Published: 5-Oct-2011
Word Count:
Teacher is a man who loves young girls between the ages of 10-11 years old he schools these girls in art of lovemaking. He catches them, he teaches them, and then he releases them back into the great pond of preteen lovelies. He never harms them or hurts them, except for of course the pain of first penetration he also of course makes money on this as he takes pictures and videos of these wonderful little fuck toys. He sells them to a friend in Amsterdam for a ton of money, which let's him live this kind of perverted lifestyle, the lifestyle he has lived for many years now.
He teaches them how to enjoy their sweet luscious sexy little blooming bodies, and enjoys those bodies while teaching them. After all it is only fair given the gift he has helped them find.
The classroom is his basement, which is set up a wonderful studio apartment with all the comforts that a nice 10 or 11-year-old girl could want. There is a TV with a DVD player, a Play station with games. It also has video cameras placed everywhere!
He lets them have pretty much what they want to eat and drink. He has pizza, chips, Twinkies, and soda pop, candy things that they like.
The bathroom has a huge sunken bath and a walk in shower, and a vanity with lots of makeup and a big mirror with a camera behind it. It has a big closet with a set of drawers full of all kinds of cloths for them to wear. He finds that once you wake up that sweet little love button of theirs, they want to look and act sexy all the time.
It's not important how he catches these little cuties. But it should be enough to know that although they are scared when they first arrive. He calms them down and assures them that no harm will befall them. He takes off their blindfold and then offers them a nice soda and a slice of pizza. He asks them if they need to go potty or anything like that. Just to make them feel calm and not so fearful.
Over pizza he tells them that they will be staying with me for a week or so. That they are to call him Teacher and he will be teaching them things about their bodies. Things they don't teach in school. He lets them know that when their lessons are over that they will be set free and able to go home.
He tells them that while they are staying with him that they are to have fun and enjoy themselves. That they should feel free to make this their home. He shows them all the DVD's that are there and lets them pick one out. The first night they just watch movies and eat popcorn, drink soda and get to know each other better. This is one of the best nights of the whole experience for him. To Teacher there is nothing better than spending the night with a preteen virgin.
Which brings us to tonight! Teacher is in the company of a really cute little 10-year-old girl named Heidi. She has long golden blond straight hair. Blue eyes and the most wonderful pouty lips ever seen on a young girl. She is about 4' 3" tall and weighs around 60-65lbs. A little thin for her age but that's the way he likes them. She also has no budding breasts that he is able to tell. She's wearing a plan light blue T-Shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and white tennis shoes with pink laces. She also has some bead bracelets. She has on no makeup what so ever. Just a prime innocent piece of preteen meat she was so cute he just couldn't resist and brought her home.
They were lying on the bed in front of the Big Screen TV watching an older movie she picked out called "Clueless" she started getting sleepy. Teacher put his arm around her and she snuggled up against him and fell asleep. It's no wonder after the medication that he put in her drink. She would be out like a light for at least 6-8 hour's.
He didn't have to take off her shoes as she had done that earlier. But he wanted her to be comfortable so undid the snap of her blue jeans and unzipped them. He was already getting a huge hard on for this sweet little piece of preteen pussy as he pulled out one of his cameras and took several pictures of this cute little dish during the process. He slid down and removed her jeans and was delighted to see a very pretty pair of pink cotton panties with white trim.
Man this little girl was hot! Her legs were very thin and her hips were just perfect, you could make out the outline of her sweet mound. It was amazing. She was amazing. Teacher never failed to be astonished at the shear sexiness of preteen girls. Ever since the first little girl he ever fucked he haven't been able to be with a girl over 12. It was just gross to him, having hair down there to get stuck in his teeth, and blood no that would not do at all!
He got her jeans off and just put her under the covers in her t-shirt and panties, and let her alone. He got undressed himself and slept next to her in his boxers. Teacher cuddled with the little preteen girl ending up in a spoon position and a very large hard on for this hot little girl until morning.
Teacher woke up and she was still sleeping so he went and got some fresh pineapple juice and put it on the nightstand. Then he kissed her nose and said, "wake up sleepy head". Heidi opened her eyes and stretched, yawned, and sat up. She looked around and he told her she was ok and gave her the juice. She was very happy to have juice in bed as her parent's would never even think to let her do such a terrible thing, she might spill it or something stupid like that. He asked her if she would like to have breakfast in bed and that he could put on some cartoons for her if she liked. Heidi couldn't believe it and the biggest grin came over her face and she threw her arms around him and said "Yes Yes Yes". Teacher laughed and kissed her on the forehead and turned on the Cartoon Network and went and made her pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.
When he brought them to her she started crying and said that he was the kindest person that she had ever met and that she loved it here already, her parents were so mean to her always talking down to her.
That my friend's would be the key to everything!!!
She ate her breakfast as Teacher filled up the tub with bubble bath for the little princess. When he returned to the bed she was finished and had a big smile on her pretty little face. Once again those pouty lips of hers were driving him crazy! Teacher told her that he had drawn her a bubble bath and that she should go in and go potty if she had to and he would be in after she got in the tub to start her lessons for the day. She looked at him in a questioning manner, but he was being so nice to her, nicer than anyone in her whole life was that's for sure so she just smiled and went into the bathroom. As for Teacher, his cock ached thinking about the "Fly" that he had put in her juice and the video cam in the bathroom.
End Of Part 1
When you construct a fantasy, you have to construct a place where it happens. Imagine if they made a Lord of the Rings movie and you saw cars in the background, or a freeway with a billboard ?
Did you miss the part at the begining about him taking off her bindfold? That is one hint that she doesn't know where she is. How is she going to lead the cops to his door if she doesnt know where that door is? There will be many more such things in the parts to come explaining how and why he doesnt get caught.
I hope you keep reading and would love to hear from you when it is finshed.
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