I admit that it was nice to wake up with womanly flesh in your arms even if it was on an uncomfortable couch. When I roused Jessica moved around to find a comfortable spot on my chest. Her head was nestled in the crook of my neck with her warm soft body pressed against mine, her strawberry scent filling my senses. I contemplated her use of magic as I held her in my arms. Jessica as well as the other witches of the Coven had only said one word and their spells were cast. How did that work? Everything I knew about witches suggested, albeit through unreliable sources, that preparation and ingredients were required to cast spells. It did not seem to be the case with the Coven. They seemed, pretty much all powerful. That was an another worry to add to the list of many.
I was stroking Jessica’s long hair when she stirred against my chest. Her pretty face looked up at me drowsily. Jessica can I ask you some questions, I said? She snuggled up closer like she was trying to burrow into my chest. You know even as hard as your body is you are very comfortable to sleep on, she said sleepily. I laughed and said, so you don’t want to answer questions. It not that, I am just afraid that you will get all tense and I will lose my comfortable spot, she replied. Will you answer some questions later, I asked. If I can, but only if you let me rest here undisturbed for a moment, Jessica said. I watched as she closed her eyes and slipped back off to sleep.
The questions returned to my mind, plaguing me with their lack of answers and solutions. When Jessica stirred again she arched her back and spread her arms as she stretched. That alone would have been an awe inspiring sight but was made more so by the fact that her breasts were still exposed. Jessica laughed when she realized what I was looking at and pulled her top back over her tremendous bosom. You know it is not nice to look at a girl's breasts when you should be looking at her face, she said as she smiled down at me. Can you blame a guy, I mean they were begging for attention, I joked. You sure have changed Jessica commented as she started to laugh. I don’t think I have every heard you talk like that, she added. I tried to put on an innocent face, which caused her to burst out in more laughter.
After a little more playful banter, I asked Jessica some questions. She would not answer anything about the power struggle in the Coven or as she put it, the Coven’s changing relationship. She did clarify the question I had with spell use. As she explained it, a witch can attach a spell to a spell word or to a hand gesture ahead of time. This removed the need to prepare a spell on the spot. As long as they prepared their spells ahead of time, they needed very little time to cast spells. She also told me that their capacity to hold prepared spells was limited. After that she thought maybe she had said too much and would not talk any more about spells. I questioned her about who she was going to choose for the sacrifice but she was unwilling to express her intentions. The more I pressed her with questions the less talkative she became. Jessica finally said stop that I was making her feel uncomfortable.
We did come to an agreement on unforeseen need for protection. If Jessica called on me for this service, I would have twenty-four hours of unrestricted time to play with her. I thought that twenty-four hours was a generous reward. Jessica took my hand and said are we agreed? I said yes. Upon my affirmation of the pact, I felt a jolt of electricity between our hands. The pact is sealed she said as she smiled at me. Even though she was still a little upset about all my questions she gave me a sensual hug and a passionate strawberry kiss before she left. Jessica also handed me a letter from Carmen as she said a word meaning "home" and disappeared in a flash of white light and the strong fragrance of strawberry.
The letter from Carmen informed me she had special plans for me tomorrow. I was to be ready at eleven o’clock; she was going to have someone pick me up. The letter hinted at some of the things that were going to happen, but was a little vague. The one thing that was clear was that I was going to harvest her widowed mother, Rosa. I was shocked but I should not have been. Rosa was a bitch. Kind of like Cinderella’s mother but without the stepsisters, Rosa was angry about getting older and took it out on Carmen. Rosa would make jokes about how skinny and lanky Carmen was and that she would never get a man. When I first met Rosa, she flirted with me which would have been strange, at the time I was not much to look at, but I soon found out Rosa flirted with every male. Carmen had told me later that Rosa had laughed about how ugly I was and that I was the type of man that she (Carmen) should go for. Carmen claimed that she told me this so that I would understand what kind of person her mother was, not to hurt me. The other thing about Rosa was that she was totally fake. When I say this I mean her body. Rosa had breast implants and collagen injected in her lips. I knew she had at least one face-lift and Rosa always wore too much make up. I imagined Rosa’s hair color was dark brown but she dyed it that dirty yellow blonde color. I would love to say she was unattractive or that I did not think she was attractive but I would be lying. Rosa had a thick curvy body and she carried herself in a self-assured albeit in a slutty loose kind of way, definitely a schoolboy’s dream.
