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Flow and Ebb

© Dragonfly
Toni sometimes had these dreams, dreams where she was fighting for breath, then often awoke to find that the covers had flipped over her face. Gasping, she woke up and tried to push away the covers as usual… but discovered that there were no covers. Blindly grasping for what might be covering her face, her arms met soft yet strong resistance, and she opened her eyes.

Still panting but no longer feeling imminent suffocation, she blinked, then blinked again. Everything was green, a transparent pale green, and wildly distorted. Blinking again, thinking it was some sort of sleep goo in her eyes, she tried to rub them and became more aware that her arms would not listen to her. Without her glasses she was having trouble waking up and seeing what exactly was happening, but in looking to her sides she saw that her arms were encased in this pale green substance. It was as if she were a bit of fruit cocktail, trapped and suspended inside lime gelatin.

Her entire body was sealed inside this thick, quivering substance, save for her head which rested inside a bubble of air. Her eyes widened in panic, then she felt the gelatinous form begin to move. As if a thousand expert hands caressed her, the encapsulating shape began to massage her entire body at once. Toni began shivering at this strange and unwanted attention, but soon the pulsating fingers found the places that made her stop shaking from fear and instead twist with desire.

Her eyes closed as she felt the creature pull gently on her hardened nipples and encircle her generous breasts, gripping them like the hands of a lover would. It was as if two mouths were suckling her at once, one on each tit, and she let out a soft moan. She moaned louder when the huge form began doing the same suckling motions on her enlarging clit. She could feel her slit starting to become wet, and apparently so could the gelatinous creature. It began to explore her, slowly pushing an extension of itself deeper and deeper into her pussy.

“Fuck… oh fuck…” she gasped as it continued flowing into her. “Oh my god… what are you…? Uhn…” Toni’s mind raced, thoughts that wondered where the creature had come from mingled with the desire for more and more of it to stretch her slit wide. Being unable to move added to her excitement, and she was bucking her hips as best she could while the thing fucked and suckled her entire body. Her actions caused the whole gelatin-like thing to begin rocking back and forth gently, turning her on even more.

“Push it… oh god, I want more… make it fatter and stretch me open!” She gasped and moaned as it seemed to hear her, more and more of the green substance filling her pussy like an inflating balloon, forcing her cunt wide open. And still it continued flowing deeper.

Toni felt it knocking at her back door, and she happily let it inside. A thin tendril of the thing began flowing into her anus, then as she relaxed, a larger finger was able to push through, holding her ass open gently and deliciously. All this had merely distracted her, however, from what had been happening inside her other hole.

A gentle cramping now drew her attention back to her pussy. It was more of a dull pressure, like a finger pushing hard into her flesh, but soon she grew used to it. The huge shape inside her began pulsating, then the massaging fingers that she had first experienced all over her body began working her vagina from the inside. Her orgasm was instant, and she screamed with abandon as the strange form throbbed and danced inside her. On and on the waves of pleasure came, aftershocks from an earthquake of lust, and she could feel that the creature continued to flow inside her holes.

Soon Toni realized that the flowing feeling had shifted slightly – it fluttered and pushed just below her navel, just below the skin. She could feel it continuing to enter her anus as well, but slower and more gently. Soon she could feel the bed below her again, and the bubble of air she had been surviving on suddenly opened up, the cool, fresh air a relief like ice water in the desert. She drank deeply. Still the creature flowed into her.

Looking down at herself, she could see the clear green gelatinous form smoothly moving inside her stretched tunnel, filling more and more of her. But a strange new sensation was beginning to form, especially when her arms were freed and she tried to sit up to get a better look – her belly was getting larger. She wondered how this thing could continue to go into her as she rubbed her slowly expanding womb. The organism had completely encased her before, but now it was somehow trying to fit all of itself inside her. It could never fit… could it?

Time seemed to stop as the green substance kept flowing. Toni watched, fascinated, knowing that there was nothing she could do to prevent it. She could feel it gradually filling her as if she were a water balloon attached to a hose. The flow in her ass had stopped, but she felt very full and knew it had penetrated very deeply. Still the creature pushed inward, and still her belly grew. Her skin grew tight against her new form, and she rubbed it with lotion from her nightstand to help it remain supple and elastic.

