Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 2

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by cats


Published: 30-Oct-2011

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It's pretend ok? Nothing is real, nor will it be. Fantasy!

"Tara, you wait for me please to help you with your garter and makeup. Mom will be in in a few minutes." I heard Jennie call out from the bathroom as I finished adjusting a few lights in our home studio. "Ok but hurry mom. I can't wait to show daddy what Sarah made for me." she replied in reference to another like minded mom we had met in our neighborhood. She and her husband had no children but surprisingly enough they were the ones we found to produce the custom slutty attire we like to parade Tara around in. They had originally begun their operation making skating and dance outfits for preteens. Like us they had run across photos online from a couple of the now closed studio sites that featured prepubescent lolis dressed to thrill. Sarah and Brian knew someplace there was a market for fitted attire. So far we had been paying them in cash but Jen made it clear that in time we would barter Tara's impish body for clothing. We also knew that secretly the elderly childless couple couldn't wait to use our trollop and golden goose.

The studio was to have been a bedroom for a second child but after Jen's complications during Tara's birth we mutually ruled that out. We now had come to the conclusion that any new additions to the family would be via Tara as my surrogate wife. While Jen loved her child with her whole heart and would never see her harmed I sometimes wondered if she felt Tara owed her much in return for the pain she went through to bring her into the world. If so, the precocious hussy was paying us back beyond our wildest dreams and we were just beginning to barely tap the subjects we could use her for photographically not to mention pimping her in the future. As for Tara, she was getting very anxious for us to finally wrap up the last of our intact hymen series. Truthfully Jen and I were as anxious as her to tear that delicate, translucent membrane apart and begin cashing in on the last fuck hole she had to offer. Knowing that act was one of the most taboo and rare acts between a preteen and her own father we had decided to either auction off the stills and vids to the highest bidder or offer a pay per view webcam at an outlandish price. It was little Tara herself who reminded us that deep, to the balls, vaginal fucking was seldom seen even in the pedo community. They had seen countless rehashed scenes of oral and even anal with preteens and even toddlers yet were hungry for the masterful fucking of a cuntlet. All of us were bored with the lame shots of a full grown mans engorged cock head just barely inside an undeveloped cunt. We already knew that once we began shooting hard core with her that her oral skills were practically unmatched. Jen's research had shown that only one girl near Tara's age was filmed easily deep throating a man's fully erect cock. The same girl who could climb aboard that same lucky adult and take him to the root in her prepubescent vagina and often ended films by gaping her seven year old ass open without benefit of any help from a pair of hands. It was obvious she had been used as a sex toy since she was a toddler and her love of her role in life was as evident as Tara's. We were all confident that Tara would somehow take almost eight solid inches of veiny daddy dick up her abdomen. I was still thinking of this when Jen stopped in the room on her way to help Tara with makeup.

She walked in smiling and radiant as always. Dressed only in a well worn robe and sans makeup she was still as stunning as when she was modeling professionally only a few years ago. There was no denying where our daughter got her trim body and ravishing looks not to mention her already long legs. I locked the photo umbrella and walked her way. Her eyes drifted down to my casual dress and saw the thick, long, rubbery snout of my foreskin poking out from the hem of my cutoff sweats. With a bit of a smirk she said, "You better tuck that horse cock away baby if you want to get anything done and try not to let your goat balls hang out either. You know the poor kid is dying to have you finally fuck her cherry out. Can't expect her to be happy just giving you her throat and ass forever." She had a knack for equating my breed package to some animal or another and already our daughter was doing the same thing!

Jen was right I thought as did my best to stuff my meat back out of sight even though I loved watching my child's eyes smolder whenever she saw my fuck organ. "I know hon. She's been watching that old black and white clip of that girl you found nonstop lately."

Jen nodded and added, "Well that's the clip where I finally swayed her she could take you in her throat. Watching me do it wasn't enough to convince her you could get down inside her neck. Besides I too want to watch you put the cock to her properly and just think......once you do we can finally team fuck her!"

