Nurse Vicky's Pre-Teen, Nurse's Training Program

[ mult, video, anal fingers, oral, spank, diapers, les, mast ]

by Corn53

Published: 7-Oct-2011

Word Count:

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This is fiction!

1. Nurse Vicky Talks With Amy's Mommy

"Yes, that's correct." Nurse Vicky said. She sat down on the small couch and smoothed out her uniform. "Your daughter would be coming to our Future Nurses Training Program on Wednesday evening each week for the next ten weeks. If she cooperates and learns the lessons, we'll continue to use her for at least a few more months at the same rate of compensation; basically two hundred dollars for each session, and the same rate for any of the special sessions or field trips. So you'll get two thousand dollars for letting her participate for the first ten weeks, and for agreeing to the secrecy clause in this contract. It says that neither of you will talk with each other or anyone else for five years after the initial ten weeks training period, or you will forfeit the entire amount. You may both attend a special orientation meeting next Wednesday, if you'd like. I'll pick up you and Amy at 4:00 and bring you both back here about five, but it won't count as a training week. Or if I pick her up next Wednesday and then bring Amy home later, say around seven, then next week will count as week number one and I could give you the first cash amount today."

"Two thousand dollars total?"

"Yes, half now and the rest at the end of the ten weeks. Then we'll talk about keeping her in the program longer. But if either of you talks to other people about the program, then you will have to return the thousand dollars."

"What kinds of things will the girls be learning?"

"We start with simple hygiene - like hand-washing, bathing, and so on, and get into the major muscles and parts of the body. They learn how to put on their uniforms, hose, hats, and undergarments, and they learn sanitary procedures for use in our adapted hospital-home setting. The girls will learn to use a stethoscope and basic instruments. As nursing assistants they would never give shots or anything like that. Her instructors would be two other nurses I've knows for years, and me. Occasionally we may have a visiting doctor or intern, or other medical observer."

"OK." Amy's Mom said.

"To make it more fun for the girls, sometimes we will do their fingernails and have beauty class - just for fun, but the girls love it. They will want to be cute nurses."

"Oh, she would love that."

"They will have free time and get to do some dancing and playing to let off energy from studying. Then, after the first few weeks, we may have some of the intern doctors visit our program for coma care patients, to teach the girls other skills. Since this is grant funded, we are able to pay our pre-teen nurses for their time. It's actually compensation for the mothers, since the girls won't be home to help with household chores on our class days. The girls won't know about the money, but we hope you will encourage Amy's good attendance, and especially the necessity for secrecy, since this is a grant funded program and there may be some risk to the comatose patients who the girls will be practicing on. Under our supervision, of course."

"Will there be homework?"

"We will have some anatomy pages for the girls to read, but most of our work will be done in class - hands-on training, so to speak. The girls will learn the proper vocabulary for various things. She won't know either of the other girls since they attend different schools, but there will be three girls selected, and there are three of us adult nurses who will act as their primary instructors."

"And we aren't supposed to talk about it to anybody, even with each other?"

"That's correct. We want the girls to be able to talk to us instructors and with each other about anything. This is an experimental program for the treatment of unconscious, long-term patients, so we must keep everything secret, since we are testing a medical theory. There will be group work during each weekly session, along with some individual work. Each of the three girls will have a nurse's uniform, similar to the one I'm wearing now, only much smaller of course." Vicky laughed.

"Of course." Said Amy's Mom with a laugh. Amy only weighed eighty pounds and was four feet, nine inches tall. She guessed Nurse Vicky at five feet, five inches tall and maybe a hundred twenty pounds - firm and fit, but a full-size woman.

Nurse Vicky said, "The girls will wear their regular school clothes when we pick them up here at your trailer, and at their apartments. They will change to their nursing uniforms once they get to our facility which is a converted house. We monitor everything with cameras for documentation during the program."

"Oh. OK."

Nurse Vicky said, "Now, after you sign the papers, we can call Amy in here and tell her a little bit about the program. I don't want her to see me give you the money, especially if you have to give it back before the end of the program."

"Neither of us will talk. You can be sure of that."

"Occasionally their may be a visiting doctor from the university hospital that wrote the initial grant request, and then we will let you know ahead of time, before a special Saturday session. You would get three hundred dollars to five hundred dollars in cash for letting her attend, depending on the number of hours she is with us."

"That's besides the two thousand?"


Amy's Mother smiled as she signed the official-looking papers without reading them. She checked the little boxes to agree to occasional special Saturday sessions for extra compensation, and for any other additional sessions or field trips as necessary, for similar compensation. Amy's Mother put the cash - all twenties - in her purse. They called Amy into the room to tell her about the pre-teen nurse's training program and to emphasize the need for secrecy."

"Amy, this is Nurse Vicky. She will take you to a special, pre-teen, nurses training program every Wednesday from about four o'clock to about seven o'clock. You'll get pizza and pop while you're there studying. You'll get to wear a nurse's uniform, and there will be two other girls, a nine year old and another ten year old like you. Does that sound like fun?"

"Yes, cool. A uniform?" Nurse Vicky noticed that Amy was looking at her legs - the hose, with the garter belt snaps attached. Vicky slightly opened her legs wider to see if the young girl would try to look at her panties. She did.

Nurse Vicky said, "Yes, similar to mine, even with white hose like the ones I'm wearing. Your uniform will fit you perfectly after I get your measurements today. We'll go back in your bedroom so I can take the measurements on your bare skin. And I want to examine you." Nurse Vicky looked at Amy's Mother. "OK?"

"Yes, that's fine. Will you need my help?"

"No, that's alright. I've measured lots of young girls for our uniforms. It will only take a few minutes to examine and measure her once she's undressed." She pulled a stethoscope and a tongue depressor out of her small brief case, as she put the signed papers away.

"OK. I'll wait out here."

Nurse Vicky continued, "And the other thing, Amy, is that you can't talk to anybody about it, not even your Mom. Not for five years after the completion of the program. Can you keep a secret?"

Amy looked at her Mom who was nodding her head. "Yes, I can keep a secret."

"Good. But you can talk with the other two girls, and with the three of us nurse instructors, but you can't talk with anyone else. When I bring you home, you can tell your Mommy that you had a good time, or you can tell her that you don't want to do it anymore. It's your choice, of course, but that's all you're allowed to say."

Amy's Mom said, "That's right - we can't talk about this with anybody, not even each other. Just tell me you had a good time when she brings you home, and then I'll let you keep going to the nursing training classes. OK?"

"OK, Mommy. It sounds like fun. I like uniforms." She was still looking up Nurse Vicky's dress, which was shorter than the average nurse's uniform in a hospital, exposing the straps connecting her thigh-high, lacy, white hose to her garter belt.

"I'm sure you and the other two girls will have a great time!" Nurse Vicky smiled. "Now, let's go measure you for your uniform, and I'll listen to your heart and do a quick examination. Run on back to your room and get undressed. I'll come in to measure you in just a minute."

Amy stood up - ready to run back to her room. "Even my shoes?"

"Yes, everything."

Amy ran back to her room.

"I wish I had all that energy!" Nurse Vicky laughed.

Amy's Mom agreed as she lit a cigarette.

Nurse Vicky casually walked back to Amy's small and very messy bedroom. It was hard for her not to run, since she had such an overpowering urge to molest the cute, trusting ten year old.

Nurse Vicky took her time getting the measurements - fondling Amy's breasts, pubic mound, and ass in the process. She showed the young girl how to pinch her nipples to help her breasts grow, and watched as she practiced. Then she listened to Amy's heart with the stethoscope - moving it around and around on her puffy, pink nipples on the small, pale breasts. Unable to end her cursory examination, Nurse Vicky had Amy get on her hands and knees, and a minute later she had the girl lay on her back so that she could push a finger into Amy's tight vagina - supposedly to check some possible medical implications. At that point Nurse Vicky knew that innocent, little Amy had already been fingered by an adult.

Then Nurse Vicky had Amy pull her lips apart and up with all of her fingers on both hands. "I need to 'inspect your clitty' to make sure you're developing normally." And she was! Her tiny, pink clitty was completely hidden with Amy's legs were closed inside a beautiful, pale, hairless, meaty mound, but when she spread her legs wide, the stiffening, little clitty looked like it was yearning to be stroked. So... Nurse Vicky flicked a fingernail across it - like a miniature punching bag - back and forth, back and forth. She said, "This is a standard test for nurses, of our reflexes. Would you be willing to do this on the other girls, during the training? I have to know, because we have to learn to stimulate each other while we're learning the medical names for our muscles, bones, and organs. Would you help me test the other girls and let them test you?"

"Yes. Gee."

"I need to ask you a couple of personal questions, Amy, before continuing." She was still flicking her fingernail back and forth across Amy's clitty - faster and faster - with an occasional light pinch. "Does this give you tingles when I flick you here?"

Amy had started squirming; saying, "ohh, ohh, ohh...umm, yes, ohh, ohh." with each flick of Nurse Vicky's fingernail.

Nurse Vicky said, "It seems like you're very responsive. I would like to put a finger in your vagina at the same time I'm flicking your clitty. Has anyone besides you ever put a finger in you? It's none of my business who has, but just so somebody has, then it won't hurt. Have very many people put a finger in you? I promise that I won't tell your Mommy. We have to trust each other to keep our secrets."

"Yes, but just a few people."

"Good. I'm going to keep testing you." She slid a finger up Amy's tight vagina. Two minutes later, Amy was breathing harder, and her chest was getting flushed. She was still squirming her hips while Vicky flicked her clitty with her right hand, and pushed her left forefinger in her vagina; pulled it out; and pushed it in again... and again. "It looks like your reflexes are perfectly normal. I'm glad you'll help me do this with the other girls. It's a good test. Can you tell that your vagina is getting more slippery as I continue doing this?"

"Ohh, ohh, ohh... yes. It gets... ohh... wet when somebody... ohh... does that to me."

Nurse Vicky didn't let up a bit, but changed the conversation while she continued talking with the potential, pre-teen nurse. "Do you like wearing high heels and make-up?

"Yes. Ohhh."

"Good, because we want our little nurses to look nice, too."

Amy was squirming around during the next few minutes, as Nurse Amy continued to masturbate her. Before letting Amy reach orgasm, Vicky stood up. "I need to go say good bye to your Mommy now. I'll pick you up next Wednesday after school. Just wear your regular clothes. We'll get you all ready when you get to our training center. I've got your measurements so your uniform will fit you perfectly. We'll provide everything. I'm glad you'll help me with fingering the other girls. And we'll keep our conversations private, so I won't tell her that you have been fingered by several different men. How many different men have fingered you, and when did it start happening?"

"I think a year or so. Just three different men. And you're sure you won't tell her?"

"I promise. We nurses have to keep our secrets, don't we?"

"Yes." Amy smiled, as she stood up and started dressing.

"Did any of the men put a finger in your bottom?"

Amy looked puzzled - as if she had never even thought about such a thing. She said, "No. Why? Do people really do that?"

