Published: 9-Oct-2011
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It was couple weeks after my 13th birthday and most of my friends had gone off to camp for the summer. I was going to be by myself for the rest of the week and I was board out of my mind. I decided to go for a walk along the creek in the woods behind my house. I had been walking for about an hour when I came across a small sand bank. It looked a lot like some of the others that I had passed. I started skipping some rocks across the creek when I saw something pink in the rocks.
As I got closer I realized what it was, a vibrator. I had seen pictures but never in real life. Since I was completely alone I got the crazy idea to try it out. I sat down and pulled down my shorts and undies. I slowly inserted the vibrator into my pussy. It was cold and rubbery. It kind of felt good but it didn't really seem to be doing the job. That's when I saw the on button. I felt really stupid and turned it on. It initially started to vibrate. The next thing I noticed was that I didn't need to hold it into place since the vibrator started crawling forward on its own and moved deeper into my pussy. I laid on my back and enjoyed the ride. It was amazing and I remember thinking that this must be what sex is like. After the best orgasm of my life I sat back up and turned the vibrator off; it was almost all the way inside of me. That's when I saw the white stuff oozing out of my pussy. It must have come from the vibrator and it was extremely sticky. I tried to pull vibrator out only to find that it was stuck. The white stuff was like glue. I was thinking how I was going to explain this situation to my dad.
I pulled up my undies and shorts over the stuck vibrator and I decided that I should head home and find a way to get this thing out. I started walking back when something at the tree line caught my eye. As I walked over to it I realized just how uncomfortable it was to walk with the vibrator in. It was an open box full of odd things along with some old clothes lying in the dirt. The lid of the box had some writing on it. The one thing that caught my attention was the sticky vibrator removal. The instructions said to remove the sticky vibrator I had to put on the pink leotard. It seemed odd but I was willing to give anything a try. I dug through the box until I found a pink leotard. It looked a lot like the one I wear to dance class except mine is black. I looked around to make sure no one was around before I started undressing. I placed my clothes in a pile on the ground and pulled on the leotard. As I zipped up the back I rechecked the instructions. They didn't say how it was going to work. I waited for a couple minutes before deciding to check the vibrator. I reached for the zipper only to find that the pull tab was now gone.
I started to panic! I pulled back one of the leg holes to see if the vibrator was loose. It was still glued in my crotch. Then without warning the vibrator turned on and I dropped to my knees. The leotard tightened down on my body and it was even hard to breathe. I knew that I had to get home and my dad would know how to fix this. I didn't even care if he found out anymore. I started to run, however; with the distraction of the orgasm and not being able to breathe I soon lost the creek. I quickly became lost and I didn't know which way to turn. I stopped where I was to see where I was. Then my orgasm brought me down to my knees before everything went dark.
When I woke up I could feel that the leotard was now gone, however; I now had on a blind fold and my arms and legs were tied down. The vibrator was now gone from my crotch. I was glad that the vibrator and leotard were now gone but I really didn't know what to think about my present situation. I asked if anyone was there. There was no answer so I started screaming for help. That's when the guy told me to "shut up!" I was startled since I didn't know he was so close. I didn't recognize the voice and he seemed mean so I didn't say anything else. It was really disturbing that this guy could see me completely naked. I didn't like being completely helpless in front of this stranger. I heard a familiar yet horrifying sound; he was taking pictures of my naked body. I pleated with him to let me go but he didn't say a word. He just keeps taking pictures. A couple of times he played with my breast to make my nipples hard. After several hours of taking pictures the guy just walked away. I was relieved that he decided not to do anything else to me.
After several minutes I was able to pull one hand free and get loose. I was glad to see that he had left me my undies and bra next to a tree. At least I wouldn't be completely naked anymore. As I got dressed I found a note taped to my bra. It said "If you tell anyone about what happened today, everyone you know will get a copy of the photos of you experimenting with the vibrator. PS: Don't be surprised if you get a visitor in the middle of the night." I tucked the note in my undies and tried to figure out where I was. I could hear the creek nearby and I headed towards it. Once I got to the creek I knew where I was and I quickly headed home. I had a strange feeling that the guy was still watching me and was following me home. As I got closer to my house I started to run. When I got to the back door I realized that the house was locked and my keys and cell phone were in my shorts. I quickly grabbed the spare key from above the door and unlocked it. When I turned around I didn't see anyone following me but I still ran inside and closed the door. Thankfully my dad was still at work for several more hours so I didn't have to explain my missing clothes. I ran upstairs to my room where I got dressed. I reread the note and I was really worried about the visitor part. I knew that I need to go back and get my keys and cell phone but I didn't want to run into the guy again. I finally decided that I didn't want my dad to start asking me questions about losing my phone or keys. I returned the spare key because dad hates it when I don't return it and I headed back into the woods. I made good time back to the sand bank with the box. I found my clothes on the ground by the box and my keys and phone were still in my shorts where I left them. I quickly headed home and I was really glad that I didn't run into that guy again. I was glad that I survived everything today and I really hope that the note was an empty threat since he really doesn't know anything about me.
I felt really dirty after everything today and I decided to take a long shower. I stripped down and got in the shower. Everything that happened today seemed like a dream or something out of a movie. After about an hour I got out and dried off. I wrapped the towel around me and walked down the hall to my room. Once I was in my room I tossed the towel in the hamper and went to my dresser to get some undies and a bra. That was when I noticed the bright pink bra and thong on my bed. Beside them was another note. It read "At 11:00pm tonight be outside in this and only this." He had been in my bed room! I knew now that I wasn't even safe in my own house. I decided that it was best to show up since I didn't want the entire school seeing those photos. I waited until about 10:45 before I started to sneak out of the house in only underwear. I would have a hard time explaining that one to my dad. I could hear him snoring so I knew I was clear. The underwear that the guy had left me was exactly my size but the thong was a little uncomfortable since it was the first time I had wore one. Right at 11:00pm I saw a light flashing in the woods. I walked towards it with caution. I found that the light was tied to a tree. Then someone grabbed me from behind. He told me to strip. It was a different guy than from earlier today. I continued to face the tree as I pulled down the pink thong. Then the pink bra came off next. I was terrified as to what was about to happen next. The guy told me to turn around. As I turned around, I could see that he was naked. He was jacking off to the site of my naked body. From the way he looked at me I could tell that he wasn't right in the head. Then other guy walked up and told the retarded kid to leave. He looked at me and said "He only paid to look." I knew that he was the guy from before and now he had just pimped me out. Then he said I should get some sleep and walked away.
The next morning I sleep in until I heard my little sis Tina yelling and pounding on the back door. I quickly got up and ran downstairs to let her in. When I did I was shocked to see her completely naked. Tina told me that she had woken up naked and tied to a tree with some guy licking her body. I checked for the spare key and found it missing. I knew that the guy had taken it. I didn't know that to do so I locked all the doors; even though I knew it was no use. To make things worse I just remembered that our dad left this morning on a business trip. We were going to be alone and helpless to the will of this stranger for the rest of the week.
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