She became heavier, her womb swollen with the creature that had somehow condensed its form in order to fit inside her. The more it flowed, the heavier and more firm her belly became, until at last it had achieved its goal – nothing was visible but a thick rope of clear green material that ran between her ass hole and her open slit. Toni tried to sit up, but her new body rebelled and she awkwardly toppled to one side on the bed, her long dark hair spilling over her face. Her belly pushed outward as if six months pregnant, so she was forced to swing her legs over the side before pushing herself up. She tried to stand, but again discovered that her new form made this difficult. The heavy, super-dense creature inside her felt like a huge stone, and when she finally managed to totter to the bathroom, both hands hefting her weighted belly, discovered that she had gained 40 pounds because of it. It made her a bit giddy… 40 pounds of life suddenly inside her womb and anus, with no prospect of removing it, and no idea of why it was there.

Toni stared at her new shape in the mirror for a long time. She looked at the green robe that connected her cunt and her ass, wishing she could get a better view. Her heavy, enlarged belly prevented it, however, and she had to be content with studying her profile and touching what she could see of the green creature. It felt cool and rubbery, then as she stroked it, it began to move and vibrate inside her. Catching herself quickly before she fell, she stopped stroking it and moved to the bed.

Spreading her legs, Toni began stroking the green rope again. The thing inside her womb, pussy and ass began vibrating gently, a feeling she could never have imagined. Her entire body was being stimulated from the inside out. She began rubbing it a little more vigorously, playing with her clit at the same time, and found that the harder she worked the green rope, the more violently the form inside her would vibrate. Soon she was stroking it furiously, just on the verge of another crashing orgasm, when it began massaging and suckling her from the inside as it had done before. This time, however, her anus and womb were also involved and she felt the finger-like protrusions wriggle everywhere at once.

“FUCK! Oh my god… UNGH! YES!!!!!”

Her hips bucked up and down wildly as she screamed, her head whipping back and forth uncontrollably. This orgasm was even more intense than the one before it, and when she finally came down she found herself gasping for breath and shaking. It was all she could do to roll over onto her side and lay there for a long time, her newly pregnant belly cradled in her arms.

She woke, unaware that she had fallen asleep, and noticed a strange sensation in her belly – then she remembered what had happened. Struggling to a sitting position despite the tremendous weight, she felt for the green rope and found it in place as before, her bulging womb making it awkward to sit up in bed.

“It’s real… I didn’t just dream it.” Toni kept playing with the rope, stroking it gently, and it gave her the whisper of a buzzing sensation. She took her hands off it, and it immediately stopped. She was having a hard time keeping away from the rope, but she knew she had to get on with things.

Work was the most difficult business at hand. How was she going to explain her suddenly round belly at the office? But it was winter and she discovered that by wearing loose-fitting sweaters she could get away with it in the short term.

“Some women just don’t show that much, I guess,” she mused the following Saturday while picking out some oversized shirts at the department store. Walking had become an adventure, not just because of the massive weight inside her womb that threw her off balance, but because with every step she stimulated the green rope between her legs and the creature vibrated inside her entire abdomen.

Within a few days, however, Toni started to feel a new sensation. One night she woke up with “restless legs syndrome,” or so she thought. Her legs tingled from the inside, but so did her belly and chest, which were not usually considered symptoms of the common neurological syndrome so often reported by pregnant women. Annoyed, she shifted her legs around and rolled from side to side as best she could until she was able to finally fall asleep again.

She woke up that morning feeling strangely energetic, and ate a much larger breakfast than usual. It wasn’t until the next day that she realized her belly was slowly getting smaller.

It seemed as though she was always hungry, and the bouts of “restless leg” at night had slowly been extending into her arms, neck and feet. It felt as though ants were crawling around under her skin, but even though her sleep suffered greatly, each morning she awakened more energetic than the day before.

Eventually the creeping feeling extended to the top of her head and her fingertips, then gradually subsided until one night it was gone completely. In blissful comfort, Toni slept soundly... for three hours.

Wide awake and full of energy, she got up and fixed herself a massive breakfast despite the time being 2:AM. Later, she took a shower and then admired herself in the full-length mirror.

“Strange...” she murmured to herself as she took a closer look.

Toni’s belly showed no trace of pregnancy at all. Her green eyes examined her pleasantly muscular body, which had not been very muscular at all previously. And neither had her eyes been green.

She stared at her face for some time, but especially at her eyes, which were brown a few weeks before. Then she noticed that her hairline showed a faint greenish tinge, as if the brown were a dye that was growing out to reveal the true color beneath. She got gooseflesh and ran her hands over her body once again, looking at herself in the large mirror.

“But... where did it go?”

As if in answer, her body tingled gently. Fingers, toes, scalp, womb... every inch of her body vibrated very slightly like she was inside the motor of a power tool or driving over a washboard road. Then it stopped.

