"Okay, guys, this way!"
A troop of freshly Harvested, naked boys in their late teens eddied through the open door into a high-ceilinged room, Vince Donneley among them. He saw the speaker -- a tall, broad- shouldered youth, naked but for a silvery chain hanging loosely around his neck. Two -- no, three more youths their late teens also wore chains around their necks. All had rigid erections, as did Vince and the other just-harvested youths.
"Okay, listen up. Here's the deal. If we all co-operate, it'll be quick and easy, with a bit of fun along the way. Fightin' back will just make it harder of all of us -- okay?
"Now, like you can see, I'm naked and up hard, just like the rest of you. Only difference is, I'm wearing this chain -- at least till I pass it on to somebody else -- and you're not -- at least, not yet. I'm Buck. Guys workin' with me are Jon, Pete, and Davy."
Vince saw three more naked teenagers, each wearing a silvery chain around his neck, raise their hands.
"And in case you're wonderin' -- the four of us all got Selected in the lottery at our high schools, just the way all of you guys did; and eventually, we're gonna be Harvested, just like you guys. And, of course, we wound up in the middle when they graded us -- just like you guys: not so fuckin' good-lookin' or well- built to get sent to the auction block and get sold as live meat on the hoof to the highest bidder, and not sick or tainted enough to go on the fertilizer run and get ground up and plowed into the ground -- okay?"
Buck continued his speech: "Now just what the fuck we're doin' here is gettin' ready to be turned into fresh meat -- me and the guys working with me, we're just meat too. There's water fountains over on that wall --" He pointed. "-- and toilets over there. By the time they're ready to start processin', you should be pretty well cleaned out, since that stuff they made you drink earlier today works pretty fast.
"The first question most guys wanta ask is, `How come we've all got hard-ons?' And the answer to that is real simple: there's somethin' in what they made you drink when you got here. A cock that's up and hard is worth lots more than a limp one -- it's a matter of money: blood money, you might call it."
Vince heard a ripple of nervous laughter run through the troop of teens.
Buck continued: "And since we're all naked, and all healthy, horny studs, and we all got hard-ons that won't quit -- well, if you're already inclined to do some sucking'and fuckin', go to it. And if you haven't tried it yet, well, try it, you might like it; you sure the fuck won't get another chance.
"The second question, then; what's the deal with me and Jon and Pete and Davy? It's this way: if they hired outside help for this job, they'd have to pay 'em. This way, they're usin' guys that have already been Selected; 'stead of payin' us, they just have to feed us for a few days more. We work it like this: when the processin' line is ready to start on you guys, we'll show you how to go through it -- one of us four studs with neck-chains will be the first one through -- and before he does that, he'll pass his chain on to one of you -- somebody who looks like he can help get you guys into the machinery, and the same with the next shipment of meat -- okay?
"And the third question is, how long have you got? At least three hours, maybe four or five. So -- go do your thing."
Vince saw about a third of the youths headed for the water fountains or the toilets. Another third began to pair up; soon they were eagerly sucking or fucking each other. The rest -- Vince among them -- began wandering aimlessly around the big room. After a moment, Vince saw Buck approach, hold out his hand, and ask, "Don't I know you from somewhere?"
Vince grinned. "Is that a pick-up line or are you for real?"
Buck grinned back. "Both, really. Weren't you in the teen bodybuildin' meet in the Valley last year?"
"Yeah." Vince let his right hand slide across his tight chest muscles, then on down his torso to grip the base of his rock-hard prong. "Were you competing?"
Buck shook his head. Just a gofer. I've put on some muscle since then. Grown some, too." They stood quietly for a moment, looking each other over. "So -- what's your scene?"
"I've picked up a few bills, getting sucked; and I've taken off a few buddies that way."
"Ever fucked? Gotten fucked?"
"No -- and no -- but -- but I'd like to try," said Vince.
"Last chance and all that?"
"Well, yeah. And -- what the Hell, you're a good-looking hunk to do it with. How do we start?"
"Hit the toilets first for a quickie. There's lube-oil there too. Then -- I think the best wat to start off would be face to face, with you on top. After that . . ."
"I'll get spitted on that spike of yours? Deal!"
Vince tried to hold himself back, but once his prong was inside Buck's tight, hot ass, he found himself pounding full speed toward climax. After less than a dozen strokes, he felt himself go rigid, felt his prong pump out a seies of hard squirts.
Buck, on the other hand, showed more control; he kept fucking Vince until Vince was almost read to erupt again, then unloaded into Vince's guts. Getting fucked, Vince decided, as they lay quietly, still linked with Buck's long, hard shaft, was almost as much fun as fucking.
"Up and at 'em -- up and at 'em -- time to start gettin' processed into steaks and chops and roasts -- come on, guys -- get with it," Buck shouted
Vince shook himself awake. Buck had pulled out and was on his feet; so were the other three chain-wearing teenagers, Jon and Pete and -- Vince fumbled for a name, remembered: Davy -- and they were herding the other youths -- just meat, now -- toward an ominous-looking machine at one end of the big room.
As Vince stood up, Buck put his right hand on Vince's left shoulder. "I'm going through the processin' line this time -- one of us always goes first, showin' the other meat how it's done. You wanta take over my spot on the team? -- you look like the kind of stud that can get guys to do what you tell 'em. You get to hang around for a few days, but eventually . . ."
Vince hesitated, then shook his head. "That's -- that's not what I'm good at. Instead --" He raised his voice, yelled, "Ricky -- over here," and saw the sturdy blond step out of the herd of naked, hard-cocked teen-aged males. Vince turned back to Buck. "Ricky's captain of the football team and the debating team. Well, he was. Anyway, he's the guy you want, not me. I'll -- I'd just as soon get processed and get it over with now -- how about I go right after you?"
