Teacher woke an hour after he had fallen asleep, his knees hurt not only that but they hurt badly. He sat up and went to uncover them to take a look but the sheet was stuck to them. Then it hit him like a bug's asshole going through its brains after splattering itself on the windshield of a car!
The Carpet on the stairs, he had raped poor little Donna so hard that he tore up his bare knees on it. Good of fashioned Carpet Burn! He hadn't noticed it before because he must have been in shock or something himself from the Brutal Rape.
Fuck! He thought to himself as he tore the sheets from his knees, there was quite a bit of blood he got out of bed headed for the bath to clean up his wounds. He turned on the light thinking, "Dam I was on my knees not only when I raped her tight fucking slit. I was on my knees at least half the time I was raping that incredibly tight ass and I was on my knees the whole time I was raping that smart-ass mouth of hers. He decided that he had been on his knees pounding the girl for at least two and a half hours, no fucking wonder they were all torn up. He quickly cleaned the wounds and put some antibacterial ointment on them and wrapped some gauze around both. Putting on a long robe he went to the bed. If his knees were that bad, what did Donna look like?
He was worried as he turned on the bed stand lamp and sat down beside her on the bed. "What the Fuck have I done? This isn't like me; I was totally out of control last night. What is happening to me"? All this was going through his head as he very gently started to remove the blanket and sheet from the little girl. Donna was lying on her left side facing him and he removed the sheet with no problem or sticking. From what he could tell she didn't look to bad so far but looking at her face it had rug burn on right cheek with just a little dried blood on it from him pushing it into the carpet. Her eyes were crusted over from the tears. He went to the bath and grabbed a small plastic dishpan that he kept under the sink and filled it with some warm water and liquid antibacterial soap and took that along with a clean soft cloth back and gently cleaned her cheek and washed her eyes.
Teacher rolled the girl onto her tummy and looked at her back, he knew that she was on it most of the time. There was no blood thank god but the deep rug burns covered her entire back and where they stopped was nothing but black and blue from her waist all the way down her thighs from the constant spanking he had given her. He started to cry.
He thought to himself "Jesus Christ what the hell have I done, this is a fucking 11-year old little girl! A child, In fact Donna was a really nice little girl and he liked her, hell all she really wanted to do was fuck me for Christ sake, I really have lost it, I'm out of control".
He grabbed the jar of "Gel" remembering what or at least "thought" about it having some kind of special healing qualities to it that he talked to Dr. Wong about. Wong had agreed that he had been running into the same results while using the product and had started doing some tests to find out. He was going to call Teacher back on it because they had agreed that if it indeed did help that it might help with the Rape of the little Pink Haired girl. Then he remembered that the "Oil/Lube" was a thinned down version of the same thing and decided to use it instead. He oiled up her back shoulders, legs and her very swollen butt and just poured a little onto her battered and very bruised and used to be brown hole. With that done he proceeded to gently roll her over onto her back.
He was in total shock when he saw her chest, he had to take a break and think so he went in the bathroom and just sat on the toilet with his head on his hands and his elbows on his knees. My God he thought, "I Raped the shit out of that little girl, and, and, I, I, liked it. I really did, no I didn't just like it, I loved it, a lot!" He got up and looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize himself, his eyes were wild with the look of a crazy man in them. He turned around, coughed and regained his composure and said aloud in a soft voice, "Nice going asshole, you don't hurt little girls indeed, tell that to the poor little one in the bed. Now go and at least try to help her"!
He again sat on the bed by Donna and grabbed the cloth gently rinsed it and started again. First he had to clean her other cheek, her chin, and her nose they weren't to bad. Looking down at her breasts that he was so taken in by he very gently stared cleaning the dried blood from around her precious swollen nipples where the bite marks were and his teeth had torn some of the skin. Crying he worked around all the bruising. He did use the "Gel" on her breasts along with some on her really pretty face thinking, "She really is a very pretty girl". With that chore done he worked on her little snatch that he had so battered and really loved. He cleaned the small bit of blood crusted on her but really, although completely black and blue, not other wise damaged as he could tell she was one badly bruised little girl, he got the "Oil" and covered her well. He went on to her knees that really surprised him weren't bad at all. "Yea well sure they arn't you fucking asshole you had her off her knees from the force of slamming into her so hard". He shook his head and put some "Oil" on them. Then it hit him, "Oh Fuck her throat"! He had totally pounded her throat for he wasn't sure how long; this girl was lucky she was even able to swallow the juice he had given her. "What to do, What to do"?
