Published: 12-Oct-2011
Word Count:
I picked up the phone.
Before I could even say 'hello' the voice on the other end of the phone had breathlessly started the conversation.
"David? Can you pick Alicia up from school please," I recognised the voice as my daughter-in-law Zoe. The sense of urgency in her voice was palpable.
"What ever is the matter you sound flustered?" I interrupted.
"It's Molly, - Molly is Zoe's mother, she lives I a residential care home - she's fallen over and hurt her self. The care home says she's been taken into hospital and I want to drive up to see her. You know Martin's away at a conference for the rest of the week, so I was hoping you could pick Alicia up from school for me please."
"Yeah! Sure. It's not a problem."
"I'll pick Alicia up tonight when I get back, I'll try not to be too late."
"You go. And drive safely. I'll look after Alicia until you come and collect her. Don't worry, you look after Molly and don't worry about Alicia, she'll be fine with me."
"Thanks David." The phone went dead.
I'm David just turned 50 grandad to the gorgeous 9 year old Alicia. My son Martin is married to the lovely Zoe. I'm a widower, my wife passed away last year. At the age of fifty I was offered a fantastic early retirement pension package from my job, which I couldn't really refuse. The freedom this gave me allowed me to take my hobby of photography to a whole new level. I had just finished turning the spare bedroom into a quite respectable little studio. I had invested in a decent lighting set-up plus a range of back-drops and props, not to mention three top of the range digital cameras plus two video cameras.
I have always had a passion for photography and have become proficient enough to be trusted to photograph weddings and take family portraits of families in my local area, even doing a fashion modelling portfolio for a neighbours 16 year old daughter which included a few topless shots. I know what your thinking, yes I do still have copies, well you would too wouldn't you? Most of my photography was family photo's and mostly of Alicia, I have been taking photo's of her since she was born, she has become my star model.
One of the best sets of photographs I have of Alicia is of her 7th birthday party. Alicia wanted a pool part theme so Martin and Zoe hired in a huge semi-rigid pool, aqua slide, water guns and a foam machine. What a day! There were about sixteen kids at the party including a few boys, for most of the day they were in wet swim costumes. It appears the girls had spent a lot of time planning the party because all the girls came in bikinis. By mid afternoon a couple of girls had discarded their tops, the rest soon followed suit, planned again I think. OK so they were all as flat chested as an ironing board but how often do you get to spend the day around a dozen topless little girls and the freedom to take as many photographs as I wanted. Sheer bliss!
Most of the photo's were of course quite innocent fun birthday party photo's and quite a few were not quite so innocent. The aqua slide - basically a long piece of vinyl fed by soapy water making it incredibly slippery - provided a fair few not so innocent photo's as I watched the girls came down the aqua slide at great speed. To the naked eye everything looked quite innocent but the speed of the cameras shutter enabled me to record little girls with little bikini bottoms pulled tight against little girl pussy's giving me a fine collection of camel toe shots.
I even managed to get a great set of photo's I call my sun cream set. Mid-afternoon and all the kids were summoned back onto the patio to have sun cream re-applied. Martin, Zoe and two other mothers set about applying sun cream to each kid. God how I envied my son as he rubbed sun cream onto four of the little girls, I'm positive he took extra time smoothing the sun cream into their flat little chests. One of the girls even pushed down her bikini bottoms a little way so he could rub cream underneath them, his finger tips passing within millimetres of her little pussy. If he wasn't getting a hard on from doing it, I was certainly getting a hard on while photographing him doing it. Happy days!
Before the phone call from Zoe I had been about to set out on a cycle ride, but that would have to wait now. I glanced at my watch, 3.05pm. Alicia would be out of school at 3.30pm No time to change from lycra cycle shorts and t-shirt, I'd have to move pretty quickly if I was to meet Alicia from school, the drive across town would probably take twenty minutes.
I arrived with a few minutes to spare and waited near the school gates, but away from the groups of parents who had taken up their regular pick-up spots, it has to be said most of them were young mothers. I noted several mothers making questioning glances in my direction. A stranger in grey t-shirt and green lycra cycle shorts, which it has to be said are pretty revealing, fine when your on a bike but not the most sensible thing for hanging around the school gates in. Who was I? Was I a paedophile? Was I someone to be trusted? There were a few other men around but they had obviously been accepted into the inner sanctum of the waiting groups of parents as they chatted to the young mothers. I was a lone male, and I was being made to feel quite self conscious by the questioning looks.