"Yes, sometimes. But we'll teach you all kinds of medical things. Don't worry about it. When is the next time you'll be with one of those men?"

"Well two of them are from where I used to live, so I'll probably never see them again. Just one man lives near here. A friend of Mommy's who watches me sometimes when Mommy is gone, but I don't know when it will happen again."

Nurse Vicky hugged Amy and said good-bye.

A similar scene unfolded that week at the home of each of the other two girls with Nurse Vicky's two counterpart, adult nurses. None of the three, single mothers wanted to visit the program since that would delay the receipt of the cash for letting their daughter's participate. Each of the three mothers signed the papers and agreed to extra sessions for additional compensation. They lived within ten miles of the "training center," which was a converted, old house on the edge of an industrial district in a run-down area of town. None of the three mothers asked for copies of the agreements they had just signed - such was the weight of the nurse uniform and an ID Badge showing the name of a state university hospital. The new, white mini-van added to Vicky's overall credibility.


2. The First Nurse's Training Class

The adults each wore a name badge and introduced themselves to each of the girls, as they introduced the girls to each other. Ginny was the oldest adult nurse at forty seven, but she was also in the best physical shape after years of biking and swimming. Her blond hair wasn't natural, but hid the gray just fine. She was about five feet, seven inches tall and weighed in at a hundred and thirty pounds. Margie was the youngest and also the heaviest, but still attractive with large breasts. Like the other two adults, Margie had great legs. The girls got ID badges, too, with their first names imprinted on them, just like the adults. So official. They liked the white uniforms and held them up in front of them - each girl thinking that her uniform looked awfully short.

Amy said, "These are pretty, but they look kind of short."

Nurse Vicky smiled, "That's right, Amy. It's so we can see if your garter belt straps are attached to your hose correctly. And it's just us girls here anyway, so it's OK. We'll be putting on our extra-short uniforms when you girls get into your uniforms after your baths. We have pretty, new panties for each of you, too."

Nurse Ginny led them to the kitchen area for a quick lesson in hand washing. She had each of the girls practice three times while she and the two other 'nurses-in-training' watched closely.

While they were practicing, she stressed again the importance of hand-washing. "We want you girls to be clean all over. After all, sometimes you'll be the patient while we practice things, and sometimes you'll pretend that you are the doctor examining a patient. Nurses and doctors wash their hands after each patient. And there are times we'll be working together - practicing something on one of you, and we have to wash our hands before examining the next patient. It's so important."

Nurse Vicky came in to get the girls for the orientation tour. She said, "You need to remember to wash your hands after you have examined someone, especially if there are any bodily fluids on your hand."

Nurse Ginny said, "You girls will be getting bodily fluids on your hands every week, so that's why we're stressing good hygiene. Of course, usually it will be bodily fluids from one of you young nurses while you're being the patient and getting examined or stimulated, but we'll get to that later."

Nurse Vicky said, "We'll help you get bathed and then dressed in your official uniforms shortly, but let's do a quick tour of our facility while I tell you about some of the things we'll be doing here each week. Also, as your sister nurses, we'll never ask you to do anything that we won't do ourselves, and that includes taking turns being the patient."

Nurse Vicky led the three girls, Laura, Amy, and Sherry, to the classroom first. "Here we'll do some of the class work and we will examine various models of body parts so you become familiar with the proper terms for things. We will also explore each other so that each of you will act as a patient and a nurse in various situations. But don't be embarrassed about anything, because all three of you will take turns being our 'patient.' We have to be relaxed with each other. No secrets here. The three of you will take a bath together when you get here each week. At least one of us adults will be in there with you, and we'll begin learning the proper names for the parts of our own bodies, first - including our major muscles, bones, organs, and so on." She pointed to the large scale anatomy drawings on the wall - one for the skeleton, one for muscles, and one with highlighted organ systems. "Sometimes we'll use books, but don't be overwhelmed. This is just an introductory class and there are no tests. We want to make it fun for you, so we'll play different games using various props. Like today, maybe I'll hop in the tub with you girls. It's a big tub." Nurse Vicky laughed and the girls joined her, even though they weren't sure if she was joking.

"Seriously." Nurse Vicky continued, "You'll each take turns being the patient. It's OK. We'll do things that have to be done in a hospital, along with things that have to be done with a little baby, such as changing diapers and feeding. You'll each take turns being the baby. Often older adults need the same kind of care. When it's your turn to be the baby, then I expect you to wet your diaper so the other girls can change you and put baby oil on you. It's just part of the training."

Amy giggled.

Nurse Vicky laughed, too. "It's OK to laugh here, some of the things nurses have to do sound gross or funny at first, and we are in training, but it's OK to laugh when its just us. Say it back to me: 'It's OK to laugh.'"

"It's OK to laugh." The three girls said, and then they joined Nurse Vicky in a bout of laughter.

"And when you are the baby and somebody is feeding you, make sure you let some of the food fall out of your mouth so you get messy. We have other outfits for you, and will dress you like a baby. Then the other two nurses will bathe you. It's all part of our training approach."

The girls calmed down, and Nurse Vicky said, "So, each of you will have a turn wearing diapers and you have to pee in them. Right?"

Each of the three girls was blushing, but nodded along with Nurse Vicky as she nodded. Each of their moms had told them to do everything they were told to do. They knew this was important.

"Good, maybe for the next six weeks each of you will get several turns to be the baby or the patient. We'll drink lots of pop and water! But it's OK, because you will also be bathing each other starting today, so you'll get used to things nurses have to do in every hospital around the world. But we'll have lots more fun than most nurses!"

They walked through two bedrooms that had been converted into patient rooms, although there were no patients there that day. Nurse Vicky said, "Sometimes we have patients and sometimes we don't, but we can still practice with each other. Once in a while one of the interns from the university will be here and he or she will pretend to be a patient to see how you do with certain chores."

"Like what kind of chores?"

"Listen to his or her heart with your stethoscope. Some of the things you will be doing include various kinds of stimulation while we monitor the patient's heart rate and brain waves. And you might have to pretend the patient had a bathroom accident and wash them off. Part of the theory we are testing here is that people respond to certain kinds of stimulation even when apparently in a coma."

They walked through an examination room with an outdated GYN table with pull-out stirrups. The girls didn't know what they were looking at, and Nurse Vicky didn't say anything more. There were Ace bandages, and other kinds of bandages and slings that they would practice with. "Each of you girls will get to wear splints on one of your legs, and also have your arm in a sling so you can try to do certain things like dressing or writing, while only using your non-dominant arm. For trust-building, each of you will be blindfolded and led around. We'll take turns so that each of you gets to be blindfolded and led around, and even undressed and dressed again."

Then it was back to their dressing room/bathroom with the very large bathtub which Nurse Ginny had about half full of warm, soapy water. She said, "Lay your clothes on the bed in the bedroom which is also your changing room. We'll get lockers for you girls for next week, but for now put all your clothes in a neat pile on the bed or on the big, stuffed chair."

"All our clothes?" Laura, the slim, blond nine year old asked.

"Yes, Silly. You can't take a bath with your clothes on."

"Are the cameras turned on?" Amy asked. She seemed to notice things more than the other girls.

Nurse Ginny said, "Yes, you will be in front of cameras the whole time you're in our facility." She replied.

Nurse Vicky added, "It's part of the research. Don't worry about them. You'll soon forget they are here. And today, I'll take a bath with you girls. As I undress, I'll tell you about garter belts and the other things about our uniforms. We're going to learn the proper names for things, starting today. And don't wash yourself. We're going to wash each other, so we get used to taking turns and trusting each other."


3. Undressing In Front Of Cameras

The three girls watched as Nurse Vicky took off her uniform. She was wearing a pink, silky bra with matching thong panties. Her black garter belt had snap-hooks to hold up her thigh-high, white hose. She let the girls practice fastening and unfastening the snaps onto her hose. Amy was staring at her panties, so she told Amy she could feel how silky they were, and soon, with just a little encouragement all the girls were feeling her panties. Then she had the girls pull her panties down and off so they could each try them on. "We'll put our panties on over our garter belts so we can pull them down easily when we have to pee. Take off your shorts and panties and try on my panties if you want to. You'll each get a pair of sexy panties after our baths today. You can even trade them with each other so all three of you will get to wear each of the three pair of sexy panties we'll give you today. We have to undress completely before our baths anyway."

Now Amy was staring at Nurse Vicky's cleanly shaved pussy. She said, "I keep it shaved clean, and we do that with some of our patients, too. But I bet you don't have pubic hair yet, and that's fine. Rub your hand downwards over my pubic mound and it will feel soft and smooth, but then rub your hand upwards and see what it feels like."

Each of the girls tried it several times and they agreed that if felt smooth when rubbing downwards but rough, almost like sandpaper, when rubbing upwards.

Nurse Vicky said, "Try rubbing your pubic mounds going down and then going upwards and compare the feeling on your hand to how it feels when you rub mine. Then rub each other's. Hold still and let them rub you. We'll all be taking a bath together in a few minutes, and we will be washing each other, so it's OK. We'll never ask you girls to do things that we wouldn't do, too. Don't put your finger in another girl's crack yet. We're not doing exams now, and remember - if we get bodily fluids on our hands, then we have to wash our hands before we touch ourselves or put our fingers in another person."

She was glad to see how little was required in the way of directions to get the little girls to do things. One of research planners had predicted that the little girls would trust an older woman much faster than they would trust an older man when it came to taking off their panties in front of cameras. Nurse Vicky also knew that the camera operator in the basement would be keeping both cameras aimed and zoomed appropriately to catch most of the action; keeping her out of most of the video they would edit later.

After taking off her bra, she let the girls feel her breasts and pointed out the nipples and aureoles to help the girls learn the proper names. She didn't point out that the extra stimulation from the little fingers kept her nipples fully erect, but she knew the camera operator in the basement media center would be grinning about it. Nurse Vicky was in no hurry to move onto the next step which had been planned out weeks earlier while setting up their facility and working on recruitment. She knew the three cooperating classroom teachers who had recommended these girls were well paid for lining up the three little girls for their nurses training program and that they would keep their mouths shut with hopes of offering three other girls the next semester. The teachers didn't know the scope of the project, but they suspected it was something fishy because of the lucrative stipend for making a recommendation - single, poor Mom with a cute 9 or 10 year old daughter. The classroom teachers were ostensibly paid the stipend for making a home visit to introduce the Mother to one of the "nurses." And the classroom teachers would also monitor the selected girl's conversations - alerting Nurse Vicky if she overheard the girl talking about it.

The girls continued to feel Nurse Vicky and each other while undressing the rest of the way. They helped Nurse Vicky remove her hose and garter belt - figuring out the snaps and fasteners on their own. Even after they were all as naked as Nurse Vicky, they continued feeling each other and using words like 'pubic mound, clitoral sheath, clitoris, aureoles, nipples, anus, vagina, collarbone, pelvis, vulva, inner labia. They were saying the words and feeling their own bodies along with each other. "Remember, don't put your fingers in each other yet, or we'll have to stop and wash our hands. Just rub on the outside."

