; ; ; LB: 1. JB/NL - Bubblegum ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;


; ; ; ; Part 1 ; [1] ; [2] ;

; ; © JB/NL

; tsunami@xs4all.nl
; ;
; ; Simon sighed and slung the sack of candy over his shoulder, trudging ; behind his nephews and nieces as they went door to door asking for tricks ; or treats, running back to him to deposit more sweetness into the bag as ; they received it from people.

; ; He'd long grown out of tricking or treating, and, if he'd had his way, he'd ; have gone out with friends to make new friends - well, friends for a night ; were still friends, he justified it to himself, but his parents had been ; adamant about his role in this - and the threat of house arrest and other, ; even wore, sanctions had been enough to resign him to his fate.

; ; He set the bag down, forced a smile on his face, and opened it as more ; armloads of candy rustled down into the large bag.

; ; "Well, we're almost done," he said, cheerily, indicating they were nearly ; at the end of the winding street, "just two more houses."

; ; Cheering, the three little kids ran off towards the front doors, bounding ; up the decorated porches, rapping on the door, calling out the Halloween ; warcry of "Trick or Treat" while Simon sat down on the sidewalk waiting ; for them to come back with more candy to put in the large sack he carried ; over his shoulder - by now it held more than enough to last them the year ; he estimated, smiling as he remebered how he had done this years before, ; also remembering how his mom had immediately taken the candy into custody ; preventing any next-day illnesses and painful dentist visits.

; ; He shook his head. He was getting too old for this kind of thing.

; ; Pulling the bag off his shoulder one last time, he put it on the ground ; and opened it, allowing his nephews and niece to deposit their final loads ; of candy into the bag.

; ; "Right," he said cheerily, "time to go back. That was the last house on ; this street."

; ; "No it's not," little Tom cried out, "look, up there!" and pointed to ; a faintly lit house a few hundred yards up the street.

; ; "But that's outside the city limits," Simon admonished, "and Aunt Thelma ; warned us not to go there."

; ; "Oh please," little Sally pleaded, "can we go there ?"

; ; "No," Simon remained firm, "we're going home to divide up the candy."

; ; "It's not fair!" little Alex said, stomping his foot, "Mommy said we could ; get candy from all the houses on this street!"

; ; "So long as they were inside city limits," Simon said. "Now, no more ; arguments, we're going back."

; ; "But can't you go there and get candy for us ?" Sally asked, "We'll ; wait here - promised!"

; ; Simon sighed and weighed his mother's stern words and warnings.

; ; "Please, pretty please with sugar ?" the three children pleaded, with a ; look reminiscent of mournful puppies on their faces.

; ; "Well allright then, I suppose it's OK," he relented, "but, you three must ; stay here with the bag while I walk up and ask, OK ?"

; ; The three of them nodded vigorously and eagerly accepted the bag.

; ; "And no eating candy from the bag!" Simon warned, "or I'll tell your mom!"

; ; ---

; ; As Simon walked past the city limits sign, a feeling of cold fear crept up ; his back, but he wasn't going to admit to the kids he was dead scared, ; steeled himself and walked up to the house up the hill.

; ; I was further than he estimated - halfway he had to leave the main road ; and through a fence, up a steep stairway to the house. As he got closer, ; he saw that the house was in a state of disrepair, with just a bare bulb ; swinging on the creaking porch.

; ; Convinced the house was abandoned, he walked up to the door, feeling the ; eyes of the children on him, knowing they would not accept him turning ; back without having tried the door.

; ; He rapped on the door, and hesitantly called out "Trick or treat!" ; To his surprise the door swung open and an old lady dressed in dirty rags, ; reeking of something Simon could not and did not want to identify stood ; in the door opening.

; ; "Trick or treat eh?" she said in a scratchy voice. "Aren't you a little ; too old for that kind of childish thing, young man ?"

; ; "Well, I ...", Simon started.

; ; "Oh, so you're playing guardian to your family, are you ?"

; ; "How did ..."

; ; "I know everything, young man. I know your name. I know your desires. ; I even know your resentment at dragging a sack of candy instead of finding ; company for the night - hehehehe"

; ; "But ..."

; ; "Take this," the old woman said, suddenly hushing her voice, "but never ; share it with innocent hearts and minds - such as your charges."

; ; She pushed a thick bar into his hand, and gave him just enough time to ; stuff it into his pocket.

