry, but by majority crew vote you have ; lost your command authority. You have to surrender your command now. You ; know the rules, probably better than any of us here."
; ; Harika and Denya got up, and taking Kyrna by the arms, they guided ; her out of the room to her quarters, locked her in, and returned to the ; briefing room.
; ; "Well Yriel," Harika spoke. "You're in command now, having the most senior ; position onboard. What do we do now ?"
; ; "We really need to do a bigger trial run."
; ; "Why ?"
; ; "These 'humans' as they call themselves are genetically incredibly diverse.
; ; I don't doubt that the restructurer could work its task on them, but I would ; really like some more samples to see if all of them are affected this much."
; ; "That means we'd have to go to a ground test," Raxen observed. "We don't ; have the resources or space aboard for a large trial."
; ; "I was thinking ten, twelve subjects, tops. We should be able to manage ; that aboard ship. Preferably from different racial groups, and preferably ; obtained away from large population centers."
; ; "And if that's impossible ?"
; ; "Then we have to take a bit more risk and try for a pickup closer to major ; population centers. Preferably multiple subjects together, since I would ; like to study several at the same time."
; ; "Well then," Harika said, "time for me to make love to my scanner array."
; ; "Precisely. It'll be hard to operate the ship with just the four of us, but ; I think we will manage."
; ; Eyes turned.
; ; "What were you planning to do with Kyrna ?" Raxen asked suspiciously.
; ; "Nothing - yet. But for obvious reasons we can't let her near any of the ; ship's critical systems - and definitely not near the bio section."
; ; "That's it ?"
; ; "If there are no complications - yes."
; ; "And if there are ... complications ?"
; ; "We'll decide then when that happens."
; ; "So, an 'unfortunate accident' might be possible," Raxen suggested.
; ; Yriel's jaw dropped. "You're not suggesting we ..."
; ; "It would be better for all of us, not ?" Denya said, warming to it.
; ; "I can't believe my ears," the freshly appointed captain said.
; ; "Better believe them," Harika said sourly, "today just confirmed what I ; suspected for a long time."
; ; "You're all saying ..."
; ; "That it would be better if some misfortune befell Kyrna ? Yes we are."
; ; "And I thought you were closest to her, Raxen."
; ; "Only to ascertain her loyalties. I've long suspected she belonged to one ; of the tribal splinters. Events on Vexina fueled that suspicion, and today ; it's a fact. And she gives lousy lust, too."
; ; "Well, that settles it, doesn't it," Denya smooched, putting her hand under ; one of Yriel's small breasts and pushing it up. "We'll all follow you, but ; something nasty has to happen to Kyrna somewhere."
; ; Yriel thought while Harika kneeled down and began licking her pussy, and ; the recently enlarged Raxen pushed one of her breasts in Yriel's face, ; while lifting the other to her own face, sucking on its massive, stiffening ; nipple, never taking her eyes off the centerpoint of the three-way lustfest.
; ; ---
; ; They spent the next days searching for further specimens to test, but ; most small groups they could easily isolate were either mixed gender, or ; had no racial diversity.
; ; They were about to give up and go for the higher-risk strategy on the edge ; of town when Harika called out a contact.
; ; "Slow moving vehicle, scan shows two males and 20 females inside. No other ; lifeforms nearby at this time."
; ; "Racial diversity ?"
; ; "I read three different types on the females. Males are both the same type ; as we already have. But we can take them, don't we ?"
; ; "Except we won't. No need to waste valuable space aboard."
; ; "Do we take them all ?" Denya asked, deftly maneuvring the ship.
; ; "Neither. Incapacitate the vehicle, drop sedation pods. We'll decide who ; we'll take on scene.
; ; "That means landing and spending considerable time on the ground. And this ; vehicle is on a primitive transportation guidance system with traffic in ; both directions. We will be seen." Denya cautioned.
; ; "Any better suggestions ?"
; ; "Why don't we bring the entire vehicle aboard instead of going through it ; on the ground, take what we want from it, the deposit it in a remote ; location ? That way they'll never know what happens, we have what we want, ; and the risk level is at most aceptable."
; ; "Let's do it. Charge electromagnetic interference beam and arm the ventral ; ordnance bay."
; ; The prison guard was driving the bus with the only intent to get ; his charges to the other side as quickly as possible.
; ; He hated his job. Hated his cargo. Hated the long drives between prisons ; on the empty desert roads. Hated the old rickety buses they drove. ; So when the engine coughed and died, and the lights went dead, the first ; thing he assumed was that the battery had died on them, and cursing his ; luck as the prisoners in the rear got unruly, he swung open the door and ; walked forward to check under the hood what the hell was wrong with this ; old banger, leaving his co-driver to monitor the twenty low-sec prisoners ; who had been hurling verbal abuse and taunts at them from the moment they ; had hit the road, to be transferred from holding cells to prison to serve ; their respective terms.
; ; Poof.
; ; Something burst in the sand behind him. A small puff of white smoke drifted ; up and towards him. Motioning his mate to check it out, he grabbed the ; battery tester from the toolbox to check out what he thought was wrong with ; the vehicle.
; ; Poof. Poof.
; ; Two more bursts, more clouds of thin white smoke drifted up into the sky. ; Confident that his partner could handle it, he lifted the bonnet, and just ; as he wanted to test the battery, the sweet soporific gas wafted over him ; and nearly instantly put him to sleep, slumping over the greasy engine.
; ; The unruly prisoners in the bus quickly followed suit, the driver's partner ; was already fast asleep on the shoulder of the road.
; ; A deep thrumming sound reverberated through the air, and the ship quickly ; swallowed up the stationary prison service bus.
; ; When the prison guard who had gotten out to check out the small explosions ; finally woke up a few minutes later, he found the bus gone.
; ; He sat up on the hard shoulder of the two-lane road, puzzled what had just ; happened to him and his partner, looking around, not seeing the bus, which ; was unexplainable. He had only been out a minute or so according to his ; watch, and the road was long and straight - he should be able to sight it ; if it had driven off.
; ; Not knowing what else to do, he pulled out his mobile phone and called for ; a pickup, wondering how a large prison service bus with 20 prisoners and a ; driver could just vanish into thin air, and neither was there any sign of ; whatever had caused those small explosions.
; ; "What have we got ?"
; ; "What do you need ? Looks like we got it all."
; ; Yriel and Harika were standing in the lower cargo bay, wearing breathers to ; avoid being affected by the sedative atmosphere, having broken open the lock ; to the rear door on the bus.
; ; Yriel checked out the dirty driver slumped over the engine, discounting him ; as a possible specimen, while Harika was standing doubled over in the rear ; of the bus looking at the women.
; ; "I've got 11 darkskins, 6 paleskins and 3 yellowskins here. How many do we ; need for these tests of yours ?"
; ; "Two of each, minimum."
; ; "Yes, but which ? Funny how they're all restrained. Maybe some ritual ?"
; ; "I don't really care. I just want specimens."
; ; "Well, I don't know what your selection criteria are and they all look ; pretty much the same to me. Perhaps you should crawl in here and pick which ; ones you want. I'll go get something to cut through these restraints."
; ; Cursing, Harika crawled out of the cramped vehicle and retrieved a cutter ; from a tool locker, while Yriel maneuvered her lithe body into the bus and ; scanned each woman in turn, eventually picking the ones she wanted, which ; they quickly cut loose from the restraining system and transferred to a ; holding area, before finding a quiet dirt road hundreds of kilometers ; from the desert road where they had picked it up, dumped the bus and its ; remaining content, after which they returned to their previously secured ; landing site, leaving the bus, its driver and its remaining passengers, to ; fend for themselves.
; ; ---
; ; "So what's the plan now ?" Harika inquired. "Throw them all in at once and ; see what comes out ?"
; ; "I wish," Yriel said. "But the nutrient and energy requirements would far ; exceed this ship's capabilities. We could do three at full outcome, perhaps ; four if we were willing to put up with slightly reduced results."
; ; "Well, if they all grow as big as the first one I say we throw four in.
; ; That first one is just soo huge," Denya spread her arms to indicate a very ; large size, "I don't even know where to start having lust with her."
; ; "How many did we take, anyway ?" Raxen asked.
; ; "Ten. Four dark skinned ones, four pale skinned ones and two yellows."
; ; "Let's do two first," Harika said, her eyes glinting, "that ought to warm ; up the Lustopod real good."
; ; "The restructurer is not a toy," Yriel warned her, "mistreat it or lose ; respect for it and you will find it a very dangerous device."
; ; "sure, but that doesn't mean I can't call it a Lustopod, right ?"
; ; "Ooooooh, you're impossible. Call it whatever you want, just don't forget ; that it's dangerous. It may create for us, but it can also destroy us. It ; will grab and process any life form that goes in there - and it doesn't ; care what you are. If it can locate sex organs, it goes for you."
; ; "Didn't we still need an incident to dispose of Kyrna ?" Raxen smiled.
; ; "Whaaaaaat ? Are you suggesting we throw her to ..."
; ; "No, merely keeping options open. I'm sure we'll think of something better." ; Yriel shook her head, "You're a ruthless bunch, the three of you."
; ; "No, we're not ruthless. She is. Now can we get on with it ?"
; ; Yriel threw up her arms and shook her head, then went to work selecting ; two candidates for the first run, and arranged to move them into position.
; ; The door into the main chamber snapped open and both women bolted ; out into the large room.
; ; Yriel punched Harika in one of her breasts. "Idiot. Why did you put them ; both in the same room. They could've decided to stay in there. The whole ; point of the entry room is to create a psychological threat to induce the ; specimen to go into the main chamber. Having another lifeform to interact ; with removes that fear."
; ; "Sorry," Harika said, rubbing her breast. "And you hit pretty hard."
; ; "Apologies for that. I was just angry at you making such a novice mistake."