Thankfully a wave of boisterous young children burst from the large school doors, it was as if someone had just disturbed an ants nest, boys and girls scattering in all directions homing in on the groups of waiting parents. In the next wave of excited children I recognised Alicia, she immediately headed for the area where she would normally see her mum waiting for her, she soon realised that her mum was not in the usual pick-up place. I quickly moved forward, waving, trying to attract Alicia's attention, again I could sense parents who had yet to be re-united with their offspring watching my every move.
Alicia eventually noticed me and came running across the school yard, one white knee length sock crumpled above her regulation black school shoes, dark grey pleated skirt flipping in the air occasionally revealing the tops of her bare thighs, part of her white school blouse had escaped the waistband of her skirt, the school bag she had slung over one shoulder bounced about uncontrollably on her hip, her hair in a single ponytail trailing out behind as she excitedly met me at the gate.
"Grandad". Alicia shouted excitedly, and greeted me with a big hug. With just that one word I was accepted by the other waiting parents. No longer was I considered a threat by the other waiting parents. I was just a respectable grandad meeting his granddaughter from school.
After Alicia's excited greeting she stepped back, Alicia looked at me with a frowned expression."Why have you got your cycle stuff on grandad? And where's mum?"
"It's OK, don't worry, your mum's just fine." I reassured her.
"It's your gran, Molly, she's a bit poorly and your mum has gone to visit her, that's all."
I left out any detail about Molly, so as not to worry Alicia.
"Will she be OK."
"Yes. I'm sure she'll be just fine." I said reassuringly.
"And I'm dressed like this because I was about to go out for a ride when your mum rang."
"You haven't come on your bike have you grandad?
"No," I said with a chuckle. I came in the car it's just that I didn't have time to change."
" Your mum will be back to pick you up later."
"Oh OK. Am I going to have tea at your house grandad?"
"Oh goody."
"What say we order in pizza for tea, you can choose what you want."
"Can we have Coke too?"
"Sure. We'll make it a special tea for two."
The drive home consisted mainly of Alicia trying to decide what pizza to have, thinking up the most ghastly combination of topping you could ever imagine. Eventually she decided on, Hawaiian thick crust with extra pineapple.
"Can we have garlic bread and salad too grandad?"
"Sounds good to me." I replied.
We arrived back at my place and made our way to the kitchen.
Alicia jumped up on one of the breakfast bar stools as she did she dropped her school bag on the work top with some of the books it contained spilling out.
"Would you like a snack before tea?"
"Can I have a milkshake and some chocolate biscuits please?"
"I think I can organise that. Chocolate or strawberry milkshake?"
"Chocolate please grandad."
First I cleared away a couple of cameras from the worktop. I had been comparing some of their settings earlier that day.
I presented Alicia with a glass of chocolate milkshake and two chocolate biscuits.
"Thank you grandad."
"Right you enjoy your snack and I'll phone for a pizza. So it's Hawaiian with extra pineapple, garlic bread and salad? I'll order that for delivery about 6.00pm OK."
"OK. Don't forget the Coke too!"
"Oh Yeah! And Coke too." I confirmed.
I made the call and returned to the kitchen.
As I entered the kitchen Alicia swivelled round on the bar stool to face me. God she looked a picture, one white sock still bunched around her ankle, the other still in its proper place just below her knee, her grey pleated skirt had ridden up her legs to reveal a good deal of her young girl thighs, I noticed her white school blouse now had two of the middle buttons undone and was gaping open slightly showing a tiny bit of tummy flesh, her beaming smile was made to look quite comical by the thin line of chocolate milkshake that had adhered itself to her top lip.
"What a picture you look. Whatever you do don't move." I pleaded.
I quickly grabbed one of my cameras and fired of a few shots. Alicia insisted on pulling a few funny poses. I checked the photo's on the cameras viewing screen, as I zoomed in on one of the photo's I became aware that I could see right under Alicia's skirt due to the flash firing, I could clearly see she had white panties on. As I flipped through the photo's all I could think was, Alicia you look like a paedophiles dream. I'm ashamed to say my cock gave a twitch as those thoughts passed through my mind.
"Can I see?"
I took the camera over to Alicia, I let her hold the camera and showed her how to view the photo's in sequence, I hoped she wouldn't notice that the flash had made her panties visible. If she did notice she didn't say so, thank goodness.
I took the camera back and turned it off. I might have a closer look at those later I thought to myself.
"So, what have you been doing in school today?" I asked, as I put the camera away.