I had to smile thinking of my wife donning one of her many strap ons and mounting our little tramps ass while I power fucked her cuntlet. "Tell her this will be the last 'vanilla' shoot. After today we will start doing hardcore sex with her for our clients." Don't get me wrong, while the sensations of fucking her well greased ass tube or feeling her esophagus undulating along my gristle is not far removed from the texture of cuntal flesh, it was the thought of tapping her womb that was the added thrill. I was also looking forward to filming strangers using her as much or more than her mother and Tara both. From the slight gap in Jen's well worn robe I could see a glistening bead of cunt syrup midway down her silky loin. I knew that this talk excited her as well and hidden from sight behind her robe and a thick, wild forest of long, black hairs her own fuck hole was seeping. I nodded toward it and joked, "Go get her ready for the gyno shoot baby before you cream a load."

She giggled and turned toward the door while tossing a remark over her shoulder, "I'm gonna cream her face when we get done." Jen entered the models little bedroom knowing she had left her man with thoughts of her long, ragged labia poised an inch over Tara's open mouth feeding her a meal of heavy cunt sap. The pedo mothers eyes glazed over when she saw Tara standing near the window. It never got old seeing the utter perfection of her only child. In fact these were some of the best years they would have with her. True, they had gently molested and used her in some ways since she was an infant as they groomed her for her role. But the nature of their taboo lifestyle began to cusp when Tara herself began to take an active role in her slutdom. Now that she was seven she had lost all of that baby fat that had been so appealing when she was a toddler. Instead she was beginning to have the facial features of an older girl while developing longer well toned legs. Best of all Jen thought as she traced her lips with her tongue the preteen was in that all too short window of kiddie perfection. She too knew they were sinners and could express her love of it and her inborn desire for the life. Best of all she was at the epitome of perfection for her and Glenn. A shapeless stick of living, breathing, wanton fuck flesh without a hint of hips or breasts. The sunlight filtered through the sheer white negligee as Tara stood beside the window already knowing the view she was presenting her mother of a profile of her tiny yet surprisingly long right nipplette.

Tara turned and grinned. "It fits great don't it mom? Hurry and help me with my garter and stockings so I can try on my new shoes." Jen swallowed and curbed her own lust as she stepped closer and replied, "Damn they did do a great job honey!" She then gently placed her hands on Tara's shoulders and turned her face to face. Her motherly eyes proudly took in the outfit and paused at the lacy matching panties that scarcely hid the charms of preteen pussy exposing just a hint of virgin slit. Tara's plump peach fuzzed mound was a stark contrast from her mothers well used heavily forested sex. Above that feast was the hard plane of the youngsters tummy adorned with a diamond pendant that dangled invitingly from her small, sexy navel. The tiny jewel was at the tip of an arrow pointing the way to her fuck chamber. "See how nice those panties fit baby? Isn't this much better then when you were wearing moms?"

Tara beamed. "They're awesome mom and I don't have to feel like those poor Russian models anymore!"

"They got nothing on you now honey." Jen proudly answered as she retrieved the micro sized garter belt and altered hose from the top of the pink and white dresser. The garter was fairly easy to fabricate for the older husband and wife team but they had cautioned her to be careful with the nylons. They had to take almost eighteen inches off the tops and carefully re hem the lace tops. This they explained solved the problem that so often glaringly presented itself in even the best loli modeling sites. The distracting look of oversized adult hosiery on a preteens thin, coltish legs. Jen knelt down on the floor eye level with her girls soon to be ripped cunt and allowed herself the brief luxury of gliding her soft palms down the outside of her money makers toned and tanned legs. She shivered as she felt the faint wisps of downy blonde silk that shimmered like gold on Tara's calves. Jen envied not having to deal with shaving her legs, the only hairs she forced herself to fiddle with. "Beautiful baby. So precious." she huskily whispered to herself envisioning them gently draped behind her husbands powerful back.

"I can do that mom." Tara said taking Jen back to reality as she reached for the delicate garter.

