The Taking, Part 1

[ M/g, pedo, celeb, oral, anal ]

by Teacher


Published: 19-Oct-2011

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertainment use only!

It had been three day's since the news broke on what they were now referring to as, "The Monster Case"! Because it was an election year the story was all over the news all day everyday. The Governor's office and the Governor himself released statements praising the valiant work of the Police Commissioner and local authorities in the apprehension of this Child Molesting Monster. Yes Jim Smith was a very famous man, "The Monster"!

Teacher was the son of a long-standing member of The United States Senate, who along with his wife had been killed in an auto accident when their only son was twelve years old. His Grandfather gave permission for the child to go and live with the parents of his long time friend Larry. His Grandfather felt it would be a better atmosphere for him to grow up in, given that he himself was very ill and the child could stay at the same school. He wanted to make life as easy on his Grandson as he could however; he had one stipulation on the inheritance and that was that the boy join a branch of the Military and serve not less then 6 full years serving his country. This was a long-standing family tradition. When the said service was completed he would receive the full amount of the inheritance. His Grandfather died while he was in the service and the day of his discharge Teacher received not only the monies from his Parents estate but all the monies from his Grandfather's estate as well. By the time he liquidated everything except the families long time "Summer Estate" that was located in the middle of the Rocky Mountain's on a 50 acre plot where he lived now he received over 50 million dollars.

Because of who his father was and of course how much money he had Teacher knew everyone, and was very well liked by everyone as well. His unselfish contributions to the community were well known. He donated over 2 million dollars to the building of a new wing at The Lady of Charity hospital. He was asked to run for the State Senate as well and at the time declared that he would indeed run, then in an amazing turn of events Teacher withdrew his bid for election and disappeared to his Family Estate. He simply vanished. He did however keep in touch with all the high-end Politicians and Judges and of course he endorsed the raining Governor in his bid for re-election. Teacher had connections, a lot of connections, hi powered connections, at all three levels of Government, Local, State, and Federal.

Teacher had spent the last two day's (when he wasn't drunk anyway) talking to everyone he could about the case of the poor little Smith girl, inquiring and gathering all the information he could on the health of the child. He was in love with Heidi and was riddled with guilt, but at the same time his plan had worked to perfection. He had found out form the police commissioner himself that Smith had been caught with his dick stuck in the girl's ass who was wearing a Cheer Leader's costume at the time of the arrest. He was also told that while she was terribly bruised she was released from the hospital and was seeing a State Psychiatrist, as she apparently had no memory of anything that had happened to her.

Larry had called earlier to let him know that he was on his way and should be there in a few hours. Teacher had forgotten all about the meeting with his friend and was scrambling now to get his act together before he arrived. He took a shower and shaved which he hadn't done in 3 day's.

Larry was a thin man now he wasn't always. The terrible beating he took from Smith and his boys had taken a toll on the man, his left leg was permanently damaged and he stood with a hunch. He had long dark hair and pitch black eyes. He wore a beard that came down to the bottom of his neck to hide most of the scars it was always neatly trimmed. He always wore pajamas and a silk robe with slippers preferring comfort to dress. He had day sets and night sets he was an eccentric man. He walked with a cane now that was topped with "The Sorcerer's Stone" from the Harry Potter movie. He always had a glass of Glenlivet in one hand and his other donned a ring made form a Ruby that had belonged to the Mother of a famous child star. Around his neck on a white gold chain he had an Emerald that once belonged to a famous comedian. Now riding in a limo with a glass of Glenlivet in one hand and his other on the back of the head of a 7-year-old little girl named Trisha while watching her take him in her mouth on the video monitor that was taping the whole thing, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Thank-you Trisha" (his preteen choice for this trip), he said after blasting his forth load into the girl's mouth in the last couple of hours. Trisha smiled then spit the awful tasting spunk into a glass. "How long now Lurch"? He asked his loyal driver, bodyguard and longtime friend. "About and hour sir", Lurch replied. He called him Lurch simply because he looked like Lurch from the old Addams Family TV show. He was 7' 2" tall 325 lbs. he had burn marks on his face and hardly ever talked, Lurch was also a little slow having an IQ of around 70. He always wore the same uniform a black Chauffeur's Uniform a more loyal man you could never find and he was also the "Babysitter" meaning when Larry was in a meeting or something like that he would watch the girl or girls that he had along with him. Larry always had several little girls or at least one with him at all times, Larry loved little girls, and little girls loved Larry or Uncle Larry as they all called him.