; ; "Away, away with you," she snapped, winking at him. "I ain't got no tricks ; or treats, leave an old woman alone!"

; ; She drew herself up, her shape becoming threatening in the light of the ; full moon, and Simon half ran, half fell down the stairs as her laughter, ; sounding like nails being dragged over a blackboard, pierced the night.

; ; ---

; ; They walked home in silence, the children understanding they had asked ; their big nephew to do something not allowed, and they didn't speak of it ; or ask any questions how, why and what had happened. All they had seen was ; how he had knocked, had stood there, and how the old woman had screeched, ; and they had cowered near the bag until Simon came flying down the street. ; As they walked, Simon felt the thick rectangular bar bounce in his ; pocket, but decided to look at it later. He didn't want any questions.

; ; "So how did it go ?", uncle Bob asked.

; ; "Not bad," Simon replied, rolling the big sack off his shoulder and setting ; it on the floor, "people were really generous his year."

; ; "That's so nice," aunt Bella said, "and so nice of you too, to help carry ; the bag for the children. Why don't you take a share ?"

; ; "That wouldn't be fair," Simon shook his head, seeing the dejected faces of ; the kids, "all I did was carry the bag, they collected it all."

; ; "Well, that's really kind of you," his mother said, "and thanks for helping ; out -- we really appreciate it."

; ; Yeah, Simon thoguht. Like you left me a choice in the matter.

; ; He forced a smile. "No problem mom. Can I go now ? Maybe I can just make it ; to Mad Mike's party."

; ; "When will you be home again ?" his father asked sternly.

; ; "Probably tomorrow afternoon - and don't worry, he has a quiet room where ; guests can sleep."

; ; "Just be careful," his mother said, "and don't go beyond city limits, not ; even for short distances! Anything can happen during Halloween."

; ; ---

; ; He promised and excused himself, retreating to his room to change into ; more comfortable clothes, as well as to have a quiet look at what the old ; woman had pushed into his hands.

; ; After securing his door, he slowly pulled the bar out of of his jacket ; and looked in wonder at the packaging.

; ; I was a rectangular box pack, dark red, and as he turned it over he ; saw there was a black label covering two sides with bright red and yellow ; lettering on it: BLZ SUPER BUBXLGUM MEGAPACK - 144 STICKS IN 6 ULTRAWICKED ; FLAVORS - GARANTUEED TO PLEASURE YOU!

; ; Turning the package another quarter, he saw some small print near ; the bottom of the label: WARNING: Do not mix or use two or more sticks at ; any one time, this may result in ext........

; ; He tried to decipher the rest of the label, but the writing was smudged, ; or misprinted. In any case, it was unreadable.

; ; He turned the cardboard pack over in his hands, mystified at the strange ; claim on the label and the unreadable warning before sliding it in his ; jacket and leaving.

; ; ---

; ; Mad Mike's party turned out to be a washout - by the time Simon got there ; most had either gone home, gone "upstairs" or were passed out drunk on ; the sofa's and chairs, with only a few people he didn't really care for ; active or awake enough to acknowledge his arrival.

; ; Simon left the party, angry at having missed the best part of it - and the ; best chances of getting something a lot better than a night's sleep. ; Swinging his leg over his light motorbike, he felt the strange pack of gum ; in his pocket and wondered just what was so special about it that he ; shouldn't have shared it, and just what those strange claims were about.

; ; Kicking the 2-stroke engine into life, he decided he knew the perfect ; place to find out. Tapping the bike into first gear, he let out the clutch ; and quietly drove off, leaving the brightly lit streets behind.

; ; As he pulled up to the abandoned cabin, he hesitated, then shut off his ; bike and pushed it in the shade next to the building.

; ; His heart pounded in his chest, remembering the words of his mother, but ; technically, the building was inside of city limits - the sign was a few ; yards down the street, true, but it was still on the city side.

; ; With trembling hands he pulled the cardboard pack from his pocket and ; reread the label in the moonlight falling through the skylight.

; ; Carefully, he pried open one side and looked into the pack at the ends of ; bubblegum packs, in six different markings. He slid out one set and spread ; them out on a table under the moonlight to look at the labels, carefully ; closing the box again and setting it on the table.

; ; There were six different colors - yellow, orange, red, pink, green and ; black, and each was marked with a similarly colored naked female figure of ; obviously exaggerated proportions.

; ; He mulled for a moment, hesitated, then picked the pink packet from the ; set, putting the rest back in the box.