Without thinking she reached down and looked for the gelatinous rope that joined her pussy to her ass for so long. It was gone, but her bowels still detected its familiar presence, and when she explored her vagina she found that it was still stuffed full of the green creature. The rest, however...

“It’s... it’s... in me... all of me...” she whispered to the mirror. It was only then that she noticed the very slight olive tinge to her skin.

Toni smiled at her wicked little secret and wondered if she could control the green flesh inside her openings. Thinking about her pussy, she found that she could indeed cause it to vibrate. Flopping down onto the couch, she imagined it expanding, and she could feel something growing larger inside her tunnel. She began to reach down to finger her clit but then stopped – with a thought she had it tingling deliciously and she moaned lightly from the sensation.

Soon the plug in her ass was vibrating as well, as well as her womb. She imagined her womb getting bigger, and the gelatinous form willingly obliged. This was too much and sent her over the edge, her orgasm so intense that she screamed silently as her back arched up, her fingernails gripping the fabric of the sofa like talons.

Gently, her womb returned to its normal size, the plugs stopped vibrating, and she fell asleep. Her growling stomach woke her up an hour later – the alien was hungry again, and feeding off her wastes was no longer enough, especially now that it was completely integrated into every inch of her.

In the morning Toni made her way to work. She had recently started to really enjoy going to the office, because her new manager was quite a looker. A huge amount of thick, wavy, auburn hair framed her strong, olive-skinned features, and every time Toni saw Danielle in the hallway her breathing quickened.

The more lithe that Toni became due to the creature’s integration with her, the more she noticed Danielle looking at her body, and the more Toni began to wonder if there was a chance. After several months, she became more bold and finally asked if Danielle would go to lunch with her, an offer she accepted with a smile and a wink. A wink that could mean anything.

“I’m glad you came to lunch with me, Toni,” said Danielle, her new boss. “I wanted to make sure everything was okay with you. It seems like you’ve gained a lot of weight in the past month or so.” She took another bite of her roast beef sandwich. Toni stared at her lime gelatin dessert cup and tried not to be sick to her stomach, which had begun to grow larger again over the past few weeks.

“Oh, I’m fine. My doctor says it’s a thyroid thing or something… I go in next week for some more tests.”

“Well that’s odd. I haven’t seen any medical claims come through from you.” The company was small enough that Danielle was not only in charge of Toni’s department, she was also in charge of all the employee paperwork for it too and signed off on the claims forms. Toni had forgotten about that. She began to sweat and turned away from the hypnotizing vision of the gelatin just as Danielle pierced it with her spoon.

“Hmm… well the papers must not have come in yet. It’s been fun chatting, but I need to go back to work now.” Danielle could see how uncomfortable Toni had become, but couldn’t let it go.

“You know what I think?” Toni had stood up to leave but stopped, her back to her boss. “I think you need a therapeutic massage. Before I got tied to this damn job I was a massage therapist. But I needed the money, so I took this one. I’ll even do you for free. I’ll bring my table over to your house tonight if you’re not doing anything later.”

Toni’s blood ran cold. She hoped she didn’t show her panic too much. “I’m sorry, but I’m going out to dinner with a friend tonight.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. Tomorrow then. I insist! This will be great for whatever ails you.”

“Tomorrow’s booked too.”

“Oh really. Hmm. I didn’t realize you were that much of a social butterfly, especially in your condition. Meaning your thyroid, of course.” Danielle gave Toni’s belly a critical stare, and it was all Toni could do not to run away and keep on going until she collapsed.

A massage. What could it hurt? And she didn’t have to take her clothes off, right? Certainly not her underwear. She could hide it. She could get away with it and get Danielle off her back once and for all.

“Well, since you’re not going to take no for an answer, I guess I have no choice but to let you,” Toni laughed nervously.

“That’s right. So tonight then?”

Realizing she was caught, Toni said “Sure, tonight. You have my address, it’s only about a mile from here. The place is a mess though.”

“That’s okay, I won’t be looking at the contents of your house,” Toni laughed. “Just make sure there’s enough room for a massage table to be set up and we’re good to go.”

“Okay. See you later.” Toni was pale, and a mist of sweat was beginning to appear on her brow, but Danielle shrugged it off. Eating her lime gelatin, she watched Toni waddle off, and knew something was up. Something very strange indeed. She could sense something but had to touch her belly to be sure. Danielle could hardly wait.

Later that night, Danielle arrived with her massage table as promised.

