Family Care, Part 1

[ Mmmf, inc, ped, voy, bi, rp, v, tort ]

by dale10

Published: 26-Oct-2011

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This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life.

The best thing my older brother ever did was die. His wife, Madge, I liked, and I felt bad when she passed away. And I have to say my brother did a fine job raising the kids on his own. Squeaky-clean whitebred suburban family.

Maybe that's why they all hated me, the whole family I mean. I was kicked out when I was 17. Sure I had raped five little boys while I was still in high school, but I was a disturbed kid and they should have had sympathy on me. They were embarrassed when I was sent to prison, and they just kind of pretended they didn't know me.

All in all, my early experiences set me up well for what happened later. When I got out, I had great connections in the underground porn industry, and soon I had lots of money and three awesome bodyguards and could indulge in any kind of perversion I chose. And what perversion did I choose? That brings us to my brother's death.

I sat across the room from my dead brother John's three kids. Amy aged ten, a real sweetie, Cory aged fourteen, and so cute he just begged to be abused and fucked up good, and eighteen year old Chad, a freshman in college, an all star jock hunk, very popular with the ladies and a grade A student. They alternately looked at the carpet, at each other and at me. My Asian bodyguard Lee stood nearby, flicking a switchblade.

"Here's the deal kids," I said with a friendly uncle smile. "You dad's dead, terrible about that, sorry for you. So I am now your official guardian. I know terrible things have been said about me in the past, and I hope you won't believe all those nasty rumors. I want you to think of me as your father now, even though I am only 30 and not at all conservative like your father was."

"I can take care of Cory and Amy," Chad said with his tough boy jock attitude, his young voice thick with sexual development.

"You can perhaps, but I don't want you to. No sir, I want to take some responsibility. So I will move in here and run this family. Chad you will continue to stay in the college dorms for the present, I think I'll enjoy that. Now I warn you, I will be a lot stricter than your father was. And you will obey. I never repeat myself, so here's the deal. The first time any one of you disobeys an order or refused to carry it out, sweet little Amy loses a finger!"

They stared at me in horror and disbelief. They had been warned about me, but to see me in the flesh, and to know their worst nightmare was coming true, that was a real treat for me.

Chad began to rise from the couch, red in the face, his large hands balled into fists.

"Did you hear what I said, Chad, the bitch loses a finger. Do you want to see that right now?" He sank back down, chewing his cute sensual full lower lip.

"Listen to me carefully, for I mean what I say. If either of you go to the police or try to hurt me, my boys will cut off one of Amy's feet and shove it up her cunt. The first time you fuck up, she loses a finger, and so on, can you see her digitless, trying to attract the boys in sixth grade with no fingers?"

I laughed. "If you continue to fuck up, she loses a hand, and so on. If you are good boys and do everything I say, Amy stays intact and we all can have fun." I made myself a drink so that could sink in.

"Now why don't you kids make yourselves comfortable and Ill tell you just a few of the new household rules. Its kind of warm in here, why don't you three take off all your clothes?"

Ten year old Amy, the little angel, jumped up and started to strip, she was so scared, he knees knocked and her lower lip quivered, it was darling. Fourteen-year-old Cory followed suit. When Chad just sat there, hatred pouring from his eyes, Cory shouted at him, "Come on Chad, do you want to see Amy hurt?"

I nodded to Nong, my bodyguard and he hurled his switchblade, which stuck in the floor about two inches from one of Amy's feet. He produced another knife immediately, and Chad rose to his feet and started to strip.

To see these three healthy American kids undressing for the first time in front of each other was a real treat. I knew how straight laced and conservative John had been, how religious and moral, and so I knew this was a perverse first for his children. Soon, Amy Cory and Chad all stood in their underwear.

Amy wore the cutest pink panties, just small enough to show her nice little ass behind and a baby's cuntal mound in front. Of course she had no tits yet, but her nipples were sticking out like erasers. She was red in the face with shame at being this way in front of her brothers as well as me and my gang.

Cory wore boxers, blue, baggy, so I couldn't see much. His young body was thin and very tempting, the kind you want to hurt really badly. Chad wore white briefs, and his dick lump was obscene, large and round it stuck out, pushing the thing white material out from his muscular teenage thighs. His ass was the perfect jock bubble butt.