; ; "Oh well, they came out - look, there they go! There they go! Will they ; go to the same pod or... ?"
; ; "Likely not. I doubt there's enough suitable injector tendrils for two ; in one."
; ; They watched as the women were carried to separate pods and efficiently ; attached to the giant plant's plumbing system.
; ; Harika typed some commands at another console. "Cool. That blackskin has ; actually got quite some volume to start with. Final size is somewhat ; proportional to starting size, right ?"
; ; "Yes, a little. But more on the body's ability to absorb and process the ; protoplasma. If she's big but poorly processes, she'll end up smaller than ; someone who is small but processes well - and no, I don't know how that ; works either, that's Lost Knowledge."
; ; Denya squealed as the Lustopod swapped fleshflowers for blackhoses, seeing ; the blackskin had already grown disproportionally large, well, at least her ; breasts had, in the starter phase of the process. "She's going to be so ; absolutely huge!!"
; ; "That paleskin doesn't do badly either," Raxen observed, "but it looks like ; these will be very different, not only from our first effort, but also from ; each other."
; ; "I can't wait to get down and test them," Harika sighed in glee.
; ; The process finished, leaving the dark skinned woman with immensely bloated ; tits; in fact, they were so huge it took a second cradle to safely lift ; her out of the chamber and off to the rec-chamber, and after setting the ; cradle to pick up the second subject, the four of them bundled out of the ; observation deck and down to the recreational chamber, giggling like school ; girls; even the normally reserved Yriel went along with the act.
; ; "Hoooooooweeeeeeeh!" Harika squealed upon sighting the blackskin ; they had christened EF-B1, "she's huge! And look at those nipples! You can ; drown in those!"
; ; The other specimen, now named EF-P2, was brought in just as they were ; fawning over the first.
; ; "Oh my," Raxen gasped.
; ; "I didn't even know that was possible," Yriel said, shocked.
; ; "Damn, those things look big enough to fuck," Harika said, ogling.
; ; "That sounds like something to try out," Denya smiled.
; ; "Just be careful," Yriel warned. "They're fresh off the restructurer."
; ; While EF-P2 was physically as tall as the alien succubi, and her breasts ; were massive in comparison to theirs, it was her nipples which were truly ; gargantuan in size; each was almost the size of a forearm.
; ; "Are those things erect now ?" Raxen asked.
; ; "Let's go find out," Denya said, a mad glint in her eyes, stepping up, ; instructed EF-P2 to kneel, and then took one of them in her hands and began ; licking it, running her tongue all over it.
; ; Her answer came immediately when the tissue swelled, fueled by a dense ; cluster of evil green lines running over her breasts. She ordered EF-P2 to ; roll over on her back, letting her tits flop over, setting the nipples ; pointing upwards, then ignoring Yriel's warning, lowered herself onto ; one of the large shafts, using her flexible alien anatomy to distend her ; pussy open to accept the enormous shaft. She slipped down, fueled by ; instant lubrication as her juices started flowing, then hooked her legs ; around the tit, and began rocking back and forth, moaning in delight while ; playing with her own breasts.
; ; Yriel watched the scene, shook her head, and went on an 'exploratory' ; journey of lust in the vast, soft breast masses of EF-B1 to get a proper ; taste of her love tunnel - and its bulbous guardian.
; ; Denya was bouncing up and down, letting out small screams of pleasure ; every time she came down and the enormous nipple punched up inside her, ; the massive, soft aureola under her was slowly puffing up, becoming more ; spherical, as she rode it like a bronco, one hand on her clit, using the ; other to support herself, letting her small soft breasts slap up and down ; against her body.
; ; She thought she felt she was rising, and as she looked down, keeping up ; her crazy movement, she saw wide luminous tracks run over EF-P2's breast, ; felt it getting rounder and harder, even saw her other breast deflate a ; little, as the tit under her began to throb and pulse.
; ; "Get off there, Denya," Harika called, concerned, "that doesn't look good."
; ; "Perhaps," she panted while bucking, "but it feels so fucking great, and ; that's all I care about at this moment."
; ; Raxen stepped in and grabbed EF-P2's other breast, sliding its ; large, hard nipple between her own breasts, but rather than come to rock ; hard attention, she felt it soften until it folded over in her hand, saw ; the breast under it deflate and soften, while the other, with Denya on it, ; inflated higher and harder, more and more thick veins rising to the ; surface, even appearing on huge brownish aureola, right up to Denya's ; distended mound where it met the massive shaft boring into her, then up the ; shaft, vanishing inside her.
; ; "Denya, get off there," Raxen pleaded, "you're in real danger up there."
; ; "I'm not getting off here until I get off on her," Denya panted, pushing ; her knees into the swelling tit, gyrating her hips to let the bulging, ; throbbing, protrusion-studded, vein-encircled nipple sink deeper and deeper ; in her, feeling it penetrate to depths nothing had gone before.
; ; Yriel was just getting ready to ride on EF-B1's lust knob, having tuned out ; the pleas and rebuttals, when she glanced back at the action behind her. ; She abandoned her original plan, and instead, rubbed up one of EF-B1's ; nipples and sat down on it, using the enormous breast as a kind of comfy ; chair to watch the action.
; ; Even though they knew what Denya was doing was highly dangerous - the fact ; that more and more luminous lanes were appearing on the ballooning boob ; was clear evidence of that, it turned her on. Shifting up in her improvised ; seat, she dropped the bumpy nipple between her legs and began to gyrate ; her hips while watching Denya's ride getting fuller and crazier, watched ; the other two stand back, both in fear and concern what was going to ; happen.
; ; Fuck, Yriel thought, if she pulls off what Raxen did on that male, ; EM-P1, then I want a piece of that as well. I want some tits I can smooch ; too, not just these little bumps I can pinch.
; ; She shook her head. Keep it level, Yriel. We're here to do a job, not just ; to fulfill our personal pleasures. Well, fuck that, she thought. There's ; plenty of other ships searching elsewhere. But hell, this planet would be ; such a marvelous addition. When we're through testing this group, and there ; are no further anomalous results, she thought, I'll phone home. No sense ; in being careful or slow here - we got to go for this place, bigtime.
; ; She saw how the boob Denya was riding now had a luminous crown surrounding ; the half-spherical aureola, with shafts of thick pulsing luminescence ; breaking the dark brown half-globe, while the other breast was almost flat, ; a deflated balloon hanging off the body.
; ; There's really something scary going on here, Yriel told herself. This ; shouldn't be happening. This shouldn't be possible. Nothing I have ever ; read or learned about this stuff has prepared me for this.
; ; Denya's squeals of delight grew in frequency and volume as she abandoned ; whatever limited inhibitions she might have had and gave herself fully ; to her ride, until she reached her first explosive orgasm, then drunk with ; her lust, she went for another, but this time, as she came, she dug her ; ankles deep into the distended boob and grabbed onto the puffed aureola, ; trying to get a pair of handfuls, but instead she got an epic eruption ; inside her as the valve on EF-P2's nipple gave way under the intense ; pressure, blasting huge volumes of unnatural fluid deep inside her, with ; instant effects.
; ; The first Denya noticed was her breasts becoming stiff, and full, ; followed less than a thought later with her ass, thighs and abdomen ; swelling to epic proportions, although she did not gain height, as the boob ; she had been riding quickly deflated, and as she came down, she used her ; enormous upper legs to milk the last drop out, then as the soft, deflated ; nipple fell from her massively enlarged cunt, her body shifted, and the ; changes rushed up in her body, contorting her, growing her a pair of ; double head size boobs, adding layer upon layer upon layer of muscle ; tissue, turning her formerly lithe and slim body into a giant Amazon of ; enormous strength.
; ; But instead of going on a rampage, she dropped to the floor and started ; sobbing uncontrollably.
; ; Raxen gently laid a hand on Denya's enormous shoulder.
; ; "Hey," she said softly.
; ; "I didn't want this, I didn't want this, I didn't want this," she sobbed, ; hanging her head. "I didn't want this. Please ... help me."
; ; "Easy now," Raxen said gently. "Focus. Focus on what you do want."
; ; "I tried," Denya sobbed, "all I wanted was a pair of killer boobs like you ; have and look what I got."
; ; "Try again," Raxen encouraged.
; ; Denya screwed her eyes shut and for a moment her body trembled, but it ; quickly returned to it's muscular state.
; ; "I can't," she sobbed. "It doesn't work."
; ; "Will you let us help ?", Harika softly asked, in tears at seeing one of ; her best lustmates in the state she was.
; ; Denya only nodded, and Raxen asked her to flip over on her back, she had ; an idea that might work.
; ; While Harika and Raxen explained their idea, Yriel called cradles ; and had both specimens removed, then walked over to Denya to check up.
; ; "Do you understand what we're going to try ?" Raxen asked.
; ; Denya nodded, wiping away a tear with her huge forearm.
; ; "OK, relax and enjoy this, OK ? We'll get it fixed. Trust us."
; ; The amazon meekly nodded, laid down and tried to relax.
; ; Raxen and Harika set to work, suckling Denya's rock hard nipples, making ; small sounds of lust as they did so, and Yriel quickly understood what ; they were trying to do.
; ; She hunkered down near Denya's head and began whispering in her ear, having ; warmed to the idea, and having a plan how to stimulate it.
; ; "Tits. You want tits. You want the biggest tits of all of us. You can feel ; them. You want to make them grow. You want them bigger. Much bigger. You ; want to surpass Raxen. You want to blow them up, so big, so big, so big."
; ; "Yesssss," Denya hissed, her voice strangely deep, her eyes luminescent, ; rolling in their sockets. "Tits. I want tits. I don't need strength. I ; need tits. Very big tits. Must get bigger. Must get much bigger. Must get ; biggest. Must get biggest tits. Must get sucked. Must get drained."