Going in the bathroom he found a bottle with an eyedropper in it and cleaned it out real good he filled it with "Oil". Next he went back and so ever gently slid his hand under her head, lifted it up and got her mouth open. He took the eyedropper and squirted some oil into her mouth, she kind of spat and coughed a little but then swallowed it down, he did it again and she swallowed a lot easier. He put some in the juice and got her to drink a little, her eyes opened then and she looked at him and started to cry.
He held the little girl that he had Brutally Raped in his arms, stroking her hair crying with her, "I'm so sorry Donna, I don't know what to say, but I'm going to take care of you now you just have to trust me". Donna fell back asleep in his arms.
Then he really started crying as he realized he had spoken almost those very same words to Heidi when he had hurt her, and boy he sure threw her to the wolfs after that didn't he. Teacher was a broken man! He was also torn, he had always been good to the girls that he "Caught and Released", except for one! Heidi, and he was in love with Heidi at the time and still was. A torn and broken man indeed, conflicted and confussed as he held Donna in his arms crying he said softly, "Heidi, I'm so sorry". That of course was not the first time that he had said that.
Then he thought further, "My God if the little girl in his arm's had been the little Pink Haired girl... well he couldn't think about that right now all he knew was he had to get his act under control and fast". For the next four hours he squirted a little "Oil" in her mouth every ten minutes. Then at 7am sharp it happened again.
EeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEwwwwwwwwWWWWW, Donna woke up and grabbed her ears falling back onto the pillow, he covered his as well. EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee came the cry of Wednesday's orgasm, the sound of a 6-year old girl screaming at the top of her lungs, a high pitch screeching noise. EeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE, then it stopped. Donna rolled over and fell asleep. He got up and wrote her a note and put it by the glass of juice he just filled up and went downstairs. He had to get away for a little while. The note read.
Donna, I will be back up soon and bring you something to eat, I'm sorry for what I have done; if you want to leave I understand and will do anything you want to help you. Please know that I don't want you to leave and would like very much for you to stay if you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I don't know if you can trust me after this but I hope that you can. I left a small bottle of stuff for you to squirt down your throat it should help with the soreness use as much as you need, the juice is for pain as well in case you don't remember. Again I'm so sorry for what happened, I really couldn't explain it. Teacher.
Betty and Randy shot out of bed and covered their ears as well when Wednesday went off. "Dam that girl is fucking crazy," Randy said to Betty. They both laughed and took a shower together. Randy washed her up and down; he was really getting into little Betty at this point. She was a great Fuck and still getting better everyday. Then they got dressed and went downstairs.
Larry and Nancy hearing the noise covered their ears Larry while laughing and Nancy while screaming, "What the hell it that"? When it was over she just looked at Larry who was still laughing and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Well care to explain that one"? Larry put his forehead to hers and simply said, "That my dear Nancy was, Wednesday Friday Addams having an orgasm"! Nancy who rarely cursed said, "No Fucking way"! Larry in turn just nodded his head and laughed like he always did. Nancy's reply to this was, "That is one strange little girl". They laughed together and shared a kiss then got up Larry just put on his robe and Nancy went to the bathroom, when she came out she was wearing a long silk see thru light pink robe so sheer that you could easily see her pert areola/nipple cone shape tits along with her white and very tiny thong panties that went down to just above her very soft white slit. Her hair and makeup were flawless as they went down to have breakfast.
By 8:15 they were all there together, they changed their seating a bit as loves will do, on the back wall sitting from right to left sat Larry, Nancy, Betty then Randy. Teacher sat on the head of the table that faced the entryway by his brother Larry. Lurch sat across form Randy and Wednesday across form Betty. Larry looked at Teacher and decided he must have had a very busy night, as he looked terrible. They were all just into each other the way lovers can be. Teacher seamed to be off in his head somewhere but the others were so into each other that they didn't really notice. Then Nancy asked "Hey where's Donna this morning"? Teacher started to say something but Nancy interrupted, "Oh here she comes, hi Donna oh I just love your outfit". Donna stopped for a brief moment and said in a slightly raspy voice that no one seamed to notice, "Thanks, sorry I'm late". Then walked briskly over and sat on Teachers lap facing the two empty chairs and put her arms around his neck and kis sed him deeply.