I was not sure how I felt about this turn of events but I would have to deal with Carmen and Rosa tomorrow. I decided it was time to do something a little more normal. I watched some TV. I was hoping to find some kind of space adventure or sword fighting but ended up settling for an Outer Limits marathon. I spent the rest the day and evening zoning out, trying to stay away from thoughts of what the seven of us were becoming.
I woke up early on Tuesday, excited. I was almost ashamed at the plans I hoped Carmen had for Rosa. It seemed a little wrong to take revenge on Rosa for her pettiness, but a little fun with her body would be sweet. I push these thoughts from my head and decide that it was time to try and practice this teleporting ability I possessed. It was actually pretty easy, kind of point and shoot. I just focused on where I wanted to go and bam there I was. I started out slowly by just teleporting to places I could see. The first tries left me disoriented but quickly I was disappearing and reappearing all over my room with no ill effects. It probably looked pretty silly but it amused me for a good twenty or thirty minutes.
I was feeling pretty full of myself when I decide that I would try to teleport to the kitchen down stairs. I thought of the refrigerator in the kitchen and I was there. The scary thing was that a chair happened to be where I planned on going. Instead of my previous fears of appearing inside an object the chair actually moved out of my way, sliding across the kitchen. Another scary thing was that my mother was in the kitchen. The chair startled her but when she looked in my direction it was as if I was not even there. I left the kitchen quickly on foot and ran up to my room.
I admit it: I was freaked out. I really needed to think about what I was doing. I now knew that moveable objects would not harm me, but what about immovable objects. I was pretty sure that I would still be OK if I had appeared in let say the refrigerator but not positive. The thing I was most worried about was my mother. Well not her exactly, I had been careless, what if someone else had been around? It is weird, I wanted everybody to know that I was this powerful Warlock but in reality I knew that would be stupid. Especial right now, I still did not know what I was doing. I had been kind of flying by the seat of my pants. I really needed to try and retain control of my actions. I had been thinking like my only problems were with my Coven and maybe other Covens and Warlocks. The reality was that regular people could cause me problems as well. A low profile was what I needed, maintain an understanding of my surroundings. I pondered on how my perspective was changing. I was no longer afraid of not being noticed. It was now the opposite; my physical transformation was bound to attract attention, and drawing unwanted questions. This being a Warlock was not getting any easier. I had to think but trusting my own brain was almost as scary as trusting the Coven right now.
I took a shower and changed into the purple t-shirt and some jeans. I also changed the color of my boots and belt back to a dark black color with a thought. I went back down to the kitchen, thankfully my mother was not there, and I grabbed some apple juice. I even wondered where my sisters were but that passed. Then I headed into the living room to listen to some music. I listened to anybody who was loud and screaming about the injustices of their lives. The basic teenage angst rock.
I was jamming out to an old Beasty Boys song, singing "steal your woman like I stole your bike" on the couch when I took a sip of my juice. An image of Julie appeared in my mind, just like the image of Sandra the day before. Julie was in a bikini except it was red. Julie’s smooth curves were an interesting contrast to Sandra’s hard body. As before her body turned in my mind making the curves of her whole stunning body visible to me. Julie had also pierced her belly button but with what I assumed was a ruby. I wondered momentarily where this interest in piercing had come from. I could not recall the girls every talking about it.
When the vision disappeared, I berated myself for again not thinking about what I was doing. I really do not even know why I grabbed the apple juice, I truly had lost the desire and apparently the need to eat or drink anything. It was becoming clear that some things about a normal life were going to become unimportant, I was still trying to figure out how I felt about that. It still bothered me that these images were appearing in my head. What purpose could they serve? Another damn mystery.
