; ; ; LB: Groblek - Parasitic Infection ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Parasitic Infection

; ; ; ; © Groblek
; brianw@pryanksters.org
; ;
; ; Jack arrived home late one night, just back from a three-day business ; trip. When he came in the door he was greeted by Connie, his ; wife. Hugging him, she asked, "How was your trip, dear?"

; ; "Exhausting - nothing had been arranged as planned, and I spent the ; whole time running around setting up appointments and frantically ; trying to get things done. I'm just glad that it's over."

; ; "I'm sorry, love. I'll bet that I can take your mind off of work." She ; said, smiling at him. "I found some new lingerie while shopping today ; that I think you'll enjoy."

; ; He smiled, kissing her. "Let's go see it, shall we?" he said, leading ; her into the bedroom. She removed her dress, revealing a very naughty ; lacy red bra and panty set, then lay down on the bed, striking a ; provocative pose. "Well, what do you think, mmm?"

; ; Jack responded by pouncing on her, and soon the undergarments joined ; the other clothes on the floor as the couple celebrated Jack's return.

; ; That set of lingerie became Connie's favorite for the next couple of ; months before she finally stopped wearing them, and the two of them ; made passionate love every night. Jack was pleased to notice that he ; was losing a lot of his extra fat from all the exercise, and his ; clothes were becoming rather loose. A couple of weeks later, Connie ; gave him a new pair of pajamas to replace his old ones, as they would ; no longer stay on his body - though she claimed that she preferred ; them that way. The new pair was bright red, the same shade as her old ; lingerie. He was going to comment on the similarity, but Connie ; distracted him, intent on removing his new pajamas so that she could ; have her way with him. By the time he was in a condition to speak ; again, the idea had slipped his mind completely.

; ; About a week after this, Jack came down with a slight fever, and ; stayed home from work to recover. He spent the time resting in bed, ; with Connie taking care of him. When the fever-induced fog finally ; lifted from his brain, he noticed something unusual about himself - he ; stood at least a foot shorted than he had before! He asked Connie ; about it, but she seemed not to understand what he was talking ; about. He tried at length to explain, but she just didn't seem to ; notice that anything had changed. When she left for the store, he ; decided to go call the doctor, but when he headed for the kitchen ; phone, the pants of his pajamas seemed to tangle, causing him to ; trip. Again he tried, and again his clothes tripped him up when he ; tried to enter the room. Frustrated, Jack tried to remove the pajamas, ; but they seemed stuck to his body! Eventually, he gave up, and headed ; back into the bedroom, unimpeded by the clothes. When she returned ; home, Jack tried to convince Connie to take him to a doctor, but she ; seemed to ignore what he said completely and just patted his head ; saying, "Poor dear, you must still be feverish. Just lie down for a ; while and rest." With that, she left, shutting the door behind ; her. Jack spent a while longer trying to tear the problematic clothes ; off of his body, but finally fell asleep, exhausted by his ; unsuccessful attempts.

; ; When he awoke the next morning, he found that he had shrunk still ; more, and the pajamas now resembled the one-piece sleepwear of a young ; child, only without the zipper to take it off. He tried to leave the ; bed, intending to go get some scissors and cut the damned things off, ; but when he approached the edge of the bed, the cloth of his pajamas ; stiffened, preventing him from moving farther. When Connie came in ; with his meal, Jack spoke to her again, begging for help, but she just ; spoke to him as though to soothe him from a bad dream. Giving up, he ; simply ate silently, then continued unsuccessfully to try to get out ; of the bed. He didn't even bother to ask Connie for help when she ; brought his lunch, and found himself sinking into a deep sleep after ; he had eaten. He woke long enough for a light dinner before falling ; asleep once more.

; ; As the days went by, Jack continued to shrink, still confined to the ; bed by his treacherous clothes. Idly he wondered where his mass was ; going, since he never went to the bathroom anymore, but he had no more ; idea of the answer to that than he did to why the clothes were ; changing him. Connie still treated him for his fever, and seemed not ; to notice his changes at all. He began to wonder if she was right, and ; the whole thing was nothing more than a fever-induced hallucination.

