Published: 20-Oct-2011
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David had always been in a state of confusion. He had always know that there was in him a lust for something that he could never quite define. With Darlene gone to collage and dating that Jimmy guy, he came realize that he missed her, not for her body, that had never did much for him... but for the control she held over him and his life. That was where and had always been the excitement in the relationship between them.
David had never been able to get excited with a girl before Darlene came along. He just didn't see how a frail thing like that could interest him. There were of course the fantasies of guys, guys big and strong who would take by force in his dreams. But it had always remained a fantasy. But when Darlene and he had started having sex there was something so exciting about the way she took control, ordered him in to positions, made him beg, keeping in a place of submission.
But it was all over, it was all gone now that she had someone else and lived in Chicago. He was left frustrated and only his hand to appease the cravings in his groin. But with Darlene gone his mind had drifted back to the fantasies where he was at the mercy of their overpowering forms. Forced to by them to service their hard cocks with his mouth and ass.
These new fantasies were fueled by some bondage magazines he found in Connor's basement, in which is room was. He had know Rosanne and Dan to be rebellious in their youth but he had never guessed they were like in the bedroom.
Most of the magazines had men and women engaged in submission games, but there were a few that contained some man/man pictures and it was those that David liked best. He had cut out all the pictures that contained scenes of only men and stapled them together in a booklet all their own and he kept this under his mattress for those times he needed relief.
Today was one of those days that was perfect, everyone was out and he was alone to take his time. So stripped down to his white BVD briefs, David lay out on his bed gently stroking the big hard-on inside. As he gazed at the pictures he started to formulate a fantasy where he and the men in the picture were all together.
So engrossed in picturing this fantasy in his head, David didn't notice the door opening up stairs or the footsteps moving across the floor above him. It was a good ten minutes until David heard the intruder. By this time he had hard cock out and was slowly stoking the uncut prick, and the intruder could be heard coming down the stairs to he room.
With lightening speed, David whipped the pictures under the mattress, but in his haste the stapled cornered stuck out from beneath. Jumping under the covers he closed his eyes and made like he was asleep. He hadn't locked the door because he hadn't expected anyone to be home to bother him.
"Hey David!" Came a voice from the outside of the door. It was David's brother Mark. The door swung open the tall well muscled nineteen year old boy stood with his short haircut and gorgeous body.
"Hey dick-head, what are you up too? You're in bed! What the fuck are you doing in bed in the middle of the day?"
David turned over and opened his eyes like he had been sleeping and Mark had rudely interrupted his nap. Mark moved over and plopped down on the edge of bed.
"What are you doing home?" David said rubbing his eyes and using a crackled voice to mimic just have woken up.
"Becky ran into some of her girlfriends and I wasn't about to hang around with a crowd of bitchy girls. So, what the fuck you doing in bed?" Mark said slapping David's leg.
"Just taking a nap," David was angry for having been interrupted and Mark seemed to pick on the emotion and edged on.
"Well come on and get the fuck up." Mark grabbed at the covers making an attempt to pull them off his younger brother. David was quick to snatch them back for fear that his brother would see the still erect prick between his smooth thighs.
This only made Mark try harder. Being quite a bit stronger than his brother he won out, pulling the covers clean off the bed and tossing them on the floor. David tried to hide his arousal, but Mark had already seen bulge in David's tight underwear and began to laugh.
"You dork! I should have guessed you were down here beating your meat!" David was bright red and curled in a ball knowing that Mark would spread this around the house and he would be the butt of jokes for weeks to come. "Fucking David wanking off!" Mark was laughing a hard laugh for having found such a prize that he could use against David for weeks to come, getting him to do anything he wanted, only to tell everyone about the incident anyway.
Taking a seat back on the side of the bed, he patted his little brother on his bare back saying. "So, what is it worth to you to keep me from telling the whole house about this?" David didn't say anything, just rolled himself tighter into a ball.
As Mark continued to ask David what it was worth and began starting to name things he wanted done, his knee brushed the magazine edge sticking out from between the mattresses.