Larry was rich, powerful and loved to laugh. He had built an empire over the last 20 years. He not only sold the highest quality Child Pornography in the world but also had an Escort Service in every major city in Europe, The United kingdom, Japan, Mexico, Canada and of course the United States. He ran two houses in each city. One for girls age 6-11 and one for girls age 12-16. These girls were very well taken care of. They were provided with an education, food, clothing and a nice home to live in. Larry set up an account for each girl, depositing a percentage for each dollar that they made. The account followed her from the first house until she reached the age of 12, then transferred to the next house until she turned 16, at which time she worked as an employee taking care of the other girls until she turned 18. At the age of 18 the account that was set up for her was transferred into her name to do with as she pleased and was able to go to college or what ever she wanted. These girls were grateful to Larry as he had taken most of them off of the streets poor and starving, they were very loyal to their Uncle indeed.

He catered to the rich and powerful, Judges, Politicians, Governor's, Congressmen, Senators, Royalty, and the very powerful Businessmen around the world. Larry rented the girls out by the day, the weekend, the week the month or even longer if the client so desired. He charged an incredible amount of money for this service, as the client was not only paying for the little preteen pussy of his dreams but for discretion and secrecy. Larry also had 3 private jets along with an undercover branch that was equaled to that of the C.I.A, having been in the service and selling preteen tail in the Philippines he had made many, many connections. One of those connections was very high in military intelligence; Larry got him to quit the Navy and gave him a job as head of the undercover branch as well as security. Larry called him Mr. X; Larry was in fact the Richest and most Powerful man in the world. And almost no one knew he existed!

The limo had 4 TV's in it and because he had and hour left before he arrived at the "The Family Estate" Trisha watched cartoons wearing headphones and Larry watched the news special on "The Monster". This was the first time he had herd of the crime and his mouth dropped open and he just stared at the TV as the story continued! He knew that his brother had something to do with it.

Larry arrived at the Estate where he spent a lot of time. Teacher was to Larry his Brother and they along with Randy and a few girls spent Holiday's together as a family. The Estate was a 6-bedroom home with bath in each room, it had huge living, and dinning rooms along with a professional kitchen and two recreation areas and a library, study, office combination. One of the Recreation areas was set up for the younger girls and the other for the older girls. It was an incredible place. There were cameras in every room in the house DVD sales of the little girls in the play area sold very well, along with the sex they had in the bedrooms. Out back there was a swimming pool along with a giant hot tub and a cottage for the help. There was also a 10-car garage, and a horse stable that hadn't been used for many years.

When Larry came in Teacher greeted his friend with a big hug and slapped him on the back and said "Peg leg, how's it hanging old man"? Larry of course walked with the cane that was toped with the original "Soccer's Stone" because of the leg injury suffered at the hands of Smith a.k.a; "The Monster" Larry threw back his head and laughed, (Larry loved to laugh). He told Teacher to Fuck off and gave him a big hug back.

Teacher also greeted little Trisha by asking who the cute little girl was. She went up and gave Teacher a hug around his leg and said she was Trisha and that she was ever so much glad to meet him, and then looked up at Larry as if to ask if she did ok. Teacher told her that she was indeed a very polite and charming young lady and if she would like to go play in the play room, her little face lit up and when Larry nodded at Lurch, he took the little girl by the hand and said. "Follow Me"! "Hell you even sound like Lurch" Teacher laughed followed by, "Lurch its nice to see you again my friend how have you been"? "Fine Mr. Teacher"! Said Lurch as he took the little girl and started to lead her to the playroom. (Lurch didn't talk much). Lurch knew that he was to take care of the child and make himself at home; he also had his own room in the Estate.

Teacher and Larry went to the living room and Teacher made them a couple of drinks, handed Larry a glass of Glenlivet and poured himself a glass of Crown Royal.

They sat for a minute then Teacher asked him if Randy was going to join them. Larry told him that he should be here in a couple of hours so they could talk about this matter of "The Monster". Teacher looked at him and said, "I don't know what you're talking about".