; ; One morning, Jack awoke to find that he was no longer wearing the ; pajamas. Instead, he lay naked in the bed, to all appearances a ; 12-month infant. Still, he was relieved that he was finally free of ; those accursed pajamas. At least the clothes wouldn't be changing him ; further, and maybe Connie would finally notice what was happening. He ; hoped that he could convince her to get him to a doctor and somehow ; reverse the strange changes to his body.

; ; His hopes were dashed when Connie walked into the room and he saw that ; she was wearing a bright red bodystocking. The glazed, unseeing look ; in her eyes told him that the clothing had shifted again, and he knew ; that there was no hope of convincing her to help. She picked him up, ; moving his mouth over her right nipple. He was horrified when the ; fabric oozed away, baring her nipples to him, but he couldn't stop ; himself from draining both of her large breasts, despite the faint ; cottony taste that tainted her milk.

; ; This continued for several days, Connie's body nursing Jack three ; times a day while her mind was still lost somewhere. At first, Jack ; thought to escape while she was elsewhere, but he lacked the energy to ; crawl to the side of the bed and soon she stopped leaving him alone at ; all, cradling him against her whenever he wasn't nursing. Jack could ; feel the milk changing his body further, continuing to shrink him ; until he looked like a newborn babe. Although he wanted desperately to ; avoid drinking more, he was unable to stop himself, and the cottony ; taste to her milk seemed to get stronger each time. Jack could see ; changes in Connie as well; the bodystocking was looking more and more ; like a second skin. One morning, it didn't even bother to retract from ; her breast as she nursed him and the cottony flavor of her milk was ; overpowering.

; ; That afternoon, after his feeding, Connie lay back in the bed, ; spreading her legs wide. As she lifted him from her breast and brought ; him between her legs, he was surprised to see a smooth cloth tube ; extending back inside her where her vagina should be. Terror gripped ; him, and he writhed in her grip, trying desperately to escape. Despite ; his struggles, her hands lowered him inexorably closer to that tube, ; and he felt the fabric glide easily over his skin as his head was ; pushed inside. Her body stretched easily over him, and it felt more ; like a stretchy fabric than a living body. He continued to struggle, ; trying to pull free, but he could get no purchase on her smooth ; interior. As he struggled, the strange material of her body squeezed ; around him, her contractions easily overpowering him, drawing him deep ; into the depths of her changed body. Jack finally emerged in what once ; had been Connie's womb, now full of a semi-liquid cloth-like ; substance, which greedily enfolded his body. As he felt his body melt, ; flowing into the substance, he became aware of two presences with ; him. He recognized one as his wife, and concluded that the other must ; be the thing responsible for their changes. It pushed them together, ; and he went gladly into her mental embrace, overjoyed to find her mind ; intact. As they embraced, however, he felt their minds begin to melt, ; pushed together by the presence surrounding them. The merging was ; indescribably pleasant, and Jack let himself dissolve in the ; sensation. His last conscious thought was to wonder what the creature ; wanted with them, before his consciousness disappeared in the merger.

; ; The parasite that controlled Connie's body felt triumph as the humans ; completed the final joining. It could feel its growing offspring begin ; to draw on the newly formed essence within it, drawing their ; intelligence from the remains of the former humans. The shell of the ; female's body was ripening, and it would soon be time for the ; birth. The creature began to rummage through the humans' memories for ; a suitable spawning-place. It soon found one, and concentrated, the ; bodystocking changing to an inconspicuous pair of jeans and a ; T-shirt. Satisfied that it would not arouse suspicions, it set off.

; ; One of the young clerks at Victoria's Secret idly noted that the woman ; who'd gone to use the dressing room had been in there for an awfully ; long time, and went to investigate. The woman had had an empty look to ; her eyes that had disturbed the clerk, and she was half afraid that ; she would find a dead body in the dressing room. To her relief, there ; was no one in the room, and her concern for the woman disappeared as ; she noticed the mess on the floor. It was absolutely covered in ; lingerie, scattered every which way and the price tags were all ; missing. Grumbling to herself about messy customers, she picked up all ; the outfits, painstakingly re-labeling them and placing them back on ; the shelves. All except for a lacy red bra and matching panties that ; happened to be her size. She had a date with her fiancée that night, ; and she thought that these would really get him in the mood for ; fun. Whistling to herself, she went back to work, eagerly awaiting ; closing time. ; ;

; ; ; ; © Groblek
; brianw@pryanksters.org
; ;
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