Published: 8-Oct-2011
Word Count:
Because Heidi had just kind blacked out for a few Teacher sat back and admired the little girl as the video camera in the ceiling caught all the action. Larry was sure to love the DVD Teacher was going to make of this sweet little preteen girl. She was smoking hot.
Teacher also had a chance to take a closer look at her wonderful little pussy. And wonderful it was indeed. He could see how really tiny and small it was. It would be a very nice challenge to slide his cock into this tight of a hole for sure. Teacher at 5'10" wasn't a really big man weighing around 145lbs. But he was nothing but solid muscle. He was half French which made him almost hairless and the hair he did have he had removed by laser many years ago. In fact the only hair he did have was on his head being his eyebrows eyelashes and head. His other half being Irish gave him a very thick and large member. His cock stood a proud 9.5" and was almost just as thick and got much thicker at his root, he was also cut sporting a large cock head with a pronounced cone shaped tip that was just made to split open little virgin preteen girls.
Teacher stood up and undid his robe letting it fall to the floor and his massive cock come free. Next he grabbed the bottle of "Oil". He poured the lube all over little Heidi's sweet little pussy and thighs along with his massive cock. It was time to take Heidi's innocence! He had waited long enough for this moment. He has watched her for days he waited for the right time to take her. Watching that sweet little ass of hers walk around admiring her pouty lips and lack of tits. But first he just set his massive member on top of Heidi's mound to let the video camera catch the site of his giant cock compared to her tiny little slit. Hell he even stared with disbelief that his cock could fit in such a small hole.
He bent over the little girl and started kissing her nipples again giving them a lick and a suck until he herd his little prey start to come around and moan. He also started to rub the shaft of his cock on her little slit. Up and down in a purposeful way. This was going to be great he thought.
When Heidi came around she felt two things the first was her nipples being played with again and that was so nice. The other was something rubbing along her slit. What could that be? She remembered Teacher licking her little slit and something wonderful happening but then she went kind of blank. What was happening now was wonderful and she liked it a lot. As a matter of fact she started to grind her little hips up and down to feel more of what was rubbing her slit. She wanted more and what she learned so far today was to take what she wanted. So take she did. Heidi wrapped her legs around Teachers waist and just started rocking up and down. She wanted that feeling again and she planned on getting it!
As Teacher stroked the shaft of his cock up and down on Heidi's sweet little pussy and sucked on her nipples Heidi suddenly started to thrust back at him with her hips bucking as one may say. Then she wrapped her little legs around him and started fucking him. Fucking him that's right he thought she was fucking him. This little preteen virgin of only 10 years old having just had her first orgasm was indeed fucking him. Oh this was way to good to be true he thought. This girl was going to sell a lot of DVDs.
At that point Teacher decided it was time to spear her little pussy with his giant shaft. So he took his mouth off her sweet little tit and looked her in the eyes. Then as he stroked up and down on her sopping wet little pussy he went a little closer to the head of his cock with each stroke. Soon he was stroking her with just part of the shaft and the little nub under the head that some call a male clit and finally the head itself. He stroked and stroked and looked into her eyes as she looked back with a look of true pleasure in her eyes. A look that had to be pre-orgasmic.
Then Teacher slid the tip of his cock to her now little open pussy. He started fucking her with just the very tip of his giant cock. Every time he slid it in a little more she would respond with pulling him into her. As a matter of fact she was helping him by moving her little butt all over like she wanted it inside of her. Well who was he to deny her of that?
Heidi loved the tit sucking and slit stroking she was receiving. She was so involved in it that she just kept stroking back. She needed more and wanted that feeling again more than anything in the whole world right now. Teacher had taken his mouth off of her little nipple and was now looking into her eyes. Wow she thought this was so wonderful. Then she noticed that Teacher wasn't wearing anything anymore. So that was it she thought he must have been stroking her with his thing. What was it called his penis or something like that? Well it didn't really mater what it was called she knew what it was and she didn't care. It felt great and she wanted more of it. Then something changed. The penis or what ever it was must have slid in a different way as though it wanted to enter her tiny slit. Whatever it was doing it felt really nice so she just started wiggling her little bottom around to feel it better and boy that really made a difference to her and she started wiggling even more. Heidi knew she was about to get that feeling again and she couldn't wait.
Teacher couldn't wait any longer and knew the time was right. With all the medication he had given her and the lube along with her just having an orgasm she was as relaxed as she could be. It was time! He looked deep into her eyes and said "Hold on baby this is going to hurt for a little while so just deal with it and it will get better I promise"!
