Catch And Release: Heidi, Part 9

[ M/g, pedo, oral ]

by Teacher


Published: 17-Oct-2011

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This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertainment use only!

Teacher was lying in Heidi's sweet little arms and he was the happiest he could ever remember feeling in his life. This little girl of only 10-years old had a hold of his heart. He was lost in her love, age didn't matter as how could anyone control their heart, he sure couldn't and he was in love with Heidi. He was trying to tell him self that he wasn't because this love brought with it just to many problems that he had no answers for at all. Besides the fact that they could never be together, was the fact that he had a plan. A plan that had been in progress for many years, a plan that was soon to be completed, that needed to be completed both for him and for Larry. The end of a painful ordeal that had lasted for far to long.

Heidi was in some serious pain as Teacher lay in her arms and finally she could take no more, she was trying to stay strong but the tears stared flowing and Heidi was crying. Teacher immediately went to her aid and asked her what was wrong; he could tell her tears were not those of love but those of pain. She told him that her little bottom hurt too much.

Teacher was worried, he had been really gentle with her, and he fed her ass his cock nice and slow never getting rough with her at all. Then it hit him, he had been gentle all right, gentle with his massive cock buried ALL the way to his VERY THICK ROOT! He must have torn her anal ring he thought to himself and looked at her and said, "hold on baby I will be right back". He almost ran to the kitchen where he kept all the pills he used on the girls in a cupboard. He grabbed a pill and some juice for her to wash it down with. Teacher went back to his little preteen lover, put the pill in her hand and had her take it. Next he knelt down between her legs as he was before and wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "Its ok baby your going to be fine, Teacher wont let anything happen to you, I love you Heidi and I will take care of you"! He held her as she cried in his arms for about five minutes.

Heidi was out like a light lying back in the chair, Teacher went down and inspected her little brown hole expecting to find it torn and bleeding, it wasn't. A big sigh of relief came over him and he sat back for a moment shaking. He was shaking from the fear that he had really hurt her and that was the last thing in the world he wanted to do. He was gentle with her and figured that she was just hiding the pain from him when he bottomed out his cock in her tiny little ass; He looked at her and couldn't believe that she had done that just to make him happy and then he thought about the lesson, about making your man happy, "Fuck Heidi", he said to himself and just shook his head in disbelief at the utter love and determination this girl must have in side of her, and again realized how very much he loved her indeed. Teacher looked at her little brown hole better now and found that it was badly bruised, very badly, it was almost turning black and blue in front of his eyes, he removed her little panties as he had fucked her while she was still in them from the heat of the moment, he never took them off. Then he ever so gently picked her up and carried her over to the bed and put her under the covers. She would be sleeping for at least eight hours. Teacher did not sleep at all. He went to the tape room and went through the recording watching the taking of little Heidi's virgin anal ring, then he took all the Heidi tapes and put them together in one box, replaced the one for the bathroom then sat up thinking the rest of the night and by morning time he had reached a decision. The plan had to go on, nothing else mattered.

When Heidi woke the next morning Teacher was there with a glass of juice that was just plain juice nothing else in it, and although she was better he also gave her another sleeping pill, he figured in another eight hours or so any swelling of her anal ring that was left would be almost gone, and it would be better for her to just sleep it off, later when she woke he would start the pain meds again, and if nothing else he needed some sleep, however he wanted to make sure she was going to be ok while he slept.

Teacher got up about six hours later giving him around two hours to get some things done. First he gathered all the clothing she had worn so far he even removed her little camisole, and along with the tapes took everything upstairs to the main house. He put the tapes in the editing room and the clothes in the washing machine. He checked his email and read one from Larry that read, "OMG, how about those new recipes"! Confused Teacher got on the phone and called Larry.

"Teacher, how the hell are you man, you have been out of touch for a while, you been out fishing or what (laughing)"? "Larry you old peg leg you, nice to hear your voice, I got your email, what the fuck do you mean new recipe"?

"Ahhh, Teacher the new errr, Fish recipe my man, it was in the box with your order dude, that Mr. Wong is a fucking genius"! "Oh a new fish recipe, I didn't see it in the box".

"Teacher have you used anything out of your new order yet"? "Yes I have Larry".

"Tell you what my man you really want to find that recipe and if you can't, let me know and I will get you a copy ASAP"! "Ok Larry, catch you on the rebound". "Later dude".

Teacher hung up with an "Oh Fuck"! He thought a minute and remembered that he had put the box in his storeroom, (Teacher, like most people saved boxes).

