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Hive Mind

© Haepnoteased
"When the invaders came, men succumbed to lust, and civilization crumbled. It took strong women to bring humankind back from the abyss..."
Disclaimer: This story is suitable only for those 18 years of age or older. Contains suggestive, erotic content, and graphic imagery. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Those who have an intense hatred of insects or sexy ladies should stop reading immediately.

Civilization ended with a bang. Correct that: lots of bangs. A few billion shots were fired, but the ammo men used only made the invading forces stronger. No conventional military was able to counter the threat. Zombified men lost all control, baring themselves instead of bearing arms. With governments crumbled, and cities silenced and dark, the invaders thought they had won. But a new resistance was afoot. Women taught men how to fight a new kind of war. They began to lick the enemy, and thrust forward so that they would stop falling back. However, physical techniques alone would prove to be insufficient. One woman stood her ground, and went mental...


Assuming our wishes were honored, you are reading this one hundred years after my death. I'm going to set the record straight. I'm sure by now gritty details have been omitted by those who think our follies make our struggles less noble. The surreal has had no place in heroic tales. Until now.

My survival story ran the gamut, and subtracting anything diminishes understanding. It's okay to laugh at the weapons and tactics employed by the resistance. Once you know the horrors we faced, you'll appreciate what we accomplished. When you understand lust's dominion over men, you'll recognize the power of love to liberate. And it was love that made us whole again. One woman understood that we could not win divided. We stood by each other, body and mind, men and women, fighting harmoniously. I have been called a hero, but it was this woman who saved us.


Let me start by asking you something: What would YOU have done when civilization ended?

Given that it happened in the past, you have an advantage I never had. In my day, I had thought about it, but my prediction of how the world would end was all wrong. I was sure it would be nuclear annihilation. Working downtown, or at home in the nearby suburbs, there would be a flash, a few moments of clarity, and then I'd be ash.

Now I did consider the possibility of longer-term survival, where I might live long enough to make choices. But with choice, there come disturbing questions: in a long-term struggle, do you seek a quick death, or do you fight for survival?

To be honest, I feared an agonizing struggle. I thought there was no pleasant way to die. In the wake of the invasion, I was a frightened animal, frozen, waiting for the hunter to deliver the merciful blow. Wow, “merciful blow” indeed. Men on Earth were given the once in a lifetime opportunity to experience death by orgasm, delivered by lusty females. Yeah, sounds good to me too. Had I known that on the first night, I might have chosen to surrender.

Some among you are probably thinking: “Women came to suck you to death? C'mon!” If so, your history teacher did you a disservice by withholding the truth. But I'll tell you straight: I got luckier than that. I had fantastic sex with them and didn't die. Many times. I also stole a kiss from a powerful seductress who had drained the souls of men for centuries. That really did almost cost me my life, but I made it. Looking back, I'm truly grateful I didn't surrender quickly.

And the best is yet to come. We have a plan to take the fight back to the succubi homeworld. Since by now the plan has certainly been executed, I am free to divulge what we are going to do. This document has been guarded closely for a hundred years. I'll let history be the judge of how effectively we executed our attack. If you are reading this and you are not a succubus, we must have done something right...

I'll take you there now, to the final battle, to give you a taste of my encounter with the Queen of Queens, a conniving succubus who came to Earth and deigned to lord over it all.


The enemies amassed on the rolling green hills were larger than any we had yet faced. Swarms hovered menacingly as our forces approached. We knew this was to be our last stand....

“They are establishing the outer perimeter !”, the watch officer announced. A lone trumpet sounded a warning, as I lifted binoculars and zoomed in on black tendrils that extended out from the swarm. Initially they raced outwards, then arced down. By the time they reached ground level, they surrounded our forces, assuming control. The mating ritual had begun, but this time the intensity was going to be cranked up a notch. An ancient sexual warrior was about to enter the arena.

Minutes after the battle began, an aquamarine light pulsed, and I knew the Queen of Queens had arrived. She quickly began tearing a rift in our battle formations. Initially I mistook her for one of the others, as she had similar body lines, but then I saw dark wings unfolding from behind. Another revolver closed in, but one by one, its men fell beneath her.

“That's her,“ I remarked, handing the binoculars to my Queen. One look, and she knew too.

“We're going in, Knight.” She lowered herself from the observation platform and ran towards the battle perimeter.

I jumped off and barked orders. “Revolver on the move! Let's go! Let's go!“ We raced to catch up. Unlike us, she was clothed, wearing a light blue tunic that stopped just short of her knees. Her light brown, shoulder-length hair shone and rippled with every stride.

“Do you feel ready to face her, Knight?”, she asked.

“No. I don't even remember most of our practice sessions. Maybe I'm losing my mind,” I responded breathlessly.

“Knight, your mind is way beyond gone,” she laughed. She always could find humor in dire situations, and I loved her for it. She kept me sane.

The buzzing grew deafening as we approached the perimeter, and we slowed to a quick walk. Once we crossed, there would be no turning back. We walked under an arc that formed in the living, moving wall. The insects flew so quickly; their breeze rustled the knee-high grass, and evaporated sweat on my skin. As our last man passed underneath, the arc snapped down, sealing us inside.

Most of the succubi were busy giving men the ride of their lives, and we covered significant ground before anyone engaged us. The first to approach never had a chance. I stepped out of formation and walked quickly towards her. Just as she started to open her mouth, I lunged. A furious buzzing came from her guardians high above; I knew they had begun their descent. Moments away from death, I put a hand on one shoulder, grabbed her other arm and tugged forward as I issued the command “Sleep!” Disabled, she slumped to the ground. We covered our heads and crouched low, as heavy black rain momentarily fell from the swarm cloud, pelting us and the ground all around us. Other men downed two succubi in similar fashion. This was an aggressive and dangerous tactic, but we had to hurry.

A succubus sprayed the squadmate next to me. He stumbled towards her; she was already on her back, naked and spread-eagled, awaiting penetration. I wish we could have spared someone to help. A reserve backfilled his position, and we climbed further up the hillside. As we crossed the ridge, I saw HER. She was hunched over a man who lay on his back, his eyes unseeing, his loins pulsating uncontrollably. Even as his sexual eruption launched into the air, his body seized up, dying from lust.. She moaned in time with his passing; her back arched, and her wings quivered in delight.

She must have heard our approach, for her head twisted in our direction, her ruby lips suddenly puckered as if to blow me a kiss. As her gaze locked onto me, my mind was caught in her web. The creature from my dream, an ancient and powerful seductress, was there in the flesh, and I knew I was going to die....


They were a sexual horror, velvety caresses hid deep. When the shrieks began, who dared to sleep?

Looking back now, I realize my survival experience is singularly unique. I saw and was seen by the succubi the night they invaded, yet I lived. The encounter fueled my nightmares for months: heavenly figures walking the Earth, raking the air with their cries....

As I spin the tale, I hear the dead howling with protest: “Not fair! You holed up in a protected bunker!” True. Now, the bunker was not my doing. For that, I have to credit an interesting character: good ol' Uncle Bill. On the night of the invasion, I was on his farm, just east of Kansas City.

Bless him, but Uncle Bill was loony, even if he might someday be thought of as a prophet. He was convinced that the Rapture was coming, and he had a survival plan.

“I'm going to hide from the hooligans and the locusts,” he told anyone willing to listen. He bragged that he dug out the shelter by himself using Satan's black spade. A slight exaggeration. He had taken an existing tornado shelter and hardened it to his high standards. He added an air duct with a filtration system in case God dropped a bioweapon. He installed double-strength wooden doors with an insulated core to protect against the harsh winters. He put in a toilet so he would not have to venture outside. There were piles of freeze-dried food packets, and potable water in a storage tank. It had its own electrical system, with backup generators. Shelves were full of books and crossword puzzles. And of course, it had ammo. Lots of ammo. A man could easily hold out for a year. There was a cost to his obsession; it stressed his marriage, and earlier that year, his wife moved out. The week of the invasion, I had taken time off from work as a software engineer to help him out. Harvest time was at hand.

There were signs of trouble just before the invasion. For my part, I was too busy to notice. But Uncle Bill recognized them, even if he did not know their import. An hour before sunset, I was walking towards the farmhouse while removing my dusty leather gloves. I saw him standing in the doorway, staring at the horizon.

“Matt, have you seen any birds today?”, he asked.

“Not that I can recall.” Odd, that. The corn crop was ripe. The birds were always picking off what they could this time of year.

“Something's not right. I found the horses cowering at the edge of the pasture this morning. They wouldn't let me come near, ” he said.

“A predator?”, I asked.

“Could be. Had problems with coyotes last year. They keep building houses further out, driving them towards us. Want to do some field surveillance with me tonight?” His face looked a lot more relaxed, and he was grinning. Sounded like fun to me too.

“Sure,” I said. “I'm going to take a shower first.” I went inside. The old wooden floor creaked underfoot as I made my way to the guest bedroom. All my clothes were still jammed into my suitcase. When I unfastened the latches, it sprang open, and several pairs of socks and a spare shoe fell out. Shaking my head, I dug through the contents and managed to find what I needed.

With a change of clothes in hand, I walked down to the cellar. Taking in the standing shower, I shook my head. It was so minimalist. The whole farmhouse was so different from my own - older, smaller. Comfortable, yet still alien. It had none of the technological amenities to which I had grown accustomed. Out there, if you needed Internet access, you had to get a satellite dish. My uncle was too cheap for that. In fact, he hardly knew the Internet existed. A good thing, since he probably would have been pulled into a conspiracy-driven cult.

What bothered me about the standing shower wasn't its plainness, though; it was the clear window situated above it. It had no blinds or anything else to ensure privacy. I knew the nearest neighbor was a quarter mile away, and there were no peeping Toms, but I got in the habit of looking up anyway, just to be sure. Soon enough, privacy would be the least of my concerns. I had just lathered up my hair a second time, when something substantial smacked into the window. I reached over to shut off the water. Stinging suds dripped into my eyes, but I wiped them away and peered up to see a menacing black hornet hover momentarily before flying off. There was a fresh impact mark in the glass, surrounded by spidery fissures. A disturbing thought came to mind which I couldn't quite shake.

