Published: 7-Oct-2011
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If you remember a webe web model named Megan, you will remember her eyes and that thousand yard stare. She always managed to seem so much older than her years. Her gaze appeared to be weighed down by some unseen force. The onlooker one might think her to be a bitch or to possess an attitude. But look more closely at her eyes and you may realize that the sweet young model had a dark expression for a reason. Behind the scenes when the camera was turned off here was a direct reason for Megan's distant looks, and for those eyes looking so absent of emotion at times. The other models seemed to have a joyful teenaged young girl expression about them. Sweet, tight and beautiful Megan always managed to look troubled. Truth be told it was because she spent the better part of her day bound and helpless on display. Or in a great deal of pain for not pleasing me.
Have you ever looked at the background of some of her sets. I mean really stopped and looked beyond her tight ass and flawless little body. A desert setting and an old trailer with a yard cluttered with junk. The gnarled trees and the layout of the land would indicate these pictures were taken somewhere in the southwest. This is where my little kitten spent most of 2.5 years being trained by me. From a 14 year old stoner chick to a well-trained slave, but that transformation did not happen overnight.
Arizona to be exact, that's where I found her and kept her. The location shall remain nameless, because that is where she was taken at age 14 and kept for over two years. The carefree life of a teen girl's dreams gave way to the reality of harsh bondage and repeated rape and torture for the young beauty.
I first saw Megan when she was 14 walking down the street with a girlfriend. She was wearing tight hip hugger blue jeans with a midriff tank top and a white leather belt. Brittany was her real name, but her stage name came upon me the moment I decided I was going to take her and make her my fuck toy and sex slave. I decided right then and there her new name was to be Megan, she looked like a Megan. So adorable and young in her tight jeans which gave her the most delightful camel toe. The petite kitten hips and that tight jean clad butt were awesome. In fact it was that camel toe that pushed me over the edge and drove me to my decision to steal the little teen cock teaser. 5'2 and 104 lbs. she was petite and tight. Her dirty blond hair blew in the wind as she walked and smiled with another girl who wore similar come rape me clothing. They smoked as they walked unaware of the weight of my gaze.
They walked with ease at 1:30 on a Wednesday afternoon; my teen princess was cutting class so I followed her and took notes. One day when she was spread and helpless I would spank her for this offense, make her beg for cock and apologizing for being truant. Finding where she lived was easy enough and learning her routes took another two months, but the wait was well worth it. Most days she wore the tight faded camel toe jeans. After seeing the kind of guys she liked to hang out with it was easy to see she was a stoner chick. I had my place in the desert that was around three hours away and was totally isolated. I began to stock it with all the necessities that a teen fuck toy would need. There was no short coming of rope and torture devices to train Megan with. A small Airstream trailer and several out buildings dotted the landscape. I began to set up my photo studio in an air conditioned building that would double as Megan's training center as well. It was complete with a cell, and a hot tub. I had a blast collecting the wardrobe that I was going to feature her in when her training was advanced enough. Bikini's and short shorts and plenty of heels, were among the first items I bought. She normally wore some kind of sketcher boot that was popular with the stoner crowd, but that would change. I built a closet of clothing that most young bitches would die for.
Dear Diary, I skipped class today and fucked off with Chelsy, we got high and met Braden and Hunter down at the park. Kickin it for the afternoon in the sun is way cool. Biology suck's ass anyway so I'd rather chill down at the park. Those fucking prep kids are total snobs and assholes. Peter keeps trying to flirt with me trying to ask me out. When will these type of guys figure out that I like my men tough, dark and mysterious, kind of dangerous I guess. Anyway the weekend is going to be great, Kammy is having a party, her parents are out of town and she is watching her little brother. Should be seriously fun. My fucking dad was on my ass again today, asking me what I want to do with my life. What a clueless old fuck, I wonder if he was ever young?
I saw her again today going into school in a pair of tight blue jean shorts and a T shirt with a peace sign on it. That butt must drive the boys crazy in the hallways. Because she gives me serious wood and I have self-control. Those poor bastards must be jacking off in the bathroom. Don't get me wrong I have been jacking off to the pictures I have taken of her walking with her girlfriend around town. I usually blow my wad thinking what I am going to do to her when I get her back to my place. My cocky little stoner rebel girl will become a well-trained sex slave, and that may take years. I hope it does. I have decided to nab her on the 25th on her way to school, that's a Friday and that will give me the weekend to get things smoothed out.
November 22nd 2005 Dear Diary, not much to say today, gym class was fun we kicked ass in volleyball. That lez Tammy Northman was looking at me in the locker room again, she gives me the creeps always looking at me. Chelsey just laughs her ass off every time I bitch about it. Thanksgiving is in a few days and my dad wants me to go up north with him and mom to his mother's house. No fucking way, that place smells like old people and I got so bored last year it was nuts. I told him I was invited to Rachel's parents for dinner so they are leaving me behind, thank god. I am feeling horney thinking about Braden so I going to sign off and do the nasty with self, fuck I am a bad girl and a bitch and loving every minute of it.
I brought the white van back today and got the cuffs ready as well as the tape and rope, the complete rape kit. I sat and went through my plans once more, then jacked off to her pictures again, hearing the sounds of her sweet muffled protests with her mouth packed full of her panties and duct taped shut. I leaned back and moaned and blew my juice all over the floor of where she would be bound and gagged in a few short hours. I wonder what the little cunt will be wearing when I grab her sweet ass off of the street.