“You can set it up here in the living room. What do you want me to do, Danielle?”

“Take off your clothing and put on a bathrobe. If you have any soothing music that would be great too. And incense if you like that kind of stuff.”

Toni turned white. “Take off… my clothes? But you don’t mean all of them, right?”

Danielle was folding out the legs of the table, then stopped and looked at her.

“Yes, Toni, all of your clothes. I can’t do a proper job with clothing in the way, and you don’t want everything full of massage oil do you? Now be a good girl and get undressed. I don’t have all night.” She tried to act calm but knew the moment of truth was near. She could sense it… another life form. And it wasn’t human. What had Toni gotten herself into? She could hardly wait to touch her belly and see inside it…

Soon a visibly shaken Toni emerged from the bathroom tightly wrapped in a robe. She climbed onto the table and lay on her back. Danielle covered her with a sheet.

“Everything, Toni. Panties too.”

Toni slowly slid them off, then bit her lip and closed her eyes. She could smell lavender and heard Danielle’s hands rubbing together, warming the oil.

Danielle began at her shoulders and worked her way down, lubricating and rubbing Toni’s arms, shoulders, and neck. Then she moved down to Toni’s swollen belly. Toni’s mind ran wildly, but she comforted her self in the fact that she was covered with a sheet for modesty – Danielle would never see anything, and she would get away with this and be left alone. Then Danielle began working on her belly and the woman gasped loudly, stopping in mid stroke.

Toni’s eyes flew open, but all she could see was Danielle, frozen, with her hands on her pregnant belly. Realizing that she had stopped moving, Danielle began rubbing again as if nothing had happened, moving in swirling motions over Toni’s straining belly muscles. But she seemed distracted, her eyes still closed as she worked. She did a cursory job on Toni’s legs, then stopped.

“Look… I can’t keep this up any longer.”

Toni seized on the opportunity and clumsily sat up, the sheet bunched around her. “Oh, well, sorry to hear that, it felt great, I guessI’llgochangebacknowbye!” Danielle placed her hands on Toni’s belly and stopped her.

“No, I mean… I can’t ignore what’s going on here. Or should I say what’s in here.” She pressed on the pregnant form for emphasis. Toni turned several colors this time and felt like the room was suddenly a giant freezer.

“I know you’ve got something strange in there. Something… not human.”

Toni felt as if the hard, rock-like form in her womb had turned to ice. She was going to be sick.

Danielle, seeing that Toni was becoming pale and clammy, on the verge of throwing up, gently put her arm around the woman and soothed her.

“It’s okay… really… I’m sorry I was so blunt. Look, you’d better lay back down before you faint or something.” She eased Toni back down onto the table and found herself staring at the woman’s huge belly. Toni closed her eyes and shuddered, unsure of what was coming next.

“I knew this was a bad idea, but you wouldn’t take no for an answer. Get out of my house. None of this is your business.” Toni curled up, wrapping the sheet around her body like armor.

Danielle merely stood there for some time. Finally, she said “you’re on my table.”

Toni had mostly recovered by this point and swung her legs over the side angrily to get up, but her body rebelled and Danielle caught her as her heavy womb threw her off balance.

“Look… let me help you. Aren’t you wondering how I knew something was up?”

Toni considered for a moment, studying Danielle’s face. She slowly nodded.

“I can… see things. Sense things. I don’t know why, it’s just in our family I guess. My gran could tell when I had given my liver dinner to the dog, even when she was across the house, or when I had been seeing John Masters after school when she warned me not to.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “Gran could even tell exactly what we’d been doing and what color his socks were. She described his bedroom back to me in perfect detail. Good old Gran…” Danielle became thoughtful, then returned to the present. “I can see it, Toni… some kind of green shape, really dense… some kind of life that… wow…”

Toni realized that at some point the other woman had taken her hand. She considered pulling away.

“Don’t… that makes it easier to read you.”

She looked up at Danielle who now had her eyes closed. At that moment Toni decided that it was a relief that someone else finally knew… that she didn’t have to keep the secret alone. She described what had happened that morning when she woke up surrounded by it.

Dani stood next to her for a long time, eyes closed, lips parted, her breath coming slightly faster and heavier. Then she recovered herself and tried to sound conversational.

“So... um... Toni, it seems like it somehow condensed itself to fit inside, like smashed its molecules tighter together, which is why it’s so amazingly heavy. That’s my guess anyway.”