; ; A low rumble. Denya exhaled, then inhaled, and as she did so her massive ; arms began slimming, while her breasts blew up. She drew breath again, and ; as she did so the trend continued; her massive muscular frame dwindled, ; but her breasts kept bulking up.
; ; "Yessss," she hissed, "I can ... feel it ... it's ... working ... must ... ; get bigger ... must ... cum ... must ... drain ... suck me ... suck me ... ; suck me empty ... release me ..."
; ; Harika and Raxen were on their tiptoes, sucking, kissing and licking the ; hugely engorged blackish nipples towering on Denya's bloated blue breasts, ; feeling them fill, bulge and swell up as she got closer and closer to her ; release point.
; ; Yriel dove between Denya's now trim legs and gently began to massage her ; lust mound, trying to push Denya up over the edge, eventualy resorting to ; pushing her face into it and employing her tongue for that extra bit of ; stimulation, while the blue succubus moaned, and moaned, and finally, she ; released, shooting twin jets of glowing goo up against the walls and ; ceiling, showering the room while her breasts contracted to a much more ; managable and practical size, before passing out.
; ; ---
; ; "What a mess. Did I do that ?" Denya asked, wide-eyed at the images flashed ; on the holoscreen in the biolab.
; ; "What's your last memory prior to waking up," Yriel quizzed.
; ; "I remember cumming for the second time on top of that boob ... then briefly ; nothing. Then I recall being trapped in that horrible body, with Raxen ; comforting me and explaining her plan. I remember them starting sucking, but ; then everything went black again. Then I woke up here in the lab.
; ; "You don't remember me saying anything to you ?"
; ; "You did ?"
; ; Yriel just nodded, then sighed.
; ; "I really should punish you, as captain, for your incredibly irresponsible ; action back there. You were warned this might happen."
; ; "To be honest," Denya said softly, "I was hoping it would. I just never ; imagined it could be like that. So yeah, I deserve a good whipping."
; ; "But I'm not going to. I think your ordeal was punishment enough. I'm just ; happy you got out reasonably intact. Just out of curiosity, what were you ; thinking of as you were cumming ?"
; ; "I was fantasizing about giving Kyrna what she's got coming to her. Think ; that may have anything to do with it ?"
; ; "Maybe. I don't know yet. Two more questions before we're done - what did ; that initial hit feel like, and are you happy with how you're looking ; right now ?"
; ; "The initial hit, it felt ... intoxicating. Yeah, like you just got really ; pissed on something really strong, like Maestasian Brandy. You feel like ; you're standing on top of Mistress Mountain, screaming out how good you ; are to everyone without fear of the consequences. It's certainly better ; than the best stuff I ever drank - but not an experience I want to repeat."
; ; "Interesting. And how about those," Yriel pointed out Denya's huge breasts.
; ; "Oh, these feel awesome," Denya said, spontaneously picking up and hugging ; one of her enormous boobs against her face, kissing it, kissing the short, ; fat nipple on top of the large, almost black aureola, "I love these. ; They're so much better than what I used to have."
; ; "You don't find them too big or unwieldy ?"
; ; "No, why ?"
; ; "Better put in some exercise, you're going to have to adjust to having ; a different center of gravity with those."
; ; "Oh that I've got no problem with. But I just love, love, love these," she ; said, smooching both her tits into her face before letting them bounce back ; to their normal position.
; ; "Well, Yriel said, "then we're done here. Time to run the rest of the test, ; and see what we got before we phone home."
; ; "One last question," Denya said. "What happened to EF-P2 ?"
; ; "Why don't I show you," Yriel said, and led the way down to the nu-pool ; hold where they stored their specimens, past 'Jeannie', now EF-P1, bobbing ; in the nutrient tank, past 'Mick', now EM-P1, placed in a separate, sealed ; tank labeled 'dangerous', to the other two.
; ; "That's strange," Denya said. "I would have expected her to regain her ; former proportions."
; ; "So did I," Yriel said. "She probably hadn't fully stabilized when you ; took her for a test flight."
; ; "Yeah, but this is rather dramatic, isn't it ? I mean, she's proportionally ; not too different from us right now. Maybe a little plumper in the chest, ; her skintone is wrong and she's got hair, but she could nearly pass for one ; of us."
; ; Yriel nodded and sighed. "There's other complications too. Her brain ; functions have been restored to their normal capacity and balance. I keep ; her under heavy sedation, but I doubt our phero-aphro will have much effect ; on her. I don't know what to do with her really."
; ; "We could dump her ... " Denya said hesitantly. "Or would that lead to more ; problems than we're willing to accept ?"
; ; "It would certainly cause chaos," Yriel admitted, "having a lifeform one ; and a half times their normal size on the loose, which has a voracious sex ; appetite and is practically insatiable. And I don't even think that's a ; half bad idea either. Interesting to see how they react to that, really."
; ; "If one would cause chaos," Denya said, smiling wickedly, "what would ; several of them cause ? We've got eight more we only need for the baseline ; test with the restructurer, and if we do as you suggested, put four in at ; a time to go for reduced results, they may end up like this, and, well..."
; ; A wicked smile formed on Yriel's full lips, but she shook her head.
; ; "It certainly sounds like a good plan, but I'd rather keep the power of ; our capabilities from them until we're ready to take over. Now let's get ; back to work on those last eight specimens."
; ; ---
; ; Yriel sat in her biolab studying the results of the last test run, shaking ; her head and sighing as she compared reports, pre-run evaluations and their ; end results, running comparisons, cross-examinations and simulations.
; ; Nothing matched. Nothing. There seemed to be no single reliable way to ; study the effects of the mutation induction system on this species. ; None of the predicted results had been anywhere near accurate, and even ; with four at the same time, the changes were of a much greater magnitude ; than she had expected, and to make things worse, it was almost as if these ; humans could retain some of the mutation protoplasma in a different form, ; and secrete it through sexual satisfaction. It didn't make sense.
; ; She had poured over all the available data, all the e-tomes regarding the ; subject, and there was no precedent anywhere.
; ; It's almost, she thought, as if this species is a sick prank of the Master ; to frustrate us for our refusal to submit to Him. Hell, maybe it was.
; ; Sighing she walked over to her lab bench and studied a line of test vials ; filled with glowing fluid; each a slightly different hue, ranging from ; golden orange through yellow to sickly green; harvested from each of the ; subjects, and studied them.
; ; She had to know. But she needed a surefire plan so nothing could go wrong, ; or at least do the experiment under controlled conditions.
; ; She called Harika up to the biolab.
; ; "Still at work ?"
; ; Yriel nodded. "I don't understand what's going on. And I don't like that."
; ; "Well, if it's really Lost Knowledge ..."
; ; "I'm beginning to suspect we may never have known either, that we're ; breaking completely new ground here. And I've got to know."
; ; "Yes, but how ?"
; ; "By experimenting."
; ; "You yourself said how dangerous this stuff is. You've seen how dangerous ; it is. You saw Denya."
; ; "Yes. But I've still got to know."
; ; "Got any ideas ? And no, I'm not volunteering - not yet."
; ; Yriel smiled. "As a matter of fact I do. But I need your help."
; ; As she explained her plan Harika listened in amazement, not believing what ; she was hearing.
; ; "You're willing to voluntarily expose yourself to this stuff ?"
; ; "Yes. But small doses to start with."
; ; "Wouldn't we be better of if we used ..."
; ; "No. the keyword is control. An unwilling, combative subject cannot be ; controlled. And besides, there's no telling what she'll do with it."
; ; "Agreed. Shall I call the rest ?"
; ; "No need. You and I can run the initial trial."
; ; "How ?"
; ; "All you need to do is operate the injector. I've harvested a supply of this ; stuff from the other eight subjects, and I've got a tank loaded with that ; stuff hooked up. I'll tell you how much to inject every time. We'll holo the ; entire experiment, so even if something happens there's still record of it. ; If either of us thinks it's too risky to continue, we'll call off the entire ; test. You OK with that ?"
; ; "Are you really sure you want this," Harika asked, worried.
; ; "Yes, I do," Yriel said, determined, while gently sliding the injector ; tubes inside her. It felt so weird to poke a tube, primed with this unknown ; substance, through each of her single large nipple valves.
; ; Once she had hooked up both sides she sat down in an examination chair.
; ; "Vitals check, data recording on." she called to Harika at the console.
; ; "Baseline established," Harika replied.
; ; "Give me 50cc, left."
; ; "50cc, left, coming up."
; ; Yriel tried to relax as the injector whirred and delivered 50cc of goo to ; her left breast. Her breast slightly swelled, but no more than when 50cc ; of any fluid, including water, would have been in there.
; ; "50cc, right."
; ; Whir. Inject. Nothing.
; ; Yriel's breasts were noticably fuller, but more from pressure than anything ; else.
; ; On a hunch, she relaxed and cleared her mind, then imagined her tits get ; bigger, and was rewarded with a tingling sensation.
; ; She opened her eyes and squinted. She wasn't sure, but she thought ...
; ; "Harika ? Compare my baseline data to me now ?"
; ; "Checking ... hey, you've gained a a little up top."
; ; "Hm, so it works like this. Okay, let's try something a bit more ambitious.
; ; Give me a few to concentrate, then give me 100cc each side."
; ; "You've still got 50 in there, remember ?"
; ; "Yes, I do. We'll try purging after this."
; ; Yriel relaxed, cleared her mind, once again imagined her breasts getting ; larger, and signalled Harika to inject. Whirrr. No tingling this time, ; but a sensation of being pulled on her breasts, not unwholesome, just ; feeling weird.
; ; She opened her eyes to a pair of noticably fuller breasts.
; ; Carefully, she pulled out the hoses, sat down again and went through the ; routine again, thinking only of release. A brief squirt.
; ; "Baseline comparison ?"
; ; "Checking ... you've gained a tiny amount. Looks like most of the gain was ; from the fluid."
; ; "What's the volume retention percentage ?"
; ; "Around ten percent."