"Sex!" Came the single word answer.
Now I'm not sure what answer I was expecting, but the single word answer 'sex' had not even entered my mind. The answer completely threw me, I was expecting something like history, maths, English or another typical school subject, but 'sex'. No, I didn't see that one coming.
"Sex!" I replied, emphasising the word; I was now sat on a stool on the opposite side of the breakfast bar facing Alicia.
"Yeah!" We've been doing it all afternoon," she said; taking another gulp of milkshake adding yet more froth to the ever thickening chocolate moustache on her top lip.
I liked the way Alicia was innocently using the single word 'sex' to describe what I assumed to be a regular school sex education lesson.
I pondered for a moment, should I change the subject or pursue the subject of what constitutes 'sex' in the classroom. Curiosity of what kids learned about sex in school these days pointed me towards my next question.
"So how long have you been doing sex in school?". I deliberately emphasised the word 'sex'.
Alicia finished a mouth full of biscuit. "We've been doing sex two times a week all year." Was her reply.
I smiled inwardly to myself, and conjured up an image in my mind of a class full of 9 year old pupils having sex in the classroom twice a week. The mind is a powerful thing, powerful enough to make my cock begin to rise, straining against my lycra cycle shorts as I conjured up an image in my mind.
Curiosity was making me form more and more questions in my head. I decided to investigate this 'sex' subject further.
"So! What have you learnt about sex?"
Alicia took the last gulp of her milkshake and put the glass down. Wiping her now quite impressive chocolate moustache away with the back of her hand she replied "Everything."
"Everything." I replied; sounding a little surprised. I doubted a nine year old could know everything about sex, but I was now curious to find out just how much Alicia did actually know about sex.
"Wow! Everything is a lot to know about sex. I don't even think I know everything about sex," I admitted with a chuckle.
Alicia reached across the breakfast bar for a book that had earlier spilled from her school bag and pushed it across the worktop in my direction.
I turned the book to face me, the title read All About My Body. It was subtitled A guide to sex education, love and relationships. By Dr Mark Leaton COSRT.
"This is the book we work from in class."
I picked the book up with my left hand and with my thumb let the pages drop back down onto the worktop so I was essentially flipping through the book backwards. The book contained high quality imagery of naked bodies, as I continued to let the pages fall past my thumb I read the headings on some of the pages, Oral Stimulation was one Contraception was another, Masturbation another. I was beginning to feel a little self-conscious, almost embarrassed in fact, It felt like I was looking at a porn mag while my nine year old granddaughter watched me. Alicia was indeed watching me. I wanted to stop flipping the pages and take a longer look. I didn't. But why not? Was I afraid Alicia did know everything about sex and that she would embarrass me by telling me something I didn't know?
Get a grip man. I told myself.
I reached the beginning of the book, I let it fall open at the first page. The inside cover had all the usual copyright references, printers name and publication dates etcetera. The first page was entitled The Developing Body. It showed a set of full frontal pictures of developing male and female bodies, the first picture was of two babies. The caption read How the body looks aged 1 year old The second picture showed a boy and girl side by side, the caption read 5 years old The next pictures were captioned 10, 16 , 20, 40 and 70 years old Apart from the fist baby picture all the couples in the other pictures were holding hands, which I thought kind of strange, because it gave the pictures a slightly pornographic feel. To my photographers eye it was obvious that the pictures had all been taken in the same room with a similar background. All the picture were of a very high quality.
God that must have been a fun photo shoot to do, I thought to myself.
The thought of having to pose and photograph naked pre-teens or indeed any of the other age groups would have been quite interesting. Maybe I could get into this line of photography.
My gaze rested on the picture of the 10 year old boy and girl the clarity of the picture was superb. The boys body didn't look that much different form the picture of the 5 year old, he was obviously taller, but while his height had increased his body shape and his penis size appeared to have changed very little. The girls body shape on the other hand had changed quite markedly, she had start of gorgeous little breast bumps, topped by quite prominent nipples. Her waist and hips were taking on a womanly shape, plus her pubic mound was becoming more pronounced. Suddenly my thoughts turned to the photo's I had taken a few minutes ago and wondered what Alicia's pubic mound looked like behind those white panties that I knew she was wearing.
The ringing of the phone snapped me from my evil thoughts.
"Hi David. It's me." I recognised Zoe's voice again. This time she sounded much calmer.
"How you doing darling? How's your mother?"