“But why is it getting bigger? I know you’ve noticed.” Toni swirled her hands over her swollen form out of habit, then pressed in her fingertips so that she could feel the hard, shape within. It was exactly like someone had filled her up with cement, only it was continuing to grow. The creature inside her belly now weighed over 50 pounds.

Danielle closed her eyes again and placed both hands on Toni’s belly, her eyebrows knotted with concentration. “I think… I think it’s splitting… dividing or something. There’s more than one life there.” She had goosebumps just thinking about it, her empathic abilities giving her the slight impression that it was her own womb. Her pussy lips tingled at the possibility.

Toni rubbed her belly again unthinkingly, trying to take in the news. “So it’s… breeding…? It’s using me to reproduce…?”

“I think so. I wonder what’ll happen when it’s done dividing?” Danielle licked her lips. They were so dry.

Both women were silent for some time. Then Toni jumped as Danielle suddenly asked her to describe again what had happened the morning that the creature had invaded her body. “And don’t leave anything out.” She sat in a nearby chair and closed her eyes so she could get a complete mental picture. She began to catch the fragrance of her own pussy as she became more and more aroused at the vivid description Toni was giving her. Toni could see what was happening, and began making the green gelantinous creature stuffed in her holes move, which then caused her entire body to vibrate. Danielle got up and felt Toni’s body, turned on even further by feeling the buzzing of the creature inside the other woman.

Toni began to orgasm, and Danielle couldn’t help herself. She began kissing and nuzzling Toni’s swollen, vibrating belly as she cupped the woman’s breasts, the forgotten sheet falling to the floor.

“Oh my god… fuck yeah… another! MMMMmmmmm…..!!!”

Toni orgasmed again as Danielle became more aggressive and sucked on Toni’s nipples while rubbing her belly hard and fast. Panting, Toni finally came down from her second climax and grabbed Danielle’s own breasts. Danielle leaned down and put one leg up on the massage table as they kissed deeply, her hand wandering down to play with Toni’s mound, exploring her stuffed cunt with her fingers so she could touch the alien beast within. Toni’s free hand found the other woman’s crotch, and soon they were both gasping with pleasure.

After some time, Danielle spoke again. “Obviously none of this gets out.” She smiled and stroked Toni’s pregnancy again. Toni smiled, sighing and closing her eyes.

“Toni… do you think… what if when it’s done dividing the new one needs… a host…?”

She raised her head up from the massage table and looked over her huge, heavy womb. “What, are you volunteering?” Toni was only half joking.

“Maybe,” said Danielle with a sly smile. But she was completely serious. She wanted that thing in her belly, and she wanted it yesterday.

“Well how are we going to know?” Even a non-empath like Toni could tell that the other woman wanted it. “It’s not like we can ask a doctor for the due date.”

Never missing a beat, Danielle said “Well, I’ll just have to move in for a while until it’s ready to come out and play with me.”

Toni rolled over onto one side with considerable effort. The 50 pound weight inside her was becoming oppressive, especially when she was on her back -- it was as if a pile of bricks were sitting on her stomach.

“Yes, I suppose so.” Toni was suddenly giddy – would she get to see it all happen? Then she began to shiver involuntarily when she realized that not only would she see it, she would get to feel half of it too.

“What is it?” asked Danielle as she stroked Toni’s belly again.

“I was just thinking... what it might feel like when it comes back out...” and she shuddered deliciously again.

“Mmmm....” was all Danielle could manage as she began to tickle the beautiful pregnant belly with her tongue, her eyes closed, her hand reaching down to play with Toni’s twat again. Then she began breathing hot air into Toni’s muff as her tongue explored the other woman’s pussy lips and clit. It didn’t take either of them long to cum this time.


Another month passed and their office romance had become common knowledge. Toni was larger still, and could no longer hide that she was pregnant. Finally, one afternoon, the time arrived for both of them.

The massage table had become a permanent fixture in Toni’s living room, her daily treats with fragrant oils soothing the strain on belly and back, and giving them both an excuse to fondle and excite each other. Toni had been feeling movement inside, more and more as the weeks wore on, and it seemed that the creature in her womb was never still any more. Swirling and shifting constantly, vibrating randomly and forcing her to take time off work.

Danielle was working on her, feeling the thing moving inside her lover, when suddenly Toni gasped and grabbed her immense, impossibly heavy belly.

“It feels like it’s kicking hard.... ooh...”

Danielle helped her roll into a comfortable position and could see Toni’s huge belly ripple and move by itself. Her lover began to moan and pant from the strange new sensation.

“It’s coming! Something’s coming out! Get ready!”