Dear Diary Braden finally got off his ass and asked me to go to the Christmas dance with him. I told him I would think it over, he looked so cute like a lost puppy not sure what to do. He lightened up when I kissed him on the cheek. It was during gym class and he got bitched out by Mrs. D and ran back to the boy's side of the gym. I knew he was staring at me most of the rest of the class so I bent over several times to tie my shoes. I like to tease the shit out of guys when they don't seem to have confidence. I wore my sister's shorts today, they are a size smaller than mine and they rode up my butt a little. I know it was driving him crazy, because looking at myself in the mirrow I have to admit I have a great ass.
I parked my Van on the side street off of 5th and Elm; she walks by this place every morning at 7:45or so still asleep and miserable. Usually her head is down and normally she is alone. She hooks up with Chelsey on 7th about two blocks up and the two wiggle their tight asses the rest of the way to school. Not today kitten, not today, you will spend the next several hours bound and gagged in my van being transported to your new home in the desert.
My heart raced when I saw her coming, so early on the morning on the 25th on her way to meet her friend. She was about 50 feet away when I opened the door to my van and doused the rag with chloroform. Earlier I put up construction barrels near the bushes so she would be forced to come near my van. Wearing a hard hat and orange vest she saw me and though nothing of it. I acted like I was busy and didn't even see her coming. In order to get beyond the point of where my van was parked she had to cross the street or move within two feet of my van's sliding door. Lucky for my I knew she was lazy and she chose the easier of the two options. No cars coming and no one around for the moment, there were also no camera at this location, it was in between business and away from stop lights.
Wouldn't you know it she was wearing her faded camel toe jeans today. Tight and very form fitting with a tear in the right knee, they clung to her like paint. My cock was raging in my pants and I was about five seconds away from either going to prison or to fuck toy heaven.
It seemed like slow motion when she went past me, she didn't even look up at me. Just another old guy working and invisible to her. As she went by I grabbed her by those dirty blond locks and yanked her backwards off of her feet. What would have been a painful scream was stifled by the clamp of a wet rag that filled her nostrils with coliform. She was dazed by the suddenness of the attack and began to fight, so I simply pulled her in the van shutting the door with my foot and rolled her over on to her stomach. Pinning her to the floor of my van was a pleasure because I drove her hips into the metal floor by grinding her sweet ass with all of my weight and my swollen cock pressing between her ass cheeks in her camel toe jeans. She began grunting into the cloth and trying to grab at my head. The hard hat fell off and clanked against the floor of the van. My little Megan gave me a great ride squirming and trying to kick away. She only managed to wiggled but butt enough to make me cum in my jeans.
"MMupphhh Nnnhhhpgpg" was what she managed to grunt out before the either took its effect. She lay motionless with me directly on top of her breathing heavily into her ear. I gently took the rag away and smelled her hair, she was out. Breathing softly she looked like a helpless little angel. The whole event took about 90 seconds, I was aware I had my own cum in my pants but that would have to wait until I could bet changed.
Cuffing her wrists and feet quickly, I moved the barrels back where they had been to begin with and tore my vest off. Going back in the van, I had to marvel at the helpless little chick that lay face down on its floor motionless. Her hair was in her face and people would be coming soon so I had to move fast. Being a holiday weekend I banked correctly on most people being where they were heading for the weekend already, which meant less activity on the streets.
Un snapping her jeans I pulled the waist down to her knees and was amazed by the tight slim hips and firm legs. Brilliant white panties that were French cut highlighted a plump pubic mound. When I tore them off she moaned just a little. The little minx had a well-trimmed landing strip in the shape of a little heart just above her teen slit.
The panties went into her mouth and were packed into her cheeks; I did not want them going down her throat. Duct tape circled her head about four or five times to keep them well in place.
Still no movement from sweet Megan, her head was off to one side and there was only the rise and fall of her chest. Leaning down I sniffed her pussy and it was sweet. No skank odor, she was clean as well as tight and a vision of helplessness to behold. Little did I know that my Angel would be such a little devil to break.
Reaching into my bag I checked the time and was still OK but I felt rushed and more alive than ever. I grabbed the straps and dildos as well as the astro glide.
I roughly rolled Megan onto her stomach and lubed an 8 inch dildo. Not even giving her a warm up I pushed it up her teen ass which caused her to groan into the gag. Feeling some resistance in her pussy I thought she might be a virgin, but I realized it was just the pressure of the two dildos against each other. Eight inches up her ass was a first, I was sure of that, and I assume 8 up her pussy was most likely a first time. I chuckled thinking about the dumb ass teen boys that would be looking for her today thinking about her ass. Dreaming of having her, not realizing she was bouncing around an old white van packed and strapped to the hilt. I placed the waist strap on tightly cinching in her tummy and held both dildos in with a very tight leather strap that cut deeply into her flash. The belt actually disappeared into her pussy flesh and ran through the crack of her ass. Her teen pussy lips bulged on both sides of the one inch strap. I cuffed her elbows together and hogtied her with another length of small chain, for good measure I also strapped her above her knees so she could not spread her legs for any relief.
After I bit my package on the ass I climbed into the front of the van and calmly started the drive to the desert. All systems were go, no tail lights were out and registration of current. The drive out of the city was slow and routine.
After about fifteen minutes on the highway I pulled over too look back at my young model to be and was greeted with those eyes. They were on fire glaring up at me from the floor.
With her eyes Megan spoke to me.
"Let me fucking go or I will kill you, you fucking bastard."
I laughed and reached down and pressed upward on the base of her strapped pussy. Her eyes rolled back into her head as the dildo pushed deeper into her cunt, probably into her cervix. Her grunt was loud but the gag kept it in.
Turning forward I concentrated on the road, but was delighted to a symphony of Megan fighting her bonds and screaming into her own panties. She was wildly thrashing around which only gave me a huge erection and a desire to really rape her young sweet flawless ass.
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