"Oh David! The hospital says she can go home soon, trouble is she's so confused, I'd like to stay the night with her and make sure she's OK. Martin's away at a conference until the end of the week. So I was wondering if Alicia could stay with you tonight, and can you get her to school in the morning?"
"Sure. Don't worry about a thing, I've got a spare tooth brush she can have and the beds made up in the spare room." - I lied about the bed being made up, true the bed was in the spare room but the bedroom had become a dumping ground for boxes from setting up my studio - I've ordered in pizza as a treat for tea tonight, so everything's under control."
"Thank you David? Can I speak to Alicia please."
"Sure". I gestured to Alicia to come to the phone. "It's your mum, she wants to have a word," I handed Alicia the phone and went back to the breakfast bar.
While I had been talking to Zoe on the phone Alicia must have been leafing through the book, she had left the book open on the page titled Oral Stimulation it was a double page spread showing a couple performing oral sex. I recognised the couple as the 20 year olds from the front page. The pages showed a series of pictures of the man performing oral sex on the girl. It was noticeable that the girl was devoid of all pubic hair, although in the pictures at the front of the book she sported a neatly trimmed pubic area.
The opposite page showed the girl performing oral sex on the nicely endowed young man, his pubic hair had been shaved close to his body and his balls were perfectly smooth.
"Bye!...Love you mum!.... Bye!" Alicia put the phone down and rejoined me at the breakfast bar.
"Grandad! Mum says I'm going to sleep with you tonight." She said excitedly.
A image flashed through my mind, me sleeping with Alicia, my cock jumped at my evil thought.
I'm sure Zoe didn't actually tell Alicia that she would be 'sleeping with me' tonight. Had she? No.
It was a very nice thought though. Stop it, she's your granddaughter for God's sake, I told myself.
As I felt my cock jump sudden panic enveloped me. Bloody hell! I thought, while I had been looking at the images of the young couple performing oral sex, plus the image I had in my head of me and Alicia in bed together, I had developed quite a hard-on which was impossible to hide in my lycra cycle shorts.
"Grandad?" Alicia said, stretching the syllables of my name out as she spoke.
Oh fuck! Alicia was looking straight at me, she's spotted my hard-on. I thought.
"What time is the pizza coming?" she asked, I could sense her eyes were looking at the now very prominent outline of my erect cock being displayed in my lycra cycle shorts.
I glanced at my watch. "Should be here in about 45 minutes." I replied nervously, silently breathing a sigh of relief that although Alicia had obviously noticed my hard-on she didn't seem shocked or bothered.
Just as I thought an embarrassing situation had been avoided Alicia hits me with a knock out punch.
"Grandad. Has your penis has got an erection?" she asked, as she casually jumped back on the bar stool beside me. Not only had she noticed my erection but it didn't seem to faze her in the slightest. We were now both looking at the double page spread on oral sex. A nervous silence ensued, I was beginning to feel more and more embarrassed by the whole situation.
Where was I going with this now? I had chosen to question Alicia about her sex education lessons and the fact that she claimed to know everything about sex, before realising that Alicia was in possession of a school text book that showed virtually everything you needed to know about sex, and the fact that Alicia may already know everything about sex at the age of nine. Here I was standing next to my granddaughter with an erection in my shorts that she had just mentioned and we were now both looking at her school book describing in words and pictures the act of oral sex. How the hell did I move on from here? I was frozen to the spot, I could feel my throat becoming dry.
"Grandad? Did you ever do this with nan?" Alicia said, breaking the silence and pointing at the book. Alicia had always referred to my wife as nan and Zoe's mum as gran.
I heard the question but could not answer. My brain was turning to mush. I was being questioned by my granddaughter as to whether I had performed oral sex with my wife. If I sad no would she think I was odd. If I said yes would Alicia think it dirty in some way.
My brain was in turmoil. Tell the truth or lie? I had started something, and had nearly lost control of it, but it seemed that Alicia was determined to keep it going. Where was this going to end?
"Yes." Was my rather abrupt answer, the word catching in my dry throat.
"Oh! That's so cool grandad. Mr Francis says it's a brill sex thing to do."
"Who's Mr Francis?"
"He's my sex teacher."
"So he teaches you all about the sex in this book, does he?"
"Yeah!" Was her casual reply.
Alicia quickly flicked over the pages of the book stopping at Contraception and pointing to a picture of a fully erect penis sheathed in a condom.
"Grandad. Did you and nan use these?"
I began to relax a little, but my erection failed to subside. I realised that Alicia had absolutely no hang ups about talking about sex or indeed asking questions about sex.
