[ profile ]
AnonyMPC's profile
AnonyMPC mostly writes stories involving incest and teen girls. Most stories are in his own style, but he also writes stories in the style of erotic author Phil Phantom.
AnonyMPC's complete stories can be found at
Friends Only, Part 10 [ Mg, inc, lolita, 1st, exhib, voy ]
Fairy Boi:
[ profile ]
Fairy Boi's profile
Fairyboi is a writer of pedo stories. Some have described them as raw, fast moving, stories that provoke ones imagination and a chance for a good jerk off. Thank you for writing. If you have any comments to stories or questions to me, feel free to contact me. Also if you have any suggestions for future stories. If you would like your life story published, you can also write me an-email.
Miss Slut Idol 2011, Final [ Mg, gg, interactive ]
[ profile ]
AnonyMPC's profile
AnonyMPC mostly writes stories involving incest and teen girls. Most stories are in his own style, but he also writes stories in the style of erotic author Phil Phantom.
AnonyMPC's complete stories can be found at
Friends Only, Part 13 [ Mg, inc, lolita, 1st, exhib, voy ] Reviews
The Audition for 'Little Miss Curly Top', Part 3
[ profile ]
Quicktie's profile
A writer of child bondage fantasy exploring various ideas. Enjoy!
The Voice Over [ FFFg, bond, spank ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
The Stone Art Gallery [ Ff, bd, gsolo, teen, paranormal, magic, trapped, nc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 1 [ M/g, pedo ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
The Extra Door in the Girl's Locker Room [ f, nc, bd, magic, trapped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 2 [ M/g, pedo, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words In Any Culture, Part 2 [ MMMgggg, spank, rape, sad, tort ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Nurse Vicky's Pre-Teen, Nurse's Training Program [ mult, video, anal fingers, oral, spank, diapers, les, mast ] Reviews
Halloween Costume Party [ MM/g, pedo, size ] Reviews
Stealing Megan, Part 1 [ M/f, bond, nc ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Health Class [ f/g, nc, age progression, age regression ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 3 [ M/g, pedo, 1st ] Reviews
Fairy Boi:
[ profile ]
Fairy Boi's profile
Fairyboi is a writer of pedo stories. Some have described them as raw, fast moving, stories that provoke ones imagination and a chance for a good jerk off. Thank you for writing. If you have any comments to stories or questions to me, feel free to contact me. Also if you have any suggestions for future stories. If you would like your life story published, you can also write me an-email.
Miss Slut Idol 2011: Final Results [ Mg, gg, interactive ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Jeneee's profile
I'm a 32yr old bi mom who loves to fantasize and write about the erotic nature of young girls.
Samantha Comes To The Rescue, Part 7 [ F/F/g/g, anal, oral, ws ] Reviews
Samantha Comes To The Rescue, Part 8 [ F/F/g/g, oral, exhib, ws ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
The Trap [ f, solo, toys, M, nc, humil, bd, trapped, 1st, g, bond ] Reviews
Cewis Larroll:
[ profile ]
Cewis Larroll's profile
I am Cewis Larroll. I hope you enjoy my stories. I know that they often take a long time to build up and get good, but I like to have a lot of detail in them. That often requires buildup that does not have any ex or nudity. My stories also often come out very differently than I planned them just because the story takes me in a different direction than I had anticipated. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Wrestling Club, Part 1 [ slow, wrestling, f, g, b, nosex, light voy ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
The Necklace [ gfF, nc, bd, trapped, time, best, tort, magic ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Gia1978's profile
I am a 32 year old Italian-American lesbian, born, raised and currently living in the 'Porn Valley' of Los Angeles, Calif. I started writing erotica as an outlet for my sometimes psychotic sexual frustrations. Most of my stories revolve around 'young girls' discovering their sexuality. I often feature girls that have an oversized clitoris and ejaculate when they climax. My best stories are girl-girl themes. I sometimes draw from real life experiences in my stories. I love girls of all races and the younger, the better! There's nothing like having a 'barely legal' 18 year old girl sitting on my face, smothering me into near suffocation. I suppose I should discuss my special sexual anomaly with you all. I am a 'squirter'. The technical term is female ejaculator. More often than not, when I have an orgasm, I ejaculate and liquid squirts out of my urethra in a powerful stream. I love to cum and I love to make both men and women cum with my stories.