; ; Breaking open the wrapper, he found a plain looking stick of hot pink ; colored bubblegum inside, and, not knowing what else to do, stuck it in ; his mouth and began chewing.

; ; It tasted strange, rubbery with a hint of sweet fruit that he couldn't ; quite identify, but it chewed easily and tasted quite good.

; ; He felt the bubblegum getting pliable in his mouth, and decided to ; see just what was so special about it.

; ; He took a deep breath, pushed the gum to his lips and exhaled, expecting ; to blow a small, bright pink bubble. But he didn't.

; ; Instead, the gum ballooned from his mouth, blotting out his vision, and ; when he managed to focus, he found himself locked to the lips of a bright ; pink female figure.

; ; In panic, he pushed it away, finding the surface smooth and soft, not ; sticky and malleable as he expected.

; ; He caught his breath and gazed ahead of him.

; ; She stood about 5 feet tall, every part of her shapely body the same ; bright pink as the bubblegum, even including her glowing eyes. She licked ; her bright pink lips with her similar colored tongue, and stroked her ; large breasts topped by slightly darker,purplish pink nipples with her ; hands before sitting on the the table, shamelessly spreading her long legs ; wide for him, exposing her large pink mound and pussy for him and beckoning ; him, smiling enigmatically.

; ; He sat there, frozen, and she slid forwards, hooking her soft and smooth ; legs over his shoulders, light as air, firm as flesh, sliding up further, ; pushing her mound in his face.

; ; Astonished at the advances of the pink figure, Simon gingerly probed his ; tongue at the figure's mound and slit, tasting the same strange sweet ; taste as the gum, running his tongue all over her mound, feeling how she ; bucked her hips, thrusting her pussy in his face.

; ; He ran his hands up her soft body, starting at her firm, round ass to her ; breasts, trying to cup one in each hand and coming up short.

; ; She bucked again, and he pushed his tongue into her slit, and she gyrated ; her hips, feeling how her hands were on his, pushing them into her breasts, ; or at least trying to.

; ; He decided to take the plunge, and put his mouth over her mound, and ; pushing deeper into her cunt, he drew in a deep breath and exhaled through ; his mouth, feeling her legs firm up, feeling her breasts grow, the mound ; pushing harder in his face.

; ; He did it again, and this time, she let out a moan as her body grew firmer ; and larger, her legs hard up against his face, his hands losing grip on ; her expanding cleavage.

; ; He exhaled again, and she let out another deep sighing moan that vibrated ; through both their bodies, her body now hard and firm.

; ; "Mmmm," she said. "You're good. You're very good."

; ; She crabbed backwards onto the table, and he gasped for breath.

; ; Her eyes were still glowing pools of pink, but her lips and tongue were a ; dark shade of crimson, her insane cleavage spilling wide to either side ; topped by thumb size nipples riding on top of expansive deep purple ; aureolae, sharing their color, and between her legs her shiny smooth mound ; bulged up fully at attention and ready for more.

; ; "Who ... or what .. are you ?" Simon stammered.

; ; "You could think of me," she said, jumping off the table in one agile move ; which sent her breasts jostling and jiggling, "as the very best wet dream ; you will ever have."

; ; She straightened out and stood a full 5 foot and a bit tall, playfully ; swaying her body side to side, letting her cleavage undulate in front of ; his eyes.

; ; "Do you have a name ?" he asked, unable to take his eyes off her.

; ; "You can call me Pink if you want to." she offered, "what's yours ?"

; ; "I'm Simon."

; ; "Well Simon, how about you take me here and now - after all, that's what ; my purpose in existence is. How would you like to take me ? Or am I not yet ; to your wishes ?"

; ; "Well, I ... I don't know. And what do you mean, to my wishes ?"

; ; "I will take the form of whatever the person who summons me wishes. But ; sometimes, I come in just a little under size. You do like big and very ; busty women, don't you ?"

; ; "Well, yes, but ..."

; ; "Then what are you waiting for ? Unless you want more of me."

; ; "And how do I make more of you," he asked, intrigued.

; ; "It's simple," she said with a wink and a bounce, "you blow me up."

; ; "Is there a limit to that ?"

; ; She laughed, "that's the last question I'll allow you before you either ; take me, inflate me or let me go. and no, there's no limits on how big I ; can get. I hope you're ready for me now, because here I come."

