Published: 16-Oct-2011
Word Count:
I was in fifth grade when I found out about a wonderful thing called summer camp. I approached my parents with the idea. At first, my parents told me it wasn't going to happen, but two weeks later they suddenly changed course and told me I could go. Three months later, off I went-seeing my first boobies and getting my first handjob from a girl, but that's a story for another day
Anyway, when I got home, I received an incredible surprise. During the two months I was in camp, my parents divorced. There was a split custody agreement, and I stayed with mom, but spent two weekends a month with dad. It wasn't a bad deal because dad made our weekends together fun. About a year later, dad hit me another surprise-he was getting married. He had met a Vietnamese woman named Karen.
At first, my relationship with Karen was awkward. We had a hard time finding anything to talk about, but that changed after she got pregnant. Suddenly, one of the mysteries of life gave us a lot to talk about and she actually picked me up a couple of times to have me help her stock up on things for the baby. After the baby was born though, I couldn't come over for several months. After that, my time dwindled to a few hours here and there. By this time, I was getting involved with football and girls, so I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.
I joined the service at seventeen. Mom finally remarried. My visits home became precious as both mom and dad, and their new partners, went out of their way to make me feel welcome. My half sister, Trish, would jump all over me when I visited. She knew how to make me laugh. I would take her out to the mall and the movies, or I would babysit her while Dad and Karen went out. Trish was nine when I left the military. I didn't see her for a couple of years because I was establishing a life out of the military.
When I was established, Dad and Karen let Trish come for a weekend. It didn't take me long to figure out that she had a schoolgirl crush on me. I played doting brother, which I guessed I shouldn't have-considering the circumstances, but I never thought she would make a move on me.
On Saturday night, we were wrestling. I was being gentle and let her end up on top of me. She was giggling when she leaned in and laid a very adult, closed mouth, kiss on me. I immediately should've stopped her, but I let it happen for several seconds before I lifted her off of me and said: "I guess we better stop." She gave me a curious look, but we didn't speak of the kiss again. Things were cooler between us that night, and the next morning when I saw her off on the plane.
We did stay in email contact, but I controlled the tone of our contact. When her teen years hit, of course, our contact dwindled. However, in the middle of her senior year of high school, contact suddenly picked up. Trish wanted to come out to California for another visit. She had talked Dad and Karen into giving her a two week vacation in California, if I would put her up and be her guardian. A decade had passed since the kiss incident, so I felt that we would no longer be tempted. I agreed and let my work know I needed vacation on the two weeks after her graduation.
However, as her visit date neared, my company was rolling out some new software. I negotiated with my boss and as it ended up, I would have to work the day after her arrival, but I would be free the rest of the time. On the day of her arrival, I went to the airport to meet her. I'd had a steady stream of pictures of her, but was I ever in for a surprise. None of her pictures had done her justice. Trish had grown into a smoking hot goddess.
Standing just a hair under five feet, she had taken the best genes from both sides of the family. With her porcelain white skin, facial features that were slightly Asian, and a mop top haircut, she was a walking and living doll. She was wearing a red halter top and brown mini skirt with white knee high boots, I couldn't help but think: "If that wasn't my sister..." I mean holy shit.
With her petite frame and doll like face she had the eye of just about every man in the area. Before I was able to hug her, I actually saw one guy moving in her direction to hit on her, but he changed directions when I did hug her. From the airport I took her to a restaurant. There, I broke the news that I would have to work the next day, but I would take her out immediately afterwards.
When I broke the news to her, for a second I saw relief in her eyes, but she quickly hid it and I pretended I hadn't seen anything. I wanted to give my sister the benefit of the doubt, besides, she didn't know the city-what could she do? The next day, when I got home from work, I got my answer. I walked in, finding her sitting at the dining room table. I made small talk with her, but I noticed her eyes were carefully following mine. Finally, she said: "I need to talk to you about something, please sit down."
I sat at the table, wondering if something new and weird was going on with my parents. With some apprehension, I sat at the table and asked: "What's up?"
"First" she said, "I need you to be a supportive older brother and remember I'm old enough now, okay?"