"Tag goes in back honey." Jen answered as she watched her charge step into the slip of fabric and plant it where her hips would one day, too soon, begin to form. Once done Tara lifted one dainty foot and pointed her tiny painted toes as Jen sensually rolled first one then the other sheer white nylons up her legs. She showed Tara how to set the clasps and had her turn around to be certain the sexy clasps were straight. It was a shame to encase such perfectly smooth legs in fabric she thought yet knowing a stockingless garter would look downright silly. She made one final adjustment and took a moment to cup her girls rock hard little butt. It still amazed her that an ass she could easily eclipse with two petite female hands could not only take a pounding from her or her husbands slamming hips but at times could fuck back as hard as they gave it. She leaned forward and placed a kiss atop the flimsy material before turning the trollop around again. "Ok sweetheart. Sit down and get your fuck me shoes on so you can get used to them while I get your makeup on."

Tara sat on her tiny bed and placed the sexy stilettos she and mom had ordered on her feet. She had secretly worn them around her room a few times already in order to figure out the straps and get used to walking on the highest spikes she had yet worn. They had fought in a good natured manner over what color shoes to wear. Jen had won with virginal white. Besides she wanted to get a handle on how she would look one day when they staged a mock wedding between her and her incest loving daddy. Finally securing the straps around her slim ankles she stood up without a hitch or a wobble on the six inch spikes. The heels actually brought the girls mouth even with the thick, rubbery nipples she still loved to nurse on.

Another ten minutes went by as Jennie carefully applied the light layers of makeup to the budding porn star. She paid close attention to her eye makeup and carefully traced her pouty cock sucking lips with a light coat of glossy blood red lipstick smiling as she did. She would have to tell Tara one day that that was how hookers of old advertised their mouth holes for hire. Setting the makeup down she wrapped up their play toy with a pair of diamond pendant earrings and a spritz of cologne. Unlike many of their shoots her hair was brushed straight down to the middle of her back instead of the usual pig tails or handlebars as her father liked to call them.

"All done baby girl. Go have a look."

Tara strutted with ease on the towering fuck me shoes to the full length mirror and as she took in her utter perfection in pedo beauty she spoke softly to the reflection of her mom behind her in the mirror. "Mom.....did you ask him? Is dad gonna finally fuck me today? Fuck me open?" She longed deeply to finally feel his great, bloated cumbags swinging and slapping her like they did her chin or pussy lips when he used her mouth and rectum.

"Not for the shoot darling but I have a feeling after he sees you he will fuck your cherry out when we are done. I hope so or I may do it myself." she added with a laugh. Tara grinned in the mirror imaging her mother probing her cervix with the same strap on she had often used up her clinging intestines. She shivered and felt her oversized clit throb under the meaty hood. Turning around she stated, "I want him up my belly today mom. What's the shoot about anyway?"

On the short walk toward the 'studio' Jen explained that she was going to play a nurse that is visiting a preteen/adult night club that offers as a benefit free gyno and breast exams. Both smiled inwardly at the subject. Tara loved having highly detailed close up photos taken of the outside and insides of her most private parts. They made a short visit to the master bedroom while Jen quickly changed into a sensual nurses outfit. Tara eyed the bed she had been fucked into her mother on longingly. She hoped her handsome father/lover would fuck her pregnant on the same exact bed and soon. The much talked about preggo series would rake in money galore she knew.


As I said. My stories are always developing. No one pagers with eight various fucks in three paragraphs.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


A preteen and her father!! Wonderful, please continue. I can't wait for your preggo series, it's so thrilling fucking bareback your sweet darling just in fertile time!!


I really liked this story, love how Tara is basically making herself a straight up whore not only in actions, but in appearance as well. Her whole appearance says that I'm to be used as a fuck toy. Again, the idea of a pregnant 7 year old is brought up, which I hope happens, I have always loved the idea of pre-teen pregnancy in stories, the younger the better.


HOLY SHIT AWESOME! Great writing, descriptive. Both mommy and dad know the meaning of what my father called JCCFM....Joan Crawford Come Fuck Me shoes....mentioned watching Sonny and Cher...I was like OMG TRUE......Joan Crawford was the best mommy....Loving the storyline. Please don't be gentle. Fantasy :D


No one pagers with eight various fucks in three paragraphs.


Moms and Dads and their little tiny daughters our kind of love


If you bring up your daughter right, she will be just that eager for her first time. Teach her about sex and play with her a bit, let the idea sink in that she will be fucked by daddy. Soon enough she will be begging 'I want him up my belly today mom.'

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