Published: 24-Oct-2011
Word Count:
Finally, it was here! Halloween. How she had looked forward to this evening. Stacey, 29, and mother to the precocious ten year old Elizabeth, had been dreaming of this night for months.
It all started about 6 months back, with a conversation she was having over cocktails with her single neighbor Mark. Mark was 55, and retired, so he had alot more free time than Stacey's husband. Stacey's husband worked alot of evenings, so to fight the boredom, and longing for adult conversation, she had begun having Mark over for drinks a couple of times a week. She enjoyed Mark's company, and she also liked how much he enjoyed talking about Elizabeth, "Lizzy" to family and friends.
Stacey had always been proud of Lizzy. The little blonde bombshell could have been a child model if Stacey had any connections. Not quite 5 ft tall, Lizzy had a cute little figure already. Stacey had let Lizzy shave her legs when she was 6, years ahead of most little girls. She also let Lizzy wear nail polish and makeup too. Lizzy felt special, because even now, alot of her little friends were not allowed to wear makeup yet. Yes, Lizzy definately stood out in any crowd of little preteen girls. Lizzy was always outgoing and confident, never shy. She was not afraid to talk to strangers, despite the lessons she heard at school.
So, the conversation. Mark, the neighbor, enjoyed coming over at night, and keeping Stacey company. He liked to watch Lizzy, and talk about her. At first, he would just compliment her, telling Stacey what a pretty little girl Lizzy was. How beautiful she looked, how she was so much prettier than the other girls in the neighborhood. Of course, Stacey loved hearing how pretty her daughter was. Mark noticed that Stacey really liked hearing how pretty he thought Lizzy was, and decided to push his luck a little. He had managed to move the conversation to "at what age are kids having sex for the first time these days". Stacey guessed 15, and Mark laughed and said he heard on the news that it was now 12! Lizzy was 9, but had a birthday coming up on Oct 30th. Stacey said she was sure Lizzy didn't know anything about sex yet. Mark said, "well maybe she should". "You know, kids are going to experiement. Wouldn't you rather she learn with you present, from someone you know and trust? Or would you prefer she sneek, and hide it from you and lie about it?"
Mark's words made sense, and Stacey also felt aroused when she realized what he was suggesting. Just to be sure she was on the same page, she asked Mark "so you are volunteering for the job?" He sipped his Jack and Coke, and said "It would be a pleasure". They agreed to wait until she turned ten, and since Halloween was the day after her birthday, what a perfect cover? Stacey would take Lizzy trick-or-treating to Mark's house, but instead of candy, Lizzy would have her virginity taken.
Over the course of the next few months, their conversations were about nothing other than Lizzy, and Halloween Night. They surfed online looking at different costumes, trying to decide on the perfect one. Mark enjoyed telling Stacey how hot the thought of fucking little Lizzy was for him. Stacey always got aroused listening to Mark. They made sure not to talk about it in front of Lizzy, so as to not spoil their surprise. After tossing around what seemed like hundreds of choices, the adults agreed on the Halloween costume. It was one of those simple, cheap "Princess" costumes thousands of little girls wear every year. However, Stacey bought one that was too little, on purpose of course. It was a light purple dress, but for a 6-8 yr old. Lizzy was going to be ten, but Stacey's strategy was clear. Lizzy's chest had not developed more than just a couple of bumps, so even though the costume was too small, and very tight, Lizzy was able to squeeze into it. The Princess costume is designed so that the hem hits about 4 inches below the knee on a little girl. On Lizzy, though, it was the length of a slutty miniskirt, well above the knee. It was tight too, so her little titties pushed at the costume, and her nipple bumps were obvious.
Lizzy didn't object to being a Princess for Halloween, and she kinda liked that the dress was short. It made her feel like a "sexy princess". Finally the big night had arrived. Stacey helped dress Lizzy. Stacey had liked Lizzy's idea, "Sexy Princess", so she had prepared a special box of accessories to surprise Lizzy with. A white garter belt with matching white thigh high stockings, and sexy 4inch heeled mules, that were the same shade of purple as her Princess costume dress. After helping Lizzy with the garter belt and stockings, Stacey helped Lizzy slip into the lavender silk crotchless panties Mark had bought three months earlier. Lizzy looked at the sexy new panties with curiosity. "Mommy, how come the part that covers my thingy is missing?" Stacey said " because these are Big Girl panties. You are ten now, so you get to do big girl things now...and big girls dont say "thingy". From now on, you can call it your pussy." Lizzy smiled at her mom, then looked in the full length mirror. She held the costume up so that she could see herself in the sexy panty. "Hi pussy, I can see you!!! she giggled".
