; ;
;; ; Lorraine Skelly asked the seated chairman. Geraint Jones had over-reacted in ; her opinion.
; ; "Not only wise, but essential, he was the only one who could have put all ; the parts together. If he was given long enough he would realise this is not ; pure research," Sir Geraint paused, "and, we are about to go live!"
; ; "Live, we can't - I mean, we're not ready" Lorraine gaped at the suggestion.
; ; "Orders, supersede opinion in this case - even yours" Geraint quipped with a ; twinkle in his eye.
; ; "It's not possible, I'll talk to the Ministry" Lorraine threatened.
; ; "The order came from the Ministry," Geraint grinned as he laid his trump ; card, "Webb goes live, this week".
; ; Conversation stopped as a flushed scientist entered the room.
; ; "Yes, and it had better be important," barked Geraint.
; ; "There has been an unauthorised external run of the program," the scientist ; voice quavered in fear.
; ; "What!" Geraint exploded. ; "How?" Lorraine asked.
; ; "Saunders was logged on from home," the scientist explained "but there's ; something odd"
; ; "Which is?" Geraint grimaced.
; ; "He ran the full program!"
; ; "The full unprotected program?" asked Geraint.
; ; "Um, yes - it doesn't make much sense, does it?" asked the scientist ; shifting his weight from foot to foot.
; ; "Which version?" Geraint innocently enquired.
; ; "Final, 1.7"
; ; "Then he has more of a problem than we do" smiled Geraint.
; ; Lorraine frowned "You mean 1.7 is fully activated?"
; ; "Yes, we'll be seeing Dr. Saunders again - that much is certain" Geraint ; laughed in derision.
; ; "I'd better prepare then," Lorraine replied, and she darted through the door ; in purposeful haste.
; ; Lorraine set about her tasks with her normal efficiency, outwardly calm, but ; inwardly in turmoil. She knew enough about the program to fear meeting Dr. ; Saunders again. She really doubted his mind control algorithms were ; perfected - the results could be unpredictable and dangerous. The first job ; on her agenda was to prepare the immobilisation pod - the indoctrination had ; to be secure.
; ; Her fears reduced, as the first pod came on-line faultlessly.
; ; "Skelly to John, prepare Webb 2.0 for execution"
; ; The intercom crackled.
; ; "Are you serious Skelly, we have a subject?" Johns voice betrayed his ; surprise.
; ; "Not yet, but one's expected soon!"
; ; "Male or female?" asked John.
; ; "Why does that matter?" Lorraine asked, her brow bunching.
; ; "Erm, two versions of 2.0, one for males, the other females" replied John.
; ; "Why?" Lorraine enquired.
; ; "To be honest, I'm not cleared to know - level 25 classified data" John ; answered frankly.
; ; "Level 25! We have a level 25? I'm a 15, I thought that was the top," gasped ; Lorraine.
; ; "Me too - but there we are - there are another ten levels above us - at ; least!" John's voice sounded a little quieter.
; ; "Male. John, look I want to know more about this, who do you report to at ; the ministry?" Lorraine asked in a hushed tone.
; ; "Classified, but I don't report to the ministry - that is all I can tell ; you" John's speech dropped to a conspiratorial whisper.
; ; "You don't report..." Lorraine's repetition was cut off by Johns sudden ; retort.
; ; "Program 2.0 for male confirmed, Dr. Skelly" John's voice sounded formal.
; ; Another speaker butted in, "Good, excellent, looks as if all is in hand. Am ; I correct?"
; ; "Yes Geraint, all is in hand" Lorraine replied immediately.
; ; Lorraine sank back into her swivel chair and pondered the recent ; conversation. In an instant, she made her decision. If anyone could tell her ; more about this it had to be Saunders, and he was about to turn up in a very ; suggestible state. Lorraine allowed herself a brief smile; maybe this would ; be enough finally to cook Geraint's goose with the ministry. Yes, she could ; really bring him down a peg or two.
End of
Part 2