Grabbing a towel, I hastily scoured my hair and dried off. I pulled my shirt on as I walked into the kitchen, where my uncle was stacking food and other supplies.

“Something just flew into the shower window and cracked it,” I said. I didn't tell him a hornet did it. Even he would think I was crazy. He turned to me and scowled, then went down for a look while I waited. His curses came in audible spurts.

“GODDAMN FUCKING KIDS...(something)... GONNA KICK THEIR WHINY ... (something)” His boots pounded the stairs as he came up, his face inflamed with passion.

“Kids next door.. It's gotta be them. I've seen them with their BB guns and slingshots.” That was a relief – a reasonable explanation. He walked right past me and out the door. I pulled on my shoes and followed to find him looking towards the neighbor's farmhouse off in the distance.

“See anyone?”, I asked.

“No, but they have to be there,” he responded. “I'm sure they are behind this, shooting at the horses and scaring birds away. I bet they're hiding in the corn field.” It was the obvious refuge. In my youth I had played hide-and-seek many times with my cousins, and it was impossible to spot someone until they stepped out.

“Keep an eye on that field. I'll be right back,” he said. He came out a few minutes later with heated TV dinners, a couple of flashlights, a rifle, and binoculars. “Follow me. We're going to have us some fun.”

The shelter was several hundred feet from the house, at the end of a fallow field where the horses grazed. From there we would have a clear view of the corn field. As I held the supplies, he unfastened the padlock and loosed the chains. I helped him open the heavy wooden doors, and we walked down a small set of concrete steps. It had been years since he last gave me a tour. It seemed to extend back further than I remembered. He flipped a switch, and a single fluorescent tube fastened to the steel wall lit up.

“All the necessities, Matt. Food. water. A cot. A toilet. Few hundred rounds of ammo.” I saw there was a wall phone too - he had a separate line installed, buried so it could not be cut. He smiled broadly, proud of his work. “Here, let's put that stuff on the table. Go ahead and eat. I've got the first watch. The moment they step out of that field, we'll get 'em good.” He picked up the binoculars and stepped up to the entrance, as I peeled back the plastic wrap from my meal. Under the circumstances, the stiff meatloaf and overcooked vegetables went down nicely. I sensed that this was going to be an adventure, and this night would be far from ordinary. A question came to mind. I had to know.

“Are you going to shoot them?”

He turned to me and grinned. “Nah, I'll just pop a few rounds into the ground, and give chase. If I pull it off right, they'll have to make up an excuse to Mommy about how they managed to crap themselves.” His humor was twisted, but I admit I had a lot in common with Uncle Bill, for I laughed with him.

Having finished my meal, I walked up the steps. The sun was just about to sink below the horizon, and bathed all above in an orange haze.

“See anyone yet?”, I asked. My uncle never had a chance to answer. A loud tone behind us shattered the calm. He rushed down and picked up an emergency radio from the corner of a workbench. He pointed at the luminous blue display as I came near.


“Maybe it's a drill,” I said hopefully.

He shook his head. “Not likely. Tests use a separate alert code. And the light here would be green, not red.” He pointed at the LEDs along the edge. “Tones are usually followed by voice instructions.” He put the radio back down, and we waited anxiously for several minutes, but instructions never came.

He pulled out a manual and read out loud. “Code CDW (Civil Danger Warning). Warns of an event that immediately threatens the civilian population. Examples include environmental contamination, or an imminent or in-progress terrorist attack or military invasion.”

We heard a low rumble outside the shelter that crescendoed. By the time we made it outside, the first sound was already fading. However, moments later a second formation of fighters streaked from horizon to horizon, passing overhead, their underbellies blurred crimson. The sound buffeted us, and I struggled to understand my uncle's shouts.

“FIGHTERS... WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE!”, he yelled. He pulled at my shirt, urging me to go back into the shelter with him. The alert tone continued. He picked up the phone and tried dialing out, but quickly slammed it back down.

“Lines are all busy.” He pulled down a TV/radio from another shelf, and turned it on. All channels projected the warning tone, with the same words on-screen : “CIVIL DANGER WARNING - STANDBY” Again, no instructions came. He flipped it to radio reception, and all stations played the same warning tone. That's when he looked me straight in the eye.

“Stay here, Matt. I'm going into town for Mary, and find out what's going on.” Mary was his wife, soon to be his ex, but he still cared very much for her. She lived alone in a town several miles away.

He loaded up a shotgun, pumped it, and handed it to me. He would take the rifle with him. “I'll lock up the house. You have a key, right?” I nodded.

“Good. Lock the shelter from the inside. When I return, I'll knock four times. Until then, stay put! I'll call you when I find out something.” He pulled out a second pair of binoculars from a drawer. “These have night-vision. Just flip the switch here on the side. If you have to go outside, use these to get a good look around. Love ya, Matt.” I'll never forget the serious look on his face. That was the last time I saw him.

He slammed the doors shut, and I bolted them. Frightened, I sat down and fidgeted with the radio dial to pass the time. Nothing but tones, interspersed by static. An hour later, the phone rang.

“Matt, DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. It's happening!”


“Rapture. They got to Mary already. Hold on. Oh.. God. THEY'RE HERE.” Over the phone, I heard footsteps and heavy breathing. There was a piercing shriek. He spoke again, but his voice sounded distant and weak. I hardly recognized it. “She's... so beautiful. Oh help me, Matt! I can't stop myself!” I heard a spraying sound, followed by silence, then a dead tone. The call had dropped.

I shouted, and grabbed the shotgun, intending to rescue him, but it was too late. When I emerged from the shelter, the fields were aglow, illuminated by the yellow fires of a missile soaring towards the heavens. The silo could not have been more than a mile away. Off in every direction I could see other missiles ascending. Armageddon. I felt queasy and fell to my knees, vomiting into the grass not once, but twice. By the time I looked up again, the missiles were high above the plains. Already resigned to my fate, I turned back towards the shelter. Within the hour, the counterattack would arrive, or so I thought. But the invaders had a different plan for us, for those missiles detonated in the upper atmosphere, incendiary flashbulbs throwing my shadow against the ground. The radio went silent, the shelter dark. I heard a popping noise and felt something burning along my waist, as flames shot from my cell phone. My fingers scrambled to release it, but it was too hot. “Shit!” I yanked down my pants and stomped on them.

Even as I nursed my blistered thumb, I knew what had happened. “Electromagnetic Pulse,” I whispered. In an instant, the Internet, cell phones, computers, everything electronic had been destroyed. Billions of people were isolated from each other; like them, I was now on my own.

Well, I decided my first order of business would be to put my burnt pants back on. Struggling to see in the moonless night, I had a helping hand, as the fluorescent light down below flickered on again. The shelter's backup batteries and generator had come to life. I finished buttoning my pants and went back down. The radio was on, but now there was only static. I was surprised that anything worked at all; the shelter's metal exterior must have provided some protection. Still, I found myself cut off. I picked up the phone receiver and the line was dead: a sure sign of impending disaster.

As if on cue, I heard a high-pitched scream coming from outside. I grabbed the shotgun and bolted to the entrance. Just as my head emerged, I heard other cries echoing in the distance. Remembering Uncle Bill's advice, I grabbed the binoculars and shut off the light. Slowly, I crept back up over the lip and scanned the horizon. At first the night-vision only picked up green static, but I finally spotted them: ghostly green apparitions in the distance walking towards me. I couldn't quite make out what they were, but was focused intently on them when I heard footsteps nearby in the grass. I swung the binoculars over, and saw a female figure only a few hundred feet away. She halted and looked right at me. I thought, “She can't possibly see me, and surely that noise didn't - “ AEEEEEE!!! Her shriek made me jump back. I fell down the stairs, hitting my head on the concrete floor as the shotgun clattered. Feeling woozy, I heard a buzzing, as if thousands of insects were in-flight.

Now panicked, I stood up and felt along the wall for the light switch. “C'mon! C'mon!”, I thought. SNAP! The light came on, and I rushed the steps. The buzzing was even louder now, nearly on top of me. I swung one door down, and ducked my head as the swarm's vanguard zoomed overhead. Another shriek came, now so very close. I pulled down the second door and sealed the bolts. Grabbing the shotgun, I ran to the far wall and braced myself, expecting the worst.

Moments later, the doors rattled, and thumping noises reverberated. There came shrill scraping noises, like nails etching wood and metal. More shrieks came a minute later, and the pounding grew louder. Smaller objects pelted the exterior like hail. The assault continued for several minutes. “Son of a bitch! Bring it on, motherfuckers!”, I yelled boisterously, half-hoping they would break through. At the very least then I thought I would get a chance to blow a zombie's head off, and go down fighting. When silence came, there really was no relief for me, for I had no way of knowing if the creatures were lurking outside. Through much of the night I sat upright on the edge of insanity. Only the static of a useless radio reminded me that I was still alive.

It was that radio static, I think, that lulled me to sleep. When I awoke the next morning, I startled and nearly blew my foot off. I had fallen asleep with the shotgun cradled in my lap, my face slid halfway down the wall. Oh my neck was sore. Shifting my head one way, then the other, I got up and reflexively checked the radio one last time. Nothing. I shut it off, and thought to myself, “What next?”. Deep down I needed to know what had become of the world, so I approached the shelter doors, and cupped my ear to them. Hearing nothing unusual, I unbolted them, and lifted one up for a peek. The female creatures were gone, and there were no insect swarms. There was also no falling ash, nor was the sky boiling. The sky was a crystalline blue. I stepped out into daylight, where only the first cool breezes of Fall touched me.

Everything felt wrong though. With my shotgun in hand, I walked briskly to my car. On a whim, I tried cranking it. Nothing. I pulled out a jacket from the backseat and put it on, then went into the house. I hauled what I could back to the shelter : clothing, leftovers in the fridge, spare batteries, jugs of water.

On my final trip, I noticed something unusual embedded in the edge of one of the shelter doors: a large black barb. I lowered the door back down, and saw there were dozens of them. Little amber beads had collected at the base of some of them, like honey. I touched one of them, and it lifted away smoothly, clinging tightly to my fingertip. Curious, I touched it to my tongue, and felt my mind disconnect from the world around me. Euphoria swept through my body, as I felt an intense heat in my groin. I moaned, and hastily pulled down my pants. Teetering, and gripping my swollen member, I crumpled to the ground. My mouth opened wordlessly, as pearl droplets pulsed skyward, arcing overhead. The world around me whirled in slow motion, blurring. Energy seemed to drain out of me, and my recovery was long in coming. I lay there awhile as breezes evaporated beads of sweat from my forehead.