"When we do rectal thermometers, we will have to lubricate the person's anus first before inserting the thermometer. We will also use other types of thermometers, but we need to be familiar with each type. Do you remember where your anus is?"

The girls giggled and pointed to their bottoms.

"That's right. It's the little hole in your bottom where the feces comes out. Do you know some other names for feces?"

The girls came up with poop, shit, dump, stinky stuff, bombs, turds, and several other slang terms.

"Very good girls. What are some of the other terms used to describe a woman's breasts? We know that the correct term is 'breast,' but what are some of the slang words?"

The girls said, "Titties, boobs, boobies, knockers, ta-tas, tits, chest, mellons, bra fillers, hand-fulls," and other school yard terms.

"And what are the parts of your breasts? Can you pinch your own nipples?"

Each of the girls had small breasts with pink nipples. Laura's were just puffy nipples - like little marshmallows. Both Amy and Sherry had small pale mounds with pink, puffy nipples in the center of their dime-size aureoles.

After reviewing the correct names for their breasts, each girl took turns pinching Nurse Vicky's nipples. She let them pinch as hard as they could without using their fingernails which might cut her skin. Nurse Vicky said, "Oh, that's good, girls. You each pinched my nipples really hard. It was starting to give me tingles in my pussy. Say, what are some other terms for pussy?"

After the girls listed several slang words, she said, "Let me point out again the correct names for your parts. I remember when I was your age, one of the neighbor men used to take me in his garage, or even his house if his wife was gone, and he would tickle my clitoris with his finger. Sometimes he even put his finger in my vagina. It felt really good once I got used to it. Have any of you had experiences like that?"


4. Talking About Their Experiences With Boys And Men

That seemed to open a door to candid conversation about their previous sexual experiences. Each of the three girls had been fingered by more than one man or older boy. "We'll talk about your experiences more later. In fact, that's one of the things we want to do together - talk about our experiences. But we'll go take our bath in a few minutes. Who will volunteer to let us examine her vagina and clitoris? And then it will be time to wash our hands again."

After ten seconds with no volunteer, Nurse Vicky said, "OK, I'll go first. But then we'll each take a turn right after our bath. We'll be washing each other in a minute. Don't wash yourself. Let the other girls wash you. And you can wash me, too. So, each of you has had an adult finger all the way in your vagina?"

"Yes," they all admitted after additional prompting.

"You girls are doing great. We have to talk to each other and trust each other. Did any of you ever have a man or an older boy squirt his sperm on you?"

Again, they all said they had experienced that.

"Did you ever get any in your eyes or mouth?"

Laura got some in her eyes once, and in her mouth lots of times. "I can tell when he is ready to squirt it, so I make sure the tip is in my mouth so it won't get in my eyes or on my clothes. That would make a mess and Mommy would ask me about it. He gives me five dollars if I promise not to tell."

Amy said, "Once the neighbor man wanted me to put it in my mouth, but I could tell he was ready to squirt, because like it was dripping out already. I told him to squirt it in a paper cup, because sometimes he would do that and then we tried to see if he could pour it in my belly button to fill it up. A few times he almost filled it up. Anyway, he didn't want to squirt it in the cup, and as I got my mouth closer, it squirted all over me."

"Did it get on your clothes?" Sherry asked.

"No. I wasn't wearing any. It just got all over my chest and tummy, and some on my face, but not in my eyes. That was good."

Sherry told about her cousin, who was fifteen, but now he's seventeen and goes out on dates most of the time, so she hasn't gotten to play with one for a while. The way she said it indicated to Nurse Vicky that she missed playing with it. Sherry said that once, while he was spending the night there, the boy and two of his friends squirted on her at the same time. "It was a good thing I was only wearing panties, which I washed out in the sink, or it would have been all over my clothes!"

Nurse Vicky shared that the neighbor men who used to play with her when she was ten used to get most of it in her mouth, or even on her panties and on her back if she was lying on her tummy while one of the men was rubbing it between her legs. "One time the youngest man even knelt up over me, like with his cock over my bottom and squirted it clear up into the hair on my head. I didn't have hair on my pussy then, because I was only nine."

"I got some in my hair a few times." Amy said. "So then I took a bath and washed my hair before Mommy got home."

Nurse Vicky said, "That was a smart thing to do. You want to wash it out of your hair as soon as you can."

"It gets sticky, and then it dries up and makes it hard to brush." Laura said.

"I'm so glad we can talk about these things." Nurse Vicky said. "And I remember it was fun to play with them - the way they would stand up so stiff - like growing while I tickled it or licked it."

Laura said, "It's really funny. And you can tell the man likes it. My Mommy's friend, Bob, likes me to tickle his balls to make them shrink up."

Nurse Vicky said, "Girls, it's great we can talk like this, but we should never mention anyone's name. OK?"

"OK." Said Laura, "I promised Bob I would never tell anybody about it."

"And that's the best thing... except for us, here in this little club. No secrets from each other, but we keep everything we do and say here a secret from the rest of the world! OK? Let's make a pact." She held out her hand.

As the other girls were stacking their hands, both Ginny and Margie walked into the bedroom, and joined in- all stacking their hands together. While raising their hands up and down like a basketball team, for good luck, Nurse Vicky said, "It's safe to share our secrets when we're in our club!" They all said that five times while moving the stack of hands up and down.

When they slowed down, and before removing their hands, Amy said, "This is fun."

Nurse Vicky said, "Let's keep doing it then. Let's say some other things - promises for our club."

Margie said, "It's OK to kiss each other."

The three adults and three girls said that five times, while still moving their stacked hands up and down in unison.

Ginny said, "It's OK to wash each other."

The hands kept moving as everyone picked up the chant.

Nurse Vicky said, "It's OK to finger each other."

The three girls giggled, but repeated the chant.

Then Margie said, "The bath is ready - full of warm bubbles."

"We'll go get in the tub in just a minute, but the girls were going to finger me and tickle my clitty first. We're going to take turns doing this after the bath, and before we put on our uniforms. This will help us trust each other. Sisters in Nursing!"

Then Nurse Vicky laid on her back on the bed. She put her feet up on the bed next to her bottom and let her knees drop open - spreading herself before the girls and the two adults. The three girls fell silent and stood still.

Fearing they might be going too fast, Margie stepped up, as if a real nursing instructor. "This wrinkly skin in the middle is her clitoral sheath that covers her clitoris. You know - that bump in the middle that feels so good when you rub it or when somebody else rubs it. You can see Nurse Vicky's clitoral sheath even with her legs closed, but you little girls have hidden clittys now. You can't see your clittys unless your legs are spread wide apart. When you start getting hair your clittys will get bigger, and often they begin to stick out even when your legs are closed. Let me feel her first. And of course, this is the vagina, which is getting kind of wet. It's because she is getting ready to take a bath to wash herself."

Nurse Margie was fingering Nurse Vicky in front of the girls, and then the girls relaxed and each took a turn - tickling the clitty and then fingering a few times.

Amy said, "It's really wet and slippery. Mine gets that way, too, like especially if one of the men is rubbing it."

"Mine does that, too." Said Laura.

"So does mine." Said Sherry. "Like kind of gooey when it gets all tingly, like especially if my uncle... oops, I mean when 'that man' keeps rubbing me there."

The girls continued to talk as they took turns fingering Nurse Vicky. They didn't see Nurse Ginny wink at Nurse Vicky. Nurse Ginny said, "Since she is a grown-up, I bet two of you could stick a finger in at the same time."

So the girls did that - first Amy and Laura, and then Sherry and Amy. That's when Nurse Margie said, "Why don't two of you finger her while the other girl pinches her nipples. Maybe do that for a little bit before you four, pretty ladies go in for your bath."

The little nurses cooperated - fingering Vicky's wet pussy, and pinching her nipples and then trading places. It was difficult for Nurse Vicky not to show her immense pleasure at being fingered and pinched by three naked pre-teen girls.


5. Taking A Bath Together

Margie took Amy's slippery, wet fingers in her hand and led her to the bathtub. Vicky and the three girls got in the tub and had fun washing each other - especially the breasts, bottoms, and pussies. The girls watched Margie wash Nurse Vicky's pussy which she was holding open with both hands, so Nurse Margie could run the soapy washcloth up one side of her clitty and down the other side. Nurse Margie said, "Round and round to get it all clean." Each of the girls tried it, and then one at a time, they stood with their legs apart - holding her pussy open, so the other three could wash it - going round and round like Nurse Margie had taught them. Each of the girls admitted that it kind of tickled and gave them tingles.

The big, square tub easily held the four ladies - young and old alike, and they washed and washed each other. One girl - or woman - would stand up and let the others wash her pussy, legs, and ass.

They talked and washed. Margie made sure she didn't block the cameras as she moved around the big tub to help wash each little, future nurse. She shared some of her imaginary memories from when she was that age - playing doctor with girlfriends; getting felt and fingered by a neighbor man, etc. She made up a story about being nine years old and her cousin and three other high school boys dared her to take her clothes off when they were playing by the creek out in the woods - a long way from home, but she told the boys she would only do that if they undressed, too. "And they did! Then they took turns feeling me all over and rubbing their cocks on me. And one by one, they all came on me - getting me coated with white stuff. "And then I washed myself off in the creek and we all went back to the house in time for dinner. My cousin's friends went home, and we never talked about it."

While they were washing each other and talking about their sexual experiences, the kissing started after some prompting and a demonstration from Ginny and Margie. Soon it was quieter as the girls and Nurse Vicky washed each other's breasts while they kissed.


6. Kissing While Naked, Right After The Bath

Before getting dressed, each little, future nurse introduced herself to the camera Margie was holding in her hands - stating her name, age, and grade in school. She had to turn around several times, and then the next girl introduced herself. Then the three of them stood side-by-side and faced the camera; smiling. Margie made it formal with an introduction, "This is our first class in this city of our Future Nurses Program. We are getting to know and trust each other. Each of the girls will give both of the other girls a long hug and kiss. They are learning to take turns. And then they will turn around while kissing and touching each other. I'll tell you girls when to switch. And touch each other after you've been kissing for a full minute. I'll tell you when to start touching each other - all over, including breasts and pussies."

It got quiet as Amy and Laura hugged and kissed. Sherry stayed right beside them, watching the two naked girls hug and kiss. At Margie's signal, they started feeling each other - primarily breasts and bottom. Margie reminded the girls not to put their fingers in each other's cracks, but to go ahead and feel her pubic mound. "Feel how soft yet firm it is. You can squeeze your partner's lips together to squeeze her pussy, but don't put your finger in yet." As they kept kissing, Margie suggested they open their mouths wider and use their tongues. The girls did that, too, while feeling each other from pussy to breasts and back. Margie got great shot of Sherry actually licking her lips as she watched the two other girls feel each other's breasts.