Larry was telling him that if he was using the new shipment that, "Mr. Wong", as they called him sent then he better check the instructions that came with it because Wong had made improvements again. He was always making changes, and when he did you better watch not only the amount, but also the combination that you were using.

The shipment was referring to the main three things that they all used when seducing the young girls that they took. Mr. Wong was a chemist that they had met during the Preteen Whorehouse days in the Philippines, Wong wanted to test some stuff on the girls and they let him, the man was a fucking genius, he took things that were already available and broke them down in a lab and then improved the hell out of them, First there was the Pheromone body oil, the stuff was super charged! Then there was the Gel, which was like a super concentrated pheromone, and last and surly not least was "The Fly"! This was a really incredible powerful type of Fly, not at all like the regular "Spanish Fly" that you get on the internet today, it worked kind of the same way but way more intense.

Teacher found the box and sure enough a letter from Wong inside. It read:

"Caution be very careful of the new Fly, it is now a much stronger formula in time release form, using a small or one third the amount on a daily basis will result in progressive multi-orgasmic results in both male and female subjects. It will also make the vagina and the anal ring elasticized, along with a heightened and prolonged state of arousal in said areas. The new Gel is mixed with fruit juice and to be used on any surface causing extreme arousal on the subject. It will now also cause the taste buds to explode in an addictive manor when taken in orally. The Pheromone body oil is now a thinned down version of the Gel with added ingredients now designed to be used as both an oil and a lube". Sincerely Dr. Wong.

Teacher's jaw dropped to the floor! No wonder he went so nuts on Heidi's ass hole and no wonder she didn't stop when he was all the way in her ass. He had smeared that Gel all over little Heidi's anal hole along with her tits and her clit. No wonder they both had gone so crazy. He had used the new Fly as well, now he knew why he came so much and why Heidi just kept cuming, the shit is progressive meaning if used everyday the subject would just get hornier and hornier every day, and it would stay in your system for day's after you stopped using it. Dr. Wong indeed was a genius!

Teacher went to his computer and shot a message to Larry thanking him, and saying he was looking forward to seeing him next week and wanted to know if Randy was coming as well. (That would mean a gathering). He then put Heidi's cloths in the dryer and went back down to the hidden apartment.

Once in the small apartment again he got rid of all his old lube and replaced it with the oil, he replaced the Gel he was using as he had mixed in juice as well thus reducing its effectiveness; he found that pretty funny considering how effective it was however he wanted to start fresh and make sure that now he was using the products correctly. Boy did he mess up!

Then he went to the kitchen and got rid of any of the old stock and threw out all the juice in the refrigerator that he had prepared. He mixed a new batch and of fresh juice with some pain medicine and went to the bed. He got Heidi to wake up long enough to drink the juice and then she fell back asleep. This way when she woke the pain meds would have already kicked in for her. He sat next to her and just stroked her head and kissed her gently on the lips, his feelings for her had not changed at all. He loved her.

When Heidi woke she was in a really good mood, she was chipper and didn't seem to be in a lot of pain. She said she didn't remember much except that she had a wonderful day and she loved him very much. Teacher gave her breakfast in bed as usual but they missed "Lazy Town" and Heidi joked that he missed his little girlfriend. After breakfast he cleaned up while Heidi played Spiro on the Play Station. Then they took a bubble bath together. After the bath Teacher suggested that Heidi model some sexy outfits for him and he would take some pictures of her. She was feeling so much better and loved playing the part of a model, Teacher took a lot of pictures of her wearing different clothing but always fully dressed. When they were done he gathered up all the clothing and put it in a bag, they spent the rest of the day and evening watching movies and tickling each other. Teacher made sure she drank plenty of the new juice and the last glass he mixed in a sleeping pill and she was out again for the night.

Time was growing short now and Teacher was beginning to get depressed, he didn't want to let go of Heidi, he knew he couldn't keep her and planned to "Release" her the next night. But this wouldn't be a normal "Release". He put on some rubber gloves and grabbed the bag of clothing, went upstairs and ran a bunch of it through the wash. He went to the closet and grabbed a new child's backpack unwrapped it and put the clothing in it. Then he put the pack in a garbage bag and took it back downstairs with him and hid it in one of the kitchen cabinets. He crawled in bed with Heidi and spent his last night with her spooning.