My thoughts were so fragmented, I cannot say what went through my mind at first. But at some point, I came to a realization: whatever or whoever these creatures were, they could not be of this Earth.

I sealed myself back in my bunker and stayed there throughout the fall and winter, anticipating an attack that never came. The invaders had migrated elsewhere for a season. Fortunately, the resistance found me just as winter was losing its powers. Time was running out.


The day they arrived, I lay in my cot reading. Just before sunset, knocks came...

Voices shouted: “We're here to rescue you! Unfasten the doors, and step away! If you have weapons, PUT THEM DOWN!”. I complied. The doors swung open, and men wielding rifles pulled me out. I squinted to see, as long forgotten sunlight shone into my eyes. There were several men, all wearing jeans and long-sleeved shirts, not military uniforms. Someone gripped my arm as others patted me down.

“He's clean, sir.” The man holding my arm released me. I took a step back and got a good look at him. He was tall, and had a salt and pepper beard. I figured he was a bit older than me, perhaps in his late 30's. I heard the stomp of boots coming up from the shelter.

“He had a shotgun, and ammo. Nothing else of interest, sir.” The bearded man stared at me a moment longer, then extended his hand.

“Daniel Overman. I'm in charge of this unit. Your name?”

“Matthew Knight. Call me Matt.” Daniel knelt and swung the door back over. The black barbs were still there, but there was no evidence of the amber fluid.

“I see they've been here already. Have you been stung or sprayed?” His eyes demanded an answer, and I gave him one.

“Not exactly. There was some amber substance, and...”

“You climaxed?”, he interjected. I nodded. His expression became grim.

“Consider yourself lucky to be alive. Everything will be explained in time. We need to move quickly. We've got a lot of territory to cover tonight. I hope we find others like you alive.

I followed them back to a small convoy of vehicles and I boarded one of the covered trucks. That's where I met the woman who would soon be at the center of my world. She was seated by herself, her arms folded in her lap. I sat across from her, and in the fading light dared a glimpse of her face. She had brown hair that stopped at her shoulders, matching pretty brown eyes. Small turquoise earrings dangled. As the engine rumbled to life and we pulled away, I looked back wistfully, wondering if I would ever see the farm again. But soon I couldn't help but glance at the girl again, and I introduced myself.

“Hi, I'm Matt. How are you?” She looked up, but said nothing in kind. Her eyes glistened faintly, and her expression was unfathomable. I felt like an idiot. There I was, trying to make smalltalk while the world burned. I averted my eyes, and remained silent as darkness slowly swallowed us. The rest of the night we sat there, holding on with both hands as the vehicle rocked. Several times the convoy stopped. More often than not, no survivors were found, but they found a few. By the end of the evening, four men and two women had joined me and the mysterious brown-eyed girl.

When the sun rose again, we found ourselves among the hills of the upper Ozarks. The convoy halted, and Daniel appeared at the back of the truck. He dropped the tailgate. “Let's go, ” he said.

I stepped off the truck, and saw we were near the mouth of a large cave. Daniel led us towards the entrance. As we got closer, I saw fine steel netting covering the cave mouth, held in place by large bolts driven into the rock overhead. There was an opening in the netting at the base, where two armed men stood watch. They saluted Daniel.

We filed into the limestone cave and were led deep inside, where the interior was illuminated by floodlights. Eventually, the cave branched off in several directions. Guards were posted at many of them, but our path was clear. We marched towards the heart, hundreds of feet beneath Missouri soil. We finally forked off the main passageway into a long hall, where manned tables stood on either side labeled “Men” and “Women”. Daniel gestured for us to stop.

“Welcome to resistance base Alpha, “ he said. “We'll get you fresh clothes, a shower, and a place to sleep. Pardon my haste, but our search and rescue mission is still underway, and I have a status meeting in a few minutes. These folks will assist you in getting checked in. On my word, you'll be treated well here. All I ask is that you stay within designated areas, and do not attempt to go outdoors. It's becoming dangerous out there. We'll provide everyone more information in a few days. Thank you.” Daniel nodded to a fellow standing next to him, and they walked off, as a third man started bellowing instructions, gesturing with his arms.

“Men to the left. Women to the right. Line up single-file, please...”

After showering and donning fresh clothes, I congregated with the others again. We were led on a tour of the accessible cave areas. It was impressive. Some cave sections were natural, but others had been drilled out to create an underground city with all the basic amenities: living quarters, a common dining hall that could seat hundreds, numerous meeting rooms, and a workout facility. After the tour, they handed out room assignments. I was led down a hall dedicated for housing men - the women's quarters were in another section. It was a bunk-bed arrangement, two men per cramped room.

For the first week, little structure was imposed on me, and no further information was forthcoming from our friendly captors. More survivors arrived, but the rescue excursions brought back fewer with each passing day. At first I would approach new refugees to seek news of the outside world, but they knew nothing more than I did. Daniel was a man of his word, though: one night while I was halfheartedly eating an MRE, a voice boomed across the mess hall.

"Attention everybody! ATTENTION!" An older uniformed man stood there, with a mic in his hand. Other men I recognized from the convoy (including Daniel) stood at attention behind him, although they still were still in civilian attire.

"At ease. Thank you. I am Bruce Karoch. I was... pardon.. AM a Major in the U.S. Army. Welcome to our base. We feel blessed by your presence here. As you know, several months ago a terrible tragedy struck. Many of you have approached us with questions, and I regret we have not been able to tell you more until now. For the past couple of weeks we have been working around the clock to recover survivors. There are far too few, I'm afraid.

“But the time for rumors has passed. Tonight, we will provide you with a high-level situation overview. Tomorrow morning, we will break out into sessions where more details will be provided. Questions may be asked at that time. Packets will be distributed to your rooms this evening with name badges and your session assignment. My second-in-command will now brief you. Some of you have already met Captain Overman. Daniel?" He gestured to him, and stepped back.

“Thank you, Major Karoch.” He paused uncomfortably. “I am the second-in-command, and have accepted the title of 'Captain', but I am not a commissioned military officer. The United States government has collapsed, and all military branches have been decimated.” A shudder went through the crowd.

“From what information we have managed to gather, governments have fallen around the world. Alien forces have assumed total control, and billions have died. They continue to fan out, killing residual survivors. We do not know what brought them here, but humankind is now on the brink of extinction.” He paused to look up at the crowd, then glanced down to continue reading from his notes, which shook in his hand.

“Hope now lies with you. We are organizing a resistance, and have devised new tactics with weapons that can disable the invader's armies. But to win we need you to stay and fight.

“We are not drafting you. This is a boot camp, to prepare you for victory. Tomorrow, once you know what we are up against, you may leave. Those who wish not to fight will be given a few days of food and water. To be honest, I don't think you would last long out there, but you'll have to make that choice. That's all I can say tonight.” Major Karoch took back the mic.

“Thank you, Captain Overman. This experience has been difficult on all of us, but try to get some sleep tonight. We have a lot of material to cover. Tomorrow's wake up call will be at 0600. Thank you.” With that, the Major and his men departed, and the mess hall became abuzz with nervous activity and bared emotions. None of us were prepared for this. I looked across the hall, and saw someone familiar – the woman from the convoy. I didn't sleep well that night, for all I could think about were her deep brown eyes, staring at me.


Boot Camp Day 1, 0800 hours. Inside a briefing room, Major Karoch led my group session...

“Good morning, gentlemen. I hope you were able to get some sleep. This briefing will not be easy. My duty is to present the facts as we know them today, so you can make an informed decision as to whether to join us.

The lights dimmed as a motorized projector screen descended...

“Gentlemen, we are facing a type of succubi invasion. 'Succubi' is the Latin plural of 'succubus'. THIS is a succubus.” A figure of an attractive naked woman appeared on-screen. She had dark hair, ample breasts, and long legs. Black wings were tucked mostly behind her, giving only a hint of their breadth.

“A succubus preys on a man by having sex with him, draining his energy until he collapses and dies. In legend, the succubus took on various forms. Some had wings, others not. We are not sure if the creatures that have descended upon us are the succubi of legend, but they share a common passion. They are hellbent on killing us with orgasms.” Someone in the back of the briefing room whistled and said something profane. The Major's reaction was sharp and quick.

“WHO SAID THAT?” He stood in front of the screen so that a pair of giant succubus boobs were projected on his forehead. Other recruits were trying to suppress laughter, and failing. My face was stony; I for one took the Major's word at face value. The overhead lights came back on.

“I said it, ” someone finally announced from the back. Heads turned as a young man rose from his seat.

“Would you mind coming down here and being part of a demonstration?”, the Major asked.

“Sure thing,” came a cocky-sounding reply. The young man walked casually down the aisle with a bounce in his step, hands in his pockets. The Major guided him to a spot front and center.

“Your skepticism is justified. I understand that only one of you has seen them. Would that person stand up?” Lost in thought, for a moment I didn't realize he was talking about me, but I finally came to my senses.

“I did, sir”, I replied.

“What is your name, son?”

“Matthew Knight, sir.” The Major chuckled.

“Well, well, a Knight. Welcome. I hope you will join us and serve your Queen well. Matthew Knight, what can you tell us about your encounter?” Eyes were all on me.

“Umm.. I didn't get a good look. I .. I was using night vision binoculars.”

“Really? How far away were they at the time?” The Major appeared to be genuinely interested.

“The closest was a few hundred feet away, maybe.”

He broke into a grin. “Ah, the night spares Sir Knight. They are a slow to assert themselves in the dark. But if she had gotten closer.. say 20 ft, then you would have been controlled by her, and died.” Just what I needed to hear. The room was hushed, whispers ceased.

“Ah, now I have everybody's attention? 'Controlled?'. You probably are asking yourself what that means. To gain this understanding, we'll continue with our demonstration. Mr. Knight, you may be seated. The man standing beside me will be the first here to lose his virginity to a succubus.”