When she had Laura change places with Sherry, the adults could see that all three little girls were getting flushed, with mottled, reddish blotches on their chests. Even Sherry who had just been watching was getting excited. The three adults could hardly keep from grinning. These little girls would be hot. Amy and Sherry didn't need coaching, and started tongue kissing right away - and squeezing each other's breasts and pussy.

Lastly Laura and Sherry kissed and felt each other, with Amy standing by. Then Margie had the three girls stand side-by-side again and introduce themselves one at a time. All three of them were flushed. Margie noticed hip movements which also indicated a high level of excitement. She knew this would be a popular video on the websites - as were all of the first few sessions of each new class of pre-teen nurses.

Nurse Ginny put bright red lipstick on each of the naked girls, while Nurse Vicky put on her own lipstick - getting ready to teach the girls how to dress after their baths. As Nurse Ginny applied the lipstick, she said, "We want our nurses to look beautiful, so we'll put on lipstick today. Sometimes we'll do eye shadow and add color to your cheeks, but today it's just lipstick.

Nurse Vicky, still naked herself, said, "Another trust-building exercise we're going to do today, before we get dressed as nurses, is to be blindfolded and led around the room. This helps us learn what it's like if a person is bandaged or had a head injury. We'll learn to trust each other." They each practiced walking another blindfolded, naked girl over to the camera and back.


7. Garter Belts And Thigh-High Hose

As hoped, the girls were already getting used to the cameras aimed at them, thinking it a normal part of the "research." They had fun putting on the garter belts. Giggles indicated how much fun the girls were having as they paraded around in their garter belts with the straps dangling on their thighs. Amy started twisting her body making the straps slap her legs. Then the other two girls tried it. Nurse Vicky, also wearing only her garter belt, laughed and told the girls to keep dancing around while she played some music. The girls and Nurse Vicky danced around and acted silly. Nurse Vicky tried to stay off camera, even though she knew she would be in some of the camera views. Peter would edit her out before they sold copies of the first training session for this group.

Next came the white, thigh-high hose which they eventually got clipped on. After putting on their white, soft-soled, nurse's shoes, the girls introduced themselves again, while Margie held the camera. Each girl Demonstrated how she had fastened her garter snaps to her hose - giving Margie lots of good pussy close-ups. The two stationary mounted cameras were both turning quietly, and zooming under the control of Peter, in the basement. He couldn't wait until it was his turn to be a 'patient.'

Then, wearing only garter belts, hose, and shoes, Nurse Vicky said, "Hey, for fun, let's try dancing again, but in high heels. You'll put your nurse shoes back on in a minute. We will always try to make this a fun program, and not just study, study, study. We have high heels for each of you."


8. Fun Spankings

The girls flipped their shoes off without untying them, and giggled as they put on the high heels and danced and walked around in front of the cameras along with Nurse Vicky. It was fun having a grown-up to act silly with them. A minute later, the dancing adult nurse said, "I know a fun game while we're dancing and acting silly before we put on our panties and finish dressing for class. I'll stick my bottom out in front of one of you and you have to spank me real hard. And then, after you spank me, it's your turn to stick your bottom out in front of one of us other nurses for a spank."

When Vicky offered her bare bottom to Amy, Amy smacked her right cheek with a loud "Smack!"

"Not hard enough." Nurse Vicky said, "You have to smack really hard. It gives a sting for just a second, but because we're dancing the stinging disappears in about two seconds. Try it when it's your turn. Really smack hard, and the person will see how fast the sting disappears when we're acting silly like this. Now you smack me, Sherry. See how hard you can..."

"Smack!" Sherry hit harder.

Nurse Vicky said, "Lots better. It's a way we get to know each other and ourselves. The sting is already gone because I'm dancing." Then she danced over to one side, as if to adjust the music, but she was really getting out of the camera area. The three girls kept dancing in their high heels, garter belts, and white hose - taking turns getting spanked by offering their bottoms to one of their peers. They all agreed - with lots of giggles - that the stings disappeared in about two seconds. The smacks were noisy - caught on video with Margie still holding the portable camera and on the two remote-controlled cameras.

Then Nurse Vicky challenged them, "See if you can hold your bottom out and get three hard smacks. They will disappear, too, when you start dancing around. When we're done playing and getting ready, it will be time to go into the classroom to learn more about bones and muscles today."

The girls tried that - with lots of loud slaps and giggles.

Nurse Vicky turned off the music and said, "OK, girls, it's almost time to put on our panties and finish dressing. We'll wash our hands again in a few minutes. I want you to kiss and make-up after all those spankings you gave each other!" She laughed. "And be careful with the kissing so we don't mess up our lipstick. Now, when we're kissing and feeling, it's OK to finger the other girl's slit, just use a different hand for each girl so we don't move any bodily fluids from one girl to another. Let me show you. Come here, Amy."

They kissed. Then Nurse Vicky started feeling all over Amy's chest and pubic mound and bottom. "OK, watch closely. I'm going to slip my right forefinger in Amy's slit and tickle her clitty while we keep kissing. Then you girls can do this with each other. Remember right hand for one girl and your left hand for the other girl." She was fingering Amy's slit while she talked, and then started kissing longer. Then she said, "When someone is fingering your slit, tell that person that you had fun playing the spanking game and that you weren't mad when they spanked you. And don't ignore their breasts either. Squeeze them before you move your hand down to her pubic area. Nurse Ginny, can you time them while I keep kissing Amy? I want them to kiss, touch, and finger each other for at least three minutes."

It was quiet in the room - with whispered affection, and soft kissing noises. There were a few "Ohhhh"s and "Ahhhh"s and all of the hips in the room were moving slightly with building excitement - including the three adult women. The women were also sure that Peter was in the basement, feeling his own joy stick with one hand while moving the joy sticks for the cameras with his other hand!

Again, the excitement showed in flushed skin on each girl's chest. Nurse Vicky's chest was also reddish with excitement, as were the chests of the other two nurses who were still in uniform.

They left their high heels on while they went back to the bathroom to wash their hands. All the girls said they could feel the "fluid" of the other girl on their fingers. After a good hand washing session, they walked back into the dressing room-bedroom and took off the high heels and put the nursing shoes back on, after untying the laces. Then it was time for panties. Nurse Ginny put ten pairs of panties on the bed for the girls and Nurse Vicky to choose from. Each pair was pastel which would show the wetness.

At last they put on their very short nurse uniforms and then their nurse hats. They practiced listening to each other's heart beats. They also listened to each of the adults and let the adults listen to theirs - with much fondling.

Then they introduced themselves once again, but this time they said, "I'm Nurse Amy." And so on.


9. In The Classroom

"We've been having lots of fun, playing around and getting to know each other, but now we need to spend some time in the classroom learning more about our anatomy. Then we'll have dinner and change back into your school clothes for the ride home. We'll continue next week."

Each girl got two plastic coated cards which labeled the major muscles - front and back on one card, and the skeleton on the other card. "Try to memorize the ones I've highlighted for you. You don't have to remember them. Next week, we'll examine each of you and we'll review the names of the muscles and bones.

The first hour went much faster than the second hour which they spent in the classroom looking at charts and feeling their own biceps, triceps, flanges, etc. They watched a brief movie on hygiene for nursing assistants, which had been prepared by the same adults six months earlier in a different city. It showed a pre-teen nurse-in-training 'examining' one of her peers, eventually both girls were completely naked in the video while still examining each other - using a stethoscope, and then a scale, and measuring each other's height while one of them stood next to a chart. Both of the girls in the videos had small breasts and almost hairless pussies. The red headed girl had some pubic hair which showed up in the close-ups, when they examined and fingered each other's pussy. The adult nurses noticed that each of the girls were squirming again while watching the girls in the computer monitor.

Nurse Vicky said, "We might use some of the video or pictures of you girls in our other training videos. This is for medical science, and nobody will ever know your names, so don't be embarrassed."

Then it was time to change clothes again. Nurse Margie had ordered pizza and had the small table set up in the eating area of the kitchen. The girls talked and laughed along with the adults as they reviewed their first day of training. Each of the girls said she had a great time. The talking naturally drifted back to their sexual experiences, after a few seemingly accidental comments from the adults.

Each of the girls talked about being fingered and felt several times over the previous year. Without mentioning names - except by accident - they talked about even earlier experiences about being felt. They talked about 'teasing' and how easy it is to accidentally let somebody see their panties. Each of the girls admitted doing that. They had all been felt up in public swimming pools while playing various games. As the conversation continued, Nurse Vicky realized that each of them had been fondled by several adults in 'accidental' ways first - such as a coach, teacher, swimming instructor, an older boy who was tickling them, and on and on. The girls all admitted they liked the attention.


10. The Drive Home

Each of the girls was driven home by one of the adults, who went into the girl's apartment or trailer with her. On the drive home, the adult reminded the girl to drink lots of water and to try not to pee for an hour or two before going to class the next week, in case she was picked to be the first baby. The girls rationalized right along with the adult nurse who was taking them home, that it was a natural part of their training.

The girls each told their Moms they had a great time and that they wanted to go back the next week. They showed their Moms the charts of muscles and bones they were learning about. The nurse reminded them about the "do-no-talk" rule, and set a time to pick them up the next week.

It was all smiles.

When the three adult nurses returned to their little make-shift "Medical Facility," Peter congratulated them on helping him get so much great video for their encrypted websites. "These videos will sell all over the world!"


11. Week Two - Wet Diapers

Nurse Vicky picked up Amy at her Mom's trailer again. Her Mom said, "Amy and I didn't talk about anything, but I did see her studying the charts several times. She's looking forward to another fun class."

Nurse Vicky said, "We try to do some fun things with the girls, too. It's not all work and study." In her mind, Vicky was laughing at the understatement.

Within ten minutes of leaving, Amy was wiggling around in her seat. Finally she said, "I really have to pee. If I get picked to wear a diaper first, I hope you put it on me right away."

"We will. Before we take our baths. We were even thinking of letting all three of you try on diapers today. Then you can clean each other off, before we get in the tub. And as always we'll practice using proper names for things. So we won't say, 'finger her pussy.' Instead we would say, 'now insert your index finger into her vagina five times.' Or something like that."

She wasn't sure if Amy heard her because she was now wiggling around so much. They ran into the old house and Amy quickly stripped in front of the cameras and let Nurse Vicky put a plastic coated, paper diaper on her. It was an adult size and was too big on her, but they taped it up tight.

Amy stood, wearing only the diaper, standing on a big towel on the tile floor, and looked into the camera. She let loose, still standing up straight. "Ohhhhhhh." She moaned several times. "I really had to go."

"Dear, sweet baby, do you feel better now?" Nurse Vicky asked.


"While we're waiting for the others, let me sit in the big chair and hold you on my lap and you can keep pretending you're a baby and nurse on my breasts. OK?"

Amy smiled, "Yes, OK. Gee."