Larry threw his head back and laughed. "Bull Shit brother its got your name all over it". Teacher replied, "Well consider it an early Christmas present then dam it"! Then chugged down his drink and got up to refill it. Larry looked at Teacher with a tear in his eye got up gave him a big hug, held him and said "Thank-you my brother but you didn't need to take a chance like that". They talked for a while but Larry wasn't fooled, he could tell there was something wrong, he could sense it, feel it in the air. There was something wrong with his brother. "Is there something else you want to tell me"? Larry asked him. Teacher told him that it wasn't important. Larry wasn't buying it but decided to let it drop for now. Teacher asked him about the email and if he had turned psycho on him. Larry with a very serious look on his face said, "No but if we don't help this girl she will meet a true psycho however we should wait for Randy as this concerns him as well"! Teacher did not like he tone of Larry's voice and raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Ok Larry, but when he gets her we talk"! They sat around talking and just catching up on things until Randy showed up.

Lurch taking the roll of Butler when he was at the house as well as babysitter let Randy in along with two twin girls around 8-years old. He took the twins to the playroom to play with Trisha and told Randy to join the other two men in the Living room. He went in and they greeted one another then Randy got a drink, (Randy drank Beer, he was a beer drinker a long time man in the construction business). Randy also heard about the "Monster" case and brought it up looking at Teacher with a raised eyebrow when he did. Being busted Teacher went over the events of the last few weeks or years as it turned out but left out the part about being in love with Heidi. Larry and Randy both agreed that they would never want to piss off Teacher by god. They all laughed and joked about how Smith was going to love taking it up the ass in Federal Prison that is if he managed to stay alive in there. Then Larry got up and said Gentlemen we have a problem, or I have a problem and I need your help!

They all filled their drinks and Larry began to speak. He went on to explain that he was not to be interrupted and they could have their say when he was done, the both agreed. Larry popped a DVD in the player and turned on the TV. There on the TV screen was a really sexy little preteen girl with pink hair and a pink dress dancing and singing she was the star of a show called "Lazy Town". Larry went on to explain that the pink haired little girl who played Stephanie on the show was in fact, 12-year old Julianna Rose Mauriello, and that she was in grave danger. He went on to explain that one of his companies had received a contract offer to have them make a DVD of Miss Mauriello Raped! Furthermore she was to be raped as the character "Stephanie" she was to be raped in the mouth, her pussy and then her ass for one half hour each and that there were specific guidelines that had to be followed. She was to be raped and raped hard! Both Randy and Teacher started to say something and Larry shushed them quick. "I'm not done"! He shouted in an angry voice. He went on, Miss Mauriello has apparently made someone quite mad. Furthermore if we don't do this, the contract will be given to "Bob"! Again Teacher and Randy shouted out "Bob"? Again Teacher shushed them and continued. My sources cant find out who is the one behind the contract only the between man who has dealt through us before and is a trusted one of our members. The "Mystery" man will only deal through him. With cooperation from the middleman we have set up wiretaps among other things but if we cant find the man and "Make him disappear" then it is my belief that we should "Take" the girl and do the job. If we don't you know what Bob will do to her. Gentlemen we cant let that happen to this lovely little girl it would destroy her for life. Furthermore it is important for you to know that I have a personal interest in this Childs safety. He followed by saying "Questions"?

"Questions, Questions, you want to know if I have Questions"? Teacher shouted at Larry He continued, "You want to kidnap and rape a 12-year old TV star that, I don't know Larry lives where? Fucking Iceland that's where, not to mention the fact when she disappears it will be World News! Every one and their dog are going to be looking for her! I know you have connections Larry but Christ even you cant think of doing this in Iceland, your not even that crazy. Also who is supposed to rape her anyway none of us are rapist in the true sense of the word anyway. And do you know what kind of shock that is going to do to her? No Larry No man I love you but you're off your fucking nut on this one brother"!

Randy looked at Teacher and said, "I'm going to have to agree with Larry on this one Teacher, come on man he's talking about "Bob" you know "Bob The Butcher" you know that little girl would be lucky to even live through it and might be better off if she didn't and you my friend know it as well as I do, Teacher do you want to see that sweet little girl's face plastered on the front page of every news paper in the country dead? It's better that we take her if it comes to that, at least we can better control the situation better that way. Larry I assume you have a plan for this insane shit"?

Teacher couldn't believe what he was hearing, got up and brought the whole bottle of Crown Royal back with him, poured a glass downed it and laughed and said, "Yea, fuck Larry lets hear the plan I haven't had a good laugh since we started this conversation, go for it brother".