; ; "Interesting. So to gain 100cc of volume, I'd first need to dose myself with ; at least 1000."
; ; "Or less. Raxen was absolutely huge when she was full - but no so much when ; she had released."
; ; "Or more," Yriel pointed out, "Denya gained some serious size, and she was ; smaller than Raxen to begin with."
; ; "So what do we do now ?"
; ; "We continue," Yriel said, determined, picking up the hoses from the rack ; and pushing them back in, before sitting down.
; ; "Set new baseline, check vitals. Recording on."
; ; "Check," Harika called.
; ; "Give me ... 500 ... no, 1000 ... no, 2000cc, each side."
; ; "Too much at once," Harika protested.
; ; "Then give me 500, each side. When I'm ready."
; ; Whirrr. The filling sensation made way for the tugging feel straight away ; as she let her thoughts flow.
; ; Her mind briefly wandered, and her thoughts turned from her small breasts ; to her rather full, luscious mound with its small clit, and ...
; ; "Yriel! Wake up and check yourself!"
; ; With a shock she sat up and glared at Harika. "Don't do that."
; ; "Before you complain would you first look down ?"
; ; She did as she was asked and sat mouth agape. Well, she certainly had a ; luscious mound now - a massive bulge between her legs with thick, fleshy ; protruding lust lips and a large throbbing clit poking up from between, ; with her breasts their former, small size.
; ; "It was really weird," Harika said, "it just slipped out of your boobs, ; and drained in channels down towards your crotch. Can you release it ?"
; ; "Let's try," Yriel said, "but first I want it back up here."
; ; She entered her meditative state again, pulling up, expanding her breasts ; once more, before releasing, this time not bothering to pull the hoses ; out, but simply forcing them out on the release squirt.
; ; "You're gaining quite well," Harika commented. "This looks doable."
; ; "Yes, but you have to stay focussed. Thanks for the warning. And these damn ; nipple tubes are uncomfortable.
; ; Yriel rummaged around before returning with a plug with a standard injector ; atachment to it.
; ; "Where are you going to put that ?" Harika asked innocently.
; ; In response, Yriel pushed it in her lust tunnel and wedged the plug solidly ; in place, before sitting down and reconfiguring the injector with a single ; tube.
; ; "New baseline please."
; ; "Check."
; ; "This way I should be able to absorb and release continuously."
; ; "How much do you want ?"
; ; "5000cc per hit, three hits. Don't give me the new dose until I've released ; the last one. Comfortable with that ?"
; ; "Are you ?"
; ; "Yeah," Yriel said, "I can handle it. Watch me grow. Big."
; ; Harika did as she was asked, and Yriel's breasts grew from small bumps into ; full, then very full, up into overfull yellow balloons standing on her chest ; with her nipples expanding slightly every time as well.
; ; "Your retention percentage is rising quickly," Harika warned.
; ; "How much am I at," Yriel asked, playing with her luscious breasts.
; ; "You retained 32 percent volume from the last dose. Yriel, can you please ; stop ? You're beginning to scare me, and you're getting really really big."
; ; "Ah please," she pleaded, "one last dose. To finish it off. 2500cc."
; ; "Computer projecting retention percentage at around 40."
; ; "That will do nicely," Yriel cooed. "Hit me."
; ; Harika saw how Yriel let her breasts bulge up a little, but mostly let ; her leafy green aureolae spread over the front of her breasts, extruded ; her small nipples into large green shafts, before jetting out the remains ; of the liquid.
; ; "Well ?" she asked, standing up, posing, showing off her new assets.
; ; "You're certainly ... different. I like them."
; ; "What's going on in he.. ... whoa," Raxen said, seeing Yriel.
; ; "Nothing special," Yriel said innocently. "Just a little experiment."
; ; "Nine Rings and the Cursed Hand, you call that little ?!"
; ; Yriel swung her large boobs from side to side, letting them slap against ; her sides at the end of every swing, enjoying the feeling, putting up a ; really innocent 'I know nothing' face.
; ; "What's going on ?" Harika asked.
; ; "We have a serious problem," Raxen said. "Kyrna isn't in her quarters."
; ; They rushed down to the hab block only to find the door to Kyrna's room ; blown out, the room a mess.
; ; Immediately they spread out, looking in their respective areas to find ; their missing ex-captain.
; ; Harika found her, sitting at a panel, punching in codes into a panel.
; ; Not willing to take any risk, she launched a vicious kick, landing it ; right on the temple above the ear, knocking Kyrna out cold before ; calling the others.
; ; Raxen inspected the panel, looked at the thing Kyrna had been working on.
; ; "She's gone mad," she said. "If she had finished that sequence that would ; have blown the entire ship to stardust. I guess this settles it then."
; ; "So what do we do with her now ?", Denya asked, frightened.
; ; "I know what to do," Harika said. "Get to the internal observation deck."
; ; "You're not going to ..."
; ; "Yes I am. We cannot continue our mission like this. Go."
; ; Yriel looked at Harika and shook her head. "You're mad," he said, "almost ; as bad as Kyrna is. But you're also right. Go."
; ; Harika unceremoniously dragged her ex-commander by the ankle to one of the ; chamber entry rooms, propped her up against the wall, and, detecting signs ; she was coming to, hastily exited the room and locked up.
; ; ---
; ; Kyrna came to, her head still woozy from the vicious kick she had gotten.
; ; Bitches, she thought, bitches. I'll get you all, even if it's the last ; thing I'll ever do. You may have foiled my plan to blow the ship apart, ; but I have a few more tricks you don't now about. She began to feel along ; the wall of the darkened cell, looking for the door.
; ; Up in the observation deck, they watched Kyrna feel her way along ; the wall of the darkened room.
; ; "When will she figure out where she is ?"
; ; "In a few seconds. She's almost at the door to the central room."
; ; "And then ?"
; ; "Then we do this," Yriel said, pushing a button, snapping open the inside ; door just as Kyrna leaned up against it.
; ; Kyrna swore as the door opened, losing her balance, and planted her hands ; on the floor of the other room. Squish. Squish ? She looked up.
; ; Then it dawned on her where she was. "Oh fuck ..."
; ; As she hurled abuse at her ex-crew, she felt something wind around her ; ankle and drag her inwards. Cursing and screaming, she was lifted up and ; swung inwards to one of the pods, already open to receive its load.
; ; She was still hurling abuse and swearing revenge when the thick purple ; coils dragged her down towards the three fleshflowers.
; ; Kyrna fought like a demon, but made the mistake of trying to heap more ; and more insults on the crew, making it easy for the submission tentacle ; to spray a good load in.
; ; "Well, that shut her up," Denya mumbled. "I never knew she could spew that ; much filth out of her mouth."
; ; "Has this ever been used on one of us before ?" Raxen asked, pointing.
; ; "Not as far as I know," Yriel said. "So this will be interesting."
; ; "Harsh," Denya said.
; ; Inside the chamber, the three thick fleshflowers sucked onto Kyrna, sending ; their swarm of tendrils into her, with nothing short of spectacular ; results.
; ; From her 8 feet length, Kyrna had grown to a full 11 feet tall, with truly ; massive tits hanging of to either side of her body sporting large nipples ; with a large depression in the middle where the valve was.
; ; "Nine Circles," Yriel exclaimed, "if this is a portent ..."
; ; "Can we even contain her ?", Denya asked, frightened.
; ; "If not, we have a few contingency plans," Raxen said firmly, "but I hope ; it doesn't come to that, because I want to have lust on her so hard and ; so much for so long ..."
; ; "Revenge ?", Harika asked.
; ; "For all the lousy handjobs she's given me yes, and all the times I've ; given her all I could without reprocication."
; ; "Well, up she goes: it's begun," Denya pointed.
; ; Up had come the three jet black tentacles, one pushing into her huge lust ; slit between her legs, the other two forcing their way into the nipples, ; and the purple coils retracted to leave her on the ground.
; ; This time the pod walls really started sucked themselves full as the ; central core of the plant wavered and shrank a little.
; ; "Mistress' Misery, how big is she going to get ? I've never seen a process ; pod get that big," Harika said, terrified and excited at the sight.
; ; "Remember that retention percentage is only around ten percent," Yriel ; reminded her.
; ; "Not with that thing - that's got a near 100 percent conversion percentage ; on it, and you know it."
; ; Denya had her eyes glued to the view. "Uh, I think you had better come and ; see instead of argue."
; ; Kyrna's formerly small, slate blue breasts were now towering ; monsters ballooning up against the walls of the pod, her body stretching ; beyond the pod's walls, the jet black tentacles in her impossibly bloated ; nipples barely clinging on to the edge, before they slipped out and let ; the two monstrous dark blue towers bob upwards on the enormous mass of ; breast dominating the pod.
; ; Denya switched view, and the saw all three tentacles now snaked in her ; pussy, while Kyrna's body, grew, grew, and grew until the glowing liquid ; began spraying from her huge, sloppy lust hole.
; ; "Six Tribes and Three Outcasts," Denya exclaimed, "she's so huge."
; ; "Is she done now ?" Harika asked, looking scared.
; ; "I think so." Yriel said, "but I really don't know.
; ; They gazed at the 20 feet tall creation with its large, full breasts, ; the truly monster nipples riding on semi-globular aureolae, her massive, ; loose hanging slopping cunt, with its overstuffed guardian above it.
; ; "She's done," Raxen said. "Look, the blackhoses are withdrawing."
; ; "I'll send in some Cradles to take her away," Yriel said.
; ; "Wait," Denya called. "Something's happening."
; ; From the waist of the central tower a pair of thick, dark red, fleshy ; tentacles emerged, and picked up Kyrna from the floor of the pod, pulling ; her in, upright against the tower before sets of tendrils wrapped around ; her upper arms, waist and ankles, tying her solid to the tower.
; ; "What's going on ?" Raxen asked, panic in her voice.