"Okay" I agreed, my head swimming with all kinds of things, things my parents would hate.
"There's something I've wanted to do for a while", she continued. "Today while you were at work, I talked to some people, and tomorrow morning, I'm...." she looked down.
"You've got me hanging, don't leave me hanging" I said.
"I've wanted to do a porno, so tomorrow, I'm doing a porno."
"A porno?"
"I've checked these guys out", she said, "so, it's safe, they're a real company."
"Do you want to become a porn star?" I asked, incredulous.
"No, nothing like that, I just want to do it, once."
I paused. "I don't know what to say" I told her.
"Just say you'll be my cool older brother, and be my friend, and please don't tell mom and dad."
"Don't you think they'll find out?"
"Well first, I won't use my real name. Second, I'm going to wear a wig. Third, I don't have any moles or tattoos, so, unless dad is a real perv, he shouldn't find out. Besides, if anyone comes up to me with a picture or DVD, I'll just deny it's me."
"What about the other part?"
"What other part?" she asked.
"The part where guys from all over are going to see you naked, and are going to jack off while watching you."
"So, let them. I really want to do this."
"Okay, do you need anything else from me?"
"Will you go with me? I don't know who else will be there. Protect me in case anything weird happens."
"Are you cool with me seeing you naked?" I asked, my dick getting hard.
"Do you want me to undress now, so you'll be used to it?"
"No, I'll wait."
The next morning, I drove her to an address in the valley. There was a film crew setting up outside a house there. We met the director and the guy she would be having sex with. There was actually a script, although it was a small one. It mostly consisted of a few lines, and several pages of where they wanted to shoot in the house with camera positions.
Trish had dressed wearing little, which worked for the first scene. Wearing a beater, daisy dukes, and sandals, she was supposed to talk to the actor outside to set up the sex scene. There was a Harley parked in the driveway and she was supposed to walk up, make some innuendo, then they would go inside to fuck. When the camera crew was ready, which seemed like forever, the director positioned Trish and called "ACTION!!"
Trish walked up to the bike, where the actor was standing,
"Nice bike" she said.
"Thanks" he answered.
Gently stroking the bike while looking at the actor she purred: "I like something with big pipes that throbs."
"I have a special tool like that inside, wanna see it?" he asked.
"Oh yeah" she replied while licking her lips.
"CUT!!" the director yelled, adding, "ok, let's get set up inside."
It took an hour for the camera crew to break down their equipment and set up inside. During that time we all hung out. The director told her he really liked her work outside, then asked if she wanted to do a casting couch scene with the director. Trish diplomatically side stepped this one, telling him she was nervous about doing her first ever scene, that she would see how it went, and they she feigned butterflies in her stomach and ran off to the bathroom.
She was only gone seconds when they started in on me, being curious about my work and life, and how I felt about seeing my sister fucked by another guy. I followed Trish's example, being a diplomat. I knew I was being baited, but I wasn't going to let them get to me. When Trish returned, she stood over by the actor and started being curious about him. For the first time, I noticed that he stood a foot taller than her. I wondered how she would handle the size difference.
I began to imagine her naked. Being that she would soon be completely naked, and would be violated, I didn't feel guilty, but I did feel a little dirty, after all, this was my sister, my kid sister. When the camera crew was ready inside, we went in. It was hot as hell in the house because of the lights and camera equipment. The air conditioning was off so that it wouldn't interfere with the sound. The director talked to Trish and the actor to set up the scene. They did a quick run through so that the camera crew had the right angles, lighting, and focus. When they were finally ready, the director yelled: "ACTION!"
Trish and the actor walked in the room. Trish sat on the couch while the actor remained standing. "So, where's your tool?" she purred.
"It's right here," he answered, stroking the front of his pants. Soon, he had his zipper down and Trish went to her knees in front of him. He had a massive dick, but Trish went to work on it like a pro. The camera zoomed to catch her face being violated with his schlong. Trish winked at the camera and continued like a pro. Several minutes later he gently separated himself from her, then started undressing her. My dick got hard as her shirt came off, and I saw her bare chest for the first time in nearly fifteen years.