I was still listening to music when I heard a car horn blaring that was not part of the song. I turned down the stereo and sure enough someone was honking their horn outside. I was thinking what an ass hole when I looked out the window. I was pissed to see that the car was in front of my house. I was a even more pissed when I went to confront this ass hole. I was not expecting to find that this ass hole was actually three attractive Hispanic girls in a red Honda Prelude. I went over to the car and said what is the problem. The driver of the car was stunning with black hair; a very pretty light brown face and lips painted a shiny pink. The two girls in the back seat were pretty but not in the same league as the driver. One of the two girls in the back seat was pale and skinny with an innocent looking face; brown hair and a braces covered smile. The other girl was a little sexier looking with short black hair and very dark colored skin but carried a little extra weight.
Are you Jason the driver asked? Yes, I replied. Carmen sent us to come get you, she said a little smartly. You know I don’t care who sent you, I stated. I monitored the driver and found that she thought I was attractive but she was annoyed at me and I think at Carmen. The two girls in the back were definitely interested in me and they each were hoping I would sit in the back with her. In fact, I said I am going back into my house and I expect someone will knock on my door like a descent person. I turned my back on the car and walked backed to the house. The driver’s mind was shocked and I soon heard the three girls arguing. I was resettled on the couch when I heard the car drive away, tires squealing. I was sure that Carmen was going to be infuriated but it was fun. I felt so much stronger and bolder than I had ever been. The old me would have meekly got in the car and would have been too tongue tied to even say a word. No matter what happened from now on people would have to treat me with respect. I was not going to allow people to think of me as a pest that could be swept aside.
I was expecting a phone call from Carmen, bitching me out. Instead a half an hour later I heard the door bell. I almost laughed at the thought that it might be those girls. I opened the door to a frustrated looking girl, the pretty little driver. Hello again I said with a little bit of mirth in my voice. I said she was beautiful before but with her out of the car I was able to see the whole package. She was slim but not skinny. Her medium sized breasts swelled beautifully under her pink t-shirt. Her hips were on the thin side but her ass stuck out nicely in her hip hugger jeans. My name is Jason what is your name, I said as I stuck out my hand? I could not help smiling as she feeble took my hand. Linda, look I am sorry about earlier, she said with her head held low. Her mind was not sorry though; she was unhappy and a little humiliated. Linda also seemed to be a little confused as well.
I suppose you are ready to take me to Carmen’s now, I said. Her eyes flashed with anger, but she did not speak. I laughed at her expression and she turned around and marched off to her car. I love low rider jeans; Linda’s pink thong underwear was clearly visible above the back of her jeans. Linda and I did not talk on the way to Carmen’s house; Linda was so humiliated that she could not speak. It did not matter; I was too busy reveling in the glory of being me to really care. When we arrived at Carmen’s house, Linda got out of the car and went straight into the house without waiting for me. I followed less hurried.
I rang the door bell, still expecting to be berated by Carmen. The door opened and the six-foot tall Carmen was there dressed in an interesting outfit. Her top was a canvas like cotton sleeveless shirt that tied like shoelaces in the front and a matching pair of hip hugger pants. What made the top excited was that it was way too small to contain her breasts. Carmen had tied the strings so that shirt was open to where her cleavage was exposed almost all the way to her nipples. Her belly button was visible and pierced with a dark but clear purple stone. The purple scorpion tattoo was also partly visible above her hip huggers on her pelvis. I had really never thought that clothes could have such a stunning effect; I wondered if these were her mothers clothes, Carmen had never wore anything like this before. Carmen engulfed me in a grape scented hug. Not what I expected but I liked Carmen pressing her voluptuous body against me. Jason she said as she embraced me, you are truly changing. When, Linda told me what you said to her, I was so proud of you, she said with energy. The world is going to be in trouble with you running around, Carmen happily announced. Then I realized I could not read Carmen. It was like there was nothing happening in her mind. Well, I am glad you like the new me I said guardedly. What is wrong Jason she said smiling? Nothing, I lied nothing… just excited about the up coming events.