; ; "I don't know, I'm trying to find out," Yriel said through gritted teeth.
; ; "Mistress' Misery, look at those things," Denya wailed, genuinely fearful.
; ; Four huge, glistening black, muscular tentacles had emerged from the bottom ; of the tower and snaked their way up, one punching its way in her slit, ; the other two pushing on her nipples, and when that didn't gain them entry, ; they vibrated and forced their way in, pushing the nipple in with them, ; and the last pushed its way into her mouth.
; ; The two dark red, thick fleshy waist tentacles returned and repeatedly ; wrapped around her blue saggy tits, cinching them in the middle, raising ; them up, until they pointed straight ahead.
; ; "It's like looking down the barrel of a cannon," Harika whispered.
; ; "I just hope it shoots to cum," Raxen whispered back, getting horny.
; ; "Nine Rings, she's growing again," Yriel said. "I think we'll have to ; prepare for one of those contingencies, Raxen."
; ; "Not yet," the busty bright green engineer said. "I want to see this ; play out first."
; ; A dull thud, and one of the pods collapsed onto the ground, ; looking drained and empty. Another thud, and the second pod fell.
; ; One by one, the eight pods on the restructurer dropped to the ground as ; the giant blue alien contorted and swelled beyond anything they had ever ; experienced before. Her body towered up to 30 feet, the top of her head just ; below the top of the plant's central shaft, her breasts becoming impossibly ; full and taut balloons, her nipples popping back out under the immense ; pressure involved; her lust mound and clit distending to impossible ; proportions, her eyes long since having turned pure green luminescent as ; more and more mutagenic protoplasma got pumped inside her. The red ; tentacles cinching her breasts had long since retracted, her tits poked ; ahead on their own strength, rising up and up as they filled out further, ; until they each dwarfed her body.
; ; Then the central tower withdrew the jet black hose from her cunt, and out ; from the tower popped a small lump that quickly grew larger and larger, ; but most of all longer, and further upwards, swelling straight into her ; enormous cunt, forcing open her lust lips and ramming its way inside as ; it inflated upwards into her. They could follow its progress on her skin ; as it distended with the growth underneath.
; ; More fleshy tentacles appeared, and one by one the massive black hoses ; withdrew into the central tower. The tower began to pulse and gyrate, ; thrusting its massive protrusion into giant Kyrna's form, her enormous, ; gelatinous boobs reacting in slow motion to each increasingly powerful ; pulse and thrust the tower made.
; ; "Oh fuck, this is so turning me on," Raxen said, playing with her breasts.
; ; "Play with me," Denya begged, pushing her tits into Raxen's face, "I'm so ; horny too."
; ; Harika was so entranced by the Lustopod fucking the giant Kyrna, that she ; didn't care about the pair cavorting on the floor behind her, breasts ; flying, nipples pinched and pulled, pussies sucked and fingered.
; ; She stole a sideways glance to Yriel, who was pulling on one of her nips, ; but was also intently watching the scene unfold in front of her. ; 'Kyrna' found her voice, and her screams of pleasure started booming ; through the ship as the plant behind her brought her closer and closer to ; a truly explosive climax.
; ; "She's going to cum soon," Yriel said calmly.
; ; "How do you know ?" Denya asked, having gotten up from her impromptu lust ; attack with Raxen on the floor.
; ; "Kyrna always had a tic she would bat her eyes two times in rapid succession ; just before cumming. And she just did."
; ; Four pairs of alien eyes stared at the monitor as the screams grew in pitch ; and her boobs, and especially her hellishly huge nipples, started swelling ; and horribly distending, growing bumps and protrusions on all sides, with ; long luminous green veins breaking out on her skin going everywhere, her ; clit gaining one, then two massive green veins from bottom to top, the ; thrusts coming faster and faster, and faster, and faster...
; ; "She's going to blow," Denya screamed, and dove to the ground, her crash ; dive cushioned by her cleavage, triggering a howl of pain.
; ; An atmosphere-ripping ghostly scream reverberated through the ship, and all ; monitors in the restructuring room went black.
; ; ---
; ; "Can you get any image at all ?", Yriel asked, concerned.
; ; Raxen looked up, irritated, "I'm trying, I'm trying! Looks like the vid ; pickups are damaged - that, or covered over with something."
; ; "Let me at this," Harika said, fingers flying over the console.
; ; "There's a command sequence that'll blow cleaning liquid over the pickups ; just for this kind of occasion and ... ah, there it is.
; ; Harika triggered the command and one by one the vid pickups were blown ; partially clean of the thick layer of foam covering them.
; ; "Where's Kyrna ?" Denya asked, flicking through the partially covered ; and messy feeds.
; ; "I'm more interested in knowing the fate of the restructurer," Yriel said ; dejectedly. "If it's destroyed or damaged our mission is effectively ; over and we can go home. And we'll have some serious explaining to do ; then as well."
; ; "I've got an image, panning now," Harika called.
; ; "Which pickup is that from," Yriel asked as Harika moved the camera ; around the chamber.
; ; "There's an emergency narrow angle pickup in the crown of the room for this ; kind of thing. I can't pan down far though."
; ; "I can't get any data through this feed," Yriel complained.
; ; "Of course you can't," Harika bit back, "It's only an emergency feed to ; check the chamber. I'll send cleaner bots in in a minute to get the main ; feeds back online, now that it appears safe to unseal."
; ; The next few minutes were agonizing to all of them as the small ; bots cleaned off the main video and data pickups, slowly giving them ; a full view of the chamber and its contents.
; ; "OK, I've got data feed," Yriel called, fingers flying.
; ; "Video live, we're on air again," Harika said, typing.
; ; "Good news: the restructurer lives. It's slightly damaged and severely ; drained, we can't use it for at least a week or so, but it's still alive."
; ; "What about Kyrna ? Where is she ? And how big ?"
; ; "Found her. She's lying at the edge of the chamber."
; ; "Can you get a feed at her ?"
; ; "Coming up."
; ; Briefly the image was blocked by a cleaning bot wiping the last bit of ; thick foamy stuff off, but then it focussed on the slatey blue figure ; lying motionless on the floor, mostly covered in mountains of thick minty ; green foam.
; ; "Mistress' Misery. This can't be true." Denya mumbled. "She's looks huge."
; ; "Nine Rings," Raxen said in awe, "now that's what I call a result."
; ; "What's the data on her ?" Harika whispered.
; ; "Heaven and hell ..." Yriel whispered and began working the systems, ; pulling up the data.
; ; "Alive. 32 feet tall. No higher brain functions at all. I found basic ; speech recognition, basic lingual recognition, motor control, both ; voluntary and involuntary. Checking other fuctions ... no ... this cannot ; be ... that's ... impossible. She has no other functions. The rest is ; simply devoted to a massive pleasure center. Physically ... body plan looks ; to be correct, her breasts ... Mistress of Mistresses ... her breasts ..."
; ; "What's wrong with those ?" Denya asked anxiously.
; ; "I think it's better you're not around to see those right now," Yriel said.
; ; "Why don't you all go to your posts ? I'll take care of things here."
; ; "I want to see them first," Harika said firmly.
; ; "It's better you not, for now," Yriel said softly. "Please."
; ; They looked at each other, but complied with Yriel's wish and went ; off to their respective posts, waiting for word.
; ; "Oh oh oh, Kyrna, Kyrna, Kyrna," Yriel mused. "You always wanted to be the ; biggest and best of them all. And now you are, now you are."
; ; Four Cradles moved into the room and gently picked up Kyrna's massive bulk ; off the floor, two to pick up her body, one each to support her massive, ; stiff, balloon-shaped breasts, before hovering past a small army of cleaner ; bots that washed the foamy substance off her unconscious form.
; ; She set the Cradles to transport her to a nutrient pool, but when they got ; there is was clear there was no way she was going to fit in it, her legs ; and lower body would go in, but the two slate blue monstrosities that were ; her tits would never fit inside, each having a diameter larger than the ; tanks.
; ; Remembering there was a large nutrient bath at the far end of the hold, ; she instructed the Cradles over there while she checked its volume.
; ; It would be a tight fit, she mused, and rather than be suspended in the ; liquid 'Kyrna' would have to sit upright. Oh well, her boobs would make ; sure she wouldn't shift - looked like they would fill out the pool very ; nicely.
; ; ---
; ; Finishing off that litle job, she called the crew to the briefing room.
; ; "We have three problems right now," she said. "The first is we don't have ; a functioning restructurer for at least another week. Even after that ; week, it'll be of limited function - a full recovery will likely take ; a month or so. Our second problem is our ex-captain: yes, I'll show you ; what she looks like in a few, don't worry. We're going to have to do some ; serious explaining when - or even if - we get back. And the third problem I ; would like to discuss with you all: what do we do with this planet ?"
; ; "Take it, and take our people to a new level of lust," Raxen said.
; ; "I'm not so sure," Denya said. "We've all experienced one way or another ; how horribly wrong it can go. Maybe we're better off just leaving it."
; ; Harika pursed her lips and thought for a moment.
; ; "I don't know," she finally said, "there's merit in both your points: we ; would be fools to leave this place, but we would also be fools to take it.
; ; That leaves the deciding vote with you, Yriel."
; ; "And I can't decide either. But I know that if I communicate the data back ; they'll decide to invade purely on the basis of suitability. They'll ignore ; any and all warnings and cautions attached to it."
; ; "Then it's a case of when in doubt, fuck till you pass out." Raxen said.
; ; Denya thought about it, and shook her head.
; ; Harika thought for a moment, then sighed, and shook her head as well.
; ; "No, she said. "Not in this case. I'd rather mark this planet as hazardous ; than habitable. The instability of the specimens, coupled with the dramatic ; protoplasmic effects really make it too dangerous."
; ; "We should at the very least set up a harvesting unit here," Raxen moped.
