; ;
;; ; "Ma'am, security clearance?" he asked politely.
; ; "I'm Dr. Damon Saunders wife" smiled Alice.
; ; "I'll just check, hold on,"
; ; The radio had crackled to life, and responded.
; ; "Security suspended - apprehend and hold for questioning"
; ; "You heard the man, Ma'am" the polite smile vanished as the guard drew his ; sidearm.
; ; He flicked the gun towards a small hut.
; ; "Please," he asked in an uninviting voice.
; ; So now she sat in a security hut, waiting. She was unsure what she was ; waiting for, but her hunger still burned. After what seemed like an eternity ; the door opened and two figures walked in. She recognised one immediately, ; the other, a distinguished looking man in a dark blue suit was unknown to ; her. They sat opposite her unsmiling. The suited man spoke.
; ; "Why have you come here, your husband must be at home by now?" he asked
; ; "No, he often works late" Alice truthfully replied.
; ; "If he worked here that could be the case, but he resigned this afternoon; ; quite unprovoked of course, so you see the reason for my concern?"
; ; "I don't understand, I was sure..." Alice started.
; ; "Sure but wrong, where is your husband?" the suit leaned forward in a ; menacing pose.
; ; "I don't know, if he's not here - I don't know!" Alice responded, a look of ; panic fleeting through her eyes.
; ; "He is a security risk, and so are you. For your own good TELL US!" the man ; rose and pounded the table with his clenched fist.
; ; Alice froze.
; ; "Look Geraint, let me handle this, I know Alice. Justin and I spent an ; evening with them both in the Kings Arms. Let me chat to Alice - alone!" ; Lorraine sounded quite insistent.
; ; Geraint said nothing but walked to the door, he turned and uttered under his ; breath.
; ; "Ten minutes, then I come back with the guards - and you leave, Lorraine!"
; ; "Thanks," said a shaken Alice, "what's going on, Lorraine?"
; ; "To be honest even I'm not totally sure - look, we'll get this sorted" ; Lorraine promised.
; ; "I hope so I really can't cope with this, it's been a strange enough day ; already," with these words Alice burst into a flood of tears.
; ; "What's wrong!" asked Lorraine, showing real concern.
; ; "I'm going crazy, I'm so turned on - I almost..." Alice stopped, unable to ; tell Lorraine of her feelings in the car.
; ; "How long has this been going on?" asked Lorraine, half guessing the answer.
; ; "Just today, since I used the PC - it's horrible" Alice mumbled.
; ; Lorraine smiled knowingly, and asked Alice a quiet question.
; ; "Alice, will you listen very carefully to what I'm about to say?"
; ; "Yes," Alice gulped.
; ; "W,dot,W,dot,W,dot" chanted Lorraine.
; ; The affect on Alice was as immediate as it was startling; she buckled over. ; Shrieking her pleasure, as wave upon wave of orgasms hit her. Alice was left ; panting in awe, too shocked and exhausted to speak.
; ; Lorraine rose.
; ; "Excuse me a moment, Alice" Lorraine smiled at the quivering woman.
; ; Geraint was waiting just outside the door.
; ; "Well?" he barked.
; ; "It wasn't Damon that ran the program, it was Alice, and it works - Oh my, ; it works!" Lorraine answered.
; ; Geraint grinned, "Good. Prep her!" he ordered.
; ; "But it's Damon's wife!" Lorraine protested.
; ; "I need a way to get to Dr. Saunders, and it just walked in. Prep her now!" ; Geraint's face showed too much determination. She dare not override him, ; yet!
; ; Slowly, and disheartened, Lorraine walked back into the room with her ; captive.
; ; Damon hurtled through the countryside back to Webb's Industries, the road a ; fleeting ribbon, illuminated only by the Mondeo's spots. He cornered hard ; and swung back onto the straight, with ease, he smiled - he would be there ; in a few minutes at this pace. He would have been as well, if the mud left ; earlier in the day by the tractor pulling out of the gate hadn't played its ; part.
; ; Suddenly the car lost all traction and slid sideways for a distance before ; flipping, and rolling into a ditch. Damon hung immobile from his seat belt, ; as the wheels spun down to stillness above him; then all was quiet.
; ; June was on the final leg of today's journey back home to a long soak, and a ; welcome bottle of wine. The Clio swished past the sign for Broad's Farm and ; came to a sudden halt. June stared ahead; it wasn't her imagination. There ; was a car crashed in the ditch at the side of the road. June ran to the edge ; of the ditch.
; ; "Hello, can you hear me? - First aider, I'll try to help. Just let me phone ; the ambulance on my mobile first!" June shouted into the void below her.
; ; Once the location was described to the operator June ventured into the icy ; water of the ditch. She squeezed past a tree stump and gazed through the ; driver's window - she could make something out, but it was indistinct - the ; windows were misted. June tried the door but it was jammed, she made her way ; to the rear door, as quickly as the soggy terrain would let her. June ; struggled to free the rear door; it gave with unexpected ease, almost ; throwing her further into the murky water.
; ; She slipped in behind the driver, and then maneuvered herself into the ; passenger seat. She gasped, recognising the driver for the first time, a ; quick check found his major problem. Blood pumped steadily from an open leg ; wound. It wasn't life threatening but it needed to be controlled or Damon ; could loose his leg. Fighting back the tears she clamped her hands securely ; on the injured limb, and applied as much pressure as she could. Damon swam ; back to consciousness from the kick of pain.
; ; "Where, June? What happened? Alice, I need to find Alice" Damon blurted.
; ; "Look calm down you've been in an accident, the medics are on their way - ; might be a while before you're a striker again," June nodded towards Damon's ; hanging leg.
; ; "Got to find Alice, save her..." Damon's voice faded into a bout of shivers.
; ; "Look forget about Alice, she's at Webb's looking for you - Alice is OK, ; it's you I'm worried about!" June hissed in his ear.
; ; "Get her out of there for me, promise me - promise..." Damon's voice ebbed ; away, as he slipped back into unconsciousness.
; ; To June's relief the Ambulance arrived, and she let the professionals take ; over. Dazed, she staggered back to her car, all she could think of was ; bathing and getting Damon's blood off her skin. She slumped back into the ; Clio, started it and headed for home.
; ; An ambulance man poked his head above the ditch.
; ; "Hang on, who are you, wait, do you know who this is? Stop!" he gaped in ; bemusement as she drove away.
; ; "Shock," his colleague advised "but who ever she was she's done this guy a ; favour, did you get her number?"
; ; "No, I didn't think..."
; ; "Don't worry it comes with time, just help me release our friend here, OK?" ; said the experienced paramedic, hiding his frustration.
End of
Part 4