As Danielle stripped off her panties and hiked up her skirt, she saw a green form begin to emerge from Toni’s invaded slit. Her moans became strained cries, and she started pushing it out. It didn’t hurt, but the forceful pushing of the new life leaving her was working her hard. Fascinated, Danielle could only stare as more and more of the green pseudopod flowed out like sentient jelly, like a worm-shaped water balloon. On and on the creature emerged from the woman’s pussy, which was stretched incredibly wide, the transparency of it enabling Danielle to see right up Toni’s hole. She sat down on the sofa and spread her lips wide, legs shaking at what she was witnessing.

It seemed to become paler as it left Toni, becoming less dense now that it had room to maneuver. She continued to clutch her swollen belly and gasp as she helped it out... time stood still as the thing continued to grow and be born.

Finally, the flowing stopped. Danielle was frozen by what she saw, an immense amoeba-like thing that half filled the room, the windows behind it shining distorted and green when viewed through its body. Eight feet across it might have measured if it had been held still, but the entire thing was moving and exploring constantly, fingers of material flowing outward from itself to test everything in its new surroundings since it had no other way of seeing.

Danielle spread her legs wide.

At last one of the gelatinous fingers touched her leg. It was cool, and made her shiver involuntarily. Her breathing quickened as another finger touched her other leg, tenderly tapping along its length as if looking for something. Quickly the creature was towering over her, more and more fingers touching and caressing her body.

It began to envelop her, flowing around Danielle’s body and lifting her up from the sofa. She began to pant, a mixture of fear and lust exciting her. Finally the thing completely enclosed her, carefully leaving a bubble of air around her face, and she floated there for a few seconds, trapped and suspended, unable to move her body, trying to breathe slowly to conserve the air around her. There was no turning back now.

Then she felt it – the gentle caresses, the fingers of green reaching under her blouse, under her bra, until it began kissing her erect nipples. Sighing, Danielle closed her eyes and waited for what she knew would come next, and was rewarded by a gentle suckling sensation as if two mouths were on her breasts nursing for milk. The suckling became more intense, and she could feel her slit begin to tingle with anticipation.

She was not disappointed. Jumping with pleasure, the strange creature found her clit and began working it expertly, Danielle’s pussy beginning to juice. She moaned deeply with anticipation and moments later felt the finger begin to slide into her hungry cunt.

“Oh god... more...”

As if it could hear her, the green shape began streaming inside her faster, her hips beginning to twist and buck as she tried to use her legs to push it in. She could feel little suckling sensations deep inside her pussy and it was driving her crazy.

“Bigger... I want it bigger...! Uhhhnnnn..... more...!”

It pushed inward, thicker and more forcefully, and she was on the edge of orgasm when she felt another finger playing with her anus. She’d forgotten about this part, and smiled with dirty pleasure as she opened up to let it in. It began to vibrate, then grew wider and flowed quickly up into her ass, filling it completely, and kept on going. Then she felt a slight cramp in her belly and began to weep with joy. She knew it was issuing into her womb now, sucking and vibrating as it moved, and she orgasmed hard.

Crying out with joy and lust, she came again and again, Danielle’s empathy giving her even more sensation of what was happening than most people could ever hope to experience. The bubble of air around her head opened, the cool, fresh air like an elixir of life. She could feel it deep in her womb now, could feel her belly straining as it began pushing outward with the strange pregnancy within. Still the amoeba-like creature streamed in, more and more of it condensing inside her, her womb growing heavier by the second.

Then it was over. Gasping and panting, she lay on the sofa, sweat soaked and newly heavy. She gazed at herself in wonder, and touched her new form with both hands. Closing her eyes, she gave a shuddering sigh and leaned back.

“Oh... my... fucking... god.”

Danielle jumped – she had actually forgotten that Toni was there. She looked up and saw a glazed, lustful look on her lover’s face, then smiled.

“That was so hot. I wish I could have watched myself the first time,” Toni laughed, still looking lusty, her belly only very slightly larger than her non-pregnant lithe form.

“So what must happen,” Danielle pondered, “...is that every few months it divides by growing another copy of itself inside your womb, like a safe little storage pod for the growing... um... life.” She unconsciously rubbed her newly swollen belly. “So... if it’s dividing... when does the first one come out?” Her eyes widened as a new thought occurred to her... she had wanted it to fuck and fill her so very badly that she hadn’t thought about what would happen next.

“It doesn’t, sweetie,” Toni reminded her, showing off her green-tinged hair for emphasis.