At that, the young man started talking it up. “Ah, naw, I'm no virgin. I've had girlfr-”. He stopped mid-sentence and gaped as a stunningly beautiful naked woman was rolled out on a gurney by a bespectacled man. Her short jet black hair shone under the floodlights. Breasts, curves, long legs were just perfect, and she had flawless skin. Her eyes were closed. Two armed men stood to the side, M-16s held at the ready.

The Major laughed again. “Young man, you have the look of a kid waking up on Christmas morn. Feeling a little disoriented? You should probably start undressing now.” The young man snapped out of his revery.

“Ah, hell naw, I'm not fucking a corpse.” He backed up, shaking his head.

“Does she look like a corpse?” Interesting question. From where I sat, she didn't appear to be moving at all, but had a healthy glow about her that made us all look sickly in comparison.

“Our good scientist, Dr. Richard Hornay, will do the honors by turning her on.” The Major gestured at the man standing with the gurney. He had been looking down at the succubus the whole time the Major was talking, but now he thumbed his glasses back onto his nose and addressed the audience.

“Yes, thank you. I have gathered information about the succubi since their invasion began. Luckily, we found an abandoned succubus out in the field. She was malfunctioning, but I was able to repair her, and have had time to... experiment. She is... cybernetic, much more robotic than biological, but yet on the surface a warm, delectably soft creature. Frankly, she is.. irresistible, in many ways.” He turned to the young man in front.

“You will enjoy her greatly. Her lubricants contain a peculiar arousal agent. Words won't convey what it feels like – you need to dive right into the experience.” The doctor quickly stepped behind the succubus, as she came to life and sat up on the gurney. Her eyes sprang open.

The young man jumped back a few feet. “AH FUCK! WHAT THE HELL?!” Her mouth opened wide, and that now-familiar shriek set my hair on end, and froze the young man where he stood. She sprayed a viscous clear fluid, thoroughly coating him. He suddenly appeared to be dazed, his mouth contorted into a smile. He tore off his clothes and walked towards her. She was now flat on her back, her smooth legs bent WAY back over her head, luring him in.

The doctor continued, “She has induced a sexual trance, and he acts on an undeniable compulsion to copulate with her. The fluid coating his body contains a powerful pheromone, one which men have always responded to, but thousands of times normal potency.”

“OH... OH... FUCK!” The young man had penetrated her, and climaxed immediately. He lay limp, half supported by her body, his feet just touching the floor. She turned her head to look at the observers, and opened her mouth again. A buzzing sound came out.

“Not here, love...”, the doctor said with a smile. The succubus' eyes snapped shut. The doctor opened the palm of his hand to reveal a remote control.

“I can't control her actions, but she does have a power switch. And it's a good thing I shut her off when I did. You all heard the buzzing? She has a talent.. they all do. Just like the mythical succubus, she feeds off the power of a man's orgasm. But to what purpose? I'll show you!” He reached behind him for a black leather bag. Digging inside, he took out forceps, and opened the succubus' mouth. He fished around for a moment, then pulled out a black object.

“She just created a hornet.” Murmurs arose, and I heard someone retching behind me. The doctor raised his voice to compensate.

“A robotic hornet – about 3 inches long. This creature projects her control thousands of yards across a battlefield. It draws from her power, and in return protects her and does her bidding. Killing one of these hornets, by the way, is exceedingly difficult.” He pulled a hammer from the bag and struck the insect emphatically.

“It is as hard as steel, or maybe even a little tougher. See, the hammer now has a ding in it. A high-caliber rifle bullet or an explosive airburst can take one out, but they travel up to 80 miles per hour and difficult to hit when they go on the attack. Now, you might be wearing Kevlar, but its inch-long barbed stinger can slide in between the fibers. And if you are stung...” He hung on those words, and turned to the young man who was just then beginning to lift himself off the succubus.

“How are you feeling?”, the doctor asked.

“Funky. What happened? Why am I naked?” He was holding his hand to his head, obviously still affected by her chemicals.

“You are a lucky man. You just had fabulous sex with a succubus. And the best is yet to come...” The doctor reached into his bag and took out a test tube. Using the forceps, he picked up the hornet and applied its stinger to the inside edge. He then squirted fluid into the tube and swirled the contents around, turning the fluid amber. The doctor took a whiff; his eyes rolled up for a moment, and he sighed.

I suspect he wasn't thinking clearly, for he filled a syringe, and gave it a squeeze, shooting a jet of fluid that landed onto the face of the man next to me. I turned my head and saw my neighbor dab his eye, then smack his lips. I shifted as far away from him in my seat as I could, as he began to squirm, pressing his hands against his crotch. “OH... “

Simultaneously, the doctor jammed his needle into the buttocks of the other man, who jumped up. He managed to turn away from us, towards the projection screen, just in the nick of time. “OH FUCK. FUCK. ARGGG!” Fluid splattered the screen, and he fell onto the floor.

The man next to me then stood up and stumbled up front, where he fell on his knees, adding his own chant. “YEAH... YEAH...OH GOD!” His body convulsed, then toppled over, his arm still jammed down his pants. The armed men who had escorted the succubus strapped their guns to their shoulders, and dragged him out of the room first, his sneakers squeaking as they scraped the floor. They returned a minute later to pick up the first man and deposited him back on top of the succubus, before wheeling them both out.

The room was hushed again, and I glanced at the audience – faces were horror-stricken . No one bothered to clean up the projection screen, so droplets slowly slid down, like little exclamation marks. After much uncomfortable silence, the doctor cleared his throat.

“Yes, the sting of a hornet exerts even more... control... than the succubus' spray and internal pheromones. Fortunately for him, I only injected a partial dose. Anything stronger can cause an explosive contraction of the male genitalia, resulting in loss of consciousness, convulsions, then death.... ” He was serious, and everyone knew it.

Major Karoch stepped up again. “I know this is disturbing to all of you, but I am not here to sugar-coat the situation. These robotic succubi attacked our cities and towns, decimating all who dared stand to fight. Fueled by countless orgasms, their insect armies have grown powerful. These insect queens have taken control of the world. But I promise you, this war is far from over. We have devised unique tactics that can counter this evil. If you choose to join us, we will train you, and you will have a chance to live.”

There was no time allocated for Q&A. They herded us back out to the mess hall for lunch. Like most others, I didn't eat much. After lunch, they asked if anyone wished to refuse service in the resistance. No one did; we didn't feel like we had much of a choice.


On the second day of boot camp, more disturbing details were revealed. When the realities of our combat duties set in, men fell ill. The Major told us that the knowledge had to be withheld, since they could not risk tactical information falling into enemy hands. We were caught. That night I lay awake counting my breaths and wondering how many I had left in me. Vocal complaints from my roommate scarcely pierced my gloomy brooding, and soon enough those stopped altogether as smuggled tequila soaked into his mind. Finally, I could think to myself without interruption.

The Major's words echoed in my mind:

“The electromagnetic pulse disabled above-ground military hardware, so we can't bring heavy firepower to bear. And as I explained earlier, the swarm formations must be taken out before any succubus can be killed, or we will sustain substantial casualties. There's only one proven, safe way to do this.” The Major held up a pack of condoms, and a vibrator.

“We won't be using the heavy-duty plug-in wands, either. Wish we could. My wife had one of those. Powerful, and she got herself off when I was away for any length of time: while I was at the gym, downstairs eating cornflakes, or checking email. Hell, I can't blame her. But there's no A/C out there in the fields - we'll have to use battery-operated devices.” It seemed perverse that the EMP destroyed multi-million dollar tanks and aircraft, but left plastic sex toys functional.

“Vibrators have basic mechanical switches and motors and as such are less... vulnerable... to EMP,” said the doctor, “But anything with silicon chips are sensitive to induced currents. Well, almost...” Autopsies showed that succubi and their hornets had extensive internal shielding that protected against EMP effects.

The Major continued, “During the Cold War, the U.S. military expected tactical nuclear strikes and started hardening equipment against EMP , but with the fall of the Berlin wall, the threat perception diminished. Newer hardware has little protection.” All stated so matter-of-fact, I wanted to scream. Where were the emotions that came with the knowledge that female sex machines had you by the nutsack? I started another round of fuming, but my thoughts were interrupted by someone at our door.


I rolled out of bed, opened the door and peered outside, just in time to see a female figure disappear around the curved hallway.

I noticed an envelope at my feet. A note was inside:


Come quickly. Disregard the warnings they gave about the sentries -- the way is clear for now. I'm in room 33 in the women's quarters. I need to talk with you about Uncle Bill. You know me.. the brown-eyed girl.

As new recruits we were confined to our quarters at night. Guards – men who had been enlisted in the resistance the previous month – normally patrolled the halls. But that night she had worked her brand of magic, and my path to her door was clear. She pulled me inside and closed the door. We were alone, and the glow of candlelight flickered shadows faintly against the faceted stone walls.

She motioned for me to sit down on a padded rug in the middle of the floor. As I did, she folded her legs underneath and sat across from me. I could see the candles behind me dimly reflected in her eyes.

"Matt, I'm sorry that I have said nothing. I knew your uncle, and.. Well, this is very difficult for me to say..."

I shook my head. "He could still be alive. He called me right after the invasion. He could have escaped, some-". She grasped my forearm firmly.

"No, he's not, Matt. I lived a few houses over from Mary. I was outside with a couple of neighbors to see what was going on when Bill pulled up in his truck. Right after he ran inside I saw a pair of succubi – oh God I didn't know what they were at the time -- step out from the shadows and follow him. A minute later I heard his screams. Somehow I knew we couldn't help him. I ran and locked myself in my cellar. I'm sorry, Matt." She leaned over and hugged me tight. I tried to hold back, but it seemed like somehow I knew her already. I closed my eyes and held her close for awhile.

"This is crazy." I shook my head in wonder, pulling back from her.

"Yes it is, ” she affirmed, smiling.

“Robotic succubi spewing hornets. Orgasmic pheromones. Who thought this one up?" I started laughing, even as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

She responded in kind. “Real living succubi, “ she said, “Now that would be mystical. These robots are bizarre. Succubi have always haunted men's dreams, but these walk the Earth and fornicate openly. Nothing sexy about that. And for chrissake, why do they have an 'off' switch?!”