He woke before she did as usual and the Fly was there he could feel it, the need was back and he thought to himself, the one thing he hadn't tried was to cover his cock with Gel and watch how Heidi reacted, he had all day and so he decided that he deserved to watch those pouty lips take him down one last time. He chucked when he remembered her telling him how good his cum tasted. But he knew it did, you see Teacher knew what almost all other men didn't, and that was that 90% of women hated to swallow because the taste of cum was terrible and he knew why. Most men drank a lot, Beer and Hard liquor, Soda Pop and garbage like that. Well Teacher found out a long time ago that what you drank had a direct effect on how your cum tasted. If your urine was yellow your cum would taste horrible, the more yellow it was the worse it tasted, and Beer, liquor and Soda Pop made your urine a very dark yellow, Women didn't know this, they could just taste it and if it tasted bad then they sure the hell didn't want to swallow it. Teacher drank only fruit juice and bottled water, his urine was white like it was supposed to be. Every girl that tasted Teacher's spunk loved it; they drank it all down and kept him in their mouth until it was all out of him. They said it tasted like a warm pineapple cream sauce. Teacher loved pineapple juice and drank it all the time.

Heidi having slept so much the last day or two was up now and they took a quick shower together and Teacher made breakfast and they ate it up, Heidi went to get dressed as Teacher cleaned up the dishes, Then he slipped off his shorts and spread some Gel on his cock, it was catching fire badly he put on his half robe sat down in the chair and turned on the TV while he waited for Heidi to finish dressing. "Lazy Town" was on when Heidi came in the room and she like normal looked stunning, The little girl had sure found her style, she again was wearing a very small camisole top with a matching half slip that was very short, he assumed she was wearing thong panties to match. She was in all black today and had black ribbons in her hair and again just a small amount of eye liner and eye shadow only this time the eye shadow was in black matching her now gloss black lipstick, Teachers cock sprang to life seeing her like this, It cannot expressed what a truly sexy little 10-year old piece of preteen meat this girl really was.

When Heidi finished putting on her makeup and came out of the bathroom all she saw was Teacher sitting on the chair watching that little pink haired girl Stephanie form "Lazy Town". This time his cock was sticking straight out of his robe and it was at full attention. Heidi was pissed and said, "Alright Mister! I have had enough of this pink haired bitch making your cock hard, can she do this"? And with that Heidi raised her eyebrow slowly walked up between Teachers legs looking him in the eyes the whole time, dropped to her knees, winked at him licked her lips taking his rock hard cock in both hands lowering her head and sliding the tip past her pouty lips and into her wanting mouth, held it for a moment and then slid it down to that special spot took a breath and swallowed him down to the root. "aaahhhh Heidi" splat.... He came already? Poor Teacher never had a chance and she knew it. Mmm mmmm mmm Heidi thought as she slid the giant pulsating cock back up into her mouth and savored some of Teachers sweet cock sauce, "ahahhhh" splat splat,, MMMM mmm two more nice little loads and she drank him down. Heidi loved the taste of cum and for some reason Teacher cock tasted really, really good today better than ever in fact.

When Teacher watched Heidi looking sooooo sexy drop between his legs and did her now patented little "lick my lips and wink" he knew he was going to get those pouty sweet and now black glossy lips around his massive member, and almost the second she took him in her mouth and down her throat he came. It was a small load but then it was followed by several other small ones, one right after another, the Fly had kicked in and so had the Gel as little Miss Heidi it seamed couldn't get enough of his spurting organ which was now stuffed in constantly different stages of depth in her mouth and throat, she sucked him for well over an hour and he lost count of how many times he came. He did remember at one point looking up and seeing that cute as hell little Pink Haired girl touch her tiny tongue to her lips and he shot a special load for her into Heidi's more than willing mouth.

Heidi was loving Teachers cock today she had no idea how long she took him in her warm mouth, she must have swallowed a ton of cum and it tasted so good to her she couldn't get enough, load after load she drank and then finally when her poor jaw muscles couldn't take anymore she sat up and licked her lips and said. "Lets see that little bitch try that on for size" and giggled.

Teacher held Heidi close to him all day long and he did give her a little face as well but not a lot and not for very long. Heidi was not happy about that at all but he made up an excuse that he wanted her to go clean up making sure that she douched and used the enema, Heidi figured that he just wanted her to taste extra special so he could tongue her little hole and she really liked that idea.

Teacher went in the tape room and watcher her to make sure she cleaned out her little pussy and ass, this was always part of the "Release" after all we wouldn't want traces of his sperm in her 10-year old little body now would we he thought with a grin.

