Two miles of composite piping and machinery was used to whiz the atom around and around and around. Then it happened. Well no one exactly knows what happened, they were only aware of the consequences.
Some believe they ripped a hole into another dimension, others believe the opened the gates to hell itself. No one knows for sure, all they do know is that there was a crater four miles wide where the site had been and its place there was a huge green glowing vortex. From that vortex spawned an army of unimaginable terror.
The fight was a short one and we lost. The enemy had an ability to phase in and out of reality which meant we couldn’t see them, let alone touch them before it was too late.
The Jagex as they were to be known declared victory one week later. In return for allowing the human race to survive, the governments of the world had to agree to give a percentage its population to their development program.
For those who were not chosen they were able to go about their day to day business. It was as if people simply blocked out the event. For the chosen, they would be randomly collected by hunting parties and taken to development centres where they would be integrated. Nobody really new what integrated meant, but people would disappear and they would simply be forgotten about.
Three Years Later
The room began to vibrate and a distant roar began to get louder and evidently closer then there was silence. The silence was the worst thing. At least when there was noise you knew that ‘they’ were in their vehicles, but when there was silence that meant there was a hunt in progress.
Sanders eyes darted around the room, she looked for somewhere to hide. She hadn’t been chosen herself, but in the last three months she had lost four of her friends and she damned if she was going to just forget about them. The silence was deafening, her heart was pounding in her rather ample chest.
There was a commotion down the corridor from her; there was a sound of furniture breaking and then a scream. Wait! That sounded like Kim. What should she do?
She opened the door and tried to peer down the corridor. She caught the shimmering form of what she presumed was a Jagex soldier. It was approximately eight foot tall and muscular. It was hard to make out much detail as it appeared that the creature was either phasing in or phasing out.
It was at that point she saw Kim. Kim was a petite figure with raven coloured shoulder length hair. Despite her small size she was top heavy to the extent that Sander had often looked at her form enviously.
The soldier started to move his hands around in a small circular movement chanting something unrecognisable. Kim seemed to tense up suddenly and for an instance was raised into the air and was then bent on to all fours as if by invisible hands. There was a low glow forming around her and then her clothes where shredded from her body.
She was levitating approximate a foot in the air, still on all fours and she was cursing the soldier. The soldier suddenly phased in and so did two other Jagex, but they didn’t look the same as the first one.
The Jagex were humanoid in form but were extremely muscular, as if they had been drawn in a comic. From the bottom of their face there was an arrangement of small tentacles, which they seemed to taste the air with. They skin appeared to be slightly slimy in appearance and had a dark red pigmentation to it. The soldier had horns which curved away from his head like that of a Ram, where as the other two had smaller horns on their head. None of them appeared to be wearing any clothing apart from the soldier who had some of small control console on his left appendage.
They walked around Kim occasionally prodding her exchanging notes. They obviously came to an agreement about something. One of the lesser Jagex took a step back and appeared to begin conjuring very much in the same way that the soldier had.
There was a glow just behind Kim and something started to force itself into the atmosphere. There was a wet thud and what appeared to be a jet black eel appeared on the floor. It was about three feet long and around eight inches in diameter.
Kim tried to look at what was behind her and screamed. Sander just looked stunned. The eel or what ever the hell was called appeared to raise its head as if sniffing the air.
Kim began to slowly descend to the floor, but she obviously still couldn’t move as she was struggling. The eel approached Kim and it opened its mouth and then shot some form of clear gel straight on to Kim’s exposed slit. She squealed. The eel then raised itself and began to push itself into Kim’s exposed opening.
Kim was now whimpering as she couldn’t move and could feel herself being violated. Sander watched in awe as this eel began to stuff itself into Kim. Obviously the gel had had some form of muscle relaxant properties as Kim’s over stretched slit appeared to accommodate the invader.
Kim was struggling as it was wriggling around but it appeared that her struggling was becoming less and less and she was in fact beginning to hump the air. The eel was now firmly wedged inside Kim and appeared to be vibrating inside. Sander has noticed that Kim was obviously responding as the juices were literally flowing from Kim’s stuffed slit.