Buck shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, then. Stick with me." He turned to Ricky. "Vince here says you're the stud to take over from me, work with Jon and Pete and Davy for a few days -- okay?"
"Which means -- what?" Ricky asked. Buck explained; after a moment, Ricky nodded. Buck took off his chain, looped it over Ricky's blond head, then led Vince and Ricky to the line.
Buck raised his voice and turned to the waiting teens. "Okay, then; here's the first step. Remember how I said a cock that's up hard is worth more than a limp one? Well, here's your last chance to show what you've got down there. See this opening on top of this little machine?" As Vince watched, Buck patted a crotch-high device, slid his shaft through that hole, then tucked his balls in too.
"Important thing's gettin' your balls all the way into the thing," Buck explained. "What this thing does is tighten a ring around the base of your prong, so it won't go limp after it's been lopped off -- don't worry, that part won't hurt a bit; you'll prob'ly be dead by then."
Buck paused -- Even found himself chuckling, and realized that most of the others were laughing too.
"But what will hurt," Buck continued, "is not getting' your balls past where the ring goes, 'cause then the ring will be squeezin' your balls 'stead of just the stem of your cock, the way it's s'posed to -- like this." Buck grabbed a handle on the side of the machine and pushed down.
"The trick's to go down slow and be sure your balls are out of the way while you're doin' it -- and then go all the way down -- like so." He released the handle; the handle rose back into position. Buck stepped back, displaying a steel ring clamped tightly around the base of his shaft, between his crotch and his balls. "Okay? Now . . ."
Vince stepped forward. He slid his own hard shaft into the device, and felt a little shiver run up his spine. He tucked in his balls, grabbed the handle, pushed it down slowly. As he did, he felt cold metal encircle the base of his shaft, felt it grip tight -- tighter -- and tighter still as the handle reached the end of its travel. He let go, stepped back, looked down. Like Buck, Vince now had a steel ring clamped tightly around the stem of his prong, between his balls and his crotch; as he watched, his prong darkened with trapped blood. Vince moved aside, and another teen-ager stepped up to the device and slid himself in.
Davy -- Vince remembered the name this time -- remained with the cock-ringing device as -- one by one -- the teens slid their cocks into it. When all but the four wearing chains had processed themselves, Buck led Vince and his companions to the next step in their terminations.
"Okay -- gather 'round," said Buck. "These things that look like a row of sloping tables -- they are sloping tables -- sittin' sideways on a conveyer belt -- it's a disassembly line. From here, they'll take you into the meat processin' plant through that door --" He pointed. "-- where you'll be gutted and cut up into roasts and steaks and so on -- don't worry -- it isn't painful, and you can close your eyes if you don't want to watch." He lay back on the table at the far end of the row, his thighs straddling a short metal rod that stuck up from the surface of the table. Two more rods, these ones curved, slid up between his arms and his chest, then gripped his chest from either side. "You put your wrists here --" Buck put his arms by his sides, and clamps locked themselves around his wrists. "-- and your ankles there --" Vince saw two more clamps grip Buck's ankles. "-- and I'm ready to go."
With a rumble, the first table started to move. Vince scrambled aboard the second table; in a few seconds, he too was locked in place, while -- in twos and threes -- more teen-agers climbed aboard the tables of the disassembly line.
As the conveyor belt carried Vince into the next room, he saw a naked, hard-cocked young man approach, saying, "Hi, kid. I'm Stony, your butcher for this afternoon." He grinned. "Just a bit of sick humor to cheer you up. Now -- do you want me to knock you out right away, or would you rather watch? If you decide to watch, I can always knock you out later, but . . ."
Vince bit his lip nervously. He glanced to one side, saw another naked butcher standing in front of Buck. Buck turned his head, looked back at Vince, and said, "How 'bout it, kid? I'm gonna watch him start takin' me apart."
"What the fuck -- I will too." Vince turned back to Stony. "Where do you start?"
"For me, the best place is right here." Stony reached down and gripped Vince's rigid shaft. "A long one like yours, curving up like this, kind of gets in my way. If ya want, I can wait till you're dead, but . . ."
Vince licked his lips, then nodded. "Go -- go ahead. I want to watch you do that too."
Stony produced a knife, seized Vince's shaft with his free hand, and carefully cut off Vince's prong and balls -- a process which Vince found more interesting than painful. Stony held the severed organs at eye level. "You got a nice set there -- want a closer look?"
"Sure." Vince studied his organs for a moment. "I always wished I could -- you know --"
"Suck yourself off? Lots of guys do -- wish, that is. I could when I was younger, but . . ." He tossed Vince's still- stiff, now purple prong and balls onto a pile of severed organs.
"Now --"
"Watching you castrate me was exciting, okay; but it wasn't that --"
"How come wasn't as painful you thought it'd be?" asked Buck, as he watched his own organs being cut off. "You prob'ly didn't notice the shot you got in the spine when the conveyor belt started to move -- but everything south of your chest --"
"Yeah -- you're right -- I am getting numb down there." Vince looked down and watched himself being sliced open from sternum to pubis, watched his intestines being taken out by the handful while Stony's knife snipped here, sliced there. Blood dribbled, splashed, spurted as Stony worked. "I look -- I look kind of empty inside," Vince sighed.
"You do now. Now your prostate --" Vince felt a sudden erotic surge as Stony cut out a walnut-sized organ. "-- and your kidneys. After that . . ." But the room was going dark, and Stony's voice faded away . . .