Amri wasn't feeling very well. She had been crossing the street after a party in the early AM when a car had hit her. She'd been thrown to the side. The car hadn't stopped. It had continued, never even slowing after she'd been hit. She was barely aware as she crawled to one side badly injured. She felt pain and cold then darkness.
If anyone would have been watching they might have seen what looked like a bubble, descend on the injured woman and fade away. The only trace of Amri or what had happened, was the blood that stained the pavement.
Amri woke up no longer in pain or cold, but she was very confused. She wasn't wearing clothing and she was on a large smooth table in a strange giant kitchen of some kind. Suddenly bright lights shined on her, she felt the warmth on her breasts, heard music and words.
She heard clapping and was certain there was some type of audience behind the lights. Suddenly a voice boomed behind her.
A 8 foot tall purple skinned man stood behind her. His eyes were orange, his head bald and domed. His teeth were pointed and he had a pointed chin.
"Have you ever been REALLY hungry for breakfast?" He boomed out to the audience. Cheers greeted his words from behind the lights.
"Well, now with Hungry Man Breakfast you can have that quick breakfast...right from your own bed."
A light illuminated a large bed.
"Just take one human female and the Hungry Man breakfast by your bed, for when your ready for that breakfast. Now folks I know some of you have been saying, but we can't just grab any human. They have families, lives and a society. They're actually pretty bright for lower life forms and slightly related to us in evolutionary terms. Well folks, our corporation buys all of it's humans from a processor that ONLY gets hold of humans that are as good as dead anyway. face it folks, with their primitive medicine they die of things you and I would easily recover from. This yummy human female for instance."
The lights shined down on Amri.
"This human female was hit by another of her kind driving one of their steel carts. She was left to die on their streets. Why if not for us, she would have died horribly and alone."
She heard the sounds of people angry and appalled.
"Here at least, she will suffer no pain, no fear and enjoy herself greatly when consumed."
Consumed? Amri heard the words but felt calm. What did they mean consumed?
"So you see folks, if you just buy the human from verified suppliers you need have no qualms about their consumption. They are as good as dead anyway, why not make their end a good one. Good for them, fun and tasty nutrition for you."
She heard the audience behind the lights cheering and clapping.
"Now, allow me to demonstrate. Take the nicely procured and calmed human."
The purple man picked her up. She really didn't mind and wondered if they had done something to her. She should be horrified shouldn't she?
"Ladies, we also make Hungry Women Breakfasts and list suppliers of legally obtained human males. Take your human to bed with you and enjoy them. After all, it will make them all the more tender and tasty. They enjoy it too!"
He carried Amri over to the bed and laid her down. She found herself relaxing on the soft bed. Lying back and anticipating pleasure with this purple man, she spread her legs and smiled up at him. Her hair was spread out on the bed, the lights shining down on her picked up the golden highlights in her light brown hair. She noticed there seemed to be a monitor of some kind. She was shown on the monitor, her pale skin gleamed, her green eyes staring up, her nipples starting to stiffen.
"Ummm, doesn't she just look good enough to eat." Laughter, the audience thought that funny.
"Now, just slowly start to stroke your human...get the feel of their soft fine skin."
The purple man was stroking her toes, her feet, moving up and massaging the calves of her legs. She sighed joyfully as he started to knead her thighs.
"Nice soft tender thighs on this one." He started to massage her buttocks, moved up to the cradle of her back.
"Now we tenderize her in that very SPECIAL way."
His penis was erect now, stiff and ready. Amri welcomed him into her, he entered with long strokes in and out. She breathed heavily moaning as pleasure shook her entire body. His hands squeezed and played with her breasts as he came in and out. At the moment of release, she felt as if her mind had entered a higher plane of being.
"Now, she's nice and tender. All ready to become a hungry man breakfast."
The audience clapped.
Amri lay back relaxed, feeling happy and warm. The purple man took a large box out, that had a picture of pancakes, and a human woman on a bed of scrambled eggs with some melted cheese on top of her.
"Just open the box and take out the paper tray." He slid a huge paper tray out.
"Remove the top and put the human woman as she is, on top of the scrambled eggs portion."
He picked her up and put her on a huge bed of scrambled eggs. The eggs were cold, the meal needed heating.
"Don't worry my little morsel, you'll be nice and warm soon." He smiled down at her.
"Take the cover, put if back on the tray, and just utter the command word - Breakfast."
She felt the eggs grow warm, moist and soft under her. She could smell scrambled eggs, hot pancakes with syrup, and sausages with cheese. She realized something warm was pouring over her. It was melted cheese and she was the meat that smelled somewhat like sausage.
"Now we are ready for breakfast in bed." The top was removed and she could see steam rising from her body. She smelled really delicious. For some reason she wanted to be eaten now. It was what she wanted most out of the world.
The purple man sat down with a huge mug of coffee. He drank some, then he picked up her left foot.
"Notice the bones have softened to be like nice crispy bacon. You have a combination of prime living human bacon and sausage all in one."
She heard the audience making sounds of "Umm."
"Now we'll enjoy a nice leisurely breakfast. Our breakfast will enjoy being eaten by the way, as much if not more then we enjoy eating. To the human, it's now like another form of eat hearty, and eat well, with no guilt at all."
He put her big toe into his mouth and started to taste her. She felt his tongue's rough surface over the skin of her tongue then his teeth as the started to chew her bones and all. It felt so wonderful, like another form of sex. IF someone had told her you could have an orgasm in your big toe, she would never have believed it. Now it was happening.
"ummm, tasty - go get yourself a Hungry Man or Woman dinner today. Meanwhile I'll finish breakfast."
The lights went down and she could hear the audience leaving. Her breathing was heavy as the purpled man continued to chew and eat her. Occasionally he would stop and the pleasure would cease, allowing her a rest. He would sip his coffee or eat some of the pancakes. Then he would come back to eating her. The pleasure would start again as his teeth chewed on her flesh and bone.
At her vaginal lips he took time to suck and lick before chewing on her lips and clit. He commented on what find tender stomach meat she had and how well her intestines went with the hash brown potatoes. She thanked him, and hoped he would enjoy the rest of her. He teased her as he chewed on her ribs. He consumed her fingers, slowly, hands and arms next. He was saving her breasts for later.
He sucked on her nipples and then put some pancake syrup on her breasts.
"I always thought of the breast meat and fat as a pastry myself." He smiled at her before licking the syrup and then slowly chewing on her nipple, then the rest of her left breast, then the right breast.
"Not a bad way to die now is it?" He asked her at one point.
She smiled up at him, wondering if any of this was really happening. Perhaps she was on the street dying and her brain had just caused her to have a pleasant fantasy to take away the pain and cold.
How could one tell. Was this or the other, the reality she wondered? Did it matter? In either reality she was dying, but in this one is was a pleasant death.
"Your very good eating," the purple man told her as he was about to consume the last of her living body.
She decided with her last thoughts, this was the reality she preferred.