Stacey told her she looked beautiful, and kissed her on the cheek. "We better get going, we don't want the neighbors to run out of candy". It was dark, as they walked out their front door, and headed down the street. Stacey watched, and enjoyed the way the daddies would stare at Lizzy as they passed her on the sidewalk. It aroused her to see the way adult men were checking Lizzy out. Lizzy knocked on doors, while Stacey stayed a couple feet back, but close enough to see the reactions of the home owners. There sure seemed to be alot of men handing out candy, and they all got an eyeful of Lizzy before they spoke. Stacey tried not to laugh out loud when one older guy just stared at Lizzy's thigh highs. She saw his eyes follow her young legs down to her sexy looking high heels. The bulge in his slacks was obvious, and Stacey quickly fantasized that the guy pulled his cock out right there on his porch and force fed it into Lizzy's little Princess face!
She smiled and winked at the handsome man, as he filled Lizzy's bag with candy. Stacey walked up and stood next to Lizzy, and thanked the man for his generosity. "Look how much candy he gave you Lizzy. I think that deserves something special. Why don't you show this nice man your sexy new panties that go with this costume? Go on, I bet he would love to see the rest of your Princess costume, wouldn't ya Mister?" The man stammered, finally getting a "um, sure would" out. Lizzy looked around, and seeing that no other kids were around, set her bag down on the man's porch, and lifted the short dress up, revealing her crotchless panties. Stacey watched the man, as he stared at Lizzy's exposed bare preteen pussy. Stacey thanked the man again, and slid him her phone number.
Stacey's pussy was wet when Lizzy rang the door bell at Mark's. Mark answered the door, and Lizzy smiled as she said "trick-or-treat". Lizzy knew Mark, as he was a constant visitor at her house. Mark smiled, as he took in the vision of beauty and sexiness. "Oh my, you must be The Princess", Mark said. "I have had vampires, werewolves, mummies, cheerleaders, but you are the ONLY Princess". Please will you come in, my Princess?. Stacey gently nudged Lizzy in the back, and they entered Mark's house. Mark was in a dk blue silk bathrobe, loosely tied. He led them into his living room, and told Lizzy, that she was the prettiest Princess ever! She thanked him for the compliment and told him her costume was actually "Sexy Princess". She also told him that at the last house, her mommy had her show off her sexy panties too. Mark said, "May I see your panties, Sexy Princess?" Lizzy looked at her mom, and Stacey nodded yes. Lizzy walked over and stood directly in front of Mark. She then lifted her dress, exposing her panty, and bare pussy again.
Mark's erect cock poked out of his robe as he sat on the sofa. He reached out, and touched Lizzy's panties, rubbing the silk between his fingertips. "Oh Princess, those are sexy indeed. You are going to get ALL the candy I have left". Lizzy smiled, as her eyes noticed the erect pole sticking out of Mark's robe. Making no effort to hide it or cover up, Mark undid the belt of the robe, and let it fall open, exposing himself to the preteen. He held it in his hand, and slowly began to stroke himself. "Lizzy, this is a gift for the Princess. Your mommy wants me to give this to you." Lizzy looked over to her mom, confused. Stacey just smiled at Lizzy, and said "that's right Lizzy, it's a special gift, for a special Princess."
What is it, she asked. "It's my cock" was Mark's reply, "and I want you to hold it for me". He pulled the preteen closer to him, and placed his hard cock in her hand. "That's a good girl, hold it tight for me". "It's warm" Lizzy said, holding onto a cock for the first time. Mark's hands groped at Lizzy. He had been wanting her for months now. His hands rubbing her body thru the little girl Halloween costume. He liked how tight the little dress was on her. His hands moved lower, touching her silky thigh highs and panties. "Move your hand up and down for me Lizzy..I want you to stroke my cock for me". Lizzy did as told, and slowly began moving her little hand up and down. Stacey sat close by, and offered encouragement to her ten yr old daughter. "This is a special night for you, my little sexy princess. I want you to do whatever Mark says, OK? Lizzy barely heard her mom, as she stared at the adult cock she was holding.
Mark had Lizzy kneel between his legs. He liked her costume, and couldn't wait to fuck her in it, but first, he wanted to feel his cock in her mouth. Stacey had bobby-pinned the cute little tiara in Lizzy's hair, per Mark's instructions. He positioned the little girl's face exactly where he wanted it, then he gently grabbed hold of the little crown on top of her head. Using it to pull her forward, while thrusting his hips toward her, Mark moaned as he slipped his cock into Lizzy's mouth. "Yes, Princess...suck my cock." He felt shivers up his spine as he touched Lizzy's tongue with the tip of his fat cock. Her mouth felt wet and hot. Her lips stretched as Mark shoved half of his cock into her virgin mouth. "Look Stacey, your little Princess has a mouthful of cock!". Stacey smiled, as she fondled her own breast, playing with a nipple as she watched Mark face fuck her daughter. Mark was not taking it easy, he was way too aroused to worry about being gentle. He made the little girl gag a couple of times, as he worked his cock, back and forth rapidly. He really liked how tight her lips felt on his shaft. This was new for him too. He had always wanted to have sex with a preteen, but this was the first time he was getting to do so.