I surprised myself how easily the answer came.
"Yes me and nan used to use condoms when we were very young, that is until she went on the pill." I elaborated.
"We had to practice putting a condom on a banana in class, Oliver was useless at it."
"Who's Oliver?" I asked.
"Oh, he's my class buddy. We have to work together on things in the book. I had to help Oliver put his condom on the banana. Mr Francis said I would be good at doing it on a real penis."
Wow, a teacher complimenting my granddaughter on her technique in putting on a condom, and telling her she would be good at the real thing. Once again I was becoming more and more curious as to how far Mr Francis took his sex education lessons.
"Grandad. I need to use the bathroom."
"OK. What say we go upstairs and find you something to change into because you will have to wear what you have on now to school tomorrow. I'll run the iron over your skirt and blouse it'll freshen them up a bit so you wont go to school looking too crumpled."
Alicia went to the bathroom while I went to my bedroom and looked for something she could wear. Perfect I thought, pulling out a couple of t-shirts from the back of the wardrobe. I had picked them up at a camera trade show, they were freebies given away by ProCam User magazine, I'd never worn them because they were far to big for me. One was XL the second XXL, I thought they would easily fit Alicia and she could wear one now and the use other to sleep in.
Alicia entered the bedroom.
"Here you are try these on. You can wear one now like a dress and use the other one as a nighty to sleep in. You try them on while I use the bathroom," I left Alicia to try the t-shirts on.
I returned to the bedroom a few minutes later to find Alicia standing by my bed in what looked like a very very short baggy mini dress, in fact if it had been two inches shorter it would have shown her panties. On the end of the bed were Alicia's skirt and blouse, I noticed that she had taken her shoes and socks off.
"What do you think grandad?"
Alicia lifted her arms up to shoulder height and did a pirouette. The action of lifting her arms up had the effect of raising the hem of the t-shit by quite some distance. Did my eyes deceive me? Holly shit! She hadn't got her panties on. As she spun round I had a quick glimpse of bear flesh. I glanced quickly at the pile of clothes on the bed and could just make out a pair of small white panties bunched together with her socks.
"Why don't you try the bigger t-shirt on. That one looks a bit short to me." I said, trying to encourage more modesty.
"This is the biggest t-shirt Granddad," she replied; pointing at the other t-shirt strewn on the bed.
"Right!......OK!...." I said stumbling over what to say next.
"Anyway I like this one, I think its makes me look sexy. Don't you think so grandad?"
"It sure does," aagh! Shit; I've just agreed out loud with my granddaughter that she looks sexy in a baggy t-shirt. Truth is, she did actually look very sexy. I could just imagine her starring in a porn photo shoot. Maybe... just maybe... I had my new studio set up ...after all Alicia was my star model, fucking hell! why did I keep thinking these things?
Trying to coming to my senses I quickly moved to the bed and collected up Alicia's clothes.
"I'll put these to wash." I said picking up her socks and panties.
"They'll be dry by the morning."
There was a loud knock on the front door.
"Pizza!" Cried Alicia.
I grabbed my wallet and followed Alicia downstairs to the front door. Alicia reached the door first, as she reached up to unlatch the Yale lock the hem of the far to short t-shirt lifted to present me with view of her pert sexy little bottom. I was beginning to think more and more evil sexy thoughts about Alicia, hell this was going to be a difficult night with my granddaughter running around the house with just a baggy t-shirt on, one that was far to short to be considered decent.
The pizza and accompanying goodies were handed to Alicia, she turned and headed off to the kitchen. I still had Alicia's school clothes tucked under my arm and her socks and panties in my hand. I could see the pizza guy's eyes watching Alicia disappear down the hallway. I handed over the money.
"Have an enjoyable evening sir." He gave me a little wink and a knowing smile. I closed the door.
I went to the laundry room and quickly rinsed Alicia's socks and panties out, squeezed them dry and put them in the dryer cabinet. I couldn't help noticing how skimpy her panties were. I'd iron her skirt and blouse later.
As I entered the kitchen Alicia was sat at the same barstool, again she swivelled round to face me. She already had the pizza box open and the garlic bread and salad out on a plate. She held a triangle of pizza close to her mouth blowing on it. The Oh so short t-shirt was actually less revealing than her school skirt had been, the excess material had gathered in a clump at the top of her legs plus she had her knees close together.
"Do you want to take some photo's of me eating my pizza grandad?
"Ugh!... Oh! Yeah! OK!."