Donna woke up and she hurt, she hurt really badly. Coughing she sat up and groaned, looked over and saw the note read it and stared to cry. Then she somehow got up and swallowed a bit and put some of the "Oil" in her mouth and swallowed, it felt better. She quickly as possible drank the full glass of juice it was truly painful and she stared to cry. Then she put some more "Oil" in her mouth and swallowed again, it felt better. Looking around for something to put on because she was completely naked she very slowly went to the bathroom then she saw herself in the mirror looking at her once very proud, sexy and perky little tits. She cried again, she turned around and looked at her back and her butt, and kept crying, she turned back and looked at herself in the eyes in the mirror shook her head coughed, shook her head again, and pounded her little fist on the counter, simply put, just gathered herself and shook it off.
Next she brushed her hair and put on some makeup, covering up her cheeks, nose and chin the best she could without making it look like she was trying to hide it. She put on eye shadow in very light pink then mascara and eyeliner, she topped it all off with some of her really nice plumb lipstick it really hurt but she was determined to make herself as presentable as she possibly could. Then she gently went to the dresser and decided to forget panties, as they would be, first painful to put on and second hurt when they were on. She decided on a loose fitting just below the knee peasant style skirt in pink, that tied and didn't have any elastic in it, once she had that on she walked tenderly over to the closet and found a really cute pink peasant style blouse that sat low in the shoulders with a cute tie in the front on the chest it also had big puffy long sleeves, along with a tie around the waist so she removed that and although it was sheer the color would help plus, her little titties or what was left of them were so sore and bruised that she couldn't even think of wearing a bikini top as she didn't own a bra. Wearing shoes of any kind was out of the question, bending over to put them on was not something she was even willing to try! She then slowly went back to the mirror in the bathroom and looked, she put her face to it and thought, "Ok if that's the best I can do then Ok, that's the best I can do". She grabbed the bottle of "Oil" put it in the pocket of her skirt and started on the very long (at least to her) trip to the kitchen. She would let no one not anyone make her look weak! Not even Teacher! Donna was indeed a very tough young girl tough as fucking nails! Donna was also a "Red Tag" girl!
She walked out of Teacher's bedroom it was the last room at the end on top of the Kitchen area stopped took a breath as she looked down the long and very wide and open hall with the five other bedrooms and the big shared bathroom all on her left. She took hold of the banister on the right because it was like a open balcony on that side and went on moving very slowly she had to stop a few times but finally got to the stairway looked down and saw where she was Brutally Raped stopped again, she hurt it was very hard to walk. Next she took hold of the banister on her right and looked down the long stairway that she so easily skipped down just yesterday and started down, slowly carefully. She got down that flight of stairs and thought, "one down, one to go". She turned to her right and stopped to regain herself. From there she could see the main long wide hall with the French doors of the house in front of her where she came in so happy full of eagerness. On the left she could see the wide ramp that led down just a bit to the two giant rectangle recreation rooms that were at one time just one but had been split up by an added wall, the first for the younger girls the second for the older girls, they had a solid brick wall on the back side and picture windows around the front and end of the building as the ground sloped in the front of the Estate. On her right she could see the Main Living area with the Big Screen TV, all the furniture and the fireplace and next to that what she was told was an Office/Library or something the door was always closed.
This was going to be the hard part she thought because once she got to the foot of this set of stars and turned right she would be facing straight into the big main Dinning area with the kitchen on the right and directly under the room she had just left and everyone could see her. It was even farther than the trip from the bedroom to the top of the stairs. She thought that maybe she could get pretty close before anyone did see her, that would help because the stairs took a toll on her and she was already tired. She grabbed the banister and started down.
Teacher was lost in thought during breakfast, he knew now that he could Rape a girl, but could he control it. Control that was the key, he was very worried about Donna, and Heidi as well. Somehow he came to the conclusion that the Brutal Rapping of Donna was in reality good for the cause because he learned he could do it and that he did have some control over his orgasms like when he came in her mouth and then followed her down when she swallowed. He was able to cum in her ass to lube it and then take her. But the control otherwise was not there at all. If Donna would stay maybe he could get at least some his gentleness back through her, he didn't think he could hurt her again like he had done last night because it was already experienced. Besides he really liked Donna, a lot in fact she was a feisty strong little girl a lot like his beloved Heidi. Feisty hell she mocked him after he Raped her in her tiny slit and ass. If nothing else he wanted her to stay to maybe make it up to her in some way, anyway. And of course he thought about Heidi but he always thought about her, he couldn't get her out of his mind.