; ; "That wouldn't be a bad idea," Yriel agreed. "And I'll recommend we do, but
; ; I will otherwise mark the planet as a hazard, but with some ... interesting ; resources."
; ; "Now that that's out of the way," Denya giggled, "how's Kyrna - or rather, ; how big is Kyrna ?"
; ; "Very, very, very big," Yriel said, putting up the images on the holo.
; ; "Damn me and my kin," Harika gasped, "is she that big ?"
; ; "I wonder," Raxen smiled, "what happens when she gets horny."
; ; "Those boobs are insane! They're so much bigger than she is! And take a ; look at those nipples - they're monsters!" Denya squealed.
; ; "I wanna fuck her," Raxen said, her eyes glued to the image.
; ; "How do you fuck something over four times your size with tits that big?"
; ; "I don't care, I'll find a way. But I wanna fuck her."
; ; "Not for another couple days," Yriel said. "I first want to see if there ; are any aftereffects and let the protoplasm settle and convert first."
; ; "Sure, okay," Raxen said, squeezing her breasts, "but then I want to fuck ; with her."
; ; "I think we all do," Harika said, shifting her legs to control the itch ; between them.
; ; "What do we do in the intervening time," Denya queried Yriel.
; ; "Good question. I think it's time we started cleaning up a little left ; and right. We're carrying nine subjects that are no further use to us; and ; I would like to locate a spot to recommend for that harvesting station."
; ; ---
; ; They spent the next few weeks going from place to place, trying to find a ; good location to hide their 'harvesting station', not really finding any ; place meeting all their criteria. To Raxen's (and the other crewmembers) ; frustration the intense search left no time for a good, thorough play ; session, and Yriel was adamant she wanted that site fixed, pinned down ; and under construction, having phoned home to report the loss of Kyrna, ; filing her reports, and requesting a ship with the materials to build the ; station they planned.
; ; "How is it possible," Harika complained, "that a planet with so ; many inhabitants and so much room has so few loctions that meet our ; requirements."
; ; "Maybe we're not looking in the right places," Denya suggested. "We're ; constantly investigating these remote, barren locations - but they're all ; unsuitable because there are not enough humans nearby. Perhaps we should ; try and hide it in or near a population center."
; ; "It'll get found and destroyed then," Kirga, the commander of the supply ; ship said bitterly, "and our effort will have been wasted."
; ; "Maybe not," Yriel said. "You had an idea, Denya ?"
; ; "Well, going through the behavior pattern databases I noticed these humans ; have specific zones where they exchange valuables for brief periods of ; lust. Perhaps we could somehow make use of that ?"
; ; "How ?" Kirga was still skeptical.
; ; "We could build a station underground, nearby, and connect it to such a ; zone via a low pressure tunnel. "
; ; "And then abduct a few every now and then when our supplies run out ?
; ; "Yeah, like that. If it's only a few occasionally, they won't notice - ; these lust workers seem to represent the lowest rung on their social ; ladder anyway."
; ; "But if demand rises it will be that much harder to cover up for. They ; may catch on and either move the zone or actively search for the source ; of the disappearances," Kirga objected, "and it's really hard to hide ; our supply flights near these population centers. No, we would do far ; better to keep investigating those remote sites."
; ; "Very well," Yriel said firmly. "We write off this planet as a hazard, dump ; the useless specimens and we go home. This argument isn't helping us and ; this species doesn't fit the behavioral patterns we're expecting. I do ; like Denya's idea - but ultimately building the station is Kirga's call, ; she captains the supply ship, and commands the base materials."
; ; "There is one possibility we have discounted so far," Harika ventured.
; ; "Which would be ?"
; ; "Captain Kirga, can this base be built under water ?"
; ; "Possibly. Why ?"
; ; "Cover. We can move ships underwater to open sea to make supply runs, thus ; lowering detection profile. These humans love the seas but they also fear ; them. Abducting specimens from boats in bad weather will give us plausible ; cover as well. Additionally we can run collection raids on coastal cities ; if supplies are low, and target the zones Denya indicated."
; ; "What's the deep ocean depth here ?" Kirga asked, interested.
; ; "Around 13,000 feet."
; ; "No problem then." Kirga clapped her hands. "Brilliant solution. I agree."
; ; "Does this mean we get to have our 'little' bit of fun soon," Denya asked, ; smiling slyly.
; ; Kirga raised an eyebrow at Yriel, half-asking for an explanation, who just ; smiled, "Exploration has its particular perks."
; ; ---
; ; After Kirga was gone, back to her own ship, to start construction on the ; base, Yriel gave Denya a clip around the ear.
; ; "Ouch! What was that for," she wailed.
; ; "For mentioning our private enjoyment in front of Kirga. They don't have ; to know about it."
; ; "Won't they find out when we get back ?"
; ; "Not necessarily. I happen to know a place on the edge of the Nine Circles ; that is very private and very comfortable. And very large."
; ; "So what do we have left to do here," Harika asked.
; ; "We'll deposit those nine useless specimens tonight," Yriel said, "near one ; of those urban lust zones; ought to create a nice bit of chaos. Then we'll ; start heading home. And when we get there we're going to throw a private ; party. A very, very big one."
; ; "Perchance involving ..." Denya hinted.
; ; "Among others yes."
; ; "I can't wait," Harika moaned.
; ; About three weeks later the ship docked at a large asteroid base ; in the outer reaches of Hadiz Circle, and the crew disembarked.
; ; "What is this place," Raxen asked.
; ; "This used to be a warbase in the Circle Wars," Yriel explained. "It was ; abandoned after the war, no longer necessary."
; ; "How did you find this place anyway," Denya asked.
; ; "Tribal elder told me about it. Well, she had heard from her elder about ; this place, really. It was told to me as a piece of trivia, that somewhere ; in the outer reaches of the Hadiz Belt there was supposed to have been ; a warbase in the Wars. I don't know what it was used for though, but I'm ; guessing it was a fleet base given the scale of of the place. I've been ; coming here often when I was younger and less responsible - and I figured ; this was as good a place as any to stash our former captain and some other ; goodies we acquired."
; ; "Then what ?"
; ; "Then we go to base, turn in the ship, file our reports and come back here ; for the party. Shouldn't take more than a day to get sorted, and I've got ; a personal shuttle on base."
; ; After offloading the large tub with their blue sex monster in it, as well ; as the three specimens they had retained, plus a supply of protoplasma, all ; of which was against orders and regulations anyway, they hightailed it to ; base, filed their respective expedition reports, and hopped back on Yriel's ; shuttle to the base.
; ; "Hey Yriel - won't they read out the ship's navlog and find the the warbase ; that way ?" Denya asked.
; ; "Don't worry," she said while setting the ship on autopilot, "I told the ; ship's computer to ignore that diversion and not log it."
; ; "You're scary," Raxen said. "You cover just about every eventuality."
; ; "That's because I know how the rules work. Been there, done that."
; ; They laughed and made fun the rest of the journey out to the old ; base, then zipped in a shuttle dock.
; ; "Uhm, Yriel," Harika said, worried. "How comes that this base is under ; power ? It doesn't look very abandoned to me - it's all clean, pressurized ; and everything works. I've been to a few abandoned warbases but I've ; never seen one in this good a state."
; ; "I don't know either," Yriel admitted, "but my guess is that this base was ; built late in the Wars, and must have some sort of self-sustaining system ; in it. A lot of later bases had, and some of those are still being used."
; ; Setting up camp in a section of the base proved to be easier than they ; expected and soon they gathered to give their ex-captain a testdrive.
; ; "Mistress' Misery," Raxen said, "she's even bigger than I thought. How the ; hell are we going to get her out of, and back into, that nutrient tub ?"
; ; "Even more pressing," Harika said, "How are we going to restock that tub ; on a regular basis ?"
; ; "All taken care of," Yriel said smiling. "I found the plans of the base in ; its main computer - there should be a pair of standard nu-feeds on that ; wall behind the tub, and there are pipes are in that locker over there.
; ; With the main power still on, that should generate enough power to keep ; rejuvenating the tub contents. As for getting in and out - this used to be ; a ship dock, so it must have an overhead crane for moving large objects."
; ; "And she qualifies as large indeed," Denya drooled in anticipation.
; ; A few hours later they were all set up and ready for their very ; first sex monster ride, using a remote-op crane to lift their creation out ; of its sustaining tub onto the floor of the dock.
; ; "How do we position her ?" Harika asked.
; ; "Anyone any preferences ?", Yriel polled.
; ; "I think flat on her back is the only option," Raxen said.
; ; "We can keep her sitting up like this as well."
; ; "She can't move without assistance of the crane ?"
; ; "With those ? Unlikely," Yriel scoffed.
; ; "Let's go find out," Denya said, stealing a smile before she started ; climbing up the arm and sitting down on the massive shoulder.
; ; "Stand up," she said in Kyrna's ear.
; ; The luminous green eyes opened, and while Denya held on to the ear, Kyrna ; began standing up, lifting her titanic breasts up in the air.
; ; "No way. No way. Those things must weigh tons." Harika gasped.
; ; "Where to," Denya called down.
; ; They briefly conferred in hushed tones, then Yriel called up to maneuver ; her so to lay flat on her back in the center of the massive space. Denya ; relayed the instruction, and Kyrna mindlessly carried it out, reclined, ; and laid down wide-legged in the middle of the disused dock, massive boobs ; splayed out to either side of her comparatively diminutive body.
; ; Denya bounced back to the others. "See, we don't really need the crane."
; ; "She's a monster," Harika said hushed. "I can only hope Yriel's brainscans ; are correct and she isn't busy tricking us - she could squish us in an ; instant if she wanted."
; ; "My scans are correct," Yriel said firmly. "I doublechecked them against ; those I had on file from before. There's nothing left of either her old ; personality or her memories."