With that Carmen whisked me into the house, almost dragging me into the living room. Linda and the two girls from the car were there; all three were standing in a row. Carmen told me that these were her cousins, the skinny girl with braces was Simone, and the heavier sexy girl was Christine and of course I had already met Linda; Linda actually winced when she heard her name. Carmen then told the girls to turn around slowly. I was amused that all three girls, even the defiant Linda, followed her instructions.
I played along with Carmen’s game, I was sure she was up to something. Unless she had changed her plans to harvest her mother...dude I was screwed I thought cluelessly. All three girls were lovely in their own way. Simone was small and her breasts were hardly visibly under her tight flowered patterned t-shirt. Simone did have a nice round ass that was displayed nicely in a mini skirt. Christine was heavier but not in unattractive way, at least not to me, she was just thick. Her breasts were full and round; nicely contained in a yellow button up shirt that she had tied around her mid section. Christine did have love handles and a little bit of a belly that her tight jeans exposed but she looked firm, not flabby. Her tight round ass and dark skin also helped to make her a nice little piece. Still, Linda was by far the best looking of the girls and I probably would have had trouble choosing between Linda and Carmen, that is if Carmen was not a witch. After the girls completed a full turn, Carmen asked so do you like them? I think they are beautiful, what is the point of this Carmen, I asked? First, tell me which one is your favorite she asked. OK...OK Linda, but do you think we should talk about them as if they weren’t here, I questioned, feeling a little uncomfortable with Carmen’s game. They won’t mind Carmen said as she smiled evilly. Won’t... more like can not, I thought.
Anyway I have a proposal for you, Carmen said. I nodded my head indicating for her to go on. I am prepared to give you a choice of having Linda for a week to do with what you will or a whole day with Simone, Christine and I whenever you perform an unforeseen service. This choice is available every time and I am also willing to extend this same payment for harvest as well when you don’t require something more specific. I think we both know Linda is attracted to you in a physical way, so I will guarantee that she doesn’t pick another male partner between the times you choose her. The only catch is that all three girls are mine and you can’t pursue them when they aren’t payment for services, she finished.
It felt like the old days, I was speechless, I was not sure what to say to this offer. Oh before I forget, I can’t control their emotions, I can only make them do things Carmen said slyly. Carmen was making some kind of power play. The question was what was the right move for me. On the surface, Carmen was offering a lot more to me than Jessica did but she also was maintaining a lot of control. For what purpose I could not fathom. I could not see any reason to object to her offer though, so I agreed.
Carmen went over to a cluttered desk in the room and pulled out three lacy cloth strips, two were purple and one was black. Carmen called Linda to her and placed the black lace strip around Linda’s neck. The lace strip was a choker that was connected by a dark metal ring in front. The black metal circle had a purple stone scorpion dangling from it. Carmen then called Christine and Simone over and placed the purple lace chokers around their necks. Christine and Simone’s chokers were identical in style to Linda’s but there was no stones hanging from their metal rings. Now you won’t forget our little arrangement, Carmen said lightly.
Then Carmen took my hand and said do you agree to payment for unforeseen service as has been outlined. I said, I agree to the pact. As soon as I had agreed, a burning sensation like I had placed my hand in fire enveloped my hand and then quickly dissipated. The pact has been made Carmen said with a smile. Then she told Linda that she could take Christine and Simone home now. It struck me as strange that the girls were so resigned to their fate. Besides Linda there was almost no change in the girl’s emotional state as Carmen basically declared their slavery. Even the defiant Linda only had a momentary spike of indignation at the whole process.
After the girls had left, Carmen said now that the business is complete it is time for the fun. She led me through the kitchen door. I almost laugh when I saw Rosa. Rosa was dressed in the classic maid outfit, black with white lace trim. Rosa’s long legs were encased in black nylons that were held up by a black garter belt. She even wore that silly hat that the classic design requires pinned to her fake yellow hair. If that was not funny or sexy enough, Rosa was bent over a large wood chopping block table situated in the middle of the white tiled floor. Rosa hands were gripping the far edge of the table in front of her, pressing the front of her body against the firm surface.