; ; She jumped up and at him, launching herself forward, and he caught her, ; expecting to fall backwards, but instead she remained suspended in air, ; driving her lips onto his in a deep enveloping kiss, wrapping her arms ; around him, letting her body float down against his.

; ; "Take me," she hoarsely whispered, "please take me."

; ; "Not yet," he said, feeling the raging hardon in his pants, "I want more ; of you."

; ; "All of me ?"

; ; "All of you. And especially your lovely boobs."

; ; "My boobs aren't lovely," she countered, smiling, "They're nasty, hard and ; exciting."

; ; "Are they," he said, "well, let's see about that then."

; ; He put his hands under her buttocks and lifted her snatch to his face, ; already preparing to exhale in her throbbing, hot pink cunt.

; ; "No need for that," she said, "just watch."

; ; She clamped her legs around his waist, feeling how he slipped his hands ; under her buttocks and dug in his fingers, smiling in approval.

; ; "Now here's the deal," she said, "if you call stop, I stop. If I lose sight ; of you, I stop. If I reach an obstacle like a wall, I stop. Got it ?"

; ; "Got it," he said, pulling her large snatch closer to his face, feeling her ; large pink legs around him.

; ; She let out a shallow sigh and a small moan, and he felt the grip of her ; legs constrict him, pushing him harder against her crotch.

; ; Then she started sucking in breath, and he felt her legs build and bulk up ; around him, saw how her cleavage rose, and rose faster, while her mound ; swelled up just in front of him, and he lost his grip on her slippery soft ; backside, and she kept sucking in breath until her breasts towered well ; over 3 feet high. He called stop.

; ; She let go of him, and he crawled over her body, almost twice his size, ; apart from her vastly inflated boobs, which were far, far larger, until he ; was lying between the two gigantic pink mountains, which she obligingly ; squished together, enveloping him and they managed a tentative kiss despite ; the size difference.

; ; "Will you take me now ?" she pleaded.

; ; "If I still can," he said, "I think I overdid it a little. How do you want ; it ?"

; ; "Wrong question," she said, "you take me the way you want, I'm at your ; service. I like it all - oral, anal, vaginal, you name it, I'll milk the ; last drop from your balls. So drop those pants, pick a hole and fuck me."

; ; "I like it when you talk dirty," he said while disrobing.

; ; "Oh you do," she said, "well then stud, come here and screw little Pink's ; hole until she begs for mercy - pound me until my tits and ass are sore, ; and my cunt raw from the thrusts, then give me more," she said, her eyes ; flaring brighter as he brought out his hardon.

; ; He stepped between her legs and rubbed her giant mound in front of him, and ; in response her cunt tightened up enough for him to push between her big ; nether lips. "Oh yes, give it to little Pink," she crooned, wrapping her ; giant legs around him, squashing him against her crotch as he thrust at ; her pulsing, throbbing sex, her body beginning to undulate as she matched ; his movements, pushing her arms into her giant boobs, pushing them towards ; him, making him grab at her foot long, four inch thick nipples, piling her ; cleavage at him, bucking harder and harder, her body getting softer and ; more malleable, and as he shot his load inside of her, she let out a long ; sigh that softened her body, followed by another, letting her breasts sink ; in on herself, before it was replaced by the steady hiss of air escaping ; as she slowly deflated and shrank, leaving an empty behind in his hands.

; ; He picked it off him and laid it out on the table, then got dressed, and ; as he turned to pick it up, he saw how it vanished in a puff of smoke that ; smelled of sulphur.

; ; He suddenly very much longed for the next time, and knew he had 143 such ; very wild experiences left.

; ; Or less, if he threw caution to the wind.

; ; ---

; ; Two weeks later he felt confident and willing enough to have another go ; at it, unable to shake Pink's fantastic dimensions from his mind and his ; dreams, his imagination running wild with what pleasures and kinks the ; other colors might provide.

; ; He had a pretty good idea what he wanted to do, and knew it was going to ; take a lot of space - and require a quick getaway if it all went wrong.

; ; The colors he wanted to use had already been set in his mind - green, and ; black. Green and black. He was going to ignore the warning on the package ; and use two sticks - and worse, mix them.

; ; The sticks felt thick in his pocket, the box being hidden behind a ; loose board in his room. 141 experiences left, he mused. And a double dose ; planned for today, in green and black.

; ; His chosen destination was an old service staton on a forgotten road out ; of town, about 30 miles down the road.