I thought back on my roommate. “Tequila doesn't work fast enough.” At that, she stared at me half-seriously, until we broke into laughter. I then realized I had to ask her something.

“You know my name. What's yours?” Her smile vanished.

“You'd better get to sleep, Matt. Tomorrow is draft day, and I expect you to be at your best.”

I kept pressing. “You won't tell me your name?”

“Not today. Now get to bed..”


“Look now. You need your sleep. I know you've got some tension built up. Let's try something that will relax you. Is that okay with you?” I could tell that saying 'no' would not get me anywhere anyway, so I went along with it.

“Sure,” I said.

“Now then, put your hands in your lap, palms up. Take a deep breath.. hold.. release. Good.. Now, when you look in my eyes, do you see anything?”, she asked.

“I see the candlelight flickering.”

“Good. Choose to focus on one of the flames as you breathe... in.... out. Let the flame draw you in, it's movement so alluring, as you continue to relax...” Her voice pitched melodically now, slowly weaving a fine net around my mind. I lost track of the words for awhile, even as my eyes stared drowsily into hers.

“... and you want that relaxation to take you down into sleep. Right now.” SNAP! My eyes closed, and my awareness faded once more. The next morning I found myself back in my room, with no memory of how I got there.


Boot Camp Day 3 : The Draft

The next morning, as I stood in line with the others, I couldn't help but feel like I did back in grade school during gym class. Gifted athletes graced our hall, and their prowess quickly became evident. The Queens chose according to their own prejudices. Some wanted men with 9” one-eyed monsters. Others wanted flickering tongues that could put Prince to shame, or those who held degrees in dark sexual arts. I had none of those credentials. One by one, men were picked ahead of me. The man next to me was put to the test in memorable fashion.

“What's your name?”


“What's your technique of choice, David?”

“Fists of fury.”

“Really? Prove your worth.” I heard pants drop, lube glopped out in generous amounts, followed by squishing noises and moans expressing feminine delight.

“OHHHH YESSSSSS!” He was in.

But as the Queens filed past me, I felt rather insignificant.

One Queen's words to me: “Drop your pants. Let's see.. average size. Next!”

Another wanted anal wizards. “Do you have extensive backdoor experience?”

“Um, no, ” I responded.


There were only a dozen or so men left when the last Queen walked the line: the brown-eyed girl who had cast a spell on me the previous night! She asked questions that made the other Queens and the early draft picks snicker, but she ignored all the snide comments. When she came to me, she made two simple requests:

“Stand on your left leg.” I did.

“Stick your tongue out and touch it with your right index finger.” Again, I did.

“You're in.” Simple as that. She made similar requests of the others. A few men laughed, and she immediately rejected them, but others did as she asked and were selected. Later, I asked her why she selected us in that manner.

“I wanted to see who could follow simple directions, without question. To succeed in my squad, that's all anyone needs to do.”

I finally learned her name that afternoon, when our unit began combat drills.

“Hello, I'm Keira. You know your obligation to learn physical ways of pleasuring the succubi. We'll practice those, and I'll help you learn much about the female pleasure response. However, we are going to take it further and learn about what's going on up here.” She tapped her head. “Sexual response is highly dependent on what you are thinking. Control your thoughts, and you will be a better fighter.”

Other Queens accused Keira of neglecting physical tactics, but she never did. We learned everything other squads did, and much more, becoming more effective. Other squads boasted of the number of bullets they fired off during combat, or how many men they had in their ranks. We were more efficient – we had fewer premature orgasms, and could take out the hornet swarms faster. Most had twice our numbers and still could not perform as adequately, and that was before we began hacking their little succubus hive minds.

I still remember the night Keira came up with the idea...She invited me back to her room, and sat me down.

“I think the succubi have a consciousness. They react to my suggestions.” I was skeptical.

“How? She would have to understand what you were saying.” No one had heard a succubus do anything but shriek.

“Matt, when I gave Roger arousal suggestions, I didn't name him specifically, and the succubus unconsciously grabbed at her breasts. I'm convinced she was aroused too. You saw it!” Her expression pleaded at first, then became more resolved.

“Let's try an experiment for the next battle, then. Just sit back now, take a deep breath, and relaxxxxx... “ That night she took me deep into trance, and fed me instructions, none of which I could remember. But a week later, as we camped overnight just east of a succubus formation, those instructions triggered in my subconscious, and I found myself doing something entirely unexpected....


Be careful Matt. Step lightly. Familiar whispers in my mind brought awareness. I was standing at the edge of the field. I saw a pale figure lying on the ground a few paces ahead.

Go to her now. It WAS Keira's voice in my head. “What am I doing?”, I wondered, even as my body obeyed that inner voice.

I crept closer, and my heart fluttered. A succubus, asleep! I wanted to run, but limiters on my mind suppressed my instinct to flee. Dreamily, I observed myself getting down on all fours, creeping towards her in the grass. SNAP! A twig split underneath. I froze, as I heard a low humming buzz to my left. Slowly, I turned my head, and saw the dark silhouette of a hornet fanning its wings as it perched atop a bush in the moonlight.

Remain calm. I held still, and watched as the hornet went back in the bush. Now go to her. I crossed the few remaining feet. I had never seen a succubus so up close like this at night. Her naked skin oozed sexuality, pale moonlight reflecting off her cheeks and the slope of her thighs. Keira must have anticipated my drooling. Down, boy! Don't touch her now! You'll get your chance later.

Now repeat what I say slowly and softly in her ear. As I did this, strangely enough, my awareness slipped away again, and next thing I knew I was back in camp sitting in front of Keira, protesting.

“I could have died! There were hornets sleeping around her, and I - ”

“Listen! Time is running out, Matt. We are losing men and no one is replacing them. I had to take a chance.” Her eyes dared me to say anything else, as she sat there with her arms crossed. I knew I couldn't win, and it didn't matter anymore, so I tried to lighten the mood.

“Well, I'll admit, whispering in her ear was really arousing.”, I said.

“Yeah.. ?” Intrigued, she came in closer, smiling. I was about to go into more detail about the experience, but Daniel started walking the camp, issuing wake up calls. The sun was rising above the horizon. As we stood up, Daniel nodded.

“Looks like you two are up to something. Have any new tricks? I think we're going to need some today.” He winked at us, and continued walking the line. Daniel always supported Keira, and acted as a buffer between her and Major Karoch, who never would have approved of her mindgames.

Keira's face grew serious. “Gather the others, Knight. We're going to play this differently today.”


Fifteen minutes later, our squads walked the fields in an extended line, advancing towards the succubi a mile ahead...

All men were mostly naked, wearing only three things: a utility belt carrying implements of pleasure, sneakers, and an ankle-holstered smallarm. A trumpet blast echoed across the field. Sunburst formation spotted.

They knew we had arrived. Awakening, the swarm gathered high above the succubi, and now sent a pulse of hornets out in every direction to survey the vicinity. Less than a minute later, those hornets shot overhead with a whine. Soon, they whipped back overhead, even as another hornet pulse emerged from the center.

We continued marching. When we got within half a mile of the succubi, tendrils shot down from the swarm, and a second trumpet blast was issued. Perimeter formation.

The hornets streamed out past us, then came down and cut off escape. As we reached a distance of a quarter mile, shouts rolled down the line. I added my voice to the chorus.

“SPIN UP!” The line broke, and rolled up into the revolver formations, six men per Queen. The reserves fell just behind us. I was in the third point slot. Keira started issuing commands to the point men ahead of me.

“First point! Jelly tickler, fore! Vibrating finger probe, aft! Tongue, topside!” He pulled out the implements, and for good measure broke out some lube – a formality, given the slick succubus spray, but as the Major would say, “You can never have too much lubrication.”

“Second point! Purple vibrawand, fore! Go backdoor, aft! No topside!” Keira really knew how to get them off. She then turned to me.

“Knight, you won't need to play with toys today.” I found that intriguing and asked what she meant, but she would not elaborate.

As we continued to walk, commands were being issued in the other revolvers. To my left, the “69 Warriors” were pulling on modified hockey masks, with a hole cut where the mouth was. “Backsplash guards” came the sheepish reply when I asked about them later. I almost tapped Keira on the shoulder to show her, when a command was shouted in the revolver on my right.

“Point one, draw! Point two, draw! Point three, draw!” The “Fists of Fury” were marching; each man had a short leather scabbard strapped to his back. Three of the men pulled out a prosthetic arm, the fingers taped tightly closed. They began pouring lube onto them. Keira must have seen me start to lose it, because her elbow caught me in my ribs.

“Ow!” I winced. Keira was smiling, but shaking her head. “Always taking the high road,” I thought.

A lone succubus issued a high-pitched shriek, much earlier than usual.

“OURS!”, shouted Keira as she pointed. A revolver had the right to pick a succubus for their initial attack. That right was rarely invoked, and we drew stares, but were granted our request. We shifted our trajectory and picked up our pace to cover the distance.

“She's the one you whispered to, Knight.”, Keira said. “It's working!”

“What's going to happen now?”, I asked. “I don't remember what I said to her last night.”

“Part of the plan. I know you like surprises,” she said.

We were now less than a five hundred feet away. The succubi stood in a line to face us, a cordial distance maintained between each of them – a Queen needs her own space, after all. Their hideous chorus began, as Keira prepared to fire the first shot. She leaned in to the first point man, and whispered. I knew what he felt – a lassitude coming over his mind, calming his whole being to the point where he would perform his duties automatically, without conscious thought.

A trumpet blast far behind us gave the signal. Keira's shout harmonized with those of the other queens. “FIRE!”. A single man from each revolver marched towards his target. The succubi began stepping towards them as well. As one, they opened their mouths, spraying the musky essence of sexual attraction onto the men. Battle started well, but a problem soon surfaced two revolvers over.

“MALFUNCTION!”, someone shouted.

Dysfunctional vibrators were something we were trained to deal with. Some men would toss them aside and resume manual stimulation, while others would request backup devices. A member of the “Backdoor Brigade” became a legend this way. I saw him throw the useless angled wand high into the air while riding a succubus' undulating backside like a captain on the high seas. He feared not the Kraken. Without looking, he held his arm high in the air, and caught a perfectly thrown vibrating egg, even as the wand came back to Earth and impaled the ground in front of him. Cock came out, egg went in, and he gently flipped her over to begin mutual oral stimulation. There were high-fives all around. But not on this day....