Danielle turned a little pale, then tried to sit up but the unfamiliar new weight in her womb threw her off balance. Grasping her pregnant belly with one arm and using her other to push off from the sofa, she managed to stand at last.

“You’re so beautiful,” Toni murmured. Danielle blushed, then looked down at herself and smiled.

The two women drew close to each other, their bellies pushing into each other as they kissed and fondled. Toni sat down on the sofa and Danielle pleasured her until she came as hard as Dani had minutes earlier. They both lay panting and happy, falling asleep in each others arms.

Within a few days, Toni retuned to her cut, muscular shape while Dani grew a little larger. Without thinking one evening, Toni scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom romantically, then realized what she’d done.

“Wait... holy shit... what did you used to weigh before you got filled up?”

Danielle got a delicious shiver at the thought, then said, “About 120, 125... something like that.”

“Okay, so with the creature inside you, you probably weigh 150 or something, maybe more. But here I am, standing here holding you like you were a basket of laundry... and I could do this all day.”

Dani gaped at her. “Seriously...?”

Toni gently put her down on the bed, then looked at herself in the mirror. She was just as muscular as always, but not in a grotesque body builder way. In a pleasing, strong yet feminine way.

Toni went into the living room and lifted one end of the sofa like it was made of cardboard. Then she lifted up the entire sofa, balancing it carefully so that it didn’t fall and break something. It felt no heavier than a large bag of flour.

Putting it back down, she turned and saw Danielle watching her, eyes and mouth wide.

Toni looked down at her hands and arms. “What the hell... it’s gotta be the creature somehow. This isn’t something a normal human can do.” Her flesh tingled as if answering her. She could feel the alien life inside her, right to the bone.

“It’s almost like I could... I could...” Toni moved her arm and flexed her muscle. It felt different. Dani moved closer, trying to perceive what was happening inside her lover’s body. She gasped.

“Toni, it’s so completely fused with you that you’re sort of... not human any more...”

Meeting her eyes, Toni saw that Danielle’s eyes were beginning to show a greenish tinge. Stunned with the idea of what Dani had just said, Toni sat down on the soft and flexed her arm muscle again, then kept it flexed as she started manipulating the muscles with her mind, moving her shoulder and arm as she worked. To the amazement of both women, her arm began to curve unnaturally, eventually forming a perfect semicircle, which snapped back to its original shape when Toni stopped concentrating.

They looked at each other again, then Toni extended both arms and concentrated. The muscle and bone slowly contorted into impossible shapes, then returned to normal. Both women were breathing more rapidly as she stood up and raised her arms. The room was absolutely silent as she concentrated on touching the ceiling – slowly her arms extended until her palms were flat on the surface, then she reached out wide with her fingers until each one was well over 12 inches long. Relaxing, her arms and fingers snapped back to normal.

After a long time, Danielle broke the silence.

“Damn,” she whispered.

Toni eventually spoke. “It’s the creature...”

Dani nodded.

“It’s bonded with my DNA or something... changed my body so that... it’s like I’m part amoeba now.”

Another long silence hung over the room. Toni jumped when her partner finally spoke again.

“That means... you’re like a superhero or something!” She laughed, and Toni joined her.

“Not only that, but I bet it’s even easier to move flesh that doesn’t have bones in it.” Toni stuck her tongue out, and it extended further and further until it was finally licking the window on the other side of the room. Then she got another wicked idea. Her tongue snapped back into shape, then she began taking off her clothes.

Once she was naked she lay down on the sofa and spread her legs apart. Concentrating, she opened her pussy up wider and wider, then opened her pelvic bones up until Dani could easily thrust both arms deeply into her. When she stopped concentrating, her flesh constricted around them, trapping Dani’s arms. But she was flexible enough even without concentrating that it didn’t hurt, it was just deliciously tight and the stretching sensations soon had her cumming with an intense orgasm.

“Ohhhhhh god..... that was SO amazing...”

She released Danielle, who was suitably impressed and turned on at the same time. “Do you think I’ll be able to do that some day?”

“I don’t see why not. Have the tingling sensations started inside you yet?”

“Oh.... yes! I have been feeling something kind of tingling in my body the past day or two...! That must be the creature integrating itself with me...!” Dani squealed with excitement at the thought.

Toni spent every spare moment practicing with her new abilities, and quickly became quite skilled. Within days she was able to manipulate her body to the point that she could expand to fill a room, slide under a closed door or compact herself to fit inside almost anything. A few weeks of practice later and she could shapeshift into somewhat believable objects and animals, even if she did find it impossible to perfect the textures of fabrics and fur.