; ; "Well, shall we ?" Raxen said, staring down the huge lust tunnel wide open ; between Kyrna's legs, determined to stimulate it until she came, whatever ; effort it took.
; ; "Hell yeah," Harika said, gazing at the massive structures on the summit ; of the blue lust mountains.
; ; The group broke apart, cheering like schoolkids, each rushing to their ; preferred place to have fun.
; ; Yriel climbed up on Kyrna's head and positioned her snatch over the huge ; mouth. "Lick me," she commanded, "lick me till I cum."
; ; The mouth opened and out came a huge tongue, which started lapping at her ; crotch, sending Yriel into ecstasy.
; ; Raxen climbed up the massive lust lips to the huge, glowing pulsing knob ; mounted above, dragging her breasts over it until her nipples were so hard ; they pushed into it, then started kissing and fondling it until it surged ; upwards and came to erection, triggering a flood of liquid oozing from ; between the lust gate beneath. More, Raxen thought, I want more.
; ; Harika and Denya made the long climb up a massive blue orb, helping each ; other further up to reach the heaving summit.
; ; Clambering up the half-spherical, pulsing aureola wasn't easy, but they ; finally managed to reach the base of the massive nipple.
; ; "This thing is huge," Harika panted from the long climb.
; ; "Shall we try and get it to erect ?" Denya asked, eyes glinting.
; ; "With Yriel and Raxen going at it we ought to manage yes," Harika said, ; and started smooching the massive dark blue pillar, rubbing her swollen ; crotch and breasts into it, running her tongue up and down the small ; glowing green vein going up around it.
; ; Their efforts were soon rewarded as the whole thing heaved, then rose, ; big lumps and bumps appearing on the aureola beneath them, the dull glow ; of the small veins getting brighter as well.
; ; "Help me up ?" Harika asked.
; ; "What are you planning ?"
; ; "I wanna see the top."
; ; "So do I."
; ; "I'll help you up. Now gimme a hand."
; ; Denya boosted Harika up to the top of the massive shaft, then Harika ; reached down and pulled Denya up the bumpy wall to the top.
; ; "Look at that valve! It's big enough to walk through," Harika pointed.
; ; "If you fell in you'd never get out again I think," Denya said.
; ; "I got a naughty plan," Harika said smiling.
; ; "How naughty ?"
; ; "VERY naughty."
; ; "Well, tell me."
; ; "Let's try to pull it open. You on this side, me on that side, legs over ; the edge, grab the skin folds there and there, and pull."
; ; "That's dangerous. We don't know what's in here."
; ; "Aw, c'mon, can't be much anymore. She had well over a month to settle.
; ; Let's just do it. I've never stared into a tit before."
; ; Harika crabbed over to the other side, bent down, grabbed onto the skin ; and kicked back, bracing her legs over the edge.
; ; Denya did the same, and as the soft fleshy surfaced under them heaved and ; trembled thanks to Raxen and Yriel's action, they nodded at each other ; and gave it a good, hard, sharp pull.
; ; Raxen was sitting down on the glowing, pulsing clit, digging her ankles ; into its base, grinding her crotch into it, grabbing handfuls of it and ; pushing her hands in, feeling it grow, and grow, and distend, and each time ; it surged upwards, more fluid oozed out of the great gate below her.
; ; Yriel had cum several times already, Kyrna's rough tongue sending her ; flying into ecstasy, and decided she wanted something else.
; ; She bent over, hanging her large yellow breasts between Kyrna's lips.
; ; "Suck my tits," she moaned, "suck them completely."
; ; Kyrna's mouth closed around the large, lemon-colored breasts, her large ; lips up against Yriel's chest, and her cheeks drew hollow, drawing the ; two large balloons inside the mouth stiff and hard, nipples erect.
; ; "Again," she panted, "harder."
; ; A storm of exhaled air passed over her as Kyrna breathed out through her ; nose, then the cheeks went hollow and Yriel felt like her nipples were ; being ripped off her breasts, and her boobs off her chest, feeling them ; balloon and stretch, loving the feeling.
; ; "Harrrrrrder," she crooned.
; ; Another storm, and again Yriel's soft breasts briefly swelled to massive ; balloons inside the large mouth, feeling like being torn off.
; ; "Once more," she begged, "as hard as you impossibly can."
; ; Kyrna sucked again, then three things happened in conjunction:
; ; While Harika and Denya didn't succeed in pulling open the valve on top of ; one of the steadily engorging breasts, they still managed to trigger a ; single huge lust wave down it, while Raxen managed to trigger the first ; impulse of an absolute killer orgasm, and through the intense vacuum, a ; last remnant of protoplasm squirted out of Yriel's breasts into Kyrna.
; ; It started with a low, evil, dark rumble at the base of her giant ; blue lust balloons.
; ; Yriel pulled her battered tits out of Kyrna's mouth, cursing her stupidity ; when she saw they had gotten all baggy and stretched out, thick ugly ; stretch marks lining them from base to top, her nipples studded with bumps, ; bleeding slightly.
; ; Another rumble, and Harika and Denya came sliding down the breast, getting ; off in a hurry.
; ; Raxen became aware of the deep growling sounds on either side of her, ; feeling the massive mound under her feet swell and grow, the knob she had ; been working on swelling, distorting, thick veins of evil green breaking ; the surface of Kyrna's slate skin, rising from the base of her breasts ; upwards to the top, snaking their way over her body down to her swelling ; crotch, while more and more liquid oozed out of distending lust gate.
; ; Not wasting any time, she jumped off Kyrna, racing towards the far side of ; the dock the others were also making for, Yriel cursing and holding up her ; painful breasts, Harika and Denya with real fear in their eyes, running as ; fast as their legs would carry them.
; ; Behind them, the rumbling continued, growing louder, the pulsing glow ; getting brighter, the floor trembling.
; ; They reached the far wall and only then did they turn back.
; ; "What happened to your .." Harika pointed at Yriel's breasts.
; ; "Later," she replied in agony, "I think we have bigger problems now."
; ; "Fucking big," Raxen agreed.
; ; The thick green veins completely besieged Kyrna's mammarial mountains now, ; penetrating the fortresses at the top, infiltrating them, setting them ; ablaze with more thick, glowing lines, while her cunt was completely ; encircled with the same luminous, evil tendrils under her skin.
; ; "Is she going to explode ?" Denya asked fearfully.
; ; "I don't know," Yriel gritted her teeth, "but whatever happens I want to ; see it."
; ; The breasts began to balloon, getting rounder and rounder, ; springing upward against each other, stretching out vertically, while her ; huge ass lifted off the ground, as her enormous legs tensed, digging the ; toes into the metal floor, her massive hands clawing into it as well.
; ; Veins wrapped around her legs and arms, springing up from within, as if ; constricting Kyrna.
; ; Her breasts continued to stretch and stretch vertically, her vein-encrusted ; nipples having tripled in length already, her aureolae distended to almost ; full spheres, and still they kept growing bigger, towering higher.
; ; Her ass strained in its net of veins, then started spreading, tightening, ; rounding, growing, followed soon by her upper legs, but not only did they ; get thicker and rounder, they got longer, as well, followed soon by her ; arms and lower legs, her hands and feet swelling out of the indents in the ; floor as she began to stretch in every direction, her bent legs ; straightening out, her arms locking in a stright position pointing away ; from her body, hands siffening in an outstretched position, ever expanding, ; ever growing, her boobs still rising and stretching upwards.
; ; "Fuck me," Raxen gasped. "How big is she going to get ?"
; ; "Is it even safe to remain here," Denya questioned, gazing up.
; ; "I don't think anywhere is safe right now," Harika said, "so we may as well ; watch. If we die, at least we'll die happy knowing we've seen both the ; biggest succubus ever, with the biggest damn ever boobs."
; ; Between Kyrna's stretched legs, her mound had been steadily ; distending and swelling, pushing her legs apart, until it was bigger than ; one of her ass cheeks, still growing, her lust lips thick tubes, bulging ; from within, her flashing clit a tall tower swaying above it, and still ; she got bigger.
; ; Harika bit her lip, then threw caution to the wind. She stepped away from ; the wall where they were huddling and walked to Kyrna's bloating form.
; ; The others screamed her to come back, but Harika was just entranced by the ; bloating, swelling, expanding form in front of her.
; ; The vast bluish boobs still rose, and widened, her aureolae looking more ; like breasts on top of her breasts, her nipples distorted shafts, covered ; with massive green lanes, bulges and bumps.
; ; Walking up to the crotch, Harika stretched out her hands and gently put ; them on a patch of distended blue skin.
; ; To her surprise, it felt soft, and pliable, not hard as she had expected.
; ; Sliding her hands over the skin, she loved the feeling, as she gazed up ; at the widening, expanding crotch still oozing precum fliud.
; ; Holding out her hand, Harika caught a drop in her hand and smelt it.
; ; It was really sweet, and as she ran her the ooze through her hand, it felt ; really good, not knowing what to do with it, she smeared it on her breasts.
; ; Ducking under the massive leg, she walked up to one of the still distending ; breasts, and put her hand on it, curious, afraid, but also horny as hell.
; ; Soft. Pliable. Next she ran her hand over one of the green lanes, finding ; it as soft and pliable as well, but when she touched it the lane instantly ; bulged out towards her, growing brighter and wider until she let go, when ; it returned to its former state.
; ; She scrambled up on one of hands, and briefly the hand and arm ; sagged, but she hung on to one of the swelling fingers and began to walk up ; the arm, staring at Kyrna's locked visage, eyes blazing with light, mouth ; snapped shut, carefully stepping onto her chest, feeling the soft, pliable ; surface below her, stepping carefully around the green veins, squeezing ; between the two bulging breasts, feeling the green veins bulge and press up ; against her - fuck, it felt good!
; ; Goosestepping around the huge pulsing green veins she reached her goal, the ; glowing, distended tower standing guard over the bulbous cunt.