She had a nice pair, still firm, with small, light beige nipples. When her shorts came off, I saw that she had shaved her snatch. The actor slobbered all over her bare kitty and the camera crew actually stopped him a couple of times to get the right angle. Trish mewed like a cat in heat the whole time, finally, they set up for the penetration shot. She was on her back with her legs spread. The actor talked to the director about just where her legs should go. When they had decided, he positioned her, then put his dick right up against her pussy. He was gentle, entering her slowly, but Trish made a loud "OOOOOOOOOH!" sound that could've been sexual, painful, or both.
Once he was inside her, he began pounding her. Trish panted, grunted, and occasionally said, "Yeah, oh yeah." The camera crew moved around the couch to get different views of her body and face as she was fucked. When they had made a full round of the couch, Trish and the actor switched positions. When she got on top of him, I saw her pussy stretch for the first time. I couldn't believe her teen pussy could stretch so much. She was like ninety pounds, and he was about two hundred with a seriously sized dick. Not only did she stretch around it, but she took his whole length too.
She started bouncing on top of him. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself as she worked his dick. The camera crew zoomed in several times where their bodies met. Finally, they switched over to doggie position. He banged her with a vengeance from behind, then when he came, he pulled out and started shooting on her back and ass. Trish swiveled and took his dick in her mouth, milking the last of his cum while he grunted. The camera zoomed in on her face and the director yelled "CUT!!"
A towel was thrown at Trish. She wiped the cum off of her, then started to get dressed. The camera crew started breaking down the equipment and the director looked at the footage that was shot. Trish was paid by a member of the crew and we got ready to leave. The director propositioned her again. Trish diplomatically side stepped him again, telling him she needed a few days.
When we got in the car she said: "That guy really wants to fuck me." We both laughed nervously, then I asked her how she was doing. "I'm a little sore, but I'll be alright," she answered.
I wanted to ask her a hundred questions, but this was my sister, so I changed subjects.
"Wanna see the port?" I asked.
There was silence in the car for a couple of minutes, then a song I liked came on the radio. I cranked the radio and we sang along. After the song had broken the ice, we talked about her prior visit, and my visits home, and eventually to where she was going to college. We had dinner on the Queen Mary, then ended up on deck after dinner.
A cool ocean breeze was coming in. I hugged her from behind. She leaned into the hug. I had been thinking all day about what I had seen that morning. I needed to talk to her about it.
"Trish, can we talk?" I asked.
She mewed, and squirmed a little more into me. My stomach was tightening up, and so was my groin. "Trish," I said, turning her to face me.
"Is something wrong?" she asked.
"I've been thinking about what I saw this morning. It's not easy to say this. You're really hot, and I don't mean that like a brother. I mean you're really hot, and I'm a man, and I know you're my sister, but..." I stopped, not sure what to say next.
"Do you disapprove? Do you hate me?" She asked, with panic in her eyes.
"No, no, quite the opposite. I've been having feelings for you. I don't know how to ask this..."
She cut me off with a kiss.
When she broke the kiss a moment later she said: "It's alright, you can ask."
"I want to spend the night with you, in bed."
Her eyes danced a moment. "Wow" she said, "Umm, okay."
She hugged me and a moment of silence passed. "Steve, do you have a certain fantasy?" she asked.
"A fantasy?"
"Umm, yeah. We are brother and sister, but if we role- play this, it won't seem so much like we're just a couple of demented... you know what I mean?"
"Okay, let me think a minute."
The next day at six in the evening, I walked into the strip joint. A naked woman in her mid twenties gyrated on the stage. I was hardly seated when a large black woman came up and asked me if I wanted company. I passed, telling her that I was waiting on someone. She went away, looking slightly insulted. I looked around the club. There were a dozen guys scattered around. Several dancers were seated with several of the guys. A waitress came over and took my order. By the time she arrived, another dancer was onstage. I saw Trish appear from behind the stage and disappear into the DJ booth.