I clapped my hands. "Come on kids, off with the undies. Let Uncle Jim see the goodies." My God they were humiliated. I think they wanted to die. They didn't know which way to turn. They each dug their toes into the carpet, Amy's tiny pink toes, Cory's slender toes, and Chad's strong muscular toes. They inhaled and their chests filled with air.

Nong flicked his knife, and they peeled off their underwear. No doubt about it, all eyes went to Chad. I mean that 18-year-old kid had a horse cock on him. It swung, one of those thick sausage kinds that you only see in porno films, a huge big boy fucktool with large swinging nuts. Even Nong licked his lips.

Chad put his hands over his cock, balls and thick prickbush, or at least as much of it as he could. Shit he probably paraded bare-assed around the school locker room all the time showing off his fuckmeat, and now he was acting so shy. Amy gulped when she saw it and squeaked, that's the only way I can describe it. It was no doubt her first sight of dick, and you know what that does to a little bitch. A fucking big flaccid horsecock on display for her, it brought out her slut nature I am sure. She started to tremble.

Now Cory was something else, he had a fresh pink fourteen-year-old prick, not too big, and not too small, perfect for a boy just blossoming. He had a modest prick bush and nice low hanging balls. He too covered himself quickly. Amy, well what can I say. A perfect little girl pussy slit. Her cunt lips were slightly puffy with no hair down there yet. A real whore in the making.

"Fine, now sit down and lets go over the house rules. SIT!" They sat, hiding their genitals as best they could. Looking anywhere but at each other. "See how shy you are, how uptight about your own bodies, that's not good. That's not healthy. That's because your father was a sexually inhibited tight-assed prude. I'm going to help you come to grips with your sexuality. Rule number one. when in this house, you will be bare-assed naked at all times! When you sit, you will sit with your legs as wide apart as you can make them, and you will never cover your sex organs in any way! Do it NOW!"

The three terrified kids spread their legs, Cory's soft prick and balls rested on the chair seat, looking oh so pink and delicious. Amy's cunt lips spread just a bit and I saw Cory staring at her pussy. Probably the first pussy he ever had a good look at. Chad's slab of fuckmeat hung over the edge of the couch, his balls made a small mountain atop which the prick lay like a fat Italian sausage. His handsome jock face was a combination of hatred and fear.

"Rule number two, you will only use the bathroom with permission, and when you do, you will never close the door any more. You will be on full view at all times. Chad, I have some special rules for you at the dorm I will give to you later. Cory and Amy will sleep with me in your father's bed from now on. Now Chad, I know you have a steady girlfriend, don't you?"

"Yeah," he muttered.

"From now on you will call me Sir, or the bitch loses a finger."

"Yes Sir. Her name is Demi, I have been dating her since junior hear in high school. I may marry her someday."

"I think not. You will telephone Demi tonight and break up with her."

"But you can't." His face was almost purple. He had a cute tough guy mug, like a young marine.

"I can and will. If you don't break up with the bitch tonight, your little sister will have one of her nipples cut off. You are not allowed to date girls. You are not allowed from now on to speak to anything female, and that includes teachers and waitresses, any cunt. You will not speak to them." Amy was sniffing back tears, and I saw Chad's eyes fill with water.

"Please, please," he whispered. His big brown nipples heaved on his muscular jock chest.

"Now that's a much better attitude. I am doing this for your own good. Your father was much too lax with you. However I am not a total meanie, I know that a boy like you is interested in and needs a certain amount of sexual release, therefore three times a week, you will come home to visit and fuck your little sister!"

You could have heard a pin drop. Chad shook his head like he hadn't heard correctly. Amy started to sob. "You're a fucking monster!"

"For that disrespect, you will have your balls beaten with a ruler and Amy will have a hot iron held against their clitty. Do you want to continue with your dissent? No? good, where was I then. Oh yes, three times a week you will fuck the little bitch with me and my friends watching and filming. You will fuck her in the pussy and the asshole and mouth."

"Please Uncle, Uncle Jim. Have some mercy. I know the family was cruel to you, but why take it out on us? Amy is only ten for God's sake."