The man was panicked, despite the pleading of his queen. He stepped back from the succubus. Now agitated, she sprung acrobatically onto her feet to stalk her unwilling prey. The rising sun shone off her slick, lithe form. She sprayed the man a second time. His mind was past its breaking point, but she didn't stop; her eyes flashed strobes. Like others, I tried to look away, but caught a glimpse. My thoughts became garbled. I felt someone grab my arm, her voice so distant now. The world around me seemed to be set in slow motion. “Matt! Matt! Look at me.” A hand grabbed my chin and turned it... Keira. Her face wavered in front of me. “You're next.” Then I heard the gunshot. Someone panicked and fatally shot the succubus. I was looking helplessly into Keira's eyes, but I heard everything. The trumpet sounded a warning, and shouts echoed around us.

“INCOMING! HIT THE DECK!” I heard bodies drop to the ground. Furious buzzing grew louder.

Still looking into my eyes, Keira spoke one word, and tugged my hand. “DOWN!” I dropped so quickly with her, just before the hornets sliced the air above us and struck the offending revolver. Shouts of delight rose, then fell silent forever. With her men down, the revolver queen was exposed: a fatal pheromone breach. A succubus detected her scent and screamed. A final hornet sortie, now armed with a poisonous payload, closed in and finished her off.

We had no time to mourn, for the battle continued. A minute later a succubus climaxed. “Fists of Fury” claimed the first prize – their prosthetic hands were doing a fine job. “SHE'S DOWN.. CLOSE IN!”, came the shouts. By then I was back on my feet, still entranced and moving into the revolver's firing position.

Keira's whispers bathed me in renewed calmness just before she shouted. “FIRE!”

I walked briskly up to my squad mate, who had just climaxed. A new hornet zipped out, up and away from the succubus into the swarm cloud above.

“DISENGAGE!”, I shouted. He fell back from her with a grunt and staggered back to the reserve line behind the revolver.

Moments later the succubus sprang onto her feet. I braced myself and took on the full spray. The pheromones affected me instantaneously, wrapping me tight in the embrace of an unbridled wet dream. I mounted her and said something – I don't remember what – which made her back arch in delight. She had orgasmed, and was now vulnerable to Keira. My own climax still was held back, even as my revolver surrounded us. I vaguely remember Keira speaking a trigger word which brought on my first orgasm. Usually another man would step in, but not this time. Keira invoked the trigger again and again. Freed from the bounds of natural law by the succubus' slick potions, my body was multi-orgasmic. With the succubus drawing in my sexual energy without a release outlet, her circuitry quickly overheated, shutting her down. Disabled hornets fell from the sky by the thousands. It was the quickest succubus takedown, ever. Other squads stared at us in awe.

The succubus gasped and her eyes took on a glassy appearance. She wasn't dead yet, but that time was close at hand.

“CLEAR!”, shouted Keira. She no longer had to suppress the succubus with her female pheromones, and we were free to assist other squads. Victory was not long in coming. One by one, the succubi were suppressed and defeated. The outer perimeter collapsed, and the trumpet issued the victory call. One man from each revolver pulled out his sidearm and squeezed. Shots rang.

Keira issued the final command. “Trancers, fall out!” We turned and walked away from the succubus, her torso and face smoldering, electrical arcs shorting out what was left of her circuitry. No blood. I looked back with remorse. Walking away from a succubus, even a robotic one, was a hard thing to do.


Late that afternoon, our convoy returned to base...

As we approached the cave, the first sign of trouble became evident: no guards were at the entrance. The convoy stopped short, and conventional armaments were distributed from the munitions truck. Now clothed, we crept closer, and took cover behind some nearby trees. Daniel surveyed the entrance, then gave the go-ahead signal. We filed in, and just inside the entrance saw a fallen rifle, shell casings, and blood. We methodically swept through the cave, but there were no other signs of struggle and no occupants, until we entered Dr. Hornay's living quarters. We found him handcuffed to his bed posts, stripped down to his briefs and black socks, his glasses hanging in disarray from the bridge of his nose. Visibly shaken, he started sobbing, “Oh God, forgive me. What have I done? Forgive us for what we did!”

Daniel shouted, “Everybody, out! Now!” Men left, but Keira stayed put. I remained as well – I would not leave her side. He gripped his gun tight, his body tensed. “You too! Out!” He started raising his weapon, but Keira grabbed his arm.

“Enough secrets, Daniel. Where's the Major?” Her stare bore into him, but the doctor spoke first, his voice rising in pitch.

“She took him last night! I never thought... Oh God!” His breathing came in gasps as he began to hyperventilate. Daniel put down his rifle and slumped dejectedly onto the corner of the bed, as Keira whispered to me. I told the men to wait outside, and I closed the door. Keira was already next to the doctor, speaking softly. Gradually, his breathing returned to normal, and he began to speak.

“I repaired the succubus. I repaired her! You see.. it was the hive mind that infected her programming! There was..a new chip... present in the final production model, but not in our schematic. A firewall added to the communications module, standing between her and the insects. Succubus commands go out, but insect commands can't get in. But it was imperfect; someone neglected to shield it. Toasted.. by EMP! But I fixed her, and now she can talk! She gave me the ride of my life, and didn't threaten to kill me. Brilliant!” He started cackling in a disturbing manner, until Keira decided to end it with the snap of her fingers. The doctor's eyes closed, his face slackened, and he started snoring.

“Mad genius needs rest too,” Keira said with a smirk. Her mirth was short-lived.

Daniel began to confess “I'm sorry Keira, we were sworn to secrecy, and I lied. I served under the Major. We both did. This base was at the heart of it from the beginning.” He sighed, pressed his hands tightly together, and swallowed hard.

“After 9/11, pressures grew. The threat demanded a response, you see.” Daniel looked Keira in the eye. “We abetted a horror. We thought we could undo some of the evil. We meant no harm.”

She gripped his hand and looked Daniel in the face. “I believe you.” Daniel stood and motioned for us to follow. We left the doctor, still asleep and handcuffed to his bed.

“Bring the queens inside, and put double guards on the entrance”, Keira told the men waiting outside the room. We walked deeper into the caverns and entered a restricted access room, now unguarded. There was a lone computer and a bank of communications equipment.

Daniel pulled a small black disc from his shirt pocket, which he placed atop a beige box adjacent to the monitor. A screen came up to accept his password. As he hit Enter, the screen momentarily went dark, then brought up a navigation page with the title: “Black Storm”. He punched a few more keys, and a hornet schematic came up.

Daniel started speaking in a subdued voice. “Our early prototypes didn't work well. The control patterns to coordinate a swarm were too complex, and we couldn't supply enough power them to keep them airborne for more than a few minutes. As I said, after 9/11, there was a lot of pressure to develop new battle tech. We thought the military would have little use for our hornet technology, or so we thought. But we weren't alone. Researchers had been working on complementary technology in a shadow agency, in parallel with our work. They were brilliant thinkers -- they turned the program around. The technology was unorthodox, but it worked. They had mapped insect minds and embedded all of their neural logic into chips, giving our hornets the ability to navigate and act semi-autonomously.” He clicked on a link, and more schematics appeared – circuits, specifications for the exoskeleton, and propulsion mechanisms.

“The war in Iraq was not going well, so the project was put on a fast-track for deployment. We started running field tests at an Israeli military complex. Rather than risk having cover blown by an operative, the military preemptively published selective information to the public. You probably read headlines about 'Bionic Hornets'.” I had to speak up then.

“I saw that. Everybody at work talked about it, but we dismissed it. Sounded too much like science fiction, ” I said.

“It was,” replied Daniel, “until the shadow agency's researchers went back to work, and came back from their labs with a new central control unit.” An image of a robotic succubus came on-screen, overlaid with more schematics. “They developed all of these technologies here, in these caves...”

“The researchers called all the shots – ordered parts, materials, anything they needed – they had total authority and carte blanche funding blessed at the highest levels of the U.S. government. The generals had never seen anything like a robotic succubus, and fell in love with the idea. They could generate and transmit power to the hornet drones, as well as issue sophisticated attack coordination instructions. And they had these sexual characteristics. To Islamists, a succubi army would have been the most demoralizing invasion force in human history.”

Keira gasped. Her face had a wondrous look to it: “It fits. Their male-dominated world would be turned upside down.” I wasn't yet entirely convinced.

“It wouldn't have worked,” I said. “We could take them out easily with functional modern weaponry. So could the Islamists. How would you knock out all that? No one would risk detonating a nuke over the Middle East.”

Daniel spoke plainly: “You're right. Originally it was supposed to be a demoralizing operation. Drop off a few succubi near remote villages, and turn them on. Lots of people would die, but eventually they could be overcome. After all, everybody and their uncle over there has a grenade launcher under their kitchen sink. Still, the psychic damage would be done. Rumors of naked insect women would travel far and quickly. One part of a larger psy-ops campaign.”

“Like killer badgers,” I muttered. They both stared at me. “Sorry, just a random thought.”

Daniel continued speaking. “Something happened late in the project, though. They made final adjustments to the succubi and insect schematics – Dr. Hornay asked for their details so he could approve the changes, but they went to a higher authority and locked us out. The researchers ordered troops to remove most of the equipment. Those women's eyes... just looked right through us, like we did not exist. They left us here to do mop up work. Weeks later, the invasion began. Dr. Hornay, the Major, and I were in the caves when it started.” His eyes had a vacant look to them.

“We were as confused as you. The hillside protected us from the EMP, but we lost contact with the world. We remained here, knowing we had water, food, everything to hold out. But one day the doctor found an engineering prototype they left behind. It was in pieces -- discards from the project. He did well to put her back together.

“I felt so guilty. The only thing I could do was to look for survivors, and bring them in with us. That's when we discovered their sensitivity to pheromones. One day a woman wandered back into the cave. She walked by a room where the doctor was engaging in an experiment.. the succubus reacted, and ....(Daniel made a cut-throat gesture). The doctor figured it all out, their pheromone sensitivities and weaknesses. It was a long shot, but we started organizing to fight back.” He put his head in his hands. “I'm sorry. I thought the Major had pulled free from their influence and was on our side. But if they have him, he'll talk, and - ”

“THEY? Who? Women?”, Keira demanded.