Nurse Vicky sat on the big, stuffed chair after taking off her blouse and bra. She put a towel on her lap. Amy climbed onto her lap, sitting sideways so her mouth was right at Nurse Vicky's right breast. She started sucking with very little prompting. Both enjoyed it. Nurse Vicky pulled a small, baby blanket out of the basket next to her chair and covered the naked baby.

While Baby Amy kept sucking, Nurse Vicky covered her with the baby blanket and started rubbing her back and chest, saying, "Good, Baby."

Nurse Margie came in with Laura a few minutes later. Nurse Vicky said, "Go ahead and put the diaper on her. Amy couldn't wait for you because she had to pee so badly. She's already wet and needs changing, but we'll wait until all three little nurses are here. Meanwhile she is nursing at my breasts."

Nurse Margie caught on right away. "I'll have Laura do the same thing." She led the girl over in front of the cameras; undressed her; and put on the diaper. "Introduce yourself again while you're peeing in your diaper, and tell the camera what you're doing."

Two minutes later, Laura was introducing herself, "I'm Laura, and I'm nine years old, but I'm pretending to be a baby and that's why I'm wearing a diaper. Ohhhh, and now I'm peeing in my diaper. It feels funny. Then I'm going to nurse on Nurse Margie's breasts for a little while before we practice changing each other's diapers and cleaning each other off."

While both Laura and Amy were nursing, Sherry arrived with Nurse Ginny. Soon she was introducing herself, wearing only the disposable diaper. She wet herself right away. "Ohh, that feels funny. Kind of warm and wet."

Sherry wanted to spend some time nursing since the other two girls were doing it. She walked over to each girl and watched them sucking on adult's bare breast. "I want to do it, too."

Soon all three little girls were wearing wet diapers and sucking on an adult's breast. The adults taught the little girls how to feel their breasts with their hands while nursing. "Often little babies will do breast massage with their hands while nursing, especially as they get older. You've seen puppies and kittens massaging their Mommies with their paws while nursing. Today, after your baths, we'll have you girls practicing nursing on each other while you're massaging each other's breasts with your hands. And no need to be embarrassed because we will all do it. We'll all suck on everybody else. Change places now, so each of you girls gets to suck on all three of us adults. We'll also take turns later sucking on each of you. You'll do lots of touching and kissing each other today. We're still doing our trust exercises."

The next fifteen minutes was spent sucking. Every adult sucked on every girl, and every girl sucked on each adult and both of the other girls. Nurse Vicky noticed the remote-controlled cameras moving quietly - zooming and turning to catch the girl-girl action.

Then it was time for changing the diapers. First: hand-washing again. Then they laid Amy on the sturdy table with the plastic-coated table cloth and several towels on top. The two other little nurses unfastened the tape and dropped the wet diaper in the little, white trash can with the foot-operated lid - just like in a doctor's office. They washed Amy's bottom and pussy and even her hips and lower tummy. Nurse Ginny reminded them to, "go 'round and round' the clitty with the soapy washcloth to get her pussy all clean. We want it sparkly clean."

They held her ankles high and apart to wash off Amy's anus. Nurse Ginny said it looked very clean. "Later today, probably right after your baths, we'll show you how to lubricate an anus so a thermometer could slide right in. We'll practice with a practice rubbery, plastic, pretend thermometer on each of you. The pretend thermometer is just slightly bigger than a pencil - about the size of your finger which will be going all the way in to get her lubricated." It was hard for Ginny to stand back so as not to be on camera. She said, "Very good, Girls. She looks sparkly clean in front and back. Clean enough to kiss!"

The three girls giggled at that.

Nurse Vicky said, "I know. It sounds funny. But watch." Laura and Sherry stepped back to watch. Nurse Vicky bent down and kissed Amy's clitty. Nurse Vicky stood up and looked at the two little girls watching her. Then she bent down again and licked Amy's anus. She kissed it and worked her way back up to her clitty - licking and kissing and letting the two, squirming, little girls watch her. She stood up again. "Yes, she is very clean now. You should trust your cleaning skills. We saw that you did a good job. Sherry, your turn. Kiss and lick her like I just did."

The giggling had stopped while the girls watched Nurse Vicky kissing and licking Amy's pussy and ass. Sherry bent down and did the same thing, while Nurse Vicky stepped back - out of the wall-mounted camera's line of sight.

Nurse Ginny told her she was doing great, and to do it again. The adults, including Peter in the basement, camera-control room, knew that Ginny wanted a turn licking the little girl. But Ginny waited. She knew she would get to lick and kiss each of the three girls over the remaining weeks of their training program. She thought that Nurse Vicky (who wasn't a real nurse) had a stroke of genius with her "trust-building" approach to getting the little girls to do things like that with each other.

Over the next twenty minutes, the girls washed their hands after cleaning off each "baby." After the girls washed each other, they kissed and licked directly on the anus, vagina, and clitty as directed by the three adults, so that each of the girls kissed and licked both of the other girls.

"Before we go take our baths and get dressed, let's go ahead with the lubrication and thermometer practice. We have lots of classroom work to do today. And later on, we will practice stimulation. Maybe we could do a little of that right now, so they will understand what it feels like to our semi-comatose patient."

"Good idea." Said Nurse Vicky, who was also playing the role of the 'head nurse.' "Just remember to wash your hands after lubricating someone."


12. Lubricating Laura's Anus

They started with nine year old Laura. The naked girl was on her hands and knees on the large, sturdy, coffee table with her knees apart. Nurse Vicky had her lower herself as far as she could, so soon she was almost flat against the table with her knees under her chest and her arms were stretched out in front of her head. Both Sherry and Amy got a finger full of lubricant and pushed it into Laura's anus. It got quiet again as the two, naked pre-teen girls kept putting finger fulls of lubricant into Laura's anus. Laura started saying, "Unnn," each time one of the girls pushed her finger in all the way.

Nurse Vicky had Laura close her eyes. She said, "Concentrate on the feeling in your anus, Laura. It doesn't hurt, does it?"


"I would like them to keep putting lubricant in your anus for another minute. Is that OK, Laura?"

"Unnn, yes."

Nurse Vicky pointed out Laura's clitty to the two young nurses busy with their lubrication duties. "See how it kind of sticks out when she is in this position?"

"Yes." Both girls looked closely at Laura's suspended clitty.

"It's probably getting a little bigger and stiffer as you stimulate her. We'll stimulate her clitty even more in just a minute, but now I want you to hold a finger pressed all the way inside her anus. When I say 'squeeze,' I want Laura to try to squeeze her anus closed as tight as she can so you will actually feel her sphincter muscle tighten around your finger. When you go to the bathroom, this muscle - like a little ring - squeezes to force the rest of a stool - that's a unit of feces - or whatever you call it at your house, when you do number two, as we used to say in school. 'Take a dump.' Or 'take a shit,' there are lots of different slang terms for defecation. Anyway, the sphincter muscle is like a ring that keeps your anus closed tightly so you don't have accidents in your panties."

She patted Laura's bottom and said, "Squeeze!"

They could all see Laura's ass tighten. Nurse Vicky, "Just nod if you can feel her ass squeeze your finger. Don't talk because we don't want her to know whose finger has been sliding in and out of her ass. You will each get a turn being the patient. Could you feel her squeeze your finger?"

Amy nodded.

"Good. It looked like she squeezed real tight. Now I want Laura to keep her bottom relaxed, but to sometimes try to squeeze it shut tight, so you'll really have to push to get your finger all the way in. She's pretty slippery now, and so are your index fingers. Most girls like how this feels. While we're doing this, we're also going to stimulate her clitoris with a little vibrator. Just move it around and around her clitty, and sometimes press directly on it. Don't push it in her vagina. We will do things like that beginning next week. For now, I'll have one of you stimulate her anus, and the other girl can tickle her clitty and pussy area with the vibrator. I'll tell you when to trade places. Don't talk, because I don't want her to know who is doing what."

Laura's quiet pleasure moans increased in volume. Her hips were moving as her tension built up in her pussy.

Nurse Margie said, "You girls are doing great at following directions."

The three adults were standing several feet away so as not to block the cameras. Margie was holding the hand-held camera to get different angles. She also got some good footage of Laura's face. Her mouth opened each time a finger pressed into her anus.

The two girls switched places after a couple minutes and continued with the anal fingering and clitty stimulation with the vibrator. Two minutes after that, Laura had an orgasm, with a loud, "Ohhh, ahhhhh, unnnnnnn." She raised up onto her hands and knees again and laid forward to protect her pussy from further stimulation from the vibrator. Sherry kept her finger in Laura's ass while Laura moved, like Nurse Vicky had told her. "Let her rest a minute. Keep your finger pressed all the way in, but hold still."

After a minute, Laura's moaning subsided. "unnnnn." She said as each after spasm sent another wave a pleasure through her abdomen.

Nurse Vicky said, "Pull your finger out quickly, Sherry!"

When Sherry pulled her finger out, Laura enjoyed another wave of pleasure.

"Could you feel her spasms on your finger when she orgasmed?"

"Yes." Sherry said, like squeezing my finger.

"While we're washing our hands, I'll tell you about some of the other medical-type games we'll be playing. Sometimes one of you will dress up - like a baby, for example, and have a rattle and a pacifier. And after you wet your diapers, the other nurses will clean you up and help you have those good feelings by fingering your bottom and vagina and tickling your clitty with a vibrator. It's just for fun in front of the cameras. We want you to relax and enjoy the feelings - and be noisy. We're all trusted friends here, so make pleasure noises if something feels good. Or sometimes you'll sit on the toilet with your knees wide apart, and lean back and see how far you can aim your pee over the front edge of the toilet onto a big towel. We have other games for you, too, so you won't get bored with just studying all the time."


13. Hand Washing And Learning About Other "games"

They let Laura rest another minute, while Nurse Margie took Amy and Sherry to the bathroom to wash their hands, especially their fingers. She asked them if Laura's anus felt tight and if they could tell when she squeezed it shut.

Amy said, "Yes, like I could feel it squeezing my finger. But I could push it in anyway since she was so slippery. It felt funny on my finger.

"Did you like pushing your finger in her?"


"Me, too." Said Sherry. "I could feel it squeezing on my finger as I pushed it in."

Nurse Margie asked the girls if they would squeeze their asses as closed tight as Larua did.

"I'll try to." Amy promised. "I'll really squeeze it tight."

"Me, too." Said Sherry. "Maybe if I squeeze it tight enough you won't even be able to push a finger in me!" Both girls giggled nervously.

"Have either of you little nurses ever fingered another girl's bottom before?"

Both girls shook their head no while they continued to wash their hands. Amy said, "I fingered a girl's pussy before, like all the way in, but not her bottom."

"Oh, I fingered three other girl's pussies, and I think five different girls and a couple men have fingered mine." said Sherry, "But I never fingered a girl's bottom before. It's really tight, but with the slippery stuff it goes in easier. Sometimes I had to push hard, like if she was squeezing it tight."

"It's kind of fun, isn't it?" Margie asked, "I mean fingering and looking at another girl. Looking real close; getting her all slippery; watching her clitty; trying to push your finger in."