Then he just tore into her bald virgin pussy slamming about 5" of thick pulsating man meat through her ripping her hymen to shreds in the process. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH"! Heidi screamed as he tore into her. "AHHH AAAHHH AHHH"! She wailed like a stuck little pig! Teacher held her firmly as not to move inside of her, she needed to relax and get used to his giant member being there. She bucked and flopped like a fish out of water trying to escape the throbbing cock buried deep inside her tight little pussy. Teacher looked into her eyes and just about came. He loved the first thrust into a virgin preteen pussy; the look in their eyes and Heidi's eyes were in shock and he loved it. Not to mention how her pussy was so wet smooth and extremely tight like velvet vice! It was all he could do to hold himself back from cuming and to hold her still so it wouldn't hurt so much. Finally she calmed down after wearing herself out trying to get away and just lay there, im paled on his shaft.
Heidi was about to have that feeling again and she was desperate for it. Then all of the sudden Teacher looked into her eyes and said something about pain and that she shouldn't worry or something like that. She didn't catch the whole thing she was to busy trying to get that feeling again. Then it happened, that penis or whatever you call it just like slammed into her and OMG did it HURT! She screamed and hollered and tried to get away from it. She lost her breath and thrust about trying to get that thing that was causing her so much pain out of her. She looked up and Teacher was just looking at her with a strange look in his eyes like he was really enjoying this. OMG it hurt so much and her eyes started to water and she couldn't get away for the thing inside of her. She tried to roll and buck and squirm away but nothing she did worked at all. Teacher was like following her every move with that monstrous thing of his buried deep inside of her. There was nothing she could do. She fought and fought but nothing worked and what was worse is every time she moved it hurt more and more. Finally in pain, tired and worn out she gave up and just lie there with that monster inside of her, filling her up.
Teacher took his hand and stroked her hair back and kissed her tears. He kissed her eyes and her nose and told her it was going to be all right the hard part was over. He told her he was very proud of her. Telling her she was a very brave girl. Then he kissed her some more and worked his way back down to her wonderful little nipples that he was beginning to love so much. Teacher took her little nipple into his mouth once more and slowly and gently he could feel her come back to life again. He knew that it was only a matter of time before she started fucking him! He licked and sucked on those cute little tits that he loved so much, after all he was a tit man or again lack of tit man and her tits were so very nice. He was hard as a rock and wanted to fuck her of course, but he was her Teacher after all and this was a lesson she had to learn on her own. She had to learn to enjoy a big fat juicy cock in side of her tight little pussy and lean how to cum with it buried in her. She had to learn, he had done his part he supplied the cock and now she must accept it and lean to love it. In the meantime he would enjoy a little tit time and enjoy he did. He really hoped that the cameras caught how tremendously hard her little nipples were as this DVD when finished would be a source of pleasure for years to cum.
Heidi was lying back in pain, she had given up when Teacher came up and brushed her hair out of her eyes and told her everything was going to be all right now. He even kissed away her tears and told her she was brave. He even said he was proud of her. All of this was of course kind of a blur she was still in pain but not as much as she was before. Teacher was now kissing her again and moving his lips toward her tits and she liked that. Maybe just maybe she thought everything was going to be all right after all. When Teacher started sucking on her tits Heidi started to feel good again. Her tits started to feel great and she just loved having Teacher suck on them. That tingly feeling in her little snatch started to come back. Hummm she thought I wonder. So she moved her little bottom just a little bit and found that it didn't hurt much at all now. In fact it felt kind of nice. She didn't understand how that could be but she wasn't about to complain. Heidi wrapped her tiny legs around Teacher's waist. It did still hurt a bit but also the pain was being replaced by an even better feeling than she had before. So she tried moving her little butt up and down on his thing like she did before it was inside her. When she did she was rewarded by even more pleasure. Wow she thought this is great it doesn't hurt at all now. Heidi moved some more and got more pleasure. Soon she was moving her little bottom and hoping that Teacher would start sliding his thing in and out of her. She thought that might feel good as she ground her hips up to meet his throbbing cock. She didn't have long to wait!