Danielle continued to get larger and heavier, until finally the much anticipated birth of her first creature was imminent. One afternoon she gasped and sank to her knees in the living room.

“Toni... Toni where are you...?”

The olive-skinned beauty was there in a flash, cradling her lover and stroking her greenish hair.

“It’s okay baby. I’m here.”

“It’s... oh my god... something’s moving... getting... OHHH...”

Dani started panting heavily, unable to speak, and Toni’s pussy started to tingle with anticipation. But what would happen to the newborn beast? Would it need another host?

Suddenly Dani moaned with a mixture of effort and pleasure as a green, gelatinous pseudopod began to slowly flow out of her slit.

“Uhhh... it’s so big... pushing me... wider..... UHHHHHHHH.....”

Toni could see her partner’s opening being pushed wider as she spoke, the translucent creature allowing her to see right up inside Dani’s twat as more and more flowed out.

“Oh god... Toni... I’m gonna cum... OHHHH SHITTTTTT....YESSSSSSSS.......!!”

Danielle threw her head back and screamed, her pussy muscles working hard against the alien body forcing its way out of her. As if nothing had happened, more and more of it slid and wriggled from inside her, coated with slippery pussy juices, and finally the woman collapsed in a heap from the intensity of her multiple orgasms.

The entire creature was now free, expanding itself to nearly fill the room. Just as the others had explored their environment to find a suitable host, it began extending itself this way and that, looking for a ripe pussy to invade. The two women looked at each other and spread themselves wide, waiting to see what would happen. It touched each of them with a finger of itself, but then withdrew.

“It must not want us because we’re already invaded,” concluded Toni, Danielle nodding in agreement.

Before either of them could say anything else, the amoeba-like form flowed toward the window and began tapping on the glass of the French doors to the backyard. Toni obliged and opened them, then it began flowing outside the house in search of another woman.

Incredibly, as soon as it moved into the full sunlight, it became completely invisible. They gasped when they saw it happen, but upon looking very closely at where the alien must be, they could make out a very slight shimmer of movement, almost like a faint heat wave coming up from summer pavement. The only way they could tell where it was going was to watch the blades of grass and leaves under its body become pushed flat – it was heading for the next yard over. Curious, the two women followed it out into the yard and watched the wooden fence move gently under the creature’s weight. Danielle poked Toni and pointed.

“Look,” she whispered. “There’s Joanie Kautz sunbathing nude again... and look at the grass next to her...!”

Breathlessly they watched as the sleeping woman was enveloped by the shimmering blob and raised up off her lounge until it looked as though she were levitating three feet off the ground like a magician’s assistant. Then she began to stir.

Shielding their eyes against the bright sunlight and looking through knotholes in the fence, the lovers watched as the sleepy woman next door began to struggle, her screams trapped inside the bubble of air around her head. Soon, however, she began to slowly calm down, her eyes closing as her hips began to hump what appeared to be empty air. She bucked harder and harder until finally she stiffened, her mouth open and her eyes closed. Just as she began to collapse, her body was lowered and suddenly Toni and Danielle could hear her panting loudly, the creature releasing her head and shoulders to the open sky.

The women breathed more heavily as they watched their neighbor’s belly begin to swell with life, her legs straddling the lounge as she experienced this strange sensation. Mrs. Kautz watched with amazement as her womb was filled, as if she were attached to a ghostly garden hose. Gasping and whimpering, the woman rubbed her swelling belly, cradling it as if it might explode from the sudden size and weight of what was happening.

Finally it was over. She looked six months pregnant, a shocked expression frozen on her face, her eyes riveted to the vision of her new shape. Toni and Dani quietly slipped back into their own house, stifling giggles along the way.

“I wonder who the first woman was to receive one,” said Toni as she carefully clicked the door shut.

“Wow, now there’s an interesting thought,” replied her lover with a faraway look. Turning her attention back to Toni, she smiled.

“Love... did you know you’re starting to show again?”

“Seriously?” Toni looked down and noticed that she did indeed have a little bulge between her muff and her navel.

Grinning, she hugged Dani and they spent the rest of the day pleasuring each other, thoughts of what they’d seen in the yard next door filling their minds even as they filled each others’ pussies. Toni’s shapeshifting ability enabled her to form a very satisfying cock any time she liked, and she smiled as she came, knowing that soon her partner would be able to do the same for her. Their lives would never be the same, and that’s just the way they liked it.

© Dragonfly

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