"It was fun." Amy said. "Whose turn is it next?"

"I thought it was fun, like so tight on my finger, and I could feel when she was trying to squeeze it." Said Sherry. "And I liked looking at her real close, too. Sometimes a man looks at mine real close before he licks me there."

Margie said, "You girls will keep looking closely and touching each other there - like examining each other, and then maybe next week or the week after, when you've had more practice with each other, you'll each get to see if you can tell who's is who's. Like a game."

"What do you mean?" Amy asked. "I like games."

"The other two girls will be covered sheets except for right around their pussies, like prep for surgery. And you can look and touch, and even finger each one, and then see if you can tell which one is Sherry's and which one is Laura's. Every pussy is a little different - so study her clitoral sheath, the shape of the lips, how full and firm they feel, how tight her vagina is, and so on. It would be right after your bath, so they will probably both smell like the perfumed bubble bath, but you could smell and lick; anything you want to do to tell them apart. Like you could rub the girl's clitty for a little bit to watch how it swells up. Things like that. And if you can tell them apart then you'll get a prize."

"I want to look again. Can we really finger each other? That might make it easier to tell them apart." Amy was eager to play the game! "What is the prize?"

"We usually try to make the prizes match the game somehow, or sometimes it's for money. But I think for the vaginal identification game it will be a shopping trip with us to a specialty lingerie store - so any of you gets both pussies right, will get a dozen fancy panties. And we'll wear our regular clothes and go on a little field trip to the specialty store. You can't take them home, but you could wear the fancy stuff when you're here, or like for other field trips we might take. We'll do your hair and nails, even your toenails, and put make-up on you for the field trips, so you'll look more grown-up, and so pretty!"

"Cool!" Said Amy. "I think I'll be able to tell them apart. On Laura's you can kind of see her clitty even when her legs are together, but on Sherry's pussy, she has to be almost wide open before you can see it. It's like her pussy lips are more plump and Laura's are skinnier."

Sherry asked, "How many prizes do you have? I mean what if all three of us get them right?"

"Then we'll take all three of you! It would be fun. I hope you study hard, even when you're washing each other."

Margie said, "Like I said, sometimes we have little games and contest to make your nursing school experience more fun. We even thought of seeing who could squeeze your anus the tightest. I don't know what prize or prizes we'll have. The three of us adults will each test all three of you, after we get you all lubricated, of course. I'll show you an exercise later to help tighten you anus muscle - remember - the 'sphincter' muscle."

"I remember." Said Amy. "The sphincter muscle is like a ring and it tightens up to close the opening - like your asshole."

"Very good." Said Nurse Margie. "And that could be a three way tie, too. Maybe we'll have a visiting judge help us decide a winner. Maybe somebody with bigger fingers. We'll see. But even then it could still be a three-way tie. I think we'll have some kind of contest every week from now on. Just to make things more fun."

"This is so much fun!" Amy said, as she was drying her hands.

"Another vaginal identity game we might have you play is the same thing, but blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back."

"Then how could we tell them apart?" Amy asked with a puzzled look on her cute face.

"Just with your mouth. You could feel and lick with your tongue to see if you could tell them apart, like pressing and flicking her clitty with your tongue. Or see how far you can stick your tongue into her vagina. Things like that. We'll practice that every week for a few weeks first before we do that version of the game."

"Gee." Amy said, thinking about it. She felt another surprise tingle shoot through her own pussy.

Margie noticed Amy's hips move. She said, "Sometimes, like if we have a visiting doctor here, he might help with some of the games in between showing you ways to take care of patients - like with different kinds of stimulation, or examination."

Sherry said, "Would they be men doctors? That would be embarrassing."

"Usually it would be a woman doctor or a woman intern, but once in a while it might be a man. Whoever it is might want to see how well you do when you change a diaper and wash off a patient, and maybe observer your stimulation techniques. We'll practice that. Remember; 'round and ..."

"Round and round her clitty." Both Amy and Sherry said, then giggled.

"And the visiting doctor or intern might want to watch you lubricate a bottom and then check how well you did the lubrication - check for herself, or himself. But I think you girls are already good at that. However, we'll probably practice every week, so you'll be able to demonstrate your technique with confidence. And now I think its Sherry's turn to get lubricated. And, Amy - remember to look closely at Sherry's pussy so you'll be able to recognize it. Maybe later, after our baths, you can work on identification with your eyes closed - and then check to see if you are right. We'll all take turns. Did you think it looked like it felt good to Laura when you lubricated her?"

"Yes, she liked it." Amy said.

"I could tell she liked it." Said Sherry. "By her noises.

Nurse Margie said, "You're both right! She loved it, like the little girls in our other training program in a different city. Are you ready to get lubricated, Sherry? I know our other two nurses in training want to get you all lubricated and get a close look at your pretty pussy and bottom. You can practice squeezing as tight as you can when we tell you to. Otherwise, try to keep your bottom relaxed so they can put their fingers in you easier, to get you all slippery. I'll get some close-ups of you. So you're ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready." Naked pre-teen, nurse Sherry was anxious to get fingered.

Margie asked again, "Could you tell it felt good to Laura when you girls fingered her?"

"Yes, you could tell she liked it." Sherry said.

"It felt really good to her." Said Amy.

They headed back to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, Laura was lying on her back with her legs apart - knees up and lying out. Nurse Vicky was getting close-up video of Laura's clear-and-white, girl cum oozing out of her vagina as she rested. She kept telling Laura how cute and sexy she was, and that she would make a great nurse, because people would respond to her. "You'll see." Said Nurse Vicky. "I bet men and women patients will respond when you stimulate them. This is why we chose you, because you are so alive. Did that feel really, really wonderful when you were being fingered and buzzed at the same time?"

"Yes. Wonderful."

"And would you like to get those good feelings again?"


"Very good, Laura. It means you are learning more about your body. Will you help the other girls get those good feelings, too?"

"Yes. I want to."

"And when you are 'examining' them I want you to feel, smell, and look at every part of their pussy and ass, even putting your fingers inside them. It will help you learn more about the female body - and all the wondrous feelings that are possible in those sensitive areas."

"Oh, well, yes, I want to learn those things. And Mommy said I should do everything you say and try to learn a lot."

"And - another little secret I'll share with you and the other girls: doing those things in front of cameras makes it feel even better. It did feel wonderful, didn't it?"

"Yes. Really, really wonderful."

"Good, because this is part of your training, and part of our project - our weekly games that will help you feel good like that. Lots of fun things so you get to know your bodies better. Always in front of cameras so it feels even better."

"Umm, like I was wondering - who will see the pictures and videos?"

"Usually nobody." Nurse Vicky lied - knowing that she at least would watch them often. She shared her confidence with the curious girl, "Well, we, I mean part of our research grant - well, we'll work with patients clear on the other side of the country to see if watching some of the clips of you girls learning about your bodies... well, we want to know if seeing the video clips of you girls helps them relieve tension. Our research team thinks that some people will respond to watching your video clips - just highlights - and nobody around here, and of course, nobody will know your name." She looked closely at Laura. "Is that kind of exciting - knowing that some men might watch the videos of you getting fingered and buzzed, and that they will be able to relieve some of their tension from watching you. It's therapeutic - like helping them medically."

"Oh. Well, if it helps them, then they can watch. Gee, like they see my bare, feminine parts?"

"Yes. Close-ups, and all the video action. They want to see you."


Nurse Vicky noticed another spasm shoot across Laura's hips - forcing out the last little bit of girl cum - making her hips squirm once more with lingering pleasure. When Nurse Margie brought the other girls back, Nurse Vicky took the blushing Laura to the bathroom to wipe the excess lubricant from her ass.

"I bet that felt great, didn't it, Laura? What the other girls did with their fingers and the vibrator."

"Yes. What was that? It felt like I exploded in my tummy and pussy."

"You did. You exploded with pleasure. That was an orgasm. Did you ever have that feeling build up and explode before?"

"No. Gosh."

"Would you like to get that good feeling again sometime?"


"It has something to do with the cameras and other people helping you. The other two adults and I know how to stimulate little girls so they get those good feelings. It's also fun to help another girl get those feelings. I bet the little vibrator got your clitty all tingly, too, didn't it?"

"Yes. Really."

"Just remember that it feels better when you're in front of our cameras."


"And after I clean you off, will you help us stimulate our other two nurses-in-training?"

"Yes, I want to help."

"And you'll get to take a close look at each pussy and ass. Up close. Examine each one with your eyes, fingers, and tongue - just like they examined you. It's part of the training, and also like a fun game."


14. Sherry And Amy Get Fingered And Vibrated

Next Sherry had a turn. She kind of knew what to expect and got into each position on the table as directed. First on her back. Nurse Vicky had Amy and Laura lift up Sherry's knees to lift her butt up off the edge of the table. She put a little pillow under Sherry's hips and had Sherry hold her ankles so her feet were close to her head. "Try to keep your legs straight while the girls examine you. I want them to wash off your pussy and ass again, so you're kissable clean."

The two little nurses got Sherry sparkling clean. This time Nurse Margie demonstrated how to lick Sherry's ass and pussy. After both Laura and Amy spent five minutes examining and licking Sherry, including vaginal probing in front of Margie's camera, they began lubricating her anus.

Nurse Margie got close-ups as the girls fingered Sherry's anus. She reminded all three girls that it feels more intense in front of cameras. She said, "Especially knowing that other people will watch your videos. They will see your face and see you enjoying the feelings and sensations in your anus and on your clitty. Mainly just doctors in-training, and other partners in our stimulation research, so other men and women will watch your videos who are somehow associated with our research project. Look into my camera, Sherry, and tell me your name and age and what the other nurses are doing to you now."

Sherry was now blushing, but she kept holding her ankles up by her shoulders. She looked into the camera and said, "I'm Sherry, and unnnn, I'm ten years old, and unnnn, like they are putting slippery stu... unnn... stuff in my bottom, so they can... unnnn... put the pretend thermometer... unnnnnn, ohhh... in my bottom. They will... unnn... tickle my clitty with a vibrator... unnn... after they lick it a few more times to ... ohhhh, make it stiffen up. Ohhhh, unnn."

"It doesn't hurt when they push a finger all the way in your anus, does it, Sherry?"

"Unnnnn, no."

"Doe it feel good to you?"

"Ohhhhh, uhhh, yes."

"And you know that other people will watch this video of you. They will see your face and your pussy and your anus with fingers going in it. Is that embarrassing and exciting, too?"

"Unnnn, yessssss. Embarrassing. Unnn. Exciting."

Nurse Margie continued shooting video and directing. "Amy, I want you to put your finger all the way up Sherry's ass. And Laura, I want you to push Sherry's pussy lips apart with both of your thumbs at the same time. That's it. Push her pussy lips apart and up towards her belly button. See how it makes her clitty stick out? Let me get a close-up of her little pleasure button. Tell the camera what it looks like, Laura."