Donna made it to the last step and put some "Oil" in her mouth then took what might be her last breath before someone might see her, unless of course someone left the table. "Ok this is it GO"! She said to herself.
She took the last step and turned put her hand on the wall and started slowly walking toward the Dinning area, closer and closer she got, almost half way, closer she stopped she had to. She took a breath then started again closer, closer. Donna was three-quarters of the way there when she heard Nancy ask, "Hey, Where's Donna this morning"? She almost froze but took a shot of "Oil" in her mouth clutched it in her hand let go of the wall and started walking as normal as she could.
Then Nancy turned her head and saw her saying "Oh here she comes, hi Donna oh I just love your outfit". Donna replied, "Thanks, sorry I'm late". Then walked briskly over and sat on Teachers lap facing the two empty chairs and put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.
Donna hurt and hurt badly, she held onto Teacher shaking she dropped the kiss and whispered in his ear as best as she could because she couldn't really talk after replying to Donna, "I... want... to... stay... you... still... cant... fuck"! Then she just clutched him around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder and cried but no one could hear her, if he wanted her to trust him he had better take care of her right the fuck now because she knew she couldn't move and she couldn't talk, or walk anymore either.
Larry looked over at Donna sitting on Teacher's lap, "Ah now that's so sweet look at the love birds, I thought you two would hit it off". Everyone clapped and Betty said, "Way to go Donna", but got no reply. Nancy said, "My they do make a nice couple, Teacher you better hold on to that one she's a keeper for sure". Teacher buried his face in her hair and said nothing, so Randy said, "Hey look their shy, lets let the two alone, what do you say". They all agreed and got up and left the room as they had finished breakfast earlier anyway. Larry said, "Teacher, Randy lets have the meeting later, Nancy and I have some err... things to talk about right now, 2pm sound good"? Teacher just nodded his head no one could see he was crying as well because his eyes were buried in Donna's hair, Randy looking at Betty with hunger said, "no problem Larry I think Betty and I will just go take a nap" then he winked at Betty who winked back.
They all left to go to their rooms, except for Wednesday and Lurch. Wednesday walked up to the couple at the head of the table and very gently reached up and kissed Donna on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "well done Donna, very well done". She glared at Teacher with piercing eyes, and barked, "Take care of her"! Then she turned and Lurch squatted down so she could take his index finger, "Come Lurch". They walked away Lurch waddling behind the tiny little girl like a puppy dog following its master.
Larry and Nancy went hand in hand up the stairs to their room still talking and laughing, enjoying being together. They went in the room and laid down on the bed with Larry on the left and Nancy on the right. Nancy was lying on her back as Larry went to his side leaning on his left elbow he started rubbing her tummy and kissed her deeply, Nancy put her left hand on the back of his head and pulled a little accepting him, her right hand sliding into his robe she gently found his nice hard cock and started stroking it and sighed.
Larry untied the belt that held her robe and slowly and gently pushed the robe back on both sides reviling her pure white skin and her incredible body. He kissed her gently and kissed her deep, he ran his hands up and rubbed his palm across her cone shape nipples they were hard and soft at the same time. He broke the kiss, "Nancy your tits are fucking amazing I haven't been able to take my eyes off of them, I have never seen anything like them before.
Nancy slid her hand down to his cheek, "Well Larry you really should take a closer look then". He kissed her again and slid the robe off her shoulders leavening the Beauty Queen lying on her robe with just her with tiny thong panties that hit just above her pure white slit. Larry looked at her tummy and rubbed it a bit, "Dam Nancy your skin, its like silk and its so white you could pass for an Albino. Nancy giggled, " Keep looking honey".
Larry sat up on his elbow again looked at the girl. He gazed down to her quarter size incredible puffy areolas that weren't so much topped with but included her nipples; they stood up well over an inch and a half. They were not only cone shape but there was no color difference at all they were exactly the same color as the rest of her, not a flaw on her whole body that he could see anywhere. "Dam Nancy, I didn't realize with your robe on the color of your nipples. They are... well... the nicest and most wonderful set of titties I think I have ever seen". Nancy replied, "Well now Larry I'm glad that you finally noticed, you're in for a lot of surprises tonight my love, why don't you have a taste", she giggled. "I think you'll like it". She giggled again.