Teacher was enjoying himself with Heidi's little titties. He really liked the way she responded when the sucked them into his mouth. Then just as he predicted she started moving around on his cock she wrapped her tiny legs around him and slowly started to fuck him. Even though Heidi didn't know what fucking was she sure did learn fast. Heidi was beginning to fuck him and fuck him good. Teacher being a kind man decided it was time to help little Heidi. So he started to slide into her letting her lead the way so to speak with her little ass grinding up to meet his enormous cock. He took his mouth off of her tit and went back to her face. He looked in her eyes and said, "Go ahead my little angel. Fuck Teacher's cock honey"! He slid his hands under her and cupped her cute little butt in his hands like he dreamed of doing just days, wait not days ago, but hours ago. Teacher loved the feel of her little tight butt in his hands and started to stroke her on his own now. Hell she was ready to get fucked and he was ready to fuck her but he didn't go any deeper, he was still only giving her about 5" of nice fresh Dick.
As Heidi was grinding her little sugar snatch up against Teachers cock he quit sucking on her tits and looked in her eyes again and said something about his cock? Was that what it was called, she would have to remember that. She loved it when Teacher slid his hands under her little bottom and then all of the sudden he started sliding that cock in and out of her.
Teacher was gentle at first letting her get used to him being in charge, he slid his cock out to where just the tip was in her and then slid it gently back in to where it was before. In and out in and out. "MMMmmmmmmmmmmm". Heidi was a great fuck and Teacher was so enjoying himself. "That a girl Heidi, nice little pussy you have mmmm, sweet baby pussy. Ahhhhhhhh yes my sweet little girl mmmm".
Little Heidi was really getting into her first fuck session and soon she was feeling Teachers hard cock sliding gently in and out of her little slit. His hands felt so nice on her butt and she was building up to that special feeling again and hoped that Teacher would let her have it this time. He was talking to her to saying things like her pussy was nice, she liked that "pussy" that must be her slit she thought.
Teacher having a hell of a great time, not only was Heidi getting used to fucking but he knew she was going to cum all over his cock soon. Her pussy was so tight and wet that he was having trouble not Cumming himself. However being the wonderful Teacher he was he kept stroking in and out of his new preteen lover, a little faster he thought. "Oh yes Heidi how about a little faster baby, yes mmmm more cock for my little baby pussy girl, mmmm aaaaahhhhh, so sweet so wet so tender, you are such a great little fuck Heidi".
Teacher was now sliding in and out of her faster now however Heidi wanted more. She now knew what her little slit had wanted all day long. It wanted a great big Cock and by God she was going to get it. She started bucking and grinding on and off of Teachers big Cock and yelled "oooohhhhhhh, aaaaahhhhh, oOOOOOhhhhHHHH please give me more, I want more, please".
When Teacher started going faster little Miss Heidi went nuts on him. She started bucking uncontrollably and grinding her little pussy onto his cock. Then she took him totally by surprise when she yelled. "Oooohhhhhhh, aaaahhhhhhh, oOOOOOhhhhHHHH please give me more, I want more, please". That was fucking it! Teacher started fucking the ever loving shit out of this little girl. He started slamming it in and out of her hard, he didn't go any deeper but he went hard. He couldn't help it she was just to hot of a piece of ass not to. She had him so turned on he just went nuts back on her. "Fuck Heidi you're so hot, such mmmm... a nice little piece ahhh... of ass you are. Fuck your soo... fine baby, your pussy is the tightest ever".
Teacher must have got the hint Heidi thought because he started to give her that cock and give it to her good and he was talking nasty too. And OMG she loved it. She pulled herself up to meet every thrust and pulled down to meet every withdraw of his wonderfully big hard cock. She realized then that she loved Cock yes she loved Cock indeed. The more the better and before long she was ready to cum.
Teacher couldn't hold back anymore as he pumped the tiny preteen girl hard and fast until he exploded into her. The first jet shot like a rocket into her then right back out oozing out of her with a little blood mixed in with it, oozing out from her stretched little bald snatch as she was just stuffed full of Cock meat. Teacher came so hard he almost fell down. A second and third shot flew from his love gun. "AAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Aahhhhhhhhhh Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"! He cried as the forth and fifth load flew from him. Heidi was Cumming with him. She was bucking and shaking all over the place she must have cum six or seven times.
Something was happening to Teacher. His giant cock was spasming inside of her and he was crying out. That was it for her the spunk spraying inside of her must have hit something because Heidi started Cumming in buckets as he cried out she came as well. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHH"! Again and again she came harder and harder those feelings came to her and she bucked and shook and shuddered all over Teachers big Cock. The two of them fell to the table Teacher on top of student. Or was it the other way around?
End Of Part 3
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