"Yes, like a little pink part sticks out. And it looks bigger now too, than when we first started. Like a little, pale, pink pea."

"Very good observation. That's part of our medical training: observation. Now lick and suck on her exposed clitty while Amy keeps fingering her ass."

A minute later she had the girls trade places. After Laura pushed a finger all the way up Sherry's ass, Margie told Amy to lick and suck on Sherry's clitty.

Then it was time to begin tapping with the vibrator. Margie told the girls to step back while she blindfolded Sherry. They she had the girls begin tapping with the vibrator and fingering Sherry's ass. Within two minutes Sherry had a noisy orgasm.

Nurse Vicky removed Sherry's blindfold so Margie could zoom in on her face and ask her about her first orgasm on camera.

"Oh, it felt great. Like big explosions of pleasure in my whole tummy and pussy. I mean it feels good when other people rub it for me, but it never felt that good. Maybe it was the camera, like you said. Ohhhh, there goes another tingle zipping from my pussy to my bottom; like squeezes."

Amy said, "I could feel her bottom squeezing on my finger. Like hard squeezes."

Margie had both Amy and Laura get close looks at the whitish excitement oozing out of Sherry's vagina. Margie asked, "So, Sherry, do you like getting fingered and vibrated in front of a camera?"

"Yes! Unnnn, there goes another tingle. It felt so good. And like this is for medical research."

"You three girls are very responsive. I know some of the interns will want to examine you, just for medical understanding. You'll let them examine you this way, won't you, girls?"

All three girls said they would.

After a short rest period and hand-washing session, it was Amy's turn to get the full anal-clitty treatment - beginning with asshole licking, pussy licking, and clitty sucking. Her orgasm, which was just as noisy as Sherry's, occured less than ten minutes later. All three girls said they liked helping with medical research and they would be glad to let interns examine them, especially in front of cameras.


15. Bath Time And Tribidism Practice

It was quieter in the bathtub, as the girls soaked in the perfumed bubble bath and washed each other. Their clittys were still sensitive, so they didn't wash each other's clitties as long this week as they had last week.

Before getting dressed, Nurse Vicky led the three naked girls to the bedroom for some 'tribidism training.' She showed Sherry and Laura how one girl could lay on her side with one leg straight up in the air, while another girl straddled the leg that was outstretched on the bed, and then rub pussies together.

Then she had Laura lay flat on her back while Amy straddled both legs so she could lay almost on top of Laura and rub their pussies together that way. "Very good, girls. You're catching on. The point is to rub your pussies together hard enough so that both of your clitties are feeling the pressure and movement. I'll teach you one more tribbing position, and then over the next week - for homework - I want each of you to try to think of some other positions where two girls could rub their pussies together."

She had Sherry and Amy get on the bed in "crab-walk" position and try to figure out a way to get their pussies to touch each other. Finally Amy put one leg over Sherry's hip so they were like two pairs of scissors with the blades open and "cutting" into each other. They rubbed for a full minute. Both girls said it felt good.

Nurse Ginny looked at her watch. She had been running one of the cameras the whole time that the girls were there. "We'll practice the new positions next week, but now we've got to get busy so we can have some classroom time before the pizza gets here! Time to get dressed!"

The three nurses helped the three little girls get dressed. They were faster this week with the garter belts and hose. Shoes, short, nurse's uniforms, and caps completed their uniformed look. Lastly they put on panties.

It was Nurse Ginny's turn to lead the classroom discussion. As they walked into the classroom, Nurse Margie adjusted the cameras and left. Nurse Ginny led them on a review of the major bones and muscles - with lots of touching each other. Nurse Ginny was able to fondle each of the three girls - demonstrating on one, while the two girls found the same spots on each other.

Then Nurse Vicky came in with a model of a penis and balls. They discussed the names of the various parts of the penis: shaft and glans. She explained the balls as the scrotum and testicles. They girls demonstrated on the small, erect penis how they had played with the penis of the various adults who had fondled them.

Some of the hygiene rules were set aside as they took turns sucking on the same rubbery-plastic penis. Nurse Ginny explained that taking turns sucking on the same penis was similar to the tongue kissing they had done the week before. "Say, that reminds me: have you girls practiced kissing this week? We need to do it every week."

Nurse Margie came in to work the camera - getting close-ups of the girls kissing and fondling each other, while Nurse Vicky left to go to the front door to pay for the pizza which had just arrived.

During dinner, they three girls and three adults continued discussing the men they had had experiences with. Each of the three of them remembered "minor incidents," as Nurse Vicky explained, while leading the discussions, which had started before they turned nine, and escalated to getting fingered and getting squirted on and fingered.

Time was up. They changed back into their street clothes.

As each of the three adults drove one of the girls home, they reminded the girls about secrecy except with each other, and to study the bones and muscles charts, and to think of more ways to do tribbing. "I already thought of one." Amy told Nurse Vicky. "At least I think it will work. And I'm going to practice with a pillow and pretend it's Sherry or Laura."

"That's a great idea. And by the way, we might have a visiting intern next week."

"A man or a woman?" Amy asked right away.

"I'm not sure. But you'll still cooperate, won't you, even if it's a man?"

"Yes. I want to do a good job, and this is just 'medical stuff' like you and Nurse Ginny and Nurse Margie keep saying. So it's just like parts of our bodies."


16. Week Three - Doctor Alex Has The Young Nurses Demonstrate What They Have Learned

"This is Doctor Alex." Nurse Vicky said, as she introduced the handsome, full-bodied, man with thinning hair. His rimless glasses made him look older than his thirty five years, and more like a professor than a doctor. He smiled frequently, and gave the girls many compliments.

"Very good hygiene practices." He said, while watching them in the big bathtub - vigorously washing each other. "And I'm glad that each of you understands this is just medical training, and that it isn't 'naughty' to let other people, especially doctors, examine all parts of your bodies."

Nurse Vicky said, as she pinched Dr. Alex on his side where none of the girls could see her do it, "Dr. Ales, the girls get each other clean enough to kiss - anywhere. And they aren't trying to hide themselves from you, because they know this is medical and it's OK for others to see and examine their healthy, young bodies." Vicky and Alex had been friends for many years. They both knew of the other's secret love for pre-teen cracks.

"Is that right, Amy?" Dr. Alex asked.

"Yes, anywhere, like even on our bottom, because we are so clean."

"The girls will show you that later, Doctor." Nurse Margie said. She was also looking forward to getting her hands on the compliant - almost eager - girls.

"And they have other things to show you, too. Last week they learned about lubricating each other for an anal thermometer."

Dr. Alex felt his cock jump as he imagined that. Vicky hadn't shown him any of the pictures or video yet. She wanted to surprise him.

Amy said, "We have to use lots of lubricant and push our finger in all the way to make sure it's slippery way inside, like for the thermometer. We keep doing it for a little bit to make sure she is real slippery... and, well... because it feels good, too, like for our games."

"It doesn't hurt once we are real slippery back there." Added Sherry. "Like once we're really slippery, then the thermometer or a finger can slide right in."

"I have the hard rubber, model thermometer for them to practice with today, since you're here, Dr. Alex, to observe them." She held up the pink, three-quarter inch diameter rubber rod with a dull, rounded tip. Four inches below the tip was a bulbous area two inches above the base-handle. The bulbous area had a one and one fourth inch diameter, which was followed by two more inches of rubber shaft, with a large, round handle at the very end so it couldn't possibly go all the way in.

The three naked girls stopped moving and stared at it. Nurse Vicky said, "We'll get each of you well lubricated, and then I'll have you lubricate this pretend thermometer. It's slightly larger than a real thermometer... Actually it's about the same diameter as a grown man's finger. The ball near the base will fit in, and that will keep it from popping back out while you wait for the thermometer to get up to the person's temperature. She kept explaining the custom butt plug to the girls who were still staring at it.

Nurse Vicky had each girl slide her hand up and down the plug, and compare it to Dr. Alex's finger. As Amy was sliding her soapy hand up and down on the hard, rubber butt plug, and then on Dr. Alex's finger, Nurse Vicky said, "Say, maybe Dr. Alex would help get each of you lubricated, like to inspect you. And if his finger slides in, then you would know that the rubber thermometer will slide in easily. Want to try that, Amy?"

"Well, OK. Gee. All the way in?"

Dr. Alex said, "I'll make sure you're lubricated first. How many times do you young nurses insert your finger to make sure the patient is well lubricated?

Amy said, "Usually like five or ten times. Both of us will finger her five or ten times after we put the lubrication in. But sometimes more if like we're playing a game because it feels good."

Amy was standing, and looked down towards her feet. "Umm, like one of our games."

"What other kinds of games do your girls play? It's a good idea - games - because you don't want to just work and study all the time." Dr. Alex said.

Nurse Vicky said, "We usually do the lubrication right away and then we make sure that each other is squeaky clean by kissing and licking an area. Then we do the lubrication - changing positions, so they get used to different positions for taking temperatures. Usually... well, tell Dr. Alex, Sherry. What positions for the kissing and fingering?"

Sherry stepped closer to Dr. Alex. She demonstrated washing her own breasts, pussy, and ass. "Like for kissing, after we warm up by kissing each other on the mouth, we usually kiss and suck on each other's breasts, and then pussy, and then bottoms. Like since we're so clean. And then we can do the fingering, and play a game."

"I'm not sure what you mean by game, but that's a good way to verify cleanliness. Very good, Nurse Vicky. Good training."

Nurse Vicky said, "Thank you, Doctor. Laura, please explain more about the warm-up games."

Laura stepped closer, letting the other two girls step back. Both Amy and Sherry sat down in the tub and continued to wash each other's breasts, while listening closely. Laura said, "Well, like before we get dressed in our nursing uniforms, to make sure we're clean and relaxed, and like to get relaxed, after we... like if we did Laura first, we would kiss her and lick her all over, and then while we are lubricating her bottom, one of us will spread her lips open and kind of kiss and lick, and even suck on her clitty. It's the little pink thing that's in the middle of our pussy lips, so like when we spread the lips apart with our fingers and push up towards her belly button, it kind of sticks out - the clitty button - and then we suck and lick it. That helps the other girl get all relaxed after we do that for a few minutes. We take turns."

Nurse Vicky noticed that Dr. Alex was full erect through his dress trousers. She smiled. "I think the girls are pretty clean now. Let's dry them off and they can show you how they make sure each other is clean. We'll let you position the first girl. You have to put each of them in at least three different positions for the kissing and fingering. And if you want, besides fingering, you could kiss them, too. Is that OK, Girls"

They all giggled as they said yes.

Amy said, "I've never been kissed by a doctor."

Nurse Vicky said, "He will kiss you in different places, Amy, just like our other little nurses will kiss you - just to make sure you're fresh and clean all over. OK?"

Amy blushed and looked down. "Me first?"