; ; It had everything he needed, and wanted, for this tryst; privacy, a decent ; enclosed space, and a working air compressor he had plans for.

; ; He opened up the throttle, riding down the abandoned highway towards the ; dot in the distance, the two sticks of gum heavy in his pocket.

; ; Simon shivered, rubbing his hands warm.

; ; He ran over his preparations once more, his heart racing in his chest.

; ; "No fear," he mumbled to himself, rubbing his hands warm, patting the ; pocket with the gum sticks, "no fear."

; ; He checked the floor was swept clean, the compressor was popping away, ; the air lines were laid out, his bike was ready to roll at a moment's ; notice, checked his exit routes, then considered his plan again.

; ; Finally, he pulled both sticks of gum from his pocket and laid them out ; on the table in front of him, and carefully unwrapped them both, first ; the green one, which was a bright, fresh green, like a blade of grass.

; ; The black one was pure black - so black, it almost seemed to absorb the ; light around it to make it look even more black than possible.

; ; Determined, he picked up both sticks, folded them together, then kneaded ; them into a single greenish-black double stick and closing his eyes, he ; popped it in his mouth and worked it between his jaws.

; ; The first hit of taste almost made him spit it out, an explosive assault ; on his taste buds, but it died away, and soon he felt the gum reach the ; rubbery texture he wanted.

; ; Rolling it over once more with his tongue, and with his heart pounding ; in his chest, he pushed the gum behind his lips and blew out the bubble.

; ; It rapidly grew into a woman's shape, locked in the same intimate kiss ; as with Pink, but as he pushed off for the first look, he saw that she ; was different - not just the color, a dusky green, but her curves were ; wider, more bold, but also much firmer.

; ; The shape bounded at him, and he caught her in the same position as Pink, ; his head between her legs, hands on her buttocks, only her legs felt so ; much more solid, but also pliable, her ass was tighter, and after he ; exhaled three times between her legs, feeling the figure swell and get ; stronger with each breath, hearing a reassurung grunt, he set her down.

; ; She stood a little taller than him, and he looked her over from the top of ; her bare head, over her dark green face with jet black lips, openly ogling ; at her full breasts, each capped with a fierce-looking bulging black tip, ; down her flat abdomen into the deep canyon, to her trim legs.

; ; The female figure slowly opened her deep green eyes, their color a deep ; glowing emerald, and pulled her black lips into a smile.

; ; "Wanna fuck me," she asked, voice deep and sibilant, "if you think you got ; what it takes to handle what I have here ?"

; ; "Oh, I'd love to fuck you," he replied, "but I would so much like more of ; that delicious body."

; ; She smiled, licking her lips with her black tongue, making a strange ; rubber-on-rubber sound as she did so.

; ; "So you want more of me, do you ?"

; ; "Oh yeah."

; ; She stepped at him and jammed her ample cleavage in his chest, and he felt ; how her stiff nipples poked in his skin through his clothing

; ; "And just," she said, rubbing her body against his, "how much more of me ; did you want ?"

; ; "A heck of a lot more," he said smiling, wrapping an arm around her, ; squeezing her ass, "but can you give it to me ?"

; ; In response, she grunted and inhaled briefly, instantly adding a foot to ; her height and doubling her breast size.

; ; "Is that all," he teased, amazed and frightened how fast she could grow.

; ; She grabbed him in a bear hug, and inhaled again, her breasts shooting ; outwards as she grew larger, reaching 10 feet in seconds.

; ; "Wow," he said, now truly impressed.

; ; "This is nothing," she boasted. "Now, are you going to take me like this ; or did you want more ?"

; ; "I'll take you," he said, "anally even, after I see how you look with ; bigger nipples."

; ; "How much bigger ?"

; ; "Four times ?"

; ; "Is that all," she sneered.

; ; "Well, go on then, show me what you have," he said.

; ; Aloof, she drew breath again, her nipples straining atop her breasts, ; extending and swelling until they were half the size of her boobs.

; ; "That enough" she asked.

; ; "Oh yeah," he said, eyes wide with amazement.

; ; "Then take me," she hissed.

; ; "Not yet," he said.

; ; "Take me," she growled, her eyes flaring.

; ; "Not yet. Grow your clit."

; ; "TAKE ME!" she snarled.

; ; "Grow your clit and I'll take you," he snapped.

; ; She cursed in a language he didn't understand and sucked in air, and a ; small shaft grew from between her legs.

; ; "There, done." She said.