Randy and Betty had gone to their room as well and Betty had turned on some music, gotten onto the bed and was waiting for Randy to come out of the bathroom. Randy came out in just a long red cloth robe got on the bed beside her, she was on his right side. "Hey Betty, what do you think of Nancy, do you think she's hot or what"? Betty giggled, "Oh way hot Randy, way hot, I love her tits they are to cute, Randy can I tell you something"? Randy nodded, Betty went on, "Randy she... well... Randy she makes my mouth water and so does Donna, does that make me a lesbo"? Randy laughed, " Oh Betty no honey if a girl likes both men and women she's bi not a lesbo silly". He rubbed her head with his knuckles, "hey you know, I bet those two are having it on right now want to watch". Betty replied, "Oh, Oh, Oh, yes Randy please can we". Now Betty was making Randy's cock hard again as this new development came into being and he could just picture her with another girl, any girl Betty was indeed getting better every day in his book. He scooped up the remote and punched up Larry's room. "I hope he didn't turn off the feed Betty". He turned off the volume so they could listen to the music.
They lay back as the screen came on and they saw Larry open up Nancy's robe, Betty's mouth watered, "Randy... Randy... look at her tits, their white"! Randy's mouth watered and his cock grew even more, "Oh My Fucking God Betty and look at her body, its... flawless"! Flawless indeed but no one really noticed because Nancy was so intoxicating with her just below the shoulder Platinum Blonde hair that was just a tad frizzy with bangs that hit just above the eyes, her hair was streaked with pink and purple highlights. Her eyes were Royal Blue trimmed in two shades of light blue eye shadow and jet-black mascara, eyeliner as well. She had very high cheekbones and fat juicy lips with dark plumb glossy lipstick, her left eyebrow was pierced with a nice white gold ring, and her nose on the right side had a very tiny diamond stud in it. Nancy's face alone was really hard to take your eyes off of, even if you were trying to look at her flawlessly tight tiny body.
Betty scooted down and opened up Randy's robe and started stroking his cock with her head lying on his stomach just above the tip she was drooling as Randy started stoking her pink hair.
Wednesday and Lurch were standing outside on the front deck off of the living room, looking out away from the house they could see the old horse barn off to the right of the Estate. They looked up, the sky was completely clear above them but in a shape what Lurch thought looked almost like an old Black Smiths Hammer, but didn't say anything it was closing in on them from all sides. "Yes Lurch, it's almost here, come we have more to do". A rumbling started in the distance and it began to sprinkle, an odd sprinkle a "Red" sprinkle straight down from the clear sky above, not an angle to it at all, a gentle sprinkle.
Teacher was afraid that he would hurt Donna more if he held her but he couldn't help it, she was so helpless in his arms, he knew she had to be hurting as he did see her coming down the hall toward the Dinning Area. He wanted to go and pick her up but he was so stunned by just seeing her he couldn't move. He could see the pain in her eyes that the others couldn't as she walked over and sat on his lap. When she whispered in his ear that she wanted to stay and then that smart-ass mouth took over again he couldn't believe his ears. The girl was still being sassy to him and his heart sank! After all he had done to her she was spitting it back in his face, telling him that he gave it his best shot but "She" not "He" had won the day. He ever so gently took her face in his hands, pulled her back and brushed the wet hair from her eyes. "My God Donna, you are the strongest and bravest girl I have ever known". He slowly reached over and took a very small piece of cut watermelon and placed it to her lips. "Here baby try to eat or just suck up the juice, please". Donna swallowed and took the watermelon in her mouth chewed then swallowed, looking up at him with tears in her light green eyes. She managed to hand him the bottle of Oil and he shot a little in her mouth as she swallowed again. He got some scrambled eggs with no seasoning on them and fed her just a little with his fingers like you would a small bird, she took it and swallowed and he put more Oil in her mouth. Not another word was spoken, as he gently fed the little girl on his lap, their eyes never wandered as they gazed at each other. He gently kissed her lips and fed her some more, she would chew then swallow, open her mouth for more Oil. For an hour they sat there, looking at each other Teacher feeding her ever so slowly and gently, he cleaned her tears with the tip of his tongue like a mother bird cleaning her young, feeding her. Donna, like the baby bird, trusting her mother to feed her, clean her and protect her from things like having to get up and walk across the floor.
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