Larry went on to explain. That it was a four part plan, first of all she was to be "Taken", second she was to be "Raped", third she was to be "Nurtured" meaning cared for and her mental state was to be returned to her, and last she was to be "Returned".

Teacher looked at him shocked, "Really, that simple huh just take her, rape her, brainwasher into thinking it never happened and send her on her merry little way, nice Larry real nice".

Larry screamed back at him as he was standing in front of the TV now leaning on his cane, "Would you PLEASE HEAR ME OUT TEACHER"! He regained himself and continued, "We won't have to take her from Iceland as she will be taking two weeks off during Thanksgiving to spend in Manhattan with family, we take her there to where she is to be raped, Mr. X will be in charge of the of the "Taking and the Retuning" part of the operation. Randy will be in charge of the "Rape Room" making it sound proof and doing the video work, the video must not in anyway be edited or messed with. Then she will be drugged and taken to the basement apartment here and Teacher you will be in charge of "The Nurturing" part of the plan" after that it is a simple matter of retuning Miss Mauriello to Manhattan to be reunited with her family.

Teacher was really getting freaked out, "Well Larry looks like you have it all figured out, but just a thought here, who is to rape the, as you refer to her, Miss Mauriello, and you need to see a shrink, I mean you still haven't realized that this girl is a fucking TV star"!

Randy just nodded his head with Teacher's statement, "Yea Larry this little girl is going to be very hot indeed, and you're talking about the F.B.I here".

Larry grinned and said, "Are we? Now listen guy's, I know you think I'm crazy but here is what we do. We send a ransom note telling them that we want a bunch of money and because its so much we are going to give them 12 days to come up with it but if they call the police the girl is dead, we arn't going to ask for that much so they will think it's a chance, and if they do call they will try to set up a sting at the exchange point which there wont be, because there isn't going to be any exchange, and we can just let her go. And another thing, How the hell are they going to find her if they do go to the police or the fucking F.B.I, Teacher how many girls have you had here? A bunch that's how many and they couldn't find shit, you know it, I know it, and Randy knows it. Besides if Mr. X can find the one responsible we wont have to do this anyway. But we should be ready, I cant tell you guy's how much this little girl means to me but I really need your help, your just going to have to trust me as I have always trusted you."

Randy and Teacher looked at each other, they were amazed. This could really work in deed. Then the bomb hit.

Teacher shook his head, "Ok so you have worked it out pretty well Larry I will give you that, but again none of us is a rapist, at least in the true sense of the word who is going to rape this little girl?

Larry replied, "The contract indicates the person to rape her, and the reason is because he has seen this person on many of our tapes and wants to see his massive member stuffed in the girl, that's why he came to us in the first place and not Bob this man's cock is fucking famous! Besides my Brother who better to rape the little girl that a Doctor"?

Randy looked at Teacher and said, "He's right Teacher, and you're the one to do it".

Teacher couldn't believe what he was hearing looked at both of them and said, "Let me get this straight just so I don't think I'm loosing my fucking mind and hearing things. You want ME, to rape the girl then nurture her back again all in 12-days, am I correct"?

Larry looked at his long time friend held his glass up in a toast and said, "Give that man a fucking cigar folks" and stared laughing Larry loved to laugh!

Teacher shook his head and said, "I need a fucking drink"!

They discussed things further and all decided that if it really came to it that they would indeed have to Kidnap and Rape the little girl on the T.V. the little girl who played the part of Stephanie of Lazy Town, Miss Julianna Rose Mauriello age 12. They would have to Rape her to save her life or at least her future. Teacher shook his head in disbelief. They had two weeks to prepare as it was around the middle of November and Teacher had to get his act together. Fast! He knew that they were right, he had seen the little girl on TV, hell he even shot a small load into Heidi's mouth in tribute to the sexy little star. Besides, she was cute as hell and thinking about it Teacher's cock started to twitch the 'Fly" was always there and along with it the "Need"!

Lurch came in and said "Dinner is served". They all looked at each other and laughed, as Lurch indeed sounded like Lurch.

They all ate dinner and talked then Randy took the twins, Betty and Becky up to his room to play some grown up games. Randy loved twins more than anything in the world and the "Fly" was on him and with it came the "Need". Larry laughed as asked Teacher if the cameras were rolling in Randy's room. Teacher laughing back replied "Yup and there rolling in your room as well my brother got them on a timer, cant wait to see you with that sweet little Trisha". Larry laughed again and said, "Hey where is that little slut of mine anyway"? He went off to find the little girl as he had the "Need" as the Fly was on him as well and little Miss Trisha had a tight little ass that sure could use a nice cock stuffed inside of it. Larry love to laugh, and Larry loved to fuck little girls in the ass!