; ; "Bigger," he taunted.

; ; Cursing, she grunted and the shaft grew larger, until it was as large ; as her overinflated nipples, when he called a stop.

; ; "Now take me," she growled.

; ; "Sure," he said, "come on down and I'll take you."

; ; She sat down and bent forwards, her balloon-like breasts splayed to either ; side of her, presenting her large butt at him.

; ; He mounted her, pushing his dick between her huge dark ass-cheeks and ; began pounding her, but insead of growing softer, she grew harder, and ; harder, heard and felt her suck in breath, her ass expanding around him.

; ; She groaned, and sucked again, and he saw her soft balloon breasts rising ; up and outwards as he approached his climax, felt how her vast body grew ; even more taut and tight as she squeezed his dick, heard how she snorted ; air, feeling her legs expand beneath him.

; ; Finally, he blew his load and he heard her laughing harshly.

; ; "What's so funny," he asked.

; ; "You being so stupid," she said.

; ; "What do you mean ?"

; ; She laughed again, then sucked in a giant storm of air, breaching the roof ; of the building, rising to a full 20 feet tall.

; ; "You are such a stupid little man," she said laughing.

; ; "W-what do you mean ?"

; ; "I am whole. I am not a part. I am not your sextoy anymore. I am."

; ; He looked confused as she drew in another huge storm of air, her body ; expanding at a rapid rate, 30 feet, 40, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300 feet.

; ; Her breasts and nipples had distended proportionally, casting a huge shadow ; in the night sky as she sucked in another breath, growing taller and taller ; by the second, reaching 500 feet, her laughter a booming sound.

; ; She bent down, her eyes brightly lighting him in the rubble of the building ; and she spoke in a deep, soft whisper.

; ; "I am your goddess. All will fall before me. You see, one stick doesn't ; have the energy to bind me to your world permanently. And my only release ; back to my world is your satisfaction. But two - or more - sticks allow me ; to exist here indefinitely. You were foolish to try, little man."

; ; He stood his ground, gazing into the huge pools of emerald light mocking ; him - he wanted to run away, but he was mesmerized by her voice and form.

; ; "So," he asked, "what do you intend to do ?", while he looked for a viable ; exit out of his situation.

; ; "Now I must rest," she whispered, her voice a storm, "but come morning, I ; shall gain strength. I will become flesh and blood - not this big sadly, ; and also in the accursed form you left me in, you little fuck, but in time ; I will have the strength to alter that, and to open the gates between your ; world and mine - and then I win. Then it will be me fucking you in any form ; I wish to see you in."

; ; "I don't think so, you big sack of hot air," a scratchy voice cackled.

; ; "Even you can't stop me now," the huge form boasted.

; ; "Oh yes I can," the old woman in rags said, and a deep blue and purple bolt ; of lightning flew from her fingertips and crackled around the large shape, ; and even as she hurled curse upon curse, she shrank down until she was the ; same size and shape se had been after the third breath.

; ; "And you, young man," the old woman said sternly, "you should learn to heed ; warnings better! Let this be a lesson to you."

; ; He timidly nodded.

; ; "What're you going to do with her," he asked.

; ; The old woman cackled, revealing a mouth with only a few teeth.

; ; "Well, I was planning to just cast her back to the Nine Circles. Why ?"

; ; "Is there any way, too ... too ..."

; ; "Render her harmless ? No. Fucking around with unbound succubae isn't good ; for your health, kiddo."

; ; "Well, perhaps then ..."

; ; The old woman cackled.

; ; "You horny little devil!" she said, "I'll see what I can do. Go now!"

; ; He picked up his bike from beside the ruined building and rode off, even as ; he heard the witch's screeching voice in the night air followed by a bang.

; ; ---

; ; Simon didn't hear anything from the witch, and when he rode up the road ; they'd walked with Halloween, where he swore the house was was an empty, ; wooded lot instead.

; ; He forgot all about it until on the 21st of December he was walking through ; town when a bedraggled woman pushed a bag in his hands.

; ; "Merry Solstice, mr. Simon," she whispered, and vanished in the crowd.

; ; A green and black box was inside, and immediately, Simon knew what it was.

; ; He was going to have some very big fun from tonight onwards - without the ; need to blow any of his BLZ bubblegum.

; ; End of Part 1 ; [1 ; 2] ; ;

; ; ; ; © JB/NL
; tsunami@xs4all.nl
; ;
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