When she came out he asked her to please change into something else now and get extra sexy for him, Heidi jumped at that, she knew she was going to get some cock now and boy she was sure ready for it, she was really horny. She got dressed and came out and Teacher looked at her and smiled and even took a picture of her. She felt so sexy in the little blue and white Cheer leader out fit she found and had her hair up in pig tails with blue ribbons tied in a cute bow with now light blue eye liner and really sexy plum lip gloss and white tennis shoes with blue laces. Heidi once more was a true little minx a pedophiles wet dream come true and Teacher took it all in.

He told her how pretty she looked and had her drink some juice then told her to sit on the chair while he went to the bathroom and got ready for her. When he came out she was fast asleep he had drugged the juice with not only a ton of Fly but a sleeping pill as well Heidi would be out for eight hours and when she woke up she would be horny as hell! This was Not part of the normal "Release"!

Next he went upstairs and put on his black sweat suit black flat bottom shoes, a black stalking cap, and a pair of black rubber gloves and stuck an extra pair a hip pack. He went down again and got a small blanket out of the closet and unwrapped it as it was new he then spread it on the floor and picked up Heidi very gently put her on it and covered her up in it. He went and got the black bag out of the kitchen with the child's backpack in it, took out the pack and went to the bathroom and got the makeup she was wearing and put it in the bag as well, (it was all new and no one but her had touched it his prints were not on anything to do with the little girl). He looked at his watch and it was 7:45 pm right on time he though to himself. He gently loaded her up in the van along with the backpack and started driving.

A normal "Release" was to make sure the girl was cleaned up inside and out drugged and then put in a very safe place close to their home that they would recognize, that way they could just walk home. He always left them a backpack full of "Normal" preteen clothing and an envelope with about $10,000.00 in it. Teacher always fished in the poorer parts of small towns and he knew that the families of these girls had been through a lot, and could really use the money. You see when a girl disappears from a poor part of town the police don't take much action stating that they were probably on drugs and ran off or something like that, in rich neighbor hoods that did not happen. The FBI was right on the seen every single time. Teacher had taken dozens of girls and only a few of them ever made the Six O'clock news. Heidi was seen on the news, as it was an election year.

He drove for four hours and then at 12:oo am he pulled up to a curb cut the engine and waited, He usually picked a park or something like that but this being a special case and had already been planed he just wanted to make sure no one was around. He never took risks like this but it couldn't be helped this time and it was a risk he was willing to take. About 5 minutes later he opened the van and took Heidi and the pack walked down the alley about 3 houses went between them and laid her down hidden behind some bushes, he had staked this out well as he put the backpack under her head for a pillow. Opening up the blanket, he took some Gel from his hip pack and with the extra rubber gloves he lubed up Heidi's tit's along with her sweet little pussy and anal-ring, then he covered her back up and left her there. She wouldn't be bothered hidden there and would wake up about 4:oo am, and she would wake up one super horny little girl dressed in a really sexy Cheer Leader out fit deck ed out to the max! "Perfect"! He thought.

He returned to the van (a very special van but I cant get into that) and started on the road back home. The plan was finished the trap was set and the bait, OMG the bait! Teacher couldn't help but start to cry on the way home, he really had fallen in love with sweet little Heidi and knowing what was about to happen made it even worse. His heart was breaking in two! He only had one more thing to do and if things worked out right the plan he had worked on for over five years would work. Teacher was no man to fuck with!

He drove home and got there right about the time he thought Heidi would be waking up! His heart sunk again. He went in the house and waited.

Heidi woke up and she was dazed and really confused. She sat up and looked around. Where was she anyway? It was dark outside and she was sitting up on a blanket, the last thing she remembered was waiting for Teacher on the chair. Then it hit her, Teacher had let her go, he had abandon her! "Oh My God how could he"? She thought. She started crying and stood up she put the blanket around her to keep warm and saw a backpack and picket it up. She looked around and saw a side walk and started walking toward it crying, then all of the sudden she realized where she was and thought, oh good!

Still crying little Heidi walked up to the door and rang the bell. It was late when he heard the doorbell and thought what the hell, he got out of bed in his underwear went to the door and saw that there was a little girl there. When he opened the door there was his niece Heidi. Uncle Jim she cried and he opened the door and took the little girl in his arms and said thank God your all right Heidi. She was crying and he turned on the light and there she was little Heidi the girl he had lusted after for several years, his jaw dropped and his cock sprang to life looking at her dressed in a Cheer Leading outfit with her hair in bows and makeup? OH MY GOD! Did she ever look sexy; he didn't think he had ever seen anything that he wanted to fuck more than her. She took his breath away and he sat down on the couch and just stared at her with an open mouth.