Randy wasn't a really big man but at 6" and 178 pounds but he was a lot bigger than the twins, and had a normal size cock, he was strong and in shape having done construction most of his life. Sure he only managed things now but he was still in shape. He got to his room twins in tow and found that Lurch had brought up the luggage from the van and that his sweet girls had put everything away. The girls were very well trained.

Betty and Becky, twin little 8-year old sexpots with bright red hair and big dark green eyes. Randy thought he was indeed a lucky man as the little girls took off their little black saddle shoes and black satin dresses with pink ribbons tied around them. They stripped down and jumped onto the giant bed naked and ready to play. Randy told little Betty to come over and take his clothes off for him. As she did he thought about Teacher, there was something not right about him. Besides all the talk about the raping of the little pink haired girl, yes there was something he wasn't telling about the little girl that he had used, that little, what was her name again, Heidi that was it. He also knew that Larry could tell as well because they kept looking at each other when Teacher was explaining about her. He decided he would worry about it later though as little Betty had pulled off his boxers and was now stoking his cock and giggling at him. This little girl needed some fucking cock in her cute little mouth and he thought to himself that Teacher was alone down stairs as well. So sliding his ever growing cock between Betty's lips he told Becky to put on something really sexy and go play with Teacher because he was sad he didn't have a little girl to play with, Becky being the ever good little girl that she was did just that. Randy gently took Betty by the sides of the head and right off shot a small load into her pretty little mouth, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Now that was nice Betty your such a good little cock sucker", he said as he slid his now raging cock deeper in to the child's mouth. He fucked little Betty's mouth and he fucked it good. Long deep strokes as he had taught her to deep throat a long time ago when she was six. He looked into her bright green eyes and blew another load and pulled out so the tip of his cock was just inside her mouth so she could swallow it. When she did he lifted her up, kissed her tasting his own cum in her mouth and laid her on the bed, then slid down and licked the little girls pussy clean she tasted sweet. Randy loved sweet young pussy. He told little Betty to get under the covers and he joined her he laid on top of the tiny girl and stuffed his cock into her Hard! "OUCH" cried little Betty as she was impaled by his shaft, he was rough with her but only because he was thinking of that little pink haired girl getting raped, she was so fucking hot looking, that when he first saw her he knew that little Betty would be his little Stephanie for the night and he was going to give it to her and give it to her hard. He pulled out about half way and SLAMED it into her again causing her to scream out in pain, "OOOOOO" the little girl cried again and again as Randy was now slamming it home with every thrust going deeper and deeper every time, He was going to have to get the twins a Stephanie costume to wear with pink wigs and all, Yes that's the ticket he thought, twin little Stephanie's Then he slammed it home again and came as hard as he had in years, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"! The "Fly" was on him and he still had the "Need" so he was rock hard again and he pictured that pink haired little girl and he started slamming it to little Betty again and again as she cried. "OOOOOOOO"! Randy was not normally like this he had given it to little Betty once before hard like this and she loved it, so he sent Becky out so he could rape the little girl as Becky hated it when Randy got rough but the talk of the rape and the thought of the sexy girl with the pink hair had him and took hold of him and he raped the little girl for an hour hard and fast, an hour of sweating slamming deep fucking. He was filled with lust for the pink haired little girl and when he finally shot his final load into Betty's tight wet full of cum little pussy he collapsed rolling off of her tired sweating and his cock was sore. With his cum dripping from the little girl, Betty was sore but she really loved it a lot and hoped that Randy would do it again soon. She was in luck because Randy would, Randy liked little girls; yes Randy liked little girls a lot. Randy knew he couldn't but Randy would love to rape little Miss Stephanie of Lazy Town and because he couldn't he would rape little Betty over and over again and again!