Rosa, Carmen said, you remember Jason, don’t you? Rosa’s eyes were bulging in fear as she looked at me. You know that ugly boy that came and visited sometimes. Rosa mind was scared at her inability to move and upset at the indecent way she was spread on the table. Rosa had not figured out yet that her daughter was controlling her body. In the back of Rosa’s mind she was excited about being dominated and what the introduction of me into the situation might mean. Rosa mind was also not able to hide the fact that she was impressed by my prodigious change. Well mother Jason is going to vent his anger on your body, Carmen said with glee. I knew Carmen said this for the effect on her mother, I would have never thought of this on my own and really was not that angry with Rosa. Rosa’s mind was filled with shame at what Carmen had said and she was even more ashamed that she was actually excited at the thought of being dominated by Carmen and I. I had to admit that it was impossible to hide my excitement at what I was about to do to Rosa. My thick penis was straining against my now uncomfortably confining blue jeans In the back of my mind, I knew this was wrong but I was not about to turn down the chance to ravage Carmen’s voluptuous mother. Carmen reached over and unbuttons my jeans, fishing my hard penis from the confines of my boxer shorts. She then proceeded to lead me over to Rosa’s face by my penis.
Isn’t he beautiful mother, Carmen said as she tapped the head of my penis against Rosa’s lips? The picture was amazing. Rosa dark tanned face with her abnormally large lips touching my penis, lovely Carmen on her knees holding my shaft against Rosa face. I was happily stunned when Rosa’s tongue snaked out and licked the pre cum off my penis. I swear I heard Rosa moaned, as she tasted my pre lube. I took my penis from Carmen and rubbed it against Rosa’s fat lips. This is nice I said as I continued to brush Rosa lips with my penis and ran my fingers through Carmen’s thick soft hair. Carmen stood up and whispered into my ear not to harvest Rosa until she told me to. Hey, I was having a blast and was up for anything that Carmen had planned.
I placed my right arm around Carmen’s waist and pulled her curvy body against me. Carmen was nicely pliable pressed to my hard body. Carmen gave me a slow luxurious kiss, occasionally pulling on my tongue piercing with her teeth. Carmen’s grape flavored mouth was strong and tasty. While I was kissing Carmen, Rosa surprised me by slipping her mouth over the head of my penis. As Rosa swirled her tongue on the underside of my penis, I grabbed her thick yellow hair with my left hand. I could feel that Rosa was into it now. Rosa’s mission was to get me off. Rosa was a closet submissive, sweet I thought. I stopped kissing Carmen so I could watch Rosa work on the tip of my penis with her tongue and those huge lips. Oh mom, you look so good with Jason’s cock in your mouth Carmen said with obvious relish. I held Carmen tight as Carmen and I watched Rosa work.
I decided to switch tactics, I used the hold I had on Rosa’s hair to force more of my penis into her mouth. I slowly pushed my thick penis deeper and deeper into Rosa’s hot moist mouth. When my penis hit the back of her throat I was unable to go any further. Rosa’s thoughts revealed that she was excited and a little scared. I pushed up her level of excitement and the new desired to be dominated as I pushed down her fears. I withdrew slowly so I could watch her lips travel along my thick penis. I then jammed my shaft back into her mouth as I pushed Rosa’s head down. I monitored Rosa’s excitement at being dominated rise higher and higher. I began to forcibly fuck Rosa mouth, thrusting in and out with my hips, pushing and pulling her head up and down to meet each thrust. Rosa worked her lips expertly as I fucked her face.
As much fun as this was, Rosa was unable to take my entire length of my thick penis. I withdrew out of Rosa’s mouth and told her to turn over on to her back. I could tell she desperately wanted to comply but was unable to move. It is OK, you can obey Jason for now, Carmen said breathlessly. Even though I could no longer read Carmen I could see she had been held rapt by my domination of her mother. Rosa quickly rolled over on to her back; her head hung over the edge of the wooden table. Rosa’s lips opened and closed in anticipation of receiving my hard penis. I did not make her wait long as I immediately shoved my penis all the way to the hilt into her mouth and deep down her throat. I felt my balls slap against Rosa’s nose.