The image in front of Sander was both grotesque as well as fascinating. Kim came violently for the fourth time when a white creamy substance began to leek from her. Obviously the thing in her had cum but it seemed quite happy to continue.
On fact the thing in her started to speed up and try and get in her fully. The Jagex were watching Kim and looking on approvingly as she writhed on the floor. Kim was beginning to make a squelching noise as she was full of her own and the invaders juices and then it happened. The thing managed to bury all of itself in and then was a popping sound and it was no where to be seen. The clue that something wasn’t right was that Kims stomach was bloated as if she was pregnant.
Kim lay there for a moment, completely exhausted what should Sanders do? Well nothing was the answer as Kim started to gurgle. Her skin was beginning to change colour and texture. Her body began to extend and breasts expand. Her fingers began to become more claw like, and her canines expanded to be more fitting with that of a predator. Here eyes dilated and became catlike. Her hair extended down to just above her ass and she gave out a low growl.
The Kim that Sanders had known was now a Jagex. The three males looked suitably pleased with themselves as their new creation stood up.
Kim was looking herself up and down, playing with her new breasts when she spotted someone peering from their door. She sort of recognised the person but Kim wanted to impress her new masters and went bounding down the corridor towards Sanders.
Sanders saw her coming and panicked. She slammed the door and tried to barricade herself in, but it was no use. She saw a distortion form in front of her. Her one time friend was phasing in through the defences. She waited for her to appear but she couldn’t see anything.
She looked around trying to see where her attacker was. Then she heard a ripping noise and before she knew what had happened, there was a large tear in the back of her outfit and her clothes were shredded from her body.
Kim had come from behind her and now had her claws across her breasts and was pulling at her nipples. Kim! What are you doing? I am your friend! Sanders was spun around to face her attacker. Kim now towered above her, she looked almost Amazonian in physique but her thoughts were soon knocked out of her as she was pushed back on the floor.
Sanders waited for the end to come, but instead Kim had other plans. She bent down to inspect Sanders slit and sniffed it a few times and then a tongue shot out and slipped in between Sanders lips. She gasped as this very agile tongue started to explore her depths. Sanders trying to struggle in between groans and then deep from with in her she had an earth shattering orgasm.
Her juices shot across Kim’s face who howled and then flipped Sanders over so she was on all fours and started to hump her back. Sanders tried to fight her off but couldn’t. Sanders couldn’t understand what Kim was doing as she was a girl after all, but she suddenly began to feel something wet and warm press against her.
Sanders looked behind her to see a large red protruding tentacle extend itself from Kim’s slit. She managed to shift her position, but in doing that she felt something sticky hit her ass which suddenly began to tingle and then become quite warm. She felt her hole suddenly flood with her own juices and the tentacle shifted its aim and but instead of going for her gushing slit, it pushed in to her ass and began to expand rapidly.
Kim then grabbed Sanders waist and began to fuck her furiously. The thing in her had expanded quickly and she felt stuffed. She knew it should be hurting like hell but it didn’t in fact she wanted more of it and began to push back. Then she heard a squelching noise and she knew Kim had just cum in her.
As she was pumped hard she was able to put a hand behind her and get a finger of goo and brought it too her lips and tasted it. It was good!
Sanders hadn’t even noticed the three Jagex had entered the room and there was new black eel on the floor waiting for her. She didn’t care and accepted her fate as she felt the eel enter her gushing wanton hole and begin to bury itself in to her like it had to Kim.
She was completely stuffed. Cum gushing from both holes as she couldn’t hold anymore. Sensing the end was near Kim withdrew from Sanders and watched.
Sanders watched as her body began to change colour and her vision changed. New smell became apparent too her including that of her own pillaged body. Her body contorted and expanded. She was overcome by a sense of euphoria and then darkness. The Jagex soldier slapped two transporter devices on to his latest acquisitions and smiled. He will look forward to putting them to work in the development centre.