Larry found little Trisha sound asleep in bed; Trisha was a true beauty one of the sexiest little 7-year olds around. She was tiny even for her age, she had light brown skin raven hair and black eyes with plump lips, but it wasn't her lips Larry was after tonight. For 2 hours he had his cock buried between her plump lips during the trip. Larry was after ass tonight, small, thin, sweet, wet, tight, ass. Trisha fit the bill. Lurch had the room set up for him with Gel and Oil on the bed stand. Larry got undressed and crawled in bed with his little minx. This was the first trip Trisha had taken with Larry and she was excited because all the girls told her that Larry was very good to them. They also told her that he loved to play with their tight little asses and slide his cock into them so she wasn't surprised when she woke up and Larry had his tongue buried it her ass hole. Trisha had only had fingers in her ass up to now but that was soon to change. Larry rolled the little girl over and tongued her little brown hole hard and deep with his tongue. The "Fly" was on him and he had the "Need". Putting a pillow under her hips Larry filled her tiny ass with lube and covered his now steal cock with it as well. Good thing for little Trisha that Larry wasn't very big at 6.5" and only 3" around because Larry was going to give it to Trisha in the ass, and give to her he did, he placed the tip of his cock on her little anal ring and drove it through her ring deep into the little girl until he hit bottom. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" he thought now that is one sweet little piece of ass and as he did Trisha cried out "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and the more she cried out the harder he gave it to her. Larry like Randy never did things like this but the talk of the rape and seeing that fucking sexy assed little pink hair girl on the TV had him along with the "Fly" so he pounded the little girl cuming six or seven times in her little ass, wishing that it was little Stephanie with the pink hair. Yes Larry loved to laugh and he loved to fuck little girls in the ass, but right now he was jealous because Teacher and not him was going to get to rape the little pink haired girl, and not only in the ass but in the pussy and mouth as well, thinking about that an hour later he shot his final load of the night into Trisha's tight little brown hole. He rolled off of her and held her close kissing her tears and told her he was sorry if her hurt her. Trisha was of course ok as she was instructed to put a bunch of Gel in her little ass before going to bed so it was simmering for a long time before he ass raped the little girl. They fell asleep together arm in arm Trisha holding his cock in her tiny hand.

Teacher was in the study thinking, he was thinking about the task before him. Ok he thought.

First I have to rape this girl hurting her as little as possible but making it look like I'm really hurting her bad.

Next she has to be convinced that it wasn't me that raped her because I have to console her and try to make sure that she isn't ruined sexually for life.

Teacher had a big problem on his mind but he was beginning to form a plan, yes Teacher was a good planner and he was coming up with a good one except for one part, convincing the girl that he wasn't the one who did it.

He was sitting at the desk in just his robe checking out information on Miss. Julianna Rose Mauriello when she came in.

Little Becky walked in wearing a very short satin dark green slip with spaghetti straps; she had bright red hair and big green eyes. She walked up to him and said, "Mr. Teacher Sir"?

Teacher spun his chair around and looked at the sexy little preteen girl and was taken by how pretty she was, he hadn't noticed her that much at dinner but boy he noticed her now, so he replied with, "Well my sexy little girl, which one are you sweetie"?

"I'm Becky silly you can tell because I'm the oldest", the cute sexy little girl went on to say, "how come your so sad, is it because you don't have a little girl like me to play with, I will play with you Mr. Teacher Sir". Then she kind of looked down while looking up with her eyes and bit her bottom lip a little bit.

Teacher liked this little girl right away as she was just so sweet, and his cock sprang to life for the little girl because of several reasons. One he hadn't had any for a few days. Two the "Fly" was on him and he could feel the "Need" and Three all this talk about raping the little pink haired girl had him really turned on and he had been getting information on her over the internet and also had looked a lot of her pictures and lets face it. Julianna Rose Mauriello is a complete pedophiles wet dream she was just too sexy for her own good. And lets not forget that little Becky was cute as hell in her little out fit and those eyes, OMG those big green eyes. So with that he spread his legs apart enough so he could pull the little vixen to him. Being only 8-years old he couldn't fuck the little girl even though Randy surly was. But that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy her sweet little lips around his massive cock now did it. He was also sure that Randy had sent her down to do just that.

So he pulled the little girl close to him and told her that he would love to play with her and wanted to know what it was that she wanted to play. And as he did she reached into his robe, pulled out his giant cock and then froze for a minute.

Then after she gathered herself she stared at him with those big dark green eyes and said, "Wow Mr. Teacher, that's the biggest cock I have ever seen, I'm not sure if I could even get it in my mouth". Teacher laughed replying, "Well little one I bet you could, being that you are the oldest and a big girl now, would you like to try"? Well little Becky was really proud that Mr. Teacher thought that she could because she was a big girl. Everyone else called her a little girl so she decided right then and there that she would some how get that great big cock in her mouth after all. So she looked at Teacher with those big Green eyes dropped to her knees and started sucking on the head of his enormous cock.