Heidi took one look at the budge in her Uncles underwear and she was horny! That fucking Teacher abandon her! She loved him and he abandon her, well she would show him and show him good she thought, and the Fly kicked in and her pussy was on fire along with her little tits and even her tight little asshole was on fire, Heidi had one thing on her mind right now and that thing was cock. She had been thinking about her Uncle Jim off and on ever since she had her first orgasm and now he was looking at her with lust in his eyes. Heidi remembered her lessons well and slowly walked up to her Uncle licked her lips batted her eyes and dropped to her knees and pulled out his more than willing cock, it was really small she thought and she was quite disappointed but right now it was there and she was going to have it and have it now! So she took it in her tiny hand and looked her Uncle in he eyes and took his cock in her sweet little mouth and started sucking on it like Teacher had taught her.

Jim didn't know what to do when Heidi took him in his mouth he was so transfixed on what was going on he didn't have a chance to stop it. Well it was to late now as his cock was buried in his sexy as hell little nieces pretty mouth. And he couldn't hold on and came hard in her sexy little mouth. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"! Squirt, squirt, ewwww Heidi thought that tasted terrible. And she spit out part of it. But she was so horny she had to get him hard again so she went back down on him again! When he got hard she got up and sat on his lap and kissed him deeply, sliding his now small but hard cock into her soaking wet little pussy. Ewwww, she thought he tasted bad, not like Teacher at all, his breath was foul she thought and stopped kissing him and just buried her face in his neck and she found that he smelled bad there as well.

When Teacher figured it was about time, he picked up the cheep cell phone that he had gotten just for this occasion, and punched in the number. He then did what he hardly ever did he opened a bottle of Jack Daniel's and took down about 4 oz of the stuff, he was crying. "Heidi, I'm so sorry, I really do love you"!

Jim was in heaven he hadn't had a tight little piece of preteen ass in a long time. So after he came in Heidi's sweet little pussy he wasn't satisfied. He couldn't control himself and picked her up and took her in his nasty bed turned her over and shoved his cock right up her fucking tight little ass, Jim loved to fuck little girls in the ass. Jim was an ass man!

Heidi didn't like the way Uncle Jim was fucking her, Teacher would never treat her like this, he wasn't even very good at it but she was horny so she just let him do what he wanted to do but she no longer loved him, as a matter of fact he was treating her so badly that she started to hate him, and thought about Teacher and she started to cry once more, the cry of loss and of a broken heart. Poor little Heidi was now taking it up the ass by a man she now hated and she was crying.

Jim couldn't help but remember all those nice times in the Philippines fucking those preteen little girls at that Whore House, the place that little weenie Larry ran, and he laughed thinking about how he and his boys beat him almost to death and when he thought about that he creamed Hard into Heidi's tiny shit hole. Yes Jim Smith was an ass man all right! He pushed her down on the bed and buried his tiny hard on into her and just about the time he was going to cream again in sweet Heidi's tight little ass, it happened!

All of the sudden the front door blew off its hinges and windows were breaking and men were screaming "F.B.I."! A man grabbed Smith and pulled him off of Heidi, and then even faster a woman grabbed Heidi and wrapped a blanket around her and took her out. The man threw Smith to the floor and pushed his face into it, pulled his arms behind him and cuffed the bastard and started yelling at him. "Your under arrest mother fucker for kidnapping rape and anything else I can throw at you, you fucking dirty fucking slime ball"!

Teacher was drunk when the morning news broke on the TV; he was sitting in the hidden apartment, looking at the pictures he had taken of Heidi.

"This just in"! A very pretty blonde woman with big tits said:

"On an anonymous tip the F.B.I. broke in to a mans house to find 10-year old Heidi Smith the girl that disappeared over a week ago in the hands of what can only be described as a Monster! It has not been confirmed but sources close to this station say that the little girl appeared to be badly raped and sodomized by her capture. Police say the girl was taken to our Lady of Charity Hospital; no word on her current condition is available at this time. Jim Smith a former Navel Officer and Uncle to the girl is the only suspect in this horrific case, we will bring you more as it comes in. Back to you Dan".

Teacher should have been ecstatic, the plan he had worked on for five years had worked like a charm. That fucking cocksucker Smith who had beaten his best friend almost to death was caught fucking his niece, they would find the little backpack with all the sexy little girl clothes in it and assume that Smith had purchased it. They would lock that fucker up and throw away the key. But Teacher threw back his head and cried out, "HEIDI "!

The End!


This story continues, the new title will be "The Taking"

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thank you for the story..the ending was real different..I thought he would share her with Larry... but great any way.look forward to reading more..

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