The Tori Chronicles, Part 1 [ Mf, ff, inc, ped, 1st, mast, size, fist, squirt ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Sara's Stalker, Part 1 [ f, bd, nc, teen, trapped, gsolo, nosex, toys ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 4 [ M/g, pedo ] Reviews
Cewis Larroll:
[ profile ]
Cewis Larroll's profile
I am Cewis Larroll. I hope you enjoy my stories. I know that they often take a long time to build up and get good, but I like to have a lot of detail in them. That often requires buildup that does not have any ex or nudity. My stories also often come out very differently than I planned them just because the story takes me in a different direction than I had anticipated. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Wrestling Club, Part 2 [ nosex, f, m, g, b, voy, reluc, coer, wrestling ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Sara's Stalker, Part 2 [ M, f, g, bd, nc, teen, trapped, gsolo, toys ]
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 6 [ M/g, pedo, oral, cons ]
[ profile ]
Vincent4fun's profile
Im a creative kinky writer, who of course loves porn. It is very inspirational. Im always happy to talk with people who can help me push the limits.
Rise of the V&V PTE Agency, Part 3 [ MFg, inc, rape, Mgg, Mfg ] Reviews
Jenny Has A Dental Appointment [ Mg, MMg, inc ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Sara's Stalker, Part 3 [ Mf, Ff, nc, bd, teen ] Reviews
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
A Very Brady Fantasy, Part 2 [ Mg, pedo, cons ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 7 [ M/g, pedo, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Gia1978's profile
I am a 32 year old Italian-American lesbian, born, raised and currently living in the 'Porn Valley' of Los Angeles, Calif. I started writing erotica as an outlet for my sometimes psychotic sexual frustrations. Most of my stories revolve around 'young girls' discovering their sexuality. I often feature girls that have an oversized clitoris and ejaculate when they climax. My best stories are girl-girl themes. I sometimes draw from real life experiences in my stories. I love girls of all races and the younger, the better! There's nothing like having a 'barely legal' 18 year old girl sitting on my face, smothering me into near suffocation. I suppose I should discuss my special sexual anomaly with you all. I am a 'squirter'. The technical term is female ejaculator. More often than not, when I have an orgasm, I ejaculate and liquid squirts out of my urethra in a powerful stream. I love to cum and I love to make both men and women cum with my stories.
The Tori Chronicles, Part 2 [ Mf, ff, inc, ped, 1st, mast, size, fist, squirt ] Reviews
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
The Casting Office, Part 1 [ Mg, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 8 [ M/g, pedo, anal ]
[ profile ]
Dudester's profile
Dudester prefers to write adventure romance stories involving pre-teen or youngteen girls and men. His stories can be found all over asstr. Google dudester's stories and enjoy yourself.
Trish's California Vacation [ Mf, exh, cons, rom, inc ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Beach House, Part 1 [ nc, virg, bd, teen, best, magic, trapped ] Reviews
Cewis Larroll:
[ profile ]
Cewis Larroll's profile
I am Cewis Larroll. I hope you enjoy my stories. I know that they often take a long time to build up and get good, but I like to have a lot of detail in them. That often requires buildup that does not have any ex or nudity. My stories also often come out very differently than I planned them just because the story takes me in a different direction than I had anticipated. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Wrestling Club, Part 3 [ slow, nosex, voy, f, m, b, g, wrestling ] Reviews
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
The Casting Office, Part 2 [ MMf, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 9 [ M/g, pedo, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
Sandy Gets a Modeling Job, Part 3 [ Mg, Fm, oral, 1st ] Reviews
David's Punishment [ Mdom/m-sub, parody ]
Henry Oldman:
[ profile ]
Henry Oldman's profile
I really enjoy reading this type of fiction and hope you enjoy my attempts to write it.
