; ; ; LB: 11. Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · ; LB Collection · ; Story Links · ; Site Links · ; Poetry · ; Submissions · ; lbworlds Yahoo! · ; Donations · ; ;

Web's Wonderful Web

; ; ; ; Part 11 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15]

; ; © Yotna El'toub

; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/ ; ;

Chapter 11: Outsider.

; ; Lorraine drove towards the Kings Arms, her hunger rumbled within her ; abdomen. It was a little late for lunch, but then again, it wasn't food that ; interested her. There were bound to be some stragglers at the Pub, she would ; select a savoury male and have her fill, before she returned him to ; Ger'natha's tender mercies.

; ; As she approached the Pub Lorraine spied a familiar figure traipsing up the ; lane. Lorraine slowed the car to a crawl as she approached Alice.

; ; "Are you O.K., do you need a lift? Alice, why are you crying?" Lorraine ; queried.

; ; "Damon's in a bad way, I don't think he will make it!" Alice sobbed.

; ; "Of course he will, look, hop in and I'll take you home" Lorraine offered.

; ; "Thanks, I need a friend at the moment" Alice flashed an unfelt smile.

; ; As Lorraine drove to Alice and Damon's house, an uncomfortable silence fell ; on the car; other than an occasional sniffle from Alice, all was deathly ; quiet.

; ; 'I have to get her out of this mood. The vector program may become unstable ; if her stress level gets too high. Alice could be a danger to the project' ; Lorraine thought.

; ; Lorraine jumped as Alice's voice broke into her pondering.

; ; "Stop, you've driven past the cottage," Alice snapped.

; ; "Sorry, I was miles away!" replied Lorraine.

; ; Lorraine slipped the Vectra into reverse and slid back into the cottage ; driveway. Soon Alice and Lorraine were deep in discussion, as their teas ; grew cold on the lounge table.

; ; "You look awfully stressed, Alice. Let me relax you a bit" Lorraine offered.

; ; Alice said nothing, but she didn't resist as the warm hands kneaded her ; stiff neck muscles. Lorraine reached forward over the back of Alice's ; armchair, and rotated her thumbs into the tense knots on Alice's neck. Alice ; sighed.

; ; "That's nice, don't stop"

; ; Lorraine smiled; her eyes took on a slight purple cast.

; ; "Don't worry, I won't stop until you've had enough," Lorraine cooed ; comfortingly.

; ; Lorraine's hands strayed across Alice's responsive breasts, the nipples ; burst forth into stiff peaks. Alice looked up lovingly into Lorraine's eyes; ; her own eyes reflected the purple of her lover's. Lorraine gazed deep into ; Alice's limpid eyes; in an instant they changed back to intense cold blue.

; ; "What am I doing? Damon's ill and I'm," Alice choked, "get off me, Lorraine! ; GET OUT!"

; ; "What's wrong Alice, don't speak to me like that! I'm your friend" ; Lorraine's reply echoed her shock.

; ; "You're no friend of mine! GET OUT!!" Alice screamed.

; ; Lorraine saw the look in Alice's blue eyes, and argued no more; hurriedly ; she left. Alice collapsed back into her chair, in floods of tears. Lorraine ; ran to her Vectra ; 'Shit, she's rejecting the vector; I'd better tell Ger'natha.' Lorraine ; cursed herself for forgetting her mobile, and roared off in a cloud of ; gravel & dust.

; ; Geraint stood back admiring the three full pods in front of him. One new ; warrior to be, one new vector, and his first offspring; all in all, the day ; had been more than satisfactory. The lab door opened behind him, and June ; entered.

; ; "Mission accomplished Geraint, no more problems from Dr Saunders" June ; smiled wickedly.

; ; "Excellent, it has been a most productive day! Do you feel ready for a ; little R&R, my dear?" Geraint asked.

; ; "More than ready, but let me lose this ugly coating first!" grinned June.

; ; The purple light started its emission from her eyes, but soon her body was ; covered in pinpricks of empurpled luminosity. The flash was as rapid as it ; was blinding; Ju'nutha of the C'phu tribe stood before her master. Geraint ; decided to drink in her beauty before transforming; Gul'nathan passion was ; not patient.

; ; From the fiery red crest on the top of her head to the black-clawed toes she ; was perfect. Geraint felt his desire rise, as did his squat member. ; Geraint's eyes glowed intensely, but before he could complete his ; transformation he was disturbed. Of all times for the phone to ring! Geraint ; grabbed the receiver from the wall mounting.

; ; "YES!" he breathed the words with venom.

; ; "Ger'natha, Alice is rejecting the vector, what should I do?" asked a puffed ; Lorraine.

; ; "Go back and observe - if she rejects, terminate her!" Geraint snapped.

; ; "Are you sure? What about her husband? Ger'natha, what about Damon?" ; Lorraine asked.

; ; "Already terminated. Do as I say," Geraint uttered, "by the way, I am ; Geraint at the moment - learn to tell the difference. Don't call me ; Ger'natha outside of WI, you fool!"

; ; "I'm sorry, I..." Lorraine was cut off in mid speech.

; ; "Observe, then kill if no use. Understood, yesss" Ger'natha hissed and ; crumpled the handset in his clawed fist.

; ; Ger'natha strode across the room towards his mate; his erect tail tapping ; against his upper abdomen. Ger'natha sprang, sinking his tail-organ deep ; into Ju'nutha's ripe fruit. Alien passion rocked the room, and called out to ; all of their species. The door on the furthest pod splintered, and a fully ; formed Gul'nathan warrior emerged. Si'natha joined the coupling, adding his ; bulk and power to the expatriate orgy.

; ; Lorraine shrugged, and let the silent phone fall to hang uselessly in the ; phone box. 'Well I've got my orders, I don't like them but, too bad' ; Lorraine thought, returning to the still running car. 'I hope you don't ; reject, Alice, murder's not my thing', the car swept around in a tight ; semi-circle and headed back to the cottage.

; ; ; End of ; Part 11 ; [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15] ; ;

; ; ; ; © Yotna El'toub
; yotna_eltoub@hotmail.com
; http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Yotna_eltoub/www/
; ;
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