Minutes later, she went backstage again. When the dancer onstage finished the DJ let the stage be empty for a minute. I saw the stage lights lower as the stage filled with artificial smoke. The DJ called out: "On the main stage, a little lady making a special appearance here today, it's Mischa."
Turbo Lover by Judas Priest started blaring from the speakers. Trish appeared in the smoke, raised to stage level by a lift in the stage. Trish then put on one hell of a show, moving in time to the music. She was wearing a white teddy, the top portion of which came off during the song. Several guys flocked to the stage. She went to each one, shaking her money makers, and quickly shoving their dollars mid-stage. As the song ended, and a much slower one came on, she slipped her panties off. As she started slithering around the edge of the stage, half of the guys went up to tip her. I went up also.
To make it appear I was just another customer, I took twenty singles and "made it rain" above her when it was my turn. When she finished onstage, she didn't even bother to dress. She came over naked and asked: "Want some company?"
"Sure," I answered. She plopped down in my lap.
"So, what's your name?" she asked.
"I'm Steve."
She shook my hand. "I'm Mischa, come here often?"
"Every week. I come here to pickup chicks."
"Oh, really?" she laughed, "did it ever work?"
"No, I'm a pathetic loser."
"Awww," she said as she kissed my chin, "I think you're cute. Do you want a private dance?"
"Actually, I got a great room at the Marriott. Do you give performances out of the club?"
"I charge by the hour."
"Okay, when can you be ready?"
"I'll need a bit to wash up and dress. How about if I meet you there?"
I gave her a card from the hotel. She got up and went to the dressing room. I got up and left the club. Forty minutes later, she knocked on the hotel room door. I opened the door and saw her in a black cocktail dress. "Did someone order some takeout?" she asked.
"I sure did. Would you like to come in?"
She walked in and looked out the window. I was on the twelfth floor. There was a nice view.
"This is really nice," she said before she turned and placed her hands on my shoulders.
She caressed my chest, then started taking my shirt off. In minutes she had me undressed. She pushed me back onto the bed, then slipped her dress off. She wasn't wearing anything under it. She draped her dress over a chair, then climbed on the bed. She climbed up on top of me. We began kissing gently. I rolled her over and began making love to her, kissing her nose, ears, and neck. Eventually, I moved down, licking and sucking each nipple. After I had suckled on her a bit I moved down her stomach to her pussy. As I put my mouth on her pussy for the first time she hissed as she arched her back and placed her feet on my shoulders.
She began moaning softly as I worked her lips and clit with my tongue. Her moaning grew louder and she gripped my hair with her hand each time I ran my tongue over her clit. Her breathing grew quicker and I could tell she was building to orgasm. I worked her clit some more. She made stifled mini screams, then suddenly cut loose as her orgasm hit.
I backed off, then moved to mount her. She smiled as I positioned myself. She moaned contentedly as I entered her. She wrapped her arms around me and we began kissing intently as I began pumping her. Her legs encircled my waist and our lovemaking became gentle and intense at the same time. It didn't take me long to cum inside her, which caused her to gasp. We laid still for a couple of minutes, but I stayed hard and in her. I began pumping her again. She worked my shoulders with her fingers.
We continued kissing. She began breathing harder, then her second orgasm hit. I stopped for a minute to let her orgasm subside, then I began again. Minutes later, my second orgasm hit. I pulled out and lay beside her. She draped a leg over me and began caressing my face and head with a finger. In a voice just above a whisper she said: "I've dreamed about this since I was eleven."
"Really?" I asked.
"Um-hum," she confirmed.
"Was it as good as you hoped?"
"Better" she answered with a kiss.
"You were great."
We made love deep into the night, and every day for the remainder of her vacation. We got together two weekends a month, then decided that it would be easier if she transferred to a school closer to me. Of course, we had to tell our parents. Predictably, they were blindsided.
Surprisingly, Karen became our advocate after she pointed out that we had been doing the deed for nearly a year without Trish getting pregnant. She gave her blessing, then the others begrudgingly fell in line. Marriage is out of the question, but what is more important is to have a loving, dedicated, caring partner.
The End.
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