Nurse Vicky said, "Yes, but first I'll let Dr. Alex inspect each of you. And it's fine to practice kissing with him, because this is an informal program, and I want to see how well you're all learning to kiss. Maybe we could even practice some stimulation techniques on him later, just for medical practice." Nurse Vicky turned to Dr. Alex, and said, "Each of my three little nurses has helped a man cum. They've felt it and tasted it, so they know some of the things to do."

She looked back at the girls, "I told you that we might be trying things with some of the semi-comatose patients as the weeks went by, and that we would learn various stimulation techniques. We are practicing on each other, but we need to know ways to stimulate a man, too, and I think Dr. Alex would be able to show you some things. That is, if he has time to stay a little longer after we stimulate each of you three girls, and then get you dressed in your nursing uniforms. Do you think you could stay a little longer today, Doctor, and let the girls show you what they already know?"

"Just looking at these cute, little girls is stimulating! I'll call my office and let them rearrange my schedule for the evening. I was scheduled for a couple of routine hospital visits, but they can wait until tomorrow. I would like to help you train these little nurses."

Nurse Vicky looked at the three naked, little girls. "This is important girls. I didn't think we would get to male stimulation for three more weeks, but since Dr. Alex is here, we may as well start today, especially since he is changing his schedule so you can practice on a live person. What do you think? Will each of you show him some of the things you've done with men already?"

Each of the three girls giggled and said she would like to show him the things she did on the other men. Dr. Alex smiled, "And I will teach you some other ways to stimulate a man, so that when the time comes you will have other ways to stimulate him towards recovery."

Nurse Vicky took charge. "OK, here is our revised schedule for today's training: First, we'll have Dr. Alex help verify that each of you girls is clean, and then he will assist while you check each other; practice kissing, and so on, and then he will help lubricate each of you before getting you to relax."

The girls each looked forward to "getting relaxed," with the help of Dr. Alex and the other two pre-teen nurses. They didn't know that "getting relaxed" was Nurse Vicky's euphemism for "getting masturbated to orgasm."

She continued talking while the excited, naked, little girls listened closely. "Then you will get dressed in your uniforms and show Dr. Alex the things you already know about helping a man get relaxed." She held up her hand to get the girls' attention, "And then, one of you might get a prize if Dr. Alex squirts out his tension while you are practicing on him. Maybe each of could get a little prize if all three of you are touching him or kissing him, at the time he releases the tension."

Everyone agreed to the new schedule. Nurse Vicky continued, "And then, maybe Dr. Alex could help each of you girl relax one more time, before our pizza arrives, and we review the charts on bones and muscles. So, does that sound like a good schedule for today?" She held the vibrator in her hand and turned it on, letting the three little girls listen to the buzzing noise. "Won't this feel good, today? You can enjoy the sensations while Dr. Alex stimulates you. He needs to know how responsive each of you girls is to this kind of stimulation."

Amy laid on the stack of bath towels on top of the sturdy coffee table so the other girls could position her and then kiss and lick her all over - showing off to the adults how good they were getting at following directions. Dr. Alex had Amy get in several different positions. The other two girls and then Dr. Alex kissed and licked her in each position. Next came the anal lubrication. While Sherry and Laura were getting Amy lubricated, Nurse Vicky suggested that the adults take off their pants and panties so the girls wouldn't be so self-conscious while they were naked.

No arguments.

The girls all looked at Dr. Alex's stiff, fat, almost seven inch cock with a large head. Since it was distracting the young nurses while they were supposed to be lubricating one of their peers, she let the three girls take a five minute break to touch and kiss it.

Amy tickled his balls. She was always fascinated by how a man's low-hanging scrotum would tighten up when she lightly tickled his ball sack. She could tell men liked it when she did that.

After each of the girls played with Dr. Alex for a few minutes, and he had kissed, fondled, and licked each of the girls, they continued lubricating Amy - getting her ready for her "relaxation treatment."

Dr. Alex lubricated his finger which was at least twice the size of each of the little girl's fingers. As he pushed it in, Amy started to protest, but quickly changed her mind, "It's too.... Ohhhhhh, unnnn."

On his tenth insertion, she orgasmed - clenching his big finger with her sphincter muscle - in spasm after spasm.

They all went in together to wash hands.

Next Sherry got the full treatment, and she also orgasmed during his ninth or tenth insertion. Sometimes he pulled his finger all the way out, and other times he only pulled it out half way before pushing in again. Sherry was the noisiest of the three girls, but each of them was quite audible when expressing her pleasure.

Laura loved it, too, when they returned from washing their hands. She was visibly wet and ready and reached orgasm by the fifth full insertion.

Margie had been working the camera - catching most of the action without getting and adult faces in her video. They would also edit out any adult faces from the remote camera videos.


17. Hot Little Nure Uniforms

Dr. Alex loved the nurse uniforms which clearly showed the young nurse's panties and garter straps. The lacy, very-sexy, thigh-high hose really set off the total look - of innocent, sexiness.

Amy explained that their dresses were extra short, " so Nurse Vicky can check to make sure our garter straps are fastened correctly, and also so it's easier for her to monitor our panties to see if we need to change. We're supposed to get fresh panties when our panties get wet. And she thinks the short dresses might help stimulate the patients we're going to work with. Like the same reason for the make-up and doing our fingernails, and the perfume. She says we shouldn't use too much perfume, though, in case a patient might be allergic, so she just sprays a little bit on our panty area."

Dr. Alex couldn't keep from grinning as Amy shared her candid, innocent and straight-forward explanations. When the girls weren't looking, he winked at Nurse Vicky.

Nurse Vicky said, "And next week, the girls will practice wearing diapers again. I'll give each of them a baby bottle, and later a pacifier, except it will be shaped like a small penis." She looked at the girls. "Who can tell me what a penis is?"

"A man's cock." Said Sherry.

"His dick." Amy added.

"The man who plays with me, calls it his 'prick.'" Said Laura.

"You are all correct." Said Nurse Vicky. "Next week it will be diapers again, and baby oil and baby powder..."

"Let me show the girls another procedure to help stimulate a grown man. One uses baby oil and the other uses baby powder. Stand up straight, girls. Feet together, so I can see how close together your thighs are." He knelt and inspected each girl, putting his right hand between the girl's thighs and sliding his hand up and down. Let's take your hose off for this, but leave your panties on."

"I'll use powder with Laura since her thighs are the farthest apart. Lay on your tummy on a bath towel on the floor." She quickly got in position after taking off her hose. Nurse Vicky hiked up Laura's nurse uniform.

Dr. Alex sprinkled baby powder on Laura's thighs from her knees to her butt. "Now I will straddle her and slide my penis between her thighs. Have any of you played this game yet?"

None of the girls knew what his was doing. He slid his cock up and back between her powdered thighs. "If you feel my penis press against your panties, then bend your knees so your ankles come up and 'catch me,' on my bottom. I'll pull my shirt up out of the way." He bunched his shirt and tie up under his arms, keeping them out of the way.

Laura 'caught' him several times and he complimented her.

He stood and helped her up. "I had to stop after a few tries so I wouldn't squirt out my tension right away. You girls are so cute."

They giggled.

Next he had Amy lie on her tummy after taking off her hose. "Keep your feet together, Amy. You can see how her thighs are touching each other, whereas Laura's thighs didn't touch. I'm going to use oil on Amy's thighs, and we'll play the same game. To a man, this feels kind of like having intercourse. You know what that is?" He asked as he knelt down; straddling Amy's knees.

"Fucking" Amy said.

"Right." Dr. Alex said, and patted her bottom. "Now if you feel my penis press against your panties, try to 'catch me.'

She did. Several times.

He stopped and stood up. "Sherry, wipe the baby oil off my penis and then you can be the first to suck on it."

Sherry started sucking a few seconds later. Alex motioned for Amy to tickle his balls again, and he had Laura stand next to him so he could fondle her through the nurse uniform.

"Unnngh." Sherry mumbled a minute later.

"Keep it all in your mouth, Sherry. All three of you girls will get a prize for this. You did good."

Alex kept cumming for seven or eight full squirts, followed by a few dribbles. Nurse Margie had her slowly back off Alex's cock and open her mouth for the camera. It was full of cum. After showing the camera, she spit most of it into a wastebasket which Nurse Ginny held close to her.

"The girls did great!" Dr. Alex said. "Excellent training."


Dinner And More Plans

After washing hands, and letting Amy wipe off her thighs, everyone got dressed again. Dr. Alex said he would be working with two interns and might bring them back the following week. The girls were happy about that.

Amy said, "Nurse Vicky says that the good feelings, like when we 'get relaxed,' are even better in front of cameras and new people."

Dr. Alex smiled. "And did each of you get some good feelings when you 'got relaxed' today?"

"Yes! It was great." Said Sherry.

Amy and Laura agreed. They all agreed, too, that they would like working with the interns and maybe a patient to show what they have been learning.

Dr. Alex, who was actually a businessman, but had watched doctor shows on TV when he was younger, asked them what else they were learning.

They reviewed some of the major bones, muscles, and organ systems. Amy said, "And I thought of another tribidism position we could try."

"Me, too." Said Sherry.

The three girls wanted to show Dr. Alex about their tribidism positions, but the pizza arrived. While having dinner and discussing medical terminology and why hand washing is so important, Nurse Vicky said that maybe they would have time to demonstrate a few positions while they were changing out of their nurse's uniforms back into their street clothes.

Amy explained, "Tribidism is like when re rub our pussies together to bump our clitties. It feels good, but I like the other things we do better."

Nurse Vicky and Dr. Alex both laughed.

As they headed to the classroom, Dr. Alex said he had to leave, but he would see the girls the next week. The girls were disappointed to see him leave. Amy said, "But I thought you were going to help us relax again before you left."

Nurse Vicky said, "He'll be back to work with you next week. I'll take pictures of you practicing your tribidism positions to show him later. Then we can help each other relax again before you get dressed for home. Meanwhile, why don't each of you tell him, 'thank you,' and give him a kiss good-bye.

Dr. Alex left, still tasting each girl after her tongue kisses. Oh yes, he would return next week!



Here is your homework:

  1. One - imagine that YOU are one of the young nurses and then imagine something that you wish would happen to you; something you would be expected to do; or some other exciting part of your training. Or, what is something that would especially embarrass you while doing it in front of strangers and cameras?
  2. Two - imagine that YOU are one of the adult nurses, pretend patients, or visiting doctors - and write something that you would like to do with the willing, young nurses in training. Perhaps teach them something about "stimulation." (sexual intercourse excluded)

(Bonus question: what are some new games the little nurses could play?)

Thanks, Corn53

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Just finished reading this novel size story and I have only good things to say about. I like how you build up tension and eroticism between your characters and how you seduce and turn little girls into little sex sluts. Great job and I hope there will be more in the future.


brilliant story you are one of the best authors on this site. Lets have more about the sweet little girls and their training. A trip to the mall for pretty panties would be an excellent reward for their hard work


Very good, very arousing. Looking forward to more.


never been much good at doing homework, but I really enjoyed this story and hope to see amny more instalments. How about the young nurses graduate from sponge baths for their patients to tongue baths?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.