He managed to get all seven inches of his cock into her pretty mouth.He held her face pressed tightly into his crotch, his wirey pubic hair smashing into Lizzy's face. Stacey had stopped playing with herself and was taking pictures with her digital camera. Mark had asked her to make sure she brought it, so they could have a keepsake. He pushed the tip of his cock against the little girls cheek from the inside out, forcing her cheek to bulge out while Stacey snapped away. Mark posed for a picture of himself thrusting his cock into little Lizzy's face while holding onto her crown. Drool was dripping from her mouth, as Mark continued to force feed her his hard on. "Here I come Princess, here comes your Halloween candy...I want you to swallow it all!" Mark's body shook, as he moved his hands to the back of the preteen's head. "OOOHhhhhhh, here comes your candy!!!!!" he moaned, as he began to fill Lizzy's mouth with cum. She choked as he began to cum. He kept her face pinned to his crotch, his hands firmly on the back of her head. He shot more cum into her mouth. She was forced to swallow all she could, while some oozed out of the sides of her mouth, staining her pretty costume. As his orgasm began to wind down, he thrust his hips a couple more times, slowly, using Lizzy's tight lips to milk the last bits of cum from his wet, sloppy cock.
He finally released the grip he held on her head, and the tired child fell backwards on the floor. Mark slid to the floor and began kissing Lizzy, starting with her feet. He slipped her sexy 4inch heel off her right foot, and began kissing her toes thru her white stocking. He worked his way up her foot slowly, nibbling on her ankle, lovingly licking the top of her foot, then up her leg to her thigh. He wanted to taste, to adore, every inch of his little Princess. He moved his face between her thighs, and licked her pussy. He pushed his tongue between her folds and licked slowly. Nice slow, long licks, as he tasted Lizzy. He gently pulled her sweet tender lips apart, and kissed her clitty. Then he put his lips around it and began to suck on it hard. The little girl's body reacted instictively, as her hips thrust upwards to meet his hungry mouth. He teased her clit, nibbling it, biting it, as his mouth quickly began to taste Lizzy's sweet juices. Lizzy wasn't even aware that she was grinding her pussy into Mark's face. Her eyes were closed, but she was softly moaning, and there was no mistaking she was enjoying herself. Her body trembled, and Mark knew she had orgasmed, as more of her sweet nectar flooded his mouth.
Hard again, Mark moved back up to the sofa, and lifted Lizzy onto his lap. "Oh baby, I'm gonna fuck you with your Princess costume on". He had her facing him, straddling his lap, with her high heels back on. He had her put her feet on the sofa, her hands locked around his neck for support, then squat over his cock. "This is gonna hurt a little bit, but then it will feel better". "Im gonna fuck the Princess, Im gonna fuck the Princess" Mark chanted, as he gripped Lizzy's hips and yanked her downward. "OWWWW" Lizzy hollered as she was lowered onto Mark's cock. Mark slowly wiggled his hips, slowly working her body lower. The preteen was in pain, Mark was in heaven. He pulled on her harder, as he watched more and more of his cock slipping into her tight little pussy. She cried as he ruptured her hymen, so Mark kissed her, shoving his tongue inside her mouth. Her pussy began to get slippery, and Mark began to slide her up and down on his cock alot easier and faster. She was sooo damn tight though. Fucking her was everything he had imagined, and he knew he wasn't going to last long.
He leaned in, kissing her nipples thru the tight little costume, while he fucked her. Her little crown still on top of her sweet little head, Mark bounced the Princess, faster and harder, filling her tender pussy with all seven inches. One last slide down his cock, her pussy lips gripping it tightly....Mark held her down on his cock...and began to fill her tiny pussy with his seed. She could feel the stange warmth inside of her, as their bodies became still.
Mark filled her bag with candy bars as Stacey took her to the powder room to freshen up before they went home. Mark then walked them to the door, and kissed Lizzy good night. On the way home, the girls talked about what had just happened. Stacey was excited that she already had a voicemail from the man Lizzy showed her panties too. The message said something about $100 if she would let Lizzy spend the night some time. Both of them liked the sounds of that.
The End
Pricipal Peter
Henry Oldman
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