Becky was trying her best to get his cock in her tiny mouth and it was such a turn on that his cock spit up some juice for her and she whipped it right off with her tiny tongue. She lapped at the head and went all around it with her sweet tiny little tongue. Then she tried again and started sucking on the head and almost got it in but couldn't quite do it, It was so sexy watching her do that Teacher shot a really nice load and as she pulled back she got sprayed right in the face as Teacher came. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" He wanted more! The "Fly" was on him and the "Need" was filling him up. The thought of raping the pink haired girl in the mouth was to much so he grabbed the cute little girl by the back of the head and thinking of Stephanie he slid his cock in-between her lips and pulled her onto his raging cock and it slid in about 3 inches. He pulled it back an inch and shoved it back in being just a little rough on the poor little girl.

Little Becky's eyes watered as Teacher's massive cock spilt her lips wide and the head entered her tiny mouth then he pulled it out a little and shoved it back in. She was brave and really thought she did a good job but it sure was a big cock.

Teacher looked down at the little green eyed red haired little girl with the cock almost ripping her mouth right open and the cum all over her face and thought about not the little pink haired girl but of Heidi taking him deep and looking in his eyes and he missed her, he wanted her, he loved her. And as he thought that he pulled the little girl back onto his massive member as far as he could and let go a huge load SPLAT. "AAAAAHHHH" and cum was spraying into and right back out of the little Becky's mouth. SPLAT, "AAHH" and again he filled her mouth with cum. The little girl tried her best to pull away but he held on thinking of his lost love and SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, three more big loads filled the little girls mouth.

Little Becky had her mouth stuffed with the biggest cock she had ever seen when it just blew up in her mouth shooting the gooey stuff down her throat and as she tried to swallow it kept cuming, she couldn't' swallow fast enough and again it was cuming at her, it sprayed out of the sides of her mouth and she tried to get it out of her mouth but Mr. Teacher held her hard and shot even more of the gooey stuff into her mouth now she was choking on the stuff and it tasted bad!

Teacher regained himself and looked down at the little girl that was drowning in his cum, he quickly pulled his cock from her mouth and pulled her up to him, he knew she was scared so he started complimenting her like crazy, he knew that it would work, it always worked on little girls, the more compliments you gave them the more you could abuse them. So he stared, "Oh My God, sweet little Becky you did it honey, you're such a big girl taking Teacher's great big cock in your mouth. I bet your little sister couldn't do that, I'm so proud of you Becky".

Becky was scared when all that gooey stuff kept cuming at her and she couldn't get off of Mr. Teachers cock she was chocking on the awful tasting stuff. She couldn't breath and she was starting to cry. Then Teacher grabbed her up and held her close and told her how proud of her she was and that she was a big girl. She pulled back and said, "I did good didn't I Mr. Teacher, and added boy your spunk sure doesn't taste to good".

Teacher thought about that for a minute and then took some of his cum from the little girls face onto his finger and tasted it. He looked at the little girl and said. "Eeewwww, your right Becky it tastes icky". He laughed thinking of all the whiskey he had drank in the last several day. And he got it, one part of the final key to his plan. He now almost knew how to make sure that the little pink hair girl could never know that it was him that raped her, he was close now just one more little thing and his plan would be complete and with that he took little Becky off to his bedroom, cleaned her up in his bathroom and let her sleep with him, because as he went by Randy's room all he could hear was little Betty screaming in pain.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


One thing when Lazy Town started Julianna was 12-13 years old not 9.Other wise it was a good start.


Yes Julianna was 12 when she moved to Iceland from Manhatten to start filming, however I really wanted to us her for her bubbly personality and sheer talant and determanation. Given Teacher is the main character of the series that started as Chatch and Release and his misgivings about sex with girls under 10 because of the danger involved to them I felt that changeing her age was important to the story line.

Great catch :o) and thank you so much for your feed back ;o)


Your welcome. Some writer that you celebs or their characters do not really know about either and use the wrong age for that reason.I must say I have seen the show and how can her character have a Uncle that has brown skin?


This entire series has been revised to show the proper age of Julianna Rose Mauriello amoung other things.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.