Both Rosa and I felt satisfaction at all my penis being lodged in her throat. Carmen actually said wow as she watched the display with a lost look in her eyes. I no longer needed to manipulate Rosa’s mind, she was peaking in arousal and at being dominated on her own. With very little grace, I ripped open the black blouse that contained Rosa’s large chest, sending buttons flying around the kitchen. I then pushed down Rosa bra exposing her dark breasts; her quarter sized aureoles and her half-inch long hard nipples. I pinched and rubbed Rosa’s brown nipples as I stroked deep and hard into her throat with my penis. With every stroke of my penis, ending with my balls slapping against her nose. Rosa’s full breasts felt different, the skin was soft but her implants made her breasts less pliable, almost hard. Carmen interrupted my focus as she disengaged from my arm. With my shaft deep in Rosa’s throat I watched as Carmen moved around the wooden table. I resumed my pounding deep into Rosa mouth as Carmen kneeled between Rosa’s legs.
Carmen removed Rosa’s sopping wet black panties and pushed her face into her mother’s pussy; I could smell Rosa’s strong muskiness. I asked Carmen to move Rosa’s skirt out of the way so I could see what she was doing. Carmen smiled at me as she pushed the black skirt higher up on Rosa’s tan belly. Rosa was moaning around my throbbing cock as Carmen attacked her slit. Rosa would not need much to send her into orgasm, I concluded from scanning her mind.
It was intriguing to watch Carmen. Her tongue flitted quickly along the thick folds of her mother’s pussy. I admit that the sight of Carmen expertly lapping on Rosa’s clit was sending me into overdrive. My face-fucking tempo increased but I did try to maintain my assault on Rosa’s Breasts with my hands. Rosa started cumming with abandon. I projected the strong stinging tingling sensation of Rosa’s orgasm onto Carmen, causing her to yelp and fall back on her heels. I came shortly afterwards, which I projected onto both Carmen and Rosa. Rosa started bucking her hips and thrashed on the table; she did continue to suck my penis as her throat convulsed around my spewing shaft. Carmen rocked back and forth on her heels as her body moved with the rhythm of my pulsing penis, grunting each time that I spurted cum. As my orgasm subsided, I withdrew my slick penis from Rosa’s lips. Rosa’s mouth and tongue continued to move, as if she was still sucking on my penis.
In a flash Carmen was around the table and on her knees in front of her mother’s face, kissing her with passion. I could see Carmen’s pierced tongue sliding in and out of Rosa’s Mouth. Then Carmen quickly turned and engulfed my still hard shaft. Carmen cleaned ever drop of sperm that Rosa had missed. When Carmen had finished bathing my penis with her mouth she said I think you need to fuck Rosa, what do you think Jason? I nodded with a smile once I realized that my penis was still good to go. I was sure no self- respecting man would have turned down this offer. Again Carmen grabbed my penis and led me to her mother; this time it was to Rosa’s glistening pussy. Rosa’s face showed as much as her mind that she was happy with this choice of action.
I picked up Rosa’s legs and placed them against my chest with her calves resting on my shoulders. Carmen pointed my raging penis at Rosa’s slick shaved hole. With one powerful stroke, I easily slid into Rosa’s sloppy pussy. Rosa’s head fell back and she moaned with the intensity of the penetration. I imagine a smaller man would have been lost in Rosa’s pussy. I on the other was thick enough now to spread her wet snatch even wider open. The experience was enlightening. Rosa still felt extremely good but the effort of pushing all the way in was much reduced. Rosa was able to increase our friction by squeezing the muscles in her pussy. In fact, Rosa was squeezing hard to keep my shaft trapped in her pussy.