"What's this?" He said pulling at the paper. David again reacted moving to stop Mark before he would find out what was in that stapled stack of paper. But he was too slow, perhaps too slow on purpose. Mark pulled the stack out saying. "What's this? Your favorite Playboy pictures you used to wank with?"
Mark fell silent as soon as he saw the first picture. He remained silent as he paged through the stack finding picture after picture of naked men engaged in various acts of torture. Some were strapped down, their limbs bound behind them and the eyes and mouth's covered while being punished by another man. Page after page revealed the naked splendor of erect penises thrust into mouths and asses. Forced fucks of every kind.
"You a fucken fag?" Mark said without looking at David or even raising his voice. He just continued to page through the stack.
"I...I..." Was all that David was able to get out before Mark swung around and grabbed his brother by the arm.
"Are you a fucking fag? You like dick? You like looking at this shit?" His voice started as a growl and slowly progressed to a roar, shaking David. By the time he had finished, Mark was raging at his brother, jumping up and facing the handsome young boy on the bed.
"You like male0tail, fag boy? Huh?" Mark lurched at David, pinning the boy beneath him. With his hand holding the boy at the shoulder and his knees pressing down on David's thighs. Mark breath was heavy as he stared down at his little brother.
David was filled with fear. But inside, deep down inside he could not help being somewhat turned on by having the larger boy holding him, pressing down on top of him. The feel of Mark's warm hands on his bare shoulder and the knees so close his groin, instead of make David limp, it caused his dick to pound with new vigor.
Mark glanced down at his brother's crotch. "Yeah, you do like it don't you?" With that Mark reached one of his hands down and roughly took David's hard cock and squeezed it. An uncontrollable groan slipped from David as Mark continued to tug at the boy's meat through his underpants. "Yeah, you do like this..."
David figured that the truth now would hurt no more than a lie, so he nodded his head affirmation. Mark removed his hand from David's dick and took his bother's chin in his hand with a strong grip and nothing gentle about it. About to say something, Mark thought better of it and instead brought his crotch up to the boy's face then without warning smashed his hard bulge into David's face. With a nasty grinding force he pressed the denim of his jeans in the soft flesh.
While taking in a breath, David drew in the scent of his brother. Musky, masculine, intoxicating. He drew several more in savoring the moment, and fearing what might happen his he tried to take more liberty than he was being give with his brother's sweet body.
Pulling back, park pulled the zipper of his jeans down and brought out his massive nine-incher. It was raging, engorged with his lust. Taking it by the base, Mark began to smack David across the face with it. They were not gentle strikes, they left a sting each time he stuck the boy's face. Finally, Mark held his brother down and roughly thrust the monster into David's waiting mouth.
David could taste the precum as Mark worked himself into a lather inside David's mouth. It was almost sweet and David was happy to know the taste. But it was fleeting because Mark pushed in and out of David's mouth caring little for his brother pleasure.
In a moment Mark began to grunt with each thrust. Leaning back and shoving his hand inside David's underwear, Mark took hold of the stiff prick running his hands between David's balls and finally settling on a tight grip stoking David in time with his own thrusts in and out of his brother's mouth.
Then in a few more moments that it took to build; both boys cried out in an intense orgasm. David found his mouth being filled with shot after shot of his brother's cum, so much that there wasn't enough time to swallow it all and some began to ooze out of the corners of his sucking mouth. For Mark he found his hand was suddenly covered with the white sticky wad of David's spunk. Huge globs covered his hand causing David's prick to become lubed and slippery.
When both boys had finished, David watched with stunned surprise as Mark took his hand out of David's underwear, still covered in cum, and licked it from his skin as he stared into his brother's eyes.
Then, finally, getting up and zipping his pants, Mark said, "You're mine now, you understand?" His tone was so strong, so sure.
David nodded.
"Say it!" Mark shouted.
"I'm yours!" David squeaked back.
"Good, now I'm going for a snack, be on you stomach with your ass in the air by the time I get back." David smiled but held it back.
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