He started breaking down. “Yes! Yes! Women! All of them.. researchers – from the shadow agency. Their eyes... I can't hide from them anymore!”

“Daniel, we have to leave the cave. It's not safe anymore”, she said. He nodded, and slowly pulled himself together.

“I need you two to gather the others and have them start packing up,” Keira said, “Tell the men to get some sleep; their bodies need to recover. That includes you, Matt. I'll attend to Dr. Hornay.”

The meeting with the queens and men was short and tense, but there was general agreement: we couldn't stay at the cave. By the time the meeting adjourned, my body had reached its limits. My eyelids were nearly shut as I reached my room. I fell asleep moments after tucking in. That's when the nightmare began....


A sultry feminine voice purred loudly in my head, “Matthew, I've finally found you. Open your eyes, love.” As I did, a pair of golden hazel eyes glowed in the darkness, looking down on me.

“No man can escape me for long, especially not one whose mind is marked as yours,” she said.

“This is a dream. You're in my imagination,” I responded. It had to be a dream. If it were real, my roommate would be awake and gawking over my shoulder.

“A dream, yes, but here I am all the more dangerous. I could kill you right now.” Her voice conveyed a matter-of-fact confidence. My breath caught, as I struggled in vain to move unresponsive limbs.

“You are stuck, for me to take in my own good time. Your body is mine. Your mind is mine. Your sexual energy... MINE!”

“A succubus,” I whimpered.

“Yessss. That is what you may call me. That is, if I let you. I can do things to you that would leave you speechless. Her glowing green eyelids closed momentarily, as I felt a new sensation – a moist, warm slit sliding down on me. My mouth opened, but there was nothing I could say to express my pleasure. She looked at me again, and I found myself wanting to beg her to ride me.

“Yessss... I have stroked men's minds just like this for centuries. Usually, this means death is nigh. But I have something else in store for you tonight.” Her words did not frighten me as they should. I felt a compulsion to please her, in exchange for the exquisite sensations she was giving to me.

“Matthew, there are things you are going to tell me now. I'm interested in what you did to one of my queens last night, before she died.” I thought I could resist the succubus, so I lied.

“What queen?”, I responded.

“Now, Matthew, you are a loyal man, but you cannot hide anything in your conscious mind from me, once I inject my serum.” With that, I felt her slit slide up until it only gripped the tip of my cock. The silky sensation sent shivers through me.

“This won't hurt one bit.” She slowly slid back down, and I felt a familiar sensation of disconnection. She was shutting down every bit of me that wanted to resist, as imagined chemicals surged through my system. By the time her lips spread and pressed hot slickness against my groin, my eyes were vacant pools reflecting only the glow of her eyes. Her words pushed softly and irresistibly, creating light ripples that floated across my vision.

“That's better. Now, tell me again about that queen...” She gripped my throbbing member tighter, squeezing more of her essence into every crevice of my being. I gave in, and lost track of time. “... what a cooperative boy. That explains much. You must love your queens to protect them so, and take such risks.” Her eyes opened a little wider.

“Ah, I see my serum is beginning to wear off. I'm satisfied with your answers, boy. You should be dying right now, as I slide myself up.. and down. Like this.” I felt her internal embrace constrict tighter around my cock, wringing a moan from me.

“YESSS.. and when a man climaxes, he gives all his life force to me. But I'll let you go tonight, free to defend your queen one last time.” As she spoke then, I saw an image frame her eyes. It was as if I was looking out from the cave, and in the night, female figures swayed their hips in time to my heartbeat, as they emerged from the woods.

“We're coming, Knight!” Her laughter pealed, even as the images faded, and I felt her slide off me. My limbs were still unresponsive, as I was still caught in a dream state. But true wakefulness was closing in.

At that moment, a forgotten sentinel had its dark eye trained on base Alpha. Twenty-two thousand miles above the Earth, the geosynchronous military satellite had been safely above the electrical carnage exacted the previous year. Thermal imaging picked up a line of unidentified objects closing in, and the satellite sent an encrypted alert signal on a reserved frequency. Far below, klaxon sirens whirred into motion.

“Wake up, Matt!” My roommate was shaking me. Alarms wailed in the outside hall. I jumped down, pulled on my gear, and opened the door into chaos, as men and women ran past.

“Matt!” It was Keira. Illuminated by the red strobes, I saw her half-running, half-stumbling towards me, a half-clothed doctor in tow. Daniel was close behind both of them.

“Keira, it's an attack,” I blurted.

“We don't know that yet, Matt. We've had false alarms in the past,” Daniel said as he caught his breath.

“She told me,” I said. Keira looked up intently.

“Who told you?”, she asked.

“A succubus. A real one. She came to me in a dream -” Daniel pushed Keira gently aside and got in my face.

“We have no time for this, Matthew. Real succubi don't exist. We fight robots turned against us, built in factories. I've supported you and Keira, because you're damned good fighters. But NEVER confuse dreams with what's real. We have enough problems without having - “

“Daniel!” Keira had his arm now, but he was still glaring at me. I thought he was going to say something else, but then his radio came to life.

“Captain, we've spotted succubi approaching from the south, two miles and closing.” Daniel grabbed the radio.

“How many?”, he asked.

“At least fifty, sir!”, said the voice. The approaching force would have overwhelmed us out in the open. Up to then, we had successfully fought a dozen at a time, no more.

“Get men to the armory. We'll hold them off at the mouth.”, Daniel said with surprising calmness.

“Yes, sir!” The radio went silent again.

Daniel pulled free from Keira, and he motioned for me to follow. We walked quickly, but Keira persisted in nipping at our heels.

“Daniel, we can't fight them all off,” she pleaded.

“Yes we can. The netting will protect, and the succubi won't be able to come close enough to exert control.”

“But they know where we are Daniel! How long until they overrun us?” Keira was angry. Daniel stopped, and turned to her.

“Maybe they want us to run, Keira!” I knew I didn't want to stand between them. They seemed to stand toe to toe, even though she was a head shorter.

“Are you willing to bet all our lives, Daniel? Is there any other way?”, she asked. The message got through. Daniel seemed to consider, then conceded.

“I know of an emergency rendezvous point. A few of us should be able to defend the cave. I'll broadcast coordinates to the vehicle GPS, and we'll catch up with you as soon as we can. Rally the others and get the hell out of here!” We stood there for a moment, but he wouldn't have any of that. “Go! The hornets will control our airspace in less than ten minutes!” He pushed at me, and started running towards the back of the complex, towards the communications room.

“C'mon, Matt.” Keira and I began running towards the mess hall where the others waited.

Only minutes later, we finished loading a modest amount of food, water, and weapons above the transport vehicles, as engines came to life. “Go! Go! Hurry! Everybody climbed aboard, and we pulled away from the cave. I flipped on the radio, and heard Daniel's voice, in conversation with the sentries who volunteered to stay.

“I'm still at the communications console. I'll be done in a sec. Got a visual yet?”, his voice crackled.

“Negative, sir... Hold on... Succubi spotted, sir! They just came out from the tree line! Range three hundred meters, and closing!” Shrieks erupted nearby, and we tensed for an attack on the convoy which never came. We were in the last convoy vehicle, and in the moonlight I saw succubi step out into the road right after we passed. A swarm arose from the nearby foliage, rushing towards the cave.

The radio voice panicked. “Hornets in flight! I repeat, hornets in flight!” Flashes of gunfire came from the cave, crackles echoing through the valley, as I saw tracers streaking, just off to the sides. We were still in the line of fire, and they were aiming carefully. Some bullets hit their mark, and bodies fell. Angry succubi screeched.

Daniel's voice came through clear: “Hold them! I'm on my way now. Will be there in a minute!” None of them had a chance. Just before we cleared a bend in the road that would hide the cave from us, I saw light pulsing near the cave mouth. What I heard next will remain with me the rest of my life.

“What the hell?! She's... OH GOD.. I can't move!”, said the sentry's voice.

“What's going on? I'm almost there!”, panted the response. Daniel was running towards his doom. I heard her voice, that of the succubus from my dream. She was there in the flesh now.

“So young and courageous. It's an honor to slide... DOWN .. on all you NOW!” Her voice was so compelling to me, I imagined her on top of me, but it was the men linked to her mind who were dying. We heard heavy breathing, then multiple voices crying out.

“MMM... OH ... OH SHIT!”


The third man uttered his last exclamation simply: “WOAH!”

I imagine she controlled Daniel just as quickly. We never heard from him again. That night we already thought of him as a patriot, but he did something particularly heroic that night. The rendezvous coordinates had come through, and we drove through the remainder of the night, arriving at our destination the next morning: Fort Knox, Kentucky. There we had shelter and supplies to sustain us. But we were done running. The succubus would find us eventually, one way or the other. We were ready to make our final stand. I think the succubus knew my personal desperation. When I closed my eyes at night, sometimes I saw her golden eyes, and heard her mocking laughter.

But something miraculous happened. On the third morning after our arrival, my radio crackled to life during a routine briefing with other squad leaders. It was the watch officer.

“Vehicles approaching from the north, sir! Friendlies, I think!”

We filed out in disbelief, weapons held cautiously at our side, just in case. When the vehicles stopped, and men disembarked, one of them came forward. “Is Captain Matthew Knight here?”, the man asked, startling me. “'Captain'? How would he know?”, I wondered. I stepped forward to meet him, and he extended his hand.

“I'm Captain Gerrod Smith, resistance force Echo, from northern Illinois and Chicago.” They brought much needed reinforcements: eighty men and fifteen women, all experienced in revolver-based combat.

Others arrived in the days that followed. Nashville, Atlanta, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte all had residual forces that heeded Daniel's last call for aid. All along there had been a patchwork of resistance forces around the world, each struggling for survival, yet acting independently. But a small number of hardened radios from the Cold War era had survived the attack. Behind Major Karoch's back, Daniel had passed combat instructions to whoever could respond, keeping them alive far longer than they would have on their own.

I do hope that with his passing, Captain Overman found peace for his past sins. Because of him, Keira and I would have our day in the sun. The succubus queen's forces arrived three weeks after our cave flight.


The final battle continues...