Carmen caught my attention by rounding the table to her mother’s face. I watch as Carmen pushed her hip huggers to her knees. I massaged Rosa’s clit eliciting moans as Carmen turned around and backed her pussy over Rosa’s face. I was still fully entrenched in Rosa’s hot wet slit and felt no need to move as Rosa repeatedly clenched her pussy around my penis, causing me to flinch occasionally in enjoyment. I was able to commit my full attention to Rosa’s tongue licking at Carmen’s wet pussy. Carmen’s pussy was so wet that it was actually dripping juices on to Rosa’s face; I could smell Carmen’s grape scent arousal, it was so strong.
Rosa moved her hands for the first time and put them on Carmen’s thick hips. I thought Carmen was playing with her own breasts by the movement of her arms but it was hard to tell with her back to me. It was incredible to see Rosa with her hands as a balance press her mouth into Carmen’s pussy. This actually lowered the visibility of the event but judging by the soft grunts Carmen was making and the little jerks of Carmen’s body, Rosa was an excellent pussy muncher. The view of Rosa’s chin slick with pussy juice wedge in Carmen’s ass cheeks was pretty damn erotic.
I start to move my hips in a slow grinding motion against Rosa and I continued to bump Rosa’s clit with my fingers, making Rosa twitch with each touch. I maintain slow smooth movements so as not to disturb Rosa’s contact with Carmen’s pussy. Even with my slow movements Rosa was approaching another orgasm pretty quickly. I willed Rosa’s pleasure onto Carmen. Carmen’s body went stiff and then went into spasms on top of Rosa’s mouth. Rosa orgasmed, I swear it looked like Carmen was going to break Rosa’s neck as Carmen thrashed around. Carmen’s head was a blur of flying long black hair. The noises that Carmen was making, sounded like she was unable to catch her breath. Rosa’s body was going through some tremors of its own as her face fell away from Carmen’s slit. Rosa’s pussy was also shuddering delightfully over my penis.
When mother and daughter calmed down, Carmen removed herself from Rosa’s face and leaned her elbows on the wooden table. Carmen’s little erect nipples were now poking past the strings that tied here top as she panted uncontrollably. It was a glorious sight, watching both Carmen’s and Rosa ’s wonderful chests heave spastically. With Rosa still impaled on me I grabbed Rosa by the shoulders and pulled her limp body to me, folding her in half. Rosa’s face was coated with Carmen’s grape scented juices, which I proceeded to lick off with gusto. Once I had cleaned up Rosa’s face of grape flavored juices, I laid her gentle back down on the table.
Carmen was smiling at me as she was finally catching her breath. That was unbelievable she said weakly but with humor. Yeah that was pretty intense, I replied. There is only one more thing left for you to do to my mother, Carmen said. I immediately knew what she meant. Are you serious? I questioned. You want to don’t you Carmen asked deviously? Hell, yeah I replied with enthusiasm. Rosa’s mind was in post orgasmic bliss and had not processed what our conversation was about.
I flipped Rosa’s limp body over like a rag doll onto her stomach. I pushed Rosa’s damp maid skirt up to expose her full ass to my eyes. Rosa’s butt was slick with sweat and her own juices. I used Rosa’s own juices to lube up hers anus. I put my penis at the entrance to Rosa’s ass and willed Rosa to relax and roughly pushed my hard penis into her small brown hole. On the invasion of her bowels, Rosa’s head and shoulders arch upward and she let out a guttural grunt. Rosa’s ass was incredibly tight and applied considerable more friction than her pussy had on my penis.
Carmen watched Rosa’s intense face and open mouth and asked how does it feel mom. In a Spanish accented voice, Rosa answered so full...It burns but feels so good. Do you want Jason to stop; Carmen questioned with an evil glint in her eye? No...fuck my ass Jason, Rosa replied wildly, fuck my ass. I was a little taken aback by how much Rosa was enjoying her ass being reamed out. Rosa was primed for harvest of pleasure and/or the enjoyment of being dominated. Still, Carmen had not told me to harvest Rosa yet; so I concentrated on blowing my wad. This consisted of me hammering as deep and as fast as I could into Rosa’s anus. I held Rosa’s hips in a death grip as I rapidly approached satisfaction. My orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer and I am almost forgot to project my orgasm. As it went, I only managed to project outward, not specifically at the mother and daughter.