"And that's the perfect age to get stuffed by her big brothers dick. You should know bitches are ready by then, walking around school all day drooling at the sight of every boy's dick lump. I personally prefer breaking in a bitch at seven or eight, so by the time she is in fifth or sixth grade she knows how to properly please the boys, but ten will do in this case. But to be perfectly honest with you, I do expect some pain and difficulty due to the eh, rather obscene size of your cuntbuster. But we will persist and succeed.

"Yu will fuck her virgin cunt tonight to break the whore in. As to you living in the school dorm. You will keep your room door open at all times and remain bare-assed naked in your room at all times. You will jerk off each evening without cumming from six o'clock until ten o'clock while you do your homework. We will have cameras installed in your room so we can monitor your behavior. You will invite the guys on your floor in to visit, but you will not dress or stop jerking off."

Chad's eyes grew as wide as saucers, being humiliated in front of his school chums seemed even more horrible to him than having to fuck his own sister. "What, what will they think?"

I laughed. "Oh probably that you are some sick faggot trying to hit on them, you will sleep bare assed on your back with no covers, and a light on and the door open. When you walk to the dorm bathroom, you will go bare-assed, not covering yourself with a towel or shorts. When you shit, you will leave the stall door wide open. When you shave at the sink, you will also shave your balls and asshole each morning."

Now Chad was shaking, big tears ran down his face. "And that's just the start of your school rules. We'll talk further about your new dress code, your behavior on the team and in the locker room, and your social life. But we can only absorb so much at one time. And now, what about cute little fourteen-year-old Cory? I've been neglecting you. I know you probably want to fuck your little sister too, get your teenage rocks off in some pre-teen twat. You probably beat off every nigh thinking about that, I know how boys are at fourteen. Well, don't worry Uncle Jim hasn't forgotten.

"I think you need a healthy sexual life, so I am going to make you my official pussyboy. I'll be fucking your cute teenage ass at least twice a day, and my boys here will also be taking turns shoving their big fat fucktools between those darling ass cheeks. Oh now you're crying too? Stand up and let us have a good look at your ass globes."

The thin, young cute boy with the mop of unruly hair rose on shaky legs, he turned so we could see his sweet young ass.

"Oh my yes, very, very fuckable. Now bend over for us honey and grab an ass cheek in each hand and spread them, let us see your sweet puckered boy pussy."

"Oh God, I can't!!" Cory wailed, sinking to his knees in weakness and despair.

"So Amy loses her little finger, huh? Or her thumb, which do you think?"

Cory struggled to his feet, his thin chest heaving with sobs, his little nipples bursting. He bent over and grabbed his ass cheeks and spread them for us.

"Wider, spread your legs wider, oh my what cute low hanging nuts you have, you'll be hung like your big brother in no time, spread those ass cheeks wider Cory. That's it, oh look at that pink puckered pussy, its perfect, no pussy hair yet, so virginal and pretty. All ready for my big dripping dick. But before we get to that my boy, I want to fuck your face. You have the sweetest face, and I've got a terrible hard on, so come on over here and let me feed you some prick. Oh I know its repulsive to you, the idea of a man putting his smelly throbbing, leaking dick into your mouth, but you'll get used to it in no time."

And so with his ten year old bare assed sister and his eighteen year old hunky jock brother watching, I face fucked little Cory, I showed him how to lick dick and balls, how to suck the helmet, how to tease the underside with the tongue, how to deep throat, and when it was time to cum, I pulled out and shot my load all over his pretty young face.

I had Nong take some pictures for you, I hope you like them. I told him the fuck slop was good for his complexion. I wouldn't let him wipe it off, the fuck dripped from his cute teenage boy face and it was so fucking hot. But that was just the start of our family fun.

Note: If you are reading this on a site that does not include the pics, write to me for them. If you'd like to know more about the boy who modeled for the "My Boy" photos write to me. Obviously the story is fiction, but the photos as you can see are authentic.


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Looking forward to more!


great story


Not a bad stroy.


GREAT story

P2 Max and Johnson

Totally fucking sick. We loved it, and can't wait to read more. Thanks.


great story , going to read the rest asap, thanks man, and yes please!!


Wow this is sooo hot! Had my pussy dripping!! I'm a true sadist slut pedo!!



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