So there I was, running with Keira into the heart of battle on a lush Kentucky hillside, when I looked up into Her golden eyes, the ones from my dream, knowing I would likely die gazing blankly into them. She took command of my mind immediately. Keira had already tranced me, but this time in apparent contradiction to my responsibilities, I stepped out of the revolver and walked towards the succubus. Distantly, I heard a squadmate cry out.

“No, Matt, what are you doing?” I heard his sidearm bolt slide forward, and back. One way or the other, I was a dead man, but I couldn't stop walking forwards. “Come back! Protect her!” Only Keira stayed his arm, letting me close the distance. She stood above me, inches taller in her thigh-high boots, her heels hidden deep in the grass. She caressed my hair with hands that ended in long blue nails that shone in the sun. At first she didn't speak at all; it was her thoughts that coursed through my mind.

“Now you see that I am not such easy prey as those.. machines. Imperfect creations. I see that Dr. Hornay managed to repair one of them. She came back to me, and offered me the Major as a gift. I think I'll find amusement in watching her toy with him back on my homeworld. Ah... I see what goes through your mind now. You think you have grown strong by fighting them. You are mistaken. I could have ended this conflict long ago. Your little sex toys and formations have amused me for some time, little pirouettes to entertain. But you fight only because I allowed you to fight, just so I could show you in the end how susceptible men have become to my power. Our pheromones have made you weak. All of you, weak! Every time you walk away from a dead succubus, you wish you were still on top of them, pounding their flesh, consuming their drugs. But compared to me, they are nothing.”

She smiled wickedly, and leaned in to give me a kiss. A tender squeeze from her lips and quick dart of her tongue sent shards of pleasure flying in my mind, cutting down all resistance. I was on the verge of cumming! I sunk into the grass beneath her, and only her strong hand kept me from crumpling flat onto the ground. One more sensual touch, and I would be a goner. I could sense the warmth of that invisible slit just above my cock, ready to pounce. But she wanted to drive home the message in a more dramatic fashion.

“Not yet. Watch your men, how they all succumb to me.” She closed her eyes, exposing her green eyeshadow to me. The battlefield fell silent. War cries were stilled, and slapping noises came to a halt, leaving only the background hum of the hornets. Then a collective moan came, as men all felt themselves being mounted by her. The succubus opened her eyes again, and smiled. Lifting me up and turning me around on unsteady legs, she made me look at them. They were all staring in our direction, at her – dolls, every one of them, with glassy eyes.

“You see, the pheromones have changed you, made you even more vulnerable. A thousand years ago, five men would have been too much for me to handle at once. Now, as you are, five hundred won't be enough. Three strokes will end this. ONE!” Cries of pleasure rang out. My own voice merged with the others.

“STOP!” It was Keira. She emerged from the revolver and strode forward to face the succubus. She was a foot shorter, but no fear showed in her face. “Take me first.”

The succubus dropped me back to my knees, and called out across the field. “Challenge accepted!” She looked at Keira, and uttered something for our ears only, “No other women will stand to fight me today.” She looked out, surveying the revolvers which now stood motionless. A single hornet descended towards each human queen, chemicals remixing in-flight. The stings came a few seconds later, and our women toppled to the ground, succumbing to sleep. The succubus sighed.

“Mmmm... this is an interesting proposition.” She closed her eyes again, and I saw shock on Keira's face: her recognition of a mind probe. “Ah, you would be Matthew's Queen. You were the one who whispered through his lips that night? Yes, just before sunrise, I arrived to make adjustments. I found her soaking wet and shivering, aroused so by your boy. Lucky for him he had already left. I let her keep your programming, just so I could observe from afar. Very clever.” She paused to look at Keira's shaking limbs.

“Frightened, child? You SHOULD be. I am the eldest of an ancient line. The strongest. The Queen of Queens. Legends say I straddled men in their sleep, killing them. On occasion, yes, but usually I killed them by possessing their minds. As a woman, you are unaffected by my pheromones, but your mind is still vulnerable.” Keira's eyes widened, and she clutched her groin through her tunic. It grew damp before my eyes. I looked up and saw Keira's lip parted, her sighs quickening.

“Keira, child, now you know the power of my mi-....” The succubus closed her eyes for a moment, and moaned. Keira was fighting back with her mind, feeding pleasurable suggestions back to the succubus. “Mmm... I should have known you had some imagination. That was... delicious imagery.. but I can do one better.” Keira cried out, and grabbed both her breasts.

“That's right.. the tongues swirling all around and inside you. It will be over in a moment. Give in to it. OH!!! GOD!!” Keira projected a sexual suggestion so sensual and provocative, the succubus was momentarily caught off guard. I'm certain to this day that the succubus was preparing a counter blow that would surely send Keira to her climatic doom. But then Keira spoke a hypnotic trigger phrase. No man, including myself, can remember what it was, but I stood up and whispered into the succubus' right ear, as I went into trance. Another man stood, whispering complementary words into her left ear. And in that moment of confusion, as the succubus struggled to make sense of what was being done, Keira raised her hand, and ... SNAPPED. The Queen of Queens fell to the Earth, and brought down the entire hive. Robotic succubi awaiting orders simply collapsed. A million hornets dropped. The succubus' hold on men gave way, and they began to look around them in wonder. Keira's tender kiss awoke me, and I found myself in her arms. She gestured at the succubus who lay on the ground; I then realized the enormity of what we did.

“Shhhh! Be quiet.” She smiled, even as she stooped to the succubus' side to deepen her trance. After a minute, she gave the prearranged signal. A trumpet sounded, and killing shots echoed across the field. Cheers went up.

TO BE CONTINUED (backfill succubus subtypes, add conclusion)


The agent reached the end of the story, and the information she wanted wasn't there! In disbelief, she held her penlight with her teeth, as she flipped the document pages over and over again in vain.

“Missing something?”, said a woman, her voice softly carrying from the doorway. The agent looked up and panicked. There was a silhouette of a man and a woman. Something long and threatening was held in the woman's grasp. The only illumination in the vault came from the penlight, which the agent hastily extinguished, eliminating the backglow which had shown her face.

“Matthew, would you think her to be a succubus if you met her?”, the woman asked.

“Not at all. Just another attractive lady, my Queen,” the man said.

“Matt, if it weren't for the comatose guards outside this vault wearing traces of lipstick, I would say the same. So, our honey pot finally caught something. 'Succubi Homeworld Invasion Strategy: TOP SECRET'. Could it really be that easy? Pass a rumor around, put guards on a vault, and.. voila! So I see some still plot against us. Am I right?” The agent saw the feminine silhouette cross her arms and fidget impatiently.

“I'm not a succubus. I.. I'm not! I just heard there was something interesting here and... “ Her voice wavered.

“Not particularly sharp either, compared to the researchers. Oh, I should introduce myself. I'm Keira.” Now deeply concerned, the spy stepped back further into the darkness, and surreptitiously felt for the knife hidden in a pouch just above her stocking. Keira continued speaking.

“We know your colony has specialists. Your Queen told me, before I reprogrammed her. I already know what you are capable of, and what you are not. Let's see now.. you cannot transport yourself back to the homeworld. Nope, stuck here until a Queen can bother herself to pick you up. And frankly, after what happened at the last battle, I don't think a Queen would dare show herself inside our compound.” Keira stepped closer, followed by Matt.

“You also cannot control minds directly, except after you've injected your chemicals. Handy skill to have when you want to influence men to do foolish things like... oh... shoot off their nukes prematurely. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I wonder which nation you ruled from the shadows in the final days. Which man did you possess?” They came forward again. The agent gripped her knife tightly behind her back.

“And you don't have any stinging hornets to do your bidding. Hmmm.. I'd say you are outmatched here, even without my trigger words to put you under.” With that, the agent gasped.

“Trigger words? No, I don't believe you.” Doubts were already clouding her thoughts. There was no use pretending anymore. She'd have to act quickly and soon to have any hope of escape.

Keira continued, “If I reprogrammed the Queen of Queens, imagine what she could have done to the hive by now, whispering to other queens, covertly planting commands in helpless drones like you. So now it all hinges on two stories, the one you just read where I dropped the Queen with the snap of my fingers, or the story I had her tell the Council. You know, the one about how the resistance found and repaired an Apache helicopter that tore through the hive with a hail of bullets and rockets, forcing the Queen of Queens to wink out to save herself.” There came a clatter of books falling to the floor, as the agent backed into a bookcase. The pair came yet closer. She was now poised to spring at them, her blade bared. But Keira next said something that caused the agent's mind to go blank; the blade rang as it fell to the floor. The agent and Matt were now slowly disrobing, as they approached each other in the dark, barely aware of what they did.

“That's right, I brought down the Queen of Queens, and you ARE a succubus drone, programmed to obey. And it pleases me to have you please him. Matt, you may do the honors. It's time to write a new chapter in your story.” Keira handed him a device. As he turned it on, the agent felt pleasures well up from her erogenous zone, as the buzzing vibration intensified. He smoothly entered her, and OHH... the physical sensations were just as he had felt with the succubus Queen. With a little coaxing from Keira, the agent released just the perfect amount of pheromone to bring him to the brink. Their bodies slid against each other, and their cries mounted. They were on the edge. “CUM NOW!” SNAP! Keira's command took hold; Matthew and the agent clutched each other in the throes of pleasure. After some time, he slowly rolled off her, and they both lay on their back, staring up in the near darkness, awaiting their respective instructions.

The agent returned to the succubus homeworld. She was to deliver her findings to the entire council, including the Queen of Queens. Historians will never know what was spoken. Keira believed that some things should be best left to the imagination. But it must have been effective, for a week later, a small crowd of men and women appeared at Fort Knox, as they did in cities and towns around the world. It was only a token repatriation, consisting of the seeds that the succubi had held for replanting a world ruled by their hand. Billions had still been reduced to millions, and no one could ever say what happened to the lost ones.

Uncle Bill never made it back. Late one night while I lay on the ground next to Keira, looking up at stars I had never seen before, I imagined him looking back at me, smiling. I may have had the better end of the deal, but he did alright. A breeze rustled the grasses and lifted moisture away from our naked perspiring bodies. Needing warmth again, we shivered, and held each other just a little bit tighter. It's cold out there.

© Haepnoteased

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