Even with that, both Carmen and Rosa arched their bodies in unison as my orgasm rolled over them. I thought I heard a yelp and something hit the floor in the living room. But Carmen interrupted that thought when she said NOW, harvest her now and I did. I was still shooting sperm into Rosa’s ass when I ripped her pleasure at being dominated away. Rosa like Tatayana slumped immediately, smacking her face against the wooden table. The emotion was sharper than Tatayana’s, maybe because I took only one specific emotion. There was less pain for me this time but my mind was still exploding with power and pleasure. The harvest heighten my orgasmic sensation beyond any other orgasm I had ever experienced.
I was able to hold onto consciousness after the harvests as the jerking of my body subsided. Rosa did not and Carmen was not much better off face down on the wooden table, a sobbing mess. I was proud of myself when I remember the noise in the living room. With my pants around my ankles, I waddled over to the kitchen sink and cleaned my throbbing penis with a damp wash cloth. I proceeded to pull up and fasten my pants. I was not about to face this unknown noise with my penis hanging out of my jeans. I entered the living room to find a panting Linda sitting on the couch wide eyed, looking freaked out. I scanned Linda’s mind and discovered that she had received my projected orgasm and it had caught her totally off guard. I was stoked at the range of my projection. I approached Linda slowly as she watched me warily from the couch. I put my hand out to Linda and she took it hesitantly. I pulled Linda to her feet and lead her into the kitchen. When Linda saw the disheveled Carmen and Rosa sprawled on the table, I had to practically drag Linda the rest of the way into the kitchen. I maneuvered Linda to the kitchen counter and easily lifted her onto it. This gave Linda a nice view of Carmen with her hip huggers around her knees, exposing her lovely wide butt. Both mother and daughter were in there own little world.
My penis amazingly showed signs of life at the view of Carmen’s ass. I thought what the hell and unbuttoned my jeans and moved so my hardening penis was next to Rosa’s head. I moved Rosa’s head so my penis was right in front of her face. I reached my other hand over and ran it along Carmen’s exposed soft butt as I stood in front of Rosa. Rosa must have roused because I felt her fat lips engulf my hardening penis. As I scanned Rosa, I discovered her feelings for me had been elevated to some kind of god like status; it was eerie for someone to think of me in that way. I ignored those feelings and enjoyed Rosa’s skills bring me to full erection.
When I was fully erect, I pulled my penis from Rosa’s mouth with a popping sound. I position myself behind Carmen and aimed my penis at her wet pussy. I marveled at how tight Carmen was, much tighter than her mother was when I speared Carmen. There were no impediments to my invasion of Carmen’s pussy, so I was able to push my entire length into her. Carmen had been quiet but let out a grunt when I bottomed out in her. I started slowly pumping Carmen slick vice like inferno. Then it occurred to me the sense of loss I had felt at giving Jessica her harvest. Resentment at having to give up this harvest to Carmen took me over and I almost instantly decided that I wanted to punish Carmen.
I started to pound in and out of Carmen without mercy. At that moment I did not care if it felt good to her, if truth were told, I had hoped she did not enjoy it. Each stroke elicited moans from Carmen; this was an angry fuck. I reached around Carmen’s body and savagely mauled her soft but firm breasts. It took me longer to orgasm than I would have liked but soon enough my orgasmed built and I was able spill my angry sperm into Carmen. My release lightened my anger a little as I bucked deeper into Carmen. The more cum I injected into her the more guilt I felt at how I had just treat Carmen. I released the harvested power into Carmen as I finished spurting inside her, causing my mind and body to go numb. I could feel my mind trying to retrieve the power as it flowed into Carmen. I slumped against Carmen’s back and felt drained of life as I cried out in anguish at the loss of power.