Modern Modeling, Part 2 [ M/g, 1st ] Reviews
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Beach House, Part 2 [ nc, virg, bd, teen, best, magic, trapped ]
Señor Pedo:
[ profile ]
Señor Pedo's profile
I'm a senior who enjoyed sex as a five year old with young girls my age and even younger. I enjoy writing about preteen girls who discover that they really like sex. All my characters enjoy themselves immensely. I trust you'll enjoy reading about my sexy adventures with girls that are fun to write about.
'Mom! I Like Sex!', Part 1 [ F, g, 1st, virgin, cons, inc ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Flossie's profile
My first attempt at erotic writing. Love incest stories involving pre-teen girls.
New Studio, Part 2 [ Mg, inc, exhib ] Reviews
Señor Pedo:
[ profile ]
Señor Pedo's profile
I'm a senior who enjoyed sex as a five year old with young girls my age and even younger. I enjoy writing about preteen girls who discover that they really like sex. All my characters enjoy themselves immensely. I trust you'll enjoy reading about my sexy adventures with girls that are fun to write about.
'Mom! I Like Sex!', Part 2 [ 1st, incest, v, cons, fun, pedo ]
'Mom! I Like Sex!', Part 3 [ g, 1st, prod, cons, fun ]
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
Our Daughter's Sleepover, Part 1 [ MFf, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
The Taking, Part 2 [ M/g, pedo, oral ]
David Stephens:
[ profile ]
David Stephens's profile
My stories are about adult/child sex, often within the family - the children involved are usually 8 and under. Typical story codes: MF/g, inc, pedo. Comments are welcome.
Pretty Baby, Part 2 [ MMMF/g, inc, pedo ] Reviews
The Audition for 'Little Miss Curly Top', Part 5
Sara Sanders:
[ profile ]
Sara Sanders's profile
I'm a fairly young writer and I like to write stories about imaginary adventures. I like to get to know people so please email me and tell me about your-self. I enjoy a little bit of danger/excitement and I think it shows in my stories. I've been a Girl Scout for several years now and I enjoy it. I like to go nude from time to time in my room or just skinny dipping in the lake but I'm not into the cyber/phone sex, role playing, sending nude photos of me or looking at your dick on a web cam so please don't ask. I do enjoy hanging out and getting to know someone so let me know if you want to hang out sometime. Also let me know any ideas you have for stories. I'm always looking for new ideas. Well thats about it. Hope to hear from you, Sara
Beach House, Part 3 [ Mg, nc, virg, yng, rape, bd, teen, magic, trapped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Trick or Treat at My Mom's Boss's House, Part 1 [ M/g, pussy spanking, finger, photo ] Reviews
Henry Oldman:
[ profile ]
Henry Oldman's profile
I really enjoy reading this type of fiction and hope you enjoy my attempts to write it.
Modern Modeling, Part 3 Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
The Taking, Part 3 [ M/g, Pedo, oral ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Wasteland's profile
Enjoy girl fights and young girls as well.
Kittenfite [ gg ] Reviews
Cewis Larroll:
[ profile ]
Cewis Larroll's profile
I am Cewis Larroll. I hope you enjoy my stories. I know that they often take a long time to build up and get good, but I like to have a lot of detail in them. That often requires buildup that does not have any ex or nudity. My stories also often come out very differently than I planned them just because the story takes me in a different direction than I had anticipated. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Wrestling Club, Part 4 [ wrestling, f, m, b, g, nosex, violent, humil, light ws ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Cobra's profile
Hi, I'm Cobra, I have written for, and still writing for the leslita website. Ever since I stumbled onto this one, I though that I give writing for this one a shot. This is the first story of many more to cum (pardon the pun). I hope you enjoy my first story submission for this site.
Mick, Maggie and Karen, Inc: Mick's Homecumming [ Mfggggggg, pedo, 1st, virgin, les, cons, anal, oral, preg, inc, safe, inter ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Corn53's profile
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Trick or Treat at My Mom's Boss's House, Part 2 [ MM/g, oral, anal fingers, diapers, pussy spanking ] Reviews
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
My Halloween Story [ Mf, pedo, 1st ] Reviews
[ profile ]
cats's profile
Love young incest and always, always looking for an able co writer of the sweetest taboo.
Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 1 Reviews
[ profile ]
Casper's profile
I just turned 50 this year and I'm a new writer, I've always enjoyed reading Erotic stories between adults and preteen girls. I enjoy reading most everything from mild to extreme hard core I do not care for snuff. I would be intrested in hearing your comments, ideas, fantasy's or experiences. I'm interested most themes that involve Mg,mg, mild sad, bd, mild tort, spank, cons, nc, reluc, coercion I pretty much like everything except for snuff this is all just fantasy here fokes. NOBODY should ever hurt a child I do not advocating doing any of these things to or with children.
Sara's Little Sister Kathy's Photo Shoot [ Mg, nc, rape, oral, anal, ws ] Reviews
Sabrina's Folly [ mf, ff, mast, celeb ]
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Family Care, Part 1 [ Mmmf, inc, ped, voy, bi, rp, v, tort ] Reviews
Cewis Larroll:
[ profile ]
Cewis Larroll's profile
I am Cewis Larroll. I hope you enjoy my stories. I know that they often take a long time to build up and get good, but I like to have a lot of detail in them. That often requires buildup that does not have any ex or nudity. My stories also often come out very differently than I planned them just because the story takes me in a different direction than I had anticipated. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Wrestling Club, Part 5 [ wrestling, f, m, b, g, mild viol, nosex, humil ] Reviews
Señor Pedo:
[ profile ]
Señor Pedo's profile
I'm a senior who enjoyed sex as a five year old with young girls my age and even younger. I enjoy writing about preteen girls who discover that they really like sex. All my characters enjoy themselves immensely. I trust you'll enjoy reading about my sexy adventures with girls that are fun to write about.
'Mom! I Like Sex!', Part 4 [ virg, pedo, g, cons, fun, 1st ]
Sin Dee Oh:
[ profile ]
Sin Dee Oh's profile
45/f and a mom. I have lots of fantasies based off of events from my childhood that may or may not have happened. My stories allow me to share these fantasies with you. I hope you like.
Our Daughter's Sleepover, Part 2 [ MFgg, pedo ] Reviews
[ profile ]
VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words In Any Culture, Part 3 [ M+, g+, spank, sad, tort, rape ] Reviews
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Family Care, Part 3 [ M/bg, ped, inc, nc, v, bi ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Menschenkinderfreund's profile
I write storys about nice small girls in German.
Die Kostümparty, Teil 2 [ Mf ] Reviews
Señor Pedo:
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Señor Pedo's profile
I'm a senior who enjoyed sex as a five year old with young girls my age and even younger. I enjoy writing about preteen girls who discover that they really like sex. All my characters enjoy themselves immensely. I trust you'll enjoy reading about my sexy adventures with girls that are fun to write about.
'Mom! I Like Sex!', Part 7 [ 1st, cons, virg, pedo, fun ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Teacher's profile
I write stories about preteen girls with older men. Flat or near flat chested with bald little snatches. I use celebrities a lot usually with only one partner at a time. These are all stories of fiction and are intended for entertainment use only!
The Taking, Part 6 [ M/g, pedo, oral, anal ] Reviews
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VicRuthless's profile
Those readers who have been following my stories already know something about me. Those who have not, may wish to know that I am an adult male of advanced age, I have always had a penchant for writing stories involving preteen girls. I have believe it or not, written my first story, if you can call it that, on a piece of yellow note pad, and let one of the girls in my junior high school class read it. But that was ancient history, I actually began submitting my work for publishing only a short few months ago, and have been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming acceptance of my efforts.
The Party (Seasonal) [ non-anthro, gg, fant ] Reviews
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cats's profile
Love young incest and always, always looking for an able co writer of the sweetest taboo.
Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 2 Reviews
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old_pervy's profile
The nickname says it all. Older, and very pervy. I love writing, fantasizing and enjoying (when I can) the beautiful females of this world. My favorites (especially to write about) are teens and girls just hitting puberty. Some of my stories are based on personal experiences, some on people I know. Most are fantasy. Thanks for reading.
The Game, Part 2 [ Fg, bond, MF ] Reviews