; ; There wasn't a shred of skin left, only a single pulsing, glowing, growing ; tower of green, wobbling and rising as Kyrna stretched and grew.
; ; Getting down on her knees, Harika stuck her hand between the soft cunt ; lips and felt Kyrna surge under her.
; ; "Harika, get off there," Denya screamed, "Kyrna just grew about a tenth ; when you did that!"
; ; "Did she ?" Harika asked excited.
; ; "Yes! Now get off there, I swear, she's going to BLOW!"
; ; "And like I told you, I don't CARE! If you want to get yourself to safety, ; do that, I'm going to see how big she can get."
; ; She kneeled and plunged her arm in Kyrna's pulsing throbbing cunt, feeling ; her arm coat with thick, sweet love ooze as Kyrna bucked under her, and ; looking back she saw the breasts rocket up, felt the thick distended cunt ; lips close around her arm, saw the legs in front of her stretch further ; away from her.
; ; Drawing her arm out, she smeared the thick, delicious liquid all over her ; tits and pussy, and it turned her on.
; ; Moaning, she decided she wanted this to go faster. She slid her hands ; over the huge guard tower rising high atop Kyrna's mound, felt it bulge ; and swell, felt it ... grow.
; ; Looking around, she saw Kyrna expand, faster than when she had her arm ; in her cunt and then, with full abandon, pressed her breasts and crotch ; into it and began sliding up and down, cooing, moaning as the towering ; clit swelled into a large ball, pushing her down against Kyrna's abdomen, ; pulsing, pushing her breasts apart as it enveloped her, feeling like ; being pushed under a huge bubblegum bubble.
; ; Harika spread her legs and hooked them into the glowing ball, bucking it, ; pushing it, making love to it, feeling it swell, feeling Kyrna swell, ; bigger and bigger, more and more.
; ; The others had consigned themselves to their fate and watched Harika ; fuck against the clit, seeing it balloon to a huge soft ball, heard her ; moans of lust as she cavorted on the ballooning Kyrna, who was now towering ; in the massive ship bay.
; ; "How big is this bay anyway," Raxen asked.
; ; "Real huge. I don't precisely know." Yriel said, entranced.
; ; "Heavens. She's filling this place out."
; ; "Yes, but it's getting slower," Denya pointed out.
; ; "Fuck, if I was that big and growing I'd slow down yeah," Raxen moaned.
; ; Harika was completely buried under the luminous green ball, feeling it ; push apart her cunt lips, envelop her breasts, pinching her swollen ; nipples. She bucked faster, swaying side to side to rub her crotch against ; this weird glowing green ball that was slowly infiltrating her.
; ; Harika pushed her legs deeper, feeling them encased in sleeves in the big ; ball, feeling her cunt lips pushed apart as a protrusion pushed inside her, ; she began to scream in lust, getting ready to cum.
; ; Not yet, she thought, not yet. Gotta get her bigger. Gotta get this weird ; bubble to make me feel better.
; ; Grinding down, she felt the protrusion penetrate deeper, getting bigger, ; wider, longer, until she was stretched to capacity.
; ; The final touch came when it molded over her swollen clit and began ; exerting pressure on it, not constant, but in pulses, in rhythm with her ; relentless thrusting.
; ; Finally she gave in, arching her back, she swept up her arms and hugged the ; glowing green bubble, kissing it passionately like was her best lustmate.
; ; Well, right now it was to her, because fuck, it felt great.
; ; Kyrna, now 1100 feet from had to toe, her breasts easily 2000 feet tall, and ; over 600 wide, shuddered and shook for a few seconds.
; ; For a moment the glow dimmed, turning flat lime green, pulsed, pulsed again, ; and then Kyrna began to shake.
; ; Her cunt lips burst apart, her 200ft tall nipple-balloons almost split open ; as the valve failed, and her ass sagged apart, and enormous amounts of ; bright green foam began roaring out as Kyrna began deflating, getting ; smaller and smaller as the flood of foam spilt over the floor, sending the ; three succubi on the floor scrambling, fleeing into a hallway and closing ; the door behind them.
; ; "What about Harika ?" Denya asked, panicked and concerned.
; ; "She's probably in the safest place she can be under that bubblegum clit, ; and even if she wasn't there's nothing we can do," Yriel said, tears in her ; eyes from the pain in her breasts.
; ; They ran up a few sets of stairs to an observation deck, seeing the four ; geysers of foam spurt as Kyrna got smaller.
; ; Harika stood on Kyrna's shrinking abdomen, surrounded by roaring streams ; of foam, leaning on the deflating clit balloon, smooching it, ramming her ; crotch into it as it got smaller until it no longer afforded enough support.
; ; Sticking her hand in the squirting stream of foam she felt it, rubbing it ; all over her, giggling because it felt so weird and tingly.
; ; Grabbing a pair of handfuls of the foam, she smeared it on her breasts, ; giggling as the tingling sensation felt good, beckoning her friends to come ; down from the observation deck, sliding down a deflating leg, squealing in ; pleasure from the feeling it gave in her crotch, until she was deep into ; the tingling, green foam, jumping around while Kyrna further deflated, lost ; in the deep layer of foam somewhere in the center.
; ; After a quick jump to take a breath, she thought her breasts slapped ; a little diferent against her body, but she didn't take much notice of it, ; making for one of the doors at the side of the dock to meet the rest.
; ; It took two more jumps, and her tits felt different every time, before she ; located the door, opened it, stepped through together with a wave of foam, ; and closed it behind her.
; ; When she got up to the observation deck, her friends were all ; staring at her.
; ; "What ?" Harika said. "I just had the biggest, greatest fuck possible with ; you gals looking on scared and all you can do is stare ?"
; ; "Have you looked at yourself recently then ?" Denya asked, ogling.
; ; "No, why then," Harika asked and looked down. "Oh wow. I like these."
; ; She hefted her very full, bulbous breasts and slid her hands over her turgid ; full nipples, bringing one of them to her mouth and sucking on it.
; ; "That stuff is great, you ought to play in it," she said.
; ; "Thanks but no thanks," Yriel gritted.
; ; "What happened to you ?" Harika said, her eyes saddening.
; ; "I fucked up. But don't worry, I have an idea to correct it, even if I ; don't really like the outcome."
; ; "Any idea how we're going to clean this dock ?" Raxen asked.
; ; "We wait," Yriel said. "The foam will turn to liquid which will drain."
; ; "We can't wait. Kyrna will die if we don't get her out of there. And as much ; as I hate her, I really want to know what became of her after this."
; ; "She may already be."
; ; "I don't care," Raxen said. "I'm going down to check on her."
; ; "And how far do you think you'll get before your breasts are too large ?"
; ; "I saw spacesuits in a locker down the hall. I'm smart."
; ; "Then go."
; ; "I'm going with," Denya said. "Two is safer than one."
; ; They ran down the stairs, got the suits from the locker and waded into the ; thick layer of foam covering the floor.
; ; Yriel took the time to check on herself, swearing at her stupidity, telling ; to Harika what she had done.
; ; "How are you going to solve it ?", she asked.
; ; "500cc down the center. Just to pull everything snug and straight again.
; ; I'll take the extra volume as price for my stupid action."
; ; "We found her," Raxen called over the radio.
; ; "How is she ?" Harika asked.
; ; "She's big, but not huge. Well, sorta. Shall we bring her up or throw her ; in the nutrient bath ?"
; ; "Throw her in the nutrient bath then come back here. We'll be holed up in ; this section for a while until the foam goes down."
; ; Harika saw the two suited figures haul a large figure to the bath and very ; unceremoniously push her in, making a big splash, almost like manhandling a ; rag doll, before returning to the rest.
; ; Harika took Yriel by the hand, leading her down into one of the smaller ; rooms they had set up and gave her the injection nozzle. "Sit down."
; ; Numb from the pain, Yriel pushed the nozzle into her slit.
; ; "Can you focus enough ?"
; ; "Don't have much choice. Misery, this hurts so fucking much."
; ; "You're bleeding too."
; ; "It's only a little. Give me a few."
; ; Yriel closed her eyes, tuned out the pain and cleared her head.
; ; "Yeah, hit me."
; ; Whirr.
; ; Must pull up. Stabilize. Tuck in. Fill out. Yriel breathed calmly, holding ; her thoughts for a few minutes, the throbbing pain in her chest slowly ; dying down, before thinking of release.
; ; Instantly she looked down.
; ; "Well," she said, smiling, "that was a little more than I bargained for."
; ; She fondled her full, balloonlike breasts, standing proudly erect on her ; chest, nipples pointing forward.
; ; "They sprang up real fast," Harika said. "I figured I'd better not distract ; you lest I screw it up."
; ; "Thanks. Oh well, I preferred them a little softer and lower, but these ; will do nicely."
; ; They went back up, joining Raxen and Denya, then watched and waited until ; the foam broke down and drained into the base's sewage system before ; checking up on Kyrna.
; ; "Well, at least she's not that insanely large anymore," Raxen said.
; ; "She still is, in proportion. She's just smaller overall," Denya remarked.
; ; "Well, 10 feet tall will fuck a hell of a lot better than 32 feet tall."
; ; "But not as good as 800 tall," Harika giggled.
; ; Raxen reached in and squeezed one of Kyrna's huge, but soft, balloonlike ; breasts, amazed her body responded immediately by erecting her nipples and ; huge clit, swelling up her lust mound, bulging out her pussy lips like a ; thick, fleshy flower.
; ; "Horny little girl," Yriel said condescendingly.
; ; "We're going to have fun with her for a long time," Denya giggled.
; ; "Yes, we will," Harika said sitting on the edge of the bath, stirring the ; support liquid with a finger.
; ; "And to think this all started with a visit to a backwater planet. One with ; very weird lifeforms. Called 'Earth'. Who in the universe would call their ; planet 'Earth'. That's such a stupid name," she mused. ; ;