I picked up a camera and turned to Alicia, what I saw made me give an audible little groan, she still had the piece of pizza close to her mouth but now the clump of t-shirt in her lap had been stretched tight across the tops of her legs and her knees were now about six inches apart. I was being presented with a view of the most beautiful nine year old pussy I had ever seen. This was no accident I thought, while I had turned to pick up my camera she had deliberately pulled the t-shirt tight across the tops of her legs and let her knees fall apart slightly.
I put the camera up to my eye and zoomed in and fired off a few head and shoulder shots, adjusted the zoom and snapped a few full body shots, for the next few shots I zoomed in on my granddaughter's nine year old pussy, I took three photo's zooming in closer each time the forth photo I filled the camera's view finder with nine year old pussy, the detail!, I could even see that her little mound glistened a little. Fuck me, I thought, she's wet! I could feel my erection starting to return. I took the camera from my eye, I didn't bother to review the photo's this time, but as I went to put the camera down Alicia said "Can I see the photo's please grandad?"
I could feel beads of sweat breaking out on my brow, my hands were physically shaking as I approached Alicia with the camera, she made no effort to close her knees together or hide the fact that I could obviously see her fully exposed pussy. Alicia took a big bite out of the piece of pizza she was holding putting the rest back down in the box. In a daze I just handed her the camera. She was about to find out that her grandad was a dirty old pervert pervert, who was taking close up photo's of her pussy.
I stood beside Alicia. I felt like a naughty school boy who had been summoned to the headmasters office to be punished for looking at dirty pictures in a porn mag. Alicia started to review the photo's. The camera started with the photo's I had taken earlier, she moved through the photo's, she paused, turned the camera towards me she said. "I like this one grandad, look you can see my panties." all I could do was answer "mmm!" in agreement. I knew the next photo's she would see were the ones I had just taken.
Alicia went back to viewing the photo's. What was her reaction going to be when she saw the last few, the close up's of her pussy? I didn't have to wait long to find out.
"Grandad! You naughty man!" She said with a big beaming smile on her face, turning the camera to show me the last of the photo's I had taken.
"Just a minute young lady. It's not just me that's being a bit naughty is it?"
"What! I'm not naughty, I'm a good girl." She replied with an impish little grin.
"Yeah! Right!," I challenged. "You'll be telling me next it was an accident that your t-shirt got pulled up and you let your knees fall open a bit so I could see your ... your..." Oh fuck. What was I going to call her pussy? A pussy, cunt, vagina, I don't know, I was becoming a little agitated now.
"See my what grandad?," she said; dropping a hand down and fiddling with the hem of the t-shirt.
"Mr Francis says it can be called lots of things."
"OK! So what does Mr Francis recommend you call your...your...," Oh fuck, I'm stuck again I thought.
"Well! Mr Francis says the proper name is vagina but it's called lots of other names too like, coochie, cunny, kitty, but we all liked pussy best."
"We?" I said quizzically.
"Yeah! In class we had to decide the best name for a girls vagina and we all said pussy."
"Right, so it wasn't an accident that you let me take photo's of your.... pussy," I said making my voice sound as if I was annoyed by emphasising the word pussy.
"I'm sorry grandad," she said; bowing her head.
"I was feeling sexy in this t-shirt and I know you like taking photo's of me, I thought you'd like to take some sexy ones of me that's all."
I could sense she was about to cry.
"Oh!. Alicia!... Alicia!... Alicia! I said; putting my arm around her shoulders and giving her a hug.
I lifted her chin with my hand, a tear drop fell into my palm.
"Hey! Come on, don't cry," another tear drop rolled down her cheek and fell on my hand.
"You don't have to be sorry, you know I love taking photo's of you, it's just that things have got a bit mad this afternoon haven't they?"
"Uhuh!" she said; agreeing with a little sniffle.
"I know! Why don't we set about eating this pizza before it gets cold and we'll chat about this later. Yes!"
"OK!" Alicia replied with a tearful smile.
To be continued.
Forever Pandering
Unless it is the English way Millimeters rather than millimetre
Nan and I instead of me and Nan....
Not trying to be picky wicky, but I do notice these things. Great effort, slow, believable pace.
Have a great day :)
You wrote, 'As she spun round I had a quick glimpse of bear flesh.'
Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I hate it when Smokey the Bear sneaks into my erotic readings!!! Perhaps you meant 'bare' flesh. Changing the order of the